11 minute read
a. Where We’re at Right Now
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
“The technetronic era (New World Order) involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. ”
-Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder with David Rockefeller of the Trilateral Commission in his book “Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era”
Where are we at right now? We’re in a bad spot, and about to get worse. Much worse.
Our economy is teetering on the brink of another crash, the BIG CRASH. Economies in Europe are in the process of going into this crash right now and Great Britain will probably go over the cliff before we do, but since the Mainstream Media doesn’t emphasize how significant this is, most people don’t know or don’t care, thinking everything is going to be alright as it has been in decades and centuries past.
Unfortunately for us, what we are going through now, and will go through in the future is drastically different than any of the recessions in history. What we’re going through is an engineered financial implosion of the entire world by the proponents of the Great Plan.
To make it simple, we’ve got two main issues, and dozens of secondary issues. The first main issue is the flood of fiat money that has been pumped into our financial system over the last few years if not more. Our economy, and the world’s economy, has grown addicted to cheap, inflated money like a heroin addict. Now we’re in a spot where if the Fed raised interest rates at all, it would completely kill the economy, so we’re stuck at low interest rates and inflating our currency with nowhere to go but over the hyperinflation cliff. This has the effect of flooding our economy and the world with United States dollars whose value is ever-declining simply due to the dynamics of supply and demand. This is reflected in the valuation increases of precious metals over the last few years. As our dollar declines in value, it takes more of them to equal the same amount of gold or silver, pushing their prices ever higher.
The second main issue is something you might never have heard of: the derivatives bubble that hasn’t popped yet. This will be the biggest bubble in history. This bubble-pop will trigger hyperinflation, or vice-versa, in my opinion, whatever happens first.
A derivative is a paper investment, basing its value on another paper investment, basing its value on a further down the line paper investment, etc., until you reach the original tangible item that the first derivative was based on, like a mortgage-backed security, or a commodity, or whatever. And these inflated derivatives aren’t even paper-based, they are all electronic in cyberspace, with little to no regulation or oversight. It is literally a free-for-all by the Illuminati banksters.
It actually came out in the Mainstream Media a couple years ago that Bank of America alone was sitting on over $50 trillion worth of derivative exposure, with only about $1 trillion worth of deposits to back it up, and those deposits aren’t even their money, it’s their depositors.
The top five banks in the U.S. account for nearly 100% of the $250 trillion in derivatives exposure in this country, let alone the world. The global exposure to the derivatives debacle has been estimated as high as $1.5 quadrillion, that’s with a “q”, and that’s equal to $1,500 trillion dollars in purely black-hole debt based on absolutely nothing more than entered numbers on a computer screen.
We are talking about huge numbers here, monstrously huge. Our national debt pales in comparison, and that’s probably why the politicians don’t even care about it anymore. Current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner recently came out and said it’s time to abolish the nation’s debt ceiling altogether, essentially raising the feds credit card limit to “infinity”. The financial vampires of Wall Street were playing with fire, and managed to set the global economy on fire. They tried to batten down the flames after the 2008 crash with a flood of fiat money, and were only marginally successful. Right now, that derivatives fire is burning and gaining strength every day, until it suddenly turns into an inferno that will have to just burn itself out. Once it gets going, this towering inferno of debt will take down the entire global financial system. Don’t expect to hear anything about this out of the Mainstream Media until it is too late for Joe Average investor to get out of the market and into tangible assets that won’t lose their value in this type of crash, such as physical gold or silver bullion.
Warren Buffet once called derivatives “weapons of mass financial destruction”, and those words will ring true very soon when they implode and bring the world to its knees.
When this massive economic crash happens, you will know that is was coming, who did it, how it happened, and why they did it.
The Federal Reserve has been trying to keep the fire under control since 2008 by throwing money on it via something they call “quantitative easing”, which is just a more palatable way of saying they are printing billions of electronic dollars and pumping them into the system to keep the flames at bay. Sooner or later this is going to cause inflation. A lot of it, especially since announcing in mid 2012 that they will pump $40 billion a month into the financial system indefinitely. This will eventually turn into hyperinflation, as it always does when you print money with no backing, and this too will cause a global financial crash when the value of our dollar disintegrates.
Right now they are doing a good job of hiding the early stages of hyperinflation by not including energy or food prices in the federal Consumer Price Index or CPI. I’m sure you’ve noticed that gas prices have significantly gone up and stayed up, and they will stay up permanently and go higher. I’m sure you’ve noticed that portions of processed food have gone down while prices have gone up. A simple way of confirming this is that you can’t buy a half gallon of ice cream anymore, it’s now 1.5 quarts for the same price or higher, a reduction of the size of the container by a full 25%. What that really is saying is that your money is now worth 25% less than it was a couple of years ago. It is called wealth confiscation by the people running the government, the Federal Reserve.
Now let’s talk about President Obama, who fully knows about all of this and what’s going to happen, and is content to let it happen because that’s what his bosses, the Illuminati, want.
President Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro is nothing more than a paid actor. Without his teleprompter he is a stuttering buffoon. He is a pathological liar, and the people are so dumbed down and distracted that they just don’t catch on to this. Obama’s first job was in fact working for Henry Kissinger no less, who himself is a paid agent of David Rockefeller. Obama was groomed behind the scenes for a few years by the proponents of the Great Plan to serve a purpose, which is to be at the helm of the United States when the whole thing comes crashing down, doing exactly as he is directed from behind the scenes, and if he resists them he would be either publicly humiliated, or killed.
If you’ll remember, or not, Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize not long after he was elected. This is the same man who today authorizes hundreds of airborne drone strikes in Afghanistan, killing hundreds and even thousands of innocent civilians in the attempt to “get Al-Qaida”. He campaigned in 2007 that he would close the CIA’s Guantanamo Bay torture facility. It’s still open. He campaigned in 2007 he would get all GMO foods labeled. They still aren’t. And on . And on. And on.
You could literally go on for pages about what he said he was going to do if elected, and what agenda he’s actually followed after being elected, which is exactly the New World Order agenda.
It really doesn’t matter who is in the Presidential seat, Obama or anyone else, they all work for the New World Order agenda, hands down.
Backing up Obama are the Congress Crittters, the entrenched political elite in D.C. that the sheeple just keep electing over and over and over and nothing gets done and nothing changes unless it is in the best interest of the Great Plan.
One of the only members of Congress who actually is on our side is Congressman Ron Paul. Do you ever wonder why he was so vehemently attacked and degraded by the Mainstream Media? It’s because he’s not part of the Great Plan. He’s not a member of the CFR or any of the other Round Table Groups, and this makes him an outsider in D.C. Don’t forget, District of Columbia = District of the Illuminati, right? Ron Paul’s agenda probably makes total sense to you now at this point in this book. He wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve, shut down all of our overseas wars and bring our troops home, reign in spending, etc. etc. All things that are detrimental to the Great Plan. Do you get it now?
Our country is in an advancing state of decay at one end of the spectrum, and an advancing state of scientifically-driven Fascism at the other. Yes, that’s right, I said fascism. The very definition of fascism is the merging of the state with the nation’s biggest corporations, which are the investment banks, insurance companies and the oil conglomerate.
At one end of our society you’ve got a seemingly uncivilized world where kids have no value of life and shoot each other dead over a pair of sneakers. At the other end you have a 1984-esque existence coming into focus, where cameras, satellites, and GPS units in the phones and vehicles are tracking your every move and feeding this information into a massive federal database. You probably don’t even realize it, but you are being tracked like the owned property you are right this second. All of your financial records are tracked. If you have a modern phone with GPS you are being tracked. If
you have Onstar in your vehicle you’re being tracked. Every phone call you make is screened for certain words and then stored. Virtually everything you do these days is monitored and stored in giant federally-controlled supercomputers by Homeland Security, and that’s a fact. The cost of this storage is negligible, after all, we pay for it, and if they need tons of info on a particular “domestic terror suspect” all they have to do is pull up your e-file.
On another end of society, you have Homeland Security demonizing the use of cash as a “potential sign of a domestic terrorist”. At the other you have the sheeple corralled into the net of an electronic cashless society with the government and corporations analyzing your purchasing habits and making corporate decisions to try and increase profits, not to mention monitoring things you’re buying to see if you fit the “domestic terrorist” profile, such as buying bulk food, guns, ammo, etc.
Super computers, plant genetics/Monsanto/GMO, Nuclear/other weapons, inventions, bioweaponry, genetic engineering/cloning, abortion/euthanasia, vaccines/medical advancements, etc. are all the norm in the year 2013, but are they really helping humanity…..or the Great Plan? Computers and the internet are extremely powerful tools in today’s world, and it was important for the agenda of the Great Plan to bring the heads of the main internet and computer corporations into their elite inner circle to get them to toe the line of their agenda. This is why the CEOs of Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc. have all been summoned to the Bilderberg meetings over the last few years. In fact, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, gave the keynote speech at 2011’s Bilderberg meeting.
The proponents have turned our country into the most hated country on the face of the Earth due to our military aggression, our export of pornographic filth, our meddling in other countries affairs through our military and the CIA, pushing the gay agenda on religiously fundamental nations, etc. and on and on. People don’t like us. This is why the United States is referred to as the “Great Satan” by some countries, and with who is running the show in our country I can see why and would generally agree with that assessment, the Luciferians.
Our country is run by the proponents of the Great Plan, fronted by the Round Table Groups and the Federal Reserve, all started and controlled by these same Luciferians.
They are depending on the apathy they’ve instilled in you to not think outside the box, to not question what is presented to you in the Mainstream Media, and to not rise up against them. Remember, they have multi-billion dollar think tanks whose only mission is to promote the completion of the Great Plan at any and all cost to humanity.
“Tolerance” is the new buzzword being promoted by those who don’t want you to question what is happening in the United States…at all. Political correctness is actually the enemy of free humanity. You should be saying what you think, instead of what you are told to think.
We don’t live in the Information Age; we live in the Disinformation Age, courtesy of the Mainstream Media, which pushes the agenda formulated by the tax-free foundations, the Great Plan think tanks, and the Round Table Groups.
When they jerk the rug out from under the sheeple in the very near future, you can either be one of the uniformed and unprepared, or you can be informed and prepared via the contents in this book for what is coming.