Winter 2019 • VOL. 2
Lay Lasallian Partnership is Vital to Mission
Strengthening our BASE
by Ms. Kerry Conroy, Associate Director, Office for Mission & Ministry When presented with the Vision 2020+ strategic plan early in my arrival to my new position with the District of Eastern North America (DENA), I found it quite appropriate that I was blessed to be the monitor of the “A” in BASE, Association/ Formation. Had it not been for my own personal formation and association opportunities, I doubt I would be where I am today. Association is a key component of our Lasallian charism. The gathering together, the unification of Lasallians for the purpose of mission, is what defines us as educators. I began my Lasallian journey nearly 20 years ago upon the invitation
of Brother Walter Schreiner, FSC, to attend a meeting about the Lasallian Volunteer (LV) program. My experience with the LVs began my formation in the Lasallian charism. During my following 18 years at La Salle Academy NYC, I– like so many others–have been blessed to attend formation programs that have even further enhanced my Lasallian path; programs and conferences on Lasallian studies, leadership, Lasallian pedagogy, etc. Those amazing experiences laid the groundwork for me to accept the latest invitation to join the DENA Office for Mission and Ministry. Today more than ever, lay Lasallians have the privilege and
B - Brothers’ Vocation A - Association/Formation S - Service of the Poor E - Evangelization responsibility of serving as true partners with the Brothers in leading our Lasallian world into the future. We can no longer simply rely on the Brothers to perpetuate and carry on the Mission. We must carry (continued on page 3)
A MESSAGE FROM THE VISITOR Dear Lasallians, Happy Winter! As I write, the Super Bowl has not yet happened but I am guessing that most of our readers watched that annual event. I admit that I am captivated by the hoopla, the advertisements, the half-time show (particularly the year when Lady Gaga performed!), and even the game itself. While not on the same scale, what unites all our readers is a far more transformative event—the Super Mission of our Lasallian ministries. In this issue alone, you will read of our outstanding St. John’s College High School in DC and you will meet one of the students (at St. Raphael Academy in Pawtucket RI) sponsored by your generosity. And through these few pages, you will meet five amazing Lasallians, who serve our students in Providence, Lincroft, Staten Island, and Washington DC. From Toronto to Warren Michigan down to Boca Raton, our ministries are truly Super. “It takes a village” to raise a child and surely we rely on you to be part of the collective village of DENA
S T. J O H N B A P T I S T
in supporting this mission that is transforming some 27,000 lives each and every day of the academic year. Ms. Kerry Conroy, an excellent new member of our District team, has shared with you our hope to engage more people ever more deeply in the works of our District. You are already part of our “together and by association.” In my humble opinion, the mission of DENA is a treasure but it is more hidden than our students need it to be, so please consider sharing this very issue with others who, like you, will be captivated by the impact our ministries are making in our world. Hopefully, your team won the Super Bowl. More importantly, let us work together for success in our Super Mission. Respectfully, Bro. Dennis Lee, FSC Visitor/Provincial
THE ST. JOHN BAPTIST DE LA SALLE FUND seeks to ensure that a Lasallian education is available and accessible to those students most in need. Through an initial program of student sponsorship and a growing program of grants to identified schools, the Fund provides tuition assistance for students to attend a Lasallian school. With your support, we are now providing $805,000 annually for our students in need. All are welcome to join the Brothers and their Partners-in-Mission in this specially-dedicated scholarship fund which continues to grow each year.
FACE OF THE FUND: NASAVELL MEDEIROS Saint Raphael Academy - Pawtucket RI by Ms. Nancy Cifune - Director of Communications When Nasavell Medeiros applied to high schools, he knew there was a distinct difference between public and private schools in the way they care for their students. A graduate of The San Miguel School of Providence, Nasavell was yearning to stay in a Lasallian school setting. The St. John Baptist de La Salle Fund allowed him to attend and thrive at Saint Raphael Academy in Pawtucket RI. “Saint Raphaels gave me a chance. I went to public elementary school and then I went to a Lasallian school, and it was a much better environment.” Now a junior, Nasavell has discovered an aptitude for math. “I don’t know why, it just clicks. It makes my brain think and challenges me.” Running, however, is a talent that was not an instant click for him. As a freshman, he wasn’t all that interested in the sport, but his parents encouraged him to explore his gift. Three short years later, he has become a leader in Rhode Island track, earning state honors this past cross country season. He is now a three-season scholar-athlete, running cross country, winter track, and spring track. “I feel like the scholarship changed me. I wouldn’t have had the opportunities to learn and to run. I would have had to go to public school, and I think it would have gone downhill from there,” Nasavell says. Looking forward, he is working toward an acceptance to a college with a Division I running program, and he is exploring his interests in finance, photography, and culinary arts.
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Lay Lasallian Partnership is Vital the torch with them, and to do so, significant formation is required. With this in mind, one strategic priority is to increase access and opportunities for all Lasallians to participate in Association/Formation programs. We plan to carry out this goal in several ways. In the fall edition of Lasallian Notes, Brother Rich Galvin, FSC, wrote to us about the power and importance of invitation in encouraging vocations. That same process is just as powerful in the area of association. More often than not, Lasallians attend Educators attend a session during the Huether Lasallian Conference. formation programs due to specific encouragement The District strategic plan also intends to solidify some of the and invitation of their colleagues, as was definitely the case for me. Participation in formation programs can be life more localized geographic links by strengthening existing groups changing. It has the power to deepen faith and knowledge, as well and creating new ones where they don’t currently exist. DENA is already blessed by several grassroots geographic association as develop life-long friendships. While we would love to see all Lasallians participate in District, groups, as well as Young Lasallian, and Legacy Lasallian groups. Regional, and international formation programs, it is understood Lasallians located in the vicinities of these association groups that for many reasons this is not always possible. Therefore, we are invited and encouraged to join and participate in any of are supporting and encouraging those who have participated to their events. These range from social gatherings, to prayer opportunities, charity events, sporting share their learnings and contribute We can no longer simply rely on events, or some combination of these. post-program to their local ministry the Brothers to perpetuate and carry We also encourage joint professional and beyond. Each alumnus/a of these on the Mission. We must carry the development days with local Brothers programs can use his or her experience torch with them, and to do so, as key participants. and knowledge to create presentations It is also a goal to compose a Districtfor faculty and staff, formation significant formation is required. wide curriculum involving Lasallian programs designed specifically for the local ministry, and even form or join associative groups in their history, pedagogy, and spirituality for various constituencies (including Trustees, new hires, parent groups, and students and area. Spontaneous communication after these programs usually clients served). In addition, we are looking into contributing to takes place naturally through the connections and friendships and accessing the wonderful digital library of Lasallian resources formed while there. As a District, we also want to nurture these maintained by the San Francisco-New Orleans District. Finally, while the “B” in BASE focuses on Brothers’ vocations, networks through resources, apps, and social media. we want our Association/Formation efforts to foster and energize Lasallian vocations as well, especially as we have just entered the designated Year of Lasallian Vocations. As Brother Superior General Robert Schieler, FSC, recently stated, “The Year of Lasallian Vocations is intended to promote all vocations—religious, clergy, lay men and lay women. It is a reminder that we are ALL called to holiness and have a vocation.”
Brother John Kane, FSC, takes part in a small group breakout discussion.
For questions about our District Association/ Formation endeavors, Kerry can be reached at
Mr. John (Jack) Connell, AFSC
It is with saddened hearts that the District of Eastern North America announced the passing of two of our Affiliated Members this fall, Mr. John (Jack) Connell, AFSC, and Mr. Edward M Murawski, AFSC. Jack was a former Brother. He always remained very close to the Brothers while he and his wife Yvette spent years as missionaries working in Africa, China, The Middle East, and finally back in New York City. He and Yvette were Affiliated in 2017. Ed had a long and distinguished career as a teacher then vice principal at West Catholic High School in Philadelphia. He was Affiliated in 1986 and retired more than twenty years ago. Ed also oversaw the Shared-Time vocational program at West, and was an adjunct professor at La Salle University. Please keep these special Lasallians and their families in your prayers.
Mr. Edward M. Murawski, AFSC
CHRISTMAS WITH OUR SENIOR BROTHERS Once again this year, on December 15th, our elder Brothers at De La Salle Hall in Lincroft NJ were joined by the Brothers of both the Christian Brothers Academy and Provincialate Communities to celebrate Christmas together. The Brothers gathered for Mass, followed by social time and a special holiday feast prepared by our wonderful De La Salle Hall staff. A festive and uplifting time was had by all! (Additional photos on pages 12-14). Brothers Joseph Loewenstein and James Kelly relax during the social.
Brothers began their Holiday celebration with Mass in De La Salle Hall Chapel.
Brothers Allen Ganz and Hugh Maguire enjoy the festivities.
Lasallian Group Remains Committed
In December, members of The Familiares, along with Brothers and representatives from several of our ministries, gathered once again on Long Island NY for their Christmas dinner, at which they drew the winning tickets for their annual fall raffle. The Familiares is an organization of lay persons who are intimate associates (“familiars”) of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Its members aid the Brothers in their apostolic labors for the education of youth by their encouraging counsel and generous financial assistance. The Familiares direct their efforts to the Brothers and their educational mission as a whole rather than to a particular project that may have appeal for them at the moment. Founded more than fifty years ago, this small group of dedicated men raises more than $50,000 annually to support the Brothers of the District of Eastern North America. For more information about The Familiares or how to join, please call Patrick Donahue at (718) 986-5837.
Brother Dennis Lee, FSC, thanks Familiares president, Mr. George Bruns and past president, Mr. George Cappiello, Jr. AFSC
I grew up in a Catholic home and was well taught by my parents about my faith. My life was really changed, however, in the tenth grade. My parents transferred me from public school to Christian Brothers Academy in Albany NY, and I met the great men I have been associated with for the rest of my life. The years at Christian Brothers Academy were not only great because of the education I received, but most especially they helped to foster a desire in me to be of service to others. In my last year of high school, I made a decision to give the Brothers a try. I entered the Novitiate at Barrytown New York, and began my journey that has brought me to the present day. I began teaching in several elementary schools and a high school in New York City, during which time I earned a Master’s Degree in European History from Manhattan College. This was followed by several years at La Salle School in Albany, a school for boys in need of a specialized educational setting. As a teacher and as a prefect, I came to realize that not everyone had the stable family life with which God had blessed me. Then, after more than thirty years teaching religion and history at La Salle Institute in Troy NY, I came to Christian Brothers Academy, Lincroft NJ, where I have helped in the Brothers’ community and in the school library. My life as a Brother has been rich and full. I am grateful to God every day for all the wonderful students I have served and the wonderful Brothers with whom I have had the privilege to live and get to know. Most recently, I am happy to accept the invitation from Brother William Martin to help steward our donors in support of our ministries and elder Brothers. God has been good to me!
La Salle Hall - Beltsville MD (B) De La Salle Hall - Lincroft NJ (L)
Christian Brothers Center - Narragansett RI (N) Presentation Manor - Toronto ON (T)
for your continued support of our elder Christian Brothers in residence (as of 12/27/18) at: Br. Andrew Bartley (L) Br. Thomas Barton (L) Br. Raymund Buck (L) Br. John Buckley (N) Br. Thomas Caldwell (L) Br Miguel Campos (L) Br. Gregory Cavalier (L) Br. Carl Clayton (L) Br. John Coates (T) Br. Richard Connors (N)
Br. Colman Coogan (B) Br. Jerome Cox (N) Br. Lawrence Dempsey (B) Br. Thomas Dunn (N) Br. George Edwards (T) Br. Gabriel Fagan (L) Br. Martin Fahey (L) Br. Walter Farrell (T) Br. Michael Fitzgibbon (L) Br. Gerard Frendreis (B)
Br. Edward Gallagher (L) Br. Robert Hebert (N) Br. John Herron (L) Br. William Hudson (B) Br. John Karl (L) Br. Michael Kelleher (L) Br. James Kelly (L) Br. William Kemmerer (L) Br. Joseph Lapp (B) Br. Joseph Loewenstein (L)
Br. James Loxham (L) Br. Hugh Maguire (L) Br. Francisco Martin (L) Br. John McGann (N) Br. Michael McKenery (N) Br. Eugene Morgan (B) Br. James Muffley (B) Br. Joseph Myers (B) Br. Charles O’Connell (L) Br. John Perry (L)
Br. David Rogers (B) Br. Anthony Scotto (N) Br. Timothy Tarmey (N) Br. John Vella (T) Br. Floyd Warwick (L) Br. Henry Werner (B) Br. Philip Whitman (B) Br. Paul Wilcox (T) Br. William Winter (B) Br. Nicholas Zimrose (T)
MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT SAINT JOHN’S COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL - WASHINGTON DC Innovation for Education, Innovation for Mission by Ms. Kathryn Zahner - Assistant Director of Communications
In recent years, under the leadership of Mr. Jeffrey Mancabelli, President, Saint John’s College High School in Washington DC has seen dramatic growth in enrollment and extracurricular programs that support the creative talents and Lasallian spirit of its student body— programs that open minds, unlock talents, and build leaders. The school recently completed their Campaign for the Arts, Mission and Ministry to accommodate this growth and provide its students additional spaces to learn, pray, socialize and expand their talents. Through the support of more than 350 alumni, parents and friends of the school, Saint John’s exceeded the $7.5 million campaign goal to build and renovate three new student-centered campus facilities: the Donatelli Center for the Visual and Performing Arts, Gletner Courtyard, and Cap Mona Family Student Center, which houses the new Gene Morrill Blackbox Theater and Lasallian Center for Mission and Ministry. While the new arts wing has
revolutionized Saint John’s programs by adding light-filled studios and acoustically-designed performance classrooms, Gletner Courtyard provides additional outdoor locations for academic use and student fellowship. SJC Director of Performing Arts, Ken Hammann sees the positive impact on his students. “The new facilities were designed to complement both the quality of the arts programs and the talent of our students; the modern environment fosters creativity and artistic Saint John’s prepares students for success in college and in life. development.” to grow their faith and express it. Saint However, it is the 8,200-square-foot John’s is likely experiencing one of the Cap Mona Family Student Center that most dynamic and growth-filled chapters has become the new heart of the campus. of its long history. It is appropriate and Appropriately, just as the spiritual vital to our Lasallian charism that our development of our students is the core of Mission & Ministry programs expand a Lasallian education, the center serves as as well,” said Director of Mission the home of the new Lasallian Center for Integration, Thomas Sipowicz. Mission and Ministry. “This welcoming In addition to hosting meetings to space draws students in, inviting them coordinate retreats, seminars, service trips and liturgies, President Mancabelli has seen that the Lasallian Center also serves as headquarters for new mission and association initiatives, which he deems as imperative. In 2018, those initiatives included launching a student exchange program with La Salle Lille in France; taking their faculty & staff formation series, Heritage on Tap, on the road to join the Christian Brothers at their retirement community La Salle Hall in Beltsville MD; and preparing for school-wide events, including the 300th Anniversary/Year of Lasallian Vocations and the annual Poverty Education Week.
Students enjoy music class in a new Donatelli Center classroom.
DISTINGUISHED LASALLIAN EDUCATORS FOR 2018 This fall, three educators from the District of Eastern North highly regarded and beloved religion teacher and campus minister America were presented with the Distinguished Lasallian as well as the current chairperson of the Rhode Island Lasallian Educator Award at the conclusion of the annual Huether Associative Group. Grounded in her Catholic faith and Lasallian Lasallian Conference. values, she engages students Mr. Matthew Butler and adults alike in a journey has served for twelve years of faith and zeal. Socially at Christian Brothers conscious, concerned, mentor, Academy, Lincroft NJ as a team player, unwavering, and religion teacher and coach, humble, are terms that her and most recently, as campus students and colleagues ascribe minister. Even prior to this to her. position, Matthew has had Mr. Jeffrey Mancabelli has significant involvement served as Assistant Principal, in retreats, service, and Principal, and now President immersion programs. He has during his twenty year tenure introduced programs to help at St. John’s College High young men build awareness School in Washington DC. and empathy for those in He has been both the first poverty and for those with lay Principal and President. special needs. Of note is Jeff ’s leadership and vision his partnering with Special Mr. Matthew Butler, Ms. Christine Estes, and Mr. Jeff Mancabelli, our have realized a comprehensive Olympics in these efforts. 2018 Distinguished Lasallian Educators (seated), with members of strategic plan, the creation of He is also involved in parish District Leadership team. the Entrepreneurial Center Youth Ministry and community projects. His commitment and for Innovation and Leadership, a 48% increase in endowment, actions truly help transform the CBA community. completion of significant capital improvements, fostering Ms. Christine Estes is in her twenty-first year as a Lasallian significant Lasallian formation within the faculty, and the educator, serving first at Saint Raphael Academy in Pawtucket creation of a robust campus ministry program. RI and now at La Salle Academy, Providence RI. Christine is a
Kavanagh, Cafaro, Newest Affiliated Members In the fall of 2018, the Superior General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools named two new Affiliated Members in the District of Eastern North America, Mr. Donald J. Kavanagh, AFSC and Mr. Frank Cafaro, AFSC. This is the highest honor a lay person can receive from the Institute. Since 1973, Don Kavanagh has served La Salle Academy and Saint Raphael Academy, both in Rhode Island, as a teacher, coach, and administrator. “The basis of my leadership action or decisions is always how that decision is going to improve ‘touching the minds and the hearts of the Brothers Thomas Casey, FSC, and Thomas Gerrow, students entrusted to FSC, present certificate of Affiliation to Mr. Donald J. Kavanagh, AFSC. our care’.” Frank Cafaro has promoted the Lasallian mission for more than forty-five years as a teacher and guidance counselor at St. Peter’s Boys High School in Staten Island. He also is a founding member of District-wide Lasallian programs for youth and for Association of our educators. “Frank has great love for the students of St. Peter’s,” said Brother Dominic Gisondo, FSC. “He has been a support, a brother, and a Mr. Frank Cafaro, AFSC, is congratulated by Christian Brothers on the occasion of his Affiliation. friend to the Brothers’ Community at St. Peter’s and worldwide.”
10th Annual Christmas Card Art Contest Now in its 10th year, the annual District Christmas Card contest had thirty-eight entries from seven schools. Both middle school and high school students were invited to submit their artwork. There were many strong entries for our theme: a contemporary image associated with Luke 2:4-7, “No Room at the Inn.” Damian Anonick, is a senior at De La Salle Collegiate High School, Warren MI, and is this year’s contest winner. Involved in theater, show choir, and tennis at De La Salle, Damian plans to study engineering and art in college. “I have been grateful to have the opportunity to expand my creativity. I am profoundly thankful to be recognized by DENA for my work.” To see Damian’s artwork and all of the entries in this year’s contest, go to
We thank our middle and high school students from across the District who submitted entries this year, and our art teachers who promoted the contest. Lasallian schools represented were: Calvert Hall College High School, Towson MD Christian Brothers Academy-Syracuse, DeWitt NY De La Salle College “Oaklands,” Toronto Ontario De La Salle Collegiate High School, Warren MI La Salle Academy, Philadelphia PA La Salle Academy, Providence RI St. John’s College High School, Washington DC
DISTRICT STAFF ENJOY KENYAN PLAY Well known Kenyan musician, composer, performer, and social justice advocate Eric Wainaina (center, dressed as “Monkey”) is visited backstage by Brothers and staff from our District team after an offBroadway performance of his play, Tinga Tinga Tales. Brother Dennis Lee, FSC, during his time in ministry at Christ the Teacher Institute for Education in Nairobi, became friends with Eric, who would perform concerts to benefit the Lasallian teacher training college. Eric composed the score, choreographed, and starred in Tinga Tinga Tales. The play, which is based on Kenyan folktales for children, took a break from touring Kenya to do a two-week run in New York City.
Senior Brothers Travel to Bethlehem Five DENA Brothers recently returned from their pilgrimage to the Holy Land grateful for the opportunity and inspired by the experience. They enjoyed the fraternal hospitality of the members of the Bethlehem University Brothers’ community, who hosted them during part of their trip. In addition to spending time at the University and at the Lasallian school in Jerusalem, they visited many Biblical sites. Special thanks to Brother Jerome Sullivan, FSC, for coordinating this trip.
Brothers Paul Joslin (kneeling), John McDonnell (left), Richard Lalime (3rd from right), Jerome Sullivan (2nd from right) and Vincent Reese (right), are welcomed by Brothers at Bethlehem University.
Brothers Richard Lalime and Paul Joslin at Qumren, visiting the discovery site of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
REMEMBERING THE BROTHERS WE HAVE LOST Full obituaries and eulogies available online at
1939 – 2018
1932 – 2018
Born Robert Martin Haubrich in 1939, Brother Stephen Haubrich, FSC, entered the Novitiate at Barrytown NY at eighteen years old, where he received the Religious Habit and name, Brother Stephen Lewis. He would pronounce his Perpetual Vows in 1964. Br. Stephen began teaching math at Cardinal Spellman High School in the Bronx before serving for fifteen years at the La Salle Institute in Troy NY, later becoming its Director. He would go on to spend thirty-three years teaching at Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft NJ. Brother Peter Furlong, FSC, knew Br. Stephen as a warm, dedicated Brother with a sense of humor, who loved reading and sports, and made deep, lasting friendships with students and faculty members. “One would have to say that Brother Steve was a good Brother who lived very simply and definitely loved being a Brother,” he said.
Brother Anthony Baird, FSC, was born in Philadelphia PA in 1932. He entered the Ammendale MD Novitiate in 1953, receiving the Religious Habit and name, Brother Frederick Anthony. He pronounced Perpetual Vows in 1959 at Ocean Rest in Ocean City NJ. Br. Anthony held several positions throughout his career, including biology teacher, counselor, Director, and Principal. He served many institutions, among them La Salle High School - Cumberland MD, St. Gabriel’s Hall - Audubon PA, and De La Salle in Towne and West Catholic High School, both in Philadelphia PA. Brother Joseph Mahon, FSC, described Br. Anthony’s teaching style as strict and commanding, but also genuine and honest, especially in his guidance of troubled youth. “Everything he did was out of love for them and was intended to help them to follow the right path,” said Br. Joseph. “Anthony’s effectiveness with young people over the years is because he spoke to them, as Jesus did, with authority.”
1948 – 2018 Brother Edward Barry Bartkowiak, FSC was born in 1948 in Baltimore MD. He entered the Ammendale MD Juniorate in 1964, then the Novitiate two years later. He pronounced Perpetual Vows at Calvert Hall College High School, Towson MD, in 1974. Br. Barry spent his career teaching math at Calvert Hall, Bishop Walsh High School in Cumberland MD, Saint John’s College High School in Washington DC, and La Salle College High School in Wyndmoor PA. Brother Gerry Frendreis, FSC, a former classmate of Br. Barry, knew the outwardly reserved educator for his insight, compassion, and sense of humor, best expressed by his nickname, “B-Cubed.” He also spoke of Br. Edward’s passion for summer, sports, his loved ones, and his service to the local volunteer fire department. “I was constantly amazed at how perceptive he was,” said Br. Gerry, “his genuine concern for people’s well-being, and with his solid practical advice.”
Support the Brothers Use our beautiful Mass Cards Remember your relatives and friends, living and deceased. Those enrolled share in the daily Mass and prayer intentions of the Brothers. Request a brochure and/or a sample packet of Mass Cards today at:
732-842-4359 Toll Free 1-866-STLASALLE (1-866-785-2725) CARDS@DLSAUX.ORG • WWW.DLSAUX.ORG
Stewardship Gifts: October Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Abbondanza Ms. Victoria Abiuso Mr. & Mrs. James C. Addy Mrs. Dolores C. Ahern Mr. James J. Ahern Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Albano Mr. John V. Albertella Mrs. Evelyn Albertini Mr. Robert W. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Allegretti Mrs. Ann D. Allen Mr. Robert W. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Terrence W. Allen Ms. Angela A. Allora Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas F. Alongi Ms. Amelia I. Alonso Mr. & Mrs. John C. Altrogge Mr. & Mrs. Mario Amodei Ms. Maria Amodio Mr. & Mrs. John V. Amy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Anastasio Mr. Brian W. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. James F. Anderson Mrs. Mary E. Anderson Ms. Christine Andreas Mr. Anthony J. Anello Mr. Louis Anemone Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Angi Mr. & Mrs. John P. Annicelli Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Anouna Anselm Hall Community Mr. Edward J. Anthony Dr. Michele M. Anthony & James P. McClain Esq. Mrs. Mary R. Antoniotti Mr. Ronald Anzalone Mrs. Erin S. Apostol Ms. Ann M. Appleby-White Dr. & Mrs. Charles Archbold Mr. Justo Arenas Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Argentine Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John E. Armstrong Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Aros Mrs. Joan C. Arrigan Mr. & Mrs. Esteban S. Arroyo Mr. Richard M. Ashton Mrs. Vilma A. Aubin Mr. & Mrs. James J. Aubuchon Lt. Col. & Mrs. William D. Austermann (Ret) Mr. & Mrs. Angelo E. Avvento Ms. Stella G. Baccala Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D. Baechler Mr. & Mrs. Christer Baeckstrom Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Baffoni Ms. Margaret H. Baggan Mr. Vincent Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Baird Mr. & Mrs. George H. Baker Mr. Patrick C. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Balog Ms. Connie A. Balson Ms. Dolores Bambach Mr. John Banaghan Mrs. Paula A. Bangs Mr. John T. Banyas Mr. & Mrs. Helmut A. Baranyi Mrs. Christine J. Barlieb Ms. Carol Barnabae Mr. & Mrs. John H. Barnitz Mr. Leo E. Barron Mr. David C. Barry Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Barry Mr. William J. Barry Mrs. Judy B. Basara Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Basirico Mr. Kenneth G. Bastian Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Batch Ms. Anna R. Bavaro Ms. Eileen A. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. John F. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. William A. Baxter Jr. Mr. Bryan R. Beane Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Beard Louis J. Beccaria PhD Mr. & Mrs. John T. Becker Mr. Kenneth T. Bedford Mr. & Mrs. James M. Begis Mr. & Mrs. John P. Beirne Mr. Joseph J. Bell Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Bell Mrs. Angelina Bencivenga Mrs. William J. Benden
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Benson Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Berenato Sr. Mr. Gustave L. Berger Ms. Virginia K. Bergeron Mr. Michael Berical Mr. James A. Berkey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Berrian Mr. John A. Beyer Mr. Donald E. Bianchi Dr. James T. Bilbo Mr. & Mrs. David J. Birmingham Mrs. Robert G. Birmingham Dr. & Mrs. James J. Black Mr. & Mrs. John J. Blaney Theodore M. Blaszczyk MD Mr. Basil A. Bliss Mr. & Mrs. Clarence R. Bloodgood Mr. Richard E. Boardman Ms. Joyce M. Bobko Mr. Michael M. Bock Mr. Robert Boehler Mr. Lawrence J. Boland Mrs. Eileen M. Bolsover Mr. Harry G. Bombardi Mr. & Mrs. George A. Bombay Mrs. Maura A. Bonaccorsy Mrs. Nancy J. Bondi Mr. Sandy A. Borello Mr. Clyde L. Borg Dr. Enrique Borras Mrs. Mary M. Bosch Mr. Dominic J. Bossone Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bowes Ms. Elaine M. Bowie Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Bowker Mr. & Mrs. William T. Boyd Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Boyle Deacon & Mrs. John F. Boyle Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Boyle Mrs. Catherine G. Bozzell Ms. Ann E. Braceland Mr. & Mrs. John Braconnier Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Bradley Mrs. Susan M. Bradley Mrs. Barbara A. Brady Mr. Patrick D. Brady Mr. Philip P. Brady Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Brady Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Brancato Mr. & Mrs. Calvin L. Brandt Mr. & Mrs. Edward Braniff Mr. & Mrs. James P. Brazel Rev. James E. Breen Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Breneman Mrs. Joan M. Brennan Mr. John E. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Brennan Mr. Thomas J. Brennan Mr. John H. Bres Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Brewer Dr. Allen S. Brings Ms. Mary Ann E. Broderick Mr. & Mrs. William P. Broderick Ms. Barbara Broehl Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Brogan Mrs. Loretta B. Bromley Miss Emily Bronski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Bronzert Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brooker Ms. Carolee Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Brooks III Mr. Alfred T. Brown Mr. Arthur J. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Brown III Mr. Edward J. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Brown III Mrs. Jacqueline L. Brown Mrs. Marie Z. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Leo E. Bruette Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bruno Mr. & Mrs. George G. Bruzza Mr. & Mrs. Michael Buchenberger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Buckel Ms. Dolores B. Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Jerome K. Buckley Mr. John J. Buckley Mr. Anthony M. Budzitowski Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bufano Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Bulino Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Buonaguro Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Bur Mr. Robert E. Burchell Sister Maryann Burgoyne RSM
Mr. Paul J. Burgoyne Mrs. Catherine M. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Burke III Mrs. Eileen M. Burke Mr. & Mrs. James M. Burke Mr. William P. Burke Mr. Rod Burns Mr. Vincent A. Burolla Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Burtis Maj William A. Burtson USMC (Ret) Mr. Franklin D. Bush Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Butler Ms. Joan Butler Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Byrne Mr. Michael J. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Byrne Ms. Evelyn R. Cabuhat Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Cacciapalle Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cacciapalle Ms. Agnes V. Cadle Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Caffrey Sr. Mrs. Ann M. Cahill Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Cahill Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Cahill Mr. & Mrs. John V. Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. James R. Caldwell Mrs. Patricia A. Calhoun Mrs. Brenda J. Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Callahan Mr. & Mrs. John P. Callanan Mr. & Mrs. Carlo J. Calvi Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Cama Mr. & Mrs. Dom Camera Mr. Paul J. Camilleri Mr. Anthony V. Camilli Dr. Diane M. Cammarata Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Campanella Mrs. Lucy M. Campanella Ms. Anne M. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Campbell Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Campos Ms. Mary E. Canavan Ms. Ann M. Cancellieri Mr. Ronald J. Canestrari Mr. John J. Cannon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Cannon Mrs. Margaret Cannon Hon. Stephen J. Capineri Mrs. Elizabeth Caplice Ms. Barbara E. Capobianco Mr. & Mrs. James A. Capodieci Mr. David E. Capuano Mr. Frank W. Capuano Dr. & Mrs. John F. Carabello Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Cardi Mr. Edward P. Carey Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Carey Mr. & Mrs. George M. Carlin Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Carlin Mr. Anthony J. Carlo Mrs. Mary Carmody Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Carney Ms. Terry Carnila Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Caropreso Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Carr III Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. James E. Carroll Ms. Rosemarie N. Carroll Ms. Erin B. Carstensen Mr. & Mrs. Alba E. Caruso Mr. Rudy Carvajal Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wesley E. Carver Jr. Ms. Diane Case Mrs. Eileen M. Casey Mr. & Mrs. John G. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Keith J. Casey Ms. Michelle Cashman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Castagna Mr. John C. Castiello Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Castle Mr. Joseph C. Castora Mrs. Patricia A. Caulfield Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Cavallaro Ms. Isabella D. Cavanagh Mr. & Mrs. William Cave Mr. Alfred C. Cavuto Mr. Edward R. Cedrone Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Celidonio Mr. Michael L. Censullo Mr. Robert A. Cereghino Mr. L. Donald Chacos Mr. Roger J. Champagne Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Char
Dr. & Mrs. Shaukat A. Chaudhery Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Chaves Mrs. Margaret Chelius Mrs. Claire E. Cherney Mrs. Irene Chesna Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Chorman Mr. Joseph A. Chorney H. Stephen Christenson DDS BFSC & Mrs. Angel Christenson Mr. & Mrs. George J. Ciaccio Congressman David Cicilline Mrs. Margaret A. Cihak Mr. & Mrs. Mario J. Ciminelli Ms. Alison Cioffi-Brown Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Cipolla Mr. & Mrs. John F. Cipriano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Cirelli Ms. Anita M. Cirifalco Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Cisar Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Clark III Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Clark Mr. Philip Clark Mr. Dennis C. Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Clarke Mr. & Mrs. David Clayton Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Cleary Mr. John D. Clements Ms. Mary Beth Cloutier Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. Clune Jr. Ms. Mary Alice Coates Mr. John H. Cobb Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Coggins Mr. & Mrs. James R. Colbeck Ms. Theresa Colizza Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Collazuol Mrs. Claire A. Collins Mr. John F. Collins Mr. Martin J. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Colon Mr. & Mrs. Gary Comunale Mr. Eugene J. Condon Ms. Lucille C. Conklin Mrs. Yvette Connell AFSC Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Connolly Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Connolly Estate of Leonard Patrick Connor Mr. Martin J. Connor Mr. Stephen J. Connor Mr. Robert F. Conry Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Contino Ms. Susan B. Contreras Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Convery Mr. Hugh F. Convery John J. Convey PhD Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cook Mr. & Mrs. Gerard P. Cooney Mr. John P. Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Cooney Mr. Richard J. Coppinger Rev. C. Timothy Corcoran III Mrs. Doris D. Corina Mrs. Carole L. Cornog Mrs. Marian G. Corrigan Mr. & Mrs. John M. Corsini Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Cosenza Mr. Mark Cosgrove Mr. Joseph J. Costello Mr. Maurice L. Costello Mrs. Theresa Costigan Mr. & Mrs. William T. Costigan Mr. & Mrs. John Cotroneo Mrs. Mary Coughlan Rev. George R. Cowan Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Coward Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard S. Cox Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Cox Mrs. Constance E. Coyle Ms. Judith D. Coyle Mrs. Kathleen M. Coyle Mr. Kevin P. Coyle Ms. Marietta C. Cozzi Regina & Tom Cozzy Mrs. Anne R. Crawford Mrs. Eugenia C. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Wheeler Crawford Mr. Leon R. Credico Mr. Albert W. Crew Mr. John J. Cronin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Crowley Mr. Phillip N. Cruz Mrs. Mary C. Cuff Mr. & Mrs. John M. Cullen Ms. Mary C. Cullen
Mr. Brian M. Culnan Mr. Michael J. Cunningham Jr. Mrs. Kathleen P. Curley Mrs. Catherine A. Curran Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Curran Mr. James K. Curtin Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Curtin Mr. & Mrs. James M. Curwood Mr. Charles J. Daalder Mr. John G. Dabkowski Mrs. Patricia A. D’Agostino Mr. Allen W. Dahle Mr. Richard J. Daisley Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. D’Alessandro Ms. Blanche Daley Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Daley Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dalton Ms. Louise F. Dame Ms. Sharon D’Amelia Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. D’Amore Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. D’Amore Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. D’Amore Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Danek Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. D’Angelillio Mr. & Mrs. Howard Danielson Mrs. Grace Danzi Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. DaPonte Mr. Anthony J. D’Auria Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. D’Auria Mr. & Mrs. Barry B. Davall Mr. Francis M. Davies Mr. & Mrs. John J. Deady Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. DeAntonio Mr. Anthony P. DeChiro Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Decker Mrs. Jean DeDecker Mrs. Agnes DeFelice Mr. Robert J. DeFeo Mr. & Mrs. William E. DeFeo Mr. Francis A. DeFrancesco Ms. Debra A. DeGaeta Mr. & Mrs. David E. Deinlein Mr. & Mrs. William J. Delaney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. DeLessio Mr. Michael A. DelSordo Ms. Adrienne L. DeLuca Mr. James H. DeLuca Jr. Mr. Gerald D. DeMaio Mr. Edward M. Dempsey Mr. Martin Dempsey Mr. Thomas M. Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. John K. DeMuria Ms. Mary E. DePietro Mr. & Mrs. John P. Depman Mr. John M. Deponai III Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Deptula Mrs. Elaine M. Depue Mr. & Mrs. John M. Derderian Mr. & Mrs. Robert D’Errico Mr. James T. Derwin Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. DeSaye Mr. David J. Dettling Mrs. Veronica Devlin Mr. Alfred A. Diaz Ms. Immaculata M. DiBenedetto Mr. & Mrs. Vincent DiBetta Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiBiase Mr. Armand DiChiara Mrs. Frances M. DiClerico Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas P. Dienna Mr. John R. Dietrich Mr. & Mrs. James C. Diggs Mr. John M. Dillon Mr. Joseph P. Dillon Captain Kevin L. Dillon USNR (Ret) Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Dillon Mr. David J. Dillworth Mr. & Mrs. Chinh V. Dinh Mr. & Mrs. John M. Dionne Ms. Marilyn T. DiPaolo Mrs. Anna S. DiPetrillo Mr. & Mrs. Dennis DiPrete Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. DiSalvo Deacon Dale J. DiSanto Hon. & Dr. Debra E. DiSegna Mr. & Mrs. Mario N. DiStefano Mr. John L. Dittmeyer Mr. Arthur Dixon & Ms. Jane Lateer Mrs. Madeline do Couto Mr. Walter F. Dobrzycki Ms. Barbara Dockray Mr. George J. Doehner Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dolan Dr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Dombroski
6, 2018 to December 26, 2018 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Domogala Ms. Blandina M. Donahoe Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Donahue Mr. & Mrs. James A. Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Donahue Mr. George Dondero Ms. Elaine R. Donnelly Mr. Joseph P. Donnelly Mrs. Veronica Donnelly Ms. Dorothy Donohue Mr. Joseph C. Donohue Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Donohue Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Donovan Mrs. Elaine Donovan Mr. Eugene J. Donovan Mr. James F. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. William N. Dooley Mr. & Mrs. James T. Dooney Mrs. Joan S. Doran Mr. Thomas E. Doran & Ms. Donna Franchetti Mr. & Mrs. William M. Doran Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D Dorgan Mr. & Mrs. John D’Orlando Mr. & Mrs. John W. Dorn Mr. James L. Dotti John H. Doud III Esq. Mr. Edward T. Dougherty Mrs. Genevieve Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. William J. Dougherty Sr. Mr. Edward B. Dowaschinski Mr. John P. Dowd Mr. Peter O. Dowd Mr. Joseph P. Dowling Mrs. Theresa Doyle Mr. Thomas J. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Drance Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Dreher Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Drew Mr. Charles J. Driscoll Mr. Thomas M. Driscoll Mr. Daniel F. Drogosch Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Drohan Ms. Barbara Drozdik Mr. Alfred W. Drumm Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Drummond Mrs. Joan C. Drusano Mrs. Maureen F. Duane Mr. Robert G. Duerr Mr. Henry E. Dugan Jr. & Ms. Caroline A. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dugan Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Mrs. Deborah A. Dunaj Col. & Mrs. Anthony J. Dunleavy USMC (Ret) Mr. Thomas D. Dunn Mrs. Celia Dunne Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Dunne Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dunne Ms. Mary E. Durkin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Durkin Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dwyer Mr. Peter P. Dziamba Ms. Jeannette Eagan Mr. & Mrs. William R. Easby-Smith Mrs. Joyce A. Eberly Estate of Brother Robert Francis Eckenrode Mr. & Mrs. Edward Edele Mr. Edward A. Edes Mr. & Mrs. William Tyson Edmonds Mr. William L. Edwards BFSC & Mrs. Frances M. Edwards Mr. Walter D. Egan Mr. & Mrs. Rick Elliott Lt. Col. George P. Emodi USAF (Ret) Mr. Albert W. Emond Sister Elizabeth Engel OP Mrs. George Erwin Mr. Gerald T. Erwin Mr. & Mrs. John D. Eshoo Mr. & Mrs. James J. Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Esposito Mr. Charles W. Esserwein Ms. Dolores M. Estrada Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Etoll Mr. George T. Evans Mr. Richard S. Evans Mr. John T. Evers Mr. Eugene A. Ewachiw Ms. Barbara Fabe Mr. & Mrs. John J. Faccas Mrs. Sharon A. Fagioli Dr. & Mrs. James A. Fahey Mr. & Mrs. John J. Faley
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Falinski Mr. John D. Famulari Mr. Joseph A. Fanelli Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Fanelli Ms. Elizabeth Mary Fanning Ms. Paula Fantini-Burk Ms. Linda Farnoly Ms. Alicia Farrell Mrs. Annette M. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. George R. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. John A. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. John W. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Farrell Sr. Mr. Gerard C. Fatica Rev. William J. Fay Mr. & Mrs. Todd K. Feder Ms. Elizabeth J. Feehan Mr. James F. Feehan Mr. James C. Feeney Mr. James P. Feeney Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Felten Mr. Edward T. Fergus Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Ferrante Mr. Albert J. Ferrari Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Ferrer Mr. & Mrs. Domenic T. Ferri Sr. Ms. Linda J. Fersick Mr. Leslie F. Fewster Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Fichter Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Fick Jr. Mr. Louis Fielack Mr. & Mrs. James C. Fielding Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Fierko Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Files Mr. & Mrs. Vito G. Filomeno Ms. Lois A. Finn Rev. Msgr. Peter G. Finn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Finn Mrs. Michael C. Finnegan Mr. Neil F. Finnegan Mr. & Mrs. James J. Finnerty III Dr. & Mrs. James J. Finnerty Mr. & Mrs. James T. Finnigan Mrs. Joan G. Fischer Mr. Carmine M. Fiscina Mrs. Ann M. Fisher Mr. John H. Fitzgerald Sister Mary Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary B. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Otis Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Fitzgerald Mr. John Fitzgibbons Jr. Mrs. Arlene M. FitzPatrick Mrs. Loretta M. Fitzpatrick Mr. James A. Fitzsimmons Mrs. Rita Claire Fitzsimmons Mr. & Mrs. John S. Flack Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Flanagan Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Flanagan Ms. Mary R. Flanagan Mr. Timothy A. Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. David C. Fleming Jr. Ms. Maria D. Fleming Michael Fleming DDS BFSC & Mrs. Margaret Fleming Mr. William J. Fleming Mrs. Marian C. Flocco Mr. & Mrs. James V. Flood Mrs. Sharon M. Flood Mr. & Mrs. Cesare L. Florio Mr. John G. Flynn Mr. Thomas F. Flynn Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John C. Foertsch Mrs. Catherine Foley Mr. James W. Foley Mr. & Mrs. John P. Follman Sr. Ms. Joann L. Folts Mrs. Jean E. Fontana Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore A. Fontana Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Ford Mr. John F. Ford Mr. Joseph W. Ford Mr. Timothy Ford Mr. Hugh J. Forde Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Forish Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Forte Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Fosdick Mr. George A. Foudos Ms. Erma J. Francello Mr. & Mrs. John J. Franceschini Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Frank Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William S. Frankl Dr. Anthony Fratiello
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Frayne Mrs. Mary V. Fredrick Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Freiland Mr. Steven A. Freire Mr. & Mrs. George W. Freisleben Mrs. Mary Anne Freitag Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Freund Peter W. Frey PhD Mrs. Rosanne Frickenstein Ms. Carolyn Friello Mr. & Mrs. John M. Froehlich Miss Joan T. Fugman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Furnari Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Fusco Dr. Michael Gaffney Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gagliano Mrs. Mary R. Gahagan Mr. Joseph R. Gajewski Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Gallagher Mr. Richard J. Gallagher Mr. Thomas C. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. William F. Gallagher Mr. William P. Gallagher Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Ms. Joan Galligan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gallo Mr. Nicholas A. Gallo Mr. Michael J. Galvin Mr. & Mrs. David Gambacorta Mr. & Mrs. James J. G’Angeli Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gantz Ms. Cynthia A. Gardner Mr. Francis J. Gardner Mrs. Jacqueline A. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. John C. Gargani Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Garito Ms. Barbara A. Garrison Mr. Stephen K. Garry Dr. & Mrs. Brian P. Gatens Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Gatti Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph C. Gattis Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Gaumer Ms. Anne C. Gavaghan Mr. Joseph R. Gavaghan Mrs. Irene T. Gavaris Ms. Dolores B. Gavin CDR Victor M. Gavin USN (Ret) Mr. Frank J. Geiser Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Geltz Ms. Thorel D. Geltzeiler Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Gendaszek Mrs. Lorraine M. Genovese Mr. Nicholas L. Genovese Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gentile Mr. Joseph M. Gentile Mr. Richard F. George Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Geraghty Jr. Estate of Joseph J. Gerngross Sr. AFSC Mrs. Mary T. Gerrity Mrs. Mary E. Gerrow Mrs. Cecilia C. Gessner Mr. Edward G. Ghiglieri Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Giacometti Mr. & Mrs. William E. Gibbons Mrs. Theodora B. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. John F. Gill Mr. & Mrs. George M. Gillan Mr. & Mrs. William A. Gillard Mrs. Catherine Gillespie Ms. Margaret Gilmartin Ms. Deborah L. Gioioso Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Giordano Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Giovanni Ms. Mary E. Girello Mr. Richard F. Gisler Jr. & Susan M. Rubisch-Gisler PhD Ms. Elaine A. Gitro Mrs. Margaret A. Giuffrida Mr. & Mrs. John A. Giunco Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Glancey Mr. & Mrs. Edgar T. Glascott Ms. Mary Godfrey Ms. Adelaide Goertler Ms. Loretta Golden Mr. Thomas J. Golder Mr. & Mrs. Jose Gomes Ms. Virginia Neves Gonsalves Mr. & Mrs. Evan Goodman Mr. & Mrs. James E. Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Goodwin Mr. Michael J. Goodwin Mrs. Joan M. Gorczyca
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Gordon Mrs. Kathryn W. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Gordzica Mr. Henry P. Gore Mr. Robert G. Gorman Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Gorman Ms. Kathleen R. Gormley Mr. & Mrs. Bob C. Goss Mr. Joseph G. Gottstine Mrs. Marilyn Gower Col. & Mrs. John D. Grabenstein Mr. & Mrs. Francis L. Gracon Ms. Helen T. Grady Mr. Glenn S. Graef Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Grandizio Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Grause Jr. Mr. Richard M. Gray Mr. Anthony V. Graziano Mr. Thomas G. Grealy Mr. Edward W. Greason Mr. Robert D. Greason Dr. & Mrs. John T. Greed Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Green Mr. William J. Green Brother Charles E. Gresh Deacon Arthur J. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Griffin Jr. Ms. Judith M. Grimes Mrs. Katherine M. Grimm Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Groeschke Mr. & Mrs. William B. Grogan Ms. Kathleen F. Gross Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Grossi Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Grosso Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Grubb Ms. Patricia R. Guarino Mr. Louis J. Guarrieri, Jr., BFSC & Mrs. Agnes M. Guarrieri Mr. & Mrs. George W. Guerin Mrs. Patricia A. Guerra Mrs. Vivienne Guerra Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Guerrera Ms. Arlene Guider Mr. & Mrs. Gregory G. Guido Mrs. Anna M. Guistino Mr. John F. Gulbin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William R. Gumb Jr. Mrs. Mary E. Guseman Ms. Clare T. Gustafson Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Gwyn-Williams Mr. Martin Gyves Mrs. Mary S. Haber Dr. & Mrs. John A. Habra Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Hackett Mr. Robert E. Hagadorn Mr. Thomas F. Hagerty Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Haig Mrs. Catherine Halinski Mrs. Julia M. Hall Ms. Lucia W. Ham Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hamill Mrs. Mary M. Hamilton Ms. Rosemary F. Hamm Mr. William S. Hamma Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Hammack Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Hammill Mr. James R. Hammond Mrs. Cathleen M. Hample Mr. George F. Hand Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Hanley Mr. & Mrs. William T. Hanlon Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Hannan Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Hanrahan Mr. Michael Hansberry Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hansen Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hardeman Mr. Paul T. Harley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Harmon Mrs. Virginia C. Harmon Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Harning Ms. Joanne Harper Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Harrington Mrs. Geraldine Harrington Ms. Janice E. Harris Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hartigan Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Hartmann Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Hartnett Jr. Mrs. Helen T. Harvey Mr. & Mrs. John V. Hasson Mr. Gordon S. Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. William D. Hawthorne Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hayburn Mr. John J. Hayde Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hayes
Mr. Stephen P. Hayes Mr. James G. Hearn Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Heffernan Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Heine Ms. Mary Jean J. Heintz Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Helgevold Mr. Arthur M. Heller Mr. Donald Hellriegel Ms. Helen Helmick-Waite Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Hemmer Mr. Charles D. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Larry Henderson Ms. Nancy L. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. William L. Henn Jr. Mrs. Anne T. Hennessy Mrs. Margaret M. Hennigan Mr. & Mrs. William E. Hennlein Mr. Charles J. Henry Col. & Mrs. Eugene W. Henry USAF (Ret) Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Henry Mr. Francis J. Hensler Mr. Gerald W. Hepp Mr. John U. Heppler Mrs. Barbara Herbermann Mr. & Mrs. J. Karl Herchenroder Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Herring Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Herz Mrs. Judith M. Hess Mr. Thomas Hessel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hesselberg Mr. W. Joseph Hetherington Mr. Thomas J. Hickey Mr. Philip E. Hickman Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Higginbotham Ms. Barbara A. Higgins Dr. C. J. Higgins & Dr. P. G. Higgins Mr. Paul J. Higgins Ms. Paulette A. Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Hill Mr. David E. Hinkley Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hitch Ms. Elizabeth Hoag Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hoban Ms. Cynthia A. Hobbs Mr. James C. Hobin Dr. Kenneth P. Hodges Mr. Joseph F. Hoffmann Mr. Dennis A. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hogan Ms. Janet L. Hogler Mr. Henry J. Hohenstein Rev. Robert J. Hohenstein Mr. William M. Hohmann Mr. Thomas J. Holt Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Holzmann Mr. Robert M. Homko Mr. James G. Hoofnagle Jr. Mr. William M. Hooper Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Hosey Mr. & Mrs. J. Kevin Houlihan Mr. John G. Houlihan Ms. Anne E. Hovanyetz Mr. David M. Hudiak Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hughes Mrs. Mary O’Kelly Hughes Ms. Marianne E. Huniyack Mr. William J. Huntley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Hussey Mr. John P. Huvane Mr. Kevin Huvane Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hyde Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hyer Mr. Thomas W. Hyland Ms. Gertrude A. Ibarreche Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Illig Mr. Martin A. Infanti Mr. & Mrs. Benedict J. Ingegneri Mr. Thomas J. Innes Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Iraola Ms. Theresa Irwin Mr. John E. Ivory Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Jablonski Mr. J. Andrew Jackowski Mr. & Mrs. James J. Jaklitsch Mr. David Janansky Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Janicke Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Jannetti Mrs. Barbara M. Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Noel M. Jennings Ms. Judith A. Jewell Mr. William A. Jochym Mr. & Mrs. Henry Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Leonard C. Johnson
October 6, 2018 to December 26, 2018 Stewardship Gifts (continued) Mr. & Mrs. William A. Johnson Mr. Edward M. Jones Mr. & Mrs. James R. Jones Mr. Kenneth J. Jones Ms. Maureen Jones Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Jordan Mr. John E. Joseph Ms. Madonna R. Joy Mr. James Joyce Mrs. Janet Joyner Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Joynt Mr. Richard J. Jungwirth Ms. Marybeth Kahle Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Kaifer Mr. John A. Kaiser Mayor & Mrs. Leonard R. Kaiser Mr. James L. Kalteux Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Kane Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kane Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kane Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Kanerviko Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Karschnia Mr. Harold J. Kauffmann Ms. Patricia A. Kavanagh Rev. Edward J. Kealey Mrs. Joanna M. Kearney Mr. Patrick J. Kearney Mr. & Mrs. T. Scott Kearney Mr. Thomas F. Keaveney Mr. Martin L. Keefe Mr. & Mrs. John J. Keegan Dr. & Mrs. Louis L. Keeler Mr. Kevin C. Keelty Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Keenan Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Keenan Mrs. Margaret F. Kelley Mrs. Ann P. Kelly Mrs. Catherine P. Kelly Dr. David H. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. James F. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. John E. Kelly Mr. John M. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Kelly Mr. Philip R. Kelly Mr. Walter P. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Chester E. Kempa Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kenealy Mr. James J. Kenna Mrs. Catherine B. Kennedy Mr. Paul G. Kennedy Mr. John F. Kenney III Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kenny Mrs. Ann E. Keogh Mr. Patrick J. Keogh Mr. & Mrs. James F. Keohane Ms. Diane B. Keough Ms. Eileen A. Kerins Mr. John A. Kerins Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kerrigan Ms. Mary D. Kerwin Mr. John F. Kiely Jr. Mrs. Rosemary S. Kiely Mr. John M. Kiernan Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Kilbride Mr. James F. Kilkenny Mr. Edward F. Killip Dr. Judith Kilmer Mr. William P. Kinane Mr. & Mrs. John H. Kineke Jr. Mrs. Mary Margaret King Mr. & Mrs. Michael King Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. King Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. King Mr. & Mrs. James W. Kingerski Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Kinley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Kinlin Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Kinn Mr. & Mrs. James Kinsella Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Kinzler Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William A. Kirby Mr. & Mrs. Gordon J. Kirsch Sr Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Kisielewski Mrs. Mary F. Kissane Mr. & Mrs. Charles O. Kistner Very Rev. David J. Klein J.C.L. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Klein Mrs. Virginia A. Klein Ms. Rose Klimovich Mr. & Mrs. George D. Kline Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Klinger Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Klocke Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Klusman Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Knapp
Mr. Edward M. Kneafsey Mr. Bruno Kneucker Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Knight III Mr. John Knowles Mr. & Mrs. William J. Knowles Mr. & Mrs. Paul Knudsen Ms. Shirley Knutsen Rev. Thomas P. Kobuszewski Mr. & Mrs. John Koch Mrs. Phyllis Koch Mr. Robert F. Koch Mr. Gregory Kochanowicz Mr. Bruce J. Koegler Mr. Robert M. Kolbas Mr. Thomas J. Kolber Mr. Paul Kolodchak Mrs. Loretta Konieczny Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kopcha Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kotwicki Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Koury Mr. Sidney J. Kowalczyk Mr. Raymond D. Kowalski Mr. Keith Kozminski Mr. & Mrs. Ted Kozminski Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kozoriz Ms. Lisa A. Kraeutler Mr. John F. Kraft Mrs. Margaret C. Kraft Mr. George P. Kramer BG Jeffrey P. Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Kramer III Mrs. Mary Kranking Richard E. Kreipe MD Mrs. Mary Ann Krumm Mr. & Mrs. Pascal J. Kruse Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Krysiak Mr. Kenneth J. Kubat Mr. Robert E. Kubic Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Kubic Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kubler Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kuhn Mr. Anthony J. Kunny Ms. Mary J. Kunzler Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Kusick Jr. Mr. Louis F. Kutys II Mr. Gerard J. Kuzniewski
Ms. Joanne Leaver Mr. John M. LeBedda II Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Leddy Ms. Carol A. Lee Mrs. Hanna Lee Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Leet Mrs. Eleanor Leggett Mr. Gregory J. Lehane Mr. Steven R. Leidenfrost Mr. & Mrs. Julius Lelesi Mrs. Betty K. Lemon Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin P. Lenda Mr. Joseph S. Leniec Mrs. Barbara E. Leonard Dr. & Mrs. John J. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Jon Leonard Mrs. Theresa Leonessa Ms. Elsie W. Leopold Mr. & Mrs. Alfred W. LeRoux Ms. Patricia Lett Mrs. Mary C. Levier Mr. Dominic J. Liantonio Ms. Rosemarie E. Liberatore Mrs. Josephine M. LiCausi Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Lidinsky Jr. Mr. Mark J. Lieblang Mr. James Lilly Mr. M. Allen Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. Lindston Mr. & Mrs. William S. Linehan Mr. Stephen L. Lipski Mr. & Mrs. Stanislaw J. Lisica Mr. Joseph T. Liskiewicz Mr. & Mrs. John R. Locher Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Loebs Mr. & Mrs. William R. Loehr Jr Mr. Daniel J. Loepp Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Logan Mr. & Mrs. James J. Logue Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Logue Deacon John K. Lohrstorfer Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Long Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Long Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Long Mr. & Mrs. Dominick A. Longhi Mr. Vincent J. Longo Dr. & Mrs. Antonio N. Loreno Mr. & Mrs. Bernard R. Lorenz Sr. Ms. Patricia Lorenz Ms. Donna P. LoRusso
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Kwasizur Mr. Thomas F. Kyhos Mr. Wayne C. Kyhos La Salle College High School Robert A. Labriola DPM Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Ladd Mr. & Mrs. John F. Ladley Mr. & Mrs. Gerald LaForest Mr. & Mrs. Eric T. Laitinen Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Lamerato Mrs. Marie M. Langley Mr. Thomas Lanyi Mr. & Mrs. Constantine H. Lanzi Mr. Steven J. Lanzola Mrs. Marianne Larca Mr. & Mrs. William R. Larkin Mr. Glen LaRocca Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Lastowski Dr. Donna L. Lauck Mr. & Mrs. Juergen Laue Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Lauerman Ms. Anne B. Laverty Mrs. Miriam J. Lavin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lavin Jr. Mrs. Adele F. Lawton Mr. John T. Lawton Ms. Vicki M. Lazor Mrs. Marion B. Leach
Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Loughlin Mr. Robert P. Loughman Ms. Jean B. Lowinger Dr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Lowry Mr. Edward C. Lucas Mr. Matthew C. Lucas Mr. Jeffrey G. Luciani Maj Gen Eugene A. Lupia Ret. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Luvara Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Lydting Ms. Joanna M. Lygas Mr. & Mrs. James F. Lynam Mr. & Mrs. A. Robert Lynch Mr. Brian M. Lynch & Mrs. Maryann Donohue-Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lynch Mr. & Mrs. James J. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lynch Mr. Robert W. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Lynn Mr. John J. Lyons Ms. Veronica T. Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. MacCallum Mr. & Mrs. David R. Mace Ms. Joan M. Mack Dr. Elaine D. Mackowiak Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Madden
Mr. William J. Madden Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Madonna Mr. & Mrs. William J. Magazzina Jr. Mrs. Anna R. Magee Mr. & Mrs. Achille M. Maggio Mr. & Mrs. Ross W. Maghan III Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Magliari Mrs. Helen Maguire Mrs. Veronica A. Maguire Mrs. Marion Maguire Col. & Mrs. Roger F. Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mahala Mr. Robert A. Mahan Ms. Catherine M. Maher Mr. Edward C. Maher Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Maher Mr. William T. Maher Jr. Mr. Anthony P. Mahon Ms. Jean M. Mahon Ms. Margaret Mahon Mr. Ryan Mahoney Mrs. Nancy G. Maida Rev. Richard J. Maisano Dr. Gabriel M. Makhlouf Rev. Msgr. John H. Maksymowicz Miss Ellen M. Malisko Mrs. Bernadette C. Malone Mr. Edward F. Malone Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malone Mr. & Mrs. John J. Malone Mr. Donald J. Maloney Mr. John T. Maloney Mr. Richard J. Maloney Ms. Rita B. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Maloney Ms. Patricia F. Maloney-Horowitz Mr. Thomas W. Mamara Mr. Walter R. Mamed Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Mancabelli Mr. Anthony Mancuso Mr. John L. Manear Mr. Gerard S. Mangione Mr. & Mrs. David Manion Mr. Thomas L. Mank Ms. Mary J. Manners Mrs. Karen A. Mannhaupt Mr. Anthony J. Mannherz Ms. Carol Manning Mr. & Mrs. James J.P. Manning Mr. & Mrs. James J. Manning Mr. John W. Manning Mr. Joseph A. Marchione Ms. Dorothy K. Marciniak Mr. John C. Marczely Mr. Philip R. Maresco Mr. & Mrs. A Margiotta Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Marino Mrs. Rose Marino Deacon & Mrs. Salvatore A. Marino Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mark Mr. Gerard H. Marks Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Marmion Ms. Mary E. Maroulis Mr. William J. Marr Mr. James F. Marrin Ms. Catherine T. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. David P. Marshall Mr. John D. Marshall AFSC & Mrs. Carol A. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Martel Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Martelli Mrs. Antoinette E. Martin Mr. Edward G. Martin Mr. Leo W. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Martin Ms. Sharon L. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Martinek Mr. Alex Martini Mr. Joseph Martino Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Martosella Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Marx Mr. Robert A. Mascari Mrs. Lorraine S. Maselko Mr. & Mrs. William T. Maselko Mr. & Mrs. James F. Masker Ms. Lynn Masseo Mr. William E. Massey Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mastria Ms. Susan A. Mastrostefano Mr. & Mrs. Lee Mathews Ms. Anne Matthews Mr. Thomas Lenny Matthews Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Abel Joseph Mattos Mr. & Mrs. John A. May Mr. & Mrs. John E. May Miss Bridget C. Maybury Mrs. Virginia M. Maye Dr. & Mrs. John F. Maynard Rev. Richard C. Maynard
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard L. Mazur Mr. Gary P. Mazzariello Mr. James F. McAleer AFSC & Mrs. Diane L. McAleer Sister Edith McAlice SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. McAlice Mr. & Mrs. George McAndrews Mr. Thomas P. McAndrews Mrs. Kathleen E. McAneny Mr. James T. McAuliffe Mr. & Mrs. John J. McAuliffe Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. McAuliffe Mrs. Marianne McBride Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. McBurney Mr. Edward J. McCabe Ms. Barbara A. McCann Ms. Antoinette McCarron Mrs. Ilse H. McCarthy Mr. James J. McCarthy Mr. John J. McCarthy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. James J. McCaughey Dr. & Mrs. Michael McCausland Mr. John L. McCloskey AFSC Rev. R. T. McConaghy Mr. & Mrs. George J. McConchie Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. McConnell Dr. & Mrs. John P. McConnell Prof. & Mrs. Michael E. McCormick Mrs. Valerie A. McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. McCourt Mrs. Regina McCourt Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. McCoy Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCracken Jr. Mrs. Anne McCullough Mr. William K. McCutcheon Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. McDermott Ms. Marianne V. McDermott Mr. & Mrs. William P. McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McDonagh Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. James T. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Dermot J. McDonnell Dr. & Mrs. James K. McDonnell Estate of Anne Gaffney McDonnell Ms. Ellen McDonough Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael McDonough Sr. Mr. Eugene McElwain Mr. & Mrs. James P. McEntegart Mr. Arthur R. McFadden Mr. Daniel P. McFadden Mrs. Marlene G. McGaffic Ms. Mary McGahan Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. McGarry Mr. & Mrs. Neal A. McGarry Mr. Stephen J. McGiff Hon. & Mrs. Bernard L. McGinley Mr. Thomas J. McGinn Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McGivern Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. McGivney Ms. Catherine M. McGonigle Mr. Brian E. McGovern Mr. & Mrs. William A. McGovern Mr. & Mrs. James T. McGowan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGowan Mrs. Helen P. McGrail Mr. Francis T. McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. McGrath Dr. & Mrs. Thomas McGreen Mr. Charles T. McGuigan Mr. & Mrs. David W. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. William F. McGurrin Mr. John J. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. McHugh Ms. Deanna McIntyre Mr. John J. McKenna III Mr. & Mrs. John A. McKeon Ms. Judith McKeown Mrs. Janet N. McLaughlin Ms. Patricia A. McLaughlin Mrs. Stephanie McLean Mr. Edward T. McLoughlin Mr. James J. McLoughlin BFSC & Mrs. Mary McLoughlin Mr. Robert F. McMackin Mr. & Mrs. Gerald V. McMahon Mr. & Mrs. John J. McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. McMahon Mr. & Mrs. James D. McManus Mr. Richard E. McManus Mr. Clarence J. McMerty Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. McMerty Mr. Henry P. McNally Mr. & Mrs. John J. McNamara
LASALLIAN NOTES Mr. Kenneth J. McNamara Mrs. Linda McNamara Mr. Timothy C. McNamara Mrs. Rosalie M. McNeff Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. McNierney Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McNulty Ms. Patricia A. McNulty Mr. Peter J. McNulty Mrs. Barbara McOscar Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. McPoyle Mr. Dennis F. McSweeney Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. McTiernan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. McTighe Mr. William J. Mead Mr. & Mrs. Chris M. Meagher Mr. Matthew Meagher Mrs. Marie Medeiros Mrs. Elizabeth J. Meehan Mr. & Mrs. James P. Meehan Ms. Christine E. Meickle Mr. & Mrs. James Meier Ms. Lynne Meissner Mr. & Mrs. James Melando Mr. & Mrs. James R. Mellaci Mr. Stephen N. Melley Lawrence J. Mellon Jr. MD Mr. & Mrs. John Meluzio Mrs. Debra A. Menta Ms. Wilmina T. Mercado William J Merriman PhD Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Merritts Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Meshon Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne T. Messer Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian Messina Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Metzinger Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Michals Ms. Catherine A. Mietz Mr. John S. Miletich Mr. Joseph D. Milio Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Miller Mrs. Susan P. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Miner Mr. & Mrs. William D. Minihan Mr. & Mrs. William Minnick Mrs. Mary Minton Mr. & Mrs. Enzio Miserere Ms. Stacie Mlodgenski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Moeller Mrs. Ewa D. Momot Mrs. Dolores A. Monacelli Hon. & Mrs. Armando Monaco II Mr. & Mrs. Bernard P. Monahan Mrs. Mary J. Monk Mrs. Patricia E. Montalbano Mrs. Jennie Montedoro Mr. Paul J. Mooney Estate of Rev. John Charles Moore Mr. Brendan Moore Mr. Edward T. Moore Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Moran Mr. Gabriel Moran Mr. John T. Moran Mr. Patrick J. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Moran Mr. & Mrs. James G. Morgan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marc J. Morgan Mr. John Moriarty Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Morisseau Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Morris Mr. John C. Morris Jr. Mr. Robert E. Mottola Mrs. Lena M. Motz Dr. Ronald R. Mrozinski Mrs. Patricia Mryncza Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Mudd Mr. & Mrs. John T. Muehl Dr. & Mrs. James A. Mueller Mr. Nicholas F. Mueller III Ms. Mary Ann Muldoon Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Mulholland Mr. Thomas E. Mulholland Mr. & Mrs. Martin S. Mulkerrin Mr. James F. Mullan Mr. Philip J. Mullan Mr. Thomas E. Mullany Ms. Eileen E. Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Mullen Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Mullen III Mr. Paul F. Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Muller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mulligan Mr. William J. Mullin Mr. James E. Mulvey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Munno Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Murnane Mrs. Maureen Murnane Mr. Charles J. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Murphy
Mr. Dennis P. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John K. Murphy Mrs. Kathleen B. Murphy Mrs. Margaret M. Murphy Ms. Mary S. Murphy Dr. Michael W. Murphy Mrs. Patricia A. Murphy Mrs. Susan D. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Murray Mr. Daniel P. Murray Dr. & Mrs. Francis X. Murray Mr. & Mrs. George G. Murray Mr. & Mrs. James H. Murray III Mr. John J. Murray Sr. Mr. Michael W. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Murtha Mrs. Mary Ann Musich Mrs. Anthony D. Mustillo Ms. Olivia Mutone Mr. John R. Myers Mrs. Kathleen M. Myers Ms. Trish M. Nagel Mr. & Mrs. William B. Nagle Mr. Anthony J. Natale Mr. Michael V. Nathan Col. & Mrs. Arthur J. Nattans Sr. Mrs. Lucille Naughton Mr. Dennis L. Nauheimer Mr. Frank S. Nehilla Mrs. Marie L. Neidermeyer Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Nelson Mrs. Joan Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Nespoli Mr. John J. Neuschel Mr. & Mrs. John F. Nevue Mrs. Joanne P. Ney Mr. Peter D. Nigro Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Nimon Anthony D. Nista DDS AFSC Mr. & Mrs. James Noe Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Nolan Mr. James F. Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Nolan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Nolan Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Noonan Ms. Carol Nordberg Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Normand Mr. Joseph Norowski Mr. Stephen A. Norrell Mr. & Mrs. William P. Norton Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Novack Ms. Jeanette M. Novak Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Nuth Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Gerald J. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Hugh P. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. John T. O’Brien Mr. Robert E. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. O’Brien Mr. Thomas J. O’Brien Mr. William J. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. O’Callaghan Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey O’Connell Mrs. John P. O’Connell Mr. Matthew J. O’Connell Dr. Priscilla O’Connell Mr. Richard P. O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. James M. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. O’Connor Mr. Thomas H. O’Connor Mrs. Ellen M. O’Day Mr. John F. O’Donnell Mr. John T. O’Donnell AFSC Mr. Martin P. O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. James P. O’Donovan Mr. Norman E. Oelschlegel Mr. Thomas F. O’Grady Dr. & Mrs. William B. O’Grady Mr. Edward P. O’Hanlon Mr. Jeremiah O’Hanlon Mr. Terence G. O’Hara Mr. Padraic O’Hare Ms. Catherine R. O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. James O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Keefe Mr. Cornelius J. O’Leary Mr. & Mrs. John H. Olert Mr. & Mrs. Francis Oliver Mr. & Mrs. James J. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Oliver Mr. Patrick F. Oliveri Mr. Frank R. Olshefski Mr. Thomas J. Olson Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Meara Mr. Francis X. O’Neil Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Onorato Mrs. Aldona Opalensky Mr. John C. Oppelt Mr. Bernard P. O’Prey Mr. & Mrs. Francis Orawiec Mrs. Elizabeth Orr Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Osso Ms. Bonnie E. Osterwald Mr. Chester F. Ostrowski Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm J. O’Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. William O’Sullivan Mr. John R. O’Toole
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Phillips Mrs. Janet Pica-Rinkewich Mrs. Mary Ann Pickering Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Pietro Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Pifko Ms. Joanne G. Pinelli Ms. Mary Pinto Ms. Judith M. Pipes Mrs. Mary K. Piselle Ms. Marie Plachta Mr. Warren W. Platz Mr. Glenn P. Plescia Ms. Frances J. Plisko Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Thomas Plodzik
Mr. Jack A. Ott Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Ott Jr. Ms. Theresa D. Ottinger Mr. Joseph M. Pachella Ms. Carolita Paitan Mr. Francis J. Palamara Mr. & Mrs. John M. Palese Jr. Mr. John F. Palisi Mrs. Anne Marie Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Palmer Dr. & Mrs. Scott E. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli Mr. Nunzio J. Palumbo Mr. Joseph J. Palya Mr. George F. Panariello MD Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Panchella Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Pancila Mrs. Alicia P. Panetta Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Papa Ms. Mary C. Pappas Mr. & Mrs. John Papst Mr. & Mrs. Vincenzo Parisi Deacon & Mrs. Richard W. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parks Mr. & Mrs. Gino L. Parlanti Mr. & Mrs. Albert O. Parmentier Mr. Harry A. Parsons Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore J. Passalacqua Rev. Francis Passenant Dr. James M. Patell Ms. Christine F. Patti Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Patzwall Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Paul Mr. Charles M. Payret Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Payton Mr. & Mrs. James M. Pedlow Mr. & Mrs. John N. Pekol Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Pelesh Mr. & Mrs. David L. Pellett Ms. Nancy A. Pendergrass Mrs. Dolores Pereira Mr. Anthony J. Perinelli Mr. Judith C. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Edward Perko Mr. & Mrs. Krizan Peros Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Perry Mrs. Richard Persson Mr. Albert V. Pescatore Ms. Linda A. Peterson Mrs. Theresa R. Petrella Mr. & Mrs. Ward F. Petrie Mrs. Rose T. Petro Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Petronio Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Petty Mrs. Jean Ann Pezzetti Mr. & Mrs. John F. Pfleger Mr. Thomas N. Pham
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Poirier Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Polcari Mr. & Mrs. John Poli Mr. John Polickoski Mr. & Mrs. Angelo C. Polito Mr. & Mrs. William R. Ponton Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Charles A. Porrini Mrs. Betty L. Porter Mr. Thomas J. Potenza Mr. Donald R. Powell Mr. Thomas J. Powell Mr. & Mrs. John J. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Probst Lt. Col. & Mrs. Michael J. Proctor Mr. Vincent J. Profaci Dr. Norman H. Proulx Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Provenzano Mr. & Mrs. John P. Pryor Mr. Arthur F. Purcell Mrs. Adeline M. Purtill Mr. Kevin Purtill Mr. & Mrs. James R. Quasarano Mrs. Althea C. Queen Mr. Carl J. Quick Mr. John T. Quigley Mr. Michael S. Quigley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Quigley Mr. & Mrs. John J. Quindlen Rev. Joseph J. Quindlen Mr. Thomas J. Quinlan III Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Quinn Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Quinn Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Quinn Mrs. Kathleen V. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Quinn Ms. Eileen Quirk Mr. & Mrs. Vincent R. Raab Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Racek Mr. & Mrs. John Radice Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Radigan Ms. Joan M. Radigan Mr. Raymond Raedy Ms. Virginia R. Rael Mr. William C. Rafalski Ms. C Rafferty Mr. & Mrs. James M. Rafferty Mr. Thomas J. Rafter Mr. & Mrs. Rodney E. Ragan Mrs. Madeline B. Raheb Dr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Raia Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Raleigh Ms. Miriam F. Ralston Mr. & Mrs. Bryan J. Randall Mr. & Mrs. Carl P. Rathemacher Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Donald Razzano Mr. & Mrs. Harland E. Ream
Mr. James M. Rebel Mr. & Mrs. Pete Recchia Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Reed Mr. & Mrs. James F. Reed Dr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Regan Ms. Margaret Regan Dr. Leo E. Reichert Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Reifenheiser Dr. & Mrs. Bernard F. Reilly Mr. James E. Reilly Mr. John J. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. John J. Reilly Mr. Joseph Reilly Mr. Joseph F. Reilly & Ms. Dana D. Durfee Mrs. Kathleen M. Reilly Mr. Kevin B. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Reis Mr. Andrej A. Remec Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Reno Mr. & Mrs. John M. Repicky Ms. Maria Resendes Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reulbach Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Reuter Jr. Ms. Valerie Revinski Mrs. Barbara G. Reynolds Mr. John M. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reynolds Mr. Richard C. Reznak Mr. Raymond A. Ricci AFSC & Mrs. Kathryn B. Ricci Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Ricciardelli Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Rice Ms. Marjorie Ann Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Riehl Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rienti Mr. Michael A. Rinaldi Mr. Timothy E. Robel Ms. Carol A. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Rocco Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Roche Ms. Mary Roche Mr. Kevin P. Roe Mr. Frank A. Roesch Mr. David R. Rogel Mr. & Mrs. William J. Rogers Ms. M Rohleder Ms. Mary A. Roldan Mrs. Dorothy J. Rollo Mr. Edward J. Romano Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Romano Mr. & Mrs. George J. Romig Mr. Martin W. Ronan Jr Mr. & Mrs. J Rongetti Mr. Gerard P. Rooney Ms. Patricia Rorke Mr. John Rose Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. James Rosenberger Jr. Ms. Yvonne Rosenblatt Ms. Tajwattie M. Ross Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Rothwell Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Rovegno Mr. Lance Royer Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ruck Sr. Ms. Eileen T. Ruesterholz Mr. Daniel Ruppert Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. Russell Ms. Vivian E. Russell Ms. Halina Rutkowski Edward Ryan & Catie Malone Dr. & Mrs. John B. Ryan Mr. John M. Ryan Dr. & Mrs. John W. Ryan Mrs. Kathleen M. Ryan Ms. Patricia A. Ryan Ms. Stephanie L. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. William C. Ryan Mrs. Barbara A. Saake Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Sacchetti Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sadell Mr. John T. Sadowski Sr. Mr. Peter J. Sagona Mrs. Iva Joyce Sahagian Saint Joseph’s Collegiate Institute Mrs. Gloria Saker Mr. Fernando B. Salgado Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Salvadore Dr. & Mrs. Chester J. Salwach Mrs. Jeanette M. Samaritan Mr. & Mrs. John M. Santamaria Mrs. Dolores A. Santini Mr. & Mrs. Michael Santoro Mr. & Mrs. Santo Sanzone Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Sapilewski Mr. & Mrs. Louis Saraceni Mr. Edward G. Sartore Mr. Richard G. Sartore Mr. William E. Sass III
October 6, 2018 to December 26, 2018 Stewardship Gifts (continued) Mr. Anthony V. Sauro Mr. & Mrs. Saverio J. Sava Mr. & Mrs. George M. Savidge Mr. & Mrs. James N. Sawyers Mr. John A. Scaduto Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Scalamandre Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Scanapicco Ms. Ann T. Scanlon Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Scarlata Mr. Bill Scarn Mr. John G. Scarry Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Scavone Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Schaefer Mrs. Robert Schaefer Mrs. Elizabeth A. Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. James M. Schaeffer Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Schafer Mr. Francis J. Schafer BFSC Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Schefke Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Schenk III Ms. Jessica Schewe Mr. Anthony G. Schiavone Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Schieler Mrs. Margaret B. Schlosser Mr. James W. Schmitt Mr. Joseph A. Schmitz Mr. Charles J. Schnaars Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schneider Ms. Marion D. Schock BFSC
Mr. Herman C. Shipman Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Shirghio Mrs. Joyce N. Shivers Ms. Barbara A. Shovlin Mrs. Kim A. Shuler Mr. William J. Siddall Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Siegel Mr. Richard E. Silkowski Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Silverman Mr. & Mrs. R. Michael Sim Mr. & Mrs. Michael Simeone Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Simpson Mr. John P. Sindoni AFSC & Mrs. Cecilia B. Sindoni Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Singer Mr. Jack Siravo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Siravo Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Sismour Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Skahan Mr. & Mrs. George H. Skau Mr. Timothy F. Skoglund Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Skrobala Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Slocum Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Smaldone Ms. Joan M. Smallwood Mr. Thomas J. Smigo Ms. Alice Smillie Mrs. Ann Smith Mr. Brian M. Smith
Mrs. Maureen Schooley Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Mr. Paul G. Schott Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Schratz Mr. & Mrs. Gerard F. Schultz Jr. Mr. Charles G. Schwetje Mr. & Mrs. William J. Schwieder III Mr. Christopher Sciglitano Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Scott Mr. Robert T. Scott AFSC & Mrs. Michele Scott Mr. & Mrs. Anthony V. Sculley Ms. Bernadette Seaman Mr. & Mrs. William D. Sears Mrs. Agnes Seck & family Dr. & Mrs. James T. Sedlock Mrs. Margaret M. Segodnia Mr. & Mrs. William C. Seiberlich Jr. Mrs. Jacqueline D. Semkewyc Mr. & Mrs. Robert Semple Ms. Karen M. Senecal Mr. & Mrs. John L. Sentowski Mr. & Mrs. James Sergeson Mr. Anthony Settimo Mr. & Mrs. Edwin M. Sewell Rev. Msgr. Francis R Seymour Mr. & Mrs. Howard Shallcross Mr. Richard E. Sharkey Hon. & Mrs. Raymond E. Shawcross Hon. & Mrs. Thomas F. Shebell Mr. Thomas W. Sheedy Mr. John F. Sherman Mrs. Jean Shiber Mr. & Mrs. John C. Shibles Mr. John P. Shibles Rev. Msgr. Maurice L. Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Smith Mr. Joseph Smith Ms. Karen S. Smith Mr. Robert H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Smith Mr. Paul S. Snopel Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Snyder Mrs. Gwen K. Snyder Ms. Phyllis Sobieralski Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Soborowski Ms. Alicia Socia Mr. Edward R. Solvibile Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Sorge Jr. Mr. Almon T. Sorrell Mr. Pietro M. Sorrentino Jr. Mr. Douglas J. Sortino Mr. & Mrs. Marc A. Soto Mr. Robert M. Sowa Ms. Flora L. Sparmaker Mr. Thomas J. Speakman Lt. Col. & Mrs. Edward P. Spellacy USAF (Ret) Mr. & Mrs. Shaun J. Spillane Mr. Anthony Spinelli
 Sister Margaret Clare Spinnenweber Mrs. Helen Spinogatti Mrs. Virginia Spitalieri Ms. Janet Spiwak Mrs. Marie E. Spizuoco Mr. & Mrs. William P. Spratt Mr. & Mrs. James Sproule Squan Tavern Inc Ms. Palma Squicciarini Mr. David J. Stabile Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Stafy
Mr. John A. Staley IV BFSC & Mrs. Patricia Staley Mr. Robert Stampahar Mr. John Stankard Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Stanton III Mr. Ronald G. Stanton Mr. Thomas D. Stanton Mr. & Mrs. John J. Stapleton Ms. Maureen Stasi Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Staudenmaier Mr. Paul A. Stea Mr. & Mrs. John Steed Ms. Karen M. Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Stella Mrs. Jean E. Stepinski Mr. & Mrs. Harman A. Sterner Mr. & Mrs. James W. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Stewart Mr. Thomas P. Stewart Dr. & Mrs. Albert L. Stiehl Ms. Carole Stolba Mrs. Barbara Stolting Mrs. Josephine K. Stolz Mr. Thomas J. Stolz Mr. Robert J. Stosser AFSC & Mrs. Ann Stosser Mr. William C. Stout Mr. Thomas W. Strachan Ms. Patricia A. Straine Mr. Ronald P. Straub Mrs. Maria T. Strauman Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Striedl Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Stroebel Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Stroh Ms. Patricia L. Stronczer Mr. James P. Struntz Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James Strutt Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Stubbs Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Stubenbort Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Stucker Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sturt Mr. Alfred Suckow Mr. Daniel J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Sullivan Mrs. Georgia R. Sullivan Mr. Joseph C. Sullivan Ms. Mary C. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Sullivan Ms. Monica C. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Sullivan Mrs. Karen M. Sulock Ms. Denise M. Suozzo Dr. & Mrs. John A. Susanin Mrs. Eileen M. Sussmann Col. & Mrs. Ludvik Z. Svoboda Mr. Daniel J. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Peter K Sweeney Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Sweeny Mr. Lloyd P. Swensen Miss Antoinette Sylvester Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Tacinelli Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Tague Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Talbot Mr. & Mrs. George Tamaro Mr. & Mrs. Vincent M. Tannacore Ms. Lori A. Tashjian Mr. & Mrs. James Tauber Mr. Robert Taverni Mr. & Mrs. C. Winston Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Taylor Ms. Dorothea T. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Taylor Ms. Phyllis Tedesco Ms. Anna M. Tesoro Mr. Nicholas J. Teta Mr. John Thaler AFSC Mr. & Mrs. David B. Thayer Mr. James D. Thero Mr. John J. Thero Mrs. Anna Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Thomas Col. & Mrs. Patrick J. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. William J. Thomas Mr. Robert M. Thompson Jr. Mrs. Rose P. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. William J. Thompson Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Thornton Fr. Michael Tidd OSB Mrs. Antoinette Tierney
Mrs. Helen Tierney Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tiffany Mrs. Josephine Tilves Mr. Martin V. Timmins Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Timpano Mr. Francesco P. Tini Mr. Robert F. Tomlinson Mr. & Mrs. William S. Tomlinson Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Tomm Mr. & Mrs. John P. Toner Mr. Paul W. Torok Mr. & Mrs. William Torok Mr. Robert Tort Dr. Edward T. Toseland Mr. J Desmond Towey Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Trabert Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Trainor Dr. William A. Tramontano Mr. Anthony L. Traversa Ms. Helen Traynor Mr. & Mrs. William B. Tremont Sr. Mr. Michael J. Trench Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tricomi Mr. Donald A. Trinite Mr. & Mrs. John L. Tripodi Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Tripodi Mrs. Rosemarie F. Tropeano Mr. Stephen K. Trynosky Rev. Edward J. Trzeciakowski Mrs. Elizabeth U. Tuffy Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Tully Mr. & Mrs. George A. Tuvell Mr. Francis P. Tylenda Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Umerlik Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore V. Ursida Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Vaccaro Dr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Valente Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Valentine Mr. Dominic Valinoti Mr. Wenceslaus J. Valis Mr. G. Raymond Valle Mr. & Mrs. Donald Van Demark Mr. Peter L. Vanderloo Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Vanderport Ms. Anna J. Vanetti Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Vardy Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Vath Mrs. Marion T. Veitch Mr. & Mrs. Eugene E. Veltri Dr. Bruce M. Venter Ms. Anita Verdiglione Mr. Ralph A. Verdiglione Ms. Rosanne Vervaecke Mr. Donald Vicchio Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Vickers Mr. John F. Vierling Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Viola Mr. Frank A. Vitrano Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Vitt Mr. Milan J. Vlha Mr. Leo J. Vollmer Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Vozzo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vredenburg Mr. & Mrs. John P. Vroble Mr. Alphonse-Thanh T. Vu Mrs. Octavia Wagner Ms. Helen Waite Ms. Theresa A. Waitt Mr. Robert Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Walsh Mrs. Cathy Walsh Mr. Edward J. Walsh Mr. John P. Walsh Mr. Neil E. Walsh Mrs. Nevart Wanger Mr. Wayne E. Ward Mr. Michael R. Warenda Mr. & Mrs. John R. Wargo Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Warner Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Warnock Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Warshaw Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wasylenko Mr. Thomas G. Waterman Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Waters Mr. & Mrs. James E. Waters Ms. Julia A. Waugh Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Weatherby Mr. & Mrs. William J. Weaver Ms. Mary Grace Weber
Mr. Thomas R. Weber Ms. Dorothy M. Weinkam Mr. & Mrs. George F. Weir Mrs. Gloria T. Weis Mr. & Mrs. John W. Welborn Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Wells Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Welter Mr. Peter S. Welz Ms. Joan A. Werner West Catholic Class of 1958 Mr. & Mrs. Alan V. Weyland Dr. & Mrs. Richard W. Whalen Mr. & Mrs. Moody Wharam Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. William Whelihan Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Whissel II Mrs. Bernice C. White Mr. James M. White Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. White Mr. & Mrs. John J. Whitehead Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Whitelaw Ms. Elizabeth Whiteman Ms. Lois A. Whittaker Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Wiesenfarth Miss Marie L. Wiesner Dr. Mary Wilby Mr. John Wilcox Mr. Calvin R. Wilder Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Wilkens Mr. & Mrs. John B. Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. William F. Willard Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Wilmot Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Wilno Mr. Geoffrey Wilson Mr. John D. Wilson III Mr. Lee Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Wilson Mr. Daniel J. Winderl Winston Financial Services Inc Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Winter Mr. Charles N. Winum Mr. & Mrs. David G. Winwood Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wise Mr. William J. Wiseman Ms. Linda L. Witham Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Witt Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Woerz Mr. Gerard J. Wojcik Rev. Robert Wolfee Mr. John Woods John W. Woods PhD Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Woods Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Woods Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Woods Mr. Erik Worobey Ms. Dolores Wright-Haddad Mr. Donald J. Wszolek Mrs. Terri A. Wyda Mr. John F. Wynne Ms. Nancy Yacabonis Mr. & Mrs. John Yaecker Mr. John J. Yanas BFSC Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Yannessa Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George G. Yeitter Mr. Arthur Yip Mr. & Mrs. David F. Young Mr. James D. Young Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Yuskevich Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Zabriskie Mr. Gerald Zaccardelli Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Zale Mr. & Mrs. Jerome A. Zaleski Miss Rose C. Zanca Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Zavistowski Mr. & Mrs. Jerome F. Zemla Mr. & Mrs. George L. Zerebynsky Dr. & Mrs. W. Dennis Zerega Mr. Eugene J. Zielinski Mr. James S. Ziemianski Deacon & Mrs. Joel M. Ziff Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ziminski Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zino Mr. Daniel M. Zirnheld Mrs. Susan Zmuda Ms. Nancy E. Zoeltsch Mr. & Mrs. Aloysius S. Zoladz
ERROR OR OMISSION? The recognition lists in this issue represent gifts received between October 6, 2018 and December 26, 2018. We make every effort to be as accurate as possible. If you feel, however, that there is an error or omission, we apologize and ask that you call our Development Office at (732) 380-7926, to advise us of the problem.
Memorial Gifts: October 6, 2018 to December 26, 2018 Brother Anthony Baird Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brooker Mr. John J. Buckley Mr. Dennis C. Clarke Ms. Joan M. Mack Ms. Phyllis Tedesco Joseph Barillo Mr. John J. Murray Sr. Brother Barry Bartkowiak Mr. Geoffrey Wilson Brother William Batt Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gagliano Brother B. Phillip Beirne Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mark Brother George Berrian Mr. John G. Houlihan Brother Francis Bowers Mr. Joseph C. Castora Margaret Mary Boylan Mr. Thomas E. Doran & Ms. Donna Franchetti John J. Brady Mrs. Barbara A. Brady Brother Joseph Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mulligan Brother Thomas Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mulligan Brother Celsus John Brown Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Brother Cecilian John Browne Mrs. Anne R. Crawford Brother Lawrence Carr Mr. & Mrs. Alfred W. LeRoux Brother Raphael Cecchini Mr. Anthony J. Anello Brother Frederick Leo Coffey Mr. Timothy C. McNamara Brother James X. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Madden Brother Casimir Gabriel Costello Mr. & Mrs. Michael King Francis P. Coughlin Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Donahue Mr. Brendan Moore Brother Henry Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hoban Brother Christopher Victor Dardis Ms. Joan M. Radigan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tiffany Rev. Hugh Dardis Ms. Joan M. Radigan Brother Timothy Dean Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kenealy Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lynch Mr. Paul A. Stea The Forgotten De La Salle Brothers Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gagliano Ms. Maureen Jones Deceased Members of DLSI Class of ‘50 Mrs. Mary B. Fitzgerald Catherine Dobransky Dr. & Mrs. Michael McCausland Rev. Msgr. James Dorney Mrs. Adeline M. Purtill Brother Michael Dougherty Mr. Neil F. Finnegan Brother Patrick Dowd Mr. Glenn P. Plescia John D. Dugan Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Emma E. Edes Mr. Edward A. Edes
Brother Patrick Ellis Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Argentine Jr. Deborah K. Ferrari Mr. Albert J. Ferrari Henry Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary B. Fitzgerald Deacon John J. Fitzsimmons Mrs. Rita Claire Fitzsimmons Maureen Flood Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Brother Brendan Foley Mr. John J. Buckley The Frelin Family Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego John J. Gallego Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Brother Kevin Gilhooly Mr. John G. Houlihan Brother Cormac Casey Godfrey Ms. Mary Godfrey Mr. John G. Houlihan Brother Stephen Haubrich Mr. John J. Buckley Mr. & Mrs. James P. McEntegart Brother Daniel Henry Mr. James T. Derwin Brother Denis Justin Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lynch Timothy Holt Mr. Thomas J. Holt Brother Damien Peter Hughes Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hitch Brother Demetrius Cyril Hughes Mr. John J. Cannon Brother Christian Jones Mrs. William J. Benden Mr. Anthony J. Carlo Brother Conrad Kearney Rev. Robert J. Hohenstein Jack Kelly Mrs. Ann P. Kelly Joseph C. Kennedy Mrs. Catherine B. Kennedy Mrs. Margaret M. Murphy Brother Leo Kirby Dr. & Mrs. William A. Kirby Joanne Liberatore Kramer BG Jeffrey P. Kramer Brother Gervald Henry Laffey Dr. David H. Kelly Brother James Leahy Mr. & Mrs. James T. Finnigan Mrs. Maureen Murnane Brother Augustine Loes Mrs. Theodora B. Gifford Brother Michael Losco Dr. & Mrs. Michael McCausland Brother Deicolus Aloysius Lumley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Roche John F. Maher Jr. John F. Maher Sr. Ms. Catherine M. Maher Brother Peter Mannion Mrs. William J. Benden Brother William Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Leonard C. Johnson Brother Clarence Vincent McConville Rev. Msgr. Francis R Seymour The McDonnell Family Estate of Anne Gaffney McDonnell Brother Henry McGrath Mrs. Vivienne Guerra
Brother Edward McGuire Mr. Louis F. Kutys II Rev. John C. McGuire Ms. Erma J. Francello Brother Adonas Edward McKenna Mr. Michael R. Warenda Brother Gregorian McLaughlin Mr. Albert W. Crew Mr. James K. Curtin Brother Jeremy McNamara Dr. & Mrs. James T. Sedlock Brother Aquinas John McNiff Mr. John G. Houlihan Anne & Tom McTighe Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. McTighe Brother Raymond Meagher Mr. Dominic Valinoti Brother Cyril Leo Michiels Mr. Richard S. Evans Brother Matthew Moloney Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. McDonald Rev. John Moore Mr. & Mrs. James H. Murray III Brother Albert Mosser Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Iraola Brother James Muldoon Ms. Kathleen R. Gormley Brother Guy Philip Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Roche Brother Joseph Murphy Ms. Maureen Jones William L. Murphy Mrs. Kathleen B. Murphy John J. Murray Jr. Mary C. Murray Mr. John J. Murray Sr. James Nelson Mr. John J. Buckley Austin J. Noonan Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Noonan Brother John Norton William J Merriman PhD Brother Daniel O’Brien Mr. John G. Houlihan Brother Arator Jerome O’Connell Mr. Matthew J. O’Connell Brother Antony Cyril O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Gerard P. Cooney Brother Adrian O’Donnell Mrs. William J. Benden Brother Andrew O’Gara Mrs. William J. Benden Mrs. Theresa Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Francis Oliver Mrs. Joyce N. Shivers Brother Austin O’Malley Mr. Joseph C. Castora Brother Barnabas Edward O’Neill Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Giovanni Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mulligan Brother Cyril O’Neill Mrs. Joyce N. Shivers Brother Gregory O’Rourke Mr. Ronald J. Canestrari Brother Malcolm O’Sullivan Mr. John J. Buckley Brother Galdrick John Owens Lt. Col. & Mrs. Michael J. Proctor Mr. & Mrs. George F. Weir Charles A. Panetta Mrs. Alicia P. Panetta
Brother Vincent Pelletier Mr. John G. Houlihan Brother James Perry Mr. Peter D. Nigro Brother Patrick Power Col. & Mrs. Eugene W. Henry USAF (Ret) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Luvara Mr. Raymond Raedy Michael Jude Proctor Lt. Col. & Mrs. Michael J. Proctor Brother Edward Quinn Brother Leo Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Christer Baeckstrom Joseph Quirk Ms. Eileen Quirk Joseph P. Reynolds Mrs. Barbara G. Reynolds Brother G. Augustine Roberts Mrs. Anna R. Magee Ms. Joan M. Smallwood Brother James Romond Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Salvadore Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Salvadore Rev. Gus Sandmann, OSA Mrs. Adeline M. Purtill Brother Thomas Scanlan Ms. Barbara A. Higgins Mr. John G. Houlihan Arthur J. Schaefer MD, AFSC Mrs. Elizabeth A. Schaefer Lt. Jack Schoeppner USN Mr. Paul S. Snopel Brother Cyprian Anselm Scott Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Cleary Aloysius Seck & Anthony Seck Agnes Seck & Family Peggy Shetz Mr. William M. Hooper Brother Clement Smith Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas P. Dienna Mr. & Mrs. James C. Fielding Jr. Joseph Spizuoco Mrs. Marie E. Spizuoco Parents of David and Charlotte Stabile Mr. David J. Stabile Brother Aurelian Peter Stewart Ms. Maureen Jones E. J. Stolz Mrs. Josephine K. Stolz Brother Kevin Strong Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kenealy Brother J. Stephen Sullivan Ms. Maureen Jones Brother James Sullivan Mr. Neil F. Finnegan Brother George Synan Mr. & Mrs. James R. Quasarano Brother Michael Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Thomas Col. & Mrs. Patrick J. Thomas Dorothy R. Trinite Mr. Donald A. Trinite Rev. Eugene Tyson, CR Mrs. Adeline M. Purtill Jo Ann Umstot-Verdiglione Mr. Ralph A. Verdiglione Brother Cassian Thomas Wilkinson Mayor & Mrs. Leonard R. Kaiser Col. & Mrs. Roger F. Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Ricciardelli
Honorarium Gifts: October 6, 2018 to December 26, 2018 Ammendale Brothers ‘58-’62 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Bronzert Brother Malachy Broderick Mr. & Mrs. William P. Broderick Frank Cafaro, AFSC Mr. Ryan Mahoney Brother Thomas Caldwell Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Flanagan Mr. Daniel Ruppert Brother Gregory Cavalier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Roche Brother Carl Clayton Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Cipolla Brother John Crawford Sister Mary Fitzgerald
Brother Lawrence Dempsey Mr. Edward P. Carey Brother Richard Galvin Ms. Ellen McDonough Brother Daniel Gardner Dr. & Mrs. Scott E. Palmer Brother Dominic Gisondo Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Polcari Brother John Herron Mr. & Mrs. David P. Marshall Thomas R. Hessel Mr. Thomas Hessel The Brothers of LSCHS Class of ‘63 Louis J. Beccaria PhD Brother John Lawless Mr. Albert W. Crew
Tom & Bonnie Mahala Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mahala Brother Joseph Mahon Mr. Edward P. Carey Brother William Martin Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Donahue The McDonnell Family Estate of Anne Gaffney McDonnell Brother Gerard Molyneaux Mrs. Kathleen M. Coyle Brother James Muffley Mr. Albert W. Crew Brother Benedict Oliver Mr. Albert W. Crew Brother John Perry Mrs. Jean E. Fontana
Brother Vincent Reese Ms. Ellen McDonough Brother David Rogers Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Flanagan Brother Joseph Schmidt Mr. Daniel Ruppert Brother Kevin Stanton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lavin Jr. John & Eileen Tarleton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mahala Mr. & Mrs. Justin Vitrano Mr. Frank A. Vitrano
Brothers of the Christian Schools SAINT LA SALLE AUXILIARY PO BOX 238 LINCROFT NJ 07738-0238
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Dear friends, Welcome back to the pages of Lasallian Notes. I would like to reflect back to December for a moment, to the day when the Brothers from all three of our communities in New Jersey came together for their Christmas celebration. (There are some photos inside.) The day was held at De La Salle Hall, our community that is an accredited nursing home for our elder Brothers. Looking through all of the photos of this day brought a thought to my mind. As outsiders, it may be easy for us to think that “Community” is a group of men who are very similar to each other sharing a house. On the contrary, it is a group of men, each one of whom has his own unique personality, likes and dislikes. They do more than just share a house–they share their lives. What keeps them together is their common faith in Jesus Christ and zeal for teaching His children. What specifically drove home the meaning of Community for me was hearing about Brother Malcolm O’Sullivan, FSC, who was receiving hospice care, was bed-ridden, and was very heavily medicated, but wanted to attend the day’s events. In a Geri-bed, he was brought into Mass, then into the social and dinner. While communication was minimal, I know he was where he wanted to be, with his confrères. Br. Malcolm died peacefully less than two days later, surrounded by his Brothers. (His tribute will be in our spring issue). May we all be blessed to find the peace of Christ and the comfort of family in our lives like Br. Malcolm.
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80 Countries
4,000 Brothers
90,000 Partners
1,000,000 Young People
Patrick J. Donahue Director of Advancement
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