5 minute read
e. Oil Control
from The Culling Of Man
by fsfs
Not only do the modern day proponents of the Great Plan own and control the majority of the world’s central banks and the Mainstream Media, but they control nearly all of the energy in the form of oil. This was accomplished through the Rothschilds backing of the Rockefeller’s aggressive ambition to set up a global oil monopoly in the late 1800’s. We already went over that, but just know that the next time you buy gasoline for your car, if you are buying Exxon, Chevron, Mobil, Texaco, Union 76, Shell, or Arco, you are sending money directly to the Illuminati. In other words, every time you fill up your car the Illuminati gains more money and therefore more power. Get it?
We’ll go over this more later, but the proponents of the Great Plan are also the ones who are promoting the environmental movement to fight additional oil exploration. This keeps the oil prices artificially high and their monopoly turning out the maximum profits possible, while keeping humanity under their financial thumb.
Here is an interesting tale for you to consider, and this is a 100% true story. There once was a genius named Nicola Tesla, who was a fierce competitor of Thomas Edison’s in the late 1800’s/early 1900’s. Edison was running his newly founded General Electric Corporation, and Tesla worked for G.E.’s competition….Westinghouse. Tesla was a profound inventor whose story has largely been stricken from the public schools because of his many unique and beneficial-to-mankind inventions. There is one particular invention that got him in big trouble with the Illuminati at the peak of his creative endeavors: the Tesla free-energy coil.
After inventing AC electricity, which stands for alternating current and is how electricity is transmitted and used worldwide today, Tesla sold his AC invention to George Westinghouse---his boss at the time---for one million dollars. Tesla then went to work building his dream project: a free energy generator he was going to give for free to mankind.
Tesla spent his remaining funds on his other inventions and culminated his efforts in a major breakthrough in 1899 at Colorado Springs by transmitting 100 million volts of high-frequency electric power wirelessly over a distance of 26 miles, at which he lit up a bank of 200 light bulbs and ran one electric motor. The method he would use to produce this wireless power was to employ the earth's own resonance with its specific vibrational frequency to conduct AC electricity via a large electric oscillator. With this version of his Tesla coil, Tesla claimed that only 5% of the transmitted energy was lost in the process. Tesla didn’t have much of that million dollars left after he paid off the investors in his AC program and out of funds yet again, he turned to JP Morgan to fund the project--not knowing what a truly evil man Morgan was and whose interests he represented---Rothschilds--and thereby the Illuminati.
When J.P. Morgan agreed to fund Tesla's project on Morgan’s terms, including signing over the rights to his invention, construction on a huge structure was started and almost completed near Wardenclyffe in Long Island, N.Y. Looking like a huge wooden oil derrick with a mushroom cap, it rose into the sky a total height of 200 feet. Apparently there was some sort of misunderstanding as the project moved along and Tesla told Morgan it was his full intention to use the device to offer free energy to humanity. Morgan was furious, as this would have enabled mankind to get out from under the Illuminati’s energy-control stranglehold and prosper, and would have drastically reduced the power of the Rothschild-Rockefeller energy monopoly.
Morgan withdrew his support to the project in 1906, and eventually the structure was dynamited and brought down in 1917. Tesla was a great man and never much cared about how much money his inventions were worth---only whether or not they would benefit mankind. He died penniless in 1947. Upon his death the federal government confiscated all of his blueprints, diagrams, writings, etc. with the excuse that they were too dangerous to fall into the wrong hands. Who’s worse hands could they have fallen into other than the Illuminati who now are using his inventions against us? Not only does the technology exist for unlimited cheap/free energy, but it is being suppressed by the Illuminati in order to maintain their energy monopoly.
Another point of fact, right now, as you read this, the technology exists for automobiles to run on liquid hydrogen---the same fuel that powers the space shuttle. Derived from the electrolysis of water, when burned in an internal combustion engine liquid hydrogen burns completely clean---emitting only water vapor out of the exhaust pipe with no harmful emission whatsoever. Do you think, though, with humanity firmly in their grip via their worldwide oil monopoly that the Illuminati are going to allow this technology to reach the masses? Not if they can help it. They will challenge my assessment of liquid hydrogen, saying it takes too much energy to electrolyze water to create liquid hydrogen. That is where the Tesla Coil/cheap energy generator could easily remedy this.
It is the Luciferian Rockefeller/Rothschild/Illuminati/New World Order consortium who not only control the output and distribution of all the oil that is polluting our planet, AND are the ones suppressing the “clean” technologies that would correct this, but they are the ones pushing the environmental movement through the UN in order to create and control both sides of the equation. I will talk about this later, but “man-made” global warming is a manufactured fraud designed to destroy the industrialized nations of the world through tyrannical cap-and-trade “pollution taxes” issued and enforced by the Illuminati-founded and controlled United Nations. You probably know who Al Gore is, right? The former Vice-President under alleged 33rd degree Freemason President Bill Clinton? The same Al Gore who made “An Inconvenient Truth” about how man-made global warming is going to destroy us all? The same Al Gore who is an alleged 33rd degree Freemason doing the bidding of the Illuminati? In the 1970’s, the big environmental scare was global COOLING, and that is a fact. You really need to open your eyes and see how badly we are being taken for a ride. It is all about cooking up ways to divide us, to conquer us, and to control us.