26 minute read
b. What’s Going to Happen
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.
-Henry Kissinger
Thanks to Kissinger and the rest of the proponents of the Great Plan, even with our First Amendment rights it won’t be long before they criminalize dissemination of the type of information contained in this book. In fact we are right on the threshold of it as one of the “signs” of a potential domestic terrorist according to the Patriot Act is belief and talking with others of exactly this type of information, the intimate details and components of the Great Plan.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
History repeats, and Nazi Germany is becoming a reality in the United States of America in the year 2013. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to you, now that you know that the proponents of the Great Plan were also responsible for what happened under Hitler. They are doing it again….. As you read this, the people running the Great Plan are trying to instigate a war with Syria and/or Iran. You can expect this to possibly happen within the next five years depending on how this economic crisis unfolds, but let’s concentrate on what’s going to happen here in the United States for right now.
Nearly every American citizen is suspect under the Patriot Act. Cameras are everywhere if you take the time to look around and notice them, tracking everything you do. Just look up at the traffic signals the next time you are in any decent-sized town. These are not only monitoring but recording everything that comes into the lens and stored, just in case they need it. It costs next to nothing to store information these days, and they are storing as much information as possible.
They are constantly pushing you to stop using cash or checks and to go with “automatic debit” to pay your bills, whereby you don’t even hold in your hand your own money you earned from work—it’s just numbers on a computer screen, all tracked by “big brother”.
Your entire life is on computer records somewhere, and if you are suspected to be a combatant against the New World Order agenda, these records will be assembled together in some Homeland Security office, and your case will be assigned to one of the HS lackeys to “keep an eye on you”, which means this person will be constantly reviewing everything you do, everything you buy, what websites you go to, where you drive your car and what places you visit, looking for anything to build a case against you as a domestic terrorist. This could also turn into a false flag event against you. Could you imagine the trouble you could get in if it turned out a “mainstream” porn site you had visited/viewed had intentionally shown images of an underage girl, images you ended up viewing or even saving on your computer not knowing she was a minor? If it turned out the feds wanted to bust you down, they could selectively farm who they wanted to bust with this type of dragnet, so watch out. If they wanted to and you stepped on one of their land mines you could be labeled a pedophile, your name could get drug through the mud in your community, or you could even serve prison time.
If they feel they have enough “evidence” that you are a threat to the Great Plan agenda, and if you haven’t fallen into one of their pitfalls, they will just flat out arrest you, with no reason or rights, and send you to a FEMA camp or worse to Guantanamo, probably never to be heard from again and all “legal” under the NDAA signed by Fuhrer Obama at the end of 2011.
We are also headed for a national ID card system. Once that is implemented and accepted by the sheeple, they will take it to the next level: RFID microchipping. RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, and allows you to be tracked by GPS anywhere on the planet. I’m not talking about injecting a small chip under your skin either, they can do it now with an RFID tattoo, and if you don’t believe this you better Google it, because that is a fact. The RFID technology is very possibly the “mark of the beast” from the End Times of the Book of Revelation
There are about 900 drone (unmanned) airplanes flying over the U.S. at the beginning of 2013, and that number is projected to skyrocket to 30,000 within 10 years. Why so many drones over the U.S.? Its part of the Homeland Security police state they are implementing. And they are all already equipped with facial recognition software and……maybe assassination implements for the most patriotic dissenters in the future? That’s what they are doing right now in Afghanistan: assassinating the “troublemakers”, and any men, women, and children who happen to be in the immediate vicinity. Look for this to start happening in the U.S., and soon. “Death from above”. The way they are going to excuse quickly bringing in this tyrannical behavior is through declaring martial law in the United States. There are a handful of scenarios laid out in the FEMA guidelines that allows the federal government to declare martial law and suspend the Constitution. This will be accomplished with one of many different false flag scenarios that we already know are in the works due to vigilant people researching these kinds of things. Remember what a false flag is: an orchestrated event to get the people to capitulate to what the Great Plan needs to advance, but otherwise wouldn’t go along with it. An orchestrated event like the coming economic collapse most likely, but time will in fact tell. We’ll go over a couple more here to cover a couple more bases. It was actually made public in the Mainstream Media recently that various federal agencies had purchased 1.6 billion rounds of .40 caliber hollow-point bullets specifically to arm their employees with. Hollow-point bullets are made to do one thing: inflict maximum tissue damage to a human in the hopes of a single shot being a kill shot. Now why would they be doing this? Is something going to happen that the feds know about that hasn’t been put out in the Mainstream Media to alert the public? They wouldn’t keep us in the dark would they? You already know the answer to that question. 1.6
Let’s go over all the potential scenarios that I feel are possible, or probable, so that when it happens, you will know the truth of what is really happening.
We already went over the huge economic crash that’s coming, and it’s not a matter of if but when, the likes of which has never before been seen. The dollar is currently the reserve currency of the world and won’t be in the near future.
As the derivatives pyramid comes crashing down, the Federal Reserve will begin to “print” money en masse to try and contain the fire. This will not work, hyperinflation will ensue, and the dollar will crash. This means that the dollar will become worthless, and if you have wealth in the form of United States dollars, you will be financially ruined.
The economic conditions that gave rise to Hitler are coming again. The reason for the crash will be blamed on the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve and the rest of the individual nations’ central banks will implode. This will pave the way for the introduction of the ultimate one world central bank.
Again, when this massive economic crash happens, you will know that is was coming, who did it, how it happened, and why they did it.
As the worldwide central-bank pyramid scheme falls like a house of cards, bringing worldwide economic and societal collapse, expect pestilence and disease to go off the chart as the power grids break down, sewers quit operating, drinkable water quits flowing into the cities and countries, and generally unsanitary conditions explode. This would probably be a good time for the operators of the Great Plan to introduce a worldwide flu pandemic.
Another way, all by itself, to introduce martial law is through a massive flu pandemic. Military scientists exist whose sole job purpose is to create deadly bioweaponry for the New Babylon’s military use. This is where that anthrax came from immediately after the attacks on 9/11. If you research what our military is in possession of it is truly frightening.
A massive outbreak of an engineered, highly contagious, highly deadly virus would not only excuse martial law to “limit the spread of the disease”, it would eliminate millions, if not ultimately billions of humans from the planet. Remember, the elimination of 90% of the Earth’s population is one of the goals of the Great Plan…. the Culling of Man.
The military, under the direction of the proponents of the Great Plan who run the government, have built massive underground cities for the elites to go and hide out in just in case something like a massively deadly and contagious flu pandemic breaks out. There are over 100 of these multi-billion dollar “hideouts” in existence in the U.S. Just something else to Google and research for yourself.
Something else to consider as a possible scenario to implement martial law is through the effects of an EMP event. EMP stands for Electro Magnetic Pulse. EMPs occur naturally when a large burst of solar energy hits our planet. If this burst is large enough, it could have the effect of knocking out delicate electronic circuitry that runs our modern day world. Although a significant burst of solar energy and subsequent “crash of the grid” is a low possibility, a manmade EMP through the airburst of a nuclear bomb or other apparatus is a very real and much more possible event. A single nuclear
device detonated 250 miles above the center of our country would crash the grid in the mainland United States, and this is a fact. This would be an extremely easy false flag for the operatives of the New World Order to facilitate and blame on Iran, for example, or even North Korea.
The “grid” is representative of the supply lines of food, energy, water, sewer etc. that we use every day to maintain life. The interlocking grid that enables us to live as a first-world country would be severely disrupted if not outright obliterated by the sudden destruction of nearly every computer within the range of the EMP. 95% of vehicles would suddenly not work. Airplanes would drop out of the sky like flies. Power stations would self-destruct. Basically, anything controlled by a computer would be rendered inoperable. It would be quite the nasty situation for you and your family to experience, and you probably wouldn’t live through it unless you are prepared. Perhaps you’ve heard the term “prepping”, well this is why people in the know prepare or “prep” for exactly this type of situation.
Again, it has been confirmed as a fact by scientists that a single nuclear explosion detonated over the center of our country would cause an EMP and in fact render nearly all computers in
this country inoperable. Supply lines for food and energy would be severed for months if not years. Massive starvation would set in within only weeks. If this happened martial law would immediately be imposed.
A crash of the grid is the root cause of all this “zombie apocalypse” talk you may have heard about in the Mainstream Media, but they never explain it. The zombie apocalypse happens when people run out of food and start eating each other. Remember, it only took that Chilean soccer team that crashed in the Andes in South America some years ago a matter of days before they got so hungry they started eating the dead bodies.
In particular relation to an EMP event, we need to revisit the scientific work and discoveries of a man we talked about earlier in this book: Nikola Tesla.
I can’t explain in this limited amount of space how far ahead of his time this man really was. I easily rank him among the most gifted intellects in human history. The work he did in relation to electricity is not only off the chart in relation to the limited body of knowledge regarding electricity during his lifetime, but it is vastly underrated and blacklisted by the proponents of the Great Plan. They literally don’t want you to know what his inventions were truly capable of. When he died it is a fact that agents representing the federal government confiscated all of his research papers and work in the interest of “national security” and those inventions fell right into the hands of the proponents of the Great Plan, who are going to use this technology against us in the very near future.
We’re going to go over this guarded information right now, because it is intricately intertwined with what is coming down the line in terms of worldwide catastrophic events.
Tesla’s technology could have given mankind free and unlimited energy. Giving man free energy would have released him from one of the primary bonds placed upon him by the Illuminati, and that is our dependence on the oil they control. This is one of, but not the primary reason, he has been blacklisted from history.
Allowing Tesla glory in the annals of history in the U.S. would have shown him to not only have been one of the greatest inventors in history, but also that he was a highly patriotic man who believed in God and was probably a Christian, seeing as how his father was an Orthodox Christian priest,
His inventions transformed the world, with AC power being chief among them. The arrival of AC electricity, in my opinion, was the trigger to what is referred to in the Book of Daniel as “knowledge will increase”, which is a harbinger of the End Times. The advent of consumer electricity in the form of Tesla’s Alternating Current allowed mankind’s technological advances to rapidly grow by leaps and bounds.
Tesla was not only an inventor with over 300 patents to his name; he was an electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist. Here also invented or discovered radio, radar, radiation, x-ray devices, wireless transmission of communications and energy, hydroelectric power, fluorescent lighting/neon, robotics, superconductors, lasers, and many other subjects far ahead of his time.
Tesla not only contributed a huge body of inventions that were beneficial to mankind, he also discovered the ultimate means of power and destruction, and stated that if he wanted to, among other things, he could use that terrible power to literally split the Earth in half. After reviewing the facts behind this statement, I believe he wasn’t kidding.
This multi-faceted means of not only helping but possibly destroying mankind is in existence today and the primary location for the exploration of the various uses of this technology is in Gakona, Alaska, and it is called HAARP. HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. There are also HAARP-like apparatus’ set up at various locations throughout the globe, and both Russia and China now also possess this unbelievably powerful technology and Russia has in fact used it against us already during the Cold War.
The facts surrounding HAARP are so numerous and detail-intensive that entire books have been written about it. It is critically important to understand that this technology is factually in existence and is in use today. I am going to give you a crash course in only a couple of pages, telling you what it is capable of with minimal intricate details, due diligence for the nuts and bolts regarding it are up to you.
Right off the bat, HAARP can be used to cause DNA damage to humans, cause and/or accelerate cancer, weaken the immune system, can create feelings of uneasiness, depression, irritability and foreboding in the minds of mankind, can cause a person to hear “voices” inside their head, can create “Global Warming” side effects in our environment to convince the world we need to pay carbon taxes, can tap into the Earth’s magnetic field as an unlimited source of free energy, can harness the power of the Earth’s magnetic field to create explosions larger than the biggest thermonuclear bombs in existence, can shield our country from incoming missiles, can cause earthquakes, and can create and/or alter the weather, can cause small or gigantic EMPs. This can all be done from a single “research facility” in Alaska, but also all of the above can be inflicted upon our country by both Russian and China as of the publication of this book.
One other important event that I believe the HAARP technology could be used for is the incineration of an incoming meteor or asteroid, an “extinction event” that would otherwise decimate life on our planet.
Depending on what frequencies, degree of power, and other variables you are applying, and where you are sending the energy, you can use it to create all of the above described situations. It is truly the power of the gods, and it is in existence right now.
What if HAARP falls in to the wrong hands? It’s already too late to think about that, as it’s in the most evil hands in the history of the Earth: the hands of the proponents of the Great Plan. It is also in the hands of two countries that could very well stand up to the Great Plan and wipe the New Babylon, aka the United States, right off the map. Literally. When the world economy crashes, the entire world might blame the United States, triggering a HAARP attack from both China and Russia. Suddenly the quotes from the Book of Revelation regarding the almost instant destruction and burning of the New Babylon of the End Times might make uncomfortable sense……. The patents for the HAARP technology are held by Military Industrial Complex kingpin Raytheon, and the authority to do the experiments they are conducting are authorized and overseen by the Pentagon, so you know this isn’t just friendly science experiment they are working on up there.
Another, and possibly the most nefarious use of HAARP I need to make you aware of so you don’t fall for a deception can be achieved through the projecting of 3D holograms into the night sky.
"I occasionally think how quickly our differences, worldwide, would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world"
-President Ronald Reagan said this in a joint speech with President Mikhail Gorbachev, in 1988 on the floor of the UN. He made almost the same comment on many occasions that year, as if to plant a seed for the future.
Now, whether or not this deception is man-made via holograms, or supernaturally based having to do with malevolent interdimensionals manifesting themselves physically for us to see is anyone’s guess. At this point in this book I’m just throwing out some possibilities of what might be in our future. It says in the Bible that going into the End Times that God will send a strong deception to fool all but the most ardent, informed Christians. The reason that God is credited with being the one who sends the deception is that He is the one who has to allow it, perhaps Himself opening the dimensional porthole to let those particular demons out of their “prisons” that is prophesized to happen in the End Times.
According to Biblical writ, these malignant interdimensional beings ran rampant right up until the Biblical flood-event, when God was forced to act to keep them from completely destroying mankind and all life on Earth. He imprisoned these beings somewhere in another dimension and wiped their offspring the “Nephilim” from the face of the Earth, and basically started mankind over with Noah and his family.
Is the story of the flood a simple metaphor for a much deeper thought process explanation of what happened? I believe it’s possible, but I also do believe that interdimensional beings who were not supposed to interfere with mankind did in fact do so. The Creator God had to intervene as a result of these beings screwing up the natural process, placing them in a spiritual prison and wiping the slate clean on the Earth to begin again. According to the Bible, a different faction of these interdimensionals also interacted with the humans after the “flood” and continue to do so to this day, advising the human leaders of the Great Plan through interactions via occult black magic rituals.
There is something else going on to throw into the mix you need to take note of, and I believe it has to do with various applications of the HAARP technology, and this is a phenomenon called “chemtrails”. These are chemicals that are apparently being sprayed into our upper atmosphere by military jets. Most people pass these off as harmless jet “contrails”, but it is a FACT that genuine jet contrails are only made of water vapor and dissipate within a few seconds or minutes of being generated, unlike these chemtrails that do not dissipate and actually spread out over time and grow larger and larger as they drift across the sky. The next time you see a jet laying down a vapor trail behind it, spend a few moments and watch that trail behind it to see if it dissipates. Again, a contrail will dissipate within a few seconds or minutes, but if it sticks around and DOESN’T dissipate but grows larger and larger, that is a chemtrail. Some of the substances of these “chemtrails” have been collected and tested by patriotic Americans and it has been found that these chemtrails are composed of barium and aluminum dust---both toxic to breathe in.
Why are they doing this? Since no one knows for sure, including me, I’m just hazarding a guess that since HAARP has mainly to do with interacting with our atmosphere, and since these chemtrails are being laid down in our atmosphere, they are related. Barium and aluminum are both highly conductive of electricity, and HAARP is an electricity-based operation.
So back to the “great deception”, one of the rumored mechanisms of triggering the World Government if all else fails is either a simulated alien invasion, and/or a simulation of the return of Christ/the messiah--- and I am being very serious here. Right now the military has, through HAARP, the technology to project 3d images up into our atmosphere, possibly using the reflective metal particles of aluminum and barium as part of the operation.
In 1974, noted physicist, genuine rocket scientist and co-founder of NASA Dr. Werner von Braun stated that "when the Cold War ended with the USSR, America would need a new enemy to
continue to manufacture arms for, so a fake 'war on terror' would be created. When this was seen for the fraud that it is, the next step would be a False Flag event of a so-called "alien attack'', which could then keep the war machine going forever".
The Cold War ended in 1989 and over 20 years have passed, so the scenario I’ve laid out not only with the events of 9/11 and the subsequent launch of the “war on terror”, but with what I believe will be a false-flag event to try and convince the world we are being invaded by aliens would fit right in with what Dr. von Braun was warning us of.
To plant the seeds of this, society needs to be conditioned to the existence of UFOs/Extra Terrestrials. The Rockefellers in the early 90s, right on the heels of the ending of the Cold War, wasted no time in going to work on this exact scenario.
From September 13-15, 1993, leading UFO researchers met at the Wyoming ranch of Laurence Rockefeller. They decided on a plan of “approaching” President Clinton about a mutual cooperation of releasing information to the public about UFOs in order to “prove” their existence to mankind. A collection of the “best available evidence” was funded by Rockefeller and written by two leading UFO researchers, finished at the end of 1995, with 1,000 copies of it sent to various U.S. Senators, Congressmen, and Clinton White House personnel. Some of these were also sent to key European politicians.
To discuss the implications of open contact with an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, the Human Potential Foundation, again funded by the Rockefellers, organized an international conference in D.C on May 27-29 of 1995.
Another group funded by the Rockefellers was the “Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence”, CSETI, and its founder Steven Greer. He also started something called Project Starlight, whose goal was to present the “best available evidence and witness testimony in a manner which would constitute a definitive disclosure regarding the reality of the UFO/ET subject.” CSETI organized the “Washington Briefings”, which was a series of presentations given by 20 firsthand witnesses of UFO encounters and UFO related events within the U.S. government. These briefings, under the chairmanship of Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, were conducted between April 7-11 of 1997 in the Westin Hotel in D.C., with a second, smaller briefing following at the Pentagon.
Greer has since organized another group called the Disclosure Project in 2001 and presented multiple eyewitnesses, broadcast on the Mainstream Media, about alleged “ETs” here on earth, etc. You are going to hear more from Steven Greer in the future, so make a mental note of him and who he is working for, the Rockefellers. I’ve seen various interviews with Greer, and his mannerisms set off a character alarm in my mind, not only because of the Rockefellers being involved, but his strong anti-Christian views in particular. For someone to be so open-minded on one end and to be absolutely close-minded and hostile towards God on the other smacks of an agenda, and it’s because it is part of the agenda: the final push to fulfill the Great Plan.
It is my opinion that we are not being and have not been visited by beings from another planet in our galaxy. This is based on countless hours of research, and I’m not the only one with this opinion. We have been, in my opinion, interfered with by beings from what I believe is the fourth dimension, or possibly higher, who manifest themselves physically in this dimension, and this is where the discussion would lead into things like them coming through stargates or wormholes and scenarios along a much deeper realm of thinking that what I want to go into in this book.
The nearest possible inhabitable planet to us that science knows about is over 20 light years away. That’s over 20 light years in one direction, let alone a round trip “back home” for an alien being. You would have to have an enormous vehicle capable of carrying or generating over 20 years worth of living supplies to make the trip, and that’s figuring travel at the speed of light, which is a physical impossibility. This is a phenomenal distance for a small spacecraft to travel, even at or above the speed of light, and that’s even if life at that closest planet was planted by other beings, or evolved along far enough on its own to be able to leave their own planet, let alone come all the way out here to see little old us.
Very quickly to rehash, here is what I believe is the truth about “Extra Terrestrials” and UFOs. I believe that beings that people have seen and interacted with throughout mankind’s history are Extra Dimensionals, not Extra Terrestrials. I also believe that there are two distinct types of UFOs that people see sometimes in the night skies, and sometimes during the day too. The shiny metallic looking ones you may have seen various pictures of are not manned by ETs but probably are the latest generation of military vehicle technology. It has been alleged that the Nazis invented antigravity technology and actually had a small number of “flying saucers” in their arsenal at the end of WW II. This technology would have been confiscated by the allies and sent to the U.S., along with people like Werner von Braun, the guy with the quote a few paragraphs above warning us, and used to seed NASA. Secret technologies held by our military are always far advanced of what is let out in public. They don’t want to bring us too far forward too fast, however, as they want to be able to make the money off of building just the threshold of the latest technology to keep us ahead of our “enemies” and then spend the money to replace it in just a few years. That is my explanation of the clunky-looking metallic craft that certainly did not travel over 20 light years to get here.
The other UFO phenomenon has to do with the objects that are going thousands of miles an hour and then can suddenly do a 90 degree turn, which goes against the laws of physics. Well, if you are an interdimensional entity, you don’t have to obey the laws of physics because those laws only apply to the 3D world. Again, this is far too deep for this book to get into, but I need to at least let you know where I’m at. I certainly don’t believe the UFO community is “crazy”, but I think they have been intentionally misled from what I believe is the truth. The angels and demons described in the Bible are really interdimensionals who I believe hang around all of us, all the time. We occupy the same space, they are just in another dimension of it. I’ll certainly elaborate more on this topic in a later book.
So, to summarize HAARP, the last thing that HAARP could be used to accomplish is an event that I consider to be the one warned about in the Bible about the grand delusion sent by God. The last Great Plan-executed significant nationwide or global event that could result in martial law is perhaps the most diabolical of all: a faked alien invasion using 3D hologram technology available through the HAARP technology. It is possible that God sent this delusion by bestowing upon Tesla the knowledge to come up with the technology needed to create the delusion. That would explain the delusion quote in the Bible regarding the End Times and what was going to happen.
HAARP is something so powerful and deadly that it needs to be carefully scrutinized by the public, but in order to do that the public needs to be made aware of it. Please research this subject, HAARP, in particular as it is going to have huge ramifications on our future and if you know what this technology is capable of you can watch the nightly news and view what is happening around us with the blinders off.