2 minute read
c. Mormonism
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
I’m not going to spend a lot of time on Mormonism, but its founders were players in the Great Plan. I want to shine a light on Mormonism’s founders, because it is important to understand how widespread the Great Plan goes.
The founders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, aka the Mormons, were all in on the ancient plan of world domination, King Nimrod’s Great Plan. Joseph Smith, along with Hiram Smith and Brigham Young, were the key figures behind the creation of the Mormon religion, and they were allegedly all 33rd degree Freemasons. A 33rd degree Freemason is a confirmed Luciferian and follower of the religious aspect of the Great Plan. The three formed their "church" as a front for occult activity, and to open another front against humanity in the name of the Great Plan.
The doctrine of Mormonism teaches the age-old tenet of the Great Plan that man can evolve into a god. This is the bottom-line doctrine of every pagan religion, and is also the core belief of the Babylonian Mystery Religion, the very first pagan religious system.
Many, many witnesses have come forward with horrific tales of alleged mind control, torture, and human sacrifices that have taken place at the temple headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah over the years. The temple itself is adorned with all kinds of occult symbols, such as the all-seeing eye, pentagrams, and other Masonic symbolism that has no place in a Christian house of worship, betraying the church’s true foundation and mission.
The early Mormon Church had access to Rothschild money through their Freemasonic connections in the Great Plan, and it has been alleged that they received the funding they needed to build the Mormon empire through Kuhn-Loeb bank, who also funded the Russian Revolution and Adolph Hitler’s rise to power. On a separate note but also pertinent to letting you know what is going on, the founder of the Church of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard was also in on the Great Plan. He was a member of the Luciferian Ordo Templi Orientis Freemasonry lodge, and modeled his teachings and symbols in his work after confirmed 33rd degree Freemason Aleister Crowley, the infamous Satanist who headed the OTO organization at the time of Hubbard’s membership. L. Ron Hubbard was involved with the occult and Black Magic and, in fact, described the evil Crowley as “a very good friend of mine.” Although I could find no information regarding his status, I firmly believe that Hubbard was also a 33rd degree Freemason. Keep Aleister Crowley’s name in mind for later in this book, for he heavily influences our society today from beyond the grave.
Is the picture of this Luciferian New World Order starting to come in clear yet? There is certainly much more that could be researched and said about religion, but for the sake of time and space, I need to wrap up the “religion talk”, as we’re just getting started here unfortunately. I will address the other major religions, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and others in the addendum to this book soon. Just know that they exist to separate man from God, same as Catholicism, Mormonism, and Scientology.