21 minute read
c. What Do We Do?
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”
-George Orwell
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
-Ephesians 5:11
So now that you know what is happening and what we are up against, what are we supposed to do?
The very best thing to do to start with is to educate yourself and those around you to what is really going on behind the façade presented to us by the Mainstream Media. I rarely even watch TV anymore because I know for a fact that it’s just a bunch of brainwashing crap.
“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”
– William Colby, former CIA director
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
– William Casey, former CIA Director (from first staff meeting, 1981)
“Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State.”
– James Angleton, head of CIA counter intelligence from 1954-1974
I don’t have a video game system in my house, I don’t watch TV, and I rarely go to the movies. All I do is spend my time researching this New World Order business because it is so important, and the implications of it are going to affect not only me but my kids and their future. Right now, their future looks pretty bleak to me under the New World Order system of Luciferian one world government and the tyranny needed to enforce its rule.
A lot of people are going to call the sum total of the contents of this book complete lunacy. Those people I refer to as “sheeple”: the people who can look right at the facts of what is happening, the gravity of our situation, and have the gall to say it isn’t true. “It can’t be true. Stuff like this is in the movies, so therefore it is just make believe.” Bull-f-ing-shit….pardon my French.
“It’s easier to fool people, than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
-Mark Twain
If you truly understand what is in this book, you should feel just like I did when I found out about it: like you just got kicked in the stomach. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and educate yourself while you can, because this type of information is soon to be outlawed as “inciting or promoting domestic terrorism”. That feeling in your stomach will go away, trust me. Let it be replaced with what you should be feeling over finding out about the Great Plan: Anger, and the motivation to do
something about it in the name of your family, your country, and hopefully your God.
Our first and second amendment rights are soon to be on the chopping block, as the 4th amendment already has and others under the ever-growing threat of “domestic terrorism” i.e. people waking up to the truth and wanting to do something about it.
“How fortunate for the leaders that the masses (sheeple) do not think.”
–Adolph Hitler
Sooner or later we are going to have to draw a line in the sand and stand unflinchingly behind it or they are going to steamroll right over free humanity and it will all be over. Unfortunately for you and me, this is an impossibility at this time because most people are “asleep”. Hopefully at this point in this book you are now “awake”, and I highly recommend you go back and re-read this book at least one more time if not more to better understand what the tangled, interconnected web of the New World Order really is. The time to act is now or never because it will be too late for you to educate yourself and others if you procrastinate.
The most effective thing you can do to fight back against the New World Order is to educate others as to what is going on that they are not told about---or intentionally mislead about--- by the Mainstream Media.
I love my country, the United States of America, and I will not stand idly by and watch as she is ravaged in a gang-rape by the proponents of the New World Order in an attempt to take her down and be absorbed into a one world government. I couldn’t stand idle knowing this is going on if my life depended on it, it’s just not in me.
There was an old typing class exercise in school that you may or may have not come across in your life, but it is worth bringing up here: "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of your
That time is now….or never. We are at the threshold of the totalitarian one world government, and if we allow the United States to fall, our lives will all change for the worse. Much, much worse.
Are you going to be on the side of those who cause wars, mass murders, recessions, depressions, starvation, environmental catastrophes, and general malevolence, or are you going to be on the side of good, caring, nurturing humanity? Even if you are not religious, you have to agree that what they have done throughout history and continue to do today would be considered “evil”. The proponents of the New World Order are nearing the goal they have been after for thousands of years: a Luciferian One World Government. They have pulled out all the stops in order to fulfill this, using their many secret and not-so-secret societies to orchestrate their master plan. They have shoved the New World Order agenda down our throats, and we’ve meekly accepted it after being brainwashed and co-opted by their “methods of madness”. They have control over our government, our schools, our churches, our economy, our society, and us. They literally OWN US. We have stood idly by as they have dissolved our Constitution, our morals, our values, our patriotism, and our country. We should have stood up to them long ago and said “no”, but didn’t because there was no way of knowing their secretive agenda. Thanks largely to the advent of the internet, suppressed information and history has flowed forth that the Illuminati-controlled Mainstream Media could not filter or stop, so now they have to do damage control and discredit it the best they can. Ultimately they will outlaw transmission of this type of information, mark my words. We now know that we don’t have leaders, we have mis-leaders. We have the best government corrupt money can buy, and that is who rules us. It’s time to take the reins of the country back from the robber barons and place them firmly in the hands of patriotic Americans like you and me, friend.
The people running this Luciferian End Time Show obviously aren’t going to admit to being a part of it, but will sure do everything they can to muddy the water of truth and discredit or kill those who would try to expose and oust them. It is proven that the Illuminati/Rothschild groups are involved in all these events because their involvement can be traced factually through the monetary paper trails, just follow the money. A man named G. Edward Griffin did an outstanding job of just this in his book, the literal “Bible” about the Federal Reserve, called The Creature from Jekyll Island. I highly suggest you read it.
They draw their power from us, and without us they are nothing. Those diabolical pieces of crap actually made us fight and kill each other in the Civil War, remember?? They pitted us against each other and do it today through the false left-right political paradigm. Divide and conquer. They need us naïve and stupid to their plans or they won’t work, it’s that simple. Remember though, the government is not our enemy, and people who say they hate the government have got it wrong. Government is merely a tool, and in the wrong hands does much harm, much like a gun. No, our enemies are the people behind the curtain of government, those installing the puppets who have allowed a price be put on their souls.
If you nudge society just a little bit every year so nobody notices, over centuries and millennia a society is WAY off course from where we could be or should be, and this is where we are today: way off the course God intended us to be on.
“To oppose corruption in government is the highest obligation of patriotism.”
-G. Edward Griffin, author of “The Creature From Jekyll Island”, which is the best book available to explain the Federal Reserve and central banking in general, including how it ties to the Illuminati families
There’s nowhere on the planet to run from these people, so you better start educating yourself as to what they really have been up to and where our future lies under their leadership.
People are waking up in droves, but we need a mass awakening, an enlightenment by education if you will, of humanity as to how things really are.
You need to be eternally vigilant in your quest for the truth as I have. This is the first edition of this book and I’ve done as well as I can with the time I have invested into it with well over 6,000 hours of research into the New World Order agenda. Be very careful of your sources and cross-reference everything. Anything proven to be factually wrong in this book will be changed in future printings, but as of right now, as far as I’m concerned, this book is the truth in print. Do not use propaganda-based websites like Wikipedia in particular to research the contents of this book. When you Google something, Wikipedia entries are usually at the top of any search list you might look up. This is because Google has been corrupted via their leaders being sucked into the New World Order agenda. As long as you double and triple-check your research you should get to the truth.
Educate yourself about all things New World Order before they literally pull the plug on this suppressed information stream that is flowing from the internet in particular. After they pull the plug they will outlaw even talking about this stuff. Virtually all of the information that is pertinent at this time to the New World Order is in this book. If you have this book and they pull the plug on the internet or the power grid goes down, you will be able to share with others by reading or sharing this book what is really going on. I will list my website where you can find how to purchase copies of this book to give away to friends, family, or anyone you care about. I have also been obligated by my faith to give the contents of this book away for free, and I will put a PDF containing this entire book for free for all to have access to on my website. I can also email you this PDF in the meantime for you to forward to those you care to awaken to the pressing matters in this book. Download the PDF onto your hard drive or a hard file storage unit, because if they shut off the internet you won’t be able to retrieve it, but you will still be able to download onto others’ computers if it comes to it.
Here is a short list of online documentaries on Youtube.com I’ve seen/recommend for further education. This is a small sampling of some of the more popular ones, but there are literally hundreds and thousands more than I listed to try and wake you up:
“Freedom to Fascism” by Aaron Russo “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” by infowars.com (Alex Jones’ website) “The Obama Deception” by infowars.com “Fall of the Republic” by infowars.com “Wake-Up Call” by John Nada “Esoteric Agenda” by Ben Stewart
“Know Your Enemy” by the Fuel Project
“The Money Masters” by William T. “Bill” Still and Patrick S. J. Carmack “Money as Debt” by Paul Grignon “Monopoly Men” by Liberty International
Methods of Madness:
“The Fluoride Deception” by Christopher Bryson
“Sweet Misery”, about aspartame, by Cori Brackett and J.T. Waldron “The GMO Threat” by Jeffrey M. Smith “Wake Up America, #1,2,3” about poisons in our food, by Peter McCarthy and Radhia Gleis
9/11 Truth:
“Loose Change” by Dylan Avery, and produced by Korey Rowe, Jason Bermas and Matthew Brown
“911: In Plane Site” by David von Kleist and William Lewis
There are also a handful of highly intelligent anti-New World Order activists who are on youtube.com and you should be listening to them. People like Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser, Peter Schiff, Jim Rogers, and Mike Adams are all good people to be listening to on a regular basis to get the truth in news.
There are also many, many books that have been written about the New World Order and its various components besides this one, some of them listed in my bibliography. The book that you have in your hands, however, is the most comprehensive book to explain the entire New World Order conspiracy that I know of, and is the exact book I wish I’d had at the start of finding out about the New World Order.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
-Edmund Burke
Once you educate yourself to what is going on and who is responsible, then you can act accordingly. They have the Great Plan, I propose the “Great Solution”, and that is to break their stranglehold over humanity. The only way to initiate this is to educate yourself and others, that’s the first thing we need to do.
So, the first thing you should get cracking on is educating yourself. The second thing I would recommend you do is to go and take your money out of the Illuminati-owned banks, because you are paying for your own enslavement. We need to break the back of the International Banking Cartel. As long as they control our money they will push for a one world government and the fulfillment of the Great Plan. If you bank with Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, or any big bank you are helping the New World Order. Immediately take your money out and move it to either a credit union or a small, local bank. By banking with the big, international banks you are helping to expedite the destruction of the United States and the onset of full-blown world government.
Not only this, but make sure to not keep valuables in any banks in safe deposit boxes. In the event of martial law, the feds can and will legally confiscate all the wealth contained in the banks. Get yourself a secure safe to keep inside your home where you can physically protect it if needed. I also recommend turning some of if not most of your paper dollar assets into gold and silver bullion. When the worldwide central bank Ponzi scheme crashes down, all those paper dollars will be good for is toilet paper, and the digital money you have in cyberspace? You have now been officially warned. Gold and silver have held their value for thousands of years and will continue to do so. This is why the owners of the banks themselves, the Illuminati, have traded trillions of dollars worth of paper and digital money over the many years for physical gold which they keep in huge underground vaults on their estates, complete with armed guards.
The third thing I recommend is to not enlist in the armed services, and if you’re in there, get the hell out. Why would you want to contribute to or even get killed or maimed just to promote the New World Order? Why would you want to contribute to the murder of innocent humans, especially women and children? You’re not living in a video game as they’d have you believe, this is real life we’re talking.
"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce and brave man, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
-Mark Twain
The fourth thing is to be proactive against this plan to take over the world. Research who you’re voting for, and if they promote the New World Order don’t vote for them and back someone who is pro-humanity instead. You can also vote with your wallet. Buy stuff made in the USA. Try and buy stuff from non-multinational companies to keep the money here in our country. They tell us trade is good but not when all our country is doing is importing crap and exporting our jobs and way of life.
The fifth thing I recommend is to take care of yourself and your health. Learn about fluoridated water. Learn about Aspartame. Learn about MSG. Learn about GMO foods. Learn about all of the terrible side effects to your health these things cause and avoid them if at all possible. Taking care of yourself also involves something we talked about earlier: prepping for a disaster.
You do not want to be waiting on federal aid that will not even show up if the grid crashes, so for the sake of not only yourself but your family, you need to take the initiative to be prepared for the worst.
This involves owning and being proficient in the use of firearms. Firearms are a uniquely American heritage. Firearms are as American as baseball, apple pie, and Chevrolet no matter what the goons in the Mainstream Media try to tell you.
There is a giant anti-gun statue on the grounds right in front of the United Nations spelling out their intent to disarm humanity and the United States in particular, because people who own firearms are a threat to their totalitarian one world government. One of their top-of-the-agenda items they want to accomplish is to confiscate the guns of Americans. There is surprisingly little gun violence in the U.S. for the number of guns and gun owners. Those mass shootings that are happening need to be scrutinized for false flag clues, including CIA-mind control of the shooters. We have had semi-automatic guns in our country for decades without a problem, and now suddenly there is a problem? In countries where gun confiscation has occurred crime did not go down and now the people can’t defend themselves against criminals with guns who weren’t going to obey the gun ban laws anyway.
The way they are going to attempt to confiscate our guns will go like this, so pay attention and mark my words. They will require every gun in America to be registered with the Feds in order to “protect us”. This will not protect us. How will this stop gun violence? It won’t. This is a ruse for the Feds to identify who has what so they can make ownership lists. The value of life in not only our country but the world has been nearly nullified by the proponents of the New World Order, so people killing people is not such a big deal these days---unless you are using it to excuse a gun grab by the Feds. The random gun shootings will continue and probably escalate by crazy kids hopped up on mindaltering prescription drugs like Ritalin, the same kids who then play the latest life-like video games where you murder in cold blood other human beings, and these same kids then snap and get their hands on their parents guns and go on killing rampages. The Feds will then ultimately declare an all-
“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”
-Thomas Jefferson
You now know that the Constitution has effectively been nullified by the Patriot Act and various other pieces of traitorous legislation, most of them having circumvented the Congress due to Presidential signing statements and Executive Orders by the puppet-Presidents that were installed to promote the New World Order agenda.
The Second Amendment to the Constitution was put there for a reason. People who have the means to protect themselves are less likely to want to be “saved by the government”, and they want you 100% dependent on the government so you can be their slave. At a minimum you should have a pistol, a rifle, and a shotgun, and the ammunition and knowledge to use them to protect yourself and your family from the threat of a “zombie apocalypse”, and it is a very real threat unfortunately. You should also store enough non-perishable food for you and your loved ones and the means to prepare it for a minimum of one year, preferably more. You probably don’t realize how
heartbreaking it would be to watch your children starve to death if it came down to it and you were powerless to stop it, but had been warned about what you should do to prepare.
“The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.”
-Proverbs 27:12
You should also store water, but more importantly is the means to collect and store water after the fact and the chemicals or systems needed to treat it so it’s safe to drink. If you get giardia from contaminated water you will probably die, unless you are in possession of the next line item here, antibiotics and other prescription drugs.
You should store prescription drugs for yourself and your family. I myself am an asthmatic, and have enough medicine to get me by for awhile, at least a couple of years. Without it I could easily die from an asthma attack. You won’t be able to get any medicine, let alone your specific medicine, if the grid collapses. You should also research and store antibiotics, which you can get without a prescription thanks to a current loophole under the pretense of buying them for various fish and farm animals. This loophole will probably close within only a couple of years of you reading this, so time is short. You can get the medicine to treat giardia for instance right now, and you should get not only this but
other antibiotics. Something as basic as a respiratory infection can easily turn into pneumonia, which will lead to possible death if untreated. First aid kits and books about how to treat various ailments are also a necessity.
You should also try and keep your teeth in as good of shape as possible, including having any metals in your mouth removed that are filled with toxic substances. Have the metals removed and an epoxy put in place if you’re financially able. You might have to go for years without a dentist if the grid collapses, so if you’re able keep your teeth in good shape. Another thing to think about if you are able is to move out of the cities. Highly populated cities will turn into death traps if the grid collapses and food, water, sanitation and generally safe conditions immediately disappear. On that note, clean water will be scarce and more valuable to drink than to do laundry or dishes. Have extra socks and underwear in particular, feminine hygiene products, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. Also disposable paper plates, cups, flatware, etc.
There are hundreds of websites and books dedicated to prepping for disaster, and I highly suggest you not only educate yourself about this aspect but to prepare for the worst, because it is coming. Mark my words.
When all those third world countries who depend on the United States for supplemental food suddenly find no more aid coming in, those countries will descend into absolute anarchy, and the elites will get the billions of humans culled from the Earth that they are after in only a matter of weeks.
Your legacy can be that you stood up to evil while others around you stood idly by and watched it viciously attack your country, family, and fellow man. The actions of the proponents of the New World Order directly affects you, your family, your future, your finances, your kids, your retirement, your rights, your friends, etc. right on down the line, and it’s real, and it’s not going to go away by sticking your head in the sand.
We are literally at war with these people whether you want to accept it or not. They are waging war against us, so either get behind me or get the HELL out of my way. Humanity has turned the other cheek to these diabolical madmen for too long; it is time to make a stand.
It is only when the public rises up that real change occurs, and the dirty little secret they are afraid of getting out is that we have the real power via our numbers. They number around 10,000 conspirators according to some estimates, humanity numbers around 7 billion.
Do the math.