3 minute read
n. GMO Foods
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
This chapter was a quick add-on as I was wrapping this book up, so I’m going to keep it very short, but I felt it was too important to leave out until we talked again as this is a ticking time bomb in people’s stomachs. It is my opinion that it will be proven in a few years that eating GMO (genetically modified) foods will be comparable to smoking in terms of the average number of people who get cancer and die from ingesting them, which is nearly the entire country. You need to be very aware that right now I guarantee you are eating GMO foods and had no clue. Nearly the entire food supply in the United States has been infected with GMO food products. Even if you shop at Whole Foods or other “organic” food stores, it was independently found by the group Organic Spies that 20-30% of the food at Whole Foods contained GMO products. GMO foods are one of if not the chief reason for the explosion in the organic foods movement. We’re going to quickly talk about corn and corn products in the USA for one, single example.
Europe is moving right now to ban GMO corn because it is scientifically proven to be very dangerous to eat, and yet they are still able to keep the Americans in the dark about it through a cooperated media blackout of the issue. I will tell you right now, that most breakfast cereals today are made of GMO corn, and you can’t make what they did to it un-GMO, and your body is reacting oddly to digesting something that is literally “unnatural”. They tweaked the corn’s genetics in a way that the corn now has the power to create “natural” insecticide, making the spraying for bugs unnecessary. This saves Mother Earth and kills you, and I believe there will be a coming explosion of cancer in the United States from this.
During the 2012 election, Monsanto, who is the chief engineer and producer of GMO seeds, dedicated millions of dollars to fight Proposition 47, the GMO labeling bill that would have forced labels on merchandise that contained genetically modified organisms or plant life on food sold in California. Now, why would they be opposed to you knowing if food was GMO or not? For one thing, it is already in almost the entire food supply right this second and if people suddenly were afraid to eat it, which they damn well better be, they might not want to buy it. This is an extreme priority to be concerned about. People are feeding their kids Frosted Flakes loaded with corn that trigger the creation of pesticide in their digestive system.
I’ve witnessed pictures of the rats entered as evidence in Europe to initiate a ban on GMO corn. The good sized white lab rats had gigantic tumors growing all over the place. I’ve been extremely conscious of my family’s “corn intake” since then. No more corn on the cob. No more Fritos. Or Cheetos. Or Doritos. Or corn chips of any sort. No more corn-based cereals, which is a huge amount of them. All those tasty chips are GMO corn products loaded with MSG to get you addicted to eating them in huge quantities. Wash all that down with a fluoridated-water based Aspartame-Diet Coke and you just hit a home run of poison in about 15 minutes, all four highly toxic substances, all ingested in only 15 minutes. No wonder the cancer rate is rising like clockwork: we’re literally poisoning ourselves.
GMO foods are spreading whether farmers want them or not. A gust of wind in the right direction will contaminate an entire crop with GMO plant-generated pollen, effectively turning the infected crop into GMO foods via the genetic chain. This frankenfood issue and where it is going is anybody’s guess,
but the scientists working on it were concerned enough to create huge “bunkers” to store seeds in Europe and other places around the world in case GMO foods turn out to be dangerous and need to be eliminated. Maybe you’ve heard of this “Doomsday Vault”. If they are concerned this stuff might turn out bad, so shouldn’t you be? You probably thought you were doing all the right things, eating right, living right. The whole time you are being loaded with toxic substances. We are being intentionally misled on so much that it just boggles the mind. This is how badly they’ve got us. You’ve got to wake up.