7 minute read
k. Madame Helena Blavatsky
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) is one of the top Great Plan “prophets” and the founder of the religion known as Theosophy. Theosophy is the origin of the “New Age” movement, although most people involved in New Age practices don’t have a clue about what Theosophy is and how their particular New Age beliefs tie in to it. The true root of the New Age movement is the Great Plan belief that the entity known to all as Lucifer is really an angel of light and he is the one who deserves our worship and allegiance.
"One of the most hidden secrets involves the so-called fall of Angels. Satan and his rebellious host will thus prove to have become the direct Saviours and Creators of divine man. Thus Satan, once he ceases to be viewed in the superstitious spirit of the church, grows into the grandiose image. It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God. Satan (or Lucifer) represents the Centrifugal Energy of the Universe, this ever-living symbol of self-sacrifice for the intellectual independence of humanity. "
- H.P. Blavatsky, from her magnum opus and Adolph Hitler’s favorite book “The Secret Doctrine”
In my estimation, Blavatsky’s “The Secret Doctrine” is second only to “Morals and Dogma” by Albert Pike as the most important modern Great Plan/Freemasonic book, and remember, both of these occult “Bibles” praise Lucifer as their god. Blavatsky’s first book, “Isis Unveiled” is also highly revered by the Freemasons. The entity Lucifer has been the overlord of the Great Plan since antiquity, but only now are his followers allowed to not only admit this fact but promote it through the media they now control.
Although she was a woman and not eligible to become a Freemason, Freemasons of her time hailed her books as pure genius, and there are multiple quotes attributing praise on her from many highranking Freemasons of her day. They even went to the trouble when she was alive of giving her an honorary degree of Masonry to show their respect for her teachings. If she was a man, she would have easily been a 90th degree Freemason, a literal deacon of Satanic black magic. She was a reallife “wicked witch” to be certain, full of malevolence and hatred towards Jews, Christians, humanity in general, Jesus Christ and the Most High God.
"The Secret Doctrine” and “Isis Unveiled” are Madame Blavatsky's gifts to humanity, and to those whose vision can pierce the menacing clouds of imminent disaster it is no exaggeration to affirm that these writings are the most vital literary contribution to the modern world. No more can they be compared with other books than can the light of the sun be compared with the lamp of the glowworm. The Secret Doctrine assumes the dignity of a scripture, . . ."
-Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree Freemasonic “prophet”
Madame Blavatsky sprang from an occult family, and had progressed to a “spiritual medium” by the time she was a teenager. She worshipped Lucifer and his company of demonic spirits all of her life. Lucifer was the inspiration for her to write many books about the occult---the words even being channeled to her by a demonic entity, a “spirit guide” named Kuthumi. Blavatsky’s two most influential books, Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine were written by what is called “automatic hand”, which is when a demonic entity puts words into your head that are then transferred to paper, and then turned into a book. This is also how Albert Pike wrote Morals and Dogma, and how other Masonic prophets composed their greatest works, via interdimensional guides.
"The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and terrestial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and 'Satan' at one and the same time."
-Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine
Blavatsky and alleged 33rd degree Freemason Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (1832-1907) together founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. Theosophy is a religion, the worship of Lucifer, and one of its three main objectives is the formation of an all encompassing one world pagan religion that rejects the monotheistic religions of Judaism and Christianity. Theosophy is basically a reformulation of the Babylonian Mystery Religion tailored to fit a new generation of occultists, which is today’s New Age movement.
The second objective of Theosophy is the declaration of the universal brotherhood of mankind and the need for a one world government.
The third objective of Theosophy is to encourage people to tap into the spiritual, occult powers that
exist in every single human being.
Thomas Edison was one of her most famous followers. He learned to meditate and accessed the occult power she promoted. That was the probable source of his genius and the force behind his career. On the opposite side at the time of Edison you had Nikola Tesla, a devout Christian, who for the most part blew Edison’s doors off in the inventing department. Why is it that Tesla’s inventions were covered up and Edison’s trumpeted in our modern day history books? Is it because God showed off his true power over the Great Plan in granting so much futuristic knowledge to Tesla? Tesla was literally a thousand years ahead of his time. This, I believe, is one of the two main reasons Tesla has been blacklisted from our school history books. The other reason will become apparent towards the end of this book, as his research will have a profound impact on us very soon.
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood; Helen Keller (she designated the sign language hand sign for “love” as the occult devil-horns hand symbol); Elvis Presley; and T.S. Eliot are other notable Theosophists among other famous people you probably have heard of who followed, sometimes unknowingly, the Luciferian doctrine.
“In this case it is but natural... to view Satan, the Serpent of Genesis, as the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual mankind. For it is he who was the "Harbinger of Light," bright radiant Lucifer, who opened the eyes of the automaton created by Jehovah, as alleged; and he who was the first to whisper: "in the day ye eat thereof ye shall be as Elohim, knowing good and evil"—can only be regarded in the light of a Saviour...”
-Helena Blavatsky, referring to verse 3:22 of Genesis in her book The Secret Doctrine
Although Blavatsky was patently anti-Jewish, she was a follower of Kabala and references its influence in her books. This adds to the weight of evidence that Kabala originated through the Synagogue of Satan, her co-followers of Lucifer.
"Lucifer represents.. Life.. Thought.. Progress.. Civilization.. Liberty.. Independence.. Lucifer is the Logos.. the Serpent, the Savior." “Once the key to Genesis is in our hands it is the scientific and symbolic Kabbala which unveils the secret. The Great Serpent of the Garden of Eden and the "Lord God" are identical ... When the Church, therefore, curses Satan, it curses the cosmic reflection of God ... For it is he who was the "Harbinger of Light," bright radiant Lucifer, who opened the eyes of automaton (Adam) created by Jehovah, as alleged; and he who was first to whisper, "In the day yea eat there of, ye shall be as Elohim, knowing good and evil" -- can only be regarded in the light of a Saviour. An "adversary" to Jehovah ... he still remains in esoteric truth the ever loving "Messenger"... who conferred on us spiritual instead of physical immortality ... Satan, or Lucifer, represents the active ... "Centrifugal Energy of the Universe" in a cosmic sense ... Fitly is he ... and his adherents ... consigned to the "sea of fire," because it is the Sun ... the fount of life in our system, where they are petrified ... and churned up to re-arrange them for another life; that Sun which, as the origin of the active principle of our Earth, is at once the Home and the Source of the Mundane Satan... “
-Helena Blavatsky
Blavatsky coined the official motto of the Theosophical Society as “There is no religion higher than truth” and the official insignia of her Theosophical Society was a hexagram with an ankh in the middle of it, surrounded by a serpent, with a swastika at the top. Again, the hexagram is very important to the members of the Great Plan and is arguably the most important occult symbol. The ankh gives a nod to the ancient Egyptian occult contributions to not only Theosophy but the Great Plan. The significance of the swastika is to represent the Eastern religions that created it. The swastika is actually representative of the Sun, which in occult religion is of course meant to represent Nimrod.
Blavatsky died in 1891, but her New Age spiritualism lives on today and its roots can be traced back to her in virtually every New Age belief today. In 1907, Annie Besant took over as head of the Theosophical Society, later allegedly earning an honorary 33rd degree in Co-Masonry.
Blavatsky was highly influential on the next Great Plan “prophet” to come along, also a woman: Alice Bailey.