It is with great pleasure and anticipation that I stand before you as a newcomer to the remarkable SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi, and let me tell you, I am brimming with excitement!
The buzz surrounding this event is nothing short of extraordinary, providing countless reasons to bring a smile to one’s face. Speaking of smiles, this year’s theme #4Smiles which is aligned with the national SPAR “We’re for smiles” campaign, fills me with immense joy.
I am thrilled to invite the entire Jozi community to join me as we embark on this incredible journey.
Let’s unite under the vibrant spirit of Jozi and celebrate the power of togetherness. This event promises to be an extraordinary experience characterised by laughter, camaraderie,
and unforgettable memories. Together, we will create an enchanting tapestry of smiles that will resonate for years.
Please mark your calendars for 1 October, Marks Park – rally your friends, and let the SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi shine as the pinnacle of our year. I eagerly await the opportunity to share this event’s magic with you.
Prepare yourselves for an unforgettable occasion, Jozi-style! With great enthusiasm, I look forward to seeing your smile there!
Maxine D’Amico SPAR Inland Promotions & Advertising ManagerPrepare yourselves for an unforgettable occasion, Jozi-style!
Iam overjoyed to address you with great excitement for the upcoming SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi. This event goes beyond just a race; it embodies the core values that define SPAR.
In challenging times, we have remained committed to positively impacting the community. As we return to Marks Park, we are reminded of the strength and resilience of the Jozi community.
At SPAR, we believe in togetherness, friendship, and support. The SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi represents these values, creating community and collective strength.
Beyond lacing up our running shoes, we are lacing up our commitment to make a difference. This event supports the Smile Foundation, bringing smiles to those in need. Together, we can uplift lives and spread joy.
The SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi
embodies our #4Smile theme message, reminding us to find happiness in giving back. It invites us all to join hands and make a meaningful impact.
As we gather at Marks Park, let us embrace inclusivity, unity, and support. Let us celebrate the power of coming together for a common cause. We treasure your participation as runners and ambassadors of our shared values.
Thank you to all our sponsors, whose unwavering support drives positive change in our community.
Embrace the magic of the SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi. Lace-up your commitment to make a difference. Together, we can!
We can’t wait to welcome you back to where the real magic happens –right here in the heart of Jozi!
It is with great excitement that the LOC of the SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi will welcome all to Marks Park on Sunday, 1 October 2023.
As per the famous quote by “Terminator” Arnold Schwarzenegger – “we are back”! The SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi, as an open mass participation Challenge, is back after a 3-year absence due to Covid-19.
This is the 6th Challenge in the SPAR Grand Prix series and, while it is difficult to compete with running courses at coastal events believe we will be offering our beautiful ladies a scenic and relatively fast running course. Most definitely not a flat course but the nu of uphills and downhills are sure to balance out with the result of a “fast course”.
The running course for the SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi is the same as in 2019. The start is split into two – one for the 5km fun runners and one for the 10km runners. All finishing on the Crick Field of Marks Park at an altitude of approx. 1,640m.
As there are two different start lines, the two running courses are detached from each other and only merge when entering Marks Park for the last 100m towards the finish line.
Both running courses are also single laps and starting the 10km and then deciding to only run 5km will therefore not be an option.
May all our runners on Sunday, 1 October have a safe run and a great experience. It is our privilege to serve you on Challenge day and we are confident that the SPAR hospitality will meet your highest expectations.
Leon SwanepoelMay all our runners on Sunday, 1 October have a safe run and a great experience.
Iamthrilled to share an exciting announcement about the name change from SPAR Women’s Challenge Jo’burg to SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi.
This change is a testament to SPAR’s dedication to inclusivity, innovation, and staying relevant in everything we do. We believe that Jozi, a beloved nickname for Johannesburg, better represents the vibrant spirit and unique identity of our fantastic city and its people.
Despite the name change, you can still expect an incredible and exhilarating day at Marks Park on 1 October. The event will be filled with all the excitement, camaraderie, and empowerment you have come to love and expect from the SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi.
I am immensely proud of our team’s commitment to creating an inclusive platform that celebrates women’s achievements and provides a sense of belonging. Through your participation and support, we can continue to make a positive impact in our community.
I want to thank every one of you for your ongoing support. Your enthusiasm and dedication inspire us to push boundaries and create unforgettable experiences for all participants.
Get ready to embrace the vibrant spirit of Jozi and join us for an unforgettable SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi. Let’s celebrate our collective strength, determination, and the power of coming together as a community.
SPAR South Rand: Marketing DirectorYour enthusiasm and dedication inspire us to push boundaries and create unforgettable experiences for all participants.
Charleen Goschen
After 3 years, the Central Gauteng Athletics is pleased that the 2023 edition of the SPAR Women’s Challenge, will once again allow thousands of ladies to physically participate in the Challenge.
Over the years the SPAR Women’s Challenge has proven to be South Africa’s most beautiful road race in Jozi. We are positive that the Challenge will continue to attract women from all walks of life as sports has the astonishing power to bring communities together. The Challenge has managed to face a number of obstacles head on, but most importantly has brought smiles to the faces of all the ladies taking part.
We welcome events such as the SPAR Women’s Challenge that complement some of our programmes and encourage women’s participation in athletics and, more significantly, open conversation on the challenges that women face on a day-to-day basis restricting them from sports participation. We need to rally behind our ladies and encourage them to excel in sports.
The Challenge has managed to strike the perfect balance between catering for the large numbers of women who want to participate for various reasons including healthy living, and offering great incentives for our elite career runners. Jozi’s SPAR Women’s Challenge is definitely one of the top races in our elite runners’ annual calendars.
We also welcome the additional incentives for our local athletes which will go a long way in encouraging women to participate in sports.
Central Gauteng Athletics promises each and every participant a day to remember and further commits to ensuring that the Challenge is technically sound.
On behalf of Central Gauteng Athletics, I would like to thank all participants for embracing the Challenge, the media for their continued support in covering all athletics events and the Organising Committee led by Marlene Gunter and Cornel Steyn, who continuously make the SPAR Women’s Challenge one of the CGA events to remember.
We need to rally behind our ladies and encourage them to excel in sports.
We are so excited to see you all in person on 1 October 2023! To be able to run/walk together as a community after spending so much time apart is truly something to be grateful for this year. Join us for a 10km run or a 5km fun run and remember to wear your smile!
• Licensed athletes must wear their ASA 2023 licence numbers on the front and the back of their vests when participating in the 10km.
• Unlicensed athletes in the 10km must purchase a temporary licence and wear it on the back of the vest.
• SPAR Race numbers must be worn on the front. The race number must not cover the logo on the ASA licence number.
• Athletes competing for age category prizes must display the official numerical age category tags on the front and the back of their vest.
• A temporary licence is not required for the 5km fun run. The Race number must be worn on the front of the vest in the 5km fun run.
After showing just how gloriously we can rise up, stand up and overcome last year, this year the SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi invites you to find your reason #4Smiles. It doesn’t matter if you have a gap between your teeth or a slightly crooked grin we want to let you know that your smile is beautiful. We encourage you to look around you and find the big, and small, things in your life that make you smile. And when you find your smile, share it and be the infectious smile in someone else’s world. Spreading our smiles is definitely a pandemic we would love to see take over! For the first time in three years we are able to get together, celebrate life and see each one of your beautiful smiles, so join us as we find and celebrate all the amazing reasons we have to smile this year! #4Smile
WEBSITE: www.sparwomensjozi.co.za
TIK TOK : @SPARWomensJozi
PUBLISHER Free Radical Media info@freeradicalmedia.co.za
MANAGING EDITOR Kim Smit editor@freeradicalmedia.co.za
Aneska Meintjes +27 82 851 1441 aneska@freeradicalmedia.co.za
IMAGES © iStockphoto.com, 123RF, Official SPAR Photographer: Reg Caldecott
ADVERTISING SALES info@freeradicalmedia.co.za
Cornel Steyn, Charleen Goschen, Leon Swanepoel, Maxine D’Amico, Kim Smit, Steven Khanyile, Reach for Recovery, Smile Foundation, Elana AfrikaBredenkamp, Andrea Kellerman, Yolanda Bukani, Louzanne Coetzee, Rene Kalmer, Christine Kalmer, ASICS, Sportsman’s Warehouse
My Tshwane Challenge Magazine is published annually by Free Radical Media. My Tshwane Challenge is subject to copyright in its entirety. The contents may not be reproduced in any form, either in whole or in part, without the written consent of the publisher. Unless specified, all rights are reserved in material accepted for publication. All letters and other unsolicited submissions (manuscripts, art, photographs and other materials) will be considered for publication unless clearly labeled ’not for publication’. All letters may be subject to editing. My Tshwane Challenge is not responsible for any unsolicited submissions.
Free Radical Media reserves the right to reject any advertising at our discretion without explanation. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Free Radical Media, SPAR or their clients. Information has been included in good faith by the publisher and is believed to be correct at the time of going to print. No responsibility can be accepted for errors and omissions. No material (articles or photographs) in this publication may be reproduced, in whole or in part, without specific written permission from Free Medical Media.
No liability is accepted by Free Radical Media, the publisher, SPAR nor the authors for any information contained herein. Neither My Tshwane Challenge magazine, SPAR nor its publisher is responsible for damage or harm, of whatever description, resulting from persons undertaking any activity or health advice featured in My Tshwane Challenge magazine.
Submissions of articles and photographs for publication are welcomed, but the publisher, while exercising all reasonable care, cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage.
Keep your eyes on our social media pages for you chance to win some amazing prizes in the run up to Challenge day! We will be posting surprise competitions in the coming weeks, so stalk us so you don’t miss out!
In 2022 the beautiful ladies of Jozi rose together once again for the third national SPAR Women’s Virtual Challenge. Your support for the Petals Project and the fight against Gender-Based Violence allowed SPAR to help many young girls and women rise. Even with the limitations and obstacles thrown across our paths by the pandemic over the last three years, the SPAR ladies showed once again that they can rise, be heard and make a difference. The ladies of Jozi took to the streets, hiking trails and park runs to show the world that no matter what we are facing, women will rise. Thank you to all the women who rose to the Challenge in 2022! #IRise
You have collected your race number and you’re ready to go! Here are some guidelines to help you get out on the road safely on Sunday, 1 October 2023.
03 01
Are dogs on a leash allowed?
Unfortunately not. Large crowds can often be overwhelming for our four-footed friends, so for their safety and yours leave them at home to enjoy a relaxing Sunday snooze..
to avoid tripping up the other runners.
Can we bring cooler bags with drinks to enjoy while our families run?
02 04
Can you bring your baby in a pram?
You are welcome to bring along your little one in a pram to participate with you on the day, but please keep in mind that you will need to start at the back
Unfortunately not, but never fear, we’ve got you covered with a variety of food vendors who will be at the venue on the day.
Can I bring my own braai stand?
Unfortunately not, but there will be plenty of options from food vendors at the venue on the day.
Do kids pay to take part in the race?
If your little one can run on their own then they will need to pay an entrance fee, only children in prams can participate for free.
What is the cut-off time for the runners?
All participants will have 120 minutes to cross the finish line..
When does the prize giving start?
Make sure to join us at 10am for the prize giving and lucky draw.
Are wheelchairs allowed?
Regrettably, no mechanically operated devices, blades, cycles or wheelchairs are permitted to participate in the Challenge without special permission granted by the organisers.
When does the registration close?
Pre-entries close on 17 September 2023 at midnight but you can still enter at the venue from Wednesday, 27 September until Saturday, 30 September 2023.
Can I swop my race t-shirt for another size?
Unfortunately, no. T-shirts will be allocated on a first-come, firstserved basis. Please ensure that you indicate your correct size when you enter, as no exchanges will be allowed.
Where does the lucky draw slip go?
Lucky draw slips are torn off and placed in the draw bin by Athletics Club staff at the goodie bags collection point.
Is there a place for my tog bag?
Tog bag facilities are available at Marks Park Sports Club, please look out for the signage.
Can I collect my race number on the morning of the challenge?
You are welcome to collect your race number any time between 6am and 7am on Challenge day.
I have my race number and t-shirt, must I still go to registration on Challenge day?
You are all set to go, there is no need to go to registration on Challenge day.
Where does the race start?
The 5km fun run starts on the corner of Hill and Umgeni Roads. The 10km starts on the corner of Hill and Buffalo Roads.
I have won prize money; when will it be paid?
Prize money payments will be done every Friday, after the doping test results. Please check your account carefully before phoning to enquire.
Prize money will be paid after:
• Results have been verified.
• Organisers have received all prize winners’ banking details.
• The doping test results have been received.
Must I wear the SPAR Women’s Challenge t-shirt?
Although it is not compulsory, SPAR would appreciate it.
Why are only women allowed to win prizes while men run the race to support them?
Because it is a women’s Challenge. Yes, men can also take part but they do not qualify for any lucky draws or prizes at the prize giving. They will, however, receive a goodie bag and a medal.
Will there be medical assistance available at the race?
Yes. There will be a clearly marked medical tent on the field manned by qualified staff.
Is there water along the route?
There are two refreshment stations on the 10km route and one refreshment station on the 5km fun run route.
Where can we park?
There is ample parking available in the designated parking areas. Please look out for the official SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi parking officers who will be wearing bright yellow SPAR bibs. You should only follow directions from our officials and not from any other parking guard in order to park in one of our safe designated areas. For more information, please visit www.sparwomensjozi.co.za.
How do I show off my time?
10km participants will receive a SMS directly after the race with their provisional time and position. Race results will be available on the website: www.sparwomensrace.co.za
Who benefits from this year’s Challenge?
This year’s race charities are the Smile Foundation and Reach for Recovery, so you will be helping children and women smile again after life-changing surgery.
Now it’s over to you, come along, have fun, and enjoy the Challenge with thousands of other women on 1 October 2023 at Marks Park Sports Club!
How does the SPAR Women’s Challenge uplift women within SPAR stores?
The SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi encourages all women to harness their power, to strive, to connect and converse and make a difference. It creates opportunities to become part of a collaborative community that collectively rises above all our challenges. SPAR, as a brand, is a family brand and as three sisters running a family business, SPAR has ignited and fuelled our vision of growing and building sustainable communities.
Being a SPAR retailer is a massive responsibility that requires financial muscles to be able to execute all your retail obligations. Retail is tough, yet it is fulfilling to know that we are creating sustainable jobs, upskilling, educating, coaching and mentoring to build an extraordinary winning team. Lastly, we
want to delight every customer who visits our SPAR by ensuring that their wants, needs and desires are met when they think of SPAR as a brand. Walking into SPAR Express Wynberg and SPAR Express Golden Meadows, our customers are always welcomed with the warmth of freshness and friendliness that compels them to fill up their baskets, leaving them with the experience of wanting to come back.
Most importantly, as three sisters from a very close-knit family, family starts with us and it means inclusion. It means casting our business net even further. Family plays a fundamental role in shaping our identity, values, and sense of belonging. While the traditional concept of family often revolves around blood relations, being a part of the SPAR family transcends biological ties. For us, being a member of the SPAR family signifies more than just a connection— it represents a profound sense of
SPAR is a champion of women and family values and this could not be clearer than the story of Nawaal, Nozipho and Tumi Mdluli. These three driven sisters are making a name for themselves as part of the SPAR family as retailers and leaders in their communities. They share with us what it means to be a part of SPAR and the SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi.
belonging, support, and empowerment. The SPAR family encompasses individuals from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, fostering an inclusive space where acceptance and understanding flourish. Regardless of our differences, we share a common bond built on respect, trust, and shared goals. This shared sense of belonging provides a strong foundation for personal growth and fulfilment.
One of the remarkable aspects of the SPAR family is the unwavering support that permeates every interaction. Whether facing challenges or pursuing ambitious dreams, the SPAR family stands by your side, offering guidance, encouragement, and a shoulder to lean on. Within this community, the concept of “we rise by lifting others” is deeply ingrained. Members cheer for one another’s accomplishments and rally together during difficult times. The sense of solidarity instils a powerful belief that we are never alone as new family members, and with the SPAR family’s support, we can overcome any obstacle.
Nawaal is an assertive businesswoman and natural leader who began her entrepreneurial journey in the tender years of her childhood and has managed to capitalise on every opportunity in which she could unleash her business passion. She is dynamic and an astute advocate for responsible parenting and women’s economic emancipation.
Being a first-born child, Nawaal likes to be the first, to lead and to learn as she grows. A highly experienced marketing, sales, media and retail guru with extensive knowledge and skills in marketing and business administration, she is a force to be reckoned with. Nawaal’s ability to mobilise and manage a diverse and dynamic organisation using a winning business model, along with her fresh ideas and creativity, are key to her phenomenal success. She has established herself in the fields of retail, mining, farming, media and construction, and is a Shell Petroleum retailer of multilpe sites and owns various restaurants between Gauteng and Mpumalanga. She is a shareholder of Samancor and serves as a board member for the FRA as the newly-appointed Regional Chairperson of Gauteng.
Retail has been a gamechanger for her and has elevated her entrepreneurial horizons. Her dream is to take SPAR to the townships and make it easy for her community to enjoy SPAR’s brand freshness on their doorsteps.
Nozipho is a young, black South African businesswoman whose various business interests include gaming and entertainment, petroleum, and food retailing. Assertive and intelligent, Nozipho began her entrepreneurial journey at a very early age.
This natural-born leader has been passionate about taking gaming and entertainment to the doorsteps of community members in Mpumalanga, thus, seeing the growth of a business that has generated jobs for young men and women in South Africa.
Nozipho is currently the CFO at Kwenta Group, serves as a board member of Coca Cola Provident Fund, and is also a Shell retailer with a sharp eye on the forever changing and demanding business landscape.
She is aware of the importance of providing jobs and skills development opportunities to local community members, which is why she adopted a school in Mpumalanga where she supplies school uniforms to the learners and offers learnership programmes to the youth of Alexandra township.
Nozipho is indeed a powerful force, and her ability to manage and mobilise a diverse and dynamic organisation using a winning model, along with her fresh ideas and creativity, are key to her phenomenal success.
Tumi is the youngest daughter and comes from a family where her parents instilled in her a love of education from an early age. High school exposed Tumi to people from different backgrounds, which taught her how to respect every person, to value their culture and beliefs, and especially how to survive in a diverse environment. She learned many life lessons once she started university, and it was during these years that the fashion and beauty editor started working.
After completing her Law qualification in 2009 she joined the challenging yet exciting business world as a young director of Kwenta Group. Tumi and her sisters were fortunate enough to be awarded the opportunity to be part of the Shell and SPAR families. She is the Director and Franchisee of Shell and SPAR Express Golden Meadows, where she showcases her hands-on managerial and controls skills. She has become a confident young lady who is respected by those she works with.
“I love what I do and love the fact that I am empowered and supported to further my studies. I have grown tremendously from the young woman who started working for Kwenta Media in 2010 to the person that I am today –owning my own businesses, and making a difference for my fellow South Africans.”
The SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi has always been more than just a race. It celebrates women, their strength, and their impact on society. This year, we have chosen the Smile Foundation as one of our beneficiaries. The foundation’s mission and values align perfectly with the Challenge’s objectives and theme for this year, #4Smiles.
TheSmile Foundation is a South African non-profit organisation that was established in response to a call made by the late Nelson Mandela. The organisation helps children with facial abnormalities and burns to receive corrective plastic and reconstructive surgery. Smile Foundation has partnered with 17 academic hospitals in South Africa, where they invest in skills development programmes and purchase much-needed medical equipment and consumables. In addition, they offer psychological support to patients and their families before, during, and after surgery. They also provide parent-toparent support, enabling parents and caregivers to connect with other families who have walked the same journey. Their vision is to help children live a life inspired by confidence and possibility; no matter their circumstances, they aim to transform the lives of children affected by facial abnormalities and severe burns through the best possible medical and psychological care. This aligns perfectly with the SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi’s theme for this year #4Smiles.
This year, the focus for the SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi is on bringing smiles to the faces of children in need. On May 8th, 2023, SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi sponsored four essential procedures for children at the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital in Johannesburg during the hospital’s first Smile Week initiative. The children who received treatment were between 18 months and 8 years old, and the
procedures performed included cleft lip and palate reconstructions. By sponsoring these procedures, you and the SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi have helped to bring joy and hope to the lives of four children and their families. This initiative is helping to create positive change and make a meaningful impact in the lives of those in need.
The Smile Foundation’s story is rooted in the belief that our nation’s future is in our children’s hands. The late Nelson Mandela’s call to help Thando, a girl who suffered from a rare medical condition causing facial nerve paralysis, started a journey that has already helped over 5066 children.
Smile Foundation’s CEO, Kim Robertson Smith, has been an invaluable team member since its inception 23
years ago, intially as a volunteer and for the last two years as CEO. In addition, her extensive managerial experience in the medical sales and marketing arena and her passion for helping others make her the perfect leader for Smile Foundation.
Smile Foundation’s commitment to providing the best possible medical and psychological care to children with facial abnormalities and severe burns is genuinely inspiring. With the support of benefactors like the SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi and teams of medical staff, Smile Foundation can continue to help children become the heroes in their own stories, sprinkle a little bit of magic into their lives and give them a future full of joy.
In 2013 a beautiful baby girl, Princess, was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. Her mom, Sylvia, wasn’t expecting this complication as her three older children were all born healthy. Sylvia then heard about Smile Foundation and connected with us, and we have been supporting Princess with her surgeries since 2014. When Princess was just 4 months old she received her first surgery at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital and has undergone four procedures to date - one cleft lip repair, two cleft palate repairs and one fat grafting. During the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital Smile Week, Princess underwent an alveolar bone graft, performed by Prof. Saleigh Adams. An alveolar bone graft is a surgery to add bone to the gum ridge in a child who was born with both a cleft lip and a cleft palate. The surgery was a complete success and Princess was happy and playing games the day after surgery.
Princess is turning 10 in September this year, and is a thriving, confident young lady who loves to talk and interact with people. She also gives the biggest and best hugs.
This little girl has the most beautiful smile and nature. Sheron Saliete, Ayama’s mother, was extremely excited that her daughter was being given this opportunity at 9 months old. This would now mean that her daughter would be able to live a healthy normal life, be able to eat without trouble, and at a later stage develop normal speech without the help of a speech therapist. Sheron was very nervous on the day they rolled her baby into surgery and, as any mom would, felt that time stood still while she waited for news. We will never forget the look on her face when she burst into tears at the sight of her little Ayama in recovery.
Our precious Nokukhanya is very special to us at Smile as she is syndromic which made it very difficult to arrange for a problem-free operation, she had us all very worried from beginning to end. Our prayers never stopped and finally Dr Saleigh Adams gave us the go ahead after making 100% sure that she would make a full recovery. Her mother, Sibongile was sitting with her husband in tears from the time they arrived at the hospital. This was their seventh trip to the hospital and all they wanted was for their baby to get the help she needed, which had not been possible until now due to her high risk condition. This morning after Nokukhanya’s surgery, she experienced some complications, but the doctors were all on board to ensure she was moved to high care and received the treatment she needed. Nokukhanya is now stable, strong, healthy and making a full recovery. “We got the miracle we needed through Smile Foundation,” smiled Sibongile.
Khothatso was very familiar with the process of surgery after already having his cleft lip repaired. This little boy was not only very energetic but also extremely naughty, keeping his mother on her toes before his surgery. The relief on her face once the porter came to fetch her son was priceless, she then eagerly followed behind. Once out of surgery Khothatso bounced back immediately and was his normal energetic self, making everyone laugh, and very excited to get back home.
Reach for Recovery is part of the international organisation, Reach to Recovery, which was founded in 1952 in the USA by Therese Lasser. She was a mastectomy patient, who realised that not enough was being done for the women whose lives had changed dramatically in the space of a few hours. Through trial and error she learned to adapt to her new life. As a mastectomy patient who had adjusted well to her surgery she felt that she could provide assistance to other women, as she understood the psychological importance of a personal touch in helping women return to their previous way of living as quickly as possible after breast surgery. Following her visit to South Africa in 1967, a similar programme was initiated here. It is a voluntary and free service available to any woman who has had breast cancer.
Abreast cancer diagnosis and surgery can be devastating, overwhelming and leave a woman feeling very lonely. What she needs during this difficult time is to talk to someone who has walked this journey, someone who will understand what she is going through and who can give her hope. Reach for Recovery is built on a simple yet universal principle – one woman who has experienced breast cancer herself giving freely of her time and experience to assist and support another woman with breast cancer.
All the peer-support volunteers are breast cancer survivors. This makes
them the perfect people to understand the emotional and psychological needs of other breast cancer patients. They are carefully screened and undergo continuous training. Volunteers visit patients in hospital either before or after the operation and are there to listen, answer questions and provide nonmedical and practical advice.
Patients are supplied with a comfort kit consisting of literature dealing with various topics related to breast cancer patients, a cushion for under arm comfort and a bag to contain the port-au-vac drain. Most important is the provision of
supports more than 5000 breast cancer patients per year at 137 treatment centres across 6 provinces. Approximately one percent of men will also be affected by breast cancer and need radical surgery as they also have a small amount of breast tissue.
On 28 August 1987 Beulah
Jankelowitz heard the frightening news from her doctor, “I am sorry that you have breast cancer.” Her immediate reaction was, “Why me?” She was far too young with three young children at home. She had never smoked or drank, had gone to the gym regularly and eaten a healthy diet. In those days, she believed that cancer equalled death. Thankfully, over the years she has learned that your
chances are excellent if diagnosed early. Women need to be encouraged to check themselves regularly and shown how to do a simple self-examination. Apart from the scary diagnosis of CANCER, it is the loss of an important part of a woman’s body and their femininity, that affects her deeply on a psychological level and for women not on a medical aid, it is almost impossible to afford a silicone breast prosthesis. Beulah was in the fortunate position of having a very caring and supportive husband, however in some cultures the husband or partner rejects the woman as they consider her to be
incomplete, causing further psychological trauma. Reach for Recovery provides these women with the lifeline they need to start reclaiming their lives.
As one of the main beneficiaries of this year’s SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi, Reach for Recovery are extremely grateful to SPAR and will use the money to provide indigent women with a silicone prosthesis and a well-fitting bra. It is such a delight to see the look of joy on these women’s faces and for them to no longer need to use cotton wool or socks to fill the empty bra cup. Thank you for helping these women to walk tall with dignity once again.
For more information on Reach for Recovery, visit www.reach4recovery.org.za.
Jozi’s ambassadors are running through the streets of our beautiful city with smiles on their faces as they look forward to welcoming all our lovely ladies back to Mark’s Park! In the spirit of #4Smiles each of our ambassadors share their reason to smile every morning. They offer their top tips for getting ready for Challenge Day and the best places to train around Jozi. Maybe you’ll be lucky and see them out and about as you get ready to join us on 1 October!
Every day Mimi walks for 30 minutes in her lunch hour through the streets of Highlands North with a group of colleagues. She also started to gym with a personal trainer last year.
Reason #4Smiles:
My reason #4Smiles is my family, they are the ones who give me the strength to face the world, especially with my mental health issues. They have helped to support me and have gone through the journey of understanding what I am going through. Love for myself, love for friends, love for family, love for the human race in general – that always makes me smile. And food!
Elana keeps it old school and fun, she runs and walks in the roads around her home. This race is fun. If you are a newcomer - just move, even if it’s working out with a skipping rope, you don’t have to run. You can walk and just have fun!
Reason #4Smiles: The reason for my smile is gratitude.
Christine loves running at Emmarentia and Delta Park, as she gets to experience the outdoors, often meeting up with friends or taking the dogs for a walk. She also enjoys running past the Johannesburg Zoo and having a sneak peek at the cheetahs. Another favourite is running through the treelined streets of Westcliff, imagining the stories behind some of the historical houses and buildings.
Reason #4Smiles:
My reason #4Smiles is my beautiful family - my village, who helps me raise my son, Reuben. Another reason for smiles is that I get to call this beautiful country, with its beautiful people, home and that we get to make a difference.
Marlee loves to take her mountain bike out on the Hennops trails which also has great hiking routes. When she is looking for an outing with her kids and dog then she prefers to train at the more family-friendly, Emmarentia.
Reason #4Smiles:
I smile because I am grateful to live in a time where, as a woman, “I can do it for myself”, I don’t have to do life for anyone else. We are tremendously blessed to live in an era where we can enable one another as women.
René is blessed with two beautiful parks on her doorstep and she loves running in Delta or Emmarentia Park with her sister Christine and Jozi’s silhouette in the background. Track and field will always have a special place in René’s heart and she still loves doing track workouts at Ruimsig Stadium.
Reason #4Smiles: Looking back on my running career over the past three decades makes me smile, through the grace of God I was blessed to represent South Africa at two Olympic Games in Beijing and London. In the process I won 40 SA titles and 28 SPAR 10km’s over the years, but my greatest achievement is being the mom of two beautiful kids, Karli and Ivan. I just love experiencing life through their eyes and that is the reason for a permanent smile on my face.
If you can’t get to a gym then Faith suggests that you find a spot in your home to train. There are so many training and exercise videos online these days and there is sure to be something to help you to stay fit and exercise.
Reason #4Smiles:
I am pregnant with my second child and later this year there will be 4 smiles in our home! My biggest reason #4Smiles is my family and my amazing friends, and right now, food! Being around positive energy always puts a smile on my face.
Mary enjoys training in Bryanston but loves running in the Cradle and being in nature, it’s really beautiful.
Reason #4Smiles: Being in nature and doing what I love - running, swimming, cycling, mountain climbing - makes me smile. I also smile when I am with my family and when I see women coming together to achieve a common purpose.
Christine Kalmer Faith Motau Marlee van der MerweYolanda Bukani
Yolanda has recently moved to Killarney in Johannesburg, so she trains around Saxonwold which is so beautiful. She is also lucky enough to occasionally be able to run at Wanderers’ Cricket Stadium, which is stunning!
Reason #4Smiles:
I smile because I am grateful for the gift of life. This year I am celebrating 10 years in remission and for me that is a good enough reason to smile – I am alive, healthy and blessed. I also smile when I see my little man, Jody, smiling. Putting a smile on other people’s faces is another reason for me to smile. For instance, it brought me tremendous joy when we distributed sanitary products to young girls with the SPAR Women’s Challenge last year and saw their gratitude and smiles of appreciation.
Reason #4Smiles:
The fact that others appreciate what I do brings me joy and makes me feel worthwhile. My family and awesome friends keep a smile on my face and I remind myself to always have fun.
Reason #4Smiles:
The joy that comes with being around my family makes me smile automatically. Running always puts a smile on my face and I smile a lot when I accomplish my goals. I
Keep a spare hairband around your arm in case your hair comes loose while you’re running
If you are travelling for the race, remember to pack emergency supplies for your period, just in case
With her larger-than-life personality and bright smile, Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp certainly knows how to light up a room! She shares with us how she finds her smile in the highs and lows of life and the busyness of everyday.
It’s the best way I know to communicate! When I smile, people around me smile. It’s also my essenceI’m a happy person and smiling comes easily to me. I love smiling and I LOVE laughing!
How do you inspire those around you to smile?
I don’t think inspiring those around me is intentional, I just aim to live a good life and be a good person and mom. A good habit that I adopt most mornings is to make my family laugh – that’s one of the easiest ways to guarantee a smile – a tickle-monster marathon with the girls or a silly joke! And our latest craze – listening to 80s music after prayers, before we go on our school run – puts everyone in a good mood.
When I smile, people around me smile and it’s the easiest way I know to make someone’s day!
How has an infectious smile brightened your day?
Oh wow! I fly and travel often, so when people in service smile, it makes my day. As an entertainer and child of God I am always in service and it’s so wonderful when someone can give me a smile first. It makes me feel cared for and safe. A smile is more than just an expression – it’s a conversation starter and the beginning of a friendship.
How do you find joy in the everyday?
Joy and happiness are not the same thing for me. Even when I’m sad, busy or silly, I seek joy. For me, it is the same as finding peace. My family and my gratitude for life are my joy. The fact that my parents are still alive and well is my joy. I am loved by a wonderful man, that is my joy. Having purpose and giving to others through the radio is my joy. When I am filled with joy, then I can find things in my day that make me happy.
What motivates and inspires you to keep smiling?
My family. Oh gosh, it’s a busy house with 4 kids, 3 dogs, and Ian and I, all together. We laugh and live hard!
How do you find a balance in life, between work and family?
Maybe one day when I finally know what it means, I will use the word balance more, for now it is a word I seldom utter. Instead, I try to find an answer to what will make my day beautiful and filled with good people. My days are usually filled with family, work and time for me.
I am a self-named mompreneur. I designed the title for myself 8 years ago when I first began dreaming of being a mom and working towards a guilt-free career. It’s a tough journey, but there are days that I get it right.
Part of being a Mompreneur for me was starting a support network for moms and parents-to-be. I didn’t have a lot of support when I had my babies and I wanted to give parents the support and information they needed on their journey.
Catch Elana on her Baby Brunch podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts where she talks about a wide variety of topics that serve parents and non-parents, from mental health to how to deal with relationships. Scan the QR Code or download the App - Baby Brunch.
A reminder that we should not let what we face in life take away our smiles. Yolanda Bukani was diagnosed with cancer in 2012 and went through two very difficult years of illness and treatment. In those two years she learned to have hope and faith. The treatment was almost worse than the actual illness and being on chemotherapy was emotionally and physically draining, however, even during those hard times she continued to smile because she had hope. Life after cancer has not always been easy and she still lives with emotional and physical scars, but she continues to be grateful for the gift of life. Ten years later, Yolanda is still finding her smile.
you joy and happiness. I practice gratitude daily, on my tough days I remind myself that I could be lying in hospital. I find my joy by reminding myself that I am alive, I am healthy, I am blessed and I am here for a purpose.
What motivates and inspires you to keep smiling?
I have so many reasons to smile. I am blessed with a handsome young man who loves me so much. My son, Jody is one of my biggest reasons to keep smiling. I am also blessed with family and loved ones who genuinely love and appreciate me. Sharing my story inspires me to keep smiling. I have been sharing my cancer journey for 10 years now and people still come up to me and tell me how my journey inspires them to keep fighting, which inspires me to
Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile.
- Connor Franta
keep smiling because now I understand that I had to travel this journey in order to give hope to others.
When I was in isolation in hospital in 2013 having my stem cell transplant, there was a nurse who was expecting a baby. She was always so happy and positive, and seeing her smiling and laughing would brighten my days in hospital. Seeing someone else happy gave me the hope that I would also be happy again one day and 10 years later, here I am, living a happy life filled with lots of smiles.
Tell us about celebrating being cancer-free and your jump from Soweto Towers.
I can’t really explain what it feels like to be cancer-free. When you hear the doctor say that there are no more traces of cancer and that you are finally off chemo, it is the best feeling in this world. Every year on the 2 September I do something special to celebrate being cancer free. For me, that day is the day of my rebirth, it’s the day I celebrate having a new life. It’s the day that I received my stem cells. A few years ago, I bungee jumped for the first time. This year I am jumping off the Soweto
Towers because I have learned not to fear anything post-cancer. I live my life without limits because I believe that I have survived that which was meant to kill me. I celebrate life and live each day
For me, jumping off the Soweto Towers 10 years post-cancer, is symbolic of my cancer journey. Standing on the platform is similar to when I was diagnosed. I was scared, I was filled with fear of the unknown. For the first time in my life, I found myself on the edge, not knowing what the future held and I was forced to take a leap of faith and trust the doctors and their treatment plan. The treatment was not easy, it had so many lows, I got sick and I lost my hair and it changed me completely. I went through so much in those two years and it felt like falling through the air, not knowing when I would finally land, pain free and the nightmare over. But now, I am safely on the ground, in remission – 10 years cancer free!
happy. I believe that I can spread a smile and brighten someone else’s day even when I am not feeling my best, and their lifted spirits lights up my day in return. You have a beautiful smile, how do your smile and optimism inspire others?
Louzanne Coetzee, our Paralympian ambassador, is uniquely qualified to answer this question as she shares her thoughts and inspiration on hearing smiles and finding joy in the small blessings of life. She believes that to a certain extent you can hear a smile through the tones in which people speak and how they respond to you. When Louzanne listens to someone’s voice and they sound warm, she usually imagines a smile and that makes her happy.
Tell us about experiencing smiles in everyday life, even when you can’t see them.
It is wonderful to hear the warmth in someone’s voice when they are kind to you. I think any human being who experiences a smile, whether you can hear or see them, appreciates it, because kindness is something we don’t experience enough of as humans. I think in our South African context it is important to smile a lot, stay positive and be kind to each other no matter what our challenges are. We need to remember we are all facing challenges together.
How do you find joy in the everyday?
Finding joy in the everyday is actually not that hard. We need to remember to
enjoy the little things, and appreciate even the small things in life. Don’t be afraid to let things excite you because that’s what gives you energy. Live without boundaries and get a little crazy sometimes, don’t always try to contain and compose yourself.
What motivates and inspires you to keep smiling?
My motivation to keep smiling comes from others. The fact that others appreciate what I do brings me joy and makes me feel worthwhile. Also, I have lots of fun and I don’t take myself too seriously.
How has an infectious smile brightened your day?
A smile always brightens my day, because the joy of others makes me
I hope that it inspires others. I hope that it gives them hope and allows them to realise that, despite their challenges, it is still worth smiling. Life is not that serious. We all face challenges, but it does not help to be negative about them.
According to Pablo Arias, a cognitive scientist at the Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics/Music in Paris, people can hear smiles –– and often respond in kind when they do. The facial movements necessary to smile create subtle yet important differences in how our voices sound when we speak. Smiling makes us subconsciously adjust the pitch and cadence of our speech to match, just as the register of our voices is often lower and our speech slower when we’re feeling low.
Smiling affects how we speak, to the point that listeners can identify the type of smile based on sound alone. Research also suggests that some people have “smilier” voices than others, and adds to the growing body of evidence that smiling and other expressions pack a strong informational punch and may even impact us on a subliminal level. It’s believed that some 50 different types of smiles exist, ranging from triumphant ones to those that convey bitterness.
The SPAR Grand Prix holds a special place within the SPAR Women’s Challenge Jozi, marking its 15th year. What initially started as a means to give elite runners a little extra incentive for participating in the SPAR Women’s Challenge, has transformed into the world’s largest women’s Grand Prix circuit. By uniting the races as a series and promoting collaboration among athletes, the SPAR Grand Prix has brought together top talent from various locations, making it an excellent platform for women in athletics.
In 2017, the SPAR Grand Prix celebrated its 10th anniversary, with Kesa Molotsane emerging as the victorious athlete. The following years, 2018 and 2019, witnessed the continued success of the series, driving participation and raising the bar for female athletes. Unfortunately, the Grand Prix could not take place in 2020 due to the global lockdown. However, it made a strong comeback in 2021 and 2022, further solidifying its status as a significant event in women’s road running.
The SPAR Grand Prix’s main objective was to encourage elite runners to participate in all six races of the SPAR Women’s Challenge. This shift from individual races to a cohesive series garnered tremendous popularity among athletes. In addition, the SPAR Grand
Prix catalysed athletes to take their running careers more seriously by incentivising participation and fostering competition across multiple events. With the involvement and support of various clubs, the series grew to become the most prominent women’s Grand Prix circuit within a calendar year, offering substantial prize money and recognition to top performers.
Ask any SPAR Olympian or elite runner such as Irvette Van Zyl, Glenrose Xaba, Kyla Jacobs, the Phalula twins, or Gerda Steyn, and they will credit the SPAR Women’s Challenge and the SPAR Grand Prix as pivotal in their journey towards success. These races provided a crucial platform for female athletes to launch their careers and establish themselves as road runners. In addition, the exclusivity of the women-only race format offered a unique environment where women could compete amongst themselves, leveraging the advantages of a supportive community and friendly rivalry.
One of the most significant developments in the 2023 edition of the SPAR Grand Prix is the introduction of increased prize money and a bonus incentive specifically for South African athletes. This change is poised to impact the competition substantially, motivating local women runners to strive for greater achievements. Furthermore, the enhanced rewards serve as a source of motivation for athletes and to attract top talent from around the globe, ultimately elevating the standards of female running in South Africa.
Kesa Molotsane, a previous SPAR Grand Prix winner and a longstanding supporter of the event, shares her perspective on the journey as a female athlete in South Africa. She acknowledges that while the path has been challenging, it has also been incredibly rewarding. From a young age, Kesa had a passion for running and competing, eventually becoming a successful long-distance runner.
As a board member of Athletics South Africa, she is committed to supporting the development of road running in the country, particularly for women. She emphasises the need to create more opportunities and platforms for female athletes to showcase their talent and nurture their sports careers.
Reflecting on her experience as a long-time participant and previous SPAR Grand Prix Challenge winner, Kesa expresses the profound significance of the competition for herself and other runners in the country. The SPAR Women’s Challenge, including the Grand Prix series, is considered one of the most prestigious road running events in South Africa. For athletes nationwide, it serves as an opportunity to challenge themselves and compete against some of the world’s best runners. The Grand Prix’s reputation and stature inspire participants to push their limits and aim for greatness.
The increased prize money and bonus incentive for South African athletes presents a game-changing opportunity in women’s road running. It rewards local athletes for their dedication and hard work and attracts international runners to participate, creating a vibrant and fiercely competitive atmosphere. The tough international competition showcased in the SPAR Grand Prix series propels the standards of female running in South Africa to new heights. Local athletes can test their skills against world-class runners, learning from them and gaining inspiration to up their game.
Kesa conveys her gratitude to SPAR, the event’s primary sponsor, for their unwavering support of women’s road running in the country. Through their continued partnership, SPAR has provided a platform for female athletes to showcase their talent, inspire others, and pave the way for future generations.
Kesa’s message to young athletes aspiring to run and possibly win the SPAR Grand Prix series is one of unwavering determination. She urges them never to give up on their dreams and emphasises that anything is possible with hard work, dedication, and perseverance.
As the much-anticipated final leg of the race approaches in October 2023, it is challenging to predict the eventual winner. The 2023 SPAR Grand Prix is set to feature many talented athletes, each striving to claim the coveted prize. However, the focus remains on celebrating the achievements of all participants and recognising the transformative power of the SPAR Women’s Challenge and the Grand Prix series. With its 15-year legacy of empowering women in athletics, the SPAR Grand Prix continues to inspire, drive progress, and shape the future of women’s road running in South Africa.
With swarms of people around you on Challenge day, it’s easy to get distracted and caught up in the moment – unfortunately this is just what opportunists are after. Keep yourself and your valuables safe at this year’s Challenge with our safety tips, so the crooks don’t steal your smile.
Don’t wear your flashiest jewellery or most expensive accessories to the Challenge, you won’t impress anyone and you’ll make yourself a target. If you can’t bear to part with it, rather leave it at home where you know it will be safe. Also, don’t put your cell phone in your back pocket, this makes it easy pickings for opportunistic pickpockets.
If you plan on keeping a backpack with you, wear it to the front instead of on your back. This will prevent people from being able to cut your bag open and stealing everything inside while you walk/run. Try to find the smallest bag that you can that will fit everything you want to bring as this will make you less of a target. Better yet, make use of the Tog Bag area on the field to leave your bag while you run.
Make sure your car’s immobiliser, alarm or any other safety features are working and activated before you leave your car. Lock anything that could be seen from the outside in the boot. If your car has a steering lock or gear lock, make sure to put it on and finally, don’t forget to double check that your car doors are properly locked before you walk away.
Kiddies are more than welcome to join you in the Challenge, but keep them close. Connected arm bands are a great way to keep that constant contact with your kids and still have your hands free but if this isn’t possible, write your name and number on their arm in a permanent marker. wear
it to the front instead of on your back.
Shoes are the most important running equipment there is. If you are a newbie runner it is best to go to your local running store where a specialist can help you to get the perfect running shoe according to your physiology, fitness profile and training goals.
Proper running shoes will make running a lot more comfortable, help you improve your fitness and help to avoid running related injuries like shin splints, knee pain and foot pain.
The Run-Walk Method is a great way for new runners to get started. Start by running/walking for 20-30minute three times a week. You can also opt to go for a longer run/walk over weekends.
Once you are comfortable with your current level of fitness, you can gradually increase the amount of time and days you are running. The “Talk test” is a great guideline regarding pace. If you can hold a conversation while training, you are at the right pace.
Runners who do too much too soon without giving their body enough time to rest and adapt will eventually run into trouble and risk injuries.
Make sure you don’t fall into the trap of “too much, too soon, too fast, too often with too little rest.”
Keeping a training journal/ logbook of your runs is a great training tool.
René and Christine Kalmer, two SPAR
Women’s Challenge veterans, are not only powerful forces on the road and track, but also energetic, involved moms and business women. These two talented sisters put their heads together to share their top tips for preparing for Challenge day and keeping the balance between training and family life.
Whenever your motivation is a bit down, it is a great way to look back and be encouraged by how far you have come.
Here is my list of things I pin down in my logbook: workout, distance, pace, heart rate and how I felt during my session.
Make sure you are visible while training on the road, just because you can see a car doesn’t mean the driver can see you. Wear bright, light and reflective gear especially when training in the dark. Always run against traffic and avoid busy roads with narrow streets and no sidewalks. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid running with music. Always carry an ID card with you and inform loved ones of the route you are planning.
René has been a professional runner for more than a decade and some of her career highlights include representing South Africa at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China as well as the 2012 Olympic Games in London. She has won 28 SPAR Women’s Challenge 10km titles between 1998 and 2012 and still cherishes these victories. Starting a family was a real game changer, but she would not have had it any other way. As a runner you are only as good as your last race, but as a mother you feel like the world’s best mom every time your child squeezes their arms around your neck.
She laughingly admits that the struggle to get back into shape over the past two years as a working mom has been real. Apart from her full-time job as a runner and a mom, René is also part of the management team of the Murray & Roberts Running Club and a mom and mentor to 20 girls from the Vorentoe Running Academy.
You are more likely to achieve fitness success when you have a realistic goal and a workout plan. After the birth of Karli, René’s first goal was just to get fit
enough to run a sub-50min 10km. After she had reached that goal, the aim was to improve her time with every race. It is also important to celebrate the small victories along the way. René’s next goal is to run a sub-35min 10km again, something she took for granted in the past.
Training first thing in the morning will give you the energy you need to meet the challenges and demands of the day. If you wait until the end of the day to train you will end up with too many excuses to skip your run.
Luckily, René is a morning person and doesn’t find it too hard to get up early in the morning while hubby, Andre, Karli and Ivan are more than happy to snooze until mom’s back from her run.
The Kalmers love doing Park Runs on the weekend if their busy schedule allows it. This also gives René’s husband the chance to earn his weekly Discovery points and smoothie. Once a week René has a track session, where Andre will meet her and the kids after work at the track. Karli and Ivan love playing at the track while she and Christine train, whether it is playing in the long jump pit, hanging on the hurdles or jumping on the high jump mattress. It is a great way for Andre to spend valuable family time with the kids, while also being active.
It takes a village to raise a child.
This African proverb is so true, especially when your mom is a distance runner. René is truly grateful that she has a very supportive husband and family. Both sets of grandparents are always more than willing to help out with training and racing schedules.
Don’t be too hard on yourself.
Life happens and it is okay to miss one day of exercise when your child is sick or you have simply had a hectic day at the office. The goal is to have the time and energy to train on a regular basis. Don’t be too hard on yourself as it’s all about taking care of yourself too.
Cherish solo runs, you need that time to be alone and to recharge yourself. Training is not only good for you physically, but mentally too.
A mother is the backbone of a family and the person who holds everything together, so never forget – happy mom, happy family!
When we spend time and compare notes with other moms, we realise that we all face the same struggles. We need to support one another and remind ourselves that being a mom is a great gift which should be celebrated!
Happy training! We can’t wait to see your smile at Marks Park on 1 October!
Is loadshedding leaving you blue and in the dark?
Are you tired of the constant uncertainty of what to expect when you get home in the evenings? Try some of these tips and tricks to bring the light back into your life and a smile to your face.
Candlelight is an instant atmosphere changer, it adds something mysterious and a sense of a time gone by. So light those candles and feel the pace slow down as you spend time in the glow of yesteryear. Remember to be safe and keep the candles away from flammable materials!
When there’s no time to cook before the lights go out, why not fire up the braai and dine alfresco? Spending time around the braai is a truly South African pastime and a great way to unwind after a long day.
What about a relaxing bubble bath? Spend some time with yourself, soaking in a hot bubble bath as you while away the time.
Load your favourite playlists on your phone, plug in some speakers and throw a dance party in the dark. This is a great way to lift your mood and get you moving!
Speaking of moving, go outside, take a stroll or a jog around the neighbourhood and get those endorphins flowing. Exercising is a fun way to pass those loadshedding hours and get fit at the same time.
Bundle up warm, drag a blanket outside and stare at the stars. Try and figure out the constellations and snuggle as you take a time-out with loved ones.
Sit down and catch up with the people in your life. Take the time to connect and find out how things are really going in someone else’s life. A genuine heartto-heart is an important part of building relationships and getting to know the people in your life on a far more intimate level, even if it’s via a WhatsApp call.
Get a headlamp and escape into another world, learn something new and pass the time in the pages of a book. This is a wonderful way to relax and escape, and the real joy is you can take this tip with you anywhere – loadshedding or not.
Just like Covid, loadshedding could be giving us the perfect excuse to take a time-out, relax, take a breath and enjoy life. So grab this opportunity with both hands and make the most of it, because everything is better when we choose to do life with a smile and a sense of fun and excitement.
Feeling negative and unmotivated to face a new day? Then it is time to start changing your mind. Being positive is a conscious choice you can make.
have more than 400 000 thoughts a day. If most are negative you will automatically feel negative. Our thoughts change into actions, which change into belief systems and habits. So it is critical to train our brains to be and think more positively. 01 01
Focus on the positive of your day before falling asleep
When you focus on these positive events, you will fall asleep with positivity, having a better night’s rest and waking up happier.
Every time you brush your teeth think of all the things that you are grateful for, everything you have accomplished in your life already and everything you can do well. There is always something you can be grateful for, even if it is small. Make a list and repeat it in your mind every day. You will see how your list grows.
Make sure that you keep re-affirming your strengths. If you are in a stressful situation talk yourself through it with positive affirmations, for example, “I can do this”, “I will find a solution to this problem”, “I will stay calm and manage the situation well”. Staying calm and positive inhibits cortisol (your stress hormone) production, helping you to cope better and stay in control.
Being more aware of your thoughts will help to eliminate negative thoughts that creep up subconsciously. Tell yourself that you will not allow negative thoughts to come in. It may help to visualise a protective shield around you that does not allow those thoughts through. Your negative thoughts must be changed into positive thoughts, for example, re-affirm what you have managed to do already, your good characteristics and your strengths.
Practise these steps every day - after all it is brain training. It will become easier and easier to think more positively. Later on you will not even have to think about it any more, it will be part of your belief system because your brain will have created a new pathway for it.
Being positive does not come naturally for all of us, but with a conscious effort we can change that. A positive mind will allow you to feel positive, to attract other people who are positive, and to reach your goals. Remember you can choose to smile and be a positive light in the world around you.
It is with great excitement we announce that we have expanded all the way to Egypt! This year, we have introduced Initiatic Path workshops in Egypt, facilitated by Andrea Kellerman and Lisa Armstrong.
We will embark on a powerful journey of transformation and explore beyond the known. Our aim is to connect with the remembrance of powerful vibrational technologies and hidden knowledge held within the Sacred Sites in this Ancient Land.
These workshops will include meditation, breathwork sessions, personal self-discovery and growth and the use of the Lucia. No.3 (a neurostimulator which induces a hypnagogic trance by activating the pineal gland through specific frequencies of light) to assist in accessing expanded states of awareness, deep intuition, insights and breakthroughs.
This is an intuitively crafted journey for anyone ready for an adventure of deep transformation and insight. We have kept the group numbers small and intimate to facilitate individual space for everyone’s development in a safe and sacred space. We will be visiting secret and sacred places usually inaccessible to usual tourists. This is a journey of the soul toward its own Remembrance.
The next trip takes place from the 18-26 September 2023. Please contact us for more details!
Lisa Armstrong: bluefootprints2@gmail.com
Andrea Kellerman: andrea@eq-advantedge.co.za
Office: Cell (whatsapp): (0027) 629778827, info3@eq-advantedge.co.za
EQ Advant-Edge Networx is a dynamic team of highly qualified practitioners specialising in the field of psychology. We recognise the growing need for increased emotional intelligence, leadership skills and emotional wellbeing for all professions, demographics and age brackets. EQ Advant-Edge Networx is a reputable neurofeedback and psychological practice including Educational and Sport Psychology, Hypnotherapy, Mental Peak Performance and Business Coaching, and specialising in Emotional Intelligence.
Brightening up your smile with just the right colour can boost your confidence and change your mood. Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp took up the challenge of finding the perfect lipstick to colour in your smile!
This very red shade by Willem Botha Cosmetics glides effortlessly over your smile with a velvety luxurious feel. The full coverage matte look is an elegant shade that is perfect for the day and evening. And the classy packaging will fit snuggly into any purse.
A stunning purple gel lipstick with a dark pink undertone by Maybelline that leaves you feeling confident and cheeky. Once applied with the brushon applicator, this beautiful purple leaves you with a full matte coverage and a slight shine on your smile. The exquisite two-tone package is the icing on the cake!
Great as a lip liner for full lips, this purple crayon by Revlon can also be layered and worn as a lipstick. It has a lovely scent and the matte finish will last even after your morning cup of coffee, keeping your smile bright and confident all day long.
A good old fashioned lipstick feel in a deep dark purple by Gosh gives you that seductive pout. This is a thick and luscious lipstick with a stunning full coverage in a funky colour for the days that you want to colour
Riveting Rose 02 by Mac is an easy brush-on lip gloss that offers a slight matte finish. The nude pink colour can be worn to offer a hint of colour to your smile or layered for fuller coverage. The packaging for this simple lip gloss is beautiful and unique.
This deep maroon lipstick by Ushas Cosmetics is like a luxurious lip balm with colour. It glides smoothly over your lips, leaving behind a beautiful fragrance and a stunning full coverage that is sure to keep a smile on your face.
Choose the perfect shade for your smile on Challenge Day!
From adrenaline-pumping thrills to adventures in the outdoors, Jozi has it all. We went hunting for fun and found a few precious gems throughout the city of Johannesburg for you to experience and enjoy. With so many experiences to choose from, there is sure to be something that tickles your fancy and puts a smile on your face.
The Soweto Towers are two large cooling towers located in the township of Soweto, a suburb of Johannesburg. The towers were originally part of the Orlando Power Station, which
Shed 5 @ Prison Break Market, Johannesburg
The Dreambox Interactive Photo Fun Experience in Joburg is an innovative way for visitors to capture memories and have fun at the same time. This experience allows visitors to take pictures in a variety of settings and with various props, using the latest technology to create stunning and interactive photographs.
The experience is perfect for visitors who want to capture their memories in a unique and exciting way. Visitors can choose from a range of backgrounds and props to create the perfect setting for their photos. They can take pictures with friends, family, or even on their own.
The technology used in the Dreambox Interactive Photo Fun Experience is state-of-the-art, and visitors will be amazed at the quality of the photographs. The experience is interactive, with visitors able to control the lighting, backgrounds, and props themselves. It’s not just about taking photos; it is also about having fun. Visitors can let their imaginations run wild, creating crazy and fun photos that will provide memories for years to come.
The experience is perfect for special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, and corporate events. It is also ideal for tourists who want to capture their experiences in Joburg in a unique and exciting way.
Johannesburg South
Gold Reef City is a theme park and entertainment complex located in Johannesburg. The park is built on the site of an old gold mine and pays tribute to Johannesburg’s gold rush era in the late 19th century.
Gold Reef City has a wide range of attractions, including roller coasters, thrill rides, family rides, and kiddie rides. The Anaconda is a popular coaster that takes riders on a looping journey through a cobra-shaped structure. Another popular coaster is the Tower of Terror, which drops riders from a height of 50 metres. The park also has a variety of water rides, including the Raging River Rapids and the Log Ride. In addition to the rides, there are also live shows, a 4D cinema, and an interactive science museum.
Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens is a beautiful and peaceful botanical garden located in Roodepoort, Johannesburg. The gardens are named after Walter Sisulu, a prominent anti-apartheid activist who lived in the area.
In addition to the natural beauty of the gardens, there are a few attractions for visitors to enjoy. The gardens feature several walking trails, including a trail that leads to the top of the waterfall. The waterfall, which drops 70 metres into a pool below, is a stunning feature of the gardens and a popular spot for picnics. There is also a cycad garden, a medicinal garden, and a greenhouse featuring a variety of exotic plants.
Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens has several facilities for visitors, including a restaurant, gift shop, and picnic areas. The restaurant, Eagles Fare, offers a range of meals and snacks and has a terrace overlooking the gardens. There are also several braai areas available for visitors to use.
City Sightseeing Joburg offers opentop bus tours that allow visitors to see Johannesburg’s top attractions from a unique perspective. City Sightseeing Joburg offers two tour options, the Red City Tour and the Green City Tour. The Red City Tour takes visitors on a 1.5hour journey through the city centre, with stops at top attractions such as the Apartheid Museum, the Carlton Centre, and the Johannesburg Zoo. The Green City Tour takes visitors on a 2-hour journey through the leafy suburbs of Johannesburg, with stops at attractions such as the Botanical Gardens, the Johannesburg Zoo, and the Origins Centre Museum.
The open-top buses used by City Sightseeing Joburg are specially designed for sightseeing. The buses have a top deck that offers panoramic views of the city, while the lower deck is air-conditioned for comfort. The buses also have multilingual audio guides, so visitors can learn about Johannesburg’s history and attractions in their preferred language.
City Sightseeing Joburg’s tours are hop-on, hop-off, which means that visitors can get off the bus at any of the stops along the route and explore the area on foot. Visitors can then catch the next bus that comes along to continue their tour. This allows visitors to explore the attractions that interest them most at their own pace.
Overall, City Sightseeing Joburg’s open-top bus tours are a great way to see Johannesburg’s top attractions in a fun and unique way. The hop-on, hop-off feature allows visitors to explore the city at their own pace, while the multilingual audio guides provide valuable insight into Johannesburg’s history and culture.
Norwood, Johannesburg
Hashtag Escape Rooms is a thrilling and immersive experience located in Johannesburg.
Escape rooms are a type of physical adventure game in which players solve puzzles and riddles using clues, hints, and strategy to escape a themed room within a set time limit. Hashtag Escape Rooms has taken this concept and created a range of exciting and challenging rooms for visitors to enjoy.
Each of the themed rooms has its own unique storyline and challenges. Some of the rooms available include “The Great Diamond Heist”, “The Enchanted Forest”, and “The Zombie Apocalypse”. Each room is carefully designed with attention to detail to create an immersive and realistic experience.
Silverfields, Krugersdorp
This adventure park is definitely fun for the young and young-at-heart! With 6 ziplines and 20 obstacles this continuous course is sure to get the adrenaline pumping. There is also the added option of combining the rope adventures with a splash to cool off at the water park.
Chimp & Zee Rope Adventure Park is the perfect fun-filled outing for the whole family. They offer various packages for birthday parties, school outings and corporate team building.
And if you really want to try something unique, why not swing through the neon-illuminated course at night during the summer from September to April!
Delicious food and refreshments are available at the bar for the adventurers who have built up an appetite and the less-adventurous who have enjoyed their role as spectators. Come and hang out with us and experience the adventure of monkeying around!
Booking is essential to avoid disappointment. There is no charge for spectators.
Players are given a set amount of time to solve the puzzles and escape the room. The puzzles are challenging but not impossible, and teamwork is essential for success. Each room has a game master who is available to provide hints and guidance if needed. The experience is suitable for groups of friends, families, or co-workers looking for a team-building activity.
Join world-record-holder Irvette van Zyl and countless others in finding the best shoe for your running style with RUN-id. Sportsmans Warehouse’s cutting-edge technology allows you to find the right shoes for your unique running style by analysing your unique walking and running patterns. Not only is this advanced gait analysis technology exclusive to Sportsmans Warehouse, but it’s also now approved by Irvette van Zyl, a South African longdistance runner and the women’s 50km ultramarathon world record holder.
Irvette recently found the best shoe for her unique foot with RUN-id - an incredibly simple and quick process that’s on the house. She removed her shoes, stepped onto the platform, and took 3-4 steps in her usual walking style. Within minutes, our in-store specialists ran a 3-stage analysis of her foot’s form, force and function. They then matched her results with the perfect shoe.
Irvette’s chosen one is the latest ASICS GEL-KAYANO™ 30. If it’s good enough for a world-record-holder, it’s worth giving a shot, right? Rohan van der Zwet, Senior Product Marketing Manager at ASICS EMEA, explains: “The GEL-KAYANO™ shoe has been a crowd favourite for many years, and quite frankly is a legend in our product range. We know the stereotypes that stability shoes have faced over the years: clunky, ugly, and simply uncomfortable. That’s why we’re excited to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the GEL-KAYANO™ series with such landmark developments. Through our commitment to ASICS’ unique design philosophy, we’ve been able to develop a shoe that offers the stability that consumers have grown to love from the series and added the comfort that we know is so important to runners. Stability truly never felt better and we’re eager to see runners across the globe experience this with the GELKAYANO™ 30 shoes.”
Once you’ve found the perfect shoe, we share your personalised results with you. This data is like having your own shoe diary.
Find RUN-id at these selected Sportsmans Warehouse stores across South Africa:
• Centurion
• Sandton
• Fourways
• Woodmead
• East Rand
Western Cape:
• Rondebosch
• Tygervalley
• Somerset-West
• Canalwalk
• V&A Waterfront
• Atterbury
Kwa-Zulu Natal:
• Gateway
Eastern Cape:
• Port Elizabeth
It allows you to see how your shoe choice has influenced your gait over time. It also serves as a reference for future shoe purchases and helps you compare your different gait measurements over time.
It’s not just about getting the right shoe. It’s about getting the shoe that’s right for you
We all have that one dish that we can close our eyes and taste the memory of. That aroma that gets our taste buds watering and puts a smile on our faces. We chose a few of our favourite SPAR Savour dishes for you to try and, who knows, maybe you will find a new dish to bring your senses, and your smile, alive.
• 4 Tbsp SPAR butter
• 2 Tbsp SPAR olive oil
• 1 SPAR Freshline onion, very finely chopped
• 250g SPAR Freshline mushrooms, sliced
• 2 punnets (170g each) SPAR Freshline asparagus
• 3 cloves SPAR Freshline garlic, minced
• 1 cup SPAR white rice
• 2 tsp chopped SPAR Freshline thyme or ½ Tbsp dried thyme
• Salt and pepper to taste
• 4 cups chicken stock
• 1 cup grated SPAR cheddar cheese
• ½ cup cream
• 2 Tbsp SPAR Freshline parsley
1. In a large pot, melt the 2 Tbsp butter and all the oil, add the onion, ⅔ of the mushrooms and fry on a medium heat until golden brown.
2. Slice the one punnet of asparagus into 2cm pieces and add to the pot along with the garlic, cook for a minute.
3. Add the rice and thyme and cook for 1 minute, toasting the rice. Add in 2 cups of stock and bring to a simmer. Cover with a lid and let cook for 15 minutes.
4. Add the remaining ingredients to the pot and stir to combine. Add more stock if necessary and make sure to season well.
5. Add the remaining butter to a pan and sauté the second punnet of asparagus as well as the remaining mushrooms until just tender, season with salt. (If the asparagus are quite thick, blanch them before you sauté them).
6. Serve the risotto topped with the extra asparagus and mushrooms.
• 1 SPAR Freshline onion, finely chopped
• 2 SPAR Freshline cloves
• 2 Tbsp SPAR olive oil
• 2 tsp cumin
• 1 tsp dried or SPAR Freshline oregano
• 1 can (410g) SPAR black
• 1 SPAR Freshline
avocado, sliced
• ½ cup SPAR Freshline cherry tomatoes, halved
• 2 stalks SPAR Freshline spring onion, sliced
• 1-2 Tbsp SPAR Freshline coriander chopped
• ½ cup SPAR butter
• 1½ cup SPAR sugar
• ¼ tsp salt
• ½ cup cocoa powder
• ½ cup SPAR milk
• ¼ cup SPAR peanut butter
• 1 cup toasted peanuts
• 1 cup desiccated coconut
• 3 cups SPAR rolled oats
beans, drained
• 1 can (410g) SPAR kidney beans
• 1 can (410g) mexican flavoured tomatoes or braai relish
• 1 Tbsp SPAR sugar
• Salt and pepper
• 6-8 wraps
• 2 cups grated SPAR cheddar/mozzarella/ mature cheddar
1. Cook the onion in the oil until soft and golden brown –about 5 minutes.
2. Add the garlic and cumin and cook for another minute.
3. Then add the drained beans and canned tomatoes and cook for 20 minutes.
4. Add the sugar and season to taste with salt and pepper.
5. Fill each wrap with about ⅓ cup filling and roll it up, pop into an ovenproof serving dish of about 24x30cm.
6. Continue until all the wraps and filling are done.
7. Cover in cheese and bake for 15-20 minutes or until the cheese is melted.
8. Make a salsa with tomato, spring onion and chopped coriander. Season well.
9. Serve the enchiladas topped with salsa and avocado.
10. Sour cream (optional) also works a treat.
1. In a medium pot, combine the butter, sugar, salt, cocoa and milk. Bring to a slow boil and simmer until the sugar has dissolved. Stir in the peanut butter and remove from the heat. Stir in the coconut and the oats. The mixture should be thick.
2. Line a cookie sheet with baking paper. Use a cookie scoop to drop heaping spoonfuls onto the paper. Allow the cookies to set at room temperature for about 1 hour.