The Fear of Public Speaking / The WHAT IFS?

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The Fear of Public Speaking


What Ifs?

What If?

I’m Not Perfect? I Must Be Perfect, Right?

What If? The Audience Doesn’t Like Me?

WHAT If? The Last Speaker was Really, Really Good, and Compared to Them

I Stink!


What If? Many People Have Is What Topic Could I Talk About that Would Interest Anyone?

EVERYONE Has Something of Value to Speak About!

The Problem:

You’re Too Close to Yourself.

Sometimes Your Knowledge Base is so WIDE and DEEP. . .

You Don’t ‘Know What You Know’!

YOU Have Knowledge and Experiences People Would Love to Know About, and Would Benefit Them!

You Have a Story, Don’t You?

Photo Credit: martinak15

Answer These Questions About Your Story. Who Cares? What will you do different next time?

What did you learn?

So What?

“I Have Nothing to Talk About”

“I Have Nothing to Talk About”



Audience is Waiting!


NO SWEAT Public Speaking

NO SWEAT Public Speaking! Book Or Prospect!


NO SWEAT Elevator Speech! Template

NO SWEAT Elevator Speech! Book


"Enough about me. How does your company handle Public Speaking and Presentation Training?"

"Enough about me. What do you do?"

Your USP Unique Selling Proposition.

I show them how to Develop, Practice, and Deliver "Knock Your Socks Off!" Presentations with NO SWEAT!

Your WHY? "People don't buy What you do. They buy Why you do it." Simon Sinek's Golden Circle

Because is an influencer Word.

8th Floor

They also know we perceive really good speakers as EXPERTS! We like to work with EXPERTS! - Correct? People who take and make those opportunities: Grow their Businesses, advance their Careers, and increase their Leadership Roles.

They do this because they know: Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.

Robert Cialdini

Hire Me gets right to the point. It's a good dis-qualifier. Your Expertise Years in business, awards, major accomplishments.

The Elevator Speech starts simple. As interest increases and time permits, it is expanded.

7th Floor

If "Yes" Ask, "What's the next step?

Describe What I do for them


6th Floor

More WHY

5th Floor


Businesses and Individuals Hire Me because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. 4th Floor

What I Deliver


Describe Expertise

The title of my first book is, "NO SWEAT Public Speaking!"

I'm a Speaker, a Coach, and an Author. 2ndFloor

Describe What You Do

Hello! My name is Fred Miller.

NO SWEAT Elevator Speech! Audio NO SWEAT Elevator Speech! On-Line Course

1st Floor

Describe Who You Are

More Why they hire me

Why the hire me

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