Foreword Right off the bat let me explain why Old Glory is displayed upside down on the cover. A nation’s flag, when displayed upside down, is a distress signal in time of war. We are a nation in distress, and we are under attack right this moment. We are at war with unseen forces that you have no idea even exist. We are in a war against the proponents of a secret plan hatched thousands of years ago to enslave the world. The modern day incarnation of this “Great Plan” is aptly and deceptively named the “New World Order”. If they called it what it really is, the “Enslavement of Mankind”, you probably wouldn’t want to go along with it, so they gave it a catchy name to mask their intentions. I’m going to show you where, when and why this plan was initiated and who nurtured it along through history all the way to this very day. Today we are very near to the completion of this grand conspiracy. If you are a Biblical scholar and ever wondered how the Luciferian one world government prophesized in the Bible was going to come about, I’m going to show you how it is unfolding right under your nose today. I’m going to lay out for you what this “Great Plan” is and who’s running it today, so that you will be taken out of the darkness you have been kept in all your life and into the light of the truth.
“You will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” -Jesus Christ
Regardless of whether or not you believe in God, if you feel our elected officials aren’t doing the job we elected them for and that our country is going down the tubes, this book is for you. It is going to explicitly explain why our federal government is a corrupt joke that doesn’t work. This book was never meant to tell you the entire truth of how life really works, but it will certainly change the way you view the world and life in general. This book is meant to be an alarm clock to wake you up to the fact that things aren’t really as they seem, and you better be prepared to do some homework of your own after reading what I’ve got to say. I’m not asking you to believe what I’m going to say; so much as I don’t want you to deny it before you’ve done your own research.
“Condemnation before investigation is the highest form of ignorance.” -Albert Einstein
In recent years the rise of suppressed information coming out of the internet has broken the disinformation barrier put up by those striving to fulfill the Great Plan. Thanks to the (currently) unfiltered information flowing from the internet, the masses of people concerned enough to want the 7