4 minute read
a. The Round Table Groups
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
So what are the “Round Table” groups you’re probably wondering? The term “Round Table Groups” is not a formal term, just a general grouping of the various New World Order steering organizations that were created and funded by the proponents of the Great Plan. These groups were the latest innovation of these proponents beginning in the late 1800’s going into the home stretch of creation of a one world government.
Again, as the size and scope of the job of bringing in a one world government grew, so needed to grow the amount of people necessary to run it and at the same time keep the masses in the dark about what was really going on. The one man who could probably be credited with getting these groups up and running ultimately is named Cecil John Rhodes, an alleged 33rd degree Freemason.
In 1877, Cecil John Rhodes laid out his own plans to unite the world under a New World Order:
“At the present day I become a member of the Masonic order I see the wealth and power they possess, the influence they hold, and I think over their ceremonies and I wonder that a large body of men can devote themselves to what at times appear the most ridiculous and absurd rites without an object and without an end.
The idea gleaming and dancing before one’s eyes like a will-of-the-wisp at last frames itself into a plan. Why should we not form a secret society with but one object: the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule for the recovery of the United States for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire.”
-Cecil Rhodes’ book “Confessions of Faith”
Rhodes, who was in fact financially backed by the Rothschilds, acquired enormous wealth by developing diamond mining properties in Africa, founding the legendary DeBeers diamond company. At one time, DeBeers controlled 90% of the entire world’s diamond market, although that number has since slipped a bit. The African country of Rhodesia was not only founded by Rhodes but named after him, and was part of the British Empire at one time. After gaining independence from Great Britain, Rhodesia was split into two countries, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Rhodes was a member of the British “Fabian Society”, counting among its more influential members Andrew Carnegie, of Carnegie Steel, and H.G. Wells, author of the “The New World Order”. The Fabian Society stated that world socialism was inevitable, and that there would be a difficult and painful transition period for mankind in the near future.
“Countless people ... will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people.”
-H.G. Wells
The Fabian Society was, for all intents and purposes, the first “Round Table” group member, and being that it was only a “semi-secret” society, served as the model for the future Round Table Groups. The stated mission of the Fabian Society was to extend the British Empire to include the entire Earth---ruled under a “New World Order”, hence the title of Wells’ book of the same name. It was the Fabian’s intent, that the transition to one world government was to be carried out gradually so as not to arouse suspicion, with appropriate guiding education of the populace, until the system was fully in place. The official mascot of the society was the turtle, meant to represent that a slow, gradual shifting over to a one world government was necessary in order to get the unknowing masses to cooperate.
When Rhodes died in 1902 he donated his fortune---placed with the British Rothschilds---to establish a Rhodes scholarship program at Oxford University in England to carry out the ideas formulated within the Fabian Society, which is the implementation of the Great Plan/New World Order. The scholarships were to go to promising young men from the British colonies and the United States, with the majority going to Americans, like alleged 33rd degree Freemason Bill Clinton among others.
During the past century, over 4,600 young men have been sent to Oxford as Rhodes scholars to be indoctrinated in socialism and world government and then sent out to bring about these goals to reality. Rhodes scholars work in government, the international banking cartels, the boards of global corporations, the tax-free foundations, the Supreme Court, the media, major universities, the United Nations, and the CFR/other Round Table Groups among others promoting a one world socialist government.
Rhodes planted the seeds of the Round Table groups before he died, and these groups play a vital role in how the proponents of the Great Plan run the world today. Rhodes was viewed within the Illuminati circles as the “new Weishaupt” for his controlling nature, his high intelligence, and his vision for the future of the world under the Great Plan. His appointed successor, alleged 33rd degree Freemason Lord Alfred Milner, continued Rhodes work after his death.
The Round Table Groups, as they are generally called today, are as follows: the British Royal Institute for International Affairs/RIIA (founded 1919), the Council on Foreign Relations/CFR (the U.S. version of the RIIA founded in 1921), the Bilderberg Group (1954), the Club of Rome (1968), and the Trilateral Commission (1973). Each succeeding group was added as the conspiracy grew in size and scope in order to maintain orderly control of it. These are the organizations through which Western nations governmental policies are formulated by the Illuminati today. The CFR literally is the “Establishment” you probably have heard referred to over the years. All of these organizations are run by the Illuminati to facilitate the bringing in of the Luciferian New World Order.