erarchy (1.2km catchment) Styringsparametre
Simulering af forbindelser
Cykelafstand (3 km)
the Eghave Space Metro station.
Dybbølsbro Station (S)
Enghave Space(M)
Carlsberg Station (S)
The site is currently isolated at the local scale and lacks such a network of interconnected local routes.
NAIn R 3,000m
Stationer Station
Site Projekt område
Spatial accessibility high
Existing Local route hierarchy (1.2km catchment)
Enghave Space(M)
500 m
1 km
Spatial accessibility Proposed Local route hierarchy (1.2km catchment)
Dybbølsbro Station (S)
Enghave Space(M)
The site is currently isolated at the local scale and lacks such a network of interconnected local routes. Carlsberg Establishing strong connections to the Station (S) surrounding neighbourhoods from and across the site will help the local Vigerslev Alle movement pattern and will integrate the site with its urban context.
Cemetery Enghave Brygge Station (M)
Dybbølsbro Station (S)
The internal grid structure (rectan loop) around the central public am and through the neighbourhood a highlighted at the local scale. Thi a legible circulation system that s wayfinding and connects all the neighbourhood areas of the mas
The autonomous bus stops are lo along this highly accessible recta loop. Enghave Brygge Station (M)
Sydhavn Station (S)
Lærkesletten Natural Reserve
The local scale has a significant with the citywide and intermediat of movement. This provides favo conditions for successful mixed-u development as it benefits from h levels of passing movement of al
Havneholmen Station (M)
The development of the area is an opportunity to create a more human-scale and less infrastructure driven environment with amenities that cater to the local Cemetery communities around the site as well as city-wide.
Spatial accessibility The proposed masterplan create network of interconnected local r that significantly increase the loc accessibility and walkability of th
Copenhagen Central Station (M) (S)
The analysis highlights the fine urban grain and interconnected local structure of local centres around the site, i.e around the Eghave Space Metro station.
Havneholmen Station (M)
Sydhavn Station (S)
Station 0
Spatial accessibility analysis Space Syntax Limited © 2021 The local scale analysis (1.2k catchment) Copenhagen Railway City 5 highlights the routes that have potential for more localised movement.
Copenhagen Central Station (M) (S)
Lærkesletten Natural Reserve
Spatial accessibility high
Spatial accessibility
low 0
500 m
NAIn R 1,200m
NAIn R 1,200m
1 km
Station 0
Jernbanebyen Copenhagen Railway City er i øjeblikket isoleret i lokal skala og mangler et netværk af sammenkoblede lokale ruter. Oprettelse af stærke forbindelser til de omkringliggende kvarterer fra og på tværs af stedet hjælper det lokale bevægelsesmønster og integrerer stedet med dets bymæssige kontekst. Der er et stort potentiale for at skabe et mere menneskeligt og mindre infrastrukturdrevet miljø med faciliteter, der henvender sig til lokalsamfundene omkring Jernbanebyen såvel som i hele byen.
Spatial accessibility analysis 6 7
Lærkesletten Natural Reserve
Space Syntax Limited © 2021
Dårligt forbundet
Enghave Brygge Station (M)
Sydhavn Station (S)
Spatial accessibility
Spatial accessibility high
Havneholmen Station (M)
Vigerslev Alle
Lærkesletten Natural Reserve
Vel forbundet
Dybbølsbro Station (S)
Copenhagen Railway City Hvert segment evalueres derefter ved hjælp af en matematisk algoritme til at beregne dets tilgængelighed The development of the area is an Zoo inden for netværket, dvs. hvor relativt let eller vanskeligt opportunity to create a more human-scale det er at nå dette segment fra alle andre segmenter. and less driven environment Desuden tages der højde for hvor sandsynligt det infrastructure er, at with amenities that cater to the local bevægelse mellem forskellige dele af netværket vil passere hvert enkelt segment. communities around the site as well as Carlsberg Station (S) På denne måde beregner softwaren både “til bevægelse” city-wide. Vigerslev Alle og “gennem bevægelse” som danner karakteristika for hvert segment.
Carlsberg Station (S)
Enghave Brygge Station (M)
Sydhavn Station (S)
Space Syntax Limited © 2021
Enghave Space(M)
Dybbølsbro bridge across the railway is also highlighted as an important connection.
Establishing strong connections to the Metoden fungerer ved at omdanne et områdes surrounding neighbourhoods from and gademønster til en netværksgraf hvor netværket er opdelt across the site will help the local i individuelle “segmenter” og hvert segment er gaden eller movement pattern and will integrate the0 500 m 1 km stien mellem to kryds. site with its urban context. Spatial accessibility
Mellemrutehierarkiet fremhæver ruter, der har potentiale Lærkesletten til at blive strategiske forbindelser til mellemlange rejser, Natural for eksempel som oplagte cykelruter.
Similar to the city-wide scale, Enghavevej, Vasbygade, Vigerslev Alle are key linkages around the site.
Dybbølsbro Station (S)
The extensions of Kalvebod Bryg connecting to Sydhavn Station an Carlsberg Station through the site as the north-south route extendin the railway have potential to beco strategic connections for medium journeys, for example typical cyc journeys.
Copenhagen Central Station (M) (S)
Havneholmen Station (M)
Vigerslev Alle
Gåafstand (1,2 km)
have Brygge on (M)
for more localised movement.
Brug af landskab til at forbindelserne både internt (over The analysis highlights the fine urban CMC), men også eksternt til den bredere sammenhæng. Planen tilskynder for bevægelse både med cykel som grain andoginterconnected local structure fodgænger local centres around the site, i.e around
The intermediate route hierarchy highlights routes that have potential to become strategic connections for medium-length journeys, for example typical cycle journeys.
Copenhagen Central Station (M) (S)
NAIn R 3,000m
The local scale analysis (1.2k catchment) Forbinde Jernbanehaven highlights the routes that have potential
Copenhagen Central Station (M) (S)
avneholmen tation (M)
Dagens situation Ny helhedsplan Spatial accessibility Existing Intermediate route hierarchy (3km catchment)Spatial accessibility Proposed Intermediate route hierarchy (3km catchment)
500 m
Site Space Syntax Limited © 2021 Spatial accessibility analysis Copenhagen Railway City 6
1 km
Den foreslåede helhedsplan skaber stærke strategiske forbindelser mellem Jernbanehaven og dets sammenhæng. Dette gør det muligt for Jernbanehaven at overvinde barriererne og blive en integreret del af byen. Specielt øst-vest forbindelsen vil skabe meget trafik gennem Jernbanehaven.
low Station
Spatial accessibility