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f. Federal Income Tax/IRS

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c. What Do We Do?

Do you like looking at your pay stub and seeing how much money Uncle Sam is extracting from you via income tax withholding to throw into the black hole that is our National Debt? There was no need for a personal income tax prior to 1913, as there was plenty of money to run the country coming in from corporate taxes. However, with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, a way was needed to put the American public on the hook for what the proponents of the New World Order were going to do in the years to come. By providing the federal government with a virtual credit card in 1913, via the fiat money the Federal Reserve was now legally authorized to create out of thin air, this allowed the feds to spend more money than they were taking in via corporate and the newly enacted income taxes.

I’m going to tell you something right now that you may not believe, but is 100% true: There is no law


in existence anywhere in the IRS tax code or elsewhere that says you have to pay income tax

in the United States of America. The income tax is a completely voluntary tax, but you are led to believe that it is mandatory, because it a mandatory income tax completely violates the Constitution. What our Constitution mandates is that all taxes collected by the government must be apportioned, which in a nutshell means equally collected and equally distributed back to the people.

Not only is there no law requiring you to pay income tax, the Sixteenth Amendment “authorizing” the implementation of the income tax was never ratified by the states. The federal income tax is a complete fraud perpetrated on the naïve citizens of the United States via the agenda of the Great Plan.

Not only is it an illegal tax, the graduated income tax in place in this country is also one of Karl Marx’s ten planks of Communism, first published in 1848.

The IRS is literally the collection agency of the Federal Reserve, and that is the truth. The Fed buys our bonds and needs money in the treasury to pay them interest, which comes from you and me via illegal personal income taxes. Most of the corporations that used to fund the federal government have long moved to offshore holding corporation-status and don’t pay into the system. The naïve citizens of the United States are left all alone to shoulder the burden of the bankrolling of New Babylon.

A national income tax was declared unconstitutional in 1895 by the Supreme Court, so a constitutional amendment was proposed in Congress by none other than ...Senator Nelson Aldrich, the main Congressional proponent and puppet of the Illuminati who helped put the Federal Reserve in place.

As the Sixteenth Amendment was presented to the American people at the time, it seemed reasonable. The American public would be liable for income tax on only one percent of income under $20,000, a very large amount in those days, with the assurance that it would never increase. Those making more than 20k were subject to a progressively increasing tax. Fast forward 100 years to 2013 and the IRS can confiscate almost 40% of your earnings through this tax. As our National Debt climbs, you can rest assured that these rates will not be going down, but up as they tighten the noose on their slaves.


You would think the ultra rich proponents of the New World Order such as the Rockefellers would have fought against this income tax tooth and nail, but they were actually the ones behind it. You will understand this well in a couple of sections here when we go over the creation of the “tax-free foundations” that they came up with right around this time to explicitly shield their wealth from the income tax.


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