New Visual Language Issue 1

Page 1

Image taken from Earth Artifacts


City In Flux

From research to final designs


Earth Artifacts

From research to final designs


Type Transcription Beginning to End


New Visual Langauge

Modernism and Postmodernism

City In Flux

City In Flux

Brief 1 - City In Flux The ‘City in flux’ can take many forms in its simplest and most literal form ‘City In Flux’ is little more than the layout of the town and the associated directional signage. However, when we apply a more cultural interpretation, then the ‘City In Flux’ is more than this alone. It is integral, multisesnsory landscape that is realised when many factors inter-relate. The way in which the space is interpreted and perceived. The Brief is split into three parts. These three parts of the brief will be displayed along the next three pages of the magazine. Part 1 - Research Methodologies and concepts. Research into the visual language of the city, how imagery, artifacts and ephemera of all kinds bombard the senses with visual messsages and experiences. Demonstrating multiple ideas and having a range oof medias and methods of which are appropriate. Part 2 - Visual transcription, materials and process. Moving the reasearch into ideas and looking to develop ideas from the research into different designs considering a broad range of visual image making, materials and work. Part 3 - Refinement, outcomes and platform definition. Refine the ideas from the development and be able to demonstrate multiple solutions and demonstrate how ide could work over range of media channels.

Another and probably the most influencial part my research for this brief has been taken from a guest lecture of which I attended, Neubau. This lecture was about a zone which helped the company find different trees to make into vectors. But this gave me inspiration for my brief, this was where the idea to do a typographic zone came from. The idea behind it was to get a map of Yorks city center and section it off to make sure that every part of the city was explored, this ment that I could look into the different sections of the city and even the areas that werent as popular as the others. Once it had been sectioned off I decided that I should as around them areas what the people of that section thought of it as primary research and could be used within my booklet. The typograhy of stree signs, shop signs, houses etc would all be looked at. The final thing I would need to decide would be the way in which the findings and information would be displayed, this will be decided once I have developed my idea and seen what works and what doesnt with the information found from all areas of research, primary or secondary.

City In Flux Reseach

After looking into artists and thinking about ways in which I can go about this wide open brief, something that stood out to me and something that I thought about wihtin my initial ideas was using typography as a central thing within this breif. Therefore when looking into designers and artists that use typography to display some of their work Alex Fowkes can up, he is a Graphic designers and typographer, who has worked with multiple people and companies on typography, including sony, olly murs and Next etc. However the main part of his work that stands out for me is his portfolio work and the way in which he has used his type and graphics to produce a book showing o fhis talents in a way that shows of the best of him. I feel that I can use his work as a stepping stone for my work when I had decided that the city I would look into would be York as this has a variety of both old and new typography on the different buildings.

City In Flux - Research

City In Flux - Development

City In Flux Development

Thinking about ways that I could display my work after deciding to do a book on the typography within York, I decided that the best way intitally to do this was by creating a foldout book. The foldout book idea came from looking at maps and how they were structured therefore I thought this would be perfect as a map was needed to make this idea work! However the biggest problem that I found when creating this was the fact that due to the size of space which I was given I felt I couldn’t have enough information about each section as I would have liked therefore this didnt tell me enough about the typography and that area of the city. After thinking about other ways in which to display the findings I decided to take to my sketchbook to come up with ideas and plans to do with this brief. This gave me the perfect idea when I was sat looking for inspiration, I was looking right at it, creating a sketchbook style design to ensure it looked good but also so that it had plenty of space for me to write and how what that area of the city had.

City In Flux - Final My final design that i chose to do was the sketchbook design as this was the design that allowed me to get all the information that I needed onto the pages without it looking cluttered. I could include the basic information about that zone in, images from that area which was a good visual cue as to where abouts in the city you were and also words that the people of that area described it as. The different colours of the zones were chosen for a specif-

ic purpose, these colours where what the people from that zone would best describe the zone as. For example zone 2 is blue for the obvious reason that the river is there therefore many people would describe this as blue from the water. Overal I am happy with my outcome for this first brief with it being so open and a new thing however if I was to redo this work I would change some of the work around and make the booklet longer with more information on it.

Earth Artifacts

Earth Artifacts

Brief 2 - Earth Artifacts The Voyager Golden Records are phonograph records, which were included abroad both Voyager spacecraft, which were launched in 1977. The contain sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth, and are intended for any intelligent extraterrestrial life form, or for future humans, who may find them. The voyager spacecraft’s are not heading towards any particular star. Over the next few weeks you are required to submit creative proposals through to finished design work for a new version of the ‘Golden Record’ entitled, ‘Earth Artifacts’. This does not have to be a slavish reproduction of the original golden record, but could be a more contemporary verion, which should be reflected in the content and the formet of choice. You should document all stages of the research and design process, which should demonstrate a critical understanding o f the design challenge. You should be inventive and demonstrate your ingenuity in solving this creative challenge. it is important you generate several creative solutions, taking one justified idea forward to a final solution.

Earth Artifacts Reseach

Due to this being the second breif of the year it made it easier for me to know how to go about searching for artists and designers that I could use for inspiration. This breif I knew as soon as I saw it that I wanted to inform people on the golden record as I myself didnt know what this was at first glance and figured it wasnt common knowledge and that I wanted to change this to inform more people. Below is a designers work called Gary Nicholson, I thought I could use him as inspiration due to the colours and shapes that he uses, these are sutiable and fit in with the Golden Record due to the orange and dark colours.

Earth Artifacts - Research

Jodrell Bank - Photography by Myself

After working with Gary Nicholsons work I decided that an infographic would be the best possible way to display information and get the details across about the golden records and communications. Therefore after looking into infographic designers i came across Jack Hagley who is well known for this area of designer and above shows one of if not his most famous design work. This is also relevant due to the circles that he uses and also the colours that he uses will add brightness to my designs and update the Golden Record to a new life and make the designs more updated so that they are brighter and look better on the eyes of the viewer than dull.

Earth Artifacts Development

Once I knew that I wanted to inform people about communication in a different way to the golden record I started to design posters and graphics that have facts and information but is displayed in a fun and interesting way so that people enjoy looking at the designs and learning about communications, the golden records, space etc. The developments that I came up with were based around two prime areas these being the golden record and also the voyagers themselves aswell as how we communicate now i.e. social media. Both of the posters however also give information about communication in general in day to day times like now. The beginning of the designs were made into series of posters on the same one area, this ment that there is a lot of information on multiple posters for the audience to look at. This means that the audience have to look at each individual poster to see and gain information out about just one topic. Therefore this began to be a problem as a lot of people that would be viewing these posters would begin to get bored and not find out the informaiton or learn from the posters which goes against the reason for the inforgraphic designs.

Earth Artifacts - D

Developments Looking at the designs on this double page spread alone show an example of the kinds of things that I came up with to do with the infographic posters. These infclude both of the two prime topic areas aswell as showing how any others that would be created would look. Although in the same series of posters some of them the designs and style happen to change slightly for the best outcome and for the best message to be gotten across to the audience so that they can gain the biggest amount of information. Something that I feel I needed to change when looking at all the infographic posters I had created was the fact that I needed to condense down the designs just to a couple of posters with all the information on so that the user can just look at one poster instead of multiple without having all the information all over the place,

To show the final developemtns and designs for my earth artifacts breif I have decided to show these tw examples of my inforgraphic posters and shows how I have condensed the previous spread down to just one long more slender poster. This makes it easier for the audience to read the facts that they want and they know exactly what that one poster is all about. The look of these posters follow the same principles even though the colours vary. However the colours are relevant to the posters and what they are about, the social media being light and bright and the voyagers and space one being dark. These both for there obvious reasons. Something which I would like to continue to do in regards to this brief is carry on a numerous amount of inforgraphics to follow these posters on. The darker of the two posters show the voyagers and space and how communication was then including facts of communication now and how it is different. The lighter is the social media, this is relevant due to the fact that it shows that it is a valuable thing in the way that we ocmmunicate now and how we talk to people in our day. Thereefore something that could be continued for these series of posters would be how we travel to communicate around, how we change are figure of speech and how we communicate depending on age ranges etc, the possibilties are endless for this brief. Also another thing that I think would benefit from infographics in this section would be to create a moving website with infographics on as we all know how much time people spend on the internet, computers and phones and I feel that given time and knowledge this could be a valuable thing for this brief and add an extra something.

Earth Artifacts - Final

Type Transcript

Type Transcript

Process and Production Using the references provided or your own, transcribe shapes to make letter forms and typographic characters. Lowercase or Uppercase, using the letters ANESG. You should generate at least three different options, from the image samples provided or your own references. From your intial shapes and letterforms, draw up three rough alphabets. Finally selecting the most appropriate to take forward in the desigon process to task 3. Draw up final alphabet on illustrator and see what the final alphabet looks like in relation to the beginning image through to the hand drawn style and then finally the digital copy that is the final developemt.

Above shows what the original image looked like of which I have chosen to base my typography around, as you can see the shapes and the colours are both bold therefore making it easier to copy and create a type form out of. When creating my typeface i felt like it was vital that I was to keep the same colours with the same shapes, this then ment that the beginning image was easy to point out when matching my font with an image to see where the inspiration for my typeface has come from. The way I chose which of the shapes to use was easy as I simply chose the ones that stood out and when looking at the colours, I looked which of the colours within the shapes would compliment each other when put together as a whole image and the final alphabet.

Overal I am happy with the way that the typeface follows the way of the original image and the simplicity of it as I feel this is beneficial if it was to ever be used as a heading etc. However something that I would have changed is the large whole shape of the circle as I feel that this takes away from the rest of the typeface. Now I have created one typeface and have seen how easy it is to base a typeface on a basic image I will use this in the furute when I have found an image for my projects or briefs that i could produce a typeface from and therefore have my own unique typeface for my projects.

Type Transcript

New Visual Language

New Visual Language Form follows Function

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to remove.� -Saint-Exupery You are to submit design proposals ic design publication antitled, New The frst issue will focus on Form an exploration of Modernism and

or a new graphVisual Language. follows FunctionPost Modernism.

The project is split into 2 parts. Part 1 is reseach into Modernism and Post Modernism generating a body of work that explores the origins and philosophy of the movements related to Graphic design. Aim is to convey the essential nature of the movement. You will need to understand the social, industrial and political concerns which influence both movements, modern and post. Part 2, you are required to submit designs for a broad sheet, which should be based on your personal and original visual research from the year, including City in Flux Earth Artifacts Type Transcription New Visual Language


Modernism Modernism began to break through at the end of the 19th century and the start of the 20th century due to the advances within technolgy during this time.

use of clean sans-serif type. The more typical typefaces used in the modernism era include Monotype Grotesque, Futura, and Helvetica Neue.

Influential designers of this period range from Walter Gropius from the Bauhaus right through to Le Corbusier of which the disciplines influenced their designs and their work. Modernism saw a break in the world of the ‘ism’ - inclusing Impressionism, Cubism, Futurism and Surrealism.

A notable characteristic of Modernism is self-consciousness, which often led to experiments with form, along with the use of techniques that draw attention to the process and materials used in creating a painting etc. Thus rejecting the ideology of realism.

While it was making such an impact across multiple disiplines Modernism is arguably the most influencial movement of the 20th century. Modernism especially changed the thinking process for Graphic Design and typography . Designers of the era of Modernism abided to strict, structured gird systems with emphasis on negative space, just as important was the

I feel that the design style modernism is a design style that can be used to create a simplicity with a minimum of two bold and contrasting colours. The use of shapes and colours together allow there to be a structure in the work breaking few rules. The use of the basic shapes by many modernist designers means that although it creates designs worth talking about it is also unique to an individual.

Post Modernism A design movement that evolved in the mid-1960s as a critical response to the sominance, and percieved sterility of Modernism. Postmodern designers rejected modernism’s obsessoin with progress and challenged the fundamental tenets of order and discipline espoused by the Bauhaus and its followers. The movement also brought with it a new generation of swiss graphic designers that sought to challenge the limitations of this increasingly predictable style rather than the previous international typographic style with the belief that form follows function. Although latterly applied more as a ‘style’ than an alternative to mainstream practice, post-modernism provides a pointer to future graphic design developments. This revolution in communication has compelled designers also to move freelu across disciplines, to ignore the traditional demar-

cation between art and design, and to embrace the opportunities created by the increasinly fluid exchanged between text, image, film and also music. Postmodernism is a late 20th century movement in the arts, architecture and criticsm that was a departure from modernism. It is often associated with deconstruction and post-structuralism because its usage as a term gained significant popularity at the same time as twentieth-century post-structural thought. The main thing and the thing that I like about the postmodernist movement is the fact that there is no right or wrong when it comes to the design as long as the design does what it intends to then the design can be as out there as wanted. The use of bright colours grabs users attention and makes them see the work and take note of the work being shown.


New Visual Language Version 1 Francesca Rowley U 1452640 BA HONS Graphic Design

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