1 minute read
Chapter 9: War, Inc
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
There is nothing more profitable, nothing more divisive, and nothing more damaging to societies than war.
Upon completion of this book you will come to the realization that nearly all wars perpetrated throughout mankind’s history were a direct result of the proponents of the Great Plan trying to further their agenda, and the 20th century was no exception. In fact, the wars of the 20th century can be easily attributed to the actions of the modern day leaders of the Great Plan, the Illuminati.
One only needs to review various Biblical prophecies describing how the entire Earth would be embroiled in wars and rumors of wars to understand that the Great Plan is closer than ever to coming to fruition, and the End Times will not be far to follow.
Again, it would be impossible to encompass reviews of all the great wars and battles of ancient history, so we will just concentrate on what has happened since the modern day proponents of the Great Plan snatched up the reigns with the founding of the New Babylon and the formation of the Illuminati, both not coincidentally in 1776.
We already went over the founding of the New Babylon, aka the United States of America, and how the Illuminati fomented the French Revolution. We briefly went over aspects of the Civil War, but there is more to that also that you need to be informed of, same as World Wars 1 and 2.