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Free Radical Media
We find adventure – through every medium we can get our hands on. Magazines, digital platforms, visual design – we are there! In today’s world, people seek to be inspired and entertained, as they always have – but now we know that they need to be FREE to choose their MEDIA. With so many options to choose from we have made RADICAL changes to the ways we deliver our content and convey stunning, effective products to our clients and readers. Our magazines inspire with their RADICAL take on health and medicine in the context of the latest discoveries and on happiness in the context of a new generation. Our design and event products utilise every tools that today’s online and printing MEDIA have to offer. So it’s hard to put such a RADICAL company into a box – but that suits us fine. We prefer to run FREE – run amok, hoping to change the MEDIA world, to get it ready for a new dimension. A dimension that FREE RADICAL MEDIA will define.