Chapter 12/A-Where We’re At Right Now “The technetronic era (New World Order) involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. ” -Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder with David Rockefeller of the Trilateral Commission in his book “Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era”
Where are we at right now? We’re in a bad spot, and about to get worse. Much worse. Our economy is teetering on the brink of another crash, the BIG CRASH. Economies in Europe are in the process of going into this crash right now and Great Britain will probably go over the cliff before we do, but since the Mainstream Media doesn’t emphasize how significant this is, most people don’t know or don’t care, thinking everything is going to be alright as it has been in decades and centuries past. Unfortunately for us, what we are going through now, and will go through in the future is drastically different than any of the recessions in history. What we’re going through is an engineered financial implosion of the entire world by the proponents of the Great Plan. To make it simple, we’ve got two main issues, and dozens of secondary issues. The first main issue is the flood of fiat money that has been pumped into our financial system over the last few years if not more. Our economy, and the world’s economy, has grown addicted to cheap, inflated money like a heroin addict. Now we’re in a spot where if the Fed raised interest rates at all, it would completely kill the economy, so we’re stuck at low interest rates and inflating our currency with nowhere to go but over the hyperinflation cliff. This has the effect of flooding our economy and the world with United States dollars whose value is ever-declining simply due to the dynamics of supply and demand. This is reflected in the valuation increases of precious metals over the last few years. As our dollar declines in value, it takes more of them to equal the same amount of gold or silver, pushing their prices ever higher. The second main issue is something you might never have heard of: the derivatives bubble that hasn’t popped yet. This will be the biggest bubble in history. This bubble-pop will trigger hyperinflation, or vice-versa, in my opinion, whatever happens first. A derivative is a paper investment, basing its value on another paper investment, basing its value on a further down the line paper investment, etc., until you reach the original tangible item that the first derivative was based on, like a mortgage-backed security, or a commodity, or whatever. And these inflated derivatives aren’t even paper-based, they are all electronic in cyberspace, with little to no regulation or oversight. It is literally a free-for-all by the Illuminati banksters. 404