Conversation research & development

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A Conversation “A talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.” What is the most important conversation for today? What’s the most important conversation for the future? Who will you speak to? What is the message? Throughout the application in graphic design you will need to research and develop a visual outcome that centres on the idea of ‘A Conversation’.



Peter Crawley One of the most influencial designers that have used conversations to influence there graphic design is peter crawley. He has used different conversations to create a range of pieces using thread to display the conversations in a unique manner. His use of thread on the piece adds another sense, aswell as listening to the conversations you can now feel them through with the use of the thread. Anthony Burrill “Graphic artist, print-maker and designer Anthony Burrill is known for his persuasive, up-beat style of communication� -

JWT Future 100

Ideas and concepts in regards to the conversation brief which I will use some of our Monday lectures to help my understand these ideas to bring into my brief

Experiential Spaces


Thinking ahout my main idea in regards to culture and experimential spaces (such as and including, gaming, social media and massmarketing) I have decided to see the links between my idea surrounding sport and these concepts.

1. Gaming - This aspect although it may not seem like it can be linking into sports and especially women in sports in contrast to men it does show a difference. Looking at the recent sporting games that are out in the industry, the majoirty of the games if not all of the games are related to men in sports. The main game in this industry (in my opinion and the most well known one) is fifa, this is a male aimed game and all the players are male, not one sports game is aimed at women footballs, even though the womens football team in england is a well known team that are doing extremely well in the sports devision.



Things to consider when looking into this area in regards to sports, gender and the sexism surrounding the subject area multiple of areas, the main one however being wellbeing. This is a big factor under this topic. 1. Wellbeing - Wellbeing is an important part of sport and fitness, as this will determine how we feel when we participate in certain activities, challenges and sport. This wont change whatever our gender is, if we enjoy a sport we will have a better wellbeing than if we are discouraged from doing so.

2. Social media - This is the biggest factor of which I will look into due to this being where the most discussions take place in regards to the sports industry, especially with sexism in sport. This is because of the different views that everyone has on these matters, therefore I will look and find some examples of this in my research.

3. Mass Marketing - This shows that companies think that the male sports industry is more deserving of the mass market and who companies are focusing more on.

Tactical Internet

Looking at sexism in sport and gender in sport I will also look into innovation, especially looking at the internet of things, consumer intelligence and connectivity & communication.

1. Consumer intelligence - This is the best way for companies to get the most money therefore this means that the majoirty of customers know sport to be iamed at one gender and not both, showing a clear evidence of sexism throuoghout the sporting world.

2. Connectivity & Communication - With a conversation being the name of the brief I feel like the communication aspect of this point is a big deal as this is what people use to talk about sport and the different aspects of it. From here is where the mass market is centered around as companies will always want to aim products, coverage etc. to the most popular areas.

Celebrating serendipity


1. Cognitive data 2. Real aspiration




At 25, Matteo Gallinelli is a Creative from Amsterdam. He also lived in London previously. Matteo loves new technologies and is always curious and alert to new trends. This enables him to develop projects compatible with new media. Matteo brings great energy and positivity. The one thing that I like about this upcoming designer is the way that his designs arent focused on one thing, they allow you to interperate it how you want too. Also allowing you as an individual to choose which part of the image you want to focus on. The idea of using both digital graphics and photography is something that creates this mystery and allows the image to become real.

Leo Rosa Borges

I professional creative that has been in the indusstry for 12 years with a passion for posters and advertising. The thing that caught my eye about the designs by Borges was not only the fact that the sport was involved and something that I will be using in my main area of this project but also the bright colours draw your attention in and the words that show the meaning of the pictures. One of the things that I like about these posters is the inspirational quotes that are used within the poster to show dedication and that they all follow the same theme.

Leo Rosa Borges Inspiration

Using word clouds with all the words that mean something about sexism in sport. These clouds can be used on multiple things during the campaign, such as give away products (e.g. bags, flyers) and also gym or sports halls that have large windows. These words will show recognision to all people that walk past and see the word bubble and therefore know the campaign that we are pushing for.

This Girl Can

This Girl Can is a national campaign developed by Sport England and a wide range of partnership organisations. It’s a celebration of active women up and down the country who are doing their thing no matter how well they do it, how they look or even how red their face gets. This campaign is a that I am stongly looking into to look at the impact that sport has on women. This has encouraged me to look into women in sport as this campaign is a new capaign I feel like i need to look into what the fact are about women in sport in comparison to men. After looking into this campaign and others similar it will help me produce designs and concepts to create an understanding for people about what sport does for them and the differences between men and women and the amount of sexism that is in sport.

Exploring Facts

1. Teenage girls experience a crisis of confidence. Girls are more likely to quit sports and other challenging activites than boys because they dont view themselves as being good enough. 2. Poor Coaching. Coaches who berate and belittle girls turn sports inot such a hurtful, harmful experience that dropping out becomes for amny a way to avoid further damage to their self-esteem. 3. Teenage girld still think sports are unfeminine. After a questionnaire it was found that girls can be athletic and have high social staus but only if they have thin, feminine bodies, and that a large, masculine build was unacceptable. 4. Middle school & High school sports are about winning, not participation. Girls are hard wired to desire connection, cooperation and collaboration and resist over competition. Unlike boys, girls who go out for a sports team expect to play. Many girls quit sports because they know that the only way to keep playing is to play sports like boys in hyper competitive, winner takes all environment where only the most skilled girls play. 5. Girls sometimes dont receive the suppose tey need from their family. The primary place where girls learn about gender roles is the family. This conveying to girls the message that girls are inherently less athletic than boys, and that sports are less important for girls than they are for boys.

Looking at Campaigns inc. Logo’s

After looking at all the previous capaigns that areout there in regards to sport and what they are trying to achieve. It is clear that they are all promoting the activity of sport and encouraging more people to either get involved or pushing people to the next level. However something that I have noticed is the fact that there isnt many if any campaigns that encourage women who have got into sport and realised their love for it too progress onto the next level. The campaigns that try to do this are stuck to certain sports with regulations that have to be kept too. Therefore I am thinking of doing a campaign aimed at any females that want to push onto the next level of sport no matter what sport it may be.

What’s Being Done? Below shows the difference between girls in sports within a 12 month period encouraging them to partiicate in sport. Although this is doing well there is still drastic improvements that can be done especially to push them to the next level. Info Taken form :

Poster Designs

Logo Creation

A combination of an equlity logo aking the brightness of the colours and the design of the strips to show that both girls and boys can play sport, that both boys and girls can dance that nothing can stop them and that sport should be equal if your good at it. Then taking the inspiration fro the ‘this girl can’



WE CA DO IT - Why this? Because this is a saying taken from an old fashioned poster that is an iconic poster, therefore taking a saying thats so original and putting it into my work I feel it only has the best possible effect and which people can look at and know that women can do everything they want without the influence of men and that they are just as good at sport and deserve the same recognition.

Timothy J. Reynolds

Fact Cards World cup money rewards Men : £23m Women : £1.3m

FA Cup money rewards Men : £1.8m Women : £5.000

Men and Women ARE equal with prize money. £1.88m for singles champions £940,000 for runners up

Both men AND women now have full time professional teams since Feb 14

Only men on the tour de france

Both get TV coverage in the olympics

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