8 minute read
c. (One) World Trade Organization
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
The more pro-globalist organizations the proponents of the Great Plan can create and control, the more they are able to entangle the hapless sheeple in their growing world wide web of control. Our bought-and-paid-for members of Congress were nice enough to sign us up for membership in the highly treasonous WTO.
Although not a stated goal of the WTO, one of its primary purposes is to help promote the Great Plan. This is accomplished on two fronts. The first is to line the pockets of the owners of the multinational global corporations, aka the stockholders, aka the New World Order crowd, by maximizing their marketing potential. The second way is by the gradual destruction of the Western nations economies by transferring jobs out of high-paying Western nations to slave-wage paying third world countries. This was also the purpose of NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, enacted in the early 1990s. NAFTA came before the formal creation of the WTO, but helps accomplish the exact same two goals I just outlined above. We’re going to talk about NAFTA here shortly. The people participating in the Great Plan at the legislative level, whether they are “Americans” placed in our Congress via the money powers, or German, British, French, whatever, don’t have a single shred of commitment to the countries they are “from”. They are nearly all pro-globalist, boughtand-paid-for-sold-their-soul traitors and whatever it takes to break down the barriers to their precious all-powerful one world government, that they think will have a place for them and their family, they will do.
The “One” World Trade Organization is not a particularly new entity; it just has a more modern sounding name, one that trumpets the fact that we are nearing completion of the Great Plan of global control.
The WTO morphed out of something called GATT, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which itself came out of the Bretton Woods agreement we already talked about, along with two of the other three pillars of world financial control, the IMF and World Bank, with the Bank of International Settlements the third pillar.
GATT, which was created in 1947 by a handful of countries including the U.S., was never a legally binding contract but merely an advisory organization. This all changed in 1995 when GATT was replaced by the World Trade Organization. The WTO acts as a global trade Supreme Court, always siding with the multinational corporations over individual countries best wishes and interests.
Something comparable to the WTO, named the International Trade Organization had been successfully negotiated right after WW II, and the ITO was intended to be a United Nations agency.
Alleged 33rd degree Freemason President Truman, an ardent supporter of the ITO, faced sure defeat in the Congress, and had to withdraw the ITO bill in 1950. Without United States support, that spelled the effective end of the ITO, and the proponents of the Great Plan would have to run with GATT until the societies of the world were sufficiently tranquilized with inane TV shows, drugs, video games, and
The "most ambitious attempt ever made" to enact "a comprehensive code of rules" for international trade "ended in failure," said William Diebold, Jr., economist at the Council on Foreign Relations, in his 1952 history of the ITO.
The World Trade Organization is purely an Illuminati-controlled elitist group of international economic powerbrokers whose only goals are to grab up as much money as possible, and money equals power mind you, and to break down the economies of the Western nations so they can be absorbed into the global government.
Subjects of interest now subject to WTO authority include but are not limited to intellectual property rights, known to us “patents”, all types of agricultural activity (our food and water), and global telecommunications activities, to name but a few economic activities now controlled trans-border by the WTO.
Since the World Trade Organization was able to be pushed through without much if any opposition by the citizens who weren’t paying attention, the WTO proponents at the United Nations are now clamoring for a World Development Authority, a formal International Central Bank, an International Development Fund, and a World Food Authority. They are making a grab right this second for as much control as they can get before you and your neighbors wake up and smell what the New World Order is cooking. You’ve got to wake up.
So….what has the WTO been up to lately? The World Trade Organization ruled on June 29, 2012, that United States’ country-of-origin labeling provisions violated global trading rules and were unjustly harming agricultural commerce between Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. ala NAFTA guidelines.
The U.S. had been requiring, for consumer safety, that food processors identify the countries from which livestock and produce originate. Canada and Mexico argued to the WTO that the provisions imposed not only prejudice against their products but unfair costs on their exports, reducing their competitiveness. WTO judges agreed that the policies meant beef and pork from Canada and Mexico were treated less favorably than the same U.S. products, and ruled against our country, overriding our sovereignty. See how that works now? Now we’re going to have less safe products and increased foreign competition because of the WTO’s existence. This ruling was naturally applauded by Canada and Mexico. “With this ruling, this process has been concluded in a successful and definitive manner for Mexico,” the country’s Secretary of the Economy said in a statement. “The Mexican government reiterates its commitment to fight
any practice that goes against the international commitments that have been made by our
trading partners and that unduly disadvantage our producers,” the government agency added.
“We are pleased with today’s World Trade Organization appeal decision in favor of our
livestock industry,” Canadian Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz said. “Our government has always
stood with our cattle and hog producers, in order to create a stronger and more profitable integrated North American livestock industry.”
By this ruling, you soon if not already will not know if the meat you are eating was raised on a wholesome family farm in the United States, or in a polluted cesspool somewhere in third world Mexico.
“Today’s (June 29) ruling makes very clear that these so-called ‘trade’ pacts have little to do with trade between countries, but rather impose outrageous limits on the most basic
consumer safety policies on which we all rely,” said Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. “The WTO announcing that big agribusiness corporations must be
allowed to sell mystery meat here, despite U.S. consumers and Congress demanding these labels, is yet another example of outsourcing our legal system to international commercial bodies that push corporate interests.”
The WTO isn’t just stopping there though; they have had an agenda in the works for many years now to eliminate all country-of-origin labeling, and primarily have this plan aimed at hiding how many of the products we are consuming are coming out of China these days. The more stuff that comes from China = the less stuff being produced in the United States = a continued path to the destruction of the United States as a global power.
How would you like to go shopping one of these days and discover that every product you looked at, the label said "Made in the World" instead of "Made in China," "Made in Mexico," "Made in USA" etc.? The labels on the products we purchase here in the U.S. that names the country of origin may soon be gone.
In 2011, Andreas Maurer, chief of the WTO's International Trade Statistics Section, said "... in the
past two or three years there has been huge momentum to get the necessary information that would be used to rationalize elimination of country of origin labeling."
On April 16, 2012, the European Commission and WTO held a conference to mark the launch of the World Input-Output Database (WIOD). This effectively moved the WTO another step closer to eliminating "country of origin" labeling.
Since a large amount of today’s traded products are not produced in a single location but are the end-result of a series of steps carried out in many countries around the world, the WTO believes the time is right to eliminate country-of-origin labeling. An example of what is happening is that cars and trucks produced by General Motors, Ford, or whoever may have parts and assemblies of parts coming from several other countries, including China.
The WTO wants to adopt the "Made in the World" logo for all products on the grounds that global supply chains have made country-of-origin labeling inaccurate and obsolete.
The WTO's “Made in the World” initiative is part of the process of "re-engineering global governance," said WTO Deputy Director General Alejandro Jara, celebrating the launching of the World Input-Output Database. With advent and rise of global supply chains "it is misleading to rely solely on gross trade flows as a measure" of a country's competitive position. As companies have created global supply chains, "attributing the full commercial value of imports to the last
country of origin can skew bilateral trade balances, pervert the political debate on trade
imbalances and may lead to wrong and counter-productive decisions," says the WTO.
For consumers in the United States, "Made in the World" labels wouldn't allow you to protect your family from the substandard, tainted, harmful, and even life threatening products coming from China. Remember the toxic Chinese drywall? Remember the melamine chemicals in the Chinese dog food? These labels wouldn’t allow you to trace the source of a recalled product, and we would ultimately be left holding the bag of side effects, be they monetary or health related. I could go on for pages listing products from China that have been yanked off the shelves in recent years. If this is implemented, you also wouldn't be able to support American workers and business by buying "Made in USA."
These changes are coming….unless you wake up. Bottom line, every action taken by the proponents of the Great Plan are designed to promote and advance the agenda of the one world government.
This is why they started grouping countries together ala the European Union. And the African Union. What? You didn’t know that an African Union was already in place? It is. They are currently working on creating the Asian Union, the South American Union and the North American Union. Once the countries of the world have their borders broken down within these Unions, that will make it easier to then merge the Unions into one all-encompassing global body either under the UN or under a newly developed global governmental body.