14 minute read
h. The 9/11 Commission
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
In the fall of 2002, the "National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States", aka the 9/11 Commission, was established, mostly in response to pressure from families of victims of the 9/11/01 attack.
Well, we might as well jump right on the facts surrounding this ridiculous, underfunded, impotent joke of a whitewash….I mean investigation.
Point of fact: Originally, President Bush had appointed Bilderberg/CFR/Trilateral Commission member, known Rockefeller henchman, notorious war criminal, and alleged 33rd degree Freemason Henry Kissinger, famous for his role in cover-ups, as chairman of the 9/11 Commission.
Go figure.
In addition to the above New World Order steering groups, Henry Kissinger was then, and still is, an important agent in the service of the British Royal Institute for International Affairs, a member of the Club of Rome and a regular attendee of the occult Bohemian Grove group. He is without a doubt one of the most influential men of the modern era working for the Great Plan.
"The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its perceptions."
- Henry Kissinger
The proponents of the Great Plan, however, ultimately decided that he would have been too much of a lightning rod and not wanting to attract more attention than already was going to happen, Kissinger stepped down. Kissinger was replaced by former New Jersey governor, and Bilderberg/CFR member Thomas Kean, with Bilderberg/CFR member Lee H. Hamilton being selected as the vice chair, so coming out of the gate you already know we weren’t going to get a real investigation. All of these New World Order steering groups’ members, the Round Table Groups, know each other well behind the scenes from attending these meetings and watch each other’s backs, because they know their backs will also need watching someday, either through legal or financial avenues.
The official investigation of 9/11 was closely overseen, managed, and manipulated by the very individuals who themselves toe the line of their Illuminati masters who are in charge of the New World Order agenda. This section will hopefully be a real eye-opener as to how badly we were lied to about what really happened on September 11, 2001.
Senator Max Cleland, who initially served on the Commission, was the only outspoken original member. After learning who was ultimately going to be involved, he compared the Kean Commission to the Warren Commission:
“The Warren Commission blew it. I'm not going to be part of that. I'm not going to be part of looking at information only partially. I'm not going to be part of just coming to quick conclusions. I'm not going to be part of political pressure to do this or not do that.”
In November of 2003, President Bush took care of this “minor” stumbling block and appointed Cleland to a position on the board of the Export-Import Bank, prompting him to step down from the Commission due to sudden “conflict of interest”. He was then replaced by Vietnam War criminal and CFR member Bob Kerrey.
Chairs Kean and Hamilton served as the public face of the Commission. Their conflicts of interest should have been concern enough, but the real dirty work of the Commission to hide the truth was in the hands of Philip Zelikow, a fact documented by David Ray Griffin, in his book devoted to exposing biases, omissions, and distortions in the Commission: “The 9/11 Commission Report; Omissions and Distortions”.
In 1998, CFR member Philip Zelikow published an article in Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations, entitled “Catastrophic Terrorism: Imagining the Transformative Event”. This was the very report PNAC picked up and expanded on when they stated that “Further, the process of
transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor..”
So now, the exact pro-New World Order operative who suggested we needed a new Pearl Harbor, and got it, was heading the Commission in charge of whitewashing it. Great.
Zelikow was a member of the Bush transition team in 2000-2001. In other words, Bush was Zelikow’s boss at the time he was appointed to the Commission.
As executive director, Zelikow was in charge of the Commission's staff, and it was these staff members, not the Commissioners we saw on television, who did most of the actual work of the Commission. The Commissioners carried out their own distinctive work, their discussions and interviews, on the basis of the material provided by the staff under direct control of Zelikow.
Kean and Hamilton refer to this fact in their statement that the "professional staff, headed by Philip
Zelikow, conducted the exacting investigative work upon which the Commission has built".
As Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, Zelikow oversaw a staff of 70 “researchers”, comprised of ex-FBI, ex-CIA, and ex-Department of Justice employees. In other words, people who made their very livings off of lies, misinformation and disinformation. Zelikow also had the power to determine what would be researched and what would not be researched. The 9/11 Commission Report was for the most part co-authored by the White House; and literally amounted to nothing more than the White House whitewashing itself.
In his book, David Griffin enumerated some of Zelikow's many connections to the Bush White House: Member of the National Security Council of the elder Bush administration, aid to National
Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft under the elder Bush administration, co-Author of a book with then Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor for Bush Jr., Director of Aspen Strategy Group, to which Rice, Scowcroft, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz belonged, Member of Clinton to Bush Jr. transition team, member of Bush Jr.'s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, until being appointed to the 9/11 Commission.
No conflict of interest there, right?
Not only was Zelikow intimately tied to the Bush White House, look with your own eyes at these terms laid out by President Bush and VP Cheney in order for them to cooperate to testify:
-They would only be allowed to testify jointly
-They would not be required to take an oath before testifying
-The testimony would not be recorded electronically or transcribed, and that the only record would be notes taken by one of the commission staffers
-These notes would not be made public.
Huh???? Kind of makes you think they had something to hide, right? There is not a doubt that they did. At the very least they knew about the impending attacks and allowed if not helped them to happen. At the very worst, they were involved with planning and executing the attacks.
Congress originally allotted only $3 million for the investigation. This figure was later increased to $15 million. By contrast, $50 million was allocated for the Challenger disaster and the Clinton Whitewater scandal, whereas $40 million was allocated for Ken Starr’s “independent” investigation of Clinton’s sex scandal. It was intentionally underfunded from the get-go. They wanted people to believe that the Commission was just a waste of time and taxpayer money, and that they already had their perpetrators, Osama bin Laden and his fellow cave-dwellers from Afghanistan.
The committee had no subpoena power, little staff support, and was unable to obtain basic information like detailed blueprints of the buildings that collapsed. The White House released only about 25% of some 11,000 documents requested by the 9/11 Commission, and the documents released were often heavily blacked out, thus offering zero information.
Other Bush administration officials also refused to testify under oath. Eventually, Bush, Cheney, and Rice did meet with the commission in secret, behind closed doors, but again, they were not under oath, and no tape recorders or transcripts of the conversations were allowed. And the government has still not released much of the forensic data, which is either classified, concealed, or has been destroyed.
The 9/11 Commission has earned the designation by the 9/11 Truth Movement as the "Omission Commission" due to its refusal to even consider the vast body of evidence contradicting the official narrative of the attack. For example, the Commission decided not to hear from any of the fire fighters who witnessed the destruction of the World Trade Center. The exact same firefighters who would have testified to hearing explosions, seeing molten steel, and knowing that building 7 was going to collapse after being tipped off. The body of oral history testimony from the FDNY and EMS
The agenda of the Commission to confirm the “official” story, evident in the conduct of its hearings, became crystal-clear with the publication of its final report. The report is full of outright lies and contradictions, but its principal method for avoiding troublesome facts is through omission. In essence the Commission performs sleight of hand, diverting attention from the many red flags in the official story by weaving a detailed narrative about the alleged hijackers, terror networks, and breakdowns in systems that were supposed to deal with the threat.
The Report became a best-selling book and was hailed in the Mainstream Media as the definitive report on the attacks. However, the Report is more accurately characterized as the definitive narrative of the official myth of 9/11, systematically excluding every fact that doesn't support the official story.
Some of the more glaring facts not covered in the report? And this list is far from complete to save time and space in this book:
-The Report fails to acknowledge that no steel-framed high-rise building before or after 9/11 has ever collapsed due to fires.
-The Report fails to mention the total collapse of 47-story steel-framed skyscraper Building 7 at 5:20 on the day of the attack.
-The Report contains no mention of the interview in which the owner of Building 7 states that he and the Fire Department decided to "pull" Building 7 -- an apparent admission of a conspiracy to destroy the building and its contents.
-The Report fails to mention the rapid removal and recycling of the structural steel from the collapsed World Trade Center buildings, the protests against that action, or even to make excuses for it.
-The Report makes no mention of a statement by then-Mayor Rudolph Giuliani to Peter Jennings indicating he had foreknowledge of the collapses: "We were operating out of there when we were
told that the World Trade Center was gonna collapse, and it did collapse before we could get out of the building."
-The Report contains no mentions of eyewitness accounts of explosions
-The Report fails to mention that George W. Bush's brother, Marvin Bush, and his cousin, Wirt Walker III, were principals in the company that had the contract to provide security for the World Trade Center, Securacom, nor does it even mention the company.
-The Report makes no mention of the fact that a new owner, Larry Silverstein, took control of the World Trade Center complex just six weeks before the attack, obtained an insurance policy covering terrorist attacks, and successfully sued the insurance companies to obtain twice the multi-billion-dollar value of the policy.
-The Report repeats the list of 19 suspects identified by the FBI within days of the attack, while failing to mention that six of them reported themselves alive after the attack.
-The Report fails to mention that the airlines’ published passenger lists contained no Arab names, a fact publicized by skeptics of the official story.
-The Report fails to ask why the plane that crashed into the Pentagon was not stopped by anti-aircraft missile batteries that presumably ring the building.
-The Report fails to mention that no credible footage of the Pentagon attack has been made public, despite public knowledge that the FBI seized footage of the attack from nearby businesses.
-The Report does not ask why the Secret Service did not obtain air cover for the President's motorcade from the Sarasota school to the airport, nor for Air Force One, which took off at about 9:54, until about 11:10.
-The Report avoids mentioning several reports that government officials and business leaders received warnings and avoided targets of the attacks, including:
*A warning by the FBI advising Attorney General John Ashcroft to avoid flying on commercial airlines.
*The report that Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans the evening before the attack.
*The cancellation of plans by Ariel Sharon to attend an event in New York City on 9/11/01.
*A warning to San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown to avoid flying from Condoleeza Rice
-The Report does not mention that letters with weaponized anthrax were sent to the two most powerful senators attempting to slow the passage of the 9/11/01 attack-predicated USA PATRIOT Act.
-The Report states that the Commission was "chartered to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks," but fails to mention that it makes no attempt to meet its charter.
Finally, the families of the 9/11 victims called for the resignation of Executive Director Philip Zelikow, a Bush insider, and were duly snubbed. Commission member Max Cleland resigned, calling the entire exercise a "scam" and a "whitewash."
If it was such an open-and-shut case on 9/11, why would anybody need to twist the truth and ignore all of the available evidence? There is a legal term to describe this, and it is called obstruction of justice, which is a federal offense in the United States. It should be little wonder, then, that the esteemed members of the 9/11 Commission wanted to wrap up their proceedings as fast as possible because, to quote a Republican senator participant, “the system needs fixed and another terrorist
attack could happen at any moment.”
The bottom line is, if the public cannot place its trust in the very 9/11 Commission that was supposed to investigate the attacks, then how is it supposed to trust the official version of 9/11? For most individuals, expressing any sort of doubt about the official version as to what occurred on 9/11 would
mean confronting demons that few people are prepared to or would even want to face….and that’s what they are banking on.
The official story has been questioned and many of the above points were raised by members of the US Congress, retired high-ranking officers of the US military, the three leading third-party candidates for President in the 2004 election, a member of the 9/11 Commission who resigned in protest, a former high-ranking adviser to the George W. Bush administration, former ministers to the German, British and Canadian governments, the commander-in-chief of the Russian air force, 100 luminaries who signed the "9/11 Truth Statement," and the presidents of Iran and Venezuela. Not all of these people agree fully with each other, but all would normally be considered newsworthy. Why has the corporate-owned US Mainstream Media remained silent about these statements? Hopefully you already know the answer to that by now.
The 9/11 Commission Report ignores the historical record of US covert support to international terrorism via the CIA, while creating the illusion that America and "Western Civilization" are threatened by terrorists. In turn, the various terrorist warnings and code red alerts have instilled in our country an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.
How about what some of the 9/11 Commissioners said themselves about the whole deal:
• The 9/11 Commission’s co-chairs said that the 9/11 Commissioners knew that military officials misrepresented the facts to the Commission, and the Commission considered recommending criminal charges for such false statements
• 9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer said “We were extremely frustrated with the false
statements we were getting”
• 9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, stating: “It is a national scandal”; “This investigation is now compromised”; and “One of these days we will have to get the full
story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up”
• And the Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission, John Farmer, who led the 9/11 staff’s inquiry said
“At some level of the government, at some point in time…there was an agreement not to tell
the truth about what happened”. He also stated: “I was shocked at how different the truth was
from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been
told to us and the public for two years…. This is not spin. This is not true.” He also stated: “It’s
almost a culture of concealment, for lack of a better word. There were interviews made at the FAA’s New York center the night of 9/11 and those tapes were destroyed. The CIA tapes of the interrogations were destroyed. The story of 9/11 itself, to put it mildly, was distorted and was completely different from the way things happened”
If even the 9/11 Commissioners don’t buy the official story……do you?