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f. Shanksville, PA

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g. Anthrax Attacks

g. Anthrax Attacks

Before we go into the details surrounding the crash of Flight 93 into a non-governmental target, a vacant field in Pennsylvania, I want to put forth a hypothesis I have not come across in the 9/11 Truth community, but one I believe has merit.

It is my opinion that Building 7 at Ground Zero was supposed to be hit by flight 93, the plane that crashed in Shanksville, hence it being wired to come down like towers 1 and 2. They could not leave it standing, as investigations post-9/11 would have turned up that the building had been wired to collapse.


Something went wrong though---a group of our brave countrymen fought back against the CIA patsies, and it had to be shot out of the air by our military jets. I have not heard this theory from other members of the 9/11 Movement, but I think it is a good possibility, and a probable one in my mind.

Now, onward to Shanksville:

The hijacking of Flight 93 began at 9:28 AM. By this time, Flights 11 and 175 had already crashed into the World Trade Center and Flight 77 was, allegedly, within minutes of striking the Pentagon. The hijackers on these three flights had waited no more than 30 minutes to hijack the aircraft. It is unknown why the hijackers on Flight 93 decided to wait approximately 46 minutes to begin their commandeering of the plane.

Officials believe the hijackers assaulted the cockpit and then moved the passengers to the rear of the plane to minimize the chance of the crew or the passengers from interfering with the attack.

The cockpit voice recorder began recording the final 30 minutes of Flight 93 at 09:31:57. At this moment, it recorded Ziad Jarrah, the dedicated “pilot” for the hijackers, announcing, "Ladies and gentlemen: here the captain, please sit down keep remaining seating. We have a bomb on board. So sit."

Jarrah instructed the autopilot to turn the plane and head east at 09:35:09. The aircraft ascended to 40,700 feet as the flight attendant in the cockpit is heard to say, "I don't want to die, I don't want to die" followed by one of the hijackers saying in Arabic: "Everything is fine. I finished."

At 9:39 air traffic controllers overheard Jarrah say, "Ah. Here's the captain. I would like to tell you all to remain seated. We have a bomb aboard, and we are going back to the airport, and we have our demands. So, please remain quiet." Air traffic controllers did not hear from the flight again.

Passengers and crew began making phone calls to officials and family members starting at 09:30 using GTE air phones and mobile phones. Altogether, the passengers and crew made 35 air phone calls and two cell phone calls from the flight. Ten passengers and two crew members were able to successfully connect, providing information to family, friends, and others on the ground. The passengers themselves were also provided information, namely that they were on a flying missile and that the hijackers intended to crash the plane into an as-yet unknown target.


We’ll just go over a couple of the documented calls here to make the case that the patriotic Americans on board fought back against the hijackers and very probably regained control of the airplane.

Flight attendant Sandra Bradshaw called her husband at 09:50:04 and told him she was preparing scalding water to throw at the hijackers. Honor Elizabeth Wainio called her stepmother at 09:53:43 and concluded, four and a half minutes later, by saying, "I have to go. They're breaking into the

cockpit. I love you."

Flight attendant Sandra Bradshaw, who was preparing the scalding water to throw at the hijackers, was still on the phone with her husband and said "Everyone is running up to first class. I've got to

go. Bye."

The revolt on Flight 93 began at 09:57. The hijackers in the cockpit became aware of the revolt at 09:57:55, exclaiming, "Is there something? A fight?" Jarrah began to roll the airplane left and right to knock the passengers off balance. He told another hijacker in the cockpit at 9:58:57, "They want to get in here. Hold, hold from the inside. Hold from the inside. Hold." Jarrah changed tactics at 9:59:52 and pitched the nose of the airplane up and down to attempt to disrupt the assault.

The cockpit voice recorder captured the sounds of crashing, screaming, and the shattering of glass. Jarrah stabilized the plane at 10:00:03. Five seconds later, he asked, "Is that it? Shall we finish it off?" Another hijacker responded, "No. Not yet. When they all come, we finish it off." Jarrah once again pitched the airplane up and down. A passenger in the background cried, "In the cockpit. If we don't, we'll die" at 10:00:25. Sixteen seconds later, another passenger yelled, "Roll it!" Jarrah ceased the violent maneuvers at 10:01:00. He then asked another hijacker, "Is that it? I mean, shall we put it down?" The other hijacker responded, "Yes, put it in it, and pull it down." Nevertheless, the passengers continued their assault and at 10:02:23, a hijacker said, "Pull it down! Pull it down!" The airplane descended with the yoke turned hard to the right.

Amidst the sounds of the passenger counterattack, the aircraft plowed into an empty field in Stonycreek, Pennsylvania, about 20 minutes flying time from Washington, D.C. The last entry on the voice recorder was made at 10:03:09. The last piece of flight data was recorded at 10:03:10.

There is some degree of controversy between some of the family members of the passengers and the investigative officials as to whether the passengers managed to breach the cockpit and take control of the plane. The 9/11 Commission Report asserts that "the hijackers remained at the

controls but must have judged that the passengers were only seconds from overcoming

them". Some people, like myself, claim that there is no doubt the passengers breached the cockpit.

The plane crashed into a reclaimed coal strip mine in Stonycreek Township at 10:03:11. The National Transportation Safety Board reported that the flight impacted at 563 miles per hour at a 40 degree nose-down, inverted attitude. The impact left a crater eight to ten feet deep and 30 to 50 feet wide. All 44 people on board died instantly on impact.

This is where the official story propagated by the 9/11 Commission and the truth part ways, in my opinion.

So, while things were unfolding in the air aboard Flight 93, American Airlines Flight 77 streaked, allegedly, toward Washington, D.C., after being hijacked. NEADS – the North East Air Defense


The pilots, however, had not received permission to engage and destroy, but to just head for Washington, D.C. Seven minutes after wheels up, the American Airlines passenger jet allegedly crashed into the Pentagon. This was allegedly the third hijacked flight used as a missile to kill and maim that morning, as far as most people knew, and the national air defense was playing catch-up.

Two minutes before the F-16s from NEADS were airborne, the Federal Aviation Administration learned United Airlines Flight 93 had also been hijacked. Approximately 9:35 AM, the hijacked plane began a left turn to the south near Cleveland, Ohio. By 9:39, it completed the turn and Flight 93 was aimed at Washington, D.C.

There would be no excuse for not stopping what had become a terrorist missile aimed at the seat of our federal government. By this time, numerous supersonic, armed F-15s and F-16s were now in the air and within minutes of Flight 93, which would remain in the air for another 29 minutes.

Unprecedented political decisions were now in the process of being made as Flight 93 and multiple United States fighter interceptors headed for a showdown near Shanksville, a small town in Pennsylvania. In Washington, D.C., an electronic conference was in progress.

The conference focused on Flight 93. A White House staffer would keep coming in with updates on Flight 93's progress towards D.C., according to a Sept. 11, 2002, ABC News program. ABC's Charles Gibson asked what "the target of that airplane might be?" Vice President Dick Cheney responded,

"I thought probably White House or Capitol."

U.S. Army Brig. Gen. W. Montague Winfield revealed that a "decision was made to try to intercept Flight 93” . Gen. Winfield told ABC News that, "... the president had given us permission to shoot

down innocent civilian aircraft that threatened Washington, D.C. ...The order was passed on to the pilots intercepting Flight 93……

"We started receiving reports from the fighters that were heading to, to intercept. The FAA

kept us informed with their time estimates as the aircraft got closer and closer," according to Gen. Winfield. Then, the official story presented to the ABC audience begins to blur, as Winfield gave the impression that no one knew what happened next.

Gen. Winfield then gave an explanation of how the situation ended that basically said nothing: "And

at some point, the closure time came and went, and nothing happened. So you can imagine everything was very tense in the NMCC. We had basically lost institutional awareness of where this airplane was."

One more telling quote comes from the ABC program, by Gen. Winfield: "It was about, you know, 10:03 that the fighters reported that Flight 93 had crashed." The FBI had seized Flight 93's CVR (Cockpit Voice Recorder) and claims the tape stopped at 10:03 a.m., this is where Winfield was getting his 10:03 number from.

However, NORAD’s own timeline said the F-16s were still 11 minutes away from intercept when Flight 93 crashed, so we got two different timelines from two different federal government organizations.


Now, let’s throw this into the mix: "Several leading seismologists agree that Flight 93 crashed last Sept. 11 at 10:06:05 a.m., give or take a couple of seconds," according to a Sept. 16, 2002, Philadelphia Daily News article. We seem to have a discrepancy of about 3 minutes between what the feds told us, that the plane crashed at 10:03, and what several different seismologists reported as the time of the plane crash. After everything we’ve gone through so far here, it is not unreasonable to infer that something occurred during those three minutes the feds wish to hide from the public.

According to public records of the air phone calls, several passengers, and maybe all of them, attempted to take back control of Flight 93. By 10:03, they indeed had succeeded in fighting their way into the cockpit. From the time the feds allege the plane crashed at 10:03 and the time the various independent seismologists say it crashed is about 3 minutes. I believe the passengers did take back control of the plane, but the feds, not wanting a bunch of loose lips, made the decision to shoot it

down anyways.

On Sept. 13, 2001, barely 48 hours after the Twin Towers came down, the Nashua, N.H., Telegraph Newspaper reported that: "FAA air traffic controllers in Nashua have learned through

discussions with other controllers that an F-16 fighter stayed in hot pursuit of another hijacked commercial airliner until it crashed in Pennsylvania ..."

John Fleegle, Jim Brant and Carol Delasko were about two-and-a-half miles from what would soon become the Flight 93 crash site. According to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, they "heard engines

screaming close overhead. The building shook. We ran out, heard the explosion and saw a fireball mushroom ..."

Delasko "... said she thought someone had blown up a boat on the lake.’It just looked like

confetti raining down all over the air above the lake.'"

This is a very important observation by Ms Delasko. Within a second or two after Flight 93 passed over the Indian Lake Marina where Delasko, Brant and Fleegle stood, debris from the stricken plane began to fall into the lake. Lots of debris. Some of it on fire. And it was deposited in a compact area rather than as a continuous trail for some period of time.

Seismologists determined that Flight 93 crashed at 10:06 a.m. and 5 seconds. The 757 was perhaps 20 seconds from crashing when observed by Fleegle, Brant and Delasko. Its cargo area and passenger area had apparently been opened by an explosion. Local news reports described a large number of cancelled checks, stock broker documents, pieces of seats, small chunks of melted plastic and small human parts had landed in the lake.

Also adding to the evidence that Flight 93 was shot down after the passengers took the plane back is the fact that a 1,000-pound section of an engine was found 6,000 feet, over a mile, from the crash site. So, an explosion occurred that separated 1,000 pounds of engine, and opened up a hole in the passenger cabin and cargo hold.

When all the evidence is lined up, it is highly consistent with a heat-seeking missile striking Flight 93, probably around 10:05:30. The evidence strongly infers that the terrorists did not fly that jet into the ground.


It is my opinion that our military shot that plane down after those brave heroes on board had taken

over the cockpit. The New World Order’s “new Pearl Harbor” plan would not allow that jet to survive nor the courageous people on it, God rest their souls.

Skull and Bonesman President Bush gave the Vice President authority to issue the order to shoot down Flight 93. Col. Robert Marr, United States Air Force, when interviewed by ABC News remembered getting the orders: "The rules have changed. We could do something about it now." The words he heard included: "We will take lives in the air to save lives on the ground."

There is no reason to believe the cockpit voice recorder did not continue running three minutes past the official stop time of 10:03, until the plane crashed at 10:06.

What if, when the CVR was first played back, the missing three minutes were not missing? What if the CVR recorded the heroic passengers succeeding in taking over the cockpit and celebrating? They were definitely on the offense when the CVR allegedly stopped. They had actually made it into the cockpit.

What if just as these Americans win the fight and begin the process of flying the plane to safety, a heat-seeking missile slams into the plane in order to silence them forever?

What if that is what the missing three minutes actually revealed?

We’ll never know.

The evidence for the plane being hit with a missile is also provided by the eyewitnesses who not only saw the debris raining down miles away from the crash site, but they actually collected some items from Flight 93 that the FBI was more than happy to relieve them of.

When investigating any crime scene, one of the most important pieces of evidence, are witnesses. There are plenty of these around Shanksville, and they were talking after the plane crash, much to the chagrin of the FBI who collectively told them to shut up “or else”. I have collected up some of that eyewitness testimony thanks to the internet and other vigilant patriots, so let’s briefly go over it. Let’s begin with the fighter jet that was sighted by numerous people right around the crash site.

Eyewitness testimonies have generally been excluded from the official version of 9/11 via the 9/11 Commission Report, and for good reason. In the Shanksville area, where many of the residents also believe Flight 93 was shot down, there are scores of eyewitnesses whose testimonies contradict the government’s claim that courageous passengers fought hijackers, forcing the jetliner to crash rather than be flown into a building.

Some local residents here are deeply offended by the official explanation of what supposedly happened to United Airlines Flight 93, calling it a “patriotic pack of lies” .

Eyewitnesses agree that unexplained military aircraft were in the immediate vicinity when a huge explosive fireball occurred at the reclaimed coal mine near Shanksville.


Viola Saylor saw Flight 93 pass very low over her house in Lambertsville, which is a mile north of the official crash site. She was in her backyard when she heard a very loud noise and looked up to find herself nose to nose with Flight 93, which she says was flying upside down as it passed overhead. It was blue and silver, she said, and glistened in the sunlight. It was so low that it rustled the leaves of her 100-foot maple tree in her yard.

It flew southeastward for about three more seconds and even gained elevation before it crashed over the hill with a thud, she said.

It was really still for a second, she said. Then all of a sudden she saw a very quiet and low-flying military plane coming from the area of the crash site, flying toward the northwest.

“It was flying very fast, like it was trying to get out of here” , she said. A second or two behind the military plane were two other planes, which Saylor described as normal planes.

Shown a photograph of a Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt II, a low-flying combat aircraft commonly referred to as a Warthog, Saylor identified it as the military plane she had seen. She said she recognized the two engines on the rear and the distinctive shape of the cockpit and nose of the plane.

Similar eyewitness reports of military planes over Shanksville on 9/11 remain censored by the Mainstream Media, although they were reported in two leading British newspapers.

Susan McElwain, a local teacher, also reported seeing a military-lookinig plane at the scene of the crash before witnessing an explosion. Ms. McElwain told Great Britain’s The Daily Mirror what she saw:

It came right over me, I reckon just 40 or 50 feet above my mini-van, she recalled. It was so low I ducked instinctively. It was traveling real fast, but hardly made any sound.

Then it disappeared behind some trees. A few seconds later I heard this great explosion and saw this fireball rise up over the trees, so I figured the jet had crashed. The ground really shook. So I dialed 911 and told them what happened.

I’d heard nothing about the other attacks and it was only when I got home and saw the TV that I realized it wasn’t the white jet, but Flight 93.

I didn’t think much more about it until the authorities started to say there had been no other plane. The plane I saw was heading right to the point where Flight 93 crashed and must have been there at the very moment it came down.

There’s no way I imagined this plane….it was so low it was virtually on top of me. It was white with no markings but it was definitely military, it just had that look.


It had two rear engines, a big fin on the back like a spoiler on the back of a car and with two upright fins at the side. I haven’t found one like it on the Internet. It definitely wasn’t one of those executive jets.

[However,] the FBI came and talked to me and said there was no plane around.

The plane Ms. McElwain describes is similar to the Warthog seen by Saylor over Lambertsville.

“Then [FBI agents] changed their story and tried to say it was a plane taking pictures of the

crash 3,000 feet up”, she said. “But I saw it, and it was there before the crash, and it was 40

feet above my head. They did not want my story nobody here did.”

The Mainstream Media only reported what Bill Crowley, FBI spokesman from Pittsburgh, said about other planes in the area: “Two other airplanes were flying near the hijacked United Airlines jet

when it crashed, but neither had anything to do with the airliner’s fate.”

In an apparent slip of the tongue, Crowley actually “identified” one of the planes as a Fairchild Falcon 20 business jet, and that it had been directed to the crash site to help rescuers. The Falcon 20, however, is made by Dassault of France while Fairchild made the A-10 Thunderbolt II, the plane described by Ms. McElwain and identified by other eyewitnesses. You’ve got to remember here, these people are describing planes seen immediately before and after the crash---not many minutes after the crash when a leer jet allegedly flew over to get an aerial view. There was never a leer jet--just propaganda.

And then there’s the debris field scattered over an eight mile area to contend with.

The Pennsylvania state police, who apparently weren’t in lock-step with the feds, said debris from the crash had shown up about 8 miles away in a residential area where local media quoted some residents as seeing flaming debris from the sky.

Residents and workers at businesses outside Shanksville reported discovering clothing, books, papers and what appeared to be human remains. Some residents said they collected bagfuls of items that were turned over to investigators. And there were the reports we just went over of what appeared to be crash debris landing in Indian Lake, nearly six miles from the immediate crash scene.

John Fleegle, an Indian Lake Marina employee, said FBI agents were skeptical of his reports about debris in the lake until they traveled to the lake shore to investigate.

By September 12, crash debris began washing ashore at the marina. Fleegle said there was something that looked like a rib bone amid pieces of seats, small chunks of melted plastic and checks.

He said FBI agents who spent the afternoon patrolling the lake in rented boats eventually carted away a large garbage bag full of debris.


Witnesses say they heard the plane fly over and could feel their houses on the lake shake. The debris evidence also supports the plane flying over Indian Lake AND that the plane was falling apart. This debris would have taken 15-20 minutes to float at 10mph and then descend on Indian Lake from the main crash crater. The testimony and evidence do not support the NTSB story that the debris floated over to the lake from the main crash site..

A shoot-down situation is further strengthened by reviewing statements made by people in various positions of power within the federal government after the fact.

Federal investigators said on Thursday, September 15, 2001, that they could not rule out the possibility that Flight 93 was shot down. "We have not ruled out that," FBI agent Bill Crowley told a news conference when asked about reports that a U.S. fighter jet may have fired on the hijacked Boeing 757. "We haven't ruled out anything yet."

Even Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld had a slip-up and said the plane was shot down:

"I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon..."

Yet the official story contained in the 9/11 Commission Report removes all evidence of a shoot down. Under the circumstances, I think most rational-thinking people would agree that shooting down a potential flying missile was the best course of action. That is unless it is true that those brave men and women took back control of the plane and were then executed for it.


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