Lasallian Notes - Spring 2020

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Spring 2020 • VOL. 7

Retirement? What is That? by Patrick Donahue - Director of Advancement, District of Eastern North America

COVID-19 Crisis Message: During this uncertain and strenuous time, we would like to assure you that our senior communities have been taking every precaution to ensure the safety of their residents. At the date of this writing, there is only one Brother (not from a senior community) who is being treated for the virus. We ask your prayers for his full recovery. I have received dozens of requests for specific prayer intentions from members of our Lasallian family in recent weeks, which have been sent to all communities to place at their altars and in their prayers. If you, too, have a specific intention, please forward it to to be added to the Brothers’ prayers. In conversations with donors and friends of the Brothers, it is so easy for me as a development professional to fall back on a standard term like, “Thank you for supporting our retired Brothers.” However, the dictionary says that retirement is, “the action or fact of leaving one’s job or ceasing to work.” In the five years I have been working with this amazing group of men, I have realized that words describing our normal understanding of aging, retirement, leisure years, etc., do little to justify the reality of the lives of these servants of God. These Brothers—who have committed their lives to serving others—do not have the same understanding of the term “retirement” as do you and I. From the time they leave Novitiate, they serve throughout our schools and programs in teaching, counseling, administrative, and leadership roles. When the rules say that they are “officially” retired, most still continue active ministries, sometimes multiple ministries. I have found that it is not unusual to witness a Brother whom the world would consider of retirement age teaching at one school, on the Board of another, and sitting on one of our District oversight councils (and possibly helping out at a local soup kitchen in his spare time). As time takes

a toll on their physical abilities, they may move from teaching to mentoring or tutoring. When the time comes that they may need more intensive care, they still continue to pray daily for the intentions of each of our Lasallian friends. While the District provides many vital services for the Brothers and for our thirtytwo ministries in eastern North America, one of the most rewarding is ensuring that these fine men receive the care they deserve when the time comes that they themselves need help. The District of Eastern North America (DENA) assists all retired Brothers, but in a special way, those who need particular support. DENA operates two assisted living communities, La Salle Hall in Beltsville MD, and Christian Brothers Center in Narragansett RI. We also support several of our Brothers from Ontario residing at Presentation Manor, an assisted-living facility in Toronto run by a cooperative of religious orders for their members. In addition, a few years ago we opened (continued on page 4)

Above: Octogenarian Br. Thomas Dunn, FSC, at Christian Brothers Center; Narragansett RI, is up for a bit of blarney on St. Patrick’s Day. Left: Br. Martin Fahey, FSC, enjoys getting spiffied up by the visiting barber at De La Salle Hall. Center: Superior General, Br. Robert Schieler, FSC, (left) with the Brothers at Presentation Manor.



A MESSAGE FROM THE VISITOR Dear Lasallians, As we go to print, the statistics on COVID-19, including 30,397 deaths within our seven DENA states (plus DC and Ontario), are staggering. Regrettably as you read this, the harsh reality of lost lives, people painfully impacted, economic instability and dimmed hope likely remain all too prevalent. I write to ponder 2 P’s: Perspective. First, there have been plagues (Bubonic Plague, the 1918 Spanish flu) throughout history. We are fortunate to live in a time when great scientists across the globe are working hard to come up with a vaccine and with medicines. Second, the internet. Students continue to learn and all of us are capable of staying in touch with others because of this technology. Unthinkable, decades ago! Third, the heroes in our midst, including so many of you, our readers. While many of us need simply to keep distance, many continue to risk their lives for the sake of us all. God bless all our Lasallians and others who have worked the hospitals, care centers, grocery stores, etc. Prayer. Please let us continue to pray for those who have died and their families; for those who have tested positive

S T. J O H N B A P T I S T



and for those asymptomatic persons who are positive; for those who are struggling with economic and mental health issues. Let us pray for those who continue to serve on the front lines and for those decision-makers in government leadership. And let us pray for one another. On May 15th, at noon, EDT, there will be a prayer for those impacted by COVID. All are welcome to join via Zoom, accessible at our District website ( Finally, I hope that some blessings have arisen from this crisis, notably, that we are more attentive to what matters most in our lives. And, since this vicious virus has been indiscriminate in attacking people from every nation, ethnicity, socio-economic grouping of our one world, perhaps we will become united as one people on this planet we share. We hope. Peace, Bro. Dennis Lee, FSC Visitor/Provincial

THE ST. JOHN BAPTIST DE LA SALLE FUND seeks to ensure that a Lasallian education is available and accessible to those students most in need. Through an initial program of student sponsorship and a growing program of grants to identified schools, the Fund provides tuition assistance for students to attend a Lasallian school. With your support, we are now providing $845,000 annually for our students in need. All are welcome to join the Brothers and their Partners-in-Mission in this specially dedicated scholarship fund which continues to grow each year.

FACE OF THE FUND: MOISES R. by James Martino, FSC - Academy, President, Ocean 8thBr. Grade, De La Salle NewTides YorkSchool NY

Moises first came to Ocean Tides in November 2017 as a result of involvement with Rhode Island Family Court. Family and legal troubles had justified his removal from his home and placement in Ocean Tides residential program. Moises took advantage of the counseling and family services offered at Ocean Tides, which focus on accepting youth and families where they are, and moving forward by creating hope and opportunity. He also caught up on school, and took advantage of our career and vocational skills training. Moises made great progress and found success in his improved relationship with his parents, his academic achievements, and new insights into himself. When ready to leave the residential program, Moises was close to graduating. He was informed that tuition assistance from the Saint John Baptist de La Salle Fund could allow him to attend our Ocean Tides - Providence Campus day school. However, Moises wanted to return to his old school, so we supported him in transition. After only one day back at that school, he called to ask if the scholarship was still available, saying, “I will never graduate if I go back there.” In January 2020 Moises graduated from Ocean Tides. He is currently working full time at a local pharmacy and exploring career options in nursing care. If not for the support of “The Fund” and his own new-found maturity, he would not have graduated from high school. Thank you for making hope and opportunity possible.



VIRTUAL LEARNING AND MORE DURING COVID-19 As reality took hold and the word came down that schools must close due to the pandemic, Lasallian ministries throughout the District were at the forefront of converting to a complete virtual learning environment. Before the decision was even finalized, many faculty members took it upon themselves to begin thinking of new ideas for distance learning. While many of our schools have had occasion to incorporate “virtual days” or plan multi-school “connected” events, none have seen this sort of long-term usage of such functions. Immediately upon closing the doors, our schools saw intense collaborative efforts among administrators, faculty, and staff to establish the initial platforms and formats for virtual classrooms. Within a matter of days, most of our schools were up and running with virtual learning. At a mid-March meeting of the Trustees at one of our schools, a video of their virtual learning program was presented. Heads of other Lasallian schools who were present related it to their similar efforts. Two Trustees who are each involved with a public school commented that both of those institutions were still hashing out the most appropriate CBA Syracuse NY students Kayla (9th grade) and Nick (7th grade) Newman, as part of their virtual retreat day, paint a message from God on a bay window way to run such an undertaking. to help neighbors remain hopeful during this crisis. As the weeks have progressed, the imagination and ingenuity of our teachers and students have been witnessed throughout the District. Some have used technology to enhance their existing coursework; others have found good old-fashioned ways to get their students to use their minds and their home environments to expand the classroom. A virtual Retreat Day, fun sports-related team compilations, morning student-led prayers, and a theater class performing a beautiful Broadway song with an ending chorus visually reminiscent of a twenty member version of The Brady Bunch opening: these are just a few examples. In addition, knowing the stress, frustration, fear, etc., that can result from De La Salle Collegiate students Jon ’23 and Joe ’20 Opolski the current situation, guidance counselors are having scheduled meetings in Warren MI, have found that setting a routine and working in with students, school leaders are available, and faculty are maintaining onethe same room help keep them focused on their studies. on-one “office hours.” Many of them are also continuing personal “wellbeing” calls to students and families. Until the current situation is over, our Lasallian schools will continue to watch out for the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of each young life entrusted to our care, even though that care is under new circumstances.

Above: Mr. Hoos presents virtual chemistry to students of Calvert Hall, Towson, MD. Left: Students of Ms. Flaherty’s Spanish class at La Salle Academy, Providence RI, feel connected as they meet via Zoom.



Retirement? What is That? (continued from page 1)

Anselm Hall, a senior-friendly community on the campus of La Salle University, for active and semi-active retired Brothers who serve in various ministries around the Philadelphia area. When our Brothers require more intensive medical or nursing support, they are provided for at De La Salle Hall, our fully licensed and highly praised thirtytwo bed nursing care community located on the 157-acre campus of Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft NJ. I don’t think for a moment, however, that our dear Brothers pay any attention to Father Time. On a quick look at the District roster, I recently picked out three Brothers (and I am not saying they are the only three, but I use them here as examples), each of whom are ninety-ish and still active at one of our ministries. Br. John Lawless, FSC, who will be ninety on his next birthday, has taught every aspect of mathematics during his career, and has done so for the past twenty years at Calvert Hall in Towson MD. Last year he stepped back from the classroom, but has continued as a full-time asset in their Math Resource Center, helping students at all levels. (FYI: he also is still an avid roller blading enthusiast!)

In honor of his 90th birthday, alumni of Bishop Loughlin created the Br. Peter Bonventre, FSC, Scholarship Fund.

Br. John Lawless, FSC, works with honors student Laith Hatabeh ’21 at Calvert Hall.

Br. Ray Bronowicz, FSC, while a majority of his life as a Brother was spent serving at our overseas ministries, has been fortunate to have come back to serve for most of the past thirty years at his alma mater, Central Catholic in Pittsburgh PA. At ninety years young, he still puts in full days at the school—helping in the main office with attendance in the morning, tutoring in the afternoon, and assisting wherever else is needed each day. Br. Peter Bonventre, FSC, at ninety-two, works full-time as the college placement counselor at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School in Brooklyn NY. His gentle yet persistent manner is perfectly suited

for this position. In a recent testimonial, the school’s president, Br. Dennis Cronin, FSC, said of Br. Peter, “He is part of the fabric of Loughlin. He has spent fortyseven of the past seventy years here, in various teaching and leadership roles. And some of us even remember when he was considered ‘tough’.” I am sure that any one of you reading this can think of similar stories of your own about a Brother. We are extremely proud of our Brothers, and their lives, work, and sacrifice in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, bringing Him to others in all they do. (more photos on pages 9-10)

Two proud Central Catholic Vikings: Br. Ray Bronowicz, FSC, and Jack Sabo.



Prayers for a Quick Recovery Our Superior General, Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, was highlighted on the cover story of our Winter 2020 issue after his November tour of this District. In late March he had a successful liver transplant. He is currently doing very well at La Salle Hall in Beltsville MD for a period of rest and recovery. He is grateful for all the prayers that have been offered on his behalf. Let us continue to pray for our Brother Superior, global leader of the largest order of lay religious men dedicated to the mission of education, and 90,000 Lasallian Partners that help to animate that mission.

San Miguel Schools Gather for Mission Great Things Are Possible was the theme as the four middle schools of our District that follow the San Miguel model gathered for a two-day workshop hosted by the Office for Mission & Ministry. Along with learning, new insights, and growth opportunities for our San Miguel faculty and staff, the days provided time for communal prayer and association with other Lasallians who share similar roles and experiences. Lasallians from throughout the District provided training on a variety of topics covering the effects of trauma on the development and classroom behavior of youths, best practices for acceptance and engagement, and the history, mission, & accomplishments of our San Miguel Schools. Perhaps the greatest impact came from the presentation by four graduates of San Miguel schools who are now San Miguel staff members. Special thanks to these men for sharing their backgrounds, experiences, and personal stories on how a San Miguel education changed their lives, and how they decided to give back by helping to do the same for the next generation of young Miguel men and women.

Four Miguel graduates presenting to their colleagues: Mr. Irving Ogando of San Miguel School, Providence RI; Mr. Patrick Aristhene, of The De La Salle School, Freeport NY; Mr. Alvin Zepeda and Mr. Edwin Luna, both of San Miguel School, Washington DC.

Schools in the San Miguel model are non-tuition-driven middle schools serving students from extremely economically depressed areas. They feature Lasallian, faith-based education, extended day and extended year programs, family involvement, and graduate support.

La Salle Hall - Beltsville MD (B) De La Salle Hall - Lincroft NJ (L)

Christian Brothers Center - Narragansett RI (N) Presentation Manor - Toronto ON (T)

for your continued support of our elder Christian Brothers in residence (as of 1/8/20) at: Br. Peter Arpin (N) Br. Arthur Bangs (B) Br. Malachy Broderick (B) Br. Raymund Buck (L) Br. John Buckley (N) Br. Thomas Caldwell (L) Br. Miguel Campos (L) Br. Gregory Cavalier (L) Br. Richard Connors (N) Br. Colman Coogan (B) Br. Jerome Cox (N)

Br. Lawrence Dempsey (L) Br. Thomas Dunn (N) Br. George Edwards (T) Br. Martin Fahey (L) Br. Walter Farrell (T) Br. Michael Fitzgibbon (L) Br. Gerard Frendreis (B) Br. Edward Gallagher (B ) Br. Lawrence Hartung (L) Br. Robert Hebert (N) Br. Peter Henderson (L)

Br. John Herron (L) Br. John Karl (L) Br. Michael Kelleher (L) Br. William Kemmerer (L) Br. Joseph Loewenstein (L) Br. James Loxham (L) Br. Leslie Luker (L) Br. Hugh Maguire (L) Br. Francisco Martin (L) Br. Francis McCrea (T) Br. John McErlean (L)

Br. John McGann (N) Br. Michael McKenery (N) Br. Frederick Mueller (N) Br. James Muffley (L) Br. Joseph Myers (B) Br. Charles O’Connell (L) Br. Mel O’Neill (T) Br. John Patzwall (B) Br. Joseph P. Reilly (B) Br. David Rogers (B) Br. Joseph Schmidt (L)

Br. Anthony Scotto (N) Br. Timothy Tarmey (N) Br. John Vella (T) Br. James Wallace (L) Br. Floyd Warwick (L) Br. Henry Werner (B) Br. Philip Whitman (B) Br. Paul Wilcox (T) Br. William Winter (B) Br. Nicholas Zimrose (T)




“Let us remember . . . As a high school senior in 1955-56, the oldest of five in an immigrant blue collar family, the next step in my life journey might easily have been one of responding to the Marine Corps’ search for “a few good men.” That option was derailed, however, that fall when Brother G. Henry Laffey, the official recruiter for another group of “good men,” spoke to our religion class at West Catholic and posed the question, “What do you want to give your life to?” His description of a life of service as a teaching religious in the worldwide community of Christian Brothers intrigued me and prompted more serious reflection about that possibility for myself. During my years at West I had been impressed by the Brothers as teachers and mentors, as well as by the witness of their spirit of brotherhood. Could I really be one of them? With the blessing of parents of deep-rooted faith and the support of a loving family, I decided to take the plunge. Sixty-three years later I remain grateful to God for the grace of that decision, for the company of the Brothers who have inspired me along the way, for the rising tide of lay teachers, staff members and trustees who, in subsequent decades, have embraced the Lasallian mission alongside us, and for the generations of students I have been privileged to work with in the United States and the Philippines. I am now finding that one of the blessings of our brotherhood is the opportunity it provides, even in one’s later years, to continue to be involved in the mission, both in our own apostolates, as well as in other church and community activities. A daily reminder that we are ever alive in . . . the holy presence of God.” Thanks for the invitation Brother Henry!

DR. GABRIEL MORAN, AFSC A former member of the Brothers of the Christian Schools for three decades, Dr. Gabriel Moran rejoined the Institute, this time as an Affiliated member! More than fifty Brothers, family members, friends, Signum Fidei Society members, and former students attended Dr. Moran’s Affiliation ceremony at Christian Brothers Center in Narragansett RI. Gabe, as he is known to his friends, held leadership positions in higher education and with the District during his time with the Brothers. For the past thirty-five years, he has been a professor at New York University, and has also taught specialized courses at two dozen other universities. Dr. Gabriel Moran has published twenty-eight books and over two Br. Lawrence Goyette, FSC, Auxiliary Visitor, and hundred essays on religion, ethics, Br. Dennis Lee, FSC, Visitor, present Dr. Gabriel and the nature of teaching. He has Moran with his Letters of Affiliation. lectured extensively in the United States, and on five continents. His work has been a major influence on religious education and discourse throughout the world.

ENGLISH AND EMPOWERMENT IN ASBURY COMES TO A CLOSE For the past sixteen years in Asbury those students who excel would also help Park NJ, the Brothers of the Christian to teach the students who struggle. Br. Schools have responded to those most in Thomas created materials for the ESL need of education, conducting an English students that were easy to understand. as a Second Language (ESL) program for He and his team of volunteers, many of Latin American immigrants. The classes whom were former students, instructed have been full to capacity for most of students in the basics they needed to learn those years. the language. This ministry began in Now in his midresponse to requests from eighties, Br. Thomas local parishes to help with has reluctantly accepted educating immigrants that he must give up in Monmouth County. his beloved ministry. “Originally we thought Unfortunately, due to it was going to be the decreased number more about teaching of Brothers and the catechism,” said Brother greater demand for In 2017, Auxiliary Visitors, Brs. Thomas Browne, FSC, their services within Thomas Casey and Rich Galvin, who has been the ESL our own schools, FSC, pose with Br. Thomas behind a graduation cake baked program's director since its another Brother is not by one of the graduates. inception. “We discovered available to take the that the pressing need reins. The search for was to learn the English language, so these a viable replacement from among his people could have a viable skill, and find volunteer staff was also unsuccessful. gainful employment.” It is estimated that over the 16-year The passion and driving force of Br. existence of this ESL Program, more Thomas throughout the years have been than 2,200 students have learned English this program and those who have been through the help of the Christian part of it. In the style of De La Salle, Brothers. the ESL classes were constructed so that



MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT LA SALLE EDUCATIONAL CENTER - HOMESTEAD FL Aapted from an article by Ms. Ana Rodriguez Soto for the Florida Catholic

On February 4, 2020, the La Salle Educational Center, educating the students in the Lasallian tradition and spirit is founded in 1991 by a group of alumni from Lasallian schools driven by DENA’s Strategic Plan, most especially to grow avenues in Cuba, ceremonially transferred its covenant relationship from in its service of the poor. The geographic and administrative the Christian Brothers’ Antilles-South México District to our realities that created challenges for the Brothers of the District District of Eastern North America (DENA). of Antilles-South México also made the Center’s transition to La Salle Educational Center serves low-income families who DENA more ideal. La Salle Educational Center is DENA’s first work in the agricultural fields of southern Miami-Dade County. association with an after-school program. It cares for children after school as well as on school holidays “You are helping us break new ground together,” said Br. and during the summer, helping them with homework and Dennis Lee, FSC, Visitor for the District, during the Covenant signing ceremony. providing extracurricular classes in art, science, computers, and “I am confident that the mission of La Salle Educational Center even sewing. It also provides will be strengthened through new young people with opportunities bonds with the District and with to play sports, receive vocational our fellow Lasallians in Eastern training, and religious North America,” said Mrs. Monica instruction. The center goes Lauzurique, Executive Director of beyond serving young people by the center. Mrs. Lauzurique feels offering their parents classes in a very personal tie to the work English instruction, computers, done at the center, as she herself parenting, health and nutrition. is a lifelong Miamian, born to La Salle Educational Center Cuban parents, and an alumna of currently serves approximately seventy-five families—a total of Immaculata-La Salle High School. Br. Dennis Lee, FSC, Visitor; Rev. José Joaquín Espino, Board She added, “La Salle Educational four hundred individuals. Chair; Mrs. Monica Lauzurique, Executive Director; and Mr. Alan Weyland, Executive Director of the Office for Mission & Ministry, Center will also benefit from a “This center is a dream. It’s DENA, at the Covenant Ceremony in February. a dream that flowered from the closer connection to our fellow Lasallian spirit,” said Rev. José Joaquín Espino, who spearheaded DENA ministry, Saint John Paul II Academy in Boca Raton.” the center’s founding more than twenty-five years ago, and is The high school’s students will continue to have opportunities currently Chair of the La Salle Center’s board. He added that the to visit the center. While volunteering in the Center’s programs, goal of the Lasallian charism, is “the formation, the education of Saint John Paul II students have learned first hand about the lives young people that they might have a bright future, and a future of the families served, the everyday realities of their agricultural full of hope.” work, and what it means to them for their children to receive a The La Salle Educational Center technically joined DENA on human, Christian, Lasallian education. January 1st of this year. This formal commitment to continue

Learning, fun, and friendship at La Salle Educational Center after-school program, and summer & non-school-day camps.




REMEMBERING THE BROTHERS WE HAVE LOST Full obituaries and eulogies available online at



1938 – 2020

1933 – 2020

Born George Melvin Clayton in Baltimore MD on April 26, 1938, Br. Carl entered the Ammendale Novitiate in 1956. He received the Religious Habit and name Br. Damian Carl on February 1, 1957 and pronounced Perpetual Vows at Calvert Hall in 1963. Br. Carl’s ministry spanned fifty-five years throughout the U.S. and internationally, as teacher, administrator, counselor, campus minister, and formation director. This included five assignments totaling twenty-three years in various roles at La Salle College High School, Wyndmoor PA. Br. Carl’s contagious smile and ever-present enthusiasm made him a friend to all. His jokes and puns were typically followed by a groan, but his friendship, attentiveness, and loyalty to everyone were genuine. Br. Carl accepted all of his assignments willingly—and his dedication, generosity, and impressive work ethic resulted in much success. As his nephew William Terry Clayton remembered, “His strong faith and indomitable spirit were an inspiration to all.”

Joseph Charles Lapp was born in Maizeville PA on March 16, 1933. He entered the Ammendale Novitiate in February 1953. There he received the Religious Habit and name Br. Gordian Ronan on September 7th that same year. Br. Joseph pronounced Perpetual Vows at Ocean Rest on June 24, 1959. Br. Joseph’s passion for Biology, and his care for his students, were evident in his teaching at multiple high schools throughout the District and in the Philippines. His longest tenures were at St. John’s College High School, Washington DC, Immaculata-La Salle High School, Miami FL, and Calvert Hall College High School, Towson MD. Br. Joseph’s knowledge of botany, love for nature, and gardening skills were put to wonderful use during his retirement at La Salle Hall in Beltsville MD. Br. Martin Zewe noted, “Br. Joseph’s judicious selection of plants and attentive care transformed the community house and grounds into a veritable arboretum throughout every season of the year.”

Common Questions When Considering Special Gifts (part three) by Mr. Patrick J. Donahue - Director of Advancement COVID-19 – Incentives to Charitable Giving As it became more evident this spring that the coronavirus was a true pandemic, and was not going away any time soon, Congress enacted the CARES Act on March 27th. Along with the most heavily talked about aspects—direct financial relief, enhanced unemployment benefits, and relief for small businesses—it also contained some charitable giving incentives. FOR NON-ITEMIZERS Since the new tax laws of 2017, many more of us do not itemize. However, for this year, the CARES Act gives everyone an above-the-line deduction of $300 for charitable contributions to your favorite charities (well, actually to most charities, but I didn’t think you would want to give to the ones you don’t like). Please note that this does not include gifts to Donor Advised Funds. FOR LARGER GIFTS OF CASH This year, the law also greatly increases the percentage of adjusted gross income (AGI) limitation up to 100% for cash gifts from individual taxpayers. Generally, a deduction of up to 30% is allowed for appreciated assets, but can be added to your cash gifts to total 100%. There are also increased AGI limitations for corporate gifts and food inventory gifts.

CHARITABLE IRA DISTRIBUTIONS Even though the required minimum distributions from IRAs for those 70½ or older has been suspended through the end of the year, giving directly from your IRA still remains a wonderful way to make tax free qualified charitable distributions to charity. PLEASE BE CAREFUL Unfortunately, during any crisis, the number of scams trying to get your money or your personal information jumps dramatically, trying to prey on your good nature or your fear. Please always be careful. Continue to support the charities you know, and do not be afraid to check out any new solicitations before giving. Remember, do not give (or give information) if it does not feel right, just because you are being pressured. If you have questions or would like to discuss any of these ideas further, please feel free to contact me, Patrick Donahue, at (732) 380-7926, ext. 112, or at Please know that my hints here are not intended to be legal advice. I always suggest that before you finalize any charitable gift plan, you should consult your financial and/or tax advisors to make sure it is right for your specific circumstance.


Stewardship Gifts: January 1, 2020 to April 2, 2020 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Abbondanza Dr. & Mrs. Faraj Abdulahad Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Adams Mr. & Mrs. James C. Addy Mrs. Dolores C. Ahern Mr. John V. Albertella Mr. Robert W. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. John C. Altrogge Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ambrosino Mr. & Mrs. James Anastasio Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Anderson Ms. Mary A. Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Andries Anonymous Mr. Frank Arcabascio Mr. Justo Arenas Ms. Ann E. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. James M. Aros Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Avallone Mr. & Mrs. Michael Babak Ms. Dorothy C. Baker Mr. Patrick C. Baker Mr. & Mrs. William E. Banfield Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Barchfeld Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Barclay Mr. David R. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Barrett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Barron, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William B. Bates Mr. & Mrs. John F. Baxter Mr. Clement J. Bele CDR & Mrs. George E. Benoit Mr. George A. Binninger Dr. & Mrs. James J. Black Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Blaine Mr. & Mrs. Robert Board Mr. Robert Boehler Mr. James Boniey Mr. Sandy A. Borello, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bowes Mr. & Mrs. William T. Boyd, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Boyle Deacon & Mrs. John F. Boyle Ms. Ann E. Braceland Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Bracken Mr. & Mrs. James V. Brady Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Brennan Ms. Mary Ann E. Broderick Mr. & Mrs. William P. Broderick Mrs. Carolyn A. Brown Mrs. Helen K. Brown Mrs. Maureen C. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bruno Ms. Virginia Brush Mr. Paul M. Brustowicz Mr. & Mrs. George G. Bruzza Mr. & Mrs. Eugene V. Bucci Mr. & Mrs. Jerome K. Buckley Mr. John J. Buckley Mr. David M. Buro Mr. David B. Burroughs Maj. William A. Burtson, USMC (Ret) Ms. Joan Ann Butler Mr. & Mrs. Edward Byrne Mr. & Mrs. John V. Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Callahan

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Cama Ms. Carol Campbell Ms. Jane M. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Campbell Mr. Wayne G. Campbell Ms. Mary E. Canavan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Canavan Mr. Richard F. Cappelluzzo Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Carey Mr. John G. Casey Mr. Arthur C. Casserly, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Cavallaro Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cavanaugh Mr. John Cella Mr. Michael L. Censullo Ms. Marilyn Cesarone Mr. Brian N. Chadwick

Mr. Charles T. Connell & Ms. Michelle A. Proulx Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Connolly Mr. James J. Connors Mr. Robert S. Corsini Mr. Joseph J. Costello Mr. Maurice L. Costello Mr. Edward F. Cotter Rev. George R. Cowan Mrs. Kathleen M. Coyle Mr. Kevin P. Coyle Regina & Tom Cozzy, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Cronin Ms. Patricia Crowley Mr. & Mrs. David J. Cunningham Mrs. Catherine A. Curran Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Curran

Ms. Maryann D’Angelo Mr. Anthony A. DaPonte Mr. Ronald Darnowski & Ms. Diane Gote Rev. Edward V. Davis, MM Mr. Philip De Sano Mr. & Mrs. John J. Deady, Sr. Mrs. Agnes DeFelice Mr. Francis A. DeFrancesco Mr. & Mrs. John Deieso Mr. & Mrs. Michael Del Priore Mr. James H. DeLuca, Jr. Mr. Gerald D. DeMaio Denomme Charitable Trust Mr. James T. Derwin Mr. & Mrs. David DeSousa Mr. Alfred A. Diaz

Auxiliary Visitor Br. Lawrence Goyette, FSC, (wearing the tie) joins Brothers for lunch at De La Salle Hall. Mr. John K. Chatwin Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Chorman Mr. Lawrence J. Chu Mr. John F. Cipriano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Cirelli Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cleary Mr. Peter W. Clifford Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. Clune, Jr. Ms. Theresa Colizza Mr. John C. Collins, Jr. Mr. Martin J. Collins Mrs. Lucille B. Conklin

Mr. Hubert C. Cutolo, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Cygnarowicz Mr. Charles J. Daalder Stephen D’Addario, MD, BFSC & Mrs. Margaret D’Addario Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. D’Agostino Mrs. Arline Daley Mr. Kevin F. Daly Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Daly Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. D’Amore Mr. & Mrs. Theodore F. Dane, Jr. Mr. Frank D’Angelo & Connie D’Angelo

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. DiGiovanni Mr. John M. Dillon Mr. John L. Dittmeyer Mr. Scott C. Dixon Mr. Walter F. Dobrzycki Mr. George Dondero Rev. James I. Donlon, AFSC Ms. Mary Donlon Mr. Joseph P. Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. John F. Donohue Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Donohue Mr. James F. Donovan Mr. Donald W. B. Drapeau

Support the Brothers Use our beautiful Mass Cards Remember your relatives and friends, living and deceased. Those enrolled share in the daily Mass and prayer intentions of the Brothers. Request a brochure and/or a sample packet of Mass Cards today at:

732-842-4359 Toll Free 1-866-STLASALLE (1-866-785-2725) CARDS@DLSAUX.ORG • WWW.DLSAUX.ORG

Ms. Mary E. Driscoll Mr. Thomas M. Driscoll Mr. Alfred W. Drumm Mr. Dennis Duffy Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Mr. Thomas J. Dugan Mr. Thomas Martin Dundin Mr. Thomas D. Dunn Mr. Joseph Dunne Mr. Richard K. Dyer Br. Thomas Egan, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Eldredge, Jr. Lt. Col. George P. Emodi, USAF (Ret) Ms. Candida Esposito Mr. Charles W. Esserwein Mr. Richard S. Evans Mr. Michael T. Falvey Mr. John D. Famulari Ms. Elizabeth Mary Fanning Dr. G. T. Farley Mr. Eugene J. Farrell Rev. William J. Fay Dr. Paul J. Fedirka Mrs. Dorothy A. Fergus Henry & Carol Ferry Mr. & Mrs. James C. Fielding, Jr. Mr. Herbert Finch Mr. Louis Finelli Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Finnegan Mr. & Mrs. William F. Fisher Mr. Richard E. Fister Sr. Mary Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary B. Fitzgerald Mr. Robert A. Fitzgerald Mrs. Rita Claire Fitzsimmons Ms. Rose E. Fitzsimmons Mr. & Mrs. John S. Flack Mr. & Mrs. David C. Fleming, Jr. Mr. William J. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Fogarty Mr. Joseph W. Ford Mr. & Mrs. J. Craig Forrest Mr. Robert J. Fox Mr. Charles J. Fradella Dr. Anthony Fratiello Mr. William T. Freeman Mr. Frank G. Freyne Mr. George A. Fromme Mr. Richard K. Fronapfel, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Fusco Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gagliano Mr. Robert Gagliano Mr. John J. Gallagher Mr. William T. Gallagher Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Mr. & Mrs. William Gallogly Mr. Thomas F. Gambino, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gantz Mr. & Mrs. David S. Garber Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Garley Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Gaumer Mr. Joseph R. Gavaghan Rev. Emmett J. Gavin, O. Carm. CDR Victor M. Gavin, USN (Ret) Mr. Frank J. Geiser, Jr.




January 1, 2020 to April 2, 2020 (continued) Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Gendaszek Mr. Richard F. George Ms. Linda Geremia Mrs. Eleanor Giannini Mrs. Theodora B. Gifford Mr. Patrick D. Gill, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Glavin Mr. & Mrs. David A. Glowny Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Glynn Mr. Robert J. Goldschmidt Mr. Anthony Goldsmith Mr. & Mrs. Jose Gomes Mr. Peter Goodwin Mr. Robert G. Gorman Col. & Mrs. John D. Grabenstein Mrs. Anne-Louise Gracyalny Mr. Christopher J. Grant Mr. Thomas G. Grealy Mr. Robert D. Greason Mr. Kenneth V. Greene Dr. Edward J. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. William Grubb Mr. & Mrs. Umberto J. Guido, Jr. Mr. Richard S. Guyer Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gyves Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Hall Ms. Katharine A. Hammeke Mr. James R. Hammond Mrs. Cathleen M. Hample Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Hand Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Hannigan Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Hanrahan Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Harley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Harmon Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Harper Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Hartmann Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hayburn Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hayes Mr. Stephen P. Hayes Dr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Heck Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Heffernan Mr. Donald Hellriegel Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Hemmer Mr. Charles J. Henry Mr. Gerald W. Hepp Mr. John U. Heppler Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hesselberg Mr. Paul J. Higgins Mr. David E. Hinkley Mr. William M. Hohmann Mr. Ron E. Holmberg Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Hosey Mr. Francis J. Houghton Mr. James P. Howe Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Huvane Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hyer Ms. Pia A. Iflander The Ingram Family Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Iraola Mr. Charles Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Janicki Ms. Clara E. Jeffery Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Jeffrey Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Jencks Mr. William A. Jochym Mrs. Catherine C. Johnston Ms. Maureen Jones Mr. John E. Joseph Ms. Janis Kapadia Mr. Joseph A. Karakowski Mr. Walter Kash Mr. Patrick J. Kearney David H. Kelly, PhD Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Kelly Paul J. Kelly, III, CPA & Hon. Kate M. Harper, Esq. Mr. Philip R. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. William Kelly Mrs. Catherine B. Kennedy Mr. John F. Kiely, Jr. Mr. Edward F. Killip Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Kimm Mrs. Mary Margaret King Mr. Sigurd B. Kirk Mrs. Mary F. Kissane

Mr. Eugene F. Klausman Mr. Frank W. Klich Mr. & Mrs. William J. Knowles Rev. Thomas P. Kobuszewski Mr. & Mrs. William A. Kohl Mr. Thomas J. Kolber Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Kubic Dr. & Mrs. Wayne A. La Bore La Salle Academy Mr. & Mrs. Gerald LaForest Estate of Rosemarie Lambot Ms. Cynthia J. Lambrinos Mr. Martin J. Larkin Ms. Kathleen A. Lauria Mr. Anthony J. Laverda Mr. Gregory J. Lavin Mr. John M. LeBedda, II Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Leet Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin P. Lenda Mr. Anthony V. Lerro Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Letendre Mr. Michael C. Levens Mr. Dominic J. Liantonio Mr. Patrick J. Loconto & Ms. Beverly Denning Mr. & Mrs. John Longinetti Mr. Robert P. Loughman Mr. Louis A. Lubrano Mr. Allen L. Lueck Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Lydting Mrs. Elvira J. Lynch Mr. Andrew J. MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Alfred W. Mackler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Madden Mrs. Helen Maguire Mr. Edward F. Malone Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malone Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. James J.P. Manning Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mark Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Marmion Mr. Joseph F. Marmo Mr. Craig S. Marshall Mr. Leo W. Martin Br. William Martin, FSC Mr. Alex Martini Mr. Frank T. Marzullo Mr. Robert A. Mascari Mr. John Mason Ms. Anne Marie Matthews

Mr. Thomas J. McDonald, III Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. McDonnell Mr. Bernard J. McElhare Mr. Eugene McElwain Mr. Joseph P. McErlean Mr. & Mrs. John R. McFeely Mr. & Mrs. Neal A. McGarry Mr. Denis T. McGee Mr. Charles T. McGuigan Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McHale, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James J. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. McKee Ms. Sheila A. McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. McLaughlin Mr. Henry P. McNally Mr. John D. McPherson Mr. Dennis F. McSweeney Mr. Dennis M. McTiernan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. McTighe Mr. William J. Mead Mr. Matthew Meagher Dr. Thomas J. Mehelas Mr. John S. Miletich Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Miller Mr. & Mrs. John D. Milliot Mr. William D. Minihan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mitchell Mr. Francis X. Moll Hon. & Mrs. Armando Monaco, II Mr. Charles A. Monaghan Mrs. Patricia E. Montalbano Mrs. Jacques J. Moore Dr. Gabriel Moran, AFSC Mr. Kenneth Moreau Mr. & Mrs. James G. Morgan, Jr. Mr. John Moriarty Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Mormile Dr. Diego Morreale Mr. Michael P. Morrell Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Morris Mr. George J. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Moser Mr. Robert E. Mottola Mr. Robert C. Movelle Dr. & Mrs. John J. Moynihan Estate of Frank J. Mulholland Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Mulholland Mr. James F. Mullan Mr. James E. Mulvey Dr. James J. Murdocco Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Murphy

Brs. Leo Smith & David Rogers, FSC, relax over a puzzle at La Salle Hall Ammendale. Mr. Raymond A. Naughton Ms. Gloria Neglia Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Nelson Mrs. Joan Nelson Mr. John F. Nevue Mr. James F. Nolan Ms. Sheila M. Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Norman Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Normand Mr. Joseph Norowski Rev. Robert J. Norris Mr. & Mrs. William P. Norton Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. O’Brien, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Gerald J. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Sean F. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. O’Callaghan Dr. Priscilla O’Connell Mr. Richard P. O’Connell Mr. Robert W. O’Connor, Jr. Mr. John F. O’Donnell Mr. John T. O’Donnell, AFSC Mr. & Mrs. John F. O’Donoghue Mr. & Mrs. James P. O’Donovan Mr. Thomas F. O’Grady

Brs. Ed Gallagher & Colman Coogan, FSC, check out the information board at La Salle Hall. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert C. Matthews, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John F. Maynard Mr. Edward J. McCabe Mrs. Mary Ellen McCaughey Mr. Raymond J. McConaghy, Jr. Mrs. Valerie A. McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. McCourt Mrs. Regina McCourt

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Murphy Mrs. Patricia A. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. George G. Murray Mr. John J. Murray Mr. Michael W. Murray Mr. & Mrs. William B. Nagle

Mr. Frank R. Olshefski Ms. Elizabeth A. O’Mara Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Meara Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. David J. O’Neill Mr. Edmund M. O’Neill Dr. Anthony J. Orrico, DMD Mr. & Mrs. Chester J. Orzechowski

Mr. John F. Osterndorf Ms. Bonnie E. Osterwald Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm J. O’Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Palmer Mr. John L. Paluszek Mr. Joseph J. Palya Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Paolino Sr. Miriam Daniel Pender Mr. Anthony J. Perinelli Mrs. Martha M. Perkins Mrs. Rose Peros Perry Fund Estate of Br. John Perry, FSC Mr. David A. Pesapane Mr. & Mrs. Ward F. Petrie Mrs. Rose T. Petro Mr. & Mrs. Tufi Joseph Petro Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Petty Mr. & Mrs. John Pfleger Mr. Nicholas Piccione Mrs. Mary Ann Pickering Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Pieper Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Pietro, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Pinchock Ms. Joanne G. Pinelli Mr. Donald P. Pittman Rev. Msgr. Alan J. Placa Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Polchek Ms. Jacquelyn T. Powers Mr. Bernard J. Prindiville Mr. & Mrs. James T. Procopio Provencher Fund Mr. & Mrs. John P. Pryor Ms. Joan E. Purcaro Mrs. Adeline M. Purtill Mr. Daniel P. Quigley Mr. John T. Quigley Rev. Joseph J. Quindlen Mr. Thomas J Quinlan Mr. & Mrs. John Radice Mrs. Elizabeth K. Radigan Mr. & Mrs. William Raffaele Ramtown Medical Center LLC Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Re Mrs. Susan A. Reed Dr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Regan Mr. Edward C. Regan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Regan Dr. & Mrs. Leo E. Reichert, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Reilly Mr. Kevin B. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Reis Mr. Andrej A. Remec Mr. & Mrs. R. Larry Reuter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rheinberger Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Rice Mr. & Mrs. George A. Richer Mrs. Maureen Richer Mr. William P. Rinke Mr. Kevin P. Roe Mr. & Mrs. George J. Romig Mr. Martin W. Ronan, Jr.

LASALLIAN NOTES Mr. & Mrs. J. Rongetti Ms. Yvonne Rosenblatt Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Ross Ms. Stina M. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Rotzal Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Rovegno Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Ruest Mr. John Ruppert Rev. Msgr. Stanley J. Russell Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Ryan Dr. & Mrs. John B. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. John P. Ryan Saint Joseph’s Collegiate Institute Mrs. Gloria Saker Mr. & Mrs. Jason M. Santini Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Santoro Mr. & Mrs. George M. Savidge Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sawn Mr. John T. Scanlon Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Scarlata Mr. William Scarnecchia Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Schafer Mr. Francis J. Schafer, BFSC Br. Joseph Schafer, FSC Mrs. James C. Schatzle Dr. & Mrs. Randy N. Schauer Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Schefke Mr. Andrew G. Schiavone Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Schieler Mr. Leo J. Schilling, Jr. Br. Joseph F. Schmidt, FSC

Mr. Joseph A. Schmitz Ms. Marion D. Schock, BFSC Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Mr. John J. Schroeder Ms. Letizia C. Scotto Ms. Marie Scotto Mr. & Mrs. William C. Seiberlich, Jr. Ms. Karen M. Senecal Mr. & Mrs. John L. Sentowski Ms. Diane L. Shaw Mr. Kenneth L. Shaw, Jr. Hon. & Mrs. Raymond E. Shawcross Mrs. Mary Shea Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Sheeran Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Shirghio Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Shuler Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Shunney Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Sidor Maj. Thomas R. Siggins, USMC (Ret) Mr. Richard E. Silkowski Mr. Leo D. Simone Mr. & Mrs. William J. Simpson Mr. Jack Siravo Mr. & Mrs. George H. Skau Mr. Thomas F. Skehan Ms. Frances R. Skinner Mr. William Sluka Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Smaldone Mr. William Small Mr. Bernard R. Smelstoys

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Smith Mr. Robert H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Smith Mr. Paul S. Snopel Mr. Thomas J. Speakman Lt. Col. & Mrs. Edward P. Spellacy, USAF (Ret) Mr. & Mrs. Shaun J. Spillane Mr. David J. Stabile Mr. & Mrs. John J. Stack Mr. Robert Stampahar Mr. Ronald G. Stanton Mr. Thomas D. Stanton Mr. James G. Starkey Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Staudenmaier Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Stecklair Mr. Jerome Steffe Mr. Richard M. Steinberg Mr. & Mrs. Harman A. Sterner Mr. Thomas P. Stewart Mr. Brendan M. Stohon Mr. Daniel R. Stone Mr. Ronald P. Straub Mr. & Mrs. James Strutt Mr. Eugene P. Sullivan Mr. Gregory A. Sullivan Estate of Constance H. Sullivan Superior Electric Co., Inc. Mrs. Eileen M. Sussmann

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Sweeny Mr. Joseph Szkutnik Mr. Raymond Tabano & Mrs. Lorraine D. Capasso-Tabano Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Tague, Sr. Mrs. Virginia L. Tannacore Ms. Lori A. Tashjian Mr. & Mrs. James P. Teevan Mr. Nicholas J. Teta Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Tewes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Thelen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Timpano Mrs. Alice M. Tobin Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Tomm Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Torok Dr. Edward T. Toseland Mr. J. Desmond Towey Dr. William A. Tramontano Mrs. Carmelita H. Treacy Mr. Nicholas J. Tricarico Mr. Philip L. Troiani Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Valentine Mr. Peter L. Vanderloo Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Vardy Mr. & Mrs. Eugene E. Veltri Mr. John F. Vierling Estate of Ralph E. Vining Mr. A. Francis Vitt, Jr. Mr. John P. Voge Mr. & Mrs. Leo C. Vogel


Mr. & Mrs. Theodore V. Vorburger Mr. & Mrs. John P. Vroble Mr. Alphonse-Thanh T. Vu Mr. Michael J. Walker Most Rev. Gerald T. Walsh, DD Mr. Thomas G. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Ward Mr. Wayne E. Ward Mr. Michael R. Warenda Mr. Thomas G. Waterman Mr. Thomas R. Weber Mr. & Mrs. John W. Welborn Mr. & Mrs. John V. Welch Lt. Col. & Mrs. Francis J. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Alan V. Weyland Mr. William W. Weyrauch Mr. & Mrs. John J. Whalen Mrs. Sheila Wharam Mrs. Judith White, BFSC & Mr. Dan White Mr. John J. Whitehead Mr. & Mrs. William M. Wiedenbeck Mr. & Mrs. William C. Wilkens Mr. & Mrs. William F. Willard Mr. William J. Wiseman Mr. John A. Wishman Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Wittenborn, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. W. Dennis Zerega Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Ziemski

Memorial Gifts Br. Adolphus Joseph, FSC Mr. Leo D. Simone Br. Philip Beirne, FSC Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mark Mr. & Mrs. R. Larry Reuter, Jr. Br. Philip Braniff, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Timpano Br. Richard Breese, FSC Mr. Jerome Steffe Br. Alexander Joseph Brennan, FSC Mr. Martin W. Ronan, Jr. Br. Celsus John Brown, FSC Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Carmela Cipriano Virginia Cipriano Mr. John F. Cipriano Br. Carl Clayton, FSC Mr. Walter F. Dobrzycki Br. James X. Collins, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Madden Peter Connell, BFSC Mr. & Mrs. William J. Knowles Br. Gabriel Costello, FSC Mrs. Maureen Richer Mr. & Mrs. John J. Stack Nelson L. Coughlan Mr. Daniel R. Stone Tom Curran Mr. John J. Buckley Br. Christopher Victor Dardis, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. O’Callaghan The forgotten De La Salle Brothers Ms. Maureen Jones Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gagliano Br. Timothy Dean, FSC Mr. & Mrs. James C. Fielding, Jr. Mr. John Ruppert John D. Dugan Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Br. Gabriel Fagan, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Gerald LaForest Dr. & Mrs. John B. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Schefke Deacon John J. Fitzsimmons Mrs. Rita Claire Fitzsimmons John J. Gallego Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego

Br. Brendan Garwood, FSC Mr. Joseph W. Ford Br. Daniel Goeddeke, FSC Mr. David R. Barrett Br. Casimir Gundlach, FSC Regina & Tom Cozzy, Sr. J. Thomas Kane Mr. John J. Buckley Mr. John J. Murray Br. Gervald Henry Laffey, FSC David H. Kelly, PhD Br. Joseph Lapp, FSC Ms. Marion D. Schock, BFSC Br. Augustine Loes, FSC Mr. Richard P. O’Connell Br. Peter Mannion, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Bracken Br. Amedy John Martin, FSC Mr. Richard P. O’Connell Br. Aquinas John McNiff, FSC Mr. Richard P. O’Connell E. James Mehelas Dr. Thomas J. Mehelas Br. Cyril Leo Michiels, FSC Mr. Richard S. Evans Br. Joseph Miggins, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Bracken Br. Joseph Murphy, FSC Ms. Maureen Jones Br. Timothy Murphy, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Murphy Tom Murphy Mr. John J. Buckley John J. Murray, Jr. Mary C. Murray Mr. John J. Murray Salvatore Neglia Ms. Gloria Neglia Joseph J. Nolan Leo R. & Sheila C. Nolan Mr. & Mrs. John Deieso Ms. Sheila M. Nolan Br. Andrew O’Gara, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Bracken John O’Leary Mr. John J. Buckley

Br. Barnabas Edward O’Neill, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. DiGiovanni Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Br. Malcolm O’Sullivan, FSC Mr. George J. Morris Alan E. Reed Mrs. Susan A. Reed Br. Benedict Francis Rolston, FSC Mr. Frank G. Freyne Br. James Romond, FSC Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Br. Thomas Scanlan, FSC Dr. & Mrs. John B. Ryan Letitia Scotto Ms. Letizia C. Scotto Ms. Marie Scotto Br. Clement Smith, FSC Mr. & Mrs. James C. Fielding, Jr. Br. Aurelian Peter Stewart, FSC Ms. Maureen Jones Br. James Stolz, FSC Mr. Edmund M. O’Neill Constance H. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Barrett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Canavan Mrs. Lucille B. Conklin Mr. & Mrs. Michael Del Priore Ms. Mary E. Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. David S. Garber Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Garley The Ingram Family Ms. Cynthia J. Lambrinos Mr. Thomas J. McDonald, III Mr. Robert C. Movelle Mrs. Patricia A. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Sean F. O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. John F. O’Donoghue Ms. Elizabeth A. O’Mara Mr. Daniel P. Quigley Ms. Stina M. Ross Ms. Diane L. Shaw Mr. Richard M. Steinberg Mr. Gregory A. Sullivan Edmund B. Sullivan Mr. Gregory A. Sullivan Br. J. Stephen Sullivan, FSC Ms. Maureen Jones Br. Michael Thomas, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Thomas John P. Tobin Mrs. Alice M. Tobin Br. Benjamin Thomas Tully, FSC Mr. Michael R. Warenda Lt. Thomas C. Vrana Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Shuler Br. Timothy Wentworth, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Finnegan Br. Cassian Thomas Wilkinson, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Bracken

THANK YOU We are sincerely grateful to our friends and their families who have thoughtfully remembered the Brothers with requests for gifts in lieu of flowers.

Honorarium Gifts Br. Arthur Bangs, FSC Dr. & Mrs. James J. Black Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. McGuire Br. Richard Buccina, FSC Ms. Janis Kapadia Br. Thomas Caldwell, FSC Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. McGuire

Br. Miguel A. Campos, FSC Sr. Mary Fitzgerald Br. Colman Coogan, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Cirelli Br. Thomas Gerrow, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Glavin Br. John Herron, FSC Mr. Charles Irwin

Br. Michael Kelleher, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Schefke Br. Hugh Maguire, FSC Ms. Katharine A. Hammeke Charlotte Stabile Mr. David J. Stabile

ERROR OR OMISSION? The recognition lists in this issue represent gifts received between January 1 to April 2, 2020. We make every effort to be as accurate as possible. If you feel, however, that there is an error or omission, we apologize and ask that you call our Development Office at (732) 380-7926, to advise us of the problem.


Brothers of the Christian Schools SAINT LA SALLE AUXILIARY PO BOX 238 LINCROFT NJ 07738-0238


Dear Friends, Of course, when writing this message, thoughts turn to the current pandemic. It seems we all know someone who has been infected or has even succumbed to the virus. The prayers of our Brothers go out to all. In fact, our District website,, contains a memorial list of members of our Lasallian family who have passed away from the virus. If you know of an alumnus/a, parent, employee, or friend of the Brothers, you may add their name by contacting The virus has changed our current way of life for an indefinite period. It has created uncertainty in our lives. During Holy Week, I was praying about the death and resurrection of our Lord. I found out on Holy Thursday that a member of my team, a good friend, and a beautiful human being, Br. Edmond Precourt, FSC (pictured below) passed away—not from the virus, but from complications with a fall and a previous illness. (His memorial will be in our next issue.) I also learned that one of my nieces is engaged, and one of my great-nieces is pregnant. In light of the blessing of Easter, these events help me to realize that, even at this time, the regular realities of death, life, and God’s unending love, continue. Our work at the District with our elder Brothers, with our poorest students, and supporting our teachers and new Brothers, continues. We thank all of you who have continued your regular support to help our work during this stressful time, and pray for those of you who are struggling and unable to help us right now. In the light of Easter, may Jesus live in our hearts, forever!

DOYOU YOUKNOW KNOW AAYOUNG MAN DO YOUNG MAN WHO ONCE CONSIDERED RELIGIOUS LIFE? WHO ONCE CONSIDERED RELIGIOUS LIFE? Sometimes after choosing a different path, Sometimes choosing a different path, one may beginafter to find that something is missing.

one may He begin thatthe something mayto befind hearing call again. is missing.

Be well,

asking him. He mayConsider be hearing the call again.

exploring your vocation as a christian brother

Invite him to learn more at

exploring your vocation as a christian brother

Invite him to learn more at

Patrick J. Donahue Director of Advancement






District Director

St. La Salle Auxiliary

Narragansett RI


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