Chapter 3-The Great Plan
Now that you are aware that we are being guided along a specific agenda, we are going to go back in time to see when and where the Great Plan for the global enslavement of mankind originated. To be perfectly clear, the Great Plan in the year 2013 is a single, all-encompassing conspiracy, thousands of years in planning and executing. It is not the Jews. It is not the Catholics. It is not the Freemasons, etc. It is comprised of components of all of them and more, banded together under what they themselves describe as Luciferianism. Again, although I believe the Bible is of divine inspiration, I also believe a good deal of the contents are parables/metaphors. I firmly believe that this is why Christ often spoke in so many parables: To explain the actions and will of God in simple, layman’s terms, so the average man could understand the point of what was trying to be relayed. Keep in mind that man was a much simpler being back then and even up until comparatively recent times. There are multiple warnings to mankind regarding the Great Plan throughout the Bible, with the most comprehensive being the entire Book of Revelation, which tells us about the (then) future culmination of the Great Plan. Now, with that said, I want to go to the first book of the Bible, Book of Genesis, to see how the Great Plan was set in motion. But, before we even do that, I need to explain to you exactly who or what Lucifer is. Lucifer/Satan/the Devil is not some guy in a red suit with red skin and a tail, horns, and brandishing a pitchfork. If he was to appear to you in this dimension as a physical being, he would be the most handsome and even beautiful being you’ve ever seen in your life. Lucifer and the rest of the “angels” and “demons” in the Bible are all interdimensional beings and have distinct personalities, being either benign, like an angel, or neutral/malignant, like a demon. Lucifer is an interdimensional being with godlike (lower “g”) intelligence and powers, originally created by God to be his right hand man---for lack of a better term---but he is not God’s opposite. For comparison sake the opposite of Lucifer would probably be considered the Archangel Michael. Lucifer was given a tremendous amount of power by God, supposedly doing great things for God at one time. It is even possible that he had a hand in creating the 3-dimensional universe we live in. This would explain the Freemasons reverence of the “Grand Architect of The (3D) Universe”, or GATU, with the upper, upper echelon of Freemasonry being practicing Luciferians. Lucifer’s pride over his hand in the creation of not only our universe but Earth in particular is what I believe to be the cause of his fall, and that’s why this whole thing is being played out on Earth instead of some other planet. This is also why it says explicitly in the Bible that Lucifer is god over this planet until the return of Jesus Christ to “reclaim it” for God.