Earth artifacts Research

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Brief 2 Earth Artifact

Over the next few weeks you are required to submit creative proposals through to finished design work/animation for a new version of the ‘Golden Record’ entitled, ‘Earth Artifact’. This does not have to be a slavish reproduction of the original golden record, but could be a more contemporary

version, which should be reflected in the content and the format/media channel of your choice. You should document all stages of the research and design process, which should demonstrate a critical understanding of the design challenge.

You should be inventive and demonstrate your ingenuity in solving this creative challenge. It is important you generate several creative solutions, taking one justified idea forward to a final solution.

Key Words Earth

Golden Record














“Nobody knew that over 30 years later they’d still be travelling�

The Voyager Golden Records are phonograph records which were included aboard both Voyager spacecraft. They contain sounds and images selected to portray the

The Voyagers - com/watch?v=EV3UI8x5NTk The Voyagers are now the most distant man made object in space to date and still travelling away from the earth, the sun,everything where there journey will go on forever being the only evidence that we exsisted. The golden record is attached and This golden recrd is a description of events, sounds, music, noises, images, evidence of human kinds on earth. All done in binary code. The story... Unknown to many its actually a love story the creation of the golden record, the biggining of a scientific discovery.


diversity of life and culture on Earth, and are intended for any intelligent extraterrestrial life form, or for future humans, who may find them.

Why is it a valentine? Because it doesnt have any divorce on it etc, only the best parts that why its a valentine. It may be wrong to not put these things on the golden record but maybe thats a good things, the world shown in an idealistic view. This Youtube clip tell the story of the golden record and the voyagers like a love story, a different twist than the original some what boring information of the voyagers, this makes the story more interesting and fascinating with inforamtion and parts that people didnt know about and that would be over looked in other tales of the voyagers.

What was on the Golden Record? inc.scenes, greetings, music and sounds from earth




Calibration circle, Jon Lomberg Solar location map, Frank Drake Mathematical definitions, Frank Drake Physical unit definitions, Frank Drake Solar system parameters, Frank Drake Solar system parameters, Frank Drake The Sun, Hale observatories Solar spectrum, National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, Cornell University (NAIC)

Amoy “Friends of space, how are you all? Have you eaten yet? Come visit us if you have time.” English “Hello from the children of planet earth” Hebrew “Peace” Armenian “To all those who exist in the universe, greetings” Wu “Best wishes to you all” Thai “We in this world send you our good will”

Bach, Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F. First Movement, Munich Bach Orchestra, Karl Richter, conductor. 4:40

Sounds Music of the Spheres Volcanoes, Earthquake, Thunder Mud Pots Wind, Rain, Surf Crickets, Frogs Tractor Kiss, Mother and Child

Java, court gamelan, “Kinds of Flowers,” recorded by Robert Brown. 4:43 Senegal, percussion, recorded by Charles Duvelle. 2:08 Zaire, Pygmy girls’ initiation song, recorded by Colin Turnbull. 0:56 Australia, Aborigine songs, “Morning Star” and “Devil Bird,” recorded by Sandra LeBrun Holmes. 1:26

Seeing above and beyond

Jodrell bank observatory is an observatory that hosts numerous radio telescopes. The observatory was established in 1945 by Sir Bernard Lovell who wanted to investigate cosmic rays after his work during WW2.

Jodrell bank

After my visit to Jodrell Bank I learnt more about space as a whole and how telescopes work which gave me a good platform to work from when looking into more research about the voyagers, the best thing about visiting here was the fact that not only did it give me detialed information about space and some about the voyagers it also allowed me to see first hand what the largest telescope looks like and that this could be used in the voyagers mission to find out more detial etc. After seeing the brief ‘Earth Artifacts’ i thought that Jodrell bank was a good place to start my research. There is nowhere better to look than here, not only is it close to my home town but also the best place around to do with space with the telescopes

(not to mention the largest being the 3rd biggest wolrdwide) and to look at the stars. This will give me an idea of how space is seen and figured out in regards to what is up there. The exhibits give you an understanding of the subject in detail althought it

is a hard and complicated subject to understand with the large amount of area up to there to see. Therefor I will visit Jodrell bank and see what it is, what happens there aswell as gaining some images.

Time Era 1970s

The 1970s was when Art Deco was nearing an end but was still in high demand and when postmodernism was get to hit the design stage including graphic design.

Looking above shows types of designs in the 1970s, many of which, as seen are brown, oranges and yellows, whether this was an influence for the ‘golden’ record could

be a possibility. The colours were all the same and the use of shapes which were mainly circles, ovals etc. all of these were fundimental in the design at this time and when the golden record was created.


1980s was a time when bright, bold colours came into force, the movement was sharp and basic with having function over form and making the product work rather

than it particulally looking good and with detial it was simple and with angles.The main focus within this time period was the bright colours that said something about

the design. If i was to use this time period I would have to change the record from the golden colour which it is ot the bright colours of this design movement.


“...experiences of you and the people of planet.”

The original Golden Record

Times are changing in technology

Different social, political and economic

Redeisgn the golden record like the original but in a more modern and contemporary way however using NASAs frame work of the original. Either using the same template or different and filling it with modern day life and how much it has changed in comparison to the orignal one in the years that it was created.

Since the Golden Record has been created the world as changed drastically therefore I could use visual language and a graphic design to show how different things such as technology, movement, people and interactions have changed since the 1970’s.

When the Golden Record was created things have changed drastically. “when the social, political and economic climate was very different” Whats chnaged since 1970s and now. How can this be portrayed in a more up to date version of the Golden Record.

Infographics about space and communication

Infographics about social media and technology

Infographics about transport and how we get around

Using words and visual cues to share facts and information about how the earth communicates with each other and information about the way in which the voyagers are travelling and what they are doing whilst out in space.

Using words and visual cues to share facts and information about how the earth communicates with each other. This thought has given me inspiration about how i want to structure and do my project, I feel that doing an infographic is the best way to get my information across for this brief. So aswell as the golden record and the voaygers I thought about other ways which have shaped our world and the way we as people interact.

Again using inforgraphics I will display ways in which we use transport to get around, this is a fundimental way in which we communicate with others around us and a way in which different types of transport will allow us to get to different areas and so communicate with the different cultures and people within them.

The original Golden Record

Here shows whats on the front of the golden record and the explantions into why they were used and what they all mean, being the original and the old

golden record I will redesign it and use modern things and items that are sutiable for this time period but use the structure and the same signs and

symbols with the layout kept the same. Although I wont design a record I will use the same things within the development that I decide to create.

Times are changing

technology and human interaction


Wikipedia is founded. E-Books were launched Apple introduced the iPhone and not long after the iPad 3D TV becomes more widely avalible


The first version of Linux is created. VoIP is invented for sending telephone calls over the internet. becomes one of the firstonline radio stations. HDTV is first broadcast in the US. Companies agree to make wifi a worldwide standard for wreless internet.


The space shuttle makes it maiden voyage. The World wide web is created.


The developemnt of the first handheld mobile phone. Ethernet was discovered.

Looking at the timeline of technology it shows how much easier it is to communicate and speak to others within the planet, this makes it easier to communicate and let people know what is happening around the world as opposed to the Golden Record that was used all them years ago.

A different social, political and economy

“The cultural texture of British life probably changed more quickly between 1970 and 1980 than during any other post-war decade �

1970s Social










Looking into how we communicate with others on earth and what/where the voyagers are. When I thought about doing an infographic I thought that the best place to start was to look at how infographics have

started and where they were at the time the golden record and the voaygers were about to see

where it started to what it looks like now and decide which type I prefer and will use within my project.

1900’s design The beginning of infographics was plain and not very exciting with the first infographic appearing in the form of illustrations demonstrating the Sun’s rotation patterns. After this is became more populare when Peter Sullivan for The Sunday Times in the 1970s used them in Newspaper and realised the impact that they had on the readers to get a message across and from here they only continued to grow.

Recent design As shown on the left that infographics have changed and improved massively wether this be due to the fact that there are more resources and programs avalible to make the best infographics possible but also because they have been founded to get a message across easily in a fun and exciting way to captivate the audience viewing the pieces of information. The biggest change is the fact that the older desgins are missing colour whereas the new ones are based around colour as this is what brings the designs to life.

Using as much information as possible about the voyagers on their journey around space and the way that the people on earth communicate with

each other to get messages to each other. Looking at the golden record and how that is sharing information with someone when it is found

I will see how we now communicate with ease to people within our own country or people from other countries. I will do this using facts & figures.

Gary Nicholson

“I am a creative Graphic Designer who graduated from the University of Cumbria with a First Class Honours in Graphic Design and Illustration.

All images taken from -

My work focuses primarily on creative typographical and editorial design, but I am also skilled in both digital illustration and photography. I have a high attention to detail which plays well into my hands

when aligning elements within a page, or when altering letterspacing.� - Gary Nicholson I like how Gary produce work with the use of shapes especailly the circle like the Golden Record, also how he encourporates multiple images into one, his posters and work all have a meaning and show a purpose with little text and the image telling the story.

Josef Muller-Brockmann

He is perhaps the most well-known Swiss designer and his name is probably the most easily recognized when talking about the period. He produced numerous books all of which provided an in-depth analysis of his work practices and philosophies, and provide an excellent foundation for young graphic designers wishing to learn more about the profession.

I like the fact that that he uses simple shapes with hardly anything on the posters and the items that he creates yet they portray a message which is easily red and understood. The way that he lays out his type means allows the user to be drawn into it as it is all part of the images, pictures and the symbols of the posters. He creates and is known for his work in posters (as seen above) due to the complexity yet the simplness of the images. His work has a mysterious feel

about it, of which this could be used for the earth artifacts breif as an alternative to recreating the golden record. However if i was to use this design style for the golden record I would need to do a poster display due to the typograhy and the positioning of the symbols and text.

Josef Muller-Brockmann Fonts used.

Helvetica Josef uses Helvetica for some of his posters, because of this I will take this and encorparte it into my designs and how I want my final designs to look and use. Beause I like the style of Muller Broackmann I decided to look into how he works and the fonts used and after seeing multiple fonts I decided that this was the most appopriate form of text and font to use.

Josef Muller-Brockmann - Colour scheme The colours that are used within the majoirty of his work are displayed on the right hand side, these show that he uses neutral colours with very few bright colours that will influence and make a drastic difference to the way that we look at his colour scheme. When the posters are all on display on can be seen visually you can see the difference and the look of which they all have that is similar. These colours however dont represent the golden record therefore I will either use all golds, oranges etc. and stick to the original colours but this same colour pallette like Josef does. Another method that I could use using similar colours would be a more up to date colour scehem to show a different perspective on the original. When saying that however these colour schemes could be used in regards to space and using them to portray the solar system and the planets etc. so Josef research wouldn’t be wasted as the colour scheme will be used at some point during my work and my developemtns.

Development and change of idea

After looking at the influences of Gary Nicholson and Josef Muller-Brockman i decided to work with simple shapes and designs using only simple images to make a large design that comes together, these two designs are based on communication now with slight hints of the voyagers. However when thinking about continueing with the designs I thought I could produce something that gave more information and was visually more pleasing on the eye. I needed something that was full of more information and told us more about the Golden Record or way we communicate now. This is when I decided to changed my thought process and the way that I was working into doing

more infographics. From here I decided to research and view more designers that specialise in Graphic Design and the way in which they portray a meaning or information. Looking at these will allow me to realise where I can produce more designs with meaning and to get my message across to the audience about my answer to the brief.

Pinterest - Infographic

David Paliwoda

An Interaction & Motion designer based out of South East London, working in digital product. Something that caught my eye whilst searching the web for information on both the solar system and also infographic

designs I came acrossDavid Paliwoda who has designed something that fits both the criteria of which i was after. He created an interactive website with infographics on called ‘How far is it to Mars?’ This showed information about the plan-

ets but displayed in a unique way which attracts the audience. This is something which I hope to achieve with my infographic posters.

Jack Hagley Below shows some of Jacks work, including the most famous piece ‘The world as 100 people’ Something that I will take from his work will be the use of multiple

colours and the brightness of his designs to catch attention to the audience. The way he has laid his designs out is also something I will use.

Jack Hagley is a London based Graphic Designer specialising in Infographics. Specialist in infographic design and data visualisation. he also does iconography, illus-

tration, branding, art direction and various other graphic design projects.

“My work has been in The Times, the Guardian and Wired and I’ve been lucky enough to work under David McCandless at Information is Beautiful.”


Lemonly is a visual marketing firm that helps create understanding through visuals. They specialize in infographics, interactive graphics, and UX/UI design. Again like on the previous page the brightness

of the designs make it more fun and vsiual to look at making you want to find out the information that is trying to be portrayed. Another thing that I like about Lemonly’s designs is the fact that

they are all similar and youd be able to recognise them individually as a brand.

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