29 minute read
j. The 9/11 Truth Movement
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.”
-Abraham Lincoln
I want to take some valuable space here to line up in a contiguous row, all of the pertinent details surrounding the events of 9/11 so you can take them all in at once and weigh them in your own mind to determine if you think you still believe the “official” story of 9/11 the proponents of the New World Order want you to believe, or if you believe that we weren’t told the truth and we need a new investigation by a private, independent, non-partisan, non-governmental entity.
Here is what we know:
-The proponents of the Great Plan proposed the immediate need for a “new Pearl Harbor” in the late 1990s to happen in the near future to help usher in the final stages of the New World Odor Order, and then miraculously got it
-The proponents of the Great Plan wanted to and did in fact gain a larger military presence in the Middle East
-The proponents of the Great Plan wanted to restart their black ops opium cash cow in Afghanistan, and did
-The proponents of the Great Plan wanted to establish a police state in America, which is continuing to unfold today right before our eyes
-The proponents of the Great Plan wanted increased control over Middle East oil reserves, which they got
-The proponents of the Great Plan wanted to reap the financial rewards of invading two Middle Eastern countries via the Military Industrial Complex they substantially own, and they did and continued to do so to this day
-The Luciferian proponents of the Great Plan who compose the apex of the power structure, wanted to perform a blood sacrifice ritual of innocent Americans to their god, King Nimrod, on the numerically significant date to King Nimrod of 9-11, which they did
-One (1) of the participants of the Great Plan wanted to collect on a multi-billion dollar insurance policy he “luckily” put into place just weeks before 9/11, and was even able to collect on twice as much insurance money through his lawyers convincing the jury that 9/11 was “two separate terrorist attacks” at the WTC
-This same proponent of the Great Plan, “Lucky” Larry Silverstein, and his kids who seem to be incredibly lucky also, all just happened to be absent from the Twin Towers the morning of 9/11 when all three would have been there 99% of the other times
-This same proponent of the Great Plan, Larry Silverstein, was caught talking to his insurance carrier about the collapse of Building 7 before it happened, and then later on PBS admitted that he authorized it’s “demolition”
-False flag attacks are the norm, not the exception, of governments trying to steer the nations they control towards an agenda, especially the government of the United States/New Babylon under the flag of the Illuminati families and the Great Plan
-the FBI had no evidence tying Osama bin Laden to the events of 9/11 and still don’t (their words, not mine)
-Egomaniac Osama bin Laden himself denied involvement in the attacks at least twice in the public record and explicitly blamed the proponents of the Great Plan, when if he did do it he surely would have taken the credit and notoriety for it in the press immediately
-Various video tapes of Osama bin Laden have been called out as fakes by people far more knowledgeable than I in regards to bin Laden’s looks, habits, and mannerisms
-Seven of the FBI-identified hijackers are factually still alive, an impossibility if you believe the official story and the 9/11 Commission Report
-Project Able Danger tried to warn the feds but was scuttled by the CIA
-Apparent planted evidence in Mohammed Atta’s checked luggage that miraculously didn’t make it onto the doomed airliner, falling right in the lap of the FBI
-The NORAD stand down at the direction of Vice President Dick Cheney
-Drills mimicking a 9/11 scenario just happened to be underway the day of 9/11 by the feds, injecting phantom hijacker radar blips and contributing to the overall confusion by the flight traffic controllers and NORAD
-Dick Cheney was handed control over all wargame and military drill operations just months before 9/11
-Explosions were heard, seen, and experienced by hundreds of eyewitnesses on 9/11 at the World Trade Center in all three affected buildings
-For the first time in recorded history and never since 9/11, not one, not two, but three steel framed buildings collapsed due to fire, according to the feds
-Operatives of the Great Plan including the sitting President’s brother were in control of the security at the World Trade Center in the months and years prior to 9/11
-Neither the FBI nor the 9/11 Commission bothered to interview the security firm Securacom over their role at the WTC according to the CEO of Securacom himself
-An elevator renovation just happened to have taken place in the months before 9/11 at the WTC, injecting workers into the crawl spaces where access to the structural columns was possible at all three buildings
-Security was normally extremely tight at the World Trade Center, except for the few days leading up to 9/11 when security and bomb-sniffing dogs were mysteriously removed
-President Bush said on two different occasions that he saw the first plane hit the first tower before the video was even released, an impossibility unless he had his TV on Channel CIA
-The second plane, flight 175, to hit the WTC had odd appendages on its fuselage and wing that a normal passenger plane wouldn’t
-Upon review of the videos, Boeing refused to make a statement about the “pod” underneath flight 175 because of issues of national security
-Every video of both planes hitting the Twin Towers, from all angles so it wasn’t a reflection, show some sort of incendiary flash right before impact
-The fires burning at all three buildings that collapsed were not nearly hot enough by a long shot to create the molten steel found days and weeks after the collapses
-All three buildings fell at nearly free-fall speed right through the path of most-resistance into their own footprints
-Unexploded nano-thermite and microscopic metal spheres (caused by airborne molten steel) were found in multiple dust samples and presented in a peer-reviewed publication by a handful of highly intelligent and competent scientists and engineers
-Multiple written records of SEC fraud contained in Building 7 were conveniently disposed of forever, benefitting the financial vampires associated with the Great Plan
-Two different television networks made premature announcements of Building 7’s collapse
-A rapid removal and clean-up with no significant investigation at the WTC, under protest from many professionals in the fire and engineer-related trades
-The feds told everyone the air was safe to breathe in the days and weeks after 9/11 when it is patently obvious that it wasn’t
-The Mossad clearly knew about the impending events of 9/11 because they sent their agents “to document the event” (their words, not mine)
-We have never seen a single videotape of a plane hitting the Pentagon, while dozens of them factually exist showing something hitting the Pentagon
-Initially there was only a 16-foot wide hole in the side of the Pentagon, with no holes from the huge titanium twin engines of the passenger jet
-There was hardly any debris at the Pentagon crash site. If there was in fact only a 16 foot wide hole, which there was, that means that most of the stuff inside the plane, let alone the plane itself, didn’t go inside the Pentagon and should have been blown all over the front lawn when there was in fact hardly any debris at all. No seats, no luggage, no bodies, etc.
-The alleged leader of the Flight 77 hijackers was a terrible pilot, but managed a death-defying acrobatic 270 degree corkscrew maneuver to come in and hit the Pentagon perfectly
-Flight 77 allegedly flew at a height of 20 feet for a half mile right before slamming into the Pentagon, something professional pilots say is an impossibility
-Whatever hit the Pentagon had the force to go through over 9 feet thickness of reinforced concrete and punch a nearly perfect 12-foot wide hole as it exited into the center courtyard
-Eyewitness accounts at the Pentagon say everything from “it was a missile” to “it was a huge passenger jet” that hit
-There is a 3 minute discrepancy between when the feds told us Flight 93 over Shanksville crashed and multiple independent seismologists, who have no reason to lie
-Documented air phone calls from the passengers detailed that they were going to try and take control of the jet back from the hijackers and apparently did enter the cockpit
-Military jets were seen and had allegedly followed Flight 93 before it crashed
-The military had in fact been given permission to shoot down Flight 93
-Flaming debris from Flight 93 rained down on the ground miles away from the crash site, including a large part of a jet engine. This was documented by multiple eyewitnesses.
-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld slipped up on an interview and stated that Flight 93 had been shot down
-The anthrax attacks that came right on the heels of 9/11 would have taken weeks if not months to prepare, so whoever did 9/11 certainly also were responsible for the anthrax attacks
-The guy the feds pinned the anthrax attacks on not only didn’t have a motive, he didn’t have the expertise to do it, this according to multiple professionals in his field
-The guy the feds pinned the anthrax attack on conveniently killed himself, allegedly, thereby closing the book on the investigation
-The man first chosen to lead the 9/11 investigation, Henry Kissinger, was intimately tied to the Great Plan, so much so that his choice of being the man to lead it had to be abandoned
-The people who ended up heading up the 9/11 Commission were all Great Plan lackeys, belonging to all the major Round Table Groups
-Nearly every single thing on the above list was ignored or omitted by the 9/11 Commission
-The 9/11 Commission was staffed by Great Plan minions, severely underfunded, had no subpoena power, and set up to fail from the get-go
-Even though 7 of the hijackers were alive, the 9/11 Commission stated that according to DNA testing, those were in fact the exact men who were responsible for hijacking and flying those planes
-Bush and Cheney would only testify under special conditions or not at all. What were they hiding? You already know: the truth about 9/11
-The 9/11 Commission members themselves stated after the fact that the 9/11 Commission was a joke. If they said it wasn’t a good investigation, do you believe the 9/11 Commission Report?
-The rapid rise, and continued escalation, of the police state in America following the events of 9/11
Now, I need to make you aware of multiple attempts by the Illuminati-controlled Mainstream Media outlets to discredit the 9/11 Truth Movement, including hit pieces in both Popular Mechanics and Scientific American magazines. I personally have researched what they had to say and they completely whitewash the truth ala the 9/11 Commission, using bait-and-switch tactics to make it appear they are addressing the 9/11 Truthers’ claims when in fact they only offer red herrings and distractions. You don’t know how badly I wanted to prove the claims of the 9/11 Truth Movement wrong in the beginning of my research, but everything I have stated in this chapter, and this book, is to the best of my knowledge the truth so I became a 9/11 Truther myself.
I researched not only these articles but multiple web sites claiming to counter what I’ve listed above, and found only BS time after time after time. There is a ton of intentionally-manufactured disinformation to try and cloud the waters to the truth of this false flag operation. There are people convinced that the planes were holograms and nothing hit the Twin Towers and other theories that really are non-factual nonsense. If you focus on the facts and diligently gather just the facts together, you get a good picture of the real truth. There is also a ton of intentional misinformation out there, none of which made it into this book.
A lot of people try and discredit the facts surrounding 9/11 not because they don’t believe it, but because they simply can’t handle the truth of the real facts and how they add up. It would shatter their reality bubble, and they just wouldn’t be able to cope with it, they would literally lose their minds, so they put up fronts to convince themselves that these facts aren’t real. I’ve got an interesting story to tell you now. There was a man named Aaron Russo, a very patriotic Jewish American who has since passed away. Mr. Russo made one of the best documentaries of all time about the New World Order entitled “America: Freedom to Fascism”, and I highly recommend you see it. It is available, for free, on youtube.com as of the printing of this book.
Aaron Russo was an acclaimed Hollywood producer who made the movies “Trading Places” (Eddie Murphy/Dan Akroyd) and “The Rose” (Bette Midler) among other big-name successful movies. He got into a disagreement with the IRS over some issues, which were complete BS on the part of the IRS after I learned the facts, so to vent his anger he made a movie called “Mad as Hell” slamming them. Nicholas Rockefeller, son of current Rockefeller family kingpin and “head” of the American branch of the Illuminati David Rockefeller, found the movie intriguing, and after learning Russo was a big roller in Hollywood, decided he wanted to meet Aaron. The two met and became very close friends very quickly, with the friendship lasting for a few years. During this time, and approximately 11 months before 9/11 happened, Nicholas revealed to Aaron Russo the entire New World Order plan, that they were trying to implement a one world government ran by the banking industry, of which the Rockefellers are intricately part of, as you now know from earlier in this book.
Russo, being the patriotic American he was, was horrified to learn the details about this, but he knew Rockefeller was telling him the truth. He ended their friendship over this information, and then went public with it after Nicholas’ prophecy about 9/11 came to pass. According to Russo, Rockefeller’s words on 9/11 were something along the lines of “There is going to be an event soon. We’re
going to invade Afghanistan and our troops will be looking for terrorists in caves over there,
and then we’re going to invade Iraq.” Remember now, Russo says that Rockefeller told him this months in advance of 9/11, and it all came to pass exactly as he had said. You can hear and see Russo speak about this on a handful of clips on youtube.com.
He didn’t tell Russo exactly what the event was, but it is not hard to deduce when he tells of the end result of it. He also foretells of the coming “war on terror” and how it is going to be a farce but the Mainstream Media will convince the people that it is real, and that the coming “event” is going to enable the federal government to take more and more of our liberties and freedom away. Rockefeller also revealed that they were behind the formation of the European Union, and that they were trying to form the North American Union next, by which the United States, Canada and Mexico would form a borderless community……in other words flood the U.S. with third world people to help take us down by bankrupting our social service system. The ultimate goal, according to Rockefeller, was to implant all people of the world with RFID chips, and have all of your money and personal information contained in these chips, which they would control through the banking system that they (Illuminati) owned.
One other interesting tidbit that Rockefeller revealed to Russo, and I 100% believe it, was that the women’s lib movement of the 60’s was a fabrication of a Rockefeller think tank operation, under the Tavistock Institute’s guidance. There was two primary points to women’s lib. One was to average down the wages of the middles class workers by furnishing tens of millions of new competing workers, which also would bring in tens of millions more taxpayers into the Establishment’s system. The other reason was to break up the American family structure in order to weaken the United States. The kids would no longer be raised by “mom”, but raised by the “state” through daycare and agendaschooling. Kids would start looking at the “system” as their family, instead of their real blood family. After learning about how evil Rockefeller and the rest were, a good-hearted man like Russo had no choice but to terminate their friendship.
Aaron Russo has since passed away, but his legacy lives on though videos of him speaking on youtube.com. I suggest you listen to what this patriotic American had to say and what he put out there in his own personal fight against the agenda of the New World Order.
There are other Hollywood high-rollers and celebrities who are on board the 9/11 Truth Train, but before we get to them, I want to bring to your attention a hugely patriotic American and the virtual leader of not only the 9/11 Truth Movement, but the entire anti-New World Order movement, a man named Alex Jones. I won’t go into a bunch about him, and I will list his websites at the end of this book, but his name has cropped up multiple times in this book and you need to be aware of him and his endeavors on behalf of the citizens of the United States of America. He is certainly a hero of mine for his untiring work to wake up humanity to the New World Order plan of enslavement.
OK. So let’s go over some more recognizable names to you here, since there is nary a mention of these patriots and their opinions of 9/11 in the Mainstream Media.
The opinions of these patriotic Americans are largely kept out of the mainstream press unless it is unavoidable, and in those cases the Mainstream Media goes on the attack against the truth coming out every time, insinuating that the celebrity is a “conspiracy theorist”, their favorite saying to nullify the truth and discredit the messenger.
Actor Charlie Sheen is one of the most high-profile celebrities to question the official story. Speaking to The Alex Jones Show on the GCN Radio Network, the former star of the hit comedy TV show “Two and a Half Men” and dozens of blockbuster movies including Platoon and Young Guns, Sheen elaborated on why he had problems believing the government's version of events:
"We're not the conspiracy theorists on this particular issue," said Sheen.
"It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75% of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory. It raises a lot of questions."
Sheen described the climate of acceptance for serious discussion about 9/11 as being far more fertile than it was right after 9/11:
"It feels like from the people I talk to in and around my circles, it seems like the worm is turning."
Sheen even went so far as to make a video directed at President Obama and post it online, challenging him to address the many questions and concerns of the 9/11 Truth Movement. Again, you can see this video for yourself on youtube.com
Filmmaker Michael Moore is an outspoken critic of the official story, but his film “Fahrenheit 9/11” barely even scratched the surface of the evidence pointing to an inside job. Moore once stated, “I've
had a number of firefighters tell me over the years and since “Fahrenheit 9/11” that they heard these explosions, that they believe there's much more to the story than we've been told. I don't think the official investigations have told us the complete truth, they haven't even told us half the truth. I've filmed there before down at the Pentagon before 9/11 and there's got to be at least 100 cameras, ringing that building, in the trees, everywhere. They've got that plane coming in with 100 angles. How come we haven't seen the straight -- I'm not talking about stop-action photos, I'm talking about the video. I want to see the video. I want to see 100 videos that exist of this. I believe that there will be answers in that video tape and we should demand that that tape is released."
Actor Ed Asner is also a proponent of 9/11 Truth, stating “ I would like to suggest to you
emphatically that the 9-11 truth movement is the most pressing issue of the peace & justice movement today. There are many disturbing issues around 9-11 that have yet to be examined in any meaningful way by our media, Congress, and even by the 9-11 Commission. These include accountability for the massive breakdown of air defense and plane intercept procedures as described in FAA and DOD regulations, which were violated on 9-11. This breakdown and astounding unpreparedness by U.S. domestic defense agencies is puzzling to say the least, given the detailed reports our government had of the coming attacks, that were bizarrely suppressed by key officials.”
Actress and talk show host Rosie O’Donnell lost her job soon after bringing up 9/11 Truth on the daytime TV talk show “The View” and had this exchange with a co-host:
Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Do you believe that the government had anything to do with the attack
of 9/11? Do you believe in a conspiracy in terms of the attack of 9/11?
Rosie O'Donnell: No, but I do believe that in the first time in history that fire has ever melted
steel. I do believe that it defies physics for the World Trade Center Tower 7, Building 7, which collapsed in on itself. It is impossible for a building to fall the way it fell without explosives being involved -- World Trade Center 7. World Trade 1 and 2 got hit by planes. 7, miraculously, the first time in history, steel was melted by fire. It is physically impossible.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck: And who do you think is responsible for that?
Rosie O'Donnell: I have no idea. But to say that we don't know; that it imploded, and it was an
implosion and a demolition, is beyond ignorance. Look at the films. Get a physics expert here from Yale from Harvard. Pick the school. It defies reason."
Television and movie actor Woody Harrelson of “Cheers” fame went on record and said this:
"The media won’t ask the obvious questions. For example, when they had loads of information coming in from several FBI agents as well as warnings from Russia, Britain and several other foreign intelligence agencies before 9/11, predicting what would happen, why were reports stifled and investigations stopped? I am reading a book now called The New Pearl Harbor by David Ray Griffin. I've been stuck in the position of ignoring my gut -knowing things don’t stack up. Even though our government obviously took advantage of 9/11 by making it their "Reichstag", I told myself, "Surely they weren't involved". After reading this book I can't doubt that our government was at least complicit in allowing 9/11 to happen. Get a copy and pass it to all your friends, the evidence is irrefutable."
Former Minnesota Governor and motion picture actor Jesse Ventura is another one to question the official story.
Appearing on The Alex Jones Show, Ventura said that his initial reaction to 9/11 was much like most people at the time, and he accepted the official story outright, a response he now regrets because he was in a position of power and could have used it to raise a lot of pointed questions.
"I kicked myself when it initially happened that the light didn't go off but I was so shocked that
this thing had even taken place that I apologize for not being more aware," said Ventura, adding that watching the internet 9/11 documentary “Loose Change” at the insistence of his son was part of the catalyst for his wake up call.
"When I finally did watch it I went through every emotion you could imagine, from laughing, crying, getting sick to my stomach, to the whole emotional thing," said the former Governor.
"To me questions haven't been answered and are not being answered about 9/11," said Ventura, referring to the mysterious collapse of Building 7.
"Two planes struck two buildings .... but how is it that a third building fell 5 hours later?"
asked Ventura, "How could this building just implode into its own footprint 5 hours later - that's
my first question - the 9/11 Commission didn't even devote one page to that in their big
volume of investigation," added the former Governor.
"How could those buildings fall at the speed of gravity - if you put a stopwatch on them, both of those World Trade Center buildings were on the ground in ten seconds - how can that be?"
asked Ventura.
"If you took a billiard ball and dropped it from the height of the World Trade Center in a vacuum it would hit the ground in 9.3 seconds and if you took that same billiard ball and dropped it 10 stories at a time and merely stopped it and started it it would take 30 seconds - if you dropped it every floor of the World Trade Center to the ground, simply stopping and
starting it on gravity it would take over 100 seconds to reach the ground," he surmised.
Having undergone Basic Underwater Demolition Seal training, Ventura is speaking from an experienced standpoint and he unequivocally stated that he thought the buildings were deliberately imploded.
"Upon looking at the film in super-slow motion and the way the buildings fell and comparing that to the way that they do like a controlled demolition of a hotel in Las Vegas, they both fell identical."
"I did watch the film of Building 7 going down and in my opinion there's no doubt that that
building was brought down with demolition," said the former Governor.
Ventura also questioned the lack of wreckage outside of the Pentagon after Flight 77 allegedly struck the building.
"When I was watching Loose Change with a friend of mine - he happens to work for a company that helps build the Boeing airplanes and they said that when the engines completely disappeared and were destroyed, his response was, excuse my French - bullshit!,"
said Ventura.
"I turned to him and said why and he said because they're made of titanium steel - they can't disintegrate."
Musician Willie Nelson is also a 9/11 Truther. He went on record on the Alex Jones show on 2/4/08 and said the following:
Alex Jones: What's your take on 9/11? Do you question the official story?
Willie Nelson: I certainly do. And I saw those towers fall and I've seen an implosion in Las
Vegas. There's too much similarities between the two. And I saw the building fall [Building 7] that didn't get hit by nothing. So, how naive are we? What do they think we'll go for?
Alex Jones: Are you saying you started having questions -- the little voice in your head -- I
mean did you have a bad feeling the day it happened? Is that what you're saying?
Willie Nelson: The day it happened. I saw one fall and it was just so symmetrical. I said, "Wait
a minute, I just saw that last week at the casino in Las Vegas." And you see these implosions all the time and the next one fell and I said, "Hell, there's another one." And they're trying to tell me that an airplane did it? And I can't go along with that.
There are hundreds of other professional entertainers who have everything to lose by going public with their claims, to be ridiculed in the Mainstream Media where most of them make their living. Here is a handful, just to name a few: Kevin Smith, Sharon Stone, Martin Sheen, Ed Begley Jr., Daniel Sunjata, Janeane Garofalo, David Lynch, James Brolin, Eminem, Corey Taylor from the band Slipknot, Margaret Cho, and the list goes on and on, there are plenty more I don’t have space for. All of these people are doing their patriotic duty by standing up and questioning an obviously flawed 9/11 Commission Report.
In addition to celebrities speaking up, there are literally thousands of architects and engineers standing up and saying they don’t believe the official story either. In fact, one man has organized all of them into a group called Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, also known as ae911truth.org.
This group of over 1,750 professional architects and engineers have banded together with the guidance of a man named Richard Gage, a San Francisco Bay Area architect and a member of the American Institute of Architects.
Mr. Gage became interested in researching the destruction of the WTC high-rises after hearing the startling conclusions of 9/11 researcher David Ray Griffin on the radio in 2006, who then launched his own quest for the truth about 9/11.
On his website, Gage states “We call upon Congress for a truly independent investigation with
subpoena power. We believe that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that the World Trade Center buildings #1 (North Tower), #2 (South Tower), and #7 (the 47 story high-rise across Vesey St.) were destroyed not by jet impact and fires but by controlled demolition with explosives.
We believe that our website, our DVD “9/11: Blueprint for Truth”, and the other referenced material, contain the information necessary to demonstrate to all with an open mind that this is the case, and that such an investigation is warranted and overdue. We believe that the available evidence invalidates the government’s official conspiracy theory.”
So. We have a hundred plus celebrities questioning the official story, almost a couple thousand professional architects and engineers questioning the official story, and millions of ordinary Americans who are questioning the official story.
The most notable group involved in 9/11 Truth activism at the grassroots level is called wearechange.org, founded by patriotic American Luke Rudkowski. I’ll let them explain what they are about, from the website wearechange.org:
“We Are Change is a citizens based grassroots peace and social justice movement working to reveal the truth behind the events of September 11th, as well as the lies of the government and corporate elite who remain suspect in this crime. In addition, we are here to aid the sick and dying first responders through fundraising and social outreach programs in order to promote awareness of those who suffer from physical, emotional, and psychological traumas they received in the aftermath of 9-11. We also seek to meet other local citizens who are interested in educating the public while engaging in peaceful demonstration about the pertinent issues that are affecting our lives each and every day. Furthermore, We Are Change is a nonpartisan independent media organization comprised of patriot journalists working to hold those engaging in activities that do not represent the wishes of “We the People” - by asking the hard questions that the controlled mainstream media refuses to do.
We Are Change has arisen from the remnants of our republic to fill the vacancy left by those who swore to preserve, protect and defend The Constitution against all enemies – foreign and domestic. We seek to expose the fraud of the left/right paradigm and reveal that the world truly functions on a top/down hierarchy that threatens to destroy free society as we know it. We Are Change works to educate, motivate, and activate those striving to uncover the truth behind the private banking cartel of the military industrial complex that is directing the majority of U.S. policy, and that is actively seeking to eliminate national sovereignty and replace it with a "one world order." We will also continue to move in a direction that reconnects “We the People” to our nation’s founding principles laid out in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
We Are Change also seek an uncompromising and independent investigation into the crimes of 9-11, with subpoena power granted to obtain a long-overdue resolution for the survivors and families of the deceased. We reject the official explanation of the events leading up to, during and after the attacks of September 11th, 2001 as well as the fear-based politics and state mandated propaganda being disseminated by the Corporate Media which has facilitated the cover-up of 9-11.
As we establish citizens groups throughout the country and world, we wish to inspire a community of truth-seekers and peacemakers through creative campaigns with a commitment of nonviolence. We Are Change is not so much a group but an idea, an idea that “We the People" are the vehicles of these "ideas" and of the freedoms, liberties, and truths we are seeking all across the globe. An idea that captures the spirits of our forefathers who just desired freedom; that together, as residents of this planet, we grow like a snowball of truth and justice rolling down a mountain of tyranny growing bigger and stronger, recognizing the beauty in our differences and the diverseness of each other, but at the same time strengthening our cause because we learn and grow from each others individuality. Then as we learn to come together, that as one, you, me, him, her, us…will realize that WE ARE CHANGE.”
There are wearechange.org chapters in nearly every state and in every major city in the United States, and also in over 40 foreign countries, trying to wake people up to the real truth about 9/11. The proponents of the New World Order are probably going to commit larger and more terrible false flags in the future, and it’s time to wake up.
Educate yourself. Knowledge is power, and they seek to keep the power away from us so they can fulfill their Great Plan, the New World Order. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for you to do your own research on this topic, and to tell others about what is going on. There comes a time when silence becomes complicity: the silence on the part of the American people in their government's wars of conquest is complicity in these war crimes against humanity.
We bombed Afghanistan and Iraq back to the Stone Age and killed millions of innocent men, women and children and that fact makes me sad to the point of tears, to see those little Iraqi kids with their legs blown off being carried down the street by their parents, still barely alive, screaming for someone to help them. It’s time decent Americans did help them dammit, and it’s time we help ourselves before it’s too late for the United States. ARE YOU HEARING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The greatest threat to our freedom isn’t radical Muslims; it’s a war-mongering New Babylon out for world conquest in the name of the New World Order. Our military isn’t over there defending our freedom, they’re spreading our tyranny and that is the bottom-line FACT.
Educate yourself about the FACTS of what happened before, on, and after September 11, 2001…….our future depends on it. And believe me, if you don’t wake up, we won’t have a future.