10 minute read
a. Judaism
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
It has been rumored and even outright accused by some that there is a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world, so we are going to address this right off the bat. This conspiracy theory is intentionally promoted by the proponents of the Great Plan to muddy the waters of truth and also to incriminate the Jews of this accusation with such propaganda as the Protocols of Zion. Just as the Jews were scapegoated by Hitler for Germany’s problems, so again will the proponents of the Great Plan scapegoat them over what is coming down the tracks. Hitler was one of the greatest leaders of the Great Plan, and I will prove this later in this book.
I will tell you right now that the Great Plan is not a Jewish conspiracy, but there are “Jews” who are part of the Great Plan through their membership in the Babylonian Mystery Religion, just as there are “Christians” and “Mormons” and “Buddhists” etc. who are members. The members of the Great Plan hide behind various religious fronts when in reality they all belong to the same occult religion behind the scenes.
I myself thought that there was a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world for a long time, because that is the sentiment of a good-sized part of the population whether people want to admit it or not. Throughout my life I’ve randomly come across people, who when we got to talking about politics and the state of the world, were of the position that there was a Jewish conspiracy in place to run the United States, if not the world.
This was my view during my years as an atheist. I harbored mixed feelings towards Jewish people because of my lack of knowledge of the existence and mechanisms of the Great Plan. Let’s take the Protocols of Zion for example.
If you read the Protocols of Zion, and correctly interpret what they are saying, it seems that everything that is in them has come true, is coming true, or is apparently going to come true. This is because they were composed, in my opinion, by the people running the Great Plan a couple of hundred years ago. If you go through the Protocols of Zion and substitute the word “Great Plan” for “Jew”, you will have in front of you the virtual blueprint of the Great Plan to take over the world.
The fact that they represent a plan to take over the world that was matching up to exactly what is going on was maddening to me, and was one of the primary reasons I thought there was a Jewish conspiracy going on. That was one of the two main goals of them letting it out to start with: to put the Great Plan out there in the public realm so that if any member of the Great Plan tried to go public with the plan, he would immediately be shouted down as an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist. Just like today, they like to hide their intentions right in front of our faces. The second point was to create a red herring to implicate the Jews, who in reality have no hand in it. Hitler used the Protocols as a main propaganda tool to go after the Jews over Germany’s economic problems, the same type of problems we are going to be dealing with shortly, chiefly hyperinflation.
The Jews, trace their roots back to the Biblical Abraham, who is the origination of God’s Earthly opposition to the Great Plan. This is the origination of the whole “chosen people” stuff you may have heard of. Abraham was chosen by the Creator God to represent Him and his values in the time of Nimrod, which was an occult-filled, depraved evil world. In Jewish Apocrypha, it even details an
encounter between Abraham and King Nimrod over this very issue. The Jews are hated by the proponents of the Great Plan because they represent humanity’s original opposition to it through Abraham, and are a modern day reminder of it.
This was the single, hardest chapter of this book to research and contemplate an understanding of what I believe is the truth, because so much has been put out there to intentionally muddy up the water of what is really going on. I feel the guidance I have received will stand up to the scrutiny it will certainly come under by all parties concerned. It was never my desire or choice to be one to try and clarify the matter of the “Jewish conspiracy”, but it was necessary in order to get to the truth in what is going on.
So. Who are the Jews? Let’s do a little crash course in Biblical history here:
The Jews of today are those people following the religious practices of the last remaining “intact” tribe of the original 12 tribes of Israel, which is the tribe of Judah, and/or those who are considered a Jew by bloodline. According to the Bible, the original 12 tribes of Israel were established by the 12 sons of a man named Jacob, who had his name changed by God to “Israel”. Jacob/Israel is the son of Isaac, who was in turn the son of the Biblical Abraham. Abraham and his descendents were chosen by God to be His beacon of light, truth, and goodness after the organization and implementation of King Nimrod’s Babylonian Mystery Religion, aka the formalized Great Plan. God made a pact with Abraham that if he were to follow Him in worship instead of the pagan ideals put forth by Nimrod that He would reward him and his ancestors with prosperity, which He did. These “chosen people” known as the Jews, as God chose Abraham and his family to represent Him on Earth, are the decedents of Abraham and are the Biblical “Hebrews”.
It was in those times when Abraham’s descendents strayed from God into paganism that they fell on hard times, and when they were just and right with God, no one could stand against them and they were prosperous. It was after the fall of King Solomon around 930 B.C. that the tribes of Israel, the Hebrews/Israelites, were split apart into two separate entities: the tribes of Judah and Benjamin in the southern part of Israel, and the balance in the north. This is how it stayed until around 730 B.C. when the Assyrians invaded and dispersed the northern 10 tribes. All of the tribes except the tribe of Judah were scattered and dissolved into the general population of the known world at the time. This is where the Jewish/Judaic (tribe of Judah) line of heritage comes from. Judaism is the modern day continuation of the religious practices of the ancient Biblical Hebrews.
Abraham is also the patriarch of Jesus Christ, Moses, Elijah, and the rest of the Bible prophets. So, in effect, the modern day Jews are the “honorary” representatives of God’s original plan for His followers, the Hebrews, through Abraham. The reason I use the word “honorary”, and that is not meant to disrespect Judaism, is that it is my position that with the coming, death, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, the true path to the Most High God is now through Jesus Christ
and not through Judaism. Some Jews also believe this to be true. They are called Messianic Jews, so you can still hold onto those deep Jewish traditions and believe in Jesus Christ.
Here are two quotes from the last book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation, which tell us exactly what is going on with regards to the “Jews” who are involved in the Great Plan. Even though they were written two thousand years ago, they are more relevant today than ever:
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Even though this part of the Book of Revelation was written as a warning to the Christians at the time of its authorship, it is also meant to be applicable to what is happening today, as what was said should also be interpreted as a metaphor, much like other passages of the Bible. What was pertinent then is even more so today. What these two quotes are telling us is that there are people who are claiming to be Jews and hiding behind the label of “Jew” but are really followers of Lucifer (Satan). It is so important for us to comprehend this that Jesus Christ tells us the exact same thing twice in order to drive home the point, and that is to beware the fake Jews who are doing the work of Satan, alongside the fake Christians, etc. These are the Synagogue of Satan “Jews” who follow King Nimrod’s Babylonian Mystery Religion, which is the Great Plan. It is this group of fake “Jews” who control a large part of world finance, but certainly not all of it, and they are today the main driving force of the Great Plan due to a single family of Synagogue of Satan “Jews” named the Rothschilds, more on them in a little while.
If the Jews, the Torah-following, God-of-Abraham worshipping Jews, would realize the real truth of what is happening within their ranks, they would (hopefully) stand up to those who say they worship the Most High God but really are Luciferians (Satanists), and I’m talking about the Rothschilds and their Great Plan ilk.
The #1 harbinger of the prophesized Luciferian one world government and the End Times to follow was the resurrection of Israel in 1948---this is clearly stated in the Bible. Israel had to be resurrected for the rest of the End Times prophecies to fall into place. Israel was in fact resurrected by the
actions of the Rothschilds to initiate the End Times and I will prove this later in these pages.
Those who know the Bible intimately will find this book to be quite an alarm clock about what is going on right under our noses, as it is all according to the script(ure).
Spearheading the plan to keep a lid on the facts of what is happening is the ADL, or Anti-Defamation League. The ADL was founded in 1913 by the proponents of the Great Plan. This is the same year the Federal Reserve was set up and that was not a coincidence by a long shot. It was founded not to protect the Jews, but to shield the Synagogue of Satan and the financial Ponzi scheme they were setting up via the Federal Reserve. The main purpose of the ADL is to shout down
anybody, by screaming “anti-Semitism”, who would question the existence and the legality of the Federal Reserve. The Fed is primarily owned and controlled by Synagogue of Satan “Jews”. The central banking system is the engine of the Great Plan.
The ADL actually accomplishes the exact opposite of its stated mission of protecting the Jews, as it explicitly and intentionally groups the good Jews together with the Synagogue of Satan “Jews”. The people running the ADL at its upper echelon know exactly what is going on, while the people within its organization doing the busy work under their corrupted guidance think they are working for a just cause. The ADL has nothing to do with standing up for the Jews and everything to do with making sure people won’t learn about or speak up about the truth---about the fake “Jews” hiding within the
Jewish community. What they are doing is muddying the waters with intentional controversy to divide the good Jews against the rest of the population. Any attack upon the Synagogue of Satan “Jews” is reacted to by the ADL as an attack upon all Jews, and with the help of the Mainstream Media the Great Plan controls, this hoax is brainwashed into the minds of the ignorant masses.
The Synagogue of Satan is working with other various factions of the Great Plan towards the one world government, including the upper echelon of the Vatican and an entire network of secret and semi-secret organizations that we will go over.