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Chapter 6: Steering the New World Order

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c. What Do We Do?

c. What Do We Do?

The proponents of the Great Plan have a handful of semi-secret organizations that are their “public face”, even though most people have no idea they even exist, and if they do know they exist don’t know what their real function is. All of these entities were created and funded by those who are pushing for a one world government, and the exact same people who own the Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank, started the United Nations, organized the European Union, started all the major wars, etc. etc. ad nauseum. The relationship between all these groups, besides being run by the Illuminati families, is demonstrated not only by their common objective of forming a one world government under their control, but by their funding via the tax-free foundations and multi-national (global) corporations. Again, within these organizations we have the cross-pollination of New World Order personnel. Members and officials of the Round Table groups are also officials in the various federal governments of the world, the international corporations (mainly banking), and the tax-free foundations, and all routinely migrate between the four with no scrutiny from the media that they control or the public at large, which they also control.

As their plans near the finish line, the amount of people needed to finish the job of organizing and installing a one world government was simply too large to conceal within the ranks of the Freemasons. They needed to take the lower-level organizational aspects of the Great Plan “public” to accommodate the growing ranks of the “pro-globalists” on their payroll. A vast majority of the people involved in these Great Plan steering groups have no idea they are actually helping to promote the completion of a plan to take over the world thousands of years in the making, let alone the fact that it is guided by Luciferians of the most evil kind. This is why I don’t believe people like Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, or any other famous personalities have any real idea of what kind of evil they are helping to promote through being members of these various organizations.


We’re going to go over these various groups now, all started and funded by the proponents of the Great Plan.


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