Collide Research & Development

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Idea Generation


What links happiness, the internet and your future self? Happiness They are the core to all the happiness. Family and/or close friends are the ones that cause happiness within us, the people that we can turn too, tell everything too. They are the main reason to our happiness, the people that we are connected too.

Family The internet The reason behind why you can keep into contect throughout anything whether you are near them or far away, the internet (inc. social media) means you are always connected together.

Future Self You know that they will always be with you even far into the future. You can make plans with them into the near future or far away to ensure that you always know you will be close. Families grow and shrink but in the end you always know that they will be there for you and there will always be someone in the family.

Occasions e.g. Christmas etc. Happiness

The internet

Future Self

They are the perfect time that everybody comes together, causing happiness to spend it with the people that inflict happiness on each other. All holidays know matter which one mean have something separate to celebrate providing a different form of happiness.

Cellebrated throughout the world with the use of social media. The internet shows you how other places in the world celebrate and the different cultures do things different for the different events, inc. easter, christmas etc.

Holidays and occassions like these, you know will be occuring in the future and you know that they will be the a big part of your life with different people that all mean something to you but will be present in your future.

Time can either be a good thing in the discovery of happiness or a bad thing. Time can be a factor that will allow to enjoy your happiness for a longer or a shorter period of titme.

Francesca Rowley

The internet One of the big things about the internet is the amount of time that is spent on it and the things that are said and produced in that time on the internet.


This definition shows just how time is related to one of the three areas that is featured in the brief, future. The future is an indication and will affect your future self. Time is displayed in many forms, such as the obvious clocks aswell as, countdowns, alarms, timelines, itme zones and many more. Time influences everything that happens throughout life as it puts a cap on what we can and what we cannot achieve in this specific time. Time revolves around numbers. Numbers control our lives, our happiness, our future and they can also be seen to be wasted or enhanced while on the internet. With the rise in the internet coming intoo power it has been seen to take up plenty of time for people and people lifes revolve around it.

Time Happiness

“the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.”

Future Self Time is the one thing that will effect what will happen in the future whether it be sooner or later. Time is the core concept to deciding what will happen in the future and surrounding yourself.

University of Huddersfield

Future Self, our future is an aspect of time and something that what we do now at this time in our lives will affect as our future. Happiness. “Spending time wisely can increase happiness” This itself highlights how time affects and is affected by happiness.

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield


Future Self

“the quality or state of being happy”

“the quality or state of being happy”

Happiness is one the key principles in this brief that I feel I feel I can do that most with and something that I am going to be focusing on throughout.

Happiness is one the key principles in this brief that I feel I feel I can do that most with and something that I am going to be focusing on throughout.

Happiness can be described and the meaning can change depending on the person and what they feel causes them the most happiness.

Happiness can be described and the meaning can change depending on the person and what they feel causes them the most happiness.

Some people will be more happy with the influenceof money and materialistic things compared to other people that will find health and family the biggest cause for happiness.

Some people will be more happy with the influenceof money and materialistic things compared to other people that will find health and family the biggest cause for happiness.

Research into happiness found that there are three main things that make people happy: close relationships, a job or past-time that they love and helping others. On the other hand, money and material things do not have a lot to do with happiness, and people who emphasize them are less happy than those who do not.

Research into happiness found that there are three main things that make people happy: close relationships, a job or past-time that they love and helping others. On the other hand, money and material things do not have a lot to do with happiness, and people who emphasize them are less happy than those who do not.

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

Research Designs

Creating pictures using objects I feel that this idea that has been used by few artists and designers has got messages across in a fun and exciting manner. This is a way to create something that is both physical aswell as something that will look good on the creative side of media and through digital form. Something that I feel I can take and use with this idea is the fact that I can encorporate all of the three themes into this one idea. Then using mulitple different objects come up with something that can be used to bring all three together.

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield


Physical Research


1. On a scale of 1 - 10 how happy are you with your life at the moment? 2. What is the reason for this number? 3. Do you wish it was different? 4. Do you feel like your happiness depends more on materialistic items or love? 5. Do you feel like family and friends are an important part of happiness?

As we have to create something that is physcial within this project I was thinking of encorporating all the themes into a scene that can be made in illustrator and then created out of different materials. I am thinking of using something that links all of the subjects together to create, something that I feel could be used for example is the world or focused around the solar system as has links to multiple themes we need.

The internet

1. How long on average do you spend on the internet a day (hrs)? 2. On a scale of 1 - 10 how much do you rely on the internet? 3. How many devices do you own that you can get access to the internet on? 4. Do you feel that you use the internet to communicate, to research, to inform or all 3? 5. Do you use the internet to do shopping? (Food, clothes etc.)

With having a full physical piece I think that I am going to encorporate items within an item so that I can have multilpe items and that all of the 3 themes are covered within. An example of something that I am considering doing and basing my work around (a basic starting point) will be to use something such as clear plastic to create stars within a solar system and fill them with things that make individuals happy, what people want to gain from life, and the things which you gain from the internet and the digital age.

Future Self

1. Can you picture yourself in 10 years? 2. Do you feel you have a clear path for life? 3. Do you feel that your future is dependent on what you do at the present time? 4. Do you think that you will be influenced by other people on how your future will plan out? 5. Do you think youll change something about your future if you are not happy with it?

Another posibilty that I feel could work would be using boxes filled with happiness, these boxes however being in the shape of photo albums or something that represents one of the three themes, or having 3 boxes, one for each.

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

Questionnaire Results

Nicole Martinez

Results are taken from the average

1. All of the people that I asked this question too rated their happiness as a 7 or above therefore I feel that people on average are an 8 on the happy scale. 2. Most people feel as though they have everything they need for happiness, including a family and friends (this being the main thing) and also that they are living life to the full. 3. People tended not to change what they have and if anything they wish they could spend more time socialising in some way or another. However 7+ on this question is relatively high therefore many people find that they are happy with life as a whole. 4. Love, this was a unanimous aggrement that all of the people that took part in this survey thought that love was the biggest contribution to their happiness. Very few even mentioned materialistic items. 5. Yes, before this question was asked these groups of people were an important factor that was brought up on mulitple occassions prior to this question. 1.With all of my participants being students, this number is very high and most people feel they spend on average about 3 hours a day on the internet or connecting with people. 2. 9, most people feel that without the internet they wouldn’t be able to do thing such as their projects for uni or keep in touch with family from home if they have commuted for university. These were the big two for this question. 3. 3, this was the average number with most people having a phone, a laptop and then one other device (inc. a tablet, a games consule etc.) 4. All 3 5. Yes, however this wasnt a big deal in the use of the internet, people mentioned shopping being more of a physical thing. 1.This question was split with half having made plans for what they want to do in the future while other focused more on the present time with what they are doing to this day. 2. Again this is split, with most people saying they vaguely know what they want to do with their life. 3. Yes, most people tought that what they did in the present would then have an impact later on, with a lot of people bringing karma up and hard work ethic influcing the future. 4. As university students a lot of the people felt as though a peer member has influenced them at some point during their time here. Wether this was in a positive way or negative wasnt said. 5.Yes, everyone said that they want to be happy in the future therefore they will do whatever they can to ensure that they get happiness from life both now and in the future. Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

An interactive art director and designer by day and illustrator and painter (canvases and sometimes walla) by night. “I love what I do and I love to teach what I do to others� I feel like these designs and this style used by this designer shows what I want to achieve for this brief as I feel it is light hearted and therefore something to represent happiness instantly even with the basic design that it shows. The small illustrations create a big meaning and draw the user in, the designs although the may seem more younger designs they can attract all ages with a smile.


Idea generation

Something that I feel that I can use within this brief is an idea taken from this.

After looking into the business cards on the left I have used these as inspiration and based some of my project around this. I feel these little cards are made and say a lot even though they are only small business cards.

I feel that I can create little cue cards that can be used to encourage happiness, inform about happiness, give tips on the best way to become happy. Ways that your future self will be happy with, what the future might hold for the person, things such as a fortune cookie that will predict your future and then you can decide if you would be happy with this in the future or not. Little facts about the internet to see if people would still use the internet as much as they do or if they would cut down on the usage.

Each of the cards that I produce I am going to put on happiness quotes aswell as creating cards with things you need to tell yourself to create future happiness. These cards will be on red and yellow so if youre feeling like one of the red cards you can tell yourself to pick the yellow one to change how you feel and how it will impact your future self.

My idea behind this would be too make sure that it encourages happiness and a better way of life wether this be through words or pictures is unsure yet.

Something else that I can use is having spare blank cards that you can pick out to write on either for yourself in the future or as a reminder as you carry it round throughout the day or for you to give someone else as a friendly reminder for them to stay happy.

I was these cards or something that can be used similar to this to be happy and with the use of bright colours and happy images.

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

Examples of cards

After looking into these cards I feel that these can be used as part of my brief into creating happiness and making people feel happier. I will create both happy cardds and cards in which people may feel like. This means that they can keep both the card that they thought they felt aswell as the new happiness cards, giving them something to work to in the future, therefore looking at both happiness and your future self. On the next few pages I will have examples of what I want to create. As well as having these kind of cards I will also have happiness cards that include everything within happiness and quotes for happiness. Also having plain cards which can be written on and you can give to yourself or others with how you feel to that point in your life or to help someone else through the day, they will also be kept for the future.

The left hand card is then changed to the right card, either to be kept safe for now or the future whenever you need something to look at when you ever feel like your giving up. I want these cards to be used to ensure happiness now and in the future, all the cards are sayings that everyone can relate too and what they feel they need to change.

A pocket full of happiness

Examples of cards

Back of the happiness cards in which I will use as these represent all of the things in which people said make them happy, inc. memories of childhood, love, family, health, all of these cause happiness therefore they are on the back of the cards.

5 LB

5 LB

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

Examples of backgrounds

Francesca Rowley


Examples of backgrounds

The far left image shows an example of the bakground of which i will display the cards and the happiness cards to keep next you at all times for when you feel like giving up or if you just need to look at something to make you smile. This one was made in the mind of younger people to look at to make happiness. Or for the older generation with kids that they can look at. The image closest to the text box has been switched to portrait but would be landscape and will hold all of the cards, from the red to the orange which which will be picked out depending on how you are feeling.

An example of an older person background, using lowpoly and with happy colours, both pink and a blue one. I decided to use low poly as a bckground as its eye catching at draws the attention to the happiness cards and quotes. It will be just one of the multiple designs that I will use to display these cards through. Collide

University of Huddersfield

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

Examples of backgrounds

Another aspect of what I will use as part of this brief and part of this section of the brief will be have a background which can be easily changed and edited to fit the person, therefore have numerous words to do with happiness and the future self and have them as magnetics so the person can create their own happiness backboard to look at, allowing them to change it whenever they wanted and depending on how they felt at the time.


University of Huddersfield

To the left here shows an example and just the first draft of how the happiness backgrounds will be used. I will have them as calanders that remind the user every monring to be happy, to choose a card of their choice out of the happiness box and either take the business size cards with them or simply find the same one within the app so its a constant reminder of the happiness in place for the during the day.

Something else that I want to do and create as part of this is having a animation / slideshow of faces, different people, different styles, different races (all different walks of life). These faces will be a contract of 2 faces, of them being sad and/or neutral and then the second one will be a happy face, showing the difference between what they could feel like and what they should be feeling like, hopefully with the help of the happiness cards, something that their future self can look back at and see how their emotions have changed. Something else which I will do to encorporate the internet and the digital age area of the brief so I have used all of the themes of the brief I will create something to do with the ever growing phone industry and what can be created with the internet and the backgrounds and ideas that we already have.

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

Francesca Rowley


Incorporating the internet

Incorporating the internet

So that I have all 3 areas of the brief included I have decided to use what I feel people use as the biggest tool for the internet is the mobile phone. Therefore I have decided I will create an app that allows the user to do varies things with the happiness background and cards. I will create it so that it allows the user to have their own personal background, aswell as a happiness alarm for them to wake up too creating the best mood for them when they wake up

Here is an example of an app front that I have created for the technology and internet part of the brief. I have decided to use the same style that I am using for the happiness cards on the physical sign for this app style, this way it will be easily recognisable to anyone that likes the physcial mode to download themselves. I want the aim of this app to be colourful and happy as that is the main area of the brief I am focusing on.

University of Huddersfield

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

Incorporating the internet

An example of how the front screen of the phone will look once the happiness app has been downloaded will be of choice to the user out of the multiple different backgrounds created (these will all be the same as the physical backgrounds) The smile to the left hand side of the screen can slide across from the side of the screen if the user is feeling down and a card that they picked at the start of the day will appear to remind them of what they are feeling and what they can change too, the happiness that they can feel as well as choicing alternative screen cards to fit and change the mood.

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

Incorporating the internet

The alarm that can be set to remind people to be happy every time they wake up. This screen will be followed by a screen with all of the happinness cards on for the user to pick from.

Francesca Rowley


University of Huddersfield

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