22 minute read
Chapter 3: The Great Plan
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
Now that you are aware that we are being guided along a specific agenda, we are going to go back in time to see when and where the Great Plan for the global enslavement of mankind originated.
To be perfectly clear, the Great Plan in the year 2013 is a single, all-encompassing conspiracy, thousands of years in planning and executing. It is not the Jews. It is not the Catholics. It is not the Freemasons, etc. It is comprised of components of all of them and more, banded together under what they themselves describe as Luciferianism.
Again, although I believe the Bible is of divine inspiration, I also believe a good deal of the contents are parables/metaphors. I firmly believe that this is why Christ often spoke in so many parables: To explain the actions and will of God in simple, layman’s terms, so the average man could understand the point of what was trying to be relayed. Keep in mind that man was a much simpler being back then and even up until comparatively recent times. There are multiple warnings to mankind regarding the Great Plan throughout the Bible, with the most comprehensive being the entire Book of Revelation, which tells us about the (then) future culmination of the Great Plan.
Now, with that said, I want to go to the first book of the Bible, Book of Genesis, to see how the Great Plan was set in motion. But, before we even do that, I need to explain to you exactly who or what Lucifer is.
Lucifer/Satan/the Devil is not some guy in a red suit with red skin and a tail, horns, and brandishing a pitchfork. If he was to appear to you in this dimension as a physical being, he would be the most handsome and even beautiful being you’ve ever seen in your life. Lucifer and the rest of the “angels” and “demons” in the Bible are all interdimensional beings and have distinct personalities, being either benign, like an angel, or neutral/malignant, like a demon. Lucifer is an interdimensional being with godlike (lower “g”) intelligence and powers, originally created by God to be his right hand man---for lack of a better term---but he is not God’s opposite. For comparison sake the opposite of Lucifer would probably be considered the Archangel Michael. Lucifer was given a tremendous amount of power by God, supposedly doing great things for God at one time. It is even possible that he had a hand in creating the 3-dimensional universe we live in. This would explain the Freemasons reverence of the “Grand Architect of The (3D) Universe”, or GATU, with the upper, upper echelon of Freemasonry being practicing Luciferians. Lucifer’s pride over his hand in the creation of not only our universe but Earth in particular is what I believe to be the cause of his fall, and that’s why this whole thing is being played out on Earth instead of some other planet. This is also why it says explicitly in the Bible that Lucifer is god over this planet until the return of Jesus Christ to “reclaim it” for God.
-John 5:19
“Now is the judgment of this world; now will the ruler of this world be cast out.”
-John 12:31
“In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”
-2 Corinthians 4:4
“Wherein ye once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the powers of the air, of the spirit that now worketh in the sons of disobedience.”
-Ephesians 2:2
“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”
-1 Peter 5:8
“And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.”
-Revelation 12:9
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
-Ephesians 2:2, if you substitute “interdimensional” for “heavenly”, you will better understand the realm from which these entities, Lucifer and the fallen angels/demons, are operating from
Lucifer, as all interdimensionals and humans alike, was given free will. Lucifer felt he had been doing so well for God that he began to get a big head over it, something we call pride, and apparently felt unappreciated. He ultimately decided that he could rally a bunch of God’s angels, 1/3 of them according to the Bible, and try to overthrow God. Well, this obviously didn’t work out, and I believe that this event happened as a result of, and immediately after, the seeding of mankind as we know him today on Earth approximately 6,000 years ago. I’m certainly not saying that this is when the Earth was created; but I believe this is when mankind as we know him today was planted here.
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ “
-Isaiah 14:12-15
“Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.”
-Revelation 12:7-9
According to the proponents of the Great Plan themselves, this grand scheme started in the Garden of Eden and is literally responsible for the “fall of man”. It is their position that God was unjust, keeping mankind naïve of his own power and potential and trapped in the Garden of Eden, which is another metaphor I believe, to be forever subservient to Him. They believe that Lucifer, metaphorically as a serpent, revealed to mankind the truth of man’s potential to become gods themselves over the Earth through acquisition and implementation of knowledge. Lucifer did this not to help mankind, but to spite God. When mankind, or more accurately the people following the Luciferian Great Plan, reached this “god” status they would theoretically no longer need God as they would have complete control over everything on Earth, including being able to reincarnate themselves and live forever, thus setting mankind free of his domineering Creator. This is the metaphorical partaking of the fruit from the “Tree of Knowledge” by Adam and Eve in Genesis, and that is the crux of the Great Plan, also called the Luciferian Philosophy: If mankind, or a certain sect of mankind, were to gain enough knowledge, they would become gods themselves. This is represented in the Book of Genesis:
"For God knows that in the day you eat from it (the Tree of Knowledge) your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
Lucifer, Book of Genesis 3:5
Before mankind was tripped up by the Luciferian plan, all he knew was good. It never entered into his mind to try and advance to god-status himself. Now that the seed of megalomania and disobedience was planted in mankind by Lucifer, man learned how to rebel against God and could discern that there really was a difference between good and evil.
“Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings.”
Book of Genesis, 3:7
After being instilled with the knowledge of both good and evil, where before they were only filled with knowing what is “good”, Adam and Eve immediately felt the need to cover their private parts. Why is that? It is because they were immediately filled with lust upon seeing each other’s naked bodies, which is evil in God’s eyes. The “seven deadly sins” do not appear in the Bible, but they sum up the different ways man acts out against God’s intention for us on Earth. It is particularly important to read very carefully what is said in the Bible in the section where the basis of the Great Plan is revealed. The whole of chapter 3 in the Book of Genesis has to do with the Luciferian initiation of the Great Plan, it was that important to address it within the first pages of the Old Testament.
Then the LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”
Book of Genesis 3:22
The culmination of the implementation of what was revealed through the Tree of Knowledge leads to the “Tree of Life”, which is ascension to immortality/godhood. The “Tree of Life” and the pursuit of its fruits of personal godhood is the basis of Cabbalism, an occult belief system started by the Synagogue of Satan, which we will go over later in this chapter. The “Tree of Knowledge/Life” concept---being the basis of the original Great Plan---was also carried with the workers from King Nimrod’s Tower of Babel to Egypt, the Far East and other areas, where it shows up conceptually as the oneness of God and man, or how man can become a god unto himself. The visual representations of these symbols also show up in various ancient religions. The Tree of Life is particularly important to Hinduism and Buddhism. Eastern religion mysticism/occult knowledge is highly regarded by the proponents of the Great Plan. This is powerful evidence of the original dispersing of King Nimrod’s game plan. Not only this, but the concept of man’s quest for eternal life is the central theme of an ancient novel called “The Epic of Gilgamesh”, written in ancient Mesopotamia, aka Babylon. According to some researchers, this book and its central character, Gilgamesh, are based on the life and aspirations of King Nimrod. I also believe this to be the case.
"When the gods created mankind, death for mankind they allotted, life they retained in their own keeping."
-The Epic of Gilgamesh
God didn’t want His special creation, the humans, to be aspiring gods themselves. He wanted obedient worshippers doing what He intended for us to do when we were put here: be stewards of the Earth, take care of it and each other, and respect God for what He has given us. God is God and man is man, but Lucifer set mankind’s course down that rebellious path in a quest for godhood, causing the fall of man. If mankind were to be left unchecked, he would eventually rise up to godlike-status on Earth, which is almost where we are today. If you were to look at a line graph of man’s status in terms of intelligence/scientific achievements/inventions/etc. over the last 6,000 years, the last 100 or so years it would be in a sharp vertical ascent straight up compared to the previous millennia of man’s existence. Our knowledge of how things work has increased exponentially as these past hundred or so years have ticked by, and even more so with the advent of the computer age.
This passage from the Book of Daniel, telling of the signs of the End Times, might shed some light on the subject:
"But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase."
-Book of Daniel, 12:4
The reference to “go back and forth” means worldwide travel at will, which is possible today, but not 100 years ago. The reference to “knowledge will increase” should be self-explanatory, as we are in the steep ascent to man becoming a god on Earth.
There is only room for one God, and it is spelled out very clearly with the very first of the Ten Commandments: “Thou shall have no other gods before Me” . I could go on and on about this, but just know that this is how the concept of the Great Plan originated. King Nimrod just took the idea to the next level, incorporating it into the Babylonian Mystery Religion he created, that rules the world today.
Now, God could just as well snap his fingers and make the proponents of the Great Plan vanish forever and there would truly be peace on Earth, but that would be against allowing “free will” to operate. Each and every one of us is being tested on this Earth and in this life, and each and every one of us has God-given free will to do what we want to---as long as we are not living in a police state that is, which is coming soon. The Earth and mankind are almost like God’s little experiment, giving mankind the freedom to either worship Him and do what He intended us to do, or not to. It is my conclusion that life on Earth is basically a test for each and every human on the planet, to see if we use our free will for good or bad, and this will be reflected in what happens to your life-essence (your soul) after your 3D space suit, the vehicle for your interdimensional soul, has expired.
So going forward from the start of the Book of Genesis, I’m not going to take the time in this book to go into what happened before the “Great Flood”, just know that mankind’s departure from what God wanted out of us was expedited at this time by the help of “fallen angels”, the so-called “Watchers” from Genesis 6:2, the Book of Enoch, and other religious sources. The Book of Enoch even goes so far as to name the 20 heads of the Watchers. Again, more in-depth topics like this will be addressed in an addendum to this book, but just to let you know what is coming in the near future: What we call Extra-terrestrials today (ETs) were called angels, fallen angels, Watchers, and demons in Biblical times, and they have been interacting with humans ever since we were put here, with both good and bad intentions.
The proponents of the Great Plan are conditioning us about what is to come and you probably don’t even know it. Pay special attention to a man named Steven Greer and his organization called the “Disclosure Project”, which is seeking to indoctrinate the public for what is to come regarding the “ETs”. I will elaborate on this at the end of this book, as it is too important to leave out. If you ever wondered how the Great Pyramids were built, the giant statues of Easter Island erected, or any of the other ancient wonders of the world were constructed, most if not all of them impossible to build with today’s modern cutting-edge engineering and machinery, you now know the answer of how they got here. The engineering and construction that went into the pyramids, for example, were far too advanced for as primitive of people that existed that long ago. Only beings with highly advanced intelligence, methods and motivations could have orchestrated the precision construction of the Great Pyramids and other ancient wonders. We have been visited before, we are being visited now, and those same interdimensionals that were responsible for building these structures will be making a grand appearance and soon. The proliferation of UFO sightings/abductions/events/etc. over the last few decades is testament to what is coming.
According to the Bible, after the “Great Flood” event, civilization was virtually non-existent except for Noah, his family, and the creatures on the Ark. Here again, I believe that the “Great Flood” is possibly a metaphor for the supernatural sterilization of the Earth by God or His representatives to rid the world of DNA-corrupted beings, aka Nephilim, created by the malevolent interdimensionals. I also believe other humans were reintroduced along with Noah’s kin to reestablish mankind on Earth, as well as all of the land animals.
The first man to break away from God and again follow the Luciferian Doctrine after the sterilization process was a tyrannical ruler---and Noah’s great grandson--- named King Nimrod, mankind’s first “king”. He is the man responsible for putting together the game plan of what needed to be done in order to elevate man to god-status, which is the gist of the Great Plan.
His game plan has been held tight to the chest like any good plan, this is one of two reasons why the occult secret societies were originally spawned. The other reason for the creation of the occult secret societies was to use group-conscious occult ceremonies to communicate with the malevolent interdimensionals for insight on completing the Great Plan. This was the foundation of the Babylonian Mystery Religion.
This “Great Plan” was passed down via occult secret societies over centuries and millennia through the various great civilizations of history: Babylon/Sumeria, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and everything in between. The people running the show today are for the most part the same occult group of people who follow the Babylonian Mystery Religion and have been running civilization since the days of King Nimrod.
Today 95% of the goals of the Great Plan are public, and they have actually been letting it out for decades their intentions of destroying the USA and forming a world government. The 5% of the plan that is still secret is contained by the modern day masters of the Great Plan and are the upper echelon, 33rd degree and higher, of the modern day incarnation of the Luciferian Babylonian Mystery Religion called Freemasonry. The other 95% of the orchestration of the Great Plan is right out in the open for anyone who cares to open their eyes to see, represented by The Royal Institute for International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission and the United Nations. These are all organizations, started and controlled by the secret 5% that nearly all influential congressmen, Presidents, and corporate kingpins belong to and follow their globalist New World Order agenda and that is a fact. The agendas of
these organizations are in the public arena, but intentionally never get broad media coverage due to a blackout by the privately-owned Mainstream Media. The same people who started and belong to the above 6 organizations also own and control the Mainstream Media, hence the complete absence of this type of information in the main public arena.
You are going to see in this book the extent of evil we are really up against. It is literally like a giant octopus that has its tentacles wrapped around the entire Earth---dominating the planet as a whole since the pinnacle of the British Empire, which then morphed into the American Empire. Soon our country’s dominance over the world will be (further) melded with the United Nations, and the metamorphosis from the American Empire into the Luciferian one world government will be complete.
There are very, very few major political or financial events that the Great Plan hasn’t been involved in orchestrating or manipulating to further their goals. Nearly if not all wars, political assassinations, economic cataclysms, etc. are the result of the machinations of the Great Plan.
After gaining control of the British Empire through their takeover of the Bank of England in the early 1800’s, the Rothschild Banking Dynasty and their co-conspirators of the Great Plan were able to seize control of the United States via their treacherous founding of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Whoever controls the issuance of a nation’s central bank in effect rules the country through the power of money. This is why it explicitly says in our Constitution that our Congress and not a private forprofit corporation should issue our currency. That way the people, not the bankers, reap the benefits of its issuance. Now that they had control of the United States, they used the private Federal Reserve to create the money to loan to our federal government in order to buildup the United States into the warmongering terror machine we know today, with trillions in profits reaped by the Military Industrial Complex, also controlled by the proponents of the Great Plan.
“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”
-President Dwight D. Eisenhower, stated in his farewell address to the nation, Jan. 1961
This is why the U.S. has military bases in nearly every country in the world today, not in the name of democracy as we are told, but according to the agenda of the Great Plan. Our military is not out there protecting our freedom; they are spreading the tyranny of the Great Plan.
With the enormous amount of money they controlled through the Federal Reserve, they were able to buy up, hand-pick, and guide “their” people into political power to get the results they wanted across the board. They have literally controlled our country ever since 1913. It doesn’t matter who is steering our ship, the Democrats or Republicans, these groups respective politicians all belong to the same “95%” control groups, and all push the same New World Order agenda because it is the agents of the Great Plan who are put in place to start with, and that is a fact.
If you want to find out if a President, Supreme Court Justice, or Congressman is working for you, me and America or the Great Plan, all you have to do is find out if they belong to any of the “95% public”
Nearly all of our nations powerful career politicians are in on the plan, bought out by the illegal and un-Constitutional money created by the Federal Reserve---this is why they were promoted to the job to start with: to help bring in the New World Order. They are all aware of the Great Plan to a certain degree, but most not as aware as you will be by the end of this book, and actively promote it because they enjoy belonging to the power elite and the huge and easy money that goes with it. These people have literally sold their souls for power in this lifetime, and they will regret it in the end. The entrenched politicians are usually lawyers to start with when their political careers begin, but go on to make incredible amounts of money as a willing part of the Establishment. What they are after even more than money, however, is power. Power over other humans. This makes them feel like the “gods” they aspire to become right now, and they love every Mainstream Media minute of it. They literally get off on it.
“Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.”
-Henry Kissinger, CFR, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, and Trilateral Commission member and alleged 33rd degree Freemason
A small number of the highest and most important ranking politicians and corporate kingpins are alleged to be 33rd degree Freemasons---or married to 33rd degree Freemasons. Freemasonry at the 33rd degree level and higher is actually a religion, the modern day religious incarnation of King Nimrod’s Babylonian Mystery Religion, which is the worship of Lucifer. The reason I keep saying “alleged” 33rd degree Freemason is that I personally have no way to prove that. I wasn’t there at their 33rd degree initiation and neither were you or anybody else that would talk about it and live if they were there to witness it. That is the whole point of a secret society, blood oaths of secrecy until death, be it natural causes or at the hands of your fellow secret society members.
What we do have, however, are various Masonic “prophets” who flat out admit to not only being 33rd degree Freemasons, but admitting that at the 33rd degree you literally are pledging yourself to the worship of Lucifer. We will go over this soon here, but various sources have claimed that prolific leaders of our time in political, religious and social worlds are 33rd degree Freemasons. I certainly wish that someone with the needed resources would investigate the backgrounds of the various alleged 33rd degree Freemasons and compile a report of truth, but a concerned guy can only wish at this point. Once you see as we go along here how intertwined the families and people running the New World Order today are with Freemasonry, I think you’ll agree that Freemasonry is the modern day housing of the Great Plan.
The proponents of the Great Plan have been very busy over the last century or so. Manufacturing money out of thin air to fund their conquest for a one world empire. Resurrecting Israel in preparation of the End Times and appearance of the Antichrist. Guiding themselves towards godhood through science. Plotting an agenda to fulfill the prophecy of the Bible. These are the roles they chose to play. These are the roles these family bloodlines have filled throughout history moving the agenda forward and we’re very near the end of the Bible story right here today.
The kicker of all this is that the proponents of the Great Plan have been deluded by Lucifer into believing they can change the ending of the Bible story. What is going to happen in our future has already happened on God’s watch, and the end result will truthfully be as told in the Book of Revelation, with the return of Jesus Christ and His entourage to smite the Great Plan and rule the world.
Unfortunately for you, me and everyone else, between now and then is going to get downright ugly.