City in flux Development

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After looking into my different ideas and thinking about what possible outcomes i could havedont with each aspect I feel like using a typographic zone would be the best possible idea to get the best outcome for a final piece. I have decided to use a tourist map as the center and main focus for my final design and my developments in getting to this stage.






Using this map I will section it off and using the typography in that area create a fold out book/leaflet to show what I have found, the different types of font and the typography that has been used. This will allow me and the audience to get a better view of the city and how it changes depending on where about in the city you are, this will show the best city in flux.

To begin my fold out book I needed to come up with and produce a title front that will be displayed on the front of my book. This will need to tell the audience what the book is about and the topic that it is within somewhere on the book. As previously decided I will use the font Bell MT as this will be the font that will be the most recognisable to my book and the one that was choosen to represent York as a city. Shown throughout this development stage will show how the logo will change throughout until i get the right one to fit my book.

The logo shown on the previous page didnt do much for the book and didnt show of the possiblities that would be inside so i began to work with the words and change it around to fit the style of the book and to get people interested and want to look into the book. Below i have taken the words and used them in the best way to create a logo for the totle page that will fit on the page in numerous ways whether I decide to create a fold out book or a sketchbook inspired piece. Although I have created this and am happy with the look the

balck and white seems to be harsh against the white background, I feel that this logo if not all of it at least some of it should be a different colour. The final design although not changed massively I have decided to bring lighter shades of black in to break the harshness up, this will also allow you to see the split of the ‘city’ and ‘york’.

The idea behind my first development is to have a book that folds out into different sections, each section will say something new or have a new piece of information regaring the typograhy and the lettering used throughout the different areas of the city. Here displays the basic outline of how one of the developements could look, it will be split up into 3 or 4 section folds so that it is only a small book and folded over displaying the area map that is hidden

underneath, this aspect taken from my research and the work by Martina Flor and how the document opens up to discover something hidden underneath, this will give the target audience an idea on how I found what i found and how i came to see the different areas of the city and explore them. Using the grid concept this adds to the fact that my book will be fold out and that each section is uniquely placed so you can see

only that section but when it is all opened out it is a large sheet full of information about the city. Below shows just one idea of how my book could potentiall look and be displayed however it only shows the basic outline with the text that will be there throughout all the different designs no matter what the final outcome will look like.

Here shows the same publication but this one changed to black with white writing, this one is more bold than the previous one and complements the map that is hidden underheath however Im unsure as to whether it isnt too bold and dark for the audience to be looking at it for a long period of time as it doesnt seem appealing.

To figure out a way in which I can get the most out of the fold out book so that it shows all the information that it is required to do, I produced the first design on photoshop using guides to show the sections that will be different in the different stages of the layout

and the typogrphic zone. The guides are there to show me where I need to fold and how the words should be displayed so that the entire word can be seen when the book hasnt been folded out. This is the first practise of the book however to ensure that the

guides are in the correct place I will create a physical practise copy, this will allow me to see where everything is and if the size of the entire project is correct and also the size of the folds.

After looking at the sample fold out books as mock up on photoshop I decided to make a paper copy to see what needs to be changed and/or if the book would work as a whole as this needs


1. This shows the fold out when it is half the size and just as it begins to fold out, this has shown a problem in the previous pages of designs and experiments as the city in flux title will need to be on the front of the book, this will need to be changed. As the book opens out you can see clearly the typographic zone, this is in the correct place. This shows numerous problems and also a lot of things that will work about the fold out book if this is decided to be the final design.

to be addressed before going any further with the design. I also need to decide whether this will be the correct method to alow me to present my work in the best possible way.


2. This is the map under the fold out book, although not the map that i will be using for the typographic zone it shows how it will look, I will use the map displayed in the corner of this image and it will be seperated into the 5 zones already decided and photographed. This wont be a problem as the map cna be viewed either way when it has been opened up, the user will view the map which ever way up the map is displayed.

Below shows what the fold out book would look like when folded and when unfolded. This has already shown problems that would need to be altered and changed.


3. This will show what the fold out book will look like when it has been opened up to its full size, though it will be slightly different as it will be longer that an A4 piece of paper so show more of the places off and the photography taken of these places giving enough space also for any annotations.


Headings : Bell MT Main body font : Arial

For the design and the development of the book whether it be the fold out book or the sketchbook binded book the font will need to be decided and be the same no matter what the book style is decided. The font Bell MT was decided as a main font for the larger letters and numbers on the books as I felt this was the font that reflected York in the best way in regards to the type of city it is and one that is used and similar to some of the typography within the city. However as the main body font I have decided to use Arial as this is the easiest to read when within a large paragraph.

After deciding on the layout of the fold out book and where the map will be displayed on the inside of the book aswell as all along the outside. I now need to add text and images as the main body of the book. This shows the images and the typezone numbers on the fold

out book, I now need to decide what to do about the exaplation of what I found in these zones, however due to the small space avaliable and not wanting to have too muh text I need to think of a way to display the information in a quick and easy way with only short words for the audience to read yet still understand what that

type zone is like. Anotherthing that needs to be done is too add colour, this is essential to make the fold out book more interesting.

After thinking about the best way to do the explanations and words to explain each typographic zone I have decided to use single words from the population that were there using my secondary research. These individual words are fast clips of that type zone in only a

few words and the imimages are used as more of an example to support the words. The colours are also relevant and add something as not only do they make the book more appealing to read and show the differences between the typographic zones but they are also the col-

ours which people during the primary reasearch have chosen to best display that area. For example type zone 1. was described as welcoming and full of gardens and the environment was a key part of the zone therefore green was the most appropriate colour to use and split up the zones in.

Everything on the fold out book was in place other than the colours which I felt were are to bold and too away from the rest of the book therefore I halfed the opacity of the coloulrs so that they were still visiable without being too bold.

These two images show both the insider and the outside of the fold out book, this is the final deisgn if this type of style is decide to be used. The map which would be visible when the book is opened out and can be seen on the opposite side of the findings page. This shows the typographic zone so that the findings on the other side make more sense in regards to the city of York and the palces that have been visited.

Another alternative method in displayed my typogrpahic zone of York will be in a sketchbook style. Using a sketchbook style to display the findings will mean that the book will be slightly larger therefore will allow more writing of the findings and will be able to explain the findings rather than key

words, of which these can be displayed somewhere within the book also. it is important that the words and the colours stay the same as this is good secondary research. Starting with a brief idea of what will be on the pages, I know that I will need to split the pages up individually for the different

typographic zones and that the wordsand colours will need to be similar of those on the fold out book.

For the very frist page of the ring binded book I used the same logo and front as on the fold out book as it fits the purpose for this book also. The background has been faded so that the text stands out on the page. This shows everything that it needed to show on the front page of the book, with having the title, the typographic zone saying appreaed on there and also the map which I will use to gather the findings. This map will also carry on around to the back of the book so when it is open out and put flat you can see the map as a whole.

For the first page that will display the typographic zone and give an introduction to the book and what it wil be able ar all displayed on one page so that the everything about the book is on one page and informs people of what to expect throughout.

After looking at the opposite page and see all the information together I figured that it was harder to read and that the typographic zone wasnt shown in full therefore you couldn’t see all the places that were visited to gain the differences within the city in regards to the type.

I feel that spreading it along two pages not only makes it easier to read and understand but also the layout is a lot more effective on the eye and also I can present the colours that were on the fold out book on here for the 5 zones. The information on the right hand page of the book says

everything that there is to know about the book, spreading it out like this also gives me double page spreads for each zone without having to flick from page to page for the same zone information.

Using the fold out book as a template to go by with the images, colour and the thought being the same I feel like importing this into a double page spread and changing it slightly will allow me to get the best out of my book and the same can be done for all of


welcoming classic artifacts scener y interesting old mature appealing safe warm comforting bloom environment brick English safety country surronded contrast traditional

the pages so that the same style is taken throughout. Everything that is displayed on this page I will need to put into a stylish way and present on the book as this will be all the most relevant information. How I will lay these pieces of information I am unsure of

and i will experiment throughout the pages but once a style has been picked it will be the same on every page of the typographic zone book. This is an example of how each page will look when I gather all the data that I need for each page ready for editing.

A couple of examples of images that I could use for typographic zone 1.

One thing that is going to have to be changed and developed when looking at the piece work for each page will be the photographs that i have as the colours clash therefore I will have to edit and do something with them to change them so they fit in with the


choosen design for the book.It is important that the colours of the images are changed so that the colours chosen by the secondary research will have more of an impact, the typography will still be seen within all the images however.


Below shows just some examples of how the oclour can be changed and what the image would look like, this will be the same for all the images with odd changes in the brightness and contrast etc.

Black and White

Here are examples of how I have displayed and organised the text for zone 1. the words and the paragraphs are the findings of that typographic area when all of the images are collated and put together to explain about that area without using all the imaegs. Only the best images to display that zone will be used on the

page, the images will need to be edited as shown on the previous page. One thing missing will be the use of colour on the page, this will need to be chosen as it will need colour but not too much that it will over power the rest of the book findings and information.

When ive added colour to the type of page I prefer the look of i have experimented with a couple as shown below, hwoever I am not fully happy with these therefore I am going to try with more. The green colour scheme on this page is the colour that has been chosen from secondary research using the words by this

research also to help explain each zone.

After numeroud attempts of moving the colour into different situations I have decided that this one shows off the colour the best but also doesnt over power the rest of the words, and the meaning of the page.

The top line of words are words from my secondary research that people in this typographic zone have said about that area, these are key in giving quick explanations of the zone.

The text that has been wrapped around the green square goes into more detail about the zone and what there is there, the typography that has been used and how it varies depending on where about you are in the zone. The green boxes signifies the colour chosen by secondary research what they feel best suited this zone and also what suits the words that desicribe the zone.

The large 1. and Typography zone are larger as these are the main headings to describe the double page spread therefore they needed to stand out away from the rest of the text.

Below, after a lot of changing things around and altering bits on both pages, I have decided to use this as my final piece for the sketchbook style book and use this as a template fo rthe rest of the other pages in my book. The other pages however will all have didferent colours and change in the text and images de-

pending on what type zone it is in.

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