City in flux Research

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IDEAS Old and New

Typographic Zone


See how things differ depending on where about you are in york and if the place is to be old or new. Things that I would look into would be including the architecture, the type that is used in various places, transport etc. I will look at any new buildings and see if what was there to begin with if possible and see if the new area is similar or compaltey changed from what was the old area. Although i will look into all aspects of the city i will be looking mostly at the buildings as York is known for its historical buildings, the main one being the minister. From here I will look at the surrounding areas including the shambles which is centuries old, this will lead me into looking at old buildings, then venturing further away from the shambles I will find more modern buildings and if not the design of the front and logo will be modern making the old architecture have a different feel. This is what I will look into and see if I can see the differences depending on where you are, see the contrast between thetwo time periods and also see what the new once looked like.

Using a map of york, drawing out a grid onto the map to split the city up into sections. This will give me a clear way in which I can visit and find out the different areas of the city which have different type depending on the area of the place, wether it be old or new and look to see if the type reflects this. Using the map it will allow me to have structure and see where i have visited and where i still have to go. The typogrpahic zone influence i have got from a guest lecture which i attended, this being the Neubau lecture whereby they would draw points out within the city to find diffferent areas with different types of trees to get the best variety out of their research for their book they created on how to draw trees and a book for deisngers to use. I will make sure that when I have used this grid that the type that i find within this area is labelled and linked to the area so i can analyse the results and see whats different or the same about the city not just in regards to the typography but also the city as a whole.

Whilst looking at different areas within the city i will look at how things change including: - Fashion -Lighting -Colour - Climate These will be some of the things I will be thinking about in regards to the seasons of the cuty as all of these will change at some point during the year therefore change during the seasons making them all sutiable for looking into. Whether I display these using images or words will be decided. Due to seasons being a long project, an idea would be to use words which relate to the different seasons and with using primary research it will allow me to see hand first what people have to say about the seasons and how they feel it directly affects the city.

Fran Rowley Grpahic Design Brief 1 - City in Flux

Typefaces - Idea 1

Looking into the different typefaces within the city using the grid ontop of the map of york, this will allow me too look further into type and see which ones will suit my work the best after exploring the ones avaliable and what is in thecity throughout,. Once I have plotted where I will be going I will see the difference around the city and see why they have chosen the type that they have. Typography will be the main focus within my work and my final peice in relation to my idea of the typographic zone of work as I will be solely looking into type as the main objective. When plan-

ningthe rest of my work on this I will encourporate the type fo the shops, signs and houses into my work and hopefully final work. I will research and look into different typefaces and see who they were produced by, when and what they were designed for the the inspiration behind them and where they were first used to give me an idea on which Typeface would be best to use as part of my project and also to see if the type around York, using the typographic zone, are fitting for where they have been found. This will make my work look both professional and also will be

a good indication on what the company etc are trying to persue when they use the different fonts on the typeface and to see if they have chosen the right font to attract the target audience that they want, this will allow me to see if it has an incluence thereofre will act as research that i can take forward into my final outcome.

Image taken from the book: Information Graphics, Tashen

Seasons - Idea 2

After thinking about looking into seasons as an idea for my city in flux brief i decided the first thing to do to look into the seasons of the city where to ask a few memebers of the public to give 2 words to do with the city as this will give me an indication as to what I can expect at them different times throughout the year. The words associated are to do with the fashion what you would wear and the weather in the seasons, these were the two areas that were mentioned the most when asked. The colours that I have chosen to use as part of my world cloud are related to the seasons and were also suggested by the public when asked for their thoughts on colour within each season.

Old vs New - Idea 3

One of the many great things about the architecture in york is the amount of different styles that are all encorporated into the city, these are all designed to fit in with their surroundings aswell as the type of building that they are.The designs of buildings including the stucture, signage and location are all thought out and take into consideration the audience that will be visiting them buildings, this would alter whether or not the building will be redone or whether a new building will be made modern or aim to fit in with the original genre of the city. Buildings however are only one example of the old and new of the city . This however is the main one that stands out to me as an individual. The two buildings that are displayed to the right are both in york and less than a 10 minute walk from each other however they both fit into their own unique surroundings and the importance that they hold within the city to what their appearance looks like.


After thinking about plotting a grid onto my work to get the most from York and the city. Plotting this grid will allow me to see the differences within the city depending on where abouts on the gird i will visit. Whilst visitng the different areas of the city i will look into the area, the architecture etc. but more importantly a will look at how the typography will change depending ont the style of the area and if the type is sutiable to where it is located. When planning on doing this I thought about other designers and

people that have used a similar technique to this and see how it has worked and influenced their work before i go ahead and do it with the potential of the idea failing to meet my needs from the city. Therefore when attending a Neubau lecture I realised that they did something very similar to this, this being where the idea stemed from. They plotted markers around a city to look into the different types of tress that they could design, this being a risky move that payed of enormously. From here I saw just how much

great information could be collected in such a simple manner in such a chronoloical order.

image taken from google Images.


York York York York York

SAN SERIF York York York York York

When looking into the typefaces within the city I realised that I needed to find a definition of what type was and what other people percieve it as for me myself to gain an understanding of the words displayed around the city and why they are positioned in the way that they are. This definition comes from the book ‘Type at work’ and by Visual thinking. The main part that stands out from this image is ‘helps create a possible ideological experience’ . To me this understands and reflects the reasoning of Yorks typography as the city have used and layed out

words in a way in which can be recognised by all memebers of the society without being biased. Therefore this gives me a deeper undertsnding and allows me to look further into Yorks reason for choosing certain designs and choosing to put them in the certain places within the city and why the building which are in seperate places of the city are designed in that way because of the social norms and the target audience that are more likely to be present in the certain areas.

Bell MT Regular After looking at all the different typefaces around the city I will decide how to lay my findings out to display it in the best possible way. An idea would be a poster, however I feel the best way to display the information would be potentionally to make it into a book, I would like an idea of a book that opens out therefore not like a normal book, this will make it interactive for users and the target audience. This book could have information displayed on it with the typeface zone of york under-

About this font? Bell important roman text typeface cut by Richard Austin for John Bells British foundry in 1788. The design was developed when introduced with a truly modern typeface with vertical stress and a marker contrast beween the thick and thin strockes. Bells design is less severe than the usual modern face, the sherif strokes are bracketed , and offers a cursive italic in the style of baskervile.

neath which opens out. Therefore I am thinking about a typeface that will display all aspects of York, I will need one that is both old looking yet contempory, this will then display in York throughout the entire final piece. The font that I feel I may use would be Bell MT this is easy to read yet displays the oldness of York to which it is known for, it looks like many of the signs that are displayed around the city for the different shops etc.

Bell MT Regular

Here shows the font that I will be using on my final piece due to this font being the most relevant to what I am looking into and the city that I have chosen, York. It gives you an example of both capital and none capital letters to see how they look and how they alter depending on the size and style. The red and the grey below show the difference between the bell font and the traditional times font, this shows that although similar it isnt the same but is recognisable to people as Times is a universal font.

When thinking about the layout in which to display the findings of the typographic zone within york, I needed someway that would include the map and also the information of which i have found in a way that is unique and interesting to read about the city as this will be both a book full of images and text.

Once I knew what was going to be displayed within the book I started coming across items which gave me inspiration for how i could display my work in the best way. To begin with I came across my sketchbook of which I thought I could use as part of project to display my work as it is easy to see

and present out into. I thought about splitting the findings onto the different pages as the ring binder will be easy to flick the pages and easy to find the pages with the information on.

Another thing that I found while lloking for inspiration on how to present my work for my final design was a various number of maps (one of which is shown below). I thought about using the inspiration of a map as my project of the typographic zone was based on a map setting therefore this

seemed appropriate and also how it spreads out and opens up to reveal the bigger picture.

When looking at the two possible options

Irma Boom

has produced show both the words and images that are all related to the topic but displayed well either on a whole page or a page with both a mixture of words and images.

Image taken from Google Images.

She is particularly acclaimed for her highly experminental approach to the design of books and catalogue, whereby the material form of the book is explored and pushed to its limits. Taking this into consideration I will use her designs and how she lays

This images shows the inside of Irma Boom’s book and shows that although minimul the layout has a mixture of both images and text to get the best out of the space on the page and explains the pictures in enough detial to get the best out of the audience and for them to understand what she is about just by looking at the pages without reading anything.

out the page and how she puts the words and images together. The layouts of the pages are set up so that they are easy to see what they are about and figure out what they are trying to get across with a good range and variety of images and words.The books that she

Martina Flor Martina Flor combines excels as both a designer and an illustrator in the drawing of letters. Therefore working with a focus on type, lettering and illustration for clients all over the world.

The chosen concept to develop the campaign was simultaneity, expressed trough strategy, creating pieces that work for both exhibitions, and through graphics, using overlapping images and applying a color code to identify each city. The created visual system could be used for future exhibitions between other cities.

One of the main things that I will take from all of Martinas work is the type she uses and the colours she uses to get the most out of the effect it wants to give off. However this piece I will use not jsut the font and the type but the way in which she has created a book and an advertising market product that opens up to reveal some-

thing within, a hidden message and hidden ideas. I will use this idea to make my typographic zone into a feature by getting it to be revealed someway without it being the main focus.

“Within a wide bulk of commissions for advertising campaigns, identities, books covers or art pieces for media I work combining letter shapes, color, compositionand texture to communicate a certain thing, to tell a story.”

Alex Fowkes Alex Fowkes is a Graphic designers and typographer, who has worked with multiple people and companies on typography, including sony, olly murs and Next etc. However the main part of

his work that stands out for me is his portfolio work and the way in which he has used his type and graphics to produce a book showing o fhis talents in a way that shows of the best of him.

Therefore I feel that I can use this for my book to show of the best type in York.

Alex Fowkes

Here is another example of Alez Fowkes portfolio work showing parts of the layouts and how he has used images as the central

focus with the type and the words displayed in a layout that is easy to understand and in line with the image to show what each section is about to make it easily understood. I will take inspiration from this when laying out my final piece of work and how it

can be presented,After looking into the work of Alex I wanted to see how he went about producing his portfolio, from here I saw his Vimeo:


Erik Almas

When looking into the seasons of the city I am going to look at the fashion within York at the different times and see how much the differ depending on the season and what influences it, the temperature, whats in at that particular time that everyone wants to be seen wearing.An idea being to look at everyday people in the city, passers by that are walking and see the day to day fash-

ion as well as looking into the shop windows of clothes and also the catwalk at that particular time. The images above show fashion in cities and have been taken by a photographerto show of fashion but chosen to do it in the city, this showing that the city is a big factor that plays a role in the city.

After assisting Jim Erikson for three years, he decided to fly solo and has not landed since. Shooting constantly and traveling around the world for clients such as Toyota, Puma, Nike, Hyatt, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Kaiser Permanente, USPS, Citibank and Amtrak.

Alon Avissar

In regards to the seasons of the city it has been demonstrated with a twist by Graphic designer and ilustrator Alon Avissar who has taken aspects of the city and the season and used them to create double exposure portraits.

“With it being the dead of winter and having been snowed in for the past couple days now, I starting thinking about what designs I could create based on the theme of ‘seasons� As an idea for a final piece I feel i could do something similar to this within the city using words or phrases etc of what people have said about the city using primary research like earlier shown with the words associated with the city.


These illustrations shows the different seasons and have been displayed in various different forms including cards, posters etc. they can be used on various aspects. I like the way in which these have been designed with the colours, the typography that has been used around the images and the fact that buildings have been used, these are all things I aim to use in my final piece therefore I feel i can take a lot from these 4 little pieces of illustration.

Old VS New

Looking into both the old and new of the city, it becomes apparent exactly how diverse York is and how close both the old and the new architecture are, they are located near each other, the longest walk to find a contrast being only 10 minute walk until you find the opposite period of times architecture. This gives me something to look at with the building and then within the building I can look at the logos of the shop and the interiors to see if they follow the same time period.

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