Lasallian Notes - Spring 2019

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Spring 2019 • VOL. 3

Our Third Pillar - Service of the Poor by Mr. Alan Weyland, Executive Director, Office for Mission & Ministry

Students return from recess at Collège de Saint Jean Baptist de La Salle in Port-au-Prince Haiti.

Now in my tenth year as the Executive Director for the Office of Mission and Ministry, my frequent travels to our numerous educational ministries in the District of Eastern North America (DENA) and others in the larger Lasallian world, remind me constantly that each of us is called by our faith and Lasallian Charism to be in service to/for/with/of the poor. Our Lasallian mission specifically calls us “to provide a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor.” As monitor of the Service of the Poor pillar of our Strategic Plan, Vision 2020+, I continue to be renewed and inspired by all that happens in our ministries in this area and yet, I realize, as we all do, that there is still much more to be accomplished. Our strategic plan specifically calls for us to “Create a bold, compassionate, and practical Lasallian vision, on the District level and on the local level, of what it means to serve ‘especially the poor’.” Specific goals call for affirming and challenging the way our ministries live out our Lasallian

principles in addressing those who are from the lower socioeconomic strata of society; developing an advocacy role for DENA to be especially for the poor; and, focusing awareness on ministries that need extra support in securing their future. All of this poses a daunting challenge. Allow me to share a variety of responses from both the local and District levels as to how we are already responding and what we will need to undertake in the future. The Saint John Baptist de La Salle Scholarship Fund is a critical component of our current and future response to service of the poor. Nearly twenty years ago, the endowment was established to provide scholarships for students who otherwise could not afford a Lasallian education. Since then, the Brothers, and in recent years, other benefactors, have grown the Fund to now award $845,000 in aid annually to students at sixteen different ministries. Yet there remains much more need to be met. Each year, need-based financial aid, academic scholarships, nearly tuition-free

Miguel schools, unfunded services in our Youth and Family Service agencies, and student support from our two higher education institutions, provide essential help for a large portion of the nearly 27,000 youths we serve.

Strengthening our BASE

B - Brothers’ Vocation A - Association/Formation S - Service of the Poor E - Evangelization (continued on page 5)



A MESSAGE FROM THE VISITOR Dear Lasallians, As we begin May, we continue to celebrate the Jubilee Year of Lasallian Vocations, prompted by the lifetime of our Founder, St. John Baptist de la Salle. Last month, we recalled that he began his eternal joy on April 7th, three hundred years ago. What a legacy! When he died, the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools consisted of 102 Brothers and some twenty-two ministries. With the exception of Brother Gabriel Drolin in Rome, the Lasallian world was contained to France. Today, Lasallian ministries are in eighty countries, transforming one million lives. As always, this quarterly magazine gives us good glimpses into this remarkable legacy. Our own District of Eastern North America (DENA) celebrates our interconnectedness with the world-wide Institute, the universal Church and with humanity across our one globe. In this issue alone, you will read about the connection between Lasallians in Japan (where one DENA Brother has served in recent years) and New Jersey; you will be informed about a DENA Brother working in formation in Mexico (while a Mexican Brother works with DENA vocation promotion here); and you will be inspired by our varied DENA connections to ministries in Haiti.

S T. J O H N B A P T I S T



In addition to our Brothers in Japan and Mexico, we have Brothers in Bethlehem, Ireland, Rome and Viet Nam. Our DENA footprint is global. And in a survey of our secondary schools, six schools have indicated that their students have done immersion programs internationally this past year. Of course, our eyes are ever on our connection to our ministries in Africa, through the Regional Twinning program. Contributions from this Lent are still arriving, but last year, we raised $98,246.43 for our Lasallian programs in Africa. During this Easter season, we celebrate the risen Lord who continues to breathe new life into our hearts and our world. In every DENA ministry, renewed life for our students and for our world connections happen every day. Thank you for your support and encouragement as our 5,000 DENA administrators, staff, teachers and Board members work miracles in the lives of the students entrusted to their care. Respectfully, Bro. Dennis Lee, FSC Visitor/Provincial

THE ST. JOHN BAPTIST DE LA SALLE FUND seeks to ensure that a Lasallian education is available and accessible to those students most in need. Through an initial program of student sponsorship and a growing program of grants to identified schools, the Fund provides tuition assistance for students to attend a Lasallian school. With your support, we are now providing $845,000 annually for our students in need. All are welcome to join the Brothers and their Partners-in-Mission in this specially-dedicated scholarship fund which continues to grow each year.

FACE OF THE FUND: HELENA HUERTE Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School by Andrew Leary - Director of Development Each day, Helena Huerte ’21 brings her warm smile to Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School in Brooklyn NY. Her positivity is remarkable considering her difficult journey. Helena and her brother, Hugo ’21, are refugees who left Honduras three years ago to live with their grandmother. Their situation is typical of teens in Honduras. The family feared that Helena and Hugo would have been recruited to join a gang or even killed if they refused to join one. Now at Loughlin, and adapted to the community and school, Helena excels in the classroom and hopes to get more involved in activities. In fact, she is in several honors courses as a sophomore—French, global studies, and biomedical science. While Helena loves to write essays and keep a daily journal, she loves the sciences even more. “I love my biomedical class, and want to pursue a career in medicine. I hope to continue this course of study, both here and in college.” She said of her life-long interest in medicine, “When I was a child, my parents got me a first aid kit for Christmas; and every year after I asked for more items so that I could practice on my brothers.” She will have a great opportunity for this through the biomedical science pathway of Project Lead the Way (PLTW) offered at Loughlin. Their grandmother, a seamstress, does what she can to provide, as do her parents in Honduras. But financial support from The St. John Baptist de La Salle Fund is necessary for her and her brother to pursue their education at Loughlin. A grateful Helena added, “I love Loughlin and the sense of community here. Someone is always willing to help if you need it.”


Lasallians Without Borders, Japan Meets New Jersey The Brothers of the Christian Schools have a network that stretches across eighty countries, which includes four thousand Brothers, ninety thousand lay colleagues, and one million young people. In December, two Lasallian schools from across the world connected. Travelling from Hokkaido Japan, nearly eighty Hakodate La Salle students and ten faculty members, including Principal, Br. Fermin Martinez, FSC, were immersed in the life of Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft NJ for eight days. More than forty CBA families volunteered to serve as host families for their Japanese guests. The Hakodate students spent each day with their host CBA students, attending classes, lunch, and extracurriculars with them. “Having the students from Hakodate La Salle visit demonstrates how Lasallian education reaches across countries, languages, cultures, and religion,” CBA President Br. Frank Byrne, FSC, said. “I know that both the students of CBA and the students of Hakodate La Salle benefited tremendously from this experience.” The unity between the two schools, six thousand plus miles apart, was remarkable, all thanks to the Lasallian bonds that transcend culture. “I hope this experience at CBA is just the start of something bigger,” said Br. Fermin. “What underlies this entire week is that we are all Lasallians.” “I have had the pleasure of really getting to know Japanese culture through the eyes of someone I can closely relate to,” said CBA sophomore Michael LaGuardia. “I could not be happier with how the past week went, and enjoyed the time I had with my new friend, Akihiko Arata.”



Br. Peter with his four Haitian Novices for the District of Antilles-South Mexico.

I have been blessed throughout my 25 years as a Brother with a wonderful array of ministries and abundant spiritual growth opportunities. My “tour” as a Brother started in 1994 with two wonderful years of initial exposure to religious life at the Postulancy at Jeremy House in Philadelphia PA. Additional spiritual training included novitiate training in Napa CA, and later, theological studies at Catholic University of America in DC. I also spent four enjoyable years as the District Vocation Promoter, visiting our various schools and inviting young men to consider consecrating their lives in service to God and young people as a De La Salle Brother. I have been able to teach religion at all levels, from Resurrection Elementary School in Harlem, to secondary education at La Salle College High School, St. Raymond High School for Boys, and my alma mater, St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, and higher ed at Manhattan College, and then at St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. Foreign Brothers studying English at St. Mary’s University inspired me to request ministry in a Spanish-speaking land. Presently, I am working with young men in formation in Mexico City and teaching at Universidad La Salle. I am blessed to accompany the twelve first-year postulants, four of whom are from Haiti. St. La Salle wrote that “to touch the hearts of your students and inspire them with the Christian spirit is the greatest miracle that you can perform and one that God expects of you.” I hope that God has been able to use me to touch the hearts of young people, bringing them to faith in Christ.




Once again this February, senior Brothers from across the District were invited to gather at Ocean Place Hotel in Long Branch NJ, for their annual winter getaway. From Rhode Island to Washington D.C. and beyond, twenty Brothers gathered for a weekend of relaxation, prayer, and camaraderie amidst the biting cold of February. As is tradition, our District team was invited to join them for dinner on the first evening, enjoying and gaining valuable insights from their stories of ministry.

Br. Edward Adams holds the attention of Br. John McMahon, Br. Dennis Lee, and other Brothers.

Auxiliary Visitor, Br. Rich Galvin (right), visits with Brs. Richard Kestler and Robert Hazard.

Brs. Dominic Smith, Charles Gresh, and John McDonnell take a break before checking out the desserts.

Brothers in Initial Formation During the long Presidents Day weekend, fourteen young Brothers in various stages of initial formation (prior to taking their Perpetual Vows) from the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) gathered at Ocean Rest, the Brothers’ retreat house in Ocean City NJ, for their winter retreat. With Rev. Frank Berna, Director of the Graduate Religion Program in Theology and Ministry at La Salle University guiding the

weekend, the young Brothers considered the theme, “Practical Ways of Accompanying Youth as They Journey in Faith.” Rooted in Scripture and Lasallian pedagogy, Brothers spent the weekend learning and in prayer, all while continuing the process of discernment. The retreat included times for quiet reflection, group discussion, and fraternal support.



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Service of the Poor Beyond direct financial aid, the District and local ministries address service to the poor in a variety of ways. • Our students across the District provide hundreds of thousands of hours of Christian service, meeting the needs of countless individuals and groups. • Each of our schools provides funds so all students are able to participate fully in school co- and extracurricular activities. • Students at our secondary and higher ed schools conduct numerous domestic and international service immersion trips. These trips afford students to witness the evils of poverty, consider possible solutions, and realize how they are called by their faith to a lifetime of response. • Annually, nearly $60,000 is made available for faculty formation and professional development to our ministries who serve a predominance of students coming from poverty or who are struggling financially. • Many DENA schools “Twin” with one of our schools in the Lwanga District in Africa. More than $100,000 annually is raised by our students to support Lasallian schools in Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. Beyond the monetary support, a number of our schools are involved in educational/social projects with their Twinned schools. • Since 2012, DENA and its ministries have sent more than $225,000 to Lasallian schools in Haiti, which serve the very poor. Tuition at the schools range between $40 and $150 per year and most families cannot afford even those amounts. Beyond these specific responses, onethird of our DENA network schools/ agencies continue to operate in challenging urban environments that have seen the closure of other similar private ministries. However, their viability is always fragile by nature. We are currently working with these ministries on sustainability, as they will be of crucial importance moving

La Salle Academy Providence service immersion program sends students to work at La Salle Blackfeet School on the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana.

forward in exercising our preferential option for the poor. Direct service and financial support are two of the three areas we emphasize in our strategic response to this imperative. This year the Office for Mission and Ministry have expanded our efforts to engage more deeply in social justice and evangelization efforts, including development Students at La Salle Academy, our San Miguel school in of our advocacy role in Philadelphia, enact Living Stations of the Cross. areas that are particularly there remains important to Lasallians, especially the over the past ten years, th anniversary year much to do. In this 300 “rights of the child,” a flagship cause of of St. La Salle’s passing to eternal life, how the Brothers of the Christian Schools can each of us continue to respond to the and all Lasallians. The District has made need to provide a human and Christian specific statements regarding policies for education to the young, especially the protecting our children from sexual abuse, poor? and about the separation of children from their parents at the border. St. La Salle and his early Brothers responded passionately to the needs of poor children, and in many ways, the needs are even greater today. Our Lasallian mission continues to call each of us to respond to these pressing needs. Yet, Christian Brothers Academy Syracuse students assist with maintenance, while much has been cleaning, and food preparation at Samaritan Center for those who are accomplished in DENA hungry and in need.



MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT LA SALLE ACADEMY - PHILADELPHIA by Ms. Megan Thomson - Director of Development

Created in the Christian Brothers’ “San Miguel School” model, La Salle Academy in Philadelphia PA is non-tuition-driven, and was established to serve students of all faiths and cultures from the most economically depressed situations. Our students and their families come from the lowest income areas and face many inner-city obstacles like addiction, homelessness, hunger, joblessness and other struggles. Students begin each day reciting the school pledge— proclaiming, “I am a smart, special, valuable person created in God’s image.” Our model includes an extended day (8:00am to 5:00pm), an extended year (September through July), small class size, a graduate support program, and an on-site Nurse Practitioner. Our students participate in a rigorous academic curriculum, character development programs, and enriching extended-day activities. We have a 95% retention rate, with 90% of our students going on to graduate from high school. These numbers are far higher than the urban Philadelphia schools’ average. La Salle Academy (LSA) works both to educate our students and to provide them with opportunities to explore their own God-given talents, letting curiosity and experience help guide them on their unique path through life. Now in our sixteenth year, LSA continues to provide a strong foundation to break the cycle of poverty, as our students see themselves as lifelong learners and valued community members. As La Salle Academy programs, services, and population have grown, so has our need for additional space. We feel blessed to announce the construction of a new multipurpose building—our soon-to-be Sisters of Saint Joseph Student Center for Wellness, Creativity, and Community.

Students have been wonderful ambassadors during construction. School President, Sr. Jeanne McGowan, SSJ, observes fourth graders participating in a collaborative project.

Fifth grade students check the progress of their indoor mini-greenhouse.

With the help of very generous benefactors and our committed Board of Trustees, LSA will transform our school and stimulate our active, vibrant campus. We are excited to create a space where the LSA community can grow intellectually, physically, and spiritually. Our growing focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) will benefit from a space that can hold art shows, host guest speakers, and share theater performances. We will add new physical education classes, hold recess uninhibited by weather, and run organized sports games, and practices. We will now have a welcoming space for our entire school community to gather as one. While we are extremely proud of the tremendous successes we have had in changing the lives of the children and families we serve, the SSJ Student Center for Wellness, Creativity, and Community will bolster our ability to provide the most complete and well-rounded experience for our students. As our Building Campaign theme states, it will Nurture, Enrich and Inspire generations of La Salle Academy students to come.




Solar power from the Brothers’ community provides electricity for two of our six Lasallian schools on Île de la Tortue (known in the US as Tortuga), an island that has no electric grid or water service.

Port-de-Paix and the Île de la Tortue, both at the northern end of Haiti, are arguably the most depressed and impoverished areas of this struggling country, which is part of the Lasallian District of Antilles-South Mexico. Last October, Mr. Alan Weyland, Executive Director of the Office for Mission and Ministry, visited Collège de Saint Jean Baptist de La Salle in Port-au-Prince, the secondary school that DENA helped found after the devastating earthquake in 2012. He was invited also to visit the seven Lasallian ministries in northern Haiti. After his tour, he reported back on the immense needs of these seven schools. The total student population in the northern schools is nearly 2,700, while Saint Jean Baptist de La Salle currently serves approximately 650 students. Several of our District ministries participate in a Haiti Advent Appeal with collections and fundraisers. Because of the urgent need, the northern Haiti schools have been included in this philanthropy by our students, faculty, Brothers, and friends. Thanks to this generous support, our 2018-19 Haiti Advent

Appeal surpassed its goal! La Salle Academy in Providence RI, through their annual Hands Out for Haiti Campaign, spearheaded by their boys’ hockey team, led the way by raising over $11,000. Others involved were La Salle College High School, The De La Salle School, St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, and Anselm Hall Brothers’ community, as well as many individuals.

La Salle Hall - Beltsville MD (B) De La Salle Hall - Lincroft NJ (L)

Christian Brothers Center - Narragansett RI (N) Presentation Manor - Toronto ON (T)

for your continued support of our elder Christian Brothers in residence (as of 3/14/19) at: Br. Arthur Bangs (B) Br. Andrew Bartley (L) Br. Thomas Barton (L) Br. Raymund Buck (L) Br. John Buckley (N) Br. Thomas Caldwell (L) Br. Miguel Campos (L) Br. Gregory Cavalier (L) Br. Carl Clayton (L) Br. John Coates (T) Br. Richard Connors (N)

Br. Colman Coogan (B) Br. Jerome Cox (N) Br. Lawrence Dempsey (L) Br. Thomas Dunn (N) Br. George Edwards (T) Br. Gabriel Fagan (L) Br. Martin Fahey (L) Br. Walter Farrell (T) Br. Michael Fitzgibbon (L) Br. Gerard Frendreis (B)

Br. Edward Gallagher (B ) Br. Robert Hebert (N) Br. John Herron (L) Br. John Karl (L) Br. Michael Kelleher (L) Br. James Kelly (L) Br. William Kemmerer (L) Br. Joseph Lapp (B) Br. Joseph Loewenstein (L) Br. James Loxham (L)

Br. Hugh Maguire (L) Br. Francisco Martin (L) Br. Francis McCrea (T) Br. John McGann (N) Br. Michael McKenery (N) Br. James Muffley (B) Br. Joseph Myers (B) Br. Charles O’Connell (L) Br. Mel O’Neill (T) Br. John Perry (L)

Br. David Rogers (B) Br. Anthony Scotto (N) Br. Timothy Tarmey (N) Br. John Vella (T) Br. Floyd Warwick (L) Br. Henry Werner (B) Br. Philip Whitman (B) Br. Paul Wilcox (T) Br. William Winter (B) Br. Nicholas Zimrose (T)




REMEMBERING THE BROTHERS WE HAVE LOST Full obituaries and eulogies available online at



1931 – 2018

1934 – 2019

Brother Brendan Foley, FSC, was born William James Foley, Jr. in Jamaica NY in 1931. He entered the Barrytown NY Novitiate in 1949, where he received the Religious Habit and name, Brother Brendan of Mary, and later pronounced his Perpetual Vows in 1956. He spent his early years as a chemistry teacher and athletic director at St. Patrick’s School in Newburgh NY and Bishop Bradley High School in Manchester NH before embarking on his fifty-three year mission to East Africa. In addition to serving as dean of students at Tangaza College, and as teacher and Headmaster at Rongai Agricultural and Technical School, Br. Brendan would go on to co-found the Christian Brothers’ Postulancy of the region and act as the first Director of Postulants for what would later become the Lwanga District. Br. Jerome Cox, FSC, described Br. Brendan as, “a man firm but fair, with few personal needs but exceedingly bountiful.”


1923 – 2018

Born in Wheeling WV in 1923, Brother Herman Paul, FSC, heard the call early in life. He attended both the Juniorate and Novitiate in Ammendale MD, receiving the Religious Habit and name, Brother Elixus Stephen in 1941, then pronouncing his Perpetual Vows in 1948. He taught physics at La Salle College High School in Philadelphia PA, the Central Catholic High Schools in both Pittsburgh PA and Canton OH, and served for forty-five years at Bishop Walsh School in Cumberland MD. Br. Herman’s mechanical expertise could always be witnessed—from designing equipment for demonstrations in his physics classes, to repairing physical plant systems in his later ministries. With no fanfare, Br. Herman also quietly saved and recycled scrap metal, providing more than $30,000 for student scholarships and special projects over the years. In his free time, he enjoyed hiking, caving, and biking, and was president of the Cumberland Area Caving Club. Br. Eric Henderson, FSC, remembered Br. Herman as “a man of faith and uncomplicated principles.”

Brother Eugene Morgan, FSC, was born in Philadelphia PA in 1934. He entered the Ammendale MD Novitiate and received the Religious Habit and name, Brother Eugene of Mary, in 1952. He pronounced his Perpetual Vows in Ocean City NJ in 1959. His passion for woodworking and welding led to a career in the vocational arts at several ministries in Pennsylvania, and for eleven years at Calvert Hall College High School in Towson MD. These same skills were invaluable with his later maintenance assignments at St. Patrick Parish in Minturn CO and St. Mary’s Hall in Philadelphia PA. Br. Colman Coogan, FSC, remembered Br. Eugene as an avid skier, skilled craftsman, and resilient optimist who weathered personal setbacks with warmth and humor. “Friendly and well-spoken, he was characterized by a hearty laugh that could wake the angels,” said Br. Colman.


1924 – 2018

Born in Limerick Ireland in 1924, Brother Malcolm O’Sullivan, FSC, embraced his faith in his early teens, entering the Juniorate at Barrytown NY in 1938, then the Novitiate in 1941. He received the Religious Habit and name, Brother Bernardine of Jesus, and pronounced his Perpetual Vows at Hillside Hall in Troy NY in 1949. He would work for several schools throughout New York City, including twenty-one years at Manhattan College. Br. Malcolm taught at ministries throughout New York State, the District, and into neighboring countries. He taught at De La Salle College “Oaklands” in Toronto Ontario, and at two ministries in Mexico. He also spent four years as Vocation Director for the District. His last assignment before retiring was at Calvert Hall College High School in Towson MD. Br. Malcom’s niece, Gail O’Sullivan Mazzocco remembered him as a beloved relative, a compassionate soul, and an inspiring academic who enriched her intellectually and morally. “He was inquisitive, energetic, incisive, and surprisingly openminded,” she said.


December 27, 2018 to March 15, 2019 Memorial Gifts Katherine B. Austin, William B. Austin, & William G. Austin Ms. Mary Austin Br. Anthony Baird, FSC Mrs. Catherine C. Johnston Mr. Wayne C. Kyhos Mr. Allen L. Lueck Ms. M. Bridget McErlean Mr. & Mrs. James Sisk Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stegmaier Br. Barry Bartkowiak, FSC Ms. M. Bridget McErlean Br. Charles Baxter, FSC Mr. & Mrs. William A. Baxter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Rice Br. Philip Beirne, FSC Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mark Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Reuter, Jr. Br. George Berrian, FSC Mr. Vincent J. Castellano Mrs. Ann C. Clohessy, BFSC Mr. William T. Maher, Jr. Br. Celsus John Brown, FSC Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Br. Patrick Brown, FSC Mr. John M. Busch Br. Daniel Burke, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. McAuliffe Michael Coleman Mr. John M. LeBedda, II John J. Connell, AFSC Mrs. Mary Ellen Caulfield Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. McMahon Peter Connell, BFSC Mr. & Mrs. William J. Knowles Francis P. Coughlin Mr. John J. Murray Br. Eulogius James Coughlin, FSC Mrs. Elizabeth D. Dwyer The Forgotten De La Salle Brothers Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gagliano Br. Timothy Dean, FSC Mr. & Mrs. James F. Wueste, Jr. John D. Dugan Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Br. Michael Finnegan, FSC Ms. Maureen T. Murphy Br. Aloysius Fitzgerald, FSC Mr. Dennis M. Sullivan Deacon John J. Fitzsimmons Mrs. Rita Claire Fitzsimmons Maureen Flood Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Br. Anthony Flynn, FSC Mr. John M. Busch Br. Brendan Foley, FSC Ms. Ann E. Armstrong Mrs. Patricia A. Armstrong

Mrs. Barbara Foley Mr. Anthony Goldsmith Mrs. Genevieve M. Jackvony Dr. & Mrs. John B. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Semonelli Mr. Gary A. Steigerwald & Ellen Steigerwald John J. Gallego Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Br. Thomas Gavin, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Dermot J. McDonnell Frank Gilhooly, Br. Kevin Gilhooly, FSC, & Margaret Gilhooly Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Falvey Joan C. Glascott Mr. Edgar T. Glascott Br. Daniel Goeddeke, FSC Mr. David R. Barrett Joseph B. Gormley Mrs. Alice M. Gormley Br. Eugene Graham, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Harkins Br. Kevin Hargadon, FSC Mr. & Mrs. James M. Rafferty Br. Stephen Haubrich, FSC Mr. John M. Kiernan Ms. Elizabeth L. Tobin Br. Francis Huether, FSC Mr. Thomas F. Flynn, Jr. Br. Cassian Gregory Hunt, FSC Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Br. Frank Johnson, FSC Mr. John D. McPherson Geffrey B. Kelly Mrs. Joan W. Kelly Br. Thomas Kelly, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Murphy Ms. Maureen T. Murphy Br. Leo Kirby, FSC Mr. Thomas F. Flynn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Murphy Br. Gervald Henry Laffey, FSC Dr. David H. Kelly Br. Peter Lagonowicz, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Deptula Mr. & Mrs. George K. Stevens Elizabeth Mahon Ms. Jean M. Mahon Manhattan Prep ’66 Brothers, staff & classmates Mr. & Mrs. James M. Rafferty Br. Peter Mannion, FSC Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kenny Ms. Jean M. Mahon Harry J. McAneny, Sr. Ms. Lori Barbadoro Mr. David Desrochers Ms. Lisa Hager

Jefferson Dialysis Centers Mr. Ronald Ruban & Ms. Cynthia Jankech Ms. Nancy Saunders Br. Stephen McCabe, FSC Mr. John M. Busch Br. Francis McCormick, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Klesius Anthony & Eileen McHale Mr. Patrick E. McHale Br. Adonas Edward McKenna, FSC Mr. Michael R. Warenda Br. Bernard McKenna, FSC Mr. John M. Dillon Br. Aquinas John McNiff, FSC Mr. & Mrs. James M. Rafferty E. James Mehelas Dr. Thomas J. Mehelas Pat Morreale Mr. Frank Morreale Br. Lewis Mullin, FSC Prof. & Mrs. Michael E. McCormick John J. Murray, Jr. Mary C. Murray Mr. John J. Murray James F. Nelson Mrs. Joan Nelson Br. James Nerney, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Murphy Br. Adelbert James Norton, FSC Mr. Vincent J. Castellano Br. Aquinas Thomas Nugent, FSC Mr. Vincent J. Castellano Br. Andrew O’Gara, FSC Ms. Jean M. Mahon Anthony D. Nista, DDS, AFSC Br. Eugene O’Gara, FSC Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kenny Br. Barnabas Edward O’Neill, FSC Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Br. Malcolm O’Sullivan, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Farrell Mr. John F. O’Donnell Br. Herman Paul, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cioni Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Kirkpatrick Ms. Kathryn C. Mattingly Mrs. Eithne M. McMullen

Br. James Perry, FSC Mrs. Mary O’Kelly Hughes Br. Michael Phillips, FSC Prof. & Mrs. Michael E. McCormick Br. Patrick Power, FSC Prof. & Mrs. Michael E. McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Schugsta, Jr. Michael Jude Proctor Lt. Col. & Mrs. Michael J. Proctor Br. G. Augustine Roberts, FSC Ms. Joan M. Smallwood Br. Benedict Francis Rolston, FSC Mr. Frank G. Freyne Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Padala Br. James Romond, FSC Mr. Thomas F. Flynn, Jr. Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Br. Thomas Scanlan, FSC Mrs. Ann C. Clohessy, BFSC Dr. & Mrs. Moujalli Hourani LT Jack Schoeppner, USN Mr. Paul S. Snopel Brothers of St Augustine High School Mr. Gerald D. DeMaio Bros. of St. John’s International School, Belgium Mrs. Barbara G. Devlin Br. Aurelian Peter Stewart, FSC Ms. Maureen Jones Dr. Kristen O. Murtaugh Br. Kevin Strong, FSC Anonymous Br. Cyril William Sullivan, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Hand Br. J. Stephen Sullivan, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Drew Brothers of West Catholic Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Costello Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. McMerty Br. Cassian Thomas Wilkinson, FSC Mr. John M. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Ricciardelli

Honorarium Gifts Br. Lawrence Dempsey, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Palmer Br. Gerard Frendreis, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Palmer Br. John Herron, FSC Mr. & Mrs. William C. Budacz Br. James Kelly, FSC Mr. William L. Gault Mrs. Kathleen M. Hall

Support the Brothers Use our beautiful Mass Cards Remember your relatives and friends, living and deceased. Those enrolled share in the daily Mass and prayer intentions of the Brothers. Request a brochure and/or a sample packet of Mass Cards today at:

732-842-4359 Toll Free 1-866-STLASALLE (1-866-785-2725) CARDS@DLSAUX.ORG • WWW.DLSAUX.ORG

John D. Milliot Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Burns Br. John Perry, FSC Mrs. Barbara G. Devlin Charlotte Stabile Mr. David J. Stabile Jo Ann Umstot-Verdiglione Mr. Ralph A. Verdiglione




Stewardship Gifts: December 2 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Abbondanza Mr. Peter C. Accinno Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Adams Mrs. Dolores C. Ahern Mr. John V. Albertella Mr. Robert W. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. John C. Altrogge Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ambrosino American Aqua Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Amodei Mr. & Mrs. James Anastasio Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Anderson Mr. Louis Anemone Anonymous Anselm Hall Community Ms. Cynthia A. Antos Ms. Anna M. Appleby-White Mr. Gregory J. Appleton Mr. Frank Arcabascio Mr. Justo Arenas Ms. Ann E. Armstrong Mrs. Patricia A. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Assalone Mr. Robert Astudillo Mr. & Mrs. James J. Aubuchon Ms. Mary Austin Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Avallone Mr. Gary S. Bachtell Mr. Patrick C. Baker Ms. Catherine M. Baldoumis Mr. & Mrs. Edmund F. Balsdon Mr. & Mrs. William E. Banfield Ms. Lori Barbadoro Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Barclay Mr. David R. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Barron, Jr. Mr. Leo E. Barron Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Barrows, Jr. Mr. Richard J. Bartz Mr. & Mrs. John F. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. William A. Baxter, Jr. Mr. James F. Benson Mr. Gustave L. Berger Col. Paul A. Bigelman, USA Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Billings Mr. Joseph R. Birkemeier Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Blaine Theodore M. Blaszczyk, MD Mr. & Mrs. Robert Board Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bolster, II Ms. Ann Bolster-Doyle Mr. & Mrs. John Bordeleau Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Borger Mr. Pat Borrico Ms. Ann E. Braceland Mr. J. Peter Brach, Jr. Mr. John Bradley Mr. Patrick D. Brady Mr. Philip P. Brady Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Breslin Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Brooks Mrs. Denice P. Brown Lt. Col. Edward M. Brown Mr. Robert Brown Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bruno Mr. & Mrs. George W. Bruns Mr. & Mrs. Jerome K. Buckley Mr. John J. Buckley Mr. William Buckley Mr. & Mrs. William C. Budacz Mr. Anthony M. Budzitowski Mr. Donald T. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Burns Maj. Gen. & Mrs. William F. Burns, USA (Ret) Maj. William A. Burtson, USMC (Ret) Mr. John M. Busch Mr. Michael L. Butera Mr. & Mrs. Edward Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Richard Byrnes

Mr. & Mrs. John V. Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. William Calabro Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Callahan Mr. Conrad A. Calvano, Sr. Mr. Domenic J. Calzaretto Mr. & Mrs. Dom Camera Mr. & Mrs. Dominic A. Caminiti Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Campbell Mr. Wayne G. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. James J. Canavan Ms. Mary E. Canavan Ms. Ann M. Cancellieri Ms. Barbara E. Capobianco Mr. Richard F. Cappelluzzo Mr. George J. Cappiello, Jr., AFSC & Mrs. Susan Cappiello Mr. Samuel S. Capra Dr. & Mrs. John D. Caputo, PhD Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Cardaci Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Caropreso Mr. Robert M. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Carton Mr. James F. Casey, Jr. Ms. Kathleen A. Casey Mr. Eugene Cassis Mr. Vincent J. Castellano Mr. William Cattie Mrs. Mary Ellen Caulfield CBA Lincroft Community Mr. Edward R. Cedrone Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Celidonio Mr. Michael L. Censullo Mr. & Mrs. Barry H. Chaifetz Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Chorman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cioni Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Clark Mr. & Mrs. William F. Clark Mr. William J. Cleary Mrs. Ann C. Clohessy, BFSC Captain C. Collins Mr. Frank J. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Comber Mr. G. Edward Combs Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Comstock Mr. & Ms. Charles T. Connell Mr. James A. Connelly Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Connolly Mr. Robert F. Conry Mr. Edward James Cooke Mrs. Mary L. Coon Mr. Donald E. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Costello Mr. Maurice L. Costello Ms. Mary E. Cotter Estate of Francis P. Coughlin Rev. George R. Cowan Mrs. Kathleen M. Coyle Mr. Kevin P. Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cracchiolo Mr. & Mrs. David N. Crapo, III Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, DD Mr. John J. Cronin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cronin Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Cronin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cross Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cummings Mr. & Mrs. William T. Cunnane Mr. Michael J. Cunningham, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Curley Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius J. Curran Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Curran Mr. & Mrs. John M. Curran Mark J. Curran & Margaret Straub Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cusick, Sr. Mr. Charles J. Daalder Mr. John G. Dabkowski Stephen D’Addario, MD, BFSC & Mrs. Margaret D’Addario Mr. Allen W. Dahle Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Daley

Mr. John R. Dalton Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. D’Amore Mr. Ronald Darnowski & Ms. Diane Gote Mr. Warren M. Dasczynski Mr. & Mrs. John Daszkiewicz The De La Salle School Mr. & Mrs. John J. Deady, Sr. Mr. Joseph DeAmbrose Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. DeBiase Mr. John Debold Ms. Judith D. DeCamilla Mr. & Mrs. Dominic T. Deconciliis Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. DeDominic Mrs. Agnes DeFelice Mr. & Mrs. William E. DeFeo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. DeFiore Mr. James H. DeLuca, Jr. Mr. Gerald D. DeMaio Mr. Vincent DeMarco Mr. Edward M. Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Deptula Mr. James T. Derwin Mr. & Mrs. David DeSousa Mr. David Desrochers Mr. Pasquale A. DeVito Mrs. Barbara G. Devlin Mr. Alfred A. Diaz Mr. John R. Dietrich Mr. John M. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Mario N. DiStefano Mr. John L. Dittmeyer Mrs. Mary Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Donahue Mr. George Dondero Rev. James I. Donlon, AFSC Ms. Dorothy Donohue Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Donovan Mr. James F. Donovan Mr. Thomas E. Doran & Ms. Donna Franchetti Mr. & Mrs. William M. Doran Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Dorn Mr. John F. Dougherty Mr. Thomas A. Dougherty Mr. Matthew J. Dowd Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Dowling, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John S. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Drew Mr. Daniel F. Drogosch Mr. Alfred W. Drumm Mr. Dennis Duffy Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Mr. & Mrs. Bernard D. Dunn Mr. Thomas D. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. James E. Dunne Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dunne Mrs. Elizabeth D. Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dymowski Mr. Joseph Eaton Mr. Mark M. Edmiston Mr. William L. Edwards, BFSC & Mrs. Frances M. Edwards Br. Thomas Egan, FSC Mrs. Marlene A. Elia Mr. & Mrs. Benedict D. Emanuele Mr. & Mrs. Kirk D. Emanuelsen Lt. Col. George P. Emodi, USAF (Ret) Mrs. George Erwin Mr. Charles W. Esserwein Dr. Michael M. Etzl, Jr. Mr. Richard S. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Fabiano Mr. John J. Fahey Mr. James P. Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Falvey The Familiares Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Fazio, Sr.

Dr. Paul J. Fedirka Mr. James F. Feehan Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Felten Mr. Joseph P. Fenton Mr. Louis Fielack Ms. Patricia Finlay Rev. Msgr. Peter G. Finn Mr. & Mrs. James J. Finnerty, III Mr. Richard E. Fister Mr. John H. Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary B. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Otis Fitzgerald Mr. Robert A. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Fitzgerald Mrs. Rita Claire Fitzsimmons Ms. Rose E. Fitzsimmons Mr. William T. Fitzsimmons Mr. & Mrs. John V. Fleck Mr. & Mrs. David C. Fleming, Jr. Michael Fleming, DDS, BFSC & Mrs. Margaret Fleming Mr. Gerald Jeffery Flohr Mr. & Mrs. Cesare L. Florio Mr. Thomas F. Flynn, Jr. Mrs. Barbara Foley Mrs. Catherine Foley Mr. Edward T. Foley, Jr. Mr. Michael J. Forquer Mr. & Mrs. J. Craig Forrest Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Frampton Gregory M. Frank, DMD Dr. Anthony Fratiello Dr. William F. Freccia Mr. William T. Freeman Mr. Steven A. Freire Mrs. Mary Anne Freitag Mr. Frank G. Freyne Mr. George A. Fromme Mr. Richard K. Fronapfel, Jr. Br. Peter Furlong, FSC Mr. Robert L. Gaffney Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gagliano Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Galano Mr. William E. Galarneau, Jr. Joseph W. Galassi, Jr., MD Mr. John J. Gallagher Mr. Thomas C. Gallagher & Ms. Letitia A. Ewing Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gantz Mr. Peter Gardella Mr. Francis J. Gardner Mr. William M. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Garvey Mr. William L. Gault Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Gaumer Ms. Anne C. Gavaghan Rev. Emmett J. Gavin, O. Carm. CDR Victor M. Gavin, USN (Ret) Mr. Richard F. George Ms. Linda Geremia Mr. Bernard P. Gerrity Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Gerth Mr. Thomas L. Giannico Mr. William T. Giannini Mr. & Mrs. John C. Gidel Mrs. Theodora B. Gifford Mr. John T. Gilsenan Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Giordano Br. Dominic Gisondo, FSC Mr. Edgar T. Glascott Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Glassman Mr. & Mrs. David A. Glowny Mr. Anthony Goldsmith Mr. & Mrs. James E. Goodwin Mr. Michael J. Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Gorman Mr. Robert G. Gorman Mrs. Alice M. Gormley Mr. & Mrs. Stanley L. Gorski, II Mr. & Mrs. Paul N. Goudreau

Col. & Mrs. John D. Grabenstein Mrs. Edward (Anne Louise) Gracyalny Mr. Robert D. Greason Mr. Kenneth V. Greene Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Griffin Dr. Edward J. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Griffin Ms. Rosanna Grillo Ms. Arlene Guider Ms. Donna Gunning Ms. Clare T. Gustafson Ms. Lisa Hager Mrs. Kathleen M. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Hall Mr. Godfrey J. Hammel Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Hand Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Harkins Mr. Paul T. Harley Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Harper Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Harrington Mr. James P. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hartmann Mr. Stephen P. Hayes Rev. Philip A. Hearn Dr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Heck Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Heffernan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Helbling Mr. Donald Hellriegel Mr. & Mrs. James P. Henderson Mr. Joseph Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Henniger Mr. Charles J. Henry Mr. Gerald W. Hepp Mr. John U. Heppler Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hesselberg Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Hickey Mr. Paul J. Higgins Mr. David E. Hinkley Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hitch Ms. Cynthia A. Hobbs Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Hogan, CPA Mr. William M. Hohmann Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Hosey Mr. Francis J. Houghton Mr. Raymond W. Houle Dr. & Mrs. Moujalli Hourani Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Houston Dr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Hudecki Hudson Catholic Alumni Association Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hughes Mrs. Mary O’Kelly Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hyde Mr. & Mrs. R. Hyland Pascal J. Imperato, MD Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Iraola Mrs. Genevieve M. Jackvony Rev. Anthony W. Janton, AFSC Jefferson Dialysis Centers Mr. William A. Jochym Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Johnson Mrs. Catherine C. Johnston Ms. Maureen Jones Mr. John E. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Kaifer Mr. Barry J. Kakos Mr. Leo P. Kane Mr. Walter Kash Mr. John I. Kavanagh, Sr. Dr. Robert J. Kealey Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Kearney Mr. Thomas F. Keaveney Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Keenan Mr. & Mrs. William F. Kefer Mr. Dennis J. Kelleher Col. Stephen P. Kelley Dr. David H. Kelly Mrs. Joan W. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly Mr. Philip R. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly

ERROR OR OMISSION? The recognition lists in this issue represent gifts received between December 27, 2018 and March 15, 2019. We make every effort to be as accurate as possible. If you feel, however, that there is an error or omission, we apologize and ask that you call our Development Office at (732) 380-7926, to advise us of the problem.


27, 2018 to March 15, 2019 Mr. & Mrs. William Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kenaan, Jr. Mrs. Catherine B. Kennedy Rev. Msgr. Albert Kenney Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kenny Mrs. Rosemary S. Kiely Mr. John M. Kiernan Mr. Edward F. Killip Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Kimm Mrs. Mary Margaret King Mr. & Mrs. James W. Kingerski Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Kirkpatrick Mr. Matthew B. Kirsch Rev. David J. Klein Mr. & Mrs. Karl J. Klein Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Klesius Dr. & Mrs. Francis J. Klocke Mr. Jerome L. Knittle Mr. & Mrs. William J. Knowles Rev. Thomas P. Kobuszewski Mr. Robert M. Kosinski Mrs. Karen Koza Mr. Wayne C. Kyhos La Salle Academy, Providence RI Mr. Tony G. LaCognata Mr. John L. LaCroix Mr. & Mrs. John J. Lambert Janet C. Langlais Mr. & Mrs. John T. Langmead Mr. Richard P. Larkin Mr. Joseph LaRosa Ms. Kathleen A. Lauria Mr. James P. Lauser Mr. Anthony J. Laverda Mr. John M. LeBedda, II Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Leet Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Leo Mr. & Mrs. Hugh C. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Long Mr. & Mrs. Ramzi J. Loqa Mr. & Mrs. John R. Lorenz Mr. Vincent Loughlin Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Luby Mr. Allen L. Lueck Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Lydting Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Lynn Hon. Peter J. Maceroni Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Madden Mrs. Helen Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Mahar Mr. & Mrs. John B. Maher Ms. Julia K. Maher Mr. William T. Maher, Jr. Ms. Jean M. Mahon Mr. & Mrs. John R. Mahoney Mr. Edward F. Malone Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malone Ms. Rita B. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Mann Mr. & Mrs. James J.P. Manning Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Manning Mr. Dominic J. Mantello Mr. Joseph A. Marchione Mr. Peter A. Marikle Deacon & Mrs. Salvatore A. Marino Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mark Drs. William J. & Margaret M. Markmann Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Marmion Mr. Joseph F. Marmo Mrs. Mary Ellen Maroulis Mr. James F. Marrin Mr. Leo W. Martin Br. William Martin, FSC Ms. Leslie Martinelli Mr. Alex Martini Mr. Robert A. Mascari Mr. & Mrs. William T. Maselko Mr. John Mason Mr. Joseph P. Matranga Ms. Anne Matthews Mr. John L. Matthews Mr. Thomas Lenny Matthews, Jr. Ms. Kathryn C. Mattingly Mr. & Mrs. John E. May Mr. Thomas P. McAndrews Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. McAuliffe Mr. Edward J. McCabe Col. & Mrs. John J. McCambridge Mr. & Mrs. James McCanna Mr. James P. McCarthy Mr. Thomas McCarthy

Mr. & Mrs. James P. McCloskey Mr. Raymond J. McConaghy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George J. McConchie Prof. & Mrs. Michael E. McCormick Rev. Thomas G. McCormick Mrs. Audrey H. McCue Mr. David T. McDevitt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McDonagh Mr. & Mrs. Dermot J. McDonnell Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. McDonnell Mr. J. Edward McDonough Mr. & Mrs. John McDonough Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. McDonough Mr. Bernard J. McElhare Mr. Eugene McElwain Mr. Denis J. McEneaney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. McErlean Ms. M. Bridget McErlean Mr. Richard P. McGahan Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose J. McGarry Mr. & Mrs. Neal A. McGarry Mr. Bernard A. McGavin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. McGill Hon. & Mrs. Bernard L. McGinley Ms. Mary McGinn Mr. Stephen L. McGonigle Mr. & Mrs. James T. McGowan Mr. Charles T. McGuigan Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McHale, Sr. Mr. Patrick E. McHale Mrs. Rose P. McHale Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. McKee Ms. Sheila A. McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. McLaughlin Mr. Bernard McMahon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. McMahon Mrs. Catherine D. McManus Br. John McManus, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. McMerty Mr. James M. McMonagle Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McMorrow Mrs. Eithne M. McMullen & family Mr. Henry P. McNally Mrs. Rosalie M. McNeff Mr. John D. McPherson Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. McPoyle Mr. & Mrs. Michael McShane Mr. Dennis F. McSweeney Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. McTiernan Mr. William J. Mead Dr. Thomas J. Mehelas Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mello Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Merrick Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Meunier Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Michenzi Ms. Eleanor M. Mikulka Mr. John S. Miletich Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Miller Estate of Marie M. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Norman S. Miller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Milliot Estate of Stanley A. Mills Mr. Russell M. Mirabile Mr. Thomas J. Mitchell Mrs. Carol A. Mizgorski Mr. John Molloy Mr. Richard G. Molokie Hon. & Mrs. Armando Monaco, II Mrs. Geraldine A. Monahan Mr. Hugh Monahan Mr. Tyrone J. Montague Mr. Vincent J. Montano Mrs. Dorothy H. Mooney Mrs. Jacques J. Moore Mr. Gabriel Moran Mr. & Mrs. Marc J. Morgan Mr. Frank Morreale Mr. Michael P. Morrell Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Morris Mr. John F. Mortell Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Moser Mr. Robert E. Mottola Dr. & Mrs. John J. Moynihan Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Mudd Mrs. Carol M. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Mulholland Mr. John M. Mullarkey Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Mullen Mrs. Margaret E. Mullery Dr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mulligan

Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Mullin Dr. Thomas M. Mulvey Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Mundier Mr. Charles J. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Murphy Rev. Hugh P. Murphy Mr. James Murphy, Jr. Ms. Maureen T. Murphy Mrs. Patricia A. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Murphy Mr. Burt Murray Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Murray Mr. John J. Murray Dr. Kristen O. Murtaugh Mr. & Mrs. William B. Nagle Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Nalbach Mr. Rudolph J. Nedelka Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Nelson Mrs. Joan Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Enos C. Ney Anthony D. Nista, DDS, AFSC Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Nix Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Nolan, Sr. Mr. Stephen A. Norrell Mr. & Mrs. William P. Norton Mr. Joseph P. O’Brien Mr. Michael J. O’Connell Mr. Thomas H. O’Connor Mr. Frank Odasz, Jr. Mr. John F. O’Donnell Mr. John T. O’Donnell, AFSC Mr. Martin P. O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. John F. O’Donoghue Mr. & Mrs. James P. O’Donovan Mr. F. O’Hara Ms. Catherine R. O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Keeffe Mr. Cornelius J. O’Leary Mr. Patrick P. O’Malley Mr. & Mrs. Peter O’Malley, AFSC Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Meara Mr. & Mrs. David G. O’Neil Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. David J. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Onorato Mr. Bernard P. O’Prey Mr. & Mrs. Chester J. Orzechowski Mr. John F. Osterndorf Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm J. O’Sullivan Hon. George W. Overton Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Padala Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Palmer Mr. John L. Paluszek Mr. Joseph J. Palya Mr. & Mrs. Theodore M. Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Pelesh Mr. & Mrs. David L. Pellett Mr. Anthony J. Perinelli Mr. & Mrs. John Pfleger Mr. C. Anthony Phillips Mr. Douglas W. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Pietro, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Pinchock Mr. John F. Pittas Mr. & Mrs. William R. Ponton, Jr. Diego Santos Pose Mr. Thomas J. Powell Mr. Thomas A. Power Mr. & Mrs. John Preis Lt. Col. & Mrs. Michael J. Proctor Mrs. Adeline M. Purtill Mr. Edward Quigley Mr. Thomas J. Quinlan, III Mrs. Kathleen V. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. John Radice Mr. & Mrs. James M. Rafferty Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Raineri Mr. & Mrs. William J. Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Reed Mr. Edward C. Regan Dr. & Mrs. Leo E. Reichert, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Reifenheiser Dr. & Mrs. Bernard F. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. James T. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. John J. Reilly Rev. Charles A. Reinbold Mr. Donald R. Rempinski Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Reuter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rheinberger Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Ricciardelli

Mr. & Mrs. George F. Rice Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Rice Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rilling Mr. & Mrs. Edmund F. Roche Mr. Frank P. Roche Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Rodrick Mr. Kevin P. Roe Mr. Frank A. Roesch Mr. Michael Rogers Ms. Leanne F. Romani Mr. & Mrs. George J. Romig Ms. Patricia Roppe Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Rovegno Mr. Ronald Ruban & Ms. Cynthia Jankech Mr. Robert C. Ruckh Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Rueger Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Ruest Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ruocco Estate of George J. Russ Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Russo Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Russo Dr. & Mrs. John B. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. John P. Ryan Mrs. Kathleen M. Ryan Mr. Richard W. Ryan Mr. Edwin C. Sagurton Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Sansone Mr. Louis P. Santero Ms. Nancy Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Saverio J. Sava Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Scalzo Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. Scanlon Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Schafer Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Schefke Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Schenk, III Mr. Andrew G. Schiavone Mr. Leo J. Schilling, Jr. Br. Joseph F. Schmidt, FSC Mr. Joseph A. Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Schneider Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Mr. John J. Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Schugsta, Jr. Mr. Edward Schurr Mr. Anthony W. Scorpio, CPA Ms. Letizia C. Scotto Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Semonelli Ms. Karen M. Senecal Mr. & Mrs. John L. Sentowski Dr. Yiren Shao Mr. & Mrs. William C. Sharry Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Shea Mr. Thomas W. Sheedy Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Sheeran Mr. Joseph F. Sheldrick Rev. Msgr. Maurice L. Shields Mr. Herman C. Shipman Mr. Edward R. Shults Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Shunney Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Sidor Mr. Richard E. Silkowski Mr. & Mrs. William J. Simpson Mr. John P. Sindoni, AFSC & Mrs. Cecilia B. Sindoni Mr. & Mrs. James Sisk Estate of Eleanor A. Skahan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Skahan Mr. & Mrs. George H. Skau Mr. Thomas F. Skehan Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Smaldone Ms. Joan M. Smallwood Mr. Bernard R. Smelstoys Mr. & Mrs. David J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Smith Mr. Frederick D. Smith Mr. Robert H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Smith Mr. Paul S. Snopel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sobocienski Lt. Col. & Mrs. Edward P. Spellacy, USAF (Ret) Rev. William W. Spencer Mr. David J. Stabile Mr. Frank Stanton Mr. Ronald G. Stanton Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Staudenmaier Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stegmaier Mr. Gary A. Steigerwald & Ellen Steigerwald

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Stergiou Mr. & Mrs. Harman A. Sterner Mr. & Mrs. George K. Stevens Mr. Andrew Stevenson Mr. Thomas P. Stewart Dr. & Mrs. Albert L. Stiehl Estate of James G. Stofer Mr. Brendan M. Stohon Mr. Robert J. Stosser, AFSC & Mrs. Ann Stosser Mr. & Mrs. James Strutt Mr. Dennis M. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Sullivan Mr. Frank C. Sulzbach Mr. James W. Sweeney Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Sweeny Mr. Charles A. Sweet Mr. Joseph Szkutnik Mr. James F. Tallon & Ms. Bonita L. Labosky Mr. & Mrs. James P. Teevan Mr. & Mrs. George J. Temple Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Testa Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Tewes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Thelen, Jr. Mr. Constantine Theodosiou Mrs. Antoinette Tierney Ms. Elizabeth L. Tobin Mr. & Mrs. John J. Todor Mr. & Mrs. William S. Tomlinson Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Tomm Mr. Paul W. Torok Dr. Edward T. Toseland Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Trezza Mr. Nicholas J. Tricarico Mr. Donald A. Trinite Eleanor Twomey Charitable Trust Dr. Timothy E. Urbanski & Mrs. Joan Urbanski Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Vaccaro Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Valentine Estate of Eunice Van Hollebeke Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Vardy Mr. Ralph A. Verdiglione Mr. Harry C. Veryser Mr. Vincent G. Violo Mr. Morris A. Vivona Mr. John P. Voge Mr. & Mrs. John P. Vroble Mr. Joseph A. Walheim Mr. Michael J. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Walsh Mr. Edward J. Walsh Most Rev. Gerald T. Walsh, DD Mr. Joseph R. Walsh Mr. Kevin R. Walsh Dr. Stephen Walsh Mr. Michael R. Warenda Mr. Arthur A. Warren Mr. Thomas G. Waterman Mrs. Gloria T. Weis Mr. & Mrs. John W. Welborn Mr. & Mrs. John V. Welch Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Welter Mr. William W. Weyrauch Mrs. Judith White, BFSC & Mr. Dan White Mr. & Mrs. William M. Wiedenbeck Br. Robert R. Wilsbach, FSC Winter Family Foundation Mr. William J. Wiseman Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Wittenborn, Jr. Mr. Herbert S. Wong Mr. & Mrs. David K. Woods Mr. & Mrs. James F. Wueste, Jr. Mr. John F. Wynne Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Yeazel Mr. Arthur Yip Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Zabriskie Ms. Kathryn L. Zahner Mr. & Mrs. George L. Zerebynsky Dr. & Mrs. W. Dennis Zerega Mr. Richard G. Ziegler Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ziminski Mr. Mark Zirnheld Mr. David A. Zoglio



Brothers of the Christian Schools SAINT LA SALLE AUXILIARY PO BOX 238 LINCROFT NJ 07738-0238


Dear friends, Here comes Mr. Nice Guy. Yeah, that was me. Everyone’s mom and grandma would say, “He’s such a nice boy.” Then in college, you could hear the girls, “He’s a really nice guy.” Of course, my 19 year-old ego would have loved to just once hear, “What a hunk.” But alas, it was not to be. I think one of the reasons for the “nice” tag was that I was taught early on that you should respect everyone. That is probably part of my comfort in working with this wonderful group of Christian Brothers. Whether an individual Brother is jovial or quiet, refined or gruff—whether he was tough on you as a student or gave you the gentle support to get through a rough patch—whether he is teaching a theology class while finishing his Novitiate training, or is helping to monitor the library from his wheelchair—each of these men, while human of course, seems to have respect for all those he encounters. During this Easter season, as I reflect on God’s love and sacrifice for each of us through his Son Jesus, the example of the Brothers is a comforting reminder that, while human, we can still strive to emulate Christ’s example. I thank you once again for your kindness to the Brothers, and pray that God bless you this Easter season. Sincerely,

DO YOU KNOW A YOUNG MAN WHO ONCE CONSIDERED RELIGIOUS LIFE? Sometimes after choosing a different path, one may begin to find that something is missing. He may be hearing the call again.

exploring your vocation as a christian brother

Invite him to learn more at

Patrick J. Donahue Director of Advancement






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