7 minute read
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
Right off the bat let me explain why Old Glory is displayed upside down on the cover. A nation’s flag, when displayed upside down, is a distress signal in time of war. We are a nation in distress, and we are under attack right this moment. We are at war with unseen forces that you have no idea even exist. We are in a war against the proponents of a secret plan hatched thousands of years ago to enslave the world. The modern day incarnation of this “Great Plan” is aptly and deceptively named the “New World Order”. If they called it what it really is, the “Enslavement of Mankind”, you probably wouldn’t want to go along with it, so they gave it a catchy name to mask their intentions. I’m going to show you where, when and why this plan was initiated and who nurtured it along through history all the way to this very day. Today we are very near to the completion of this grand conspiracy. If you are a Biblical scholar and ever wondered how the Luciferian one world government prophesized in the Bible was going to come about, I’m going to show you how it is unfolding right under your nose today. I’m going to lay out for you what this “Great Plan” is and who’s running it today, so that you will be taken out of the darkness you have been kept in all your life and into the light of the truth.
-Jesus Christ
Regardless of whether or not you believe in God, if you feel our elected officials aren’t doing the job we elected them for and that our country is going down the tubes, this book is for you. It is going to explicitly explain why our federal government is a corrupt joke that doesn’t work. This book was never meant to tell you the entire truth of how life really works, but it will certainly change the way you view the world and life in general. This book is meant to be an alarm clock to wake you up to the fact that things aren’t really as they seem, and you better be prepared to do some homework of your own after reading what I’ve got to say. I’m not asking you to believe what I’m going to say; so much as I don’t want you to deny it before you’ve done your own research.
“Condemnation before investigation is the highest form of ignorance.”
-Albert Einstein
In recent years the rise of suppressed information coming out of the internet has broken the disinformation barrier put up by those striving to fulfill the Great Plan. Thanks to the (currently) unfiltered information flowing from the internet, the masses of people concerned enough to want the
It is a fact that there is a concerted effort by these people to destroy our country and our present
way of life.
The knowledge now erupting from the internet has blown the lid off of the secrecy of the Great Plan. The conspiracy is right there in plain sight for those to see if you know where to look, as they literally hide it right in front of your face. This is why right this second the conspirators are plotting the means to bring about censure of this specific type of information in the name of “fighting domestic terrorism”. The time is short for you to use the internet to fully and independently educate yourself and others before the stream of free-flowing information is shut off forever.
This book could have been broken up into well over 100 individual books as there is so much information to know, but neither you nor I would have the time for it. Please keep the following statement in mind, even writing it on a piece of paper to remind you of it as you go through the contents of this book: I would request of you to look at this book as a research outline of
subjects you need to look in to, with just enough information given about each topic for you to get the gist of what is going on. There is much more to the story of every single component in this book than what I am telling you, but I included everything I thought was the most relevant in the time and space of a single book.
For the most part, any subjects or statements in this book can be verified or further researched by a quick search on the internet via Google or Bing search engines. Although I did include a bibliography of some very important books I took information from, much of this book was pulled and crossreferenced from the internet. I want you to do your own research and make up your own mind as to what the real truth is---don’t blindly believe anyone, including me. Bottom line, the truth does not fear investigation, and if I can be proven wrong on anything I’ve written I’d welcome the correction. Nobody wants the absolute truth as badly as I do, and that’s what I was after in this book. The information contained herein is potentially life-changing and must be read with an open mind. Think of your mind as a parachute: it doesn’t work properly unless it’s open. Unless you’re willing to put everything you think you know temporarily on hold and open up to the possibility that we’ve been lied to and intentionally misled all of our lives, then this book isn’t for you. If it is the truth that sets you free, then it is lies that put you in bondage. You will need to unlearn a lot of the poisonous propaganda that has been fed to you all of your life through organized religion, the political system, and the Mainstream Media, all of which were put in place by the proponents of the Great Plan.
Most people these days suffer from what is called “normalcy bias”, also known as the “ostrich effect”. The normalcy bias causes otherwise smart people to underestimate or deny the possibility of oncoming disaster or danger. Since it hasn’t happened to them before, they can’t fathom it happening in the future, and they don’t take the appropriate measures to head off a coming danger, or at least prepare for it.
As you are reading this right now, sinister forces are conspiring behind the scenes of the world stage to bring about the end of the world as you know it. There are bad things to come very soon, and there will literally be Hell on Earth in a very short time. You need to know what is really going on and prepare the best you can for it.
If this book begins to become widely circulated, the proponents of the Great Plan will unleash their wolves in the Mainstream Media and will scream “conspiracy theory” at this book, when it is in fact a non-fictional, critical examination and presentation of world history and the facts in general of what is happening in the world today.
There have literally been hundreds of books written about the Great Plan/New World Order to try and warn humanity, but all have for the most part fell on deaf ears. I hope to end that drought of truth with your help, you, the person holding this book and reading this right now.
It is very specific in the Bible that in the End Times a Luciferian (Satanic) one world government will rise up and take over the world, and I’m going to show you that that is exactly what has already happened today behind the scenes. I’m going to build a case in this book and factually prove this.
This is why the last century has been the most violent and horrific in the world’s history---and will get worse. Much worse. Biblical-proportion-style worse.
The proponents of the Great Plan have covered their tracks well by doing everything possible to discredit and malign the Bible, while at the same time following its script of prophecy to a “T”. If you are knowledgeable in Biblical prophecy this book will have you at full attention.
It matters not what you believe when it comes to matters of God and religion. It matters what they believe---the people running the Great Plan--- and what game plan they are following and executing, and they are following an agenda specifically outlined and foretold in Biblical prophecy, both Old and New Testaments.
Our enemy is not a race or religion, but a spiritual movement that encompasses all races and religions under a single banner: The Great Plan, aka The New World Order.
"About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the Prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition."
Sir Isaac Newton, 1642-1727
I don’t believe the Great Plan is real because I’m a Christian; it is the other way around.
I am a Christian because I know the Great Plan is real, and it is nearing its completion right now.
This is the story of the Great Plan ……and the coming culling of mankind………