9 minute read
q. Occultism=Luciferianism=Satanism
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
Henry Luce, the founder of Time, Life, Fortune, Sports Illustrated, and other influential magazines, was initiated into the ranks of the Great Plan through his membership in the Skull and Bones Brotherhood of Death. He was later also a member of the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations, both semi-public Great Plan steering organizations. His periodicals not only influenced society, but they also didn’t mince words with what was happening in society, even throwing it in the face of the American public.
The headline of the cover of the June 19, 1972 issue of Luce’s Time magazine read: The Occult
Revival: Satan Returns
They were only stating what was happening in society at the time. After the social upheaval in the 1960s, saying you belonged to the occult or were a practicing Satanist suddenly wasn’t the worst thing in the world to the newly conditioned American public.
The Bible plainly states that the people who partake in King Nimrod’s Babylonian Mystery Religion, aka the Great Plan, aka the New World Order, are black-magic-practicing, human-sacrificing, blooddrinking, pedophile-sodomite Satan worshippers, whose goal is to enslave the world under a one world government, ultimately unveiling the Antichrist, which they call the Masonic Christ/Resurrected Nimrod/Osiris/Apollo/etc.….and to beware of them.
What is happening right now with the orchestration of what the Great Plan has pulled off is exactly as told in Biblical prophecy, throughout the Bible, both Old and New Testament. There are explicit warnings about these exact people, and is in fact the cornerstone of Biblical prophecy. The very reason Jesus Christ was sent by the Creator God to start with was for good men and women of all races, creeds, colors, etc. to have a path to God, giving them an “out” of the spiritually unfulfilling life following the path blazed by the Great Plan. The culmination of the New Testament contained in the Book of Revelation is literally Jesus Christ returning to Earth to fight and defeat the resurrected King Nimrod and his minions. That’s it, that’s the bottom line truth. Hopefully by this point in this book you have been enlightened that warning humanity of the Great Plan was one of the main purposes of the Bible. If, instead of God, it was the proponents of the Great Plan who concocted the Bible, they would have certainly left out the parts explicitly implicating them as the evildoers. Realizing this fact was the crucial turning point transforming me from an atheist to believing in God. The fact that the people currently running the planet, the Luciferian Great Planners, not only believe in God but hate Jesus Christ in particular with a passion, was very incriminating to me. They don’t passionately hate Buddha, or Krishna, or whoever. It is always Jesus Christ they direct their hatred towards, because it is He and no other who is scheduled to come back and kick their butts, to put it bluntly.
The proponents of the Great Plan do in fact believe in God, but choose to worship Lucifer with the excuse that Lucifer, being created by God is just another facet of God, and this is revealed through the writings of the modern day Freemason prophets we just went over.
It is the people running the Great Plan today that have been deceived worst of all, and if any of them were to read this book I would say to them that it is never too late to turn your life around and to
live a fulfilling life as a good, decent and compassionate human being who sees the value in human life, and who would be genuinely appreciated by humanity instead of despised by those who know the real truth of the matter.
Unfortunately, by demonstrating how extreme they can blaspheme the Creator God, the occultists are rewarded by those spiritual entities who are God’s and mankind’s enemies. You could say they are even addicted to interacting with these beings. It is by glorifying Lucifer and his demonic entourage, animal/human sacrifice, and sex magick rituals that they accomplish this blasphemy.
There is a special chemical called adrenochrome, which is a powerful mind-altering drug that is generated in the blood of human sacrifice victims. The more the victim is terrorized/tortured/sexually abused the more of this substance is generated through the synthesis of adrenaline. The Luciferians then drink this drug-laden blood, which alters their thought process and literally puts them in the realm of the demonic entities. This was one of the main purposes of the human sacrifice/blood drinking ritual.
The proponents of the Great Plan from ancient times have always sacrificed humans, drank their blood, ate their flesh, and without question were involved in pedophilia/sodomy as a way of paying tribute to the malevolent spirits. Whereas before a lot of these ceremonies took place in public, particularly the human sacrifices, the people running the Satanic show today just do it covertly in clandestine black magic/occult circles. I’m not talking about your Presidents or Congressmen per se, although I’m sure some of them have been involved in this over time. I’m talking mainly about the heads of the families running the Great Plan today, known simply as the Illuminati, who really steer our country and literally pick our President and then tell him what to do….or else. The Biblically prophesized one world government is supposed to be Satanic. Hopefully you now see that it is unfolding right before your eyes.
"It is generally agreed that the biggest single influence in the modern expansion of ritual magic, and the occult explosion in general, in the Western world, was the Golden Dawn. This magical fraternity, founded by Freemasons at the end of the 19th century, developed a complex ritual system with ten degrees of initiation relating to the Cabalistic Sephiroth."
- Janet and Stewart Farrar, world renown witches, from their book “The Life and Times of A Modern Witch”. They also wrote “A Witches Bible Complete”
There exists even higher degrees of Freemasonry above the “enlightened” status of the 33rd degree level where some of our Presidents, Prime Ministers, media moguls, and industrial titans exist. Let me re-emphasize that the ONLY way to get to the 33rd degree of Freemasonry or higher is that you either have to be born into one of the Luciferian bloodlines of the Illuminati, or you have to be INVITED to join them, after displaying that you are capable of perpetrating the kind of evil they want and need out of you.
This brings us to discussing the levels of Freemasonry above the 33rd degree---the esoteric, Luciferian degrees. 99.99% of lower-ranking, blue lodge Freemasons don’t even know these exist. This is where the hardcore Satanists aspire to rise to and dwell. The “Church of Satan” and people
who partake in that organization are amateurs compared to what the Illuminati upper echelon partake in: direct contact with the entity Lucifer. The Illuminati/Freemasons are highly regarded in Satanic circles as the “scientists/engineers” of the occult world. We already went over that to become a 33rd degree Mason you need to declare that Lucifer is the god of the Freemasons/Babylonian Mystery Religion/Great Plan/New World Order. The higher degrees are achieved through wicked sodomy-based sex and murder rituals, and that is enough for you to know from me. This is why Satanist Aleister Crowley proudly boasted of being a 90th degree Mason, when most people in his day had not a clue what that meant.
These higher levels of Freemasonry are the degrees that really get involved with interacting with malevolent supernatural beings. There is a reason that the Illuminati are all Luciferians and practice these black magic rituals and everything that goes along with that: the supernatural forces of evil are real, and they draw their power to control the world through these supernatural beings and always have since the days of King Nimrod.
For all intents and purposes, the “Illuminati” are Satan’s current primary minions on Earth. They are the pinnacle of Satanism. The Illuminati are the people that “run of the mill” Satanists look up to as the ultimate echelon of closeness to Lucifer/Satan. The very reason they are called the Illuminati, is that they have received the light of Lucifer, which means “light bearer”, to guide them and have therefore become “illuminated”. These higher rites of Freemasonry above the 33rd degree are called the Misraim rites, rising up to the 90th degree, and are primarily populated by the upper echelons of the Illuminati.
If you think things are bad in the world right now, you have no idea of what is coming and how bad they will really get. They are going to get worse and fast, and we will go over this in more detail at the end of this book, and what you should do to prepare yourself and your family.
Think about it: 300 years ago occultists were put to death for conjuring demons. Today they are given tax-free status by our government as churches, the Church of Satan for example, and nobody gives them a second thought to what they are really promoting because society has been completely distracted and corrupted.
“As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man”
-Jesus Christ, talking about how bad it will be to live during the End Times just prior to His return
If you know your Bible, and even if you’re not religious you may have at least heard that the reason God destroyed humanity the first time was because humanity got so wicked. The reason man got so wicked and forced God’s hand was because he was taught wickedness by the first batch of “fallen angels”, the Watchers. The Book of Enoch documents how these entities taught men all kinds of sinful activity such as how to invoke the supernatural by blaspheming God. These ultra-evil beings are due to be released in the End Times to once again wreck havoc on the Earth.
The ever-increasing tales of alien abductions, crop circles, and UFOs/aerial phenomenon are, to me, indicative that they have recently been let out of their prison to influence our 3D world. The year of the first widely reported UFO sightings in the New Babylon came in the year 1947, near Mt. Rainier in Washington State. The infamous Roswell incident occurred in 1947 also. What else happened around this time? The resurrection of Israel in 1948, which again is the #1 sign of the beginning of the End Times. We are even being prepared for what is to come though something called “The Disclosure Project” and I suggest you look into what they are telling us in advance in order to prepare you to go along with what they are planning for us. I believe the Great Deception near the end Times mentioned in the Bible has to do with some sort of “alien” invasion or other supernatural interaction with humanity. The reason it says that God sends this deception is that it is God who has to let these malevolent beings out of their interdimensional jail in order for them to show up here and mislead us.
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.”
-2 Thessalonians 2:11