Lasallian Notes - Summer 2020

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Summer 2020 • VOL. 8

PLEASE PL P LEA EASE ASE NOTE: NOT TE: E: SSome omee of th the he pho photographs contained on these pages were taken before the beginning of the pandemic. All of our Lasall lliian schools, sch hools, Communities, Com ommuni Lasallian senior Brothers’ facilities, and administrative offices have been at the forefront of maintaining the hi h standards d d off safety f and precaution. We continue to do everything possible to ensure the health and safety of our Brothers, our highest employees, and—most importantly—those we are called to serve.

LASALLIAN HIGHER EDUCATION SETS THE BAR The Brothers of the Christian Schools are blessed to have, within the District of Eastern North America, two of the finest institutions of higher learning. For more than 150 years, both La Salle University in Philadelphia and Manhattan College in the Riverdale section of New York City have borne the standard of a true Lasallian education. They have provided top-notch “human and Christian education” to extremely diverse student bodies. Each of these mid-size institutions of higher learning provides a beautiful campus setting in the heart of one of the most prominent cultural centers in the country. Combined with a first-rate, dedicated and caring faculty, both provide a premier academic experience with the personal attention found at smaller schools. La Salle University and Manhattan College continue to receive awards, accolades and recognition for their academic

programs, student return on investment (ROI), graduate employment rate and earning potential, transition experience for transfer students and veterans, etc. These honors have been given by recognized surveyors including Money Magazine, Georgetown University, Forbes, Brookings Institute, U.S. N ews & World Report, and many others. Moreover, characteristics that set these schools above others and create a unique, truly Lasallian experience are their dedication to faith and service. Both schools provide spiritual growth opportunities through prayer, retreats, personal counseling and peer support. Volunteer and service-learning opportunities also abound with on-campus, local, national, and (continued on page 4)

Top: La Salle University students join in song during a student retreat. Left: Brs. David Van Hollebeke, FSC, and James Wallace, FSC, follow the cross-bearer during a religious procession through The Quad at Manhattan College.



A MESSAGE FROM THE VISITOR Dear Lasallians, “The purpose of this Institute is to provide a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor, according to the ministry which the Church has entrusted to it. Christian schools, which need to be constantly renewed, are the preferred sphere of activity for the Brothers.” These words are the mantra for all Lasallians. During these exceedingly challenging times, our purpose is being tested. In each DENA ministry, the administration has been working tirelessly with staff and stakeholders to remain open and life-giving for the coming year—and beyond. I offer my deep gratitude for the commitment of each Lasallian leading our ministries during this ongoing COVID-19 moment. The Brothers’ Rule boldly states that our ministries “need to be constantly renewed.” In non-COVID times, this renewal could take place according to a Strategic Plan over the course of years. In less than a half year, due to this pandemic, our schools and agencies have launched into renewal. Fresh eyes have been paying attention to what is essential and to what changes will be beneficial. I salute all who have welcomed the questions and who have collaborated with others in determining what is best for the mission. The care spent on how to open school this

S T. J O H N B A P T I S T



Fall (Virtually? Blended? Hybrid? In-person?) has included enriching conversations about how our Lasallian mission can create community, no matter how we gather. In Thomas Rhett’s recent song Be A Light we are encouraged, “In a place that needs change, make a difference.” Navigating the way through change, our phenomenal Lasallians will continue to make a huge difference in the lives of the young people entrusted to their care. Thanks to all working hard this summer to ensure that our ministries will be better than ever. Our schools and agencies benefit from the prayerful and financial support of our Lasallian well-wishers. Thank you, one and all, for caring that this mission, entrusted to us by the Church, continues to make a difference in the lives of our youth from Ontario to Michigan to Florida and up to Rhode Island. God bless you! Respectfully, Bro. Dennis Lee, FSC Visitor/Provincial

THE ST. JOHN BAPTIST DE LA SALLE FUND seeks to ensure that a Lasallian education is available and accessible to those students most in need. Through an initial program of student sponsorship and a growing program of grants to identified schools, the Fund provides tuition assistance for students to attend a Lasallian school. With your support, we are now providing $845,000 annually for our students in need. All are welcome to join the Brothers and their Partners-in-Mission in this specially dedicated scholarship fund which continues to grow each year.

FACE OF THE FUND: STEVE HOSKINS by DanielDe Warner, VP forAcademy, InstitutionalNew Advancement 8thMr. Grade, La Salle York NY- St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, Buffalo NY

Since its inception in 2004, NativityMiguel Middle School of Buffalo, serving students from extremely economically depressed situations, has seen many of their young men continue their education at Saint Joseph’s Collegiate Institute. Upon graduating, they h have then attended some of the top colleges and universities. For Steve Hoskins, there w was no doubt that this was the high school he wanted to attend after graduating from N NativityMiguel. Fortunately, the St. John Baptist de La Salle Fund was there to help make this a reality for him. An energetic and engaging young man of character, Steve is a rising sophomore at St. JJoe’s. Not only was he a member of the JV football team, but also a standout player on the freshman basketball team. Aside from being a talented athlete, Steve considers his academic accomplishments to be of equal importance. Excelling as a two-sport athlete and working h hard to achieve his scholastic goals, Steve proudly finished his freshman year with a 90% average. Steve’s teachers will often comment that he demonstrates a genuine concern for his fellow students. Mrs. Annie Golden, instructor in the Academic Enrichment Center, says “Steve always seems to search out the quietest student or the one walking at the end of the group. He makes an effort to engage that student in conversation or just walk alongside him.” Now, having completed a terrific freshman year, Steve is continuing his participation in the St. Joe’s Summer Bridge Program and tackling his summer reading in preparation for an exciting sophomore year.



SENIOR BROTHERS CUTTING LOOSE During the coronavirus pandemic, the welfare of our Brothers in senior Communities has been of utmost importance. All precautions were taken to ensure their safety, even if it meant restricting some aspects of their communal life as Brothers. Meals have been served in shifts so that seating could be spread out, or in some cases, served in the room of the resident. Even communal prayer, a mainstay of the Brothers’ life, was curtailed. Visitors were not permitted, and all staff were checked for fever or symptoms each time they arrived. With the extended wellness time within each house, and with the nicer weather, our senior Communities are finding ways to allow the Brothers to enjoy the fresh air, and the company of their confrères. The first sign of this was on May 15th at our nursing home, De La Salle Hall in Lincroft NJ, when communal prayers were celebrated under the awning on the back patio. In June, you could see Brothers taking walks on the grounds, or just enjoying a peaceful moment in the sun. Please continue to keep the health of our seniors in your prayers.

Above: Founder’s Day prayer service celebrated at De La Salle Hall with social distancing. Top Right: Br. Michael Thai, FSC, refills the bird feeders, which are always a source of enjoyment for the Brothers at La Salle Hall in Beltsville MD. Right: At Christian Brothers Center in Narragansett RI, Br. John Buckley, FSC, enjoys the sun while waiting for a refill.

La Salle Hall - Beltsville MD (B) De La Salle Hall - Lincroft NJ (L)

Christian Brothers Center - Narragansett RI (N) Presentation Manor - Toronto ON (T)

for your continued support of our elder Christian Brothers in residence (as of 6/30/20) at: Br. Peter Arpin (N) Br. Arthur Bangs (B) Br. Malachy Broderick (B) Br. Raymund Buck (L) Br. John Buckley (N) Br. Thomas Caldwell (L) Br. Miguel Campos (L) Br. Gregory Cavalier (L) Br. Richard Connors (N) Br. Colman Coogan (B) Br. Jerome Cox (N)

Br. Lawrence Dempsey (L) Br. Thomas Dunn (N) Br. George Edwards (T) Br. Walter Farrell (T) Br. Michael Fitzgibbon (L) Br. Gerard Frendreis (B) Br. Edward Gallagher (B) Br. Lawrence Hartung (L) Br. Robert Hebert (N) Br. Peter Henderson (L) Br. John Herron (L)

Br. John Karl (L) Br. Michael Kelleher (L) Br. William Kemmerer (L) Br. Joseph Loewenstein (L) Br. James Loxham (L) Br. Leslie Luker (L) Br. Hugh Maguire (L) Br. Francisco Martin (L) Br. Francis McCrea (T) Br. John McErlean (L) Br. John McGann (N)

Br. Michael McKenery (N) Br. Frederick Mueller (N) Br. James Muffley (L) Br. Joseph Myers (B) Br. Charles O’Connell (L) Br. Mel O’Neill (T) Br. John Patzwall (B) Br. Joseph P. Reilly (B) Br. David Rogers (B) Br. Joseph Schmidt (L) Br. Anthony Scotto (N)

Br. Timothy Tarmey (N) Br. John Vella (T) Br. James Wallace (L) Br. Floyd Warwick (L) Br. Henry Werner (B) Br. Philip Whitman (B) Br. Paul Wilcox (T) Br. William Winter (B) Br. Nicholas Zimrose (T)




international programs. Within just this past year, Manhattan College was recognized as a “Top School for Service” by The Catholic Volunteer Network, and La Salle University was named a “Community Engaged University” by the Carnegie Foundation. The faculty, staff, administrators, and volunteer leadership of these two renowned higher ed institutions create an amazing array of knowledge, talent, devotion, faith, and zeal. A hallmark of these Lasallian educational communities is caring for our students and instilling in them a sincere concern for others. While there are so many fine leadership examples, we will mention just a couple here. Br. Robert Kinzler, FSC, Assistant Vice President - Ministry Service and Support at La Salle, has developed programs for non-Catholics, started a Spanish Mass, began a peer minister program, and launched the very successful Signum Fidei learning community—a living experience that allows students to explore the concepts of Faith, Service and Community. “Many of our local service projects involve working side by side with neighbors and partners; not just doing something for them. It is service with—not for—our neighborhood and city, and that is Lasallian service at its best,” said Br. Robert. “It is one of our key values that we take care of each other and that we stand in solidarity with those who are marginalized within society. That happens every day on this campus.” Another such individual is Lois Harr, Assistant Vice President/ Campus Ministry and Social Action at Manhattan College. Among other things, she has planned and participated in service immersion trips to Ecuador, Kenya, Rwanda, Haiti and the West Bank through the Lasallian Outreach Volunteer Experience (L.O.V.E.) program of the college. Lois points to the words of Saint John Paul II, who said we should fast from indifference, and take on solidarity. He said that solidarity, “is not a feeling of vague compassion or shallow distress

Our schools offer service immersion trips, such as our students from La Salle University seen here with Lasallian students in Haiti.

The Service on Saturdays program at Manhattan College is just one of the available service opportunities.

at the misfortunes of so many people, both near and far. On the contrary, it is a firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good; that is to say to the good of all and of each individual, because we are all really responsible for all.” A very recent example of the selflessness and community spirit witnessed on our campuses came with the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. When the pandemic hit the Philadelphia and New York City communities this spring, our campuses were shuttered, and learning became virtual. However, our students, Brothers, and faculty still worked together to help those most affected by the pandemic. Money and food were donated to support oncampus and local food pantries. Gloves and masks were collected and donated. Among other efforts, members of both educational communities also have been using their 3-D printers (which were dormant due to virtual learning) to produce face shields for first responders at local hospitals. The pandemic has also seen our Christian Brothers making an online presence with virtual prayers, and faculty sending videos of encouragement for our students. For more than a century and a half, these two institutions have put into practice the prayer of our Founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle, “God of love, set me aflame with love for You and for my neighbor.”



DISTRICT SUPPORT IS STRONG DURING PANDEMIC In March of 2020, as soon as the depth a series of special communications with to which the pandemic would disrupt our Brothers throughout the District during the lives began unfolding, our District started three months of most intense impact in this establishing ways that we would be able to region. Each week, they would share with support and help Brothers, ministries, and the Brothers a variety of items to help them members of our Lasallian family to deal cope, grow, and remember their common with their new circumstances. fraternity, mission, and bond. Themes Our District Office for Mission & shared included articles on coping with Ministry exists to help support, animate, and isolation, inspirational songs & videos, facilitate the Lasallian mission and charism research and webinars on helping teens and throughout our educational ministries and young adults to cope, links to prayer services our Lasallian Partners that they employ. and reflections, and even a “Chefcast” where With the onset of the pandemic, they each week a different Brother would present have kept everyone advised about which his favorite recipe. formation and training programs have Furthermore, in a very concrete show of been cancelled, postponed, or have become care, financial support was given to dozens virtual. The office has added open forums of our ministries, local programs (food among peers who share similar positions at kitchens, emergency funds, etc.) that were various ministries, where they can discuss sponsored or supported by our ministries, Br. Tom Lackey, FSC, presents a check from the District Fund to Nancy Langer, President concerns and best practices for dealing as well as individual families who were of NativityMiguel School in Buffalo. Br. Tom with the current situations. They have deeply affected by COVID-19. Since each serves on the Board of Directors at the school. advised on opportunities and procedures Brother worked and paid into social security in government programs, such as the CARES Act and the PPP. through the years, they each received the government stimulus They have also promoted several global Lasallian prayer services, check. They voted to pool their payments, and distribute the where more than 1,600 Lasallians from across the District and funds where they were most needed. around the world gathered via Zoom on their computers. As Lasallians, we stand as one in our Lord, and remain strong On another front, our Visitor and Auxiliary Visitors established through Him.



The District of Eastern North America is proud to announce Mr. Justin Martineau as their selection for Associate Director of the Office for Mission & Ministry. Mr. Martineau will step into the new position in August. A nine-year Lasallian educator, Mr. Martineau has served at De La Salle High School in New Orleans, Louisiana since 2011. He began as a religious studies teacher, and quickly thereafter added the role of assistant campus minister. By 2014, Martineau added the title director of student activities, and most recently, the role of scheduling assistant. That same faith and zeal that has led Mr. Martineau throughout his career to participate in and hold volunteer leadership roles with Lasallian programs at the local, District, and National levels, has now brought him to full-time District service. Said Martineau, “With this Lasallian mission’s focus on laypartners, the Christian Brothers genuinely invite us in to share in this important educational vocation in the Church.”

On June 8, 2020, Mrs. Maggie Dombroski, an advancement professional with eight years of experience in the nonprofit sector, joined the District of Eastern North America (DENA) as the Associate Director of Advancement. Getting her start at the American Cancer Society, Maggie then transitioned to Expect Miracles Foundation, a Boston based non-profit raising funds for cancer research. “My experiences as a devout Catholic, a Parish Council Member, and graduate of a Catholic grade school, high school and college, have instilled in me the values of Catholic education,” shares Mrs. Dombroski. “Lasallian education’s focus on Catholic values, personal relationships, respect for the individual, and community service will enable me to experience profound job satisfaction through my connection to this faith-based mission.” “As we look to the future of our Lasallian mission, our advancement efforts are more important than ever,” said Br. Dennis Lee, FSC, Provincial/Visitor of DENA. “We look forward to Maggie helping us make our goals a reality.”




In the midst of all the “unprecedented” business of 2020, came my chance to examine all the “precedents,” the ordinary, the typical, that mark my life as a Christian Brother. My story begins in 1935, when God gave John and Anne Molyneaux their ninth and final child. I followed three of my brothers to West Catholic High School in Philadelphia, a school run by the De La Salle Christian Brothers. These Brothers seemed like holy and happy men—smart, fun, and always respectful. From freshman year forward, I knew I wanted to be part of that group. After graduation, I joined. After college, I was providentially assigned to La Salle High in Cumberland MD. Through all of the official and unofficial roles there, I was earning my FSC chops. A few years later, with a doctorate from The University of Wisconsin, I migrated to La Salle College (now University) and soon was chairing a thriving Communications Department with a faculty that spawned remarkable results here, in Athena, and in Prague. Moderating the spirited brotherhood of Sigma Phi Lambda fraternity has added delight to my days. So has supporting the ice hockey club, the film society, students I’ve come to know in and out of the classroom, helping La Salle Academy students, and the work of For Pete’s Sake with cancer patients. I think upon seeing a La Salle University community comprised of 40% first-in-family to go to college and 30% minority students, John Baptiste de La Salle would recognize the work he started in Rheims France. He would also admire the resilience and grit that faculty and students have shown these past few months. And wouldn’t he smile to see the twenty grandfather-age Brothers, hunkering down, cooking, cleaning the house, and staying the same happy and holy men I first met at West Catholic? Each morning all of us face another chance to get it right; to love one another as God has loved us. What a wonderful precedent; what a wonderful life!

MASS CARD USAGE RISES The Christian Brothers Mass Card program, known as The Saint La Salle Auxiliary, has been very busy over the past few months. Increases have been seen—by mail, e-mail, phone, and website—in both the number of orders (requesting various cards, that can be filled out as needed), and in enrollments (sending the name of someone to be prayed for, along with your donation). Those enrolled in the Auxiliary are remembered by the Brothers of the District and share in the merits of their daily prayers, Masses, and good works. Br. William Martin, FSC, Director of the Auxiliary, commented, “Many of those who are calling in to order Mass cards have said that since they have not been able to be with someone at a joyous or sad moment, they feel that sending prayer intentions for them is a way to be there emotionally.”

“Many of those who are calling in to order Mass cards have said ... they feel that sending prayer intentions for them is a way to be there emotionally.” While the most well-known use of Mass cards is for condolences at wakes and funerals, Br. William states that they offer cards with prayer intentions for a variety of circumstances. There are prayers for healing and get-well cards. There are also cards for happy occasions such as birthdays, weddings, and newborns. Cards are even available for Christmas and Easter. They have the look of a traditional religious holiday card, but offer the recipient a Novena of Masses celebrated in the Holy Land. The Christmas Novena is held at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, and Easter Novena is held at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Samples of Mass cards that are offered may be seen and ordered on the Auxiliary website at Those interested can also call the Auxiliary at (732) 842-4359, or toll free at (866) 785-2725, to ask for a brochure and a selection of cards to be sent to your home.

Br. William Martin, FSC, along with his assistants, Mrs. Theresa Repert and Mrs. Marie Butler prepare packets of cards to fulfill daily orders.



MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE - BUFFALO NY by Ms. Katie Kinder Potenza, Director of Marketing & Communications

Be Welcomed. Be Challenged. Be Inspired. These words are emblematic of our core values at St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute in Buffalo NY. They authentically describe the experience that has been lived for nearly 160 years by both students and adults in our community. They remind us each day of our commitment to each other and the young men in our care. As we prepare to close off a school year unlike any other in our school’s history, we at St. Joe’s continue to spend a great deal of time reflecting on the successes, innovations, and challenges of educating our young men during a pandemic – all with an eye on being even more prepared for whatever awaits us this September. The relentless work of our Lasallian educators and the dedication of our students to distance learning this spring provided countless examples of the unique ways that a “normal” education at St. Joe’s has been transformed during our Seniors Alex Sinatra ’20 (front car) and Grant Smith ’20 (rear car) take part in the drive-through graduation. time away from the school building. Faculty transitioned curriculum through a host of tools including Zoom lessons and rower racing on an erg machine from his home. Even Student YouTube videos. Choral and instrumental music was produced Council elections were held online as candidates submitted by students remotely, including 40 students who performed an “stump speech” videos. Graduation posed a unique challenge, and the resilience and a capella rendition of “I Love You, Lord;” academic lectures were done online; and the counseling office worked hard to check in strength of the class of 2020 during the past few months will never be forgotten. Our traditional graduation ceremony was replaced with each student. While this has been a time of great anxiety, concern, and with a drive-through celebration. Our faculty, staff, coaches, and isolation, it has also been a time during which the strength of Board of Trustees cheered on our graduates and their families as the St. Joe’s brotherhood has become abundantly evident. Our they paraded through campus. They were able to enjoy both a community found so many ways to come together virtually. Baccalaureate prayer service and graduation ceremony through Students participated in online trivia contests, were invited to videos that included speeches and awards. The St. Joe’s community once again rose to meet a new leadership workshops to chat live with professional athletes each week, organized contactless food drives for our local food bank, challenge, and is undoubtedly even more prepared to face any and varsity rowers competed against area high schools with each obstacle that comes our way in the future.

Music teacher, Mr. Michael Hooker ’06, instructs the Varsity Singers via Zoom.

Facilities team member John DiStasio ’15 lends a hand to students at the “contactless” food drive.




REMEMBERING THE BROTHERS WE HAVE LOST Full obituaries and eulogies available online at


1928 - 2020

Martin Jonathan Fahey was born in Baltimore MD on December 2, 1928. He entered the Ammendale Novitiate in 1963, receiving the Religious Habit and name Br. Emilian Julius later that same year. He pronounced Perpetual Vows in Ocean City NJ on August 28, 1953. After scholasticate, Br. Martin began his ministry at St. Francis Vocational in Bensalem PA. In addition to more than a decade each in teaching and administration at Central Catholic in Pittsburgh PA and Calvert Hall in Towson MD, Br. Martin spent more than twenty-six years in ministry at the District level, holding positions that included Director of Development, Director of Finance, District Secretary, and Auxiliary Visitor. Mr. Kevin Fleming, who knew Br. Martin through the Adamstown Retreat Center, commented that, “He was one of the kindest persons I have ever met, with a great sense of wry humor. God has welcomed home a good and faithful servant.”


1944 - 2020

Born in Providence RI on September 20, 1944, Edmond Patrick Precourt graduated from Saint Raphael Academy in Pawtucket RI in 1963. He entered the Narragansett RI Novitiate in June 1963 and received the Religious Habit and name Brother Edmund Patric in September the same year. He pronounced Perpetual Vows in Narragansett RI on September 1, 1971. Br. Edmond served in teaching and leadership positions at several schools in New York and Rhode Island. He also served as Auxiliary Visitor and Visitor of the then Long Island-New England (LI-NE) District. Since 2009, he has remained at Christian Brothers Center in Narragansett in the positions of Executive Director, Property Development Director, and Development Director. Brother was interred at his beloved Christian Brothers Center. Due to the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic, a private prayer service was livestreamed for other Brothers’ communities. Mr. John Honoski, a former student of Br. Edmond from La Salle Military Academy, Oakdale NY remembered on Facebook, “He had a heart as big as his smile—a Christian Brother in the truest sense.”

Common Questions When Considering Special Gifts (part four) by Mr. Patrick J. Donahue - Director of Advancement

ITEMS TO CONSIDER WHEN CREATING A WILL First Things First: Before I begin, I have to ask, “Have you made your will?” A nation-wide study last year found that nearly 50% of Americans who are at least 55 years old DO NOT have a will. Please do not assume that the government will distribute your assets the way you would have wanted, or that they will not take a nice cut for their efforts. Even if you are not a millionaire, spending a bit of time and money to create a will can greatly increase the amount that actually gets to your heirs, and that it will go where you want it to go. Before You Begin: Also consider that some financial products (retirement accounts, life insurance policies, investment accounts, etc.) may offer the option of listing a beneficiary directly on the account. Designating these often saves the time and expense of going through probate. Types of Bequest Wording: There are various ways to designate who gets what in your will. You can make gifts of specific property (e.g., I leave my house to John), or specific dollar amounts. You can leave a percentage to each heir and charity. Also, you can

leave a residuary bequest (e.g., once these are all paid, I bequeath the remainder to the Brothers of the Christian Schools, DENA.) Highly Taxed Accounts: Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) are often the most heavily taxed items in your estate. Therefore, if you are leaving gifts to both loved ones and to charity, use the IRA for the charity, since they will be tax exempt. Your family could then end up with a larger gift. There is also wording you can place in your will instructing that the highly taxed products be the first items used for your charitable gifts. I have included many of these thoughts in more detail in a brief white paper on creating wills. If you would like a copy, or would like to discuss anything on this topic, please contact me, Patrick Donahue, at (732) 380-7926, ext. 112, or at Please know that my hints here are not intended to be legal advice. I always suggest that before you finalize any charitable gift plan, you should consult your advisors to make sure it is right for your specific circumstance.



Stewardship Gifts: April 3, 2020 to June 30, 2020 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Abbondanza Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Adams Mr. Anthony J. Agostinelli Ms. Carmel R. Ahern Mrs. Dolores C. Ahern Mr. Robert W. Alexander Mr. Joseph V. Allegretti Mr. & Mrs. John C. Altrogge Mr. Anthony F. Amalfetano, Esq. AmazonSmile Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James C. Anagnos Mr. & Mrs. James Anastasio Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Anderson Ms. Mary A. Anderson Anonymous Mr. Kenneth R. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Assalone Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Avallone Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Baglino Mr. Patrick C. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Barclay Mr. W. Brian Barr, AFSC Mr. William S. Bartz Mr. Thomas S. Battaglia Mr. & Mrs. John F. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. William A. Baxter, Jr. Col. & Mrs. Melvin A. Bayne, MD Louis J. Beccaria, PhD Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Beck Mr. & Mrs. James M. Begis Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ronald Benoit Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Benoit Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Berenato, Sr. Mr. Gustave L. Berger, Jr. Br. Robert Berger, FSC Dr. James T. Bilbo Rev. Henry J. Bodah Mr. Robert Boehler Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bolster, II Mr. Harry G. Bombardi Mr. Sandy A. Borello, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bowes Mr. & Mrs. James P. Brazel Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Brennan Mrs. Sue A. Britt Ms. Mary Ann E. Broderick Mr. & Mrs. William P. Broderick Mrs. Loretta B. Bromley Mr. Alfred T. Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bruno Mr. & Mrs. George G. Bruzza Mr. & Mrs. Jerome K. Buckley Mr. John J. Buckley Sr. Maryann Burgoyne, RSM Ms. Barbara A. Burke Maj. William A. Burtson, USMC (Ret) Mr. John M. Busch Mr. & Mrs. Desmond X. Butler Ms. Joan Ann Butler Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. John V. Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. Andrew V. Caldwell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Carlo J. Calvi Mr. Hugh Canning Mr. James A. Cannon

Mr. John J. Cannon Mr. George J. Cappiello, Jr., AFSC & Mrs Susan Cappiello Mr. Peter A. Carbone Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Carey Mr. Emil W. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Carroll Mr. John G. Casey Mr. Patrick F. Cassidy Mr. Anthony T. Castiglie Mrs. Mary Ellen Caulfield Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Cavallaro Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Censullo, Jr. Mr. Michael L. Censullo Mrs. Claire E. Cherney Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Chorman Mr. John A. Christiano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Cirelli Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Clarke Mr. William J. Cleary Mrs. Joan M. Clendenin Mrs. Ann C. Clohessy, BFSC Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. Clune, Jr. Mr. Thomas P. Conlon Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Connolly Mr. Frank R. Conrad Mr. & Mrs. Angelo L. Consoli Mr. Robert E. Copes, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert Corkhill Mr. Robert S. Corsini Mr. John A. Costello Mr. Maurice L. Costello Mr. & Mrs. John P. Courtney Rev. George R. Cowan Mrs. Kathleen M. Coyle Mr. Kevin P. Coyle Regina & Tom Cozzy, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Crane Mr. John J. Cronin, Jr. Mr. Kevin Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Curtin Mr. Charles J. Daalder Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. D’Agostino Mr. Kevin F. Daly Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. D’Amore Mr. Anthony A. DaPonte Prof. Thomas D’Arrigo Mrs. Geraldine F. Dawson Mr. & Mrs. John J. Deady, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. DeAngelis Mrs. Agnes DeFelice Mr. & Mrs. F. Matthew Deiner Mr. Edward M. Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius F. Dever, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Devine Mr. Alfred A. Diaz Mr. John R. Dietrich Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. DiGiovanni Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Dillon Captain Kevin L. Dillon, USNR (Ret) Mrs. Anna S. DiPetrillo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. DiSpigno Mr. John L. Dittmeyer Mr. Arthur L. Dixon & Ms. Jane Lateer

Mr. George J. Doehner Mr. Daniel M. Domogala & Dr. Sophia Domogala Mr. Frank V. Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Donahue Mr. George Dondero Ms. C. Patricia Donlevy Ms. Mary Lou Donofrio Mr. James F. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. William M. Doran Mr. Edward B. Dowaschinski, CPA Mr. Matthew J. Dowd Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dowdall Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Dowling, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Doyle Mr. Michael J. Doyle Mr. Thomas M. Driscoll Mr. Daniel F. Drogosch Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Dr. William P. Duggan Mr. & Mrs. Bernard D. Dunn Estate of Br. Charles F. Echelmeier, FSC Ms. Mitzie Eisel Mr. Edward H. Emmott, III Lt. Col. George P. Emodi, USAF (Ret) Mr. John R. Erario, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Eriquez Mr. Richard S. Evans Mr. John T. Evers Mr. Michael T. Falvey Mr. Anthony Farina Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Farrell, Sr. Rev. William J. Fay Mrs. Doris Felix Mr. & Mrs. William T. Fellows Mrs. Aurora Ferentinos Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Fick, Jr. Mrs. Ann M. Fisher Mr. John H. Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary B. Fitzgerald Mr. Robert A. Fitzgerald Mrs. Rita Claire Fitzsimmons Mr. & Mrs. David C. Fleming, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Cesare L. Florio Mr. John G. Flynn Mrs. Jean E. Fontana Mr. Hugh J. Forde Mr. & Mrs. J. Craig Forrest Mr. Marion C. Forrest, AFSC Mr. Albert A. Fournier Rev. Msgr. Philip J. Franceschini Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Frank, Jr. Dr. Anthony Fratiello Mrs. Mary Anne Freitag Mr. Richard K. Fronapfel, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Fusco Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gagliano Mr. Paul W. Gale Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Galipo Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Gannon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Gardner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Gaumer Mrs. Irene T. Gavaris CDR Victor M. Gavin, USN (Ret)

Mr. John C. Gawryk Dr. Edmund Gehan Ms. Jean A. George Mr. Richard F. George Mr. Bernard P. Gerrity Mr. Olivio J. Giardella Mrs. Theodora B. Gifford Br. Dominic Gisondo, FSC Mr. Robert E. Glasser Mr. & Mrs. David A. Glowny Mr. Martin J. Godfrey Mr. & Mrs. James E. Goodwin Mr. Robert G. Gorman Col. & Mrs. John D. Grabenstein Mrs. Anne-Louise Gracyalny Ms. Colleen B. Graydon Mr. Robert D. Greason Dr. & Mrs. John T. Greed Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Green Mr. & Mrs. William Green Dr. Edward J. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Grosso

Mr. Louis J. Guarrieri, Jr., BFSC & Mrs. Agnes M. Guarrieri Mrs. Arlene Guider Ms. Clare T. Gustafson Mrs. Mary S. Haber Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hagerty Mr. Thomas F. Hagerty Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Hall Mr. William S. Hamma Mr. Godfrey J. Hammel Mr. Mark Hardardt Mr. Michael T. Harding Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Harning Mr. Richard J. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Hartmann Ms. Diane P. Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Harvey, II Mr. Stephen P. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Heffernan Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Hemmer Mr. Charles J. Henry


Actually, this is Br. Vincent Pelletier, FSC, back in 2018, before he returned to America and accepted the position of Community Director at Christian Brothers Center in Narragansett. He is seen here on a trip to visit the Christian Brothers of Eritrea, who had been cut off from outside contact. Br. Vincent took advantage of a brief window when the borders of the country were temporarily opened during a détente with Ethiopia.

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April 3, 2020 to June 30, 2020 (continued) Col. & Mrs. Eugene W. Henry, USAF (Ret) Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Henry Mr. Gerald W. Hepp Mr. John U. Heppler Mr. Paul O. Hermenze Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hesselberg Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Hickey Mr. Paul J. Higgins Dr. Veronica M. Hilyard Mr. Joseph F. Hoffmann Rev. Robert J. Hohenstein Mr. William M. Hohmann Mr. & Mrs. James J. Holliday Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Hosey Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Howe Mr. James J. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hughes Mr. Robert C. Hughes Mrs. Eileen E. Hussey Mr. Walter Huzior Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hyde Mr. John F. Igoe, Jr. Mr. John M. Igoe Mr. & Mrs. Efrain R. Infante Mr. Charles Irwin Ms. Kim Irwin Mr. Steven J. Issa Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Jablonski Mr. J. Andrew Jackowski Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Janicke Mr. William A. Jochym Mr. & Mrs. Leonard C. Johnson Ms. Maureen Jones Mr. & Mrs. John M. Jordan Mr. John E. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Jungwirth Mr. Joseph A. Karakowski Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Karschnia Mr. Walter Kash Mr. Thomas F. Keaveney Dr. & Mrs. Louis L. Keeler Mr. & Mrs. John A. Keenan Mrs. Diane R. Keenan Mr. Henry P. Kehoe Mr. & Mrs. Walter Allyn Kehoe David H. Kelly, PhD Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly Mrs. Betty Kempsey Mrs. Catherine B. Kennedy Mr. Patrick J. Keogh Ms. Eileen A. Kerins Mrs. Rosemary S. Kiely Mr. John M. Kiernan Mr. James F. Kilkenny Mrs. Mary Margaret King Dr. & Mrs. William A Kirby Mr. Matthew B. Kirsch Mr. John J. Kissane Mrs. Mary F. Kissane Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Klein Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Klesius Mr. & Mrs. William J. Knowles Rev. Thomas P. Kobuszewski Mrs. Phyllis Koch Mr. & Mrs. Wenzel Koch Mr. & Mrs. William A. Kohl Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Kolakowski Mrs. Karen Koza Mrs. Cathy A. Kruse Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Kusick, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick L. Kvidera Mr. Thomas F. Kyhos Br. Charles Lackes, FSC Mr. Frank A. Landgraff Mr. & Mrs. James D. Langell Janet C. Langlais Mr. Richard P. Larkin Mr. Gregory J. Lavin

Mr. & Mrs. John Lawler Mr. & Mrs. John G. Lawrence Dr. Joseph P. Lawrence, III Mr. John M. LeBedda, II Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Leet Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Leyden Mr. Dominic J. Liantonio Ms. Joan Liskiewicz Ms. Marie LoBosco Deacon John K. Lohrstorfer Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Long Dr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Lowry Mr. Allen L. Lueck Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Luvara Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Lydting Mrs. Elvira J. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Madden Mr. Edward C. Maher Rev. Richard J. Maisano Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malone Mr. John T. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Mann Rev. Frederick R. Mannara Mr. & Mrs. James J.P. Manning Mr. Dominic J. Mantello Ms. Jean Marchard Mr. John C. Marczely Mr. Philip R. Maresco Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mark Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Marmion Mr. Joseph F. Marmo Mr. John E. Marr Ms. Catherine T. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. David E. Martinelli Mr. Alex Martini Mr. Robert A. Mascari Mr. William E. Massey Ms. Anne Marie Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Herbert C. Matthews, Jr. Ms. Kathryn C. Mattingly Mr. & Mrs. John A. May Mr. & Mrs. John E. May Ms. Bridget C. Maybury Mr. & Mrs. George M. McAndrews Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. McArdle Mr. Edward J. McCabe Dr. & Mrs. Michael McCausland Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. McConnell Mr. Gerard J. McDavitt, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McDonagh Mr. & Mrs. Dermot J. McDonnell Ms. Ellen McDonough Mr. J. Edward McDonough Mr. & Mrs. Bernard McElhone Mr. Michael P. McElroy Mr. Eugene McElwain Mr. & Mrs. William C. McGann Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. McGarry Mr. & Mrs. Neal A. McGarry Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. McGivney Mr. & Mrs. John D. McGovern Mr. Charles T. McGuigan Br. John McHale, FSC Mrs. Rose P. McHale Mr. & Mrs. James J. McHugh, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. McLaughlin Mrs. Mary McLoughlin Dr. & Mrs. Gerald V. McMahon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. McMahon Mr. James J. McMeekin Mr. James M. McMonagle Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McMorrow Mr. Henry P. McNally Captain Kenneth J. McNamara, USNR, Ret. Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. McPoyle Mr. Felix P. McShane Mr. Dennis F. McSweeney

Mr. William J. Mead Mr. Joseph Micari Mr. Eric Mille Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Eric O. Miller Mrs. Lois Miller Mr. & Mrs. John D. Milliot Vincent P. Miraglia, MD Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Ted L. Molinari Hon. & Mrs. Armando Monaco, II Ms. Alice S. Moore

Stewardship Gifts: April 3

Mr. & Mrs. Martin S. Mulkerrin Mr. James F. Mullan Mr. John M. Mullarkey Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Muller Mr. Gerard E. Murchie Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Murray Mr. John J. Murray Mr. & Mrs. William B. Nagle Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Nelson

WHO IS THAT MASKED MAN? Superior General, Br. Robert Schieler, FSC, is all smiles. (You will have to trust us on this one.) He is feeling great, and his rehabilitation after surgery this spring is going according to plan. He is also enjoying spending this “down time” with the Brothers of his home Community. He thanks everyone for your prayers and well-wishes.

Dr. Gabriel Moran, AFSC Mr. Robert J. Moran Mr. Peter A. Morasca Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Morisseau Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Morrissey Mr. Robert E. Mottola Mrs. Carol M. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Mulholland

Mrs. Joan Nelson Mr. John J. Neuschel Mr. Steven C. Neville Mr. John F. Nevue Mr. James F. Nolan Mr. Michael J. Nolan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William P. Norton Mr. Daniel M. Nowak Mr. William J. O’Brien

Dr. Priscilla O’Connell Richard P. O’Connell, EdD Mr. John F. O’Donnell Estate of Terence J. & Mary F. O’Donnell Mr. Michael T. O’Kane Ms. Catherine R. O’Keefe Mr. Cornelius J. O’Leary Mr. Frank R. Olshefski Mr. Thomas J. Olson Mr. Patrick P. O’Malley Mr. Philip F. O’Mara Mr. Francis X. O’Neil Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. David J. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm J. O’Sullivan Mr. Joseph M. Pachella Mr. Francis J. Palamara Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli Mr. Joseph J. Palya Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Pancila Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel J. Pascuzzi Mr. & Mrs. David W. Peters Mr. & Mrs. Ward F. Petrie Mrs. Rose T. Petro Br. Edward Phelan, FSC Mr. James P. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Pietro, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Pifko Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Pigeon Mr. Walter J. Plagens, Jr. Mr. Warren W. Platz Mr. Robert V. Poignant Mr. Thomas J. Powell Ms. Suzanne Prats Mr. John T. Quigley Rev. Joseph J. Quindlen Mr. Thomas J. Quinlan Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Quinn Mr. & Mrs. John F. Quirk Mr. & Mrs. John Radice Mrs. Elizabeth K. Radigan Mr. & Mrs. James M. Rafferty Mr. Anthony J. Ramos Mr. Joseph Ravelli Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Reali Mr. James M. Rebel Mr. Edward C. Regan Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Reifenheiser Dr. & Mrs. Bernard F. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. John J. Reilly Mr. Charles J. Reip Mrs. Patricia S. Reisert Mr. & Mrs. David W. Repert Mrs. Barbara G. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Rice Mrs. Maureen Richer Mr. Joseph J. Rienti Ms. Mary P. Rivers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Roche, Jr. Mr. Kevin P. Roe Mr. Frank A. Roesch Mr. & Mrs. George J. Romig Mr. John Rose, Sr. Ms. Yvonne Rosenblatt Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Rueger, Sr. Mr. John Ruppert Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Ryan, CPA Dr. & Mrs. John B. Ryan Mr. John M. Ryan Ms. Stephanie L. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Sagui Mrs. Gloria Saker Ms. Anne Salvadore Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Salvadore Mr. Edward G. Sartore Mr. & Mrs. William E. Sass, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George M. Savidge

ERROR OR OMISSION? The recognition lists in this issue represent gifts received between April 3 to June 30, 2020. We make every effort to be as accurate as possible. If you feel, however, that there is an error or omission, we apologize and ask that you call our Development Office at (732) 380-7926, to advise us of the problem.



l 3, 2020 to June 30, 2020 Estate of Eileen M. Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Peter Scalamandre Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Scarlata Mr. & Mrs. John J. Schaefer Mr. Francis J. Schafer, BFSC Br. Joseph Schafer, FSC Mr. Andrew G. Schiavone Br. Joseph F. Schmidt, FSC Mr. James W. Schmitt Mr. Joseph A. Schmitz Mr. Leonard Schnappauf Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Ms. Letizia C. Scotto Ms. Marie Scotto Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Scully Ms. Karen M. Senecal Mr. & Mrs. John L. Sentowski Mr. & Mrs. John Patrick Shanley Hon. & Mrs. Raymond E. Shawcross Hon. & Mrs. Thomas F. Shebell Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Sheeran Mr. Joseph F. Sheldrick Mr. John F. Sherman Mrs. Joyce N. Shivers Mr. Richard E. Silkowski Mr. & Mrs. William J. Simpson

Mr. John P. Sindoni, AFSC & Mrs. Cecilia B. Sindoni Mr. & Mrs. George H. Skau Ms. Frances R. Skinner Mr. William Sluka Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Smaldone Mr. Bernard R. Smelstoys Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Smith Rev. Nicholas P. Smith Mr. Robert H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Smith Mr. Paul S. Snopel Mr. Edward R. Solvibile Mr. David Southwick St. Mary’s Church Crescent Mr. David J. Stabile Mr. Michael R. Stack Mr. Ronald G. Stanton Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Staudenmaier Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Stella Mr. Thomas P. Stewart Mr. Ronald P. Straub Mr. & Mrs. James Strutt Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Stuckey Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Stuhltrager

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Sullivan Mrs. Georgia R. Sullivan Mr. Joseph C. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Sullivan Mr. Gregorio Sungcad, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Suter Col. & Mrs. Ludvik Z. Svoboda Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Sweeny Mr. & Mrs. James Tauber Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Taylor Ms. Mary Anne Taylor Mr. Nicholas J. Teta Mr. John J. Thero Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. William J. Thomas Ms. Mary Thompson Rev. Michael Tidd, OSB Mrs. Antoinette Tierney Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tiffany Mr. Joseph M. Tomasko Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Tomm Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Torok Mr. Robert Tort Dr. Edward T. Toseland Mr. J. Desmond Towey Dr. William A. Tramontano

Ms. Helen Arlene Traynor Mr. Michael J. Trench Mr. Donald A. Trinite Mr. & Mrs. Fred M. Turkoff Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Vaccaro Dr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Valente Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Valentine Ms. Marie Van Haeren Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Vardy Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Vitt Mr. John P. Voge Mr. William F. Vollmers Mrs. Joan M. Vrabel Mr. & Mrs. John P. Vroble Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Wall Most Rev. Gerald T. Walsh, DD Mr. Thomas G. Waterman Mr. John P. Waugh Mrs. Elizabeth J. Weaver Mr. Thomas R. Weber Mrs. Suzanne Welborn Ms. Jane A. West Mr. & Mrs. Alan V. Weyland Dr. & Mrs. Richard W. Whalen Mr. John J. Whitehead

Mr. & Mrs. William M. Wiedenbeck Mr. & Mrs. William C. Wilkens Mr. & Mrs. William F. Willard Mrs. Andrea E. Wills Mr. William J. Wiseman Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Wishing Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Woerz John W. Woods, PhD Mrs. Mary E. Wright Mr. Donald J. Wszolek Mr. John F. Wynne Mr. John A. Yeamen Mr. & Mrs. George G. Yeitter Mr. Arthur Yip Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Zablocki Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Zabriskie Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Zale Mr. John M. Zbikowski Estate of Evelyn Zember Dr. & Mrs. W. Dennis Zerega Mr. Eugene J. Zielinski Mr. James S. Ziemianski Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zino Mr. Daniel M. Zirnheld Mr. Mark Zirnheld

Memorial Gifts Br. Charles Baxter, FSC Mr. & Mrs. William A. Baxter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Rice Br. Philip Beirne, FSC Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mark Br. Francis Bowers, FSC Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dowdall Br. Alexander Joseph Brennan, FSC Mr. Andrew G. Schiavone Kevin Brooks Richard P. O’Connell, EdD Br. Celsus John Brown, FSC Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Brothers of Cardinal Spellman High School, ‘64-’68 Mr. John M. Kiernan Deceased Brothers of CBA Albany Rev. Robert J. Hohenstein Br. James X. Collins, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Madden Peter Connell, BFSC Mr. & Mrs. William J. Knowles Br. Gabriel Costello, FSC Mrs. Maureen Richer Br. Stephen Creagh, FSC Mrs. Mary Ellen Caulfield Br. Brice Stephen Cullen, FSC Mr. James F. Kilkenny Br. Adelbert Eugene Curley, FSC Mr. Kevin Cullen Br. Christopher Victor Dardis, FSC Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dowdall Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tiffany The forgotten De La Salle Brothers Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gagliano Br. Timothy Dean, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Scully Br. Andrew DiNoto, FSC Mr. Charles Irwin Catherine Dobransky Dr. & Mrs. Michael McCausland John D. Dugan Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Lena Ewasutyn Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Zablocki Br. Kenneth Fitzgerald, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tiffany Deacon John J. Fitzsimmons Mrs. Rita Claire Fitzsimmons John J. Gallego Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Christopher Greed Dr. & Mrs. John T. Greed Br. Casimir Gundlach, FSC Regina & Tom Cozzy, Sr. Br. Lawrence Hinrichs, FSC Mr. John T. Evers Br. D. Francis Jollivet, FSC Mr. William S. Hamma Br. Bernard Knezich, FSC Richard P. O’Connell, EdD

Br. Gervald Henry Laffey, FSC David H. Kelly, PhD Joseph P. Lawrence, Jr. Dr. Joseph P. Lawrence, III Joseph T. Liskiewicz Mr. & Mrs. John Lawler Ms. Joan Liskiewicz Ms. Marie Van Haeren William A. Long, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Murray Ruth Lory Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mark Br. Michael Losco, FSC Dr. & Mrs. Michael McCausland Kay & Michael Lynch Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Elaine Lyons Jack Lyons Mr. Eugene McElwain Donald J. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Stuckey Br. William Marshall, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Leonard C. Johnson Florence Maurizi Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Klesius Br. Eligius McGovern, FSC Mr. James J. McMeekin Br. Bernard Edward McKenna, FSC Mr. Kevin Cullen James J. McLoughlin, BFSC The McLoughlin Family Mary T. McMonagle Mr. James M. McMonagle Br. Aquinas John McNiff, FSC Mrs. Eileen E. Hussey Richard P. O’Connell, EdD Br. Cyril Leo Michiels, FSC Mr. Richard S. Evans Joseph Migliucci Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gagliano Br. Timothy Murphy, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tiffany John J. Murray, Jr. Mary C. Murray Mr. John J. Murray Br. Boniface Joseph Neary, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Ted L. Molinari Mr. Kevin P. Roe Br. Andrew O’Gara, FSC Mr. Kevin Cullen Br. Ollie Joseph, FSC Mr. Kevin Cullen Br. Barnabas Edward O’Neill, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. DiGiovanni Ms. Mary Lou Donofrio Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Br. Malcolm O’Sullivan, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm J. O’Sullivan

Frank P. Palopoli Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli Br. John Perry, FSC Mrs. Jean E. Fontana Br. Edmond Precourt, FSC Mr. Anthony F. Amalfetano, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Barclay Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Benoit Rev. Henry J. Bodah Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bolster, II Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bruno Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Callahan Mr. John G. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Angelo L. Consoli Mr. Robert S. Corsini Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. DiSpigno Mr. & Mrs. Bernard D. Dunn Ms. Mitzie Eisel Mr. Edward H. Emmott, III Mr. Anthony Farina Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Gannon Mr. & Mrs. James E. Goodwin Mrs. Anne-Louise Gracyalny Mr. & Mrs. William Green Mr. Louis J. Guarrieri, Jr., BFSC & Mrs. Agnes M. Guarrieri Ms. Clare T. Gustafson Mr. Steven J. Issa Mr. & Mrs. Walter Allyn Kehoe Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly Mrs. Karen Koza Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Leyden Mr. & Mrs. David E. Martinelli Mr. Gerard J. McDavitt, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. McGivney Mrs. Rose P. McHale Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. McLaughlin Hon. & Mrs. Armando Monaco, II Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John F. Quirk Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Ryan Ms. Anne Salvadore Ms. Letizia C. Scotto Ms. Marie Scotto Mr. & Mrs. John Patrick Shanley Hon. & Mrs. Raymond E. Shawcross Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Smith Rev. Nicholas P. Smith Mrs. Mary E. Wright Mr. John A. Yeamen Estate of Evelyn Zember

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Resko Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Roche, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Roche, Jr. Peter B. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Scarlata Br. James Romond, FSC Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Br. Louis Ruch, FSC Richard P. O’Connell, EdD Clarence J. Ruppert, Jr. SJCHS ‘43 Mr. John Ruppert Brothers of St. Augustine, ’49-‘53 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dowdall Robert J. Schaefer, LSU ‘54 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Schaefer LT Jack Schoeppner, USN Mr. Paul S. Snopel Aloysius Seck Dr. & Mrs. Michael McCausland Br. Rene Sterner, FSC Mr. & Mrs. James C. Anagnos Rev. Michael Tidd, OSB Br. Aurelian Peter Stewart, FSC Ms. Maureen Jones Jeremiah J. Sullivan, Sr. Mrs. Georgia R. Sullivan Br. Michael Thomas, FSC Mr. Kevin Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. William J. Thomas Matthew C. Traynor Ms. Helen Arlene Traynor Dorothy R. Trinite Mr. Donald A. Trinite John W. Welborn Mrs. Suzanne Welborn

THANK YOU We are sincerely grateful to our friends and their families who have thoughtfully remembered the Brothers with requests for gifts in lieu of flowers.

Honorarium Gifts Br. William Fealy, FSC Mr. Charles Irwin Br. Lawrence Goyette, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Donahue Br. John Herron, FSC Mr. Charles Irwin

Br. John Lawless, FSC Mr. Charles Irwin Brothers of St Joseph’s Collegiate Institute Buffalo NY Mrs. Carol M. Mueller Mr. Mark Zirnheld

Br. Kevin Stanton, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. DeAngelis Mrs. Ann M. Fisher Mr. Charles Irwin Br. Floyd Warwick, FSC Mr. Charles Irwin


Brothers of the Christian Schools SAINT LA SALLE AUXILIARY PO BOX 238 LINCROFT NJ 07738-0238


Dear Friends, I am so excited that we were able to highlight Manhattan College and La Salle University in our lead story this quarter. They are both such amazing examples of St. John Baptist de La Salle’s vision and mission put into action! I know that eight hundred words merely scratches the surface of the transformative experiences that take place on these campuses every single day. I am sure that those of you who are familiar with one of these schools are saying to yourself, “He could have/should have mentioned (any one of a thousand things that touched you about the school).” The title on the front page says it well. As our two largest, and among the oldest, Lasallian institutions in the District of Eastern North America, they set a wonderful example for our high schools (some of which also now include middle school grades), our San Miguel schools, our alternative schools, and our youth and family service programs. Our Brothers from the District also carry this same vision and spirit as they serve in our overseas ministries in places such as Africa, the Middle East, and Central America. I am proud to be able to touch base with you through this newsletter each quarter, to try and remind you about this remarkable Lasallian family of which you happen to be an important member. It is through the lives lived by each of you who have been touched by the service, love, faith, and example of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, that the vision of our Founder in the name of Jesus will continue to spread throughout the world. Live Jesus in our hearts!

Window from Manhattan College chapel

HONORING OUR PAST. SERVING TODAY. BUILDING TOMORROW Establish your enduring legacy in support of our Lasallian mission. We invite you to join us as we continue to serve children, families, and our Brothers here in the United States and around the world.

Lasallian Lega cy


For more information or membership please contact: Patrick Donahue, Director of Development, DENA 732-380-7926 x112 •

Please remember the Brothers in your will or other estate plans.

Patrick J. Donahue Director of Advancement






District Director

Associate Director

St. La Salle Auxiliary


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