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Chapter 11: 9/11 Was an Inside Job

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c. What Do We Do?

c. What Do We Do?

“Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear - kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor - with the cry of grave national emergency. Always, there has been some terrible evil at home, or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it.”

-General Douglas MacArthur


"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

- U.S. President James Madison

“A lie, told often enough, becomes the truth.”

-Vladimir Lenin

And one more, VERY IMPORTANT quote:

“They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss (King Nimrod), whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon (Apollo)”

-Revelation 9:11, the probable numerical origination behind the occultists selecting the date of 9/11 to execute the attacks on us

Do you remember where you were when you first heard that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001? Can you ever forget what you were doing when you first learned of the attacks taking place on United States soil? I was managing a construction site in Washington State when the attacks happened. Our jobsite was on a ridge overlooking the town of Issaquah.

Although I had no TV in my job trailer, I was getting updates off the internet---and I was completely awestruck. Just an unbelievable event unfolding right before our eyes. We were under attack, the United States, my country. My patriotic blood immediately began to boil and my guys and I formed a plan of something we could do to show our patriotism. A couple of my workers and I went to work


erecting a 5’x9’ United States flag on the hill overlooking all of Issaquah. We ran power over to the sign and installed two 500 watt halogen spotlights below the flag and lit it up 24/7 for many months after 9/11. You could see it easily from I-90 both day and night. I bet there are a few people on the eastside of Seattle that remember seeing the lit-up flag on the hill above the Home Depot in Issaquah---you couldn’t help but notice it right after September 11.

I gobbled up every bit of Mainstream Media-fed information that came out and took it at face value, as I felt you should be able to at the time. “Osama bin Laden and the Islamic radicals were attacking our country” was drilled into our brains relentlessly for days, weeks and months after the attack. I let out a “Hurrah” when I first heard we started bombing Afghanistan and again when we started attacking Iraq. Little did I know the real truth of what was going on, simply because I believed the propaganda of the Mainstream Media, completely naïve of our government’s history of false flag operations in the name of the Great Plan.

In other words, I bit on the official story hook, line, and sinker just like sheep I used to be. Here is the official story we were told and expected to believe:

19 Arab hijackers belonging to Al Qaida and directed by Osama bin Laden commandeered 4 commercial jet liners armed with box cutters. They were able to evade the national air defense system, NORAD, and were able to strike 3 out of 4 intended targets. As a result of the airliner impacts, World Trade Towers 1, 2, and 7 collapsed due to structural failure as a result of the ensuing fires, while the plane that hit both the Pentagon and the field in Shanksville, PA vaporized upon impact. The 911 Commission found that there were no warnings for this act of terrorism, while multiple governmental failures prevented adequate defense.

This blew me away a few years ago because I had never heard this, but in fact a third, 47-story skyscraper that was NOT hit by a jet plane fell in New York much later in the day on 9/11 along with the Twin Towers. Did you know this? I had not even heard of that until I happened across an online documentary about the event. Did you know they found molten structural steel underneath those giant debris piles at Ground Zero, including Building 7 which was not even hit by a jet? The only thing hot enough to melt steel short of a foundry is a demolition product called Thermite. Evidence of thermite was found by independent researchers at all three collapse areas at the World Trade Center, including UNDETONATED military-grade nano-thermite. Nano-thermite is a specialized compound created in sophisticated military labs---not in caves in Afghanistan--- meaning someone had to have access to this stuff, and those same people that supplied it wired these three buildings to collapse after being hit by the jetliners. I bet you also didn’t know that Osama bin Laden was not tied to 9/11 by the FBI, and that he was not even wanted by the FBI for the events of 9/11 because of lack of evidence, and that is a fact.

Learning the truth about what really happened on 9/11, what we’re going to go over now, is going to be like having the rug pulled out from under you. Like getting kicked in the stomach. Like feeling the worst heartache you’ve ever felt. This is going to be a terrible chapter for you to come to terms with if you don’t know about this stuff, but what I am laying out is the truth and should come as no surprise after what we’ve already gone over, keeping in mind that the people pulling the strings of events like 9/11 are Luciferians, the most evil, bloodthirsty, sadistic, sexually perverted and reprehensible people on the face of the Earth. Don’t be afraid now, not after all we’ve been through already.


I’m going to show you the mountain of Mainstream Media-suppressed evidence that shows beyond any reasonable doubt that 9/11 not only didn’t go down the way we were led to believe, but that it was indeed an inside job orchestrated by the proponents of the Great Plan as an integral part of the final stages of completion of the Great Plan.

Sophisticated and elaborate plots such as the events of 9/11 are always plagued with serious flaws, oversights, and unintended side-effects which if followed up doggedly would expose them as malicious frauds, and the events of 9/11 are no exception. In fact, this was a downright sloppy false flag operation that relied on the complacency of a traumatized population and a controlled Mainstream Media for success.

If you believe, after reading this chapter, that the official story propagated by the people running our Federal Government is the truth, I’ve got oceanfront property in Nebraska I’d be willing to sell you…..cheap.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

-Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 - 1860)

Now, here is the cold, hard truth about the events of 9/11:

9/11 was not a terrorist attack orchestrated by Osama bin Laden from some secret cave in Afghanistan. 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by criminal elements within our federal government, probably the CIA, working under direction of the modern day proponents of the Great Plan, the Illuminati. 9/11 was a “false flag” operation carried out to give them an excuse to launch two wars; One against the resource-rich countries of the Middle East, and one against YOU, John. Q. Public of the United States of America, who would dare stand in the way of the completion of the Great Plan. That is, the events of 9/11 were set in motion in order to excuse the launch of the never-ending “war on terror” against Islam, to further establish the presence of New Babylon in the Middle East, and to set up a tyrannical police state in the United States. They have accomplished all of these things, as you probably are aware of. They needed 9/11 in order to ram through the Patriot Act and Homeland Security so they could better keep an eye on the troublemaking patriots that they KNEW were beginning to wake up to their scheme and cause them trouble in the not-too-distant future, especially as a result of the information pouring out from the internet. They want to know who is planning to rebel against the system, so they can readily be identified when the time comes to try and round them up and put them in FEMA camps as alleged “domestic terrorists”.


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