Earth artifacts Development

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Brief 2 Development/Finals

Over the next few weeks you are required to submit creative proposals through to finished design work/animation for a new version of the ‘Golden Record’ entitled, ‘Earth Artifact’. This does not have to be a slavish reproduction of the original golden record, but could be a more contemporary

version, which should be reflected in the content and the format/media channel of your choice. You should document all stages of the research and design process, which should demonstrate a critical understanding of the design challenge.

You should be inventive and demonstrate your ingenuity in solving this creative challenge. It is important you generate several creative solutions, taking one justified idea forward to a final solution.

Initial Designs

On both this page and the opposing page are examples of some of the very initial designs which I was trying to portray within all my designs and the way in which I planned on taking this brief. The ideas behind these and other starter designs was to have a design that you had to look into and not something that you could intially see when you first glanced at the poster, you had to look further into the

pictures to discover a meaning. All of the designs has facts about either the voyagers or the way in which we communicate on day to day life in this era. The design above was ment to show the way we communicate now vs then and the way that we can communicate around the world now compared to when the voyagers were launched. The red lines were used to show that people zone in and zoom int

their mobile phones now a days and seem to think that this is the one and only form of communication. Although this was the intention of the design although it may be breif it allows the audience that is viewing it to portray it how they want and put their own meanings on the design and what they feel the design is saying about communication. The design also includes a fact as with all

the other designs that were part of the intial phase. The design on this side of the publication shows a much more simplier looking design to the eye. This design is simple but inside the larger circle is ways in which we communicate both in the prestn and also as part of the past. The cirlce has been split so you can view multiple ways of communication unlike the way in which the voyager

was sent up to gain information and communicate with further countries and places. Something that is vital when looking at these initial designs was the way in which is was all designed and sturctured in circles, this is a key feature do to the golden record being circular. Also the use of black and white is the fact that space is something that is rarely spoken about due to the complexity of it and how little we know about it

therefore I thought using black and white for the deisgns would add the mystery that was indended in space.

Expanding design to compress Space and the voyagers

This page shows some of the experimentation that took palce when I had finally decided to use infographics as the final design for my reaction to this breif, earth artifacts. The posters which are displayed above are set to be a series of posters about the voyagers, space and how we communicate both now and then. These posters on this page and folowing on to the next 2 pages are all part of a se-

quence. All the designs take some aspects from the initial ideas and my research by using the circles as the main and most important part of the posters, this is the main focus of the psoters that stands out due to them following on from each other also. Also the black and white is continued a long with a gold colour that makes an appearnace in areas of the poster, this signifies

the gold from the golden record. All the infroamtion that is displayed on the psoters has been carefully selected by myself using both secondary and primary research. The information tell us more about the voyagers, communication etc.

The first poster that you can see on this double page spread is all infromation surrounding voyager 1 and the ways in which we communicate. Poster 2 (above) is similar to the first poster however ore focused on voyager 2 and how we communicate. The final poster on this sread is about the golden record and waht was on it, what it looked like, its dimentions etc.

Expanding design to compress Space and the voyagers

Here are other examples of inforgraphic posters that I have designed. These two unliike the previous spread are a bit different purely due to the style of the posters. They dont follow the same look as the other posters or the same as each other (the opposite designs on this spread), they completely different in there own way. Although both inforgraphic the design above is about the planets and the solar

system. I chose to do an infographic poster about the solar system as when i was researching about the voyagers and trying to gain primary research about this and any other aspect of space it was surprising the number of people that have little knowledge of space including the basics like the planets. The facts that I have chosen to display on this poster are ones which I felt needed to

be known by people as some of the most important facts which people should know but the majoirty dont.

The above infographic poster is different to the others due to it all being on just one topic, this being the the voyagers mission timeline. This is where both of the voyagers were t different stages of time, due to them constantly moving i chose what i thought to be the most important. I have chosen to follow on like the previous spread to use the colour scheme black white and a golden yellow, also using the

circle look to both represent the golden record and also to allow me to get the best display out of the timeline to make it interesting for the reader as something like this the information can be boring to read. The information on here is also something that is unknown to a lot of people therefore why i chose to do a design on it. Like all the inforgraphics under this section, space and the voyagers, they are all aimed

to teach the basics of both space and the voyagers but to allow the audience to interperate them all how they wish when they first look at them.

Expanding design to compress Communication

This page shows some of the experimentation that took palce when I had finally decided to use infographics as the final design for my reaction to this breif. I have decided as well as informing people on the voagers and into space I also want to show them how communcation has chnaged within our societies now a days. I decided to look into this as I feel thatwe need to be aware of how things are growing

and changing depending on whether it be for better or worse. Therefore I have decided that creating a multiple of posters for social media is the best way to show how our lives revolve around this media now and the fact that we rely heavily on mobile phones rather than communicating with people face to face. This unlike the time of the voyagers ment that we are distancing ourselves from peo-

ple rather than bringing people together like the voyagers aim is to do.

All of the posters of which I have created on this page like them all are a sequence of infographics which follow on and all relate. The facts that are displayed on these infographic posters ar the most up to date information that was taken from both primary and secondary research therefore are as reliable as possible. Something that I thought needed to be changed was the fact that these posters are

only geared towards the two amin social medias which the majoirty of people use, however it is stil neccesary to know about the others whether this be only a little bit.

These two designs are formed from the previoud pages as I felt that they needed to be cut down into fewer numbers of posters as the user may look at the amount that is there and not want to find out anything due to them being overwhelmed by the situation. These posters have all the information from the other posters but just as a longer version that si more compact to make sure

they are more interesting to look at. With the social media posters ive got only condensed all the information but ive also added what i thought it was lacking before.

Something which I wish to continue within this brief is what I saw and thought about when doing my research is an inforgraphic website with information about both the forms of communication and also the voyagers including the golden record. This was seen from David Paliwoda as he did something similar which if I knew how to with more skills and help could achieve. I would also continue to work on other infographic posters to do with ocmmunication including how we get from place to another to communicate, the way we travel now in comparison to using the voyagers like the golden record was sent up in.

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