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Chapter 2: God vs. Religion

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c. What Do We Do?

c. What Do We Do?

It is a fact that religion of one form or another has been used for millennia to govern and control mankind, and the same holds true today. There was always a great question mark in my mind when it came to not only believing in God, but how could there be so many different religions. In my mind they were either all right or all wrong---there couldn’t just be one right and the rest wrong. I just figured they were all wrong. I held this position for most of my life until the weight of the evidence I have gathered in this book began tipping the scales and I could no longer deny the existence of God.

I never liked the “Big Bang Theory”, which basically states that in the beginning there was nothing--which then exploded, but I had no viable substitution for the Big Bang to explain how we got here. I now believe that there had to have been a supernatural beginning to the universe, you just can’t get something out of nothing without some “outside persuasion”, something you could only call supernatural.


I also particularly had trouble believing that mankind as he is today evolved from apes---without some outside intervention. Mankind as we know him today for the most part appeared out of nowhere in ancient Sumeria about 6,000 years ago, complete with agriculture, advanced tools, religious beliefs, and a civilized society. This gap in time between cavemen and modern man’s beginnings in Sumeria is the “missing link” you probably have heard about. I believe in evolution to a point, as evidenced by the fossil records, but there is beyond a shadow of a doubt more to mankind’s reality than this.

After the exhaustive research and interpretation of the facts that are in this book, I could come to no other conclusion than God exists. Then the scales tipped even further until I could no longer deny that Jesus Christ was a real entity on the Earth for a very short period of time. I believe He was sent here by the Creator God to not only give us guidance in the proper way to live, the way God intended us to live as stewards of the Earth and each other, but to explicitly warn us of a great evil in our midst and what was to happen as a result of this evil. I’m talking about the Great Plan here, and Jesus Christ did more to warn us about it, where it came from, and who is running it than any other man in history.

Written 2,000 years ago, the entire Book of Revelation in the New Testament is Christ warning us through a man named John what was to happen in the future and what to watch out for…..and who the evil ones were, the proponents of the Great Plan. After I was awakened to the Great Plan and embarked on my quest for the ultimate truth of what was really going on, it was troubling to me as an atheist doing research why the people spearheading the information war against the Great Plan were nearly all proclaimed Christians. It just wasn’t making sense at all that people smart enough to acknowledge the facts surrounding the New World Order and that it is an imminent threat to us were dumb enough to fall for that religious mumbo-jumbo---or so I thought.

Whether you are an atheist, Jew, Christian, or any other religion or agnostic or just a plain old don’tlabel-me human being, this book aims to shed some light on the real truth of life on Earth as we know it today. Do not let my position as a servant of the Most High God get in the way of you doing some objective thinking and research of your own when you are done going over the information contained herein. The Great Plan affects every single person on this planet, and soon for the worse.


To be quite blunt, what is happening with regards to the Great Plan/New World Order is exactly as prophesized in the Bible. What is going on has to do with the dark side of the supernatural guiding mankind down the path to complete enslavement, which will ultimately turn into the End Times as described in the Bible. That dark supernatural force is the stuff that most of our various religions were born of. My numbers aren’t exact to be sure, but starting about 4,000 +/- years ago, different forms of “idol worship” and pantheistic (multi-deity) religions began to appear in order to lead mankind astray from our Creator, the Most High God, so the Great Plan could advance towards its end goal. These included Sun/Moon god worship and worship of inanimate idols such as Baal and Moloch. Later on this evolved into the Egyptian/Greek/Roman/Indian/etc. pantheons of gods. All of these various religions sprang from one diabolical man, who was literally the first incarnation of the Biblical “Antichrist”. His Biblical name was King Nimrod and right now you are living under his Great Plan to rule the world. He is also regarded as the founder of the modern day Freemasons, insert conspiracy theory here.

Now, again, this is very important, so I want your undivided and full attention right now, right this SECOND! Before proceeding from here, you’ve got to remember how important it is to keep an open mind when evaluating what I’m going to lay out. You have been conditioned by the corrupted school systems and Mainstream Media to have immediate doubt and pan anything that is “outside the box”……and THAT is the main reason why we are in such deep trouble right now. People blindly accept that all that they are taught or hear from our corrupted school system and Mainstream Media is all there is to the story. You have been trained to think that our public schools and the Mainstream Media represent the general sentiment of the population---THEY DO NOT. The school system in the United States and the Mainstream Media are compromised tools of the Great Plan, complete with a pre-programmed agenda that is presented as public sentiment. In particular, the Mainstream Media is intentionally guiding us down the path towards acceptance of their goal of a one world government.

One cannot begin to understand what is going on with the world today without taking a journey back in time, to see how and where this nightmare began, the Great Plan. The Bible, I believe, is a Divine guide for mankind and the best source to shed light on what is happening. The Bible, albeit penned by the hand of man, is such a complex story with intricately intertwined prophecies and characters that, in my opinion, it could only have come from supernatural inspiration.

Not only this, but books of the Bible that give even greater insight into past and future events were removed altogether, including the book of Enoch, which is a very important work in my opinion. The Book of Enoch was contained in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were written before Jesus Christ was born, and is quoted by Christ’s own half-brother Jude in his New Testament epistle, giving it credence. Enoch is highly renowned by the proponents of the Great Plan, and there are reasons for this. The Book of Enoch lets too much out of the bag about what has happened in history and what is to happen in our future. Our mortal masters just could not allow this, and this is why it was removed from the present day version of the Bible. The proponents of the Great Plan have used their power over time to corrupt religion and even the Bible to turn them into tools of oppression and control by the hands of the proponents of the Great Plan.

Do I believe the Bible should be taken literally? Yes and no. I think the personal understanding of interpreting what it is saying is directly related to how in tune you are with God. I think you also have to use a dose of common sense when interpreting what it says. Do I believe the Earth is only a few thousand years old as some followers of the Bible do? Absolutely, unequivocally not. I believe in facts. I believe that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old as science has proven it is. Do I believe Adam


and Eve were the only people that were put on the Earth to start with? No. I believe other humans were also put here, and that the story of “Adam and Eve” is a parable. And so on and so forth. I have my own views and interpretations to be sure, but we’re going to keep it as simple as possible for this book’s sake and not get too much into what can be better explained in another book, perhaps an addendum to this one.

I guess the main thing to remember when viewing what is going on today, is that religion has been used for the longest time to guide and control humanity, not on behalf of God, but in the interest of power, tyranny, and the dark forces acting on our planet: The Great Plan. Some of my fellow brothers and sisters in the truth movement who are atheist claim that religion was put in place by the Great Plan proponents millennia ago to purely to control mankind. I would offer the counterpoint to this that not only does it state numerous times in the Bible to fight and expose evil, but it literally tells us intimate details of the Great Plan I’m sure they didn’t want us to find out about. I don’t think the proponents of the Great Plan would have not only outed themselves, but recommended to their serfs to rise up against them, but to be willingly subordinate to them.

“Who will stand up for me against evildoers? Who will take his stand for me against those who do wickedness?”

-God, Psalm 94:16

There is no true separation of church and state in this country, the United States, but there is the illusion that there is. This is why churches are tax-exempt organizations under the United States government. This is why our money is stamped “In God We Trust”. This is why you put your hand on the Bible and swear to God that you will tell the truth if you ever go to court---a government institution. This is why the President of the United States swears an oath to uphold our Constitution on a Bible---so help him God.

The phrase "separation of church and state" does not appear anywhere in the Constitution, and that is a fact.

Unfortunately for us, the great religious institutions of this world have been usurped by evil, and are purposefully leading us down the path to tyranny.

The allegations and convictions of rampant pedophilia in the Catholic Church, for example, are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the worldwide corruption of religious institutions.

It is important for the sake of this book to immediately address the two major players among the organized religions tangled up in opposition to the Great Plan: Judaism and Christianity. I knew this was going to be a prickly pear to address, since I have many good friends who are Jews and Catholics especially, but just know that what I’m going to lay out is only meant to enlighten all parties of what is really going on in the world.

Onward we go.


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