8 minute read
d. Unionizing Mankind
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
"Regionalism must precede globalism. We foresee a seamless system of governance from local communities, individual states, regional unions and up through to the United Nations itself."
-UN's Commission on Global Governance
We’re going to run through this sub-chapter as quickly as possible, but I wanted to include this section because the creation of these continental unions is yet another advancement in the breaking down of the sovereign nation’s borders on the road to full-blown nation-absorbing, borderless one world government.
Let’s begin with the first and most well-known of the Great Plan-inspired continental unions, the EU, or European Union, where plans for its existence were batted about at the annual Bilderberg meeting in 1955. Although the globalists already had set in motion the creation of the EU right after WW II, it is significant to learn that what they wanted to happen did.
On May 8, 2009, Wikileaks released leaked papers from the 1955 Bilderberg meeting in Germany detailing the agenda to create a European Union and a single European currency, known today at the Euro.
The released papers detail talks of the “Pressing need to bring the German people, together with
the other peoples of Europe, into a common market.”
The document also outlines the plan, “To arrive in the shortest possible time at the highest
degree of integration, beginning with a common European market.”
Only two years later, in 1957, the globalists formed the European Economic Community (EEC), which comprised of a single market between Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The EEC gradually morphed and grew over the next few decades until it became the European Union, which was officially created in 1993.
Now, knowing what you’ve read in the previous 300 pages, here is something for you to ponder: the European Parliament today is housed in what is called the Tower Building, and is not only named after Nimrod’s Tower of Babel, but was constructed to look as close as possible to the most famous piece of artwork that depicts Nimrod’s Tower of Babel.
This is because they are paying tribute to the Great Plan, of which King Nimrod is the most important part. It is also representative of the bringing back together of the various groups of “different languages” that were originally scattered by God in the Book of Genesis, another sign that the Great Plan is nearing completion. The official EU motto, “United in Diversity”, is certainly fitting. One day, the resurrected King Nimrod may very well be seated in his modern day Tower of Babel, ruling over his empire as he did thousands of years ago.
Just as the European Union was built incrementally, so is the NAU and its proposed currency, the “Amero”….just like the Euro, get it? Just as the European Union evolved through ever more binding trade agreements, so is the North American Union.
The road to merging the U.S. with Mexico and Canada started with something called NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, which was pushed onto the unsuspecting American public as something that was going to help us. It has, in fact, done us much harm.
Since the establishment of NAFTA, the U.S. trade deficit jumped exponentially from under $100 billion to over $700 billion, not a good thing if you know anything about how economics works.
NAFTA was signed by Skull and Bonesman President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992. It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The bought-and-paid-for U.S. House of Representatives approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993. The bought-and-paid-for U.S. Senate approved it by 60 to 38 on November 20, three days later. It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993 after taking the baton of treachery from Bush Sr., and entered force January 1, 1994.
“Why can't we be not only partners in the long term, but a North American Union?”
-Mexican President Vicente Fox
“A convergence of our two economies, convergence on the basic and fundamental variables of the economy, convergence on rates of interest, convergence on income of people, convergence on salaries……erase that border, open up that border for the free flow of products, merchandises, and capital as well as people?
-Mexican President Vicente Fox, speaking of what he sought from NAFTA with regards to the United States
Now that they had their foot in the door with NAFTA, the globalists set about advancing their agenda towards a fully integrated NAU.
In 2003, two years after the 9/11 attacks, taking advantage of terrorized citizens everywhere, the Independent Task Force on North America was created by the CFR in a joint effort with the respected versions of the Canadian and Mexican versions of the CFR, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives and the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations.
In October of 2004, the ITFNA published “Building a North American Community”, which was a game plan for further integration between the three NAU candidates.
“The three governments should commit themselves to the long-term goal of dramatically diminishing the need for the current intensity of the governments’ physical control of crossborder traffic, travel, and trade within North America. A long-term goal for a North American border action plan should be joint screening of travelers from third countries at their first point of entry into North America and the elimination of most controls over the temporary movement of these travelers within North America.”
What this report is saying, is that the borders between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico should be eliminated and the border around North America is where the security border should be enforced.
In March of 2005, there were two significant events in regards to the formation of the NAU. First, the ITFNA released a press release calling for expedited implementation of their agenda to create a “North American Economic and Security Community” by the year 2010. This statement was meant to coincide with the second event, which was the fact that at the same time as the release of this statement, the leaders of the three countries signed on to something called the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, the SPP. This is just a more advanced version of NAFTA, meant to further break the back of the United States economy.
Fast forward to April 4, 2012, and you will find current President Obama, card-carrying CFR member, picking up where Bush II left off by hosting the “North American Leaders Summit”, where they announced further integration of the three countries across a broad range of fields.
“Our integration helps maximize our capabilities and makes our economies more innovative and competitive globally. Working together, we strive to ensure that North American economic cooperation fosters gains in productivity for all of our citizens. By eliminating unnecessary regulatory differences, smaller businesses are better equipped to participate in an integrated North American economy. Success in these efforts opens the way to additional North American regulatory cooperation.”
-a joint statement by Obama and the other two leaders
Since ascending the presidency, Obama has also made it clear that instead of arresting and sending home the illegal invaders of the United States, he wants to reward them for breaking our laws by legalizing the tens of millions of illegal aliens, mostly Mexicans, making them, as citizens, eligible to sponsor bringing in the family members they left behind in Mexico, further threatening the stability of the United States.
All in the name of the Great Plan......
People are slowly but surely waking up though:
In September 2006, Patriotic U.S. Representative Virgil Goode caught wind of the NAU plan and proposed, with six co-sponsors, non-binding House Concurrent Resolution 487. This Resolution
This same resolution was reintroduced by Goode in January 2007 for the 110th Congress as House Concurrent Resolution 40, this time with forty-three cosponsors, including 2008 Republican presidential candidates Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul and Tom Tancredo, who have all expressed opposition to a North American Union during their campaigns.
Something else to be aware about regarding the NAU is something called the NAFTA Superhighway, or Trans-Texas Corridor.
This was first proposed by Texas Governor and CFR/Bilderberger Rick Perry in 2002. It consists of a 1,200 foot (366 m) wide highway that also carries utilities such as electricity, petroleum, and water, as well as railway track and fiber-optic cables, and would serve to flood the United States with even more cheap, low-quality and often dangerous Chinese products via importation to Mexico, bypassing the United States trade tariffs. In July 2007, U.S. Representative and candidate for the Republican nomination in the 2008 presidential election Duncan Hunter successfully offered an amendment to H.R. 3074, the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2008, prohibiting the use of federal funds for U.S. Department of Transportation participation in the activities of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP).
Hunter stated that:
“Unfortunately, very little is known about the NAFTA Super Highway. This amendment will provide Congress the opportunity to exercise oversight of the highway, which remains a subject of question and uncertainty, and ensure that our safety and security will not be compromised in order to promote the business interests of our neighbors.”
Some people are waking up to the New World Order agenda, will you?
The New World Order is real, and while they are diligently working to create a fully-realized North American Union, the proponents of the Great Plan have already managed to foster the African Union, which you have probably never heard of or knew existed.
The African Union, or AU, came into existence on July 9, 2002, and consists of 54 African countries. This too was the result of years of progressive treaties and agreements. One of their stated goals is the “acceleration of the political and socio-economic integration of the continent”. Onward to Asia, where the Asia Cooperation Dialogue, or ACD, was created in 2002 to promote Asian interest in the growing world of continental unionizing.
And then last but not least, we have the Union of South American Nations, created by the UNASUR Constitutive Treaty signed on May 23, 2008.
When you hear the word “union”, it usually brings thoughts to mind of safety, security, and prosperity. When it comes to organizing countries to destroy their sovereignty in the name of the New World Order, the exact opposite is, in fact, the case.