Lasallian Notes - Fall 2019

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Fall 2019 • VOL. 5

San Miguel Schools

Recovering the Founder’s Charism by Br. Lawrence Goyette, FSC – Auxiliary Visitor, District of Eastern North America “Recovering the Founder’s charism.” This is how I would describe the impulse that led to the opening of the first San Miguel School, a middle school that began twenty-seven years ago in Providence RI. This school is located in the north end of the city, a low-income area that has traditionally been a neighborhood of immigrants. In earlier days, the immigrants were predominantly Irish and Italian. The new immigrants are mostly Latino, many of them single parents who may speak little English. In the late 1980s, I was living with four other Christian Brothers in South Providence in a house we rented for $240 a month. At that time (1988), I was teaching in an urban parish school in Providence that was in danger of closing, as so many others had. The

reasonable tuition that was charged was still too much for the progressively poorer population moving into the area. We Brothers were becoming increasingly aware of the situation at our very doorstep. We’d see many kids roaming around at all hours, and we heard stories of how they were going nowhere in school. At that point, we began thinking that it would be great if we could start something right here—in this neighborhood. Then, the school at which I had been teaching closed its doors. During that same time, in the late ‘80s, De La Salle Christian Brothers from around the world were meeting in Rome at our General Chapter. From this meeting a directive went forth encouraging a revitalization of our Founder’s original

vision of educating youth from poor families. Many of our ministries started by educating poor immigrants in the United States more than one hundred years ago. As a natural consequence of receiving a first-rate Lasallian education, subsequent generations of students have continued to move up economically and socially. The result marked, in effect, a shift away from the charism’s original thrust. My experiences, combined with the directive from the Chapter in Rome, led me to many conversations with Brother Visitor. These events came together as a catalyst to begin an urban middle school for boys from the most challenging situations, mainly financial. At the start, life was downright chaotic! It was blood, sweat, and tears all the way. (continued on page 5)

Graduates of San Miguel School Providence attend the 2018 Gala to support their school and wish Br. Lawrence happiness in his future endeavors.



A MESSAGE FROM THE VISITOR HAPPY MID-AUTUMN, dear Lasallians. As most of you know, our worldwide Institute is led by the Superior General in Rome. And we are blessed that the current Superior, Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, hails from right here in the District of Eastern North America (DENA). Br. Bob is the 27th successor to John Baptist de La Salle, and he is doing remarkable work on behalf of the mission worldwide. (Br. Bob is actually the second Superior General to come from our part of the Institute: Massachusetts-born Br. Charles Henry Buttimer was the 23rd Superior General in history.) Once during his seven-year term, the Superior visits each District of the Institute. That golden moment for DENA happens next month— from November 6th to 20th. In his Pastoral letter to the Brothers in 2017, our welltraveled Superior wrote, “As I travel around the Lasallian world, my encounters with Brothers and Partners, who enthusiastically embrace Association for Mission, inspire me and fill me with hope.” Our Superior is about to be filled with further hope! During his two weeks in his home District, Bob will move around a lot (time precludes him from being in all thirty-one DENA

S T. J O H N B A P T I S T



ministries), visiting with many Lasallians and witnessing how beautifully DENA Lasallians are living the mission. The central event of his visit will take place on Friday, November 8th. While addressing Lasallians from Philadelphia who are gathered at La Salle University (his alma mater), Br. Bob’s message will be live-streamed throughout the District, where Lasallians are gathering in geographic clusters to not only be energized by his words, but to meet other Lasallians and to share their embrace of the mission. Ours is a very dynamic District because of the works being done and because of the women and men who are deeply dedicated to serving the needs of those entrusted to their care. Thank you for the direct and/or indirect work you do to inspire all of us. Respectfully, Bro. Dennis Lee, FSC Visitor/Provincial

THE ST. JOHN BAPTIST DE LA SALLE FUND seeks to ensure that a Lasallian education is available and accessible to those students most in need. Through an initial program of student sponsorship and a growing program of grants to identified schools, the Fund provides tuition assistance for students to attend a Lasallian school. With your support, we are now providing $845,000 annually for our students in need. All are welcome to join the Brothers and their Partners-in-Mission in this specially-dedicated scholarship fund which continues to grow each year.

FACE OF THE FUND: SABRI BROWN La Salle Academy, Philadelphia by Thomas Higgins – Development Associate Fifth-grader Sabri Brown has a loving mother who will do whatever it takes to provide for her children. This means that she has a job that necessitates much extended travel and living away from home. Therefore, Sabri’s grandmother had been the primary in-home caregiver, but since her health has declined, this role has fallen to Sabri’s godmother. Through all of this the Saint John Baptist de La Salle Fund has helped to ensure for the past two years that Sabri remains at La Salle Academy in Philadelphia, receiving the strong Lasallian education and support he has come to love. Since arriving at the school two years ago in the third grade, he has explored the many opportunities offered at La Salle Academy. When our faculty noticed that Sabri has talent and a very mature passion for the arts, they worked to foster this in him. At ten years old, Sabri already dreams of studying art in college leading to a career in the arts. He appreciates what is available at La Salle Academy, “Everyone has a chance to pursue something he loves at La Salle, like art, technology, science, or reading. Our teachers encourage us to work hard and follow our dreams.” Sabri’s godmother adds her admiration for La Salle. “As a Baptist family, we truly appreciate the personal relationships the faculty develop, their teaching students to take time to talk to people, believing in God’s plan, and believing in the Bible.”


BROTHERS ANSWER THE CALL TO LEADERSHIP While Brothers moving to new assignments at the request of the Provincial is not out of the ordinary, we wish to thank two Brothers who this summer answered immediate requests with enthusiasm and zeal. Br. Thomas Casey, who had been Auxiliary Visitor since 2017, has moved into the role of President at La Salle Academy in New York City during a vital time in its growth and rebuilding. Br. Thomas is no stranger to academic leadership with decades of experience; most Br. Thomas Casey, FSC notably founding and leading our De La Salle School in Freeport NY for nearly fifteen years, prior to joining the District leadership team. To fill the now vacant Auxiliary Visitor position, our Visitor, Br. Dennis Lee, called upon the knowledge, leadership, and Lasallian spirit of Br. Lawrence Goyette, who recently retired from San Miguel School Providence, which he founded 27 years ago and had since Br. Lawrence Goyette, FSC led as Executive Director. “Once I recovered from the surprise, I welcomed the opportunity to support our Visitor. I love deeply the Brothers of our District and the scores of Lasallian Partners I have interacted with over the years. As St. La Salle once said, ‘Do not have any anxiety about the future. Leave everything in God’s hands for he will take care of you.’”

WELCOME NEW AFSC – FRANK COLEMAN On September 17, 2019, the Brothers of the Christian Schools welcomed a new “Brother.” In a ceremony at Manhattan College, family, friends, and Brothers gathered as Letters of Affiliation were presented to Mr. Francis G. Coleman, AFSC. Truly a lifelong Lasallian, Frank graduated from La Salle Military Academy. Early in his career he worked at La Salle Academy in New York City, and at Saint Gabriel’s Hall in Mr. Francis G. Coleman, AFSC (in the blue tie) is Audubon PA. He will welcomed by the Brothers as an Affiliated Member. be retiring at the end of this year from his position as Vice-Chairman, after more than thirty years at Christian Brothers Investment Services. Through the years, Frank has faithfully served with a Lasallian heart and spirit.



“. . . . And as you will require of me!” As a young Brother seventy years ago, I pronounced this commitment in our vow formula—little knowing either what God would require of me, or my ability to rise to those challenges. In retrospect, I can safely say that the Trinity has provided plenty of challenges, along with the faith to make good on my promise. Doing so led me to several years of service in child care at St. Francis Vocational School with youngsters long abandoned by their families; next came boys termed “delinquent” by the Court in the St. Gabriel System, and at De La Salle in Towne, Philadelphia; then came a variety of secondary schools and responsibilities over many years that included teaching, administration, counselling and social work. Add to these, administrative service to the former Baltimore District (including two stints as Visitor) for more than a decade. Variety has been the name of the game. Even so-called “retirement” has offered opportunities to render special counseling services. Who could ask for a more varied, exciting life? None of this would have been possible without the initial sound guidance of Br. Joseph Melofchik, followed by that of so many Brothers who advised me on educational questions and the ever-changing religious life. I have been especially blessed in this regard. I concur with the final words of our Founder as he lay dying and looking back on his life, “I adore in all things the will of God in my regard.” Within the time and ability God grants to me, I hope to say something similar, trusting that whatever the call, I will be disposed to say “Yes,” accepting with good humor the summons from a Benevolent Providence to complete the contract promised “for all my lifetime.”



MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT LA SALLE ACADEMY PROVIDENCE by Andrew Lagace – Director of Public Relations and Communications

The 2019-2020 academic year opened with much excitement at 612 Academy Avenue in Providence RI. La Salle Academy, the largest Lasallian school in the country (excluding our colleges and universities), continues both its exceptional educational experience and its growth to benefit our students!

For nearly 150 years, La Salle Academy has been a leader in Catholic education in Rhode Island. In recent years, under the direction of Br. Thomas, the campus has been rejuvenated with additions and improvements; from Mr. Jason Gomez, San Miguel Providence ’06, La Salle Academy ’10, now teaches mathematics at La Salle. Heritage Hallway, to engineering rooms, to our latest specifically to assist San Miguel students. addition—a state of La Salle also has many programs to help the art strength and them transition from San Miguel to conditioning room, La Salle, such as the Academic Resource which tripled the Center, which is available before and after size of the previous school, as well as during free periods. weight room and Now, five years since we opened our added top-of-the-line De La Salle Middle School on campus, it training equipment. continues to thrive and grow. This year, This room is available the middle school added wrestling, tennis, for use by all students and volleyball for both boys and girls during advanced to their athletic programs. Their afterfitness classes, not school programs provide opportunities to Br. Dennis Malloy, FSC, chats with students between classes. just student-athletes. satisfy a wide variety of interests. STEAM With the recent retirement of Br. Additionally, in order to teach students Art, STEAM Explorations, Graphic Thomas Gerrow, FSC, La Salle Academy the best and safest techniques, our Novel Club, and FIRST Lego Robotics is now blessed to have Br. Dennis Malloy, physical education teachers received clubs are some of the most popular. De La Salle Middle School has been FSC, as the new President. Having been, specialized training this past summer. among other things, Provincial of our Students have also benefited in recent highlighted in a new book by Ann Kaiser, District for eight years, Br. Dennis is years from the tremendous growth of titled Designing the Future: How Engineering familiar with our school and its proud our endowment. The 2019 Scholarship Builds Creative Critical Thinkers in the heritage, and has the skills and experience Dinner last spring raised over $300,000 Classroom, which gives teachers ideas to steer us to continued excellence in support of endowed scholarships, for incorporating engineering into their in education! We look forward to his including the Christians Brothers existing curriculum. leadership and guidance. Scholarship, which builds upon our special La Salle looks forward to continued Our success did not happen overnight. relationship with San Miguel Providence success for many years to come! La Salle Hall - Beltsville MD (B) De La Salle Hall - Lincroft NJ (L)

Christian Brothers Center - Narragansett RI (N) Presentation Manor - Toronto ON (T)

for your continued support of our elder Christian Brothers in residence (as of 10/07/19) at: Br. Arthur Bangs (B) Br. Raymund Buck (L) Br. John Buckley (N) Br. Thomas Caldwell (L) Br. Miguel Campos (L) Br. Gregory Cavalier (L) Br. Carl Clayton (L) Br. Richard Connors (N) Br. Colman Coogan (B) Br. Jerome Cox (N)

Br. Lawrence Dempsey (L) Br. Thomas Dunn (N) Br. George Edwards (T) Br. Gabriel Fagan (L) Br. Martin Fahey (L) Br. Walter Farrell (T) Br. Michael Fitzgibbon (L) Br. Gerard Frendreis (B) Br. Edward Gallagher (B ) Br. Robert Hebert (N)

Br. John Herron (L) Br. John Karl (L) Br. Michael Kelleher (L) Br. William Kemmerer (L) Br. Joseph Lapp (B) Br. Joseph Loewenstein (L) Br. James Loxham (L) Br. Hugh Maguire (L) Br. Francisco Martin (L) Br. Francis McCrea (T)

Br. John McErlean (L) Br. John McGann (N) Br. Michael McKenery (N) Br. James Muffley (L) Br. Joseph Myers (B) Br. Charles O’Connell (L) Br. Mel O’Neill (T) Br. John Perry (L) Br. David Rogers (B) Br. Anthony Scotto (N)

Br. Timothy Tarmey (N) Br. John Vella (T) Br. James Wallace (L) Br. Floyd Warwick (L) Br. Henry Werner (B) Br. Philip Whitman (B) Br. Paul Wilcox (T) Br. William Winter (B) Br. Nicholas Zimrose (T)



(continued from page 1)

San Miguel Schools Besides being chief administrator, I was teaching two classes, installing phones, answering the door, and fundraising, while working with two young members of our Lasallian Volunteers program. It was a matter of learning day by day, but “one commitment led to another, and God gave me the grace to handle each new step as it came up,” to paraphrase the words of St. John Baptist de La Salle. San Miguel Providence welcomed our first students in 1993 with a model that included many unique features including non-tuition-driven direct service to the poor, faith-based, extended day and extended year programs, family involvement, and involvement with our alumni through high school and beyond. Lasallians from across the country began visiting and observing our school. Eventually other Miguel Schools began opening from coast-to-coast. Currently, our own District of Eastern North America oversees schools in Philadelphia (La Salle Academy); Freeport NY (The De La Salle School); and Washington DC (San Miguel School DC). Each has its own unique “flavor” while staying true to the essential qualities of a Miguel School. Each is situated in an area where it can benefit from the help provided by our local Lasallian high schools and their alumni/ae. Freeport has even been blessed by assistance from the generous and committed Alumni Association of La Salle Military Academy. Even though their alma mater had to close at about the

same time as our Miguel School opened nearby, the group became a major benefactor of the fledgling ministry. The founders of each of these schools listened to a call in their hearts and decided to invest the talent, passion, and energy they possessed into a cause greater than themselves. These founders had the desire to help kids who were, in Saint La Salle’s words, “far from salvation”. As

Winners of the student dance competition at La Salle Academy Philadelphia take home their “mirror ball” awards.

Teachers at De La Salle School Freeport greet students each morning as they arrive for school.

Small class sizes allow for more personalized support, as seen here at San Miguel School DC.

a result, the four existing schools in DENA are still very successful at touching the minds and hearts of the children entrusted to their care, offering hope and opportunities for hundreds of kids each year. Without a doubt, the schools are still somewhat fragile because they depend on the generosity of many friends to provide

80% to 95% of their expenses. Now that the oldest alumni/ae of each school are in their 30s, each of the schools has graduates who have returned to work in our schools, serving as teachers, graduate support directors, counselors, or staff. This is a testament to the miracles that happen on a daily basis. Our Miguel Schools truly live by the words of Saint La Salle: “Take even more care of the education of the young people entrusted to you than if they were the children of a king.”



DISTRICT DAYS CELEBRATE BEING BROTHER In late July, Brothers from across the District began a weekend of celebrating their vocation with a Friday afternoon Mass at De La Salle Hall honoring four elder Jubilarian Brothers in residence. The Mass was followed by a grand barbecue on the patio with nearly one hundred Brothers attending. The celebration continued Saturday with Mass at nearby Saint Mary’s Church in Colts Neck NJ, honoring all of our Jubilarians. Following Mass, Christian Brothers Academy Lincroft hosted a luncheon for all attending. This time spent celebrating vocation and the milestones achieved by the Brothers is inspirational for all who participate. Please join us in praying for many more years of success in their lives of faith and service.

DISTRICT HIGHLIGHTS Manhattan College Named #1 by Money Magazine

CBA Syracuse Named a Blue Ribbon School

Congratulations to Manhattan College for being ranked by Money Magazine as #1 in the nation at transforming the economic trajectories of their graduates—thanks to their proven ability to change the lives of their students. More than six out of ten Manhattan College graduates who come from low-income backgrounds reach the top income quartile by their early thirties. Keep up the fine work!

Christian Brothers Academy Syracuse has been named by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) as a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence—one of only 50 private schools nationally, and the only one in New York State. On November 14th and 15th, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and the DOE will host an awards ceremony in Washington DC for the schools being honored. Congratulations on this well-deserved distinction!

25 Years of Lasallian Youth Assembly In July, Lasallian students throughout our District, and from Rome, gathered at La Salle University, Philadelphia, for the 25th annual Lasallian Youth Assembly. Designated a “Jubilee Jamboree,” participants were invited to learn more about St. John Baptist de La Salle and the educational movement he started with his first Brothers more than three hundred years ago. With this year’s theme One Heart, One Commitment, One Life they explored vocation, civic engagement, prayer, and service. As always, part of the experience for these young Lasallians was reaching out into the community to be of service to others in need.



WELCOME NEW CHIEF ADMINISTRATORS Shortly before the start of the 2019-20 academic year, five Lasallians met in Eatontown NJ for the New Chief Administrators Workshop. These individuals have each assumed a new leadership position at a Lasallian ministry. Let us all welcome them to their new positions. Pictured with Mr. Alan Weyland, Executive Director, Office for Ministry & Mission, are; Mrs. Maureen Appel, President, San Miguel DC; Mrs. Monica Lauzurique, Director, La Salle Educational Center, Homestead FL; Mr. Joseph Trainor, Executive Director, Martin de Porres Schools, Elmont NY; Ms. Richelle Sherwood, Director, De La Salle Vocational, Bensalem PA; and Mr. Nathan Maus, Principal, De La Salle Collegiate, Warren MI.

Talk About Life-Long Learning! At eighty-seven years young, Br. Charles Gresh, FSC, continues to be active on campus and in the community at La Salle University. As of this past summer, he also may well be the eldest freshman in the history of the Buttimer Institute for Lasallian Studies, an intensive immersion learning experience that was held at Manhattan College. The institute is a three-year course of studies that runs for two weeks each summer. To read Br. Charles’ reflection on Buttimer, go to BrCharlesGresh

Br. Charles (center-right) takes a break with a few of his classmates.

District Mourns Partner & “Brother” Mr. Augustine F. (Augie) Miceli, Sr., AFSC, returned home to the Lord on June 29th at 86 years old. Augie was the longest-tenured faculty member at Calvert Hall College High School in Towson MD. He taught thousands of students in his sixty-year career as a math teacher and football coach. He was recognized by Mr. Augustine F. (Augie) the Brothers of the Miceli, Sr., AFSC Christian Schools for his long-time service and loyalty in 2015, when he was named an Affiliated Brother, the highest honor—recognized by the worldwide Institute—for a lay colleague. Br. John Kane, FSC, president of Calvert Hall, said “He is a true Lasallian leader as a teacher, administrator, coach, mentor and friend. I can think of no educator who leaves a greater legacy than Augie.”

Pray for our Lasallians in Eritrea Saint Joseph’s School in Keren Eritrea has been a Twinned school with Martin de Porres School in Queens NY for several years. Saint Joseph’s was founded by the Christian Brothers in 1949 and existed and thrived—known for academic excellence and serving 1,800 students annually—through British occupation, annexing by Ethiopia, and a 30-year civil war that resulted in the

establishment of the country of Eritrea. In September of this year, a team from the Eritrean government arrived at the school and announced that from that day forward, Saint Joseph’s would be a state–run school, and installed their own directors. Please join us in prayer for our Eritrean Brothers, Partners, and students during this tumultuous and uncertain time.



In the Footsteps of the Founder by Br. Joseph (J.D.) Macioce, FSC

As a first-year Brother, I found that this summer’s Footsteps of the Founder pilgrimage to France enriched my vocation. The experiences we young American Brothers shared in places that are at the foundation of the Institute certainly strengthened our fraternal bonds. As a result, I feel my vocation as a Brother has been deepened with a spirit of fraternal support, not just from the Brothers on the trip, but from all the Brothers who pray for us and encourage us each day. Additionally, the trip brought to life themes we read about during formation. I was amazed at the nearly instant connection, not only with the Brothers, but also with the Lasallian partners on the pilgrimage.

In front of the Cathedral of Reims, France are: Brothers Paul Avvento, FSC, Michael Andrejko, FSC, J.D. Macioce, FSC, Steven Barbaro, FSC, and Kyle Mena, FSC.

GALA AND RAFFLE SUPPORT BROTHERS A perfect summer evening, delicious food, fun music and dancing, amazing auction prizes, and of course wonderful friends: all of these thing came together flawlessly to transform the beautiful courtyard of Christian Brothers Center in Narragansett into the perfect setting for the Annual Gala to benefit the retired Brothers in residence. For the first time in many years, the entire

Br. Edmond Precourt, FSC, Director of CBC, visits with guests at the Gala.

event was held outdoors. Once again, the guests were treated to amazing hors d’oeuvres and a wonderful meal prepared and served by the staff and students from the Culinary Arts program from our adjacent Ocean Tides School. The most successful event to date concluded with the announcement of winners from the grand raffle.

Classmates from La Salle Academy ’74 came out to support the Brothers and enjoy a good time.




Br. Michael Fitzgibbon

Br. Joseph Loewenstein

Br. Emery Mollenhauer

Br. Arthur Bangs

Br. Robert Carnaghi

Br. Colman Coogan

Br. Gabriel Fiumano

Br. Robert Hebert




REMEMBERING THE BROTHERS WE HAVE LOST Full obituaries and eulogies available online at


1914 – 2019 Brother John Coates, FSC, was born 105 years ago in Toronto ON. He entered the Juniorate in Aurora ON in 1928, then the Novitiate two years later at age sixteen, where he received the Religious Habit and name, Sergius Edmund. He went on to profess Perpetual Vows in 1939. Br. John devoted eighty-nine years of his life to serving others as a Christian Brother, teaching both mathematics and

religion at schools from Toronto ON to Quebec City PQ. He also coached intramural basketball, volunteered with several organizations including Brothers of the Good Shepherd and the St. Vincent de Paul Society, and laid the groundwork for the Jericho Youth Center in Jackson’s Point ON. Br. Francis McCrea, FSC, fondly recalled Br. John as quiet, prayerful, and dedicated to both teaching and service, “May we, too, live as charitably and prayerfully as Brother John!”

Common Questions When Considering Special Gifts (part two) by Mr. Patrick J. Donahue – District Director of Advancement

now using this option, so most account providers are now making it very easy to gift all or any portion of your annual payment to a charity or charities. (Reminder: certain types of accounts, such as a SEP-IRA for example, are not eligible for this benefit.) Should I leave my IRA to my heirs—keeping it with loved ones, and bequeath cash, stocks, or other property to charity? The simple answer is “NO!” As a matter of fact, your heirs will probably be much better off if you reverse that asset distribution. Retirement funds are often the most highlytaxed portion of an individual’s estate. Often being subject to income and, in many cases, estate and other taxes as well. Your heirs will usually come out much further ahead if you pass retirement funds to charity tax-free, and reserve other less highly-taxed assets for them. If you have questions about these ideas, please contact me, Patrick Donahue, at (732) 380-7926, ext. 112, or at Please know that my hints here are not intended to be legal advice. I always suggest that before you finalize any charitable gift plan, you should consult your advisors to make sure it is right for your specific circumstance.


Let’s talk about Individual Retirement Accounts - commonly called IRAs. For most of us, retirement accounts have either replaced or supplemented traditional pension plans. They allow you to make before-tax deposits, and pay no taxes until you withdraw. This is a great deal, but sometimes paying taxes upon withdrawal can affect your income level for the IRS, Medicare, etc. Remember, the IRS says you must begin annual withdrawals at age 70½, even if you do not need the income. In considering your own personal charitable giving, there are two questions to consider about your IRA. Is making a charitable gift from my annual IRA withdrawal right for me? Last year, Congress finally passed a permanent law allowing you to make charitable gifts (totaling up to $100,000) directly from your traditional IRA. The gift goes directly to the charity without even entering your income stream, therefore not affecting your income level. This can be a very nice advantage, especially for those who do not itemize, or who have concerns about not increasing their household income. More and more donors are

Br. John Lawless

Br. Raymond Blixt

Br. Miguel Campos

Br. Peter Furlong

Br. William Kemmerer

Br. John McGann

Br. Timothy Murphy

Br. Joseph Myers

Br. Vincent Pelletier



Stewardship Gifts: June 11 Dr. & Mrs. Faraj Abdulahad Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Adams Mr. Daniel B. Ahern Mrs. Dolores C. Ahern Mr. John V. Albertella Mr. Robert W. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. John C. Altrogge Mr. & Mrs. James Anastasio Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Anderson Anonymous Ms. Ann E. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Assalone Ms. Kelly P. Baccari Mr. & Mrs. Larry Baird Ms. Dorothy C. Baker Mr. Patrick C. Baker Richard N. Baney, MD Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Barclay Mr. Robert M. Barna Mr. Brian F. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. William Barthel Mr. Kenneth G. Bastian Ms. Eileen A. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. John F. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Neale J. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. William A. Baxter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Behr Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ronald Benoit Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Billings Mr. Robert Boehler Mr. Harry G. Bombardi Mr. Sandy A. Borello, Sr. Mr. Clyde L. Borg Mr. Edward Bowes Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Brady Mr. James P. Brennan Mr. John E. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. William P. Broderick Mr. John D. Brooks & Family Mr. & Mrs. George G. Bruzza Mr. & Mrs. Eugene V. Bucci Rev. Richard A. Bucci Mr. & Mrs. Jerome K. Buckley Mr. John J. Buckley Mr. Anthony M. Budzitowski Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Burke Mr. J. Michael Burke Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Burr Maj. William A. Burtson, USMC (Ret) Mr. & Mrs. John V. Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. Silvestro J. Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. Carlo J. Calvi Ms. Mary E. Canavan Mr. James A. Cannon Mr. Peter A. Carbone Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Cardaci Mr. Edward P. Carey Mrs. Mary Carmody Mr. Victor L. Cassar Mr. Joseph Catalfano Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cavanaugh Mr. Michael L. Censullo Mr. & Mrs. Barry H. Chaifetz Mr. John K. Chatwin Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Chorman Mr. Joseph A. Chorney Congressman David Cicilline Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Cicilline, Esq. Mr. Robert Cipriano Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Clarke Mr. William J. Cleary Mr. Peter W. Clifford Mr. & Mrs. Jerome A. Coleman

Mr. John F. Collins Mr. Martin J. Collins Mr. James A. Convery Mr. Robert E. Copes, III Mr. John A. Costello Mr. Maurice L. Costello Rev. George R. Cowan Mrs. Kathleen M. Coyle Mr. Kevin P. Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Coyle Regina & Tom Cozzy Mr. & Mrs. Wheeler Crawford Mr. John J. Cronin, Jr. Ms. Mary C. Cullen Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cullen Mr. & Mrs. David J. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. John M. Curran Mr. Charles J. Daalder Mr. John G. Dabkowski Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Daley Mr. & Mrs. James S. D’Ambra Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. D’Amore Mr. Frank D’Angelo Mr. Jeffrey D’Angelo Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D’Angelo Mr. Anthony A. DaPonte Mr. Joseph C. Davis De La Salle College Oaklands De La Salle Collegiate High School Mr. & Mrs. John J. Deady, Sr. Mrs. Agnes DeFelice Mr. & Mrs. William E. DeFeo Ms. Eleanor DeGruccio Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Dehler Mr. John Deieso Mr. Gerald D. DeMaio Mr. Edward M. Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Devaney Mr. Pasquale A. DeVito Mr. Alfred A. Diaz Mr. John R. Dietrich Captain Kevin L. Dillon, USNR (Ret) Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dillon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis DiPrete Mr. & Mrs. Mario N. DiStefano Mr. John L. Dittmeyer Mr. Scott C. Dixon Ms. Blandina M. Donahoe Mr. George Dondero Rev. James I. Donlon, AFSC Mrs. Veronica Donnelly Ms. Dorothy Donohue Mr. & Mrs. William J. Dougherty, Sr. Mr. Thomas M. Driscoll Mr. Daniel F. Drogosch Mr. Alfred W. Drumm Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Dubaniewicz Dr. & Mrs. James W. Dubel Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Dr. William P. Duggan Mr. Thomas D. Dunn Eagle Creek Software Services Mr. Edward A. Edes Mrs. Marlene A. Elia Lt. Col. George P. Emodi, USAF (Ret) Mr. & Mrs. John D. Eshoo Mr. Richard S. Evans Mr. John T. Evers Mr. Eugene J. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. John W. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Farrell, Sr. Ms. Elizabeth J. Feehan Mrs. Doris Felix Mr. Neil F. Finnegan Mrs. John F. Fitzpatrick

Mrs. Rita Claire Fitzsimmons Mr. & Mrs. David C. Fleming, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Fleming Mr. John G. Flynn Mrs. Jean E. Fontana Dr. Anthony Fratiello Mr. John M. Fray Peter W. Frey, PhD Mr. Richard K. Fronapfel, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gagliano Mr. John J. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Gallagher Mr. William T. Gallagher Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Mr. Nicholas A. Gallo Mr. Francis J. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Gaumer CDR Victor M. Gavin, USN (Ret) Mr. Richard F. George Mrs. Mary T. Gerrity Mr. & Mrs. William E. Gibbons Mrs. Theodora B. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. David A. Glowny Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Gontarz Mr. Robert G. Gorman Col. & Mrs. John D. Grabenstein Mrs. Anne-Louise Gracyalny Mr. Robert D. Greason Dr. & Mrs. John T. Greed Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Green Dr. Edward J. Griffin Mr. Godfrey J. Hammel Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Hannigan Mr. Paul T. Harley Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Hartmann Mr. Stephen P. Hayes Dr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Heck Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Heffernan Ms. Helen Helmick-Waite Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester K. Helminiak Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Hemmer Mr. Charles D. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Henning Mr. Charles J. Henry Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Henry Mr. Gerald W. Hepp Mr. John U. Heppler Mr. Daniel P. Herrick Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hesselberg Mr. W. Joseph Hetherington Ms. Barbara A. Higgins Mr. Paul J. Higgins Rev. Robert J. Hohenstein Mr. Joseph P. Hopkins Mr. Eugene F. Horan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Hosey Mr. Francis J. Houghton Mr. James P. Howe Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hughes Mr. Thomas W. Hyland Ms. Maria Iannotti Mr. John M. Igoe Pascal J. Imperato, MD Mr. & Mrs. Efrain R. Infante Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Iraola Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Jablonski The Jim and Maria Charitable Gift Fund Mr. William A. Jochym Ms. Maureen Jones Mr. & Mrs. John M. Jordan Mr. John E. Joseph Mr. Rose Marie Joyce Mr. Richard J. Jungwirth

Mr. & Mrs. Earl Junk Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Kanerviko Mr. Walter Kash Mr. James J. Kearns Mr. Thomas F. Keaveney Mr. & Mrs. John J. Keegan Mr. & Mrs. John A. Keenan Mrs. Beatrice A. Kelly David H. Kelly, PhD Mrs. Patricia A. Kelly Mrs. Betty Kempsey Mrs. Catherine B. Kennedy Ms. Eileen A. Kerins Mr. John A. Kerins Mr. James F. Kilkenny Mrs. Mary Margaret King Mr. & Mrs. James W. Kingerski Mr. Sigurd B. Kirk Mr. Matthew B. Kirsch Mrs. Mary F. Kissane Mr. Eugene F. Klausman Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Klusman Mr. & Mrs. William J. Knowles Rev. Thomas P. Kobuszewski Mr. & Mrs. Wenzel Koch Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Kozak Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kuhn La Salle College High School Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Ladd Mr. & Mrs. William Lane Mr. & Mrs. James D. Langell Janet C. Langlais Mr. & Mrs. William A. Leasure, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Leyden Dr. Augustine F. Li Mr. & Mrs. James J. Logue, Jr. Deacon John K. Lohrstorfer Mr. & Mrs. John Longinetti Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Lydting Mrs. Elvira J. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Lynn Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Mack Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Madden Mr. Anthony P. Mahon Rev. Richard J. Maisano Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malone Manhattan Prep Class of 1969 Ms. Lillian R. Marineau Deacon & Mrs. Salvatore A. Marino Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mark Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Marmion Mr. James F. Marrin Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Martel Mr. Arthur J. Martin Mr. Patrick V. Martin Br. William Martin, FSC Mr. Robert A. Mascari Mr. William E. Massey Ms. Anne Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mauceri Mr. & Mrs. John A. May Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. McAlice, Jr. Mr. Thomas P. McAndrews Mr. Douglas J. McArdle Mr. Gerald P. McCarthy Mr. Matthew G. McCrosson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McDonagh Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Dermot J. McDonnell Lt. Col. James J. McDonnell Mr. Eugene McElwain Mr. Joseph P. McErlean Ms. M. Bridget McErlean Mr. & Mrs. Neal A. McGarry Mr. & Mrs. James T. McGowan

Mr. John J. McGowan Mr. Charles T. McGuigan Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McHale, Sr. Mr. Kevin F. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. McHugh Mr. Richard J. McKay, AFSC & Mrs. Judith T. McKay, AFSC Mr. James M. McMonagle Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McMorrow Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. McNally Mr. Henry P. McNally Mr. & Mrs. John J. McNamara Ms. Patricia A. McNulty Mr. Dennis F. McSweeney Mr. William J. Mead William J. Merriman, PhD Mr. John V. Miley Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Miller Ms. Stephanie Miller Mr. & Mrs. John D. Milliot Mr. Thomas J. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Ted L. Molinari Mr. Gary Monnier Ms. Alice S. Moore Mr. Gabriel Moran Mr. & Mrs. Marc J. Morgan Mr. John Moriarty Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Morris Mr. Robert E. Mottola Dr. Ronald R. Mrozinski Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Mudd Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Mulholland Mr. James F. Mullan Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Mullen, III Mr. James E. Mulvey Mr. Gerard E. Murchie Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Murphy Dr. Michael W. Murphy Mr. Daniel P. Murray Mr. John J. Murray Ms. Gloria A. Murtha Mr. & Mrs. William B. Nagle Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Napiecek Col. & Mrs. Arthur J. Nattans, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Nelson Mrs. Joan Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Nigro Mr. James F. Nolan Family of Leo R. Nolan Mr. Michael J. Nolan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William P. Norton Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Oberle Mr. G. Dennis O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. O’Callaghan Mr. John F. O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. James P. O’Donovan Mr. Cornelius J. O’Leary Mr. Thomas J. Olson Mr. Francis X. O’Neil Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. O’Neil Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. David J. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. O’Neill Mr. Frank M. O’Neill Mr. Charles E. Ostiguy Mr. & Mrs. William O’Sullivan Ms. Patricia A. Oswald Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Palmer Mr. Joseph J. Palya Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Patterson Mr. Charles M. Payret Mr. John P. Penna Mr. & Mrs. Ward F. Petrie Mr. & Mrs. John Pfleger




Br. Edward Phelan

Br. Joseph P. Reilly

Br. Michael Sevastakis

Br. Dominic Smith

Br. Joseph Willard

Br. Roger Chingas

Br. Gerard Conforti

Br. Louis DeThomasis



1, 2019 to October 4, 2019 Mr. C. Anthony Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Pickette Pier Washtub Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Pietro, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Pifko Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Pisaturo Mr. & Mrs. John D. Plunkett Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Polcari Ms. Cheryl C. Price Lt. Col. & Mrs. Michael J. Proctor Mr. Ernest G. Pullano Mrs. Adeline M. Purtill Mr. Carl J. Quick Mr. John T. Quigley Mr. Thomas J. Quinlan, III Mr. & Mrs. John Radice Mr. Anthony J. Ramos Mr. Edward C. Regan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Reilly Rev. Charles A. Reinbold Mr. John M. Reynolds Mr. Richard C. Reznak Mrs. Maureen Richer Mr. Joseph Rienti Mr. Frank P. Roche Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Roche Mr. Martin W. Ronan, Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Rothwell Ms. Eileen T. Ruesterholz Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ruocco Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Ryan Dr. & Mrs. John B. Ryan Mrs. Kathleen M. Ryan Sacred Heart Church Mr. John T. Sadowski, Sr. Saint Joseph’s Collegiate Institute Saints Peter & Paul Church Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Salvadore Mrs. Dolores A. Santini Mr. & Mrs. Jason M. Santini Mr. & Mrs. George M. Savidge Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sawn Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Scarlata Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Schafer Br. Joseph Schafer, FSC Mr. Randy Schaffner Dr. & Mrs. Randy N. Schauer Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Schearer Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Schefke Mr. Andrew G. Schiavone Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Schieler Mr. Arthur O. Schlosser Br. Joseph F. Schmidt, FSC Anna M. Schneider & Family

Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Stella Mr. Thomas P. Stewart Estate of James G. Stofer Ms. Carole Stolba Mr. & Mrs. James Strutt Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. George F. Sushinsky Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Suter Col. & Mrs. Ludvik Z. Svoboda Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Sweeny Dr. John F. Szolnoki Mr. Raymond Tabano & Mrs. Lorraine D. Capasso-Tabano Mr. & Mrs. James Tauber Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Thomas Ms. Mary Thompson Mr. Joseph M. Tomasko Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Tomm Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Torok Dr. Edward T. Toseland Dr. William A. Tramontano Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Valentine Mr. John P. Voge Mr. Thomas G. Walsh Mr. William Walsh Mr. Wayne E. Ward

Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Mr. Owen C. Schugsta Mr. Gregory A. Scott Ms. Letizia C. Scotto Mr. & Mrs. Robert Semple Ms. Karen M. Senecal Mr. & Mrs. John L. Sentowski Ms. Elizabeth Shannon Hon. & Mrs. Raymond E. Shawcross Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Sheeran Mr. Joseph F. Sheldrick Mr. John F. Sherman Mr. Richard E. Silkowski Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Simpson Mr. John P. Sindoni, AFSC & Mrs. Cecilia B. Sindoni Mr. & Mrs. George H. Skau Ms. Frances R. Skinner Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Smaldone Ms. Joan M. Smallwood Mr. Robert H. Smith Mr. Paul S. Snopel Mrs. Helen Spinogatti Mr. David J. Stabile Mr. Ronald G. Stanton Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Staudenmaier Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Stecklair

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Warnock Washington Trust Charitable Foundation Mr. Thomas G. Waterman Mr. & Mrs. John W. Welborn Mr. & Mrs. Alan V. Weyland Mr. William W. Weyrauch Dr. & Mrs. Richard W. Whalen Mr. & Mrs. William Whelihan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Wiesenforth Mr. Calvin R. Wilder, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William F. Willard Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Winter Mr. William J. Wiseman Mr. & Mrs. David K. Woods Mr. John F. Wynne Mr. James D. Young Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Zale Ms. Rose C. Zanca Mr. & Mrs. George L. Zerebynsky Dr. & Mrs. W. Dennis Zerega Mr. Eugene J. Zielinski Deacon & Mrs. Joel M. Ziff Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zino

ERROR OR OMISSION? The recognition lists in this issue represent gifts received between June 11, 2019 and October 4, 2019. We make every effort to be as accurate as possible. If you feel, however, that there is an error or omission, we apologize and ask that you call our Development Office at (732) 380-7926, to advise us of the problem.

Memorial Gifts Deacon Frank Flood Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Maureen Flood Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Br. Timothy Ford, FSC Mr. Gerald D. DeMaio John J. Gallego Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego John J. Greeley Mr. John J. Buckley Br. Casimir Gundlach, FSC Regina & Tom Cozzy Robert Haxton Mr. Joseph P. Hopkins Mr. Gary Monnier Br. Cassian Gregory Hunt, FSC Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Br. Thomas Jenkins, FSC Mr. & Mrs. John A. May Br. James Kelly, FSC Mr. Neil F. Finnegan Mrs. Patricia A. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Stella Br. Matthew Kerins, FSC Ms. Eileen A. Kerins Br. Gervald Henry Laffey, FSC David H. Kelly, PhD Br. James Leahy, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Wiesenforth Kay Lynch Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Ann McDonald Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDonald Eleanor McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Roche Francis & Marion McDonald Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDonald McReynolds & McErlean Families Ms. M. Bridget McErlean Br. Patrick McGarry, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Wiesenforth

Mary T. McMonagle Mr. James M. McMonagle Br. John McNiff, FSC Mrs. Patricia A. Kelly Br. Raymond Meagher, FSC William J Merriman, PhD Br. Cyril Leo Michiels, FSC Mr. Richard S. Evans Mary Rose Mitterando Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDonald John J. Murray, Jr. Mr. John J. Murray Mary C. Murray Mr. John J. Murray Br. Boniface Joseph Neary, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Ted L. Molinari James F. Nelson Mrs. Joan Nelson Leo R. Nolan Mr. John Deieso Mr. Anthony P. Mahon The Nolan Family Mardel Odom Mr. Anthony M. Budzitowski

Br. Andrew O’Gara, FSC Mr. Matthew G. McCrosson Br. Barnabas Edward O’Neill, FSC Mrs. Judy A. Dugan George J. Pallace Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Br. Cornelius Paulian Peters, FSC Mr. & Mrs. John A. May Br. Patrick Power, FSC Mr. Owen C. Schugsta Eleanor L. Price Ms. Cheryl C. Price Br. James Romond, FSC Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Br. Thomas Scanlan, FSC Ms. Elizabeth J. Feehan Br. Charles Scanlon, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. O’Neill LT Jack Schoeppner, USN Mr. Paul S. Snopel Br. Aurelian Peter Stewart, FSC Ms. Maureen Jones Colleen M. Sullivan Mr. John J. Buckley

Br. Robert Wickman

Br. Michael Thomas, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Thomas Br. Joseph Woods, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Marc J. Morgan

THANK YOU We are sincerely grateful to our friends and their families who have thoughtfully remembered the Brothers with requests for gifts in lieu of flowers.

Honorarium Gifts Br. Carl Clayton, FSC Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Mullen, III Br. Gabriel Fagan, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Schefke Br. Edward Gallagher, FSC Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Mullen, III Br. John Herron, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Burke

Br. Michael Kelleher, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Schefke Patrick J. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Murphy Br. John Perry, FSC Mrs. Jean E. Fontana



Joanne Yanak Baillie Anna M. Schneider & Family Br. Barry Bartkowiak, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Marc J. Morgan Richard A. Baudo Mr. John J. Murray Br. Charles Baxter, FSC Mr. & Mrs. William A. Baxter, Jr. Vincent R. Blair Mr. Joseph A. Chorney Br. Alexander Joseph Brennan, FSC Mr. Martin W. Ronan, Jr. Br. Celsus John Brown, FSC Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Vito Bruno Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Pietro, Jr. Br. James X. Collins, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Madden Peter Connell, BFSC Mr. & Mrs. William J. Knowles Mary Cook Mr. John J. Buckley Br. Gabriel Costello, FSC Mrs. Maureen Richer Nelson L. Coughlan Mr. John D. Brooks & Family Ms. Stephanie Miller Michael & Margaret Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Coyle The forgotten De La Salle Brothers Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gagliano Deceased Brothers of CBA Albany Rev. Robert J. Hohenstein John & Rita Dolan Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDonald John D. Dugan Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Peggy C. Edes Mr. Edward A. Edes Deacon John J. Fitzsimmons Mrs. Rita Claire Fitzsimmons

Br. Robert Bimonte

Br. Henry Chaya

Br. Jack Curran

Br. Brian Henderson

Br. Thomas Zoppo

Br. Peter Killeen


Brothers of the Christian Schools SAINT LA SALLE AUXILIARY PO BOX 238 LINCROFT NJ 07738-0238


Dear friends, At the suggestion of Brother Visitor, I recently completed the first session of the three-year Buttimer Institute. It is an intensive two-week immersion into the history, vision, and writings of Saint John Baptist de La Salle. They kept us busy each day from sunrise until 10pm, with much classroom and study time, yes, but also with time for prayer and for fellowship. I must say that I was a bit hesitant at first, but I now understand the impact that this and other formation programs can have, not just on the individual, but on our entire Lasallian mission. My work, and my life, have been deeply touched in three unique ways. First, learning about our Founder, all of the hardships and backlash that he endured and overcame, and his intense faith and belief in the providence of God: This knowledge has shined a light on why we continue this Lasallian mission to care for and educate children and young adults every day around the world. Second, there were the thoughtfully crafted Masses and daily times of prayer, with stirring readings and meditations, enhanced by the beautiful music of a choir comprised of fellow Lasallians from around the world. While I have always remained very involved with the Church, it reminded me of the importance of staying in tune with my inner spirituality. Finally, the meals and social time also allowed me to share time with more than 100 amazing fellow Lasallians—now friends—from throughout my District, across the country, and around the world. Sharing our thoughts and experiences brought to life how immense, but still close, our Lasallian mission is, and how lucky I am to be part of it. Thank you for letting me occasionally share a bit of it with you. Live Jesus in our hearts!

Support the Brothers Use our beautiful Mass Cards For Christmas Shepherds Adoration in of the Field Magi Hector Hector Garrido Garrido

Adoration of the Magi Hector Garrido

Use of this card supports the education of young Brothers, and the caring for the retired Brothers who have served faithfully throughout their lives. Use of this card supports the education of young Brothers, and the caring for the retired Brothers who have served faithfully throughout their lives.

Mary, Mother St. of God St. La La Salle Salle Auxiliary Auxiliary


Lincroft, Lincroft, NJ NJ 07738-0238 07738-0238 732-842-4359 732-842-4359

X17-4 X17-1

The Holy Family Hector Garrido


Hector Garrido P.O. P.O. Box Box 238 238

(1-866-785-2725) (1-866-785-2725)

St. La Salle Auxiliary P.O. Box 238 Lincroft, NJ 07738-0238 732-842-4359

AShephe Blesse


Use of this card supports the education of young (1-866-785-2725) Use of this card supports the education of 1young 1080031 CD 1080031 CBR-NJ CBR-NJ CD (X17-4).indd (X17-1).indd 1 Brothers, and the caring for the retired Brothers Flat Size: 9-15/16 "; Finished Size: • Litho: (CMYK) + GOLD FOIL 1c (PMS Size: 9-15/16 x 7 x";7 Finished Size: 5 x 57"x •7"Litho: 4C 4C (CMYK) + GOLD FOIL / 1c/ (PMS 186)293) Brothers, and the caring forFlat the retired Brothers Diecut or Score-----Fold-----Perforation-----Perf-----Kisscut Fold-----Lasering XXX and FPO HPS101 Gold Foil-----Diecut or Score-----Fold-----Perforation-----FoldFold andand Perf-----Kisscut andand Fold-----Lasering XXX and FPO HPS101 Gold Foil-----who have served faithfully throughout their lives. X17-1 who have served faithfully throughout their lives.

Those receiving these cards will be enrolled in a Novena of Masses at the Church of the Nativity in Manger Square, Bethlehem, as noted on the inside of each Christmas Card.

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St. La Salle Auxiliary P.O. Box 238 Lincroft, NJ 07738-0238 732-842-4359

St. La Salle Auxiliary P.O. Box 238 Lincroft, NJ 07738-0238 732-842-4359


Christmas Joy

CARDS@DLSAUX.ORG 1-866-STLASALLE (1-866-785-2725)

1080031 CBR-NJ CD (X17-2).indd 1 Flat Size: 9-15/16 x 7 "; Finished Size: 5 x 7" • Litho: 4C (CMYK) + GOLD FOIL / 1c (PMS 186) Diecut or Score------ Fold------ Perforation------ Fold and Perf------ Kisscut and Fold------ Lasering XXX and FPO HPS101 Gold Foil------


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Request a brochure and/or a sample packet of Mass Cards today at: 732-842-4359 Toll Free 1-866-STLASALLE (1-866-785-2725) CARDS@DLSAUX.ORG • WWW.DLSAUX.ORG

Patrick J. Donahue

Flat Size: 9-15/16 x 7 "; Finished Size: 5 x 7" • Litho: 4C (CMYK) + GOLD FOIL / 1c (PMS 293) Diecut or Score------ Fold------ Perforation------ Fold and Perf------ Kisscut and Fold------ Lasering XXX and FPO HPS1

Director of Advancement












District Director

Lincroft NJ

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