4 minute read
m. Misc. Drugs, etc
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
Many, many, MANY drugs have proliferated in our society since the 1960’s, most of them legal with a prescription, and many of them detrimental to our society. I could certainly go on for pages and pages about all the various legal “recreational” drugs and what they do, but you know they are there. You know they are bad for us. You know they are addictive and damaging to the individual, the family, and to society at large.
Prescription painkillers are fast supplanting “illegal” drugs as the go-to drug-of-choice for young people these days. Easy to acquire and cheap, more people are killed by prescription drugs than illegal drugs. Check the local recovery hospitals and they are filled with the ranks of oxycodone addicts.
Not only are these tiny pills readily available to our youth, they are often used by the unknowing masses both young and old in combination with alcohol. This has a disastrous two-fold effect. The first is that the narcotic-based pills magnify the alcohol high to the point it can easily kill you, whether it be in a car wreck or flat out putting you to sleep forever.
The second and possibly even worse effect is that most of the painkillers are in the form of a combodrug, combining the narcotic with acetaminophen for a better painkilling effect.
I don’t know how many people I’ve come across in my life and warned once I found out that they had a prescription for Vicodin, Percocet, or any other drug cocktail where some form of opiate is combined with acetaminophen. If you take these concoctions that contain acetaminophen, which also goes by the brand nameTylenol, and consume alcohol of any quantity, the acetaminophen reacts with the alcohol and turns into deadly poison for your liver. This is why most liver transplants are needed, not from alcohol alone, but from a single/multiple use combining alcohol and acetaminophen. It absolutely obliterates your liver.
There should be a huge warning on the fronts of the Tylenol bottles to alert the public to this fact. Do you think it will ever get done? It would need FDA approval of course. Who has the bigger lobby when it comes down to it? Humanity, or the mega-pharmaceutical companies with the FDA in their pocket?
How about the fact that over 5,000,000 children are diagnosed with A.D.D. every year in our country and prescribed Ritalin or a similar drug. The reason these kids are starting to behave like this is because they are bombarded with poisons from all sides from the time of infancy. Throw in a preprogrammed agenda of degenerate kids TV programs with subliminal messaging and there you have it folks. If parents actually paid attention to what their kids are being exposed to and guarded them from it, whether it be internet porn, or drugs, or fluoridated water, or violent video games, or MSGladen Cheetos, or corruptive television shows, etc., etc., most of these kids would be fine. All of these things add up and begin to affect people in negative ways, especially kids. What most parents don't seem to realize is that Ritalin is a powerful mind-altering drug, and a potentially addictive one at that. Ritalin is actually a powerful stimulant, with an effect similar to ingesting cocaine. The entire point of prescribing Ritalin is so the body overloads with drug-fueled energy and becomes tired, and then more relaxed. In other words, it slows the kid down by over-energizing and running down his system. What this does is create an easy to brainwash robot for the one world government agenda.
With the Ritalin-zombie crowd safely squared away, the Illuminati are free to take care of the “nonconformists” through flooding our country with alcohol and illegal drugs. Do you know why those beer and liquor companies spend so much money on advertising? If they didn’t brainwash you into intentionally putting yourself into a drug-induced stupor, you probably wouldn’t. This is why tobacco advertising is illegal today. Society rose up against cigarettes like they should against alcohol, hydrocodone, Ritalin, and all the rest of the BS being foisted upon us.
And then you’ve got the big guns of brain destruction. Extremely powerful mind altering substances such as heroin, cocaine, meth, LSD and others serve to corrupt your mind, body and soul, allowing demonic influence to come into your life, and I’m speaking from experience here. Even marijuana now days has literally been engineered to be hundreds of times more powerful than what our parents or grandparents were smoking in the 60’s. The illegal import and domestic manufacture of these drugs by both Mafia and CIA operatives goes a long ways towards funding underground “black ops”, which is code for doing the bidding of the Illuminati. Always remember, the Mafia’s vast drug cartels are under Illuminati control via their founder, Giuseppe Mazzini.
The United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention generally describes the production, trafficking and sales of illicit drugs as a $400-billion-a-year industry. It’s like paying them to dumb us down to make it easier for them to enslave us. Literally.
“The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power.”
-Nicola Tesla, non-Freemason, patriotic American, and a true humanitarian