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Francesca Rowley

University Of Huddersfield

‘Create beautifully designed limited edition bottles to engage customers and raise money for Malaria No More UK.’

University Of Huddersfield

Francesca Rowley

About Fever-Tree

Fever-Tree Brief

In the 10 years since it was launched, Fever-Tree have pioneered a new preium mixer drink category both in the UK and internationally by creating a range of mixer drinks that are unrivalled in terms of quality and taste. An achievement of theirs, recently voted best selling and top trending tonic brand (Drinks internatoinal 2015), the Fever-Tree brand continues to go from strength to strength. Proudly poured in 8 of the worlds top 10 resturants, the products are avaliable in thousands of bars, restaurants and stores across the country. Over the next 5 years, we are committed to raising money for out charity of choice, Malaria No More UK. One way this is intended to do is by launching a series of limited edition 500ml bottle wraps each year, to coincide wih World Malaria Day (25th April). The designs will be inspired by the countries affected by the disease and Fever-Tree will make a donatin to MNMUK for each limited edition bottle sold.

Create beautifully designed limited edition bottles to engage customers and raise money for Malaria No More UK. Our exsisting and potential customers span a broad 3565 age range. They are driven by quality and are prepared to pay more for it. You will want to create a seried of designs for our annual limited edition bottle campaign that will be eye catching on a busy retail shelf. How you approach it is your choice. Each bottle should have its own look and feel, they also need to look like they are from one collection. There will be an added neck tag to each bottle to communicate the partnership and so the designs should focus on visual impact, rather than around the written communication of the partnership. Concentrating on the graphic or illustrative layer that is going to make each bottle feel inspired and desirable - and making sure that it does not interfere or render illegible the important brand and product information.

Ideas towards the brief Counties to consider: 1. Nigeria 2. Moxambique 3. Sierra Leone 4. Democratic Republic of Congo (4/5 of the top 5 countried affected by Malaria(2014)) 5. Haiti 6. Brazil 7. China (Well known countries to people) As the brief is aimed at 35-65 age range I have decided to look into the style that they like and the era range that they came from looking at the design history of this aswell as looking into what it fashionable now. Also looking at the higher class market of similar bottles and products to ensure that the designs keeps up their best selling and top trending tonic brand (Drinks internatoinal 2015).

Francesca Rowley

University Of Huddersfield

Francesca Rowley

University Of Huddersfield

Francesca Rowley

University Of Huddersfield

Competitors bottle designs

Fever Tree VS Competitors One thing about the Fever tree it has been renowned and an achievement of theirs was they were recently voted best selling and top trending tonic brand (Drinks internatoinal 2015), the Fever-Tree brand continues to go from strength to strength. However when looking further into this The Telegraph wrote an article (12.03.2015) on the perfect G&T (something that Fever tree is known for) and what is the best tonic to pair with the gin? The results which they found which was contriversial to the Drinks international 2015 was that Schweppes hit top marks in each round in creating the perfect G&T.


Bottle green Tonic

Schweppes Tonic

This can of tonic water shows a different look and a different style of design. The old fashioned feel that this tonic water has makes it seem timeless. Making everyone feel like this old tonic cannot be beat. Although I dislike the colour of the can I can see the appeal with the pattern and the shapes that they use.

This bottle takes more of a sophisticated design. The bottle, similar to the fever tree bottle has a knowing design that can be recognised and eye catching without being too cluttered and without doing anything anything too out of the ordinary.

Fevertrees biggest competitors, schweppes, have had a similar bottle design for its whole lifetime. While this makes it recognisable I dont feel that the design on the cans and bottles is the best that could have been used for something that is ment to be sophisticated like tonic water.

Francesca Rowley

University Of Huddersfield

Shapes & Styles The first thing that I am consdiering when I begin to redesign and decide on where to go within development will be to look at the shapes and the inspriation that I can drag from the original and the nature of this tree. Even though this is a charity one off for Malaria, I dont want to loose the element of the actual fever tree where the logo and the name came from. The main things that I see other than the obvious shapes of the leaves and the branches is the idea of using swirls to create the effect of mulitple leaves all together. Also I feel that as this is a one off bottle in aid of Malaria it needs to havea postivie look and feel, therefore swirls are related to happiness and goodness. Something else to consider in relation to shapes and forms is the idea of Malaria and the treatment those affected would receive. Looking at this will not only inform people about treatments but also about what the bottle is for and what some of their money will be going to if the bottles are purchased. Something that is a massive impact on the Fever tree experience and something important to know about the brand in general is that fever tree bark was first used by the Spanish by the countless number of Chinchon who had contracted Malaria. This was were it was discovered the healing properties of the tree.

Francesca Rowley

University Of Huddersfield

Beautiful Graphic Design inspiration

Francesca Rowley

University Of Huddersfield

Francesca Rowley

University Of Huddersfield

Behind Meaning Behind Meaning I have decided that for the entire of these designs I will use the colours (if necessary) of nigeria as this will be one of the four countries that I will use in the fight against malaria. Using nigeria as one of the countries because this is one of if not the most widely affect area to suffer from this problem. ‘The designs must be beautiful and sophisticated in style (not childish in any way) to achieve stand out and to connect with our premium target audience.’ - I feel that the swirls are representative for this area of the brief with some touching up and adjusting.

I decided to encorporate the main reason for this bottle, malaria as the aim of this is to get people to recognise this awful disease. However I want people to know that when they are buying this it is gving money to this charity. Therefore I have decided to make these creatures (the main cause of malaria) slowly disapear up the tree. Symbolising the more money, the higher up the tree, the more things the charity can do resulting in less cases of malaria.

Francesca Rowley

University Of Huddersfield

I have decided to use one of the first designs that I created for this brief due to it being one that fits the brief the best and looks the most sophisticated. I like the way in which this design has the aspects of the country so the malaria has been shown and can be recognised for the countries that are affected aswell as keeping the sophisticated style that fever tree is accossiated with. The design to the left is to show nigeria as above and the frst design to tr out the options for the design therefore this is the number one design for this brief.

Francesca Rowley

University Of Huddersfield

China I have decided to use this as one of my countries affected by marlaria as not only does it affect many but it is a country that has a very high population and one in which is known to many people for everything due to the vast amount of items that are manufactured here. I also feel like the china flag is one that is known to many people therefore will grab their attention to see how they can help out the chinese and for what cause.

Francesca Rowley

University Of Huddersfield

Francesca Rowley

University Of Huddersfield

Brazil -

Democratic Republic of Congo -

One of my favourtie designs for this series is the brazil flag, due to how the swirls follow the shape of the country aswell as the ease to recognise the colours and the country.

Unlike the other 3 of these series this is a less recognisable one but one that works just as well in terms of the colours and the way in which the flag sits.

This one like China is a good one that can be used as brazil is one of the best known countries in the world and one in which many people like to hear about. It will grab attention and will be one of the most recognised one in this series of limited edition bottles.

I chose to use this one however as it is in the top 5 countries to have been affected by malaria within the last year which I feel needs to be pointed out and recognised.

Francesca Rowley

University Of Huddersfield

Francesca Rowley

University Of Huddersfield

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