FALL 2018 • VOL. 1 SP SPECIAL PEC ECIA IAL L NO NOTE: In o order rder to b rd be better stewards of the generosity of you, our donors, the Christian Brothers have merged ourr tw ou two qu quar quarterly arte terl rly District pub publications. blica Beginning with this issue, Lasallian NOTES and Lasallian VISIONS have been combined. You will find many of the same features from both, and we hope you also enjoy the features that are new to you.
Brothers Energize Their Lasallian BASE to Foster Vocations by Brother Richard Galvin, FSC, Auxiliary Visitor
Strengthening our BASE
B - Brothers’ Vocation A - Association/Formation S - Service of the Poor E - Evangelization After a year of planning, Vision 2020+ has been rolled out and is in the process of being implemented. The “B” in BASE—Brothers’ Vocation—has legs and is walking among Lasallians in the District of Eastern North America (DENA)! Having been a Brother for thirty-four years, I am happy and proud to be part of this experience. The foundation of my vocation as a young man was filled with relationships which inspired me to discern the life of a De La Salle Christian Brother. I was blessed to have excellent teachers at St. Raymond High School for Boys who motivated me to consider the vocation of teaching, not only by what they said but by
their example. Likewise, I was blessed by the presence of Brothers who gave witness to me as dedicated men of faith combining their efforts with lay colleagues to provide a human and Christian education to the young people entrusted to their care. Yes indeed, relationships are a key component and a motivating factor in the development of vocations. The overarching strategic priority of this pillar is to embolden all Lasallians to take an intentional role in the promotion of a culture of vocations in our ministries. Brothers Michael Andrejko, FSC, and Francis Eells, FSC, vocation directors, created a tip-card for teachers with an accompanying video. These tips (see list on page 3) are being introduced to faculties during the fi first rst part of the school year. year It is meant to assist and encourage all Lasallians as they accompany young men and women to consider their vocations, especially a vocation to the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Four
Vocation Summits are being held throughout the 2018–2019 school year in different geographic areas of our District. These summits will provide an opportunity for high school age students to be engaged on the topic of vocation. The highlight here is that personal invitations to these events will be offered by classroom teachers who have interacted with these young people on a daily basis. Relationships! Our District has been blessed by the arrival of Brother Arturo Martinez, FSC. Br. Arturo is on loan to us from the District of AntillesSouth Mexico. He has joined our vocation team and is collaborating closely with Br. (continued on page 3)
Our Vocations Team: Brothers Michael Andrejko, FSC, Arturo Martinez, FSC, Edward Shields, FSC, & Francis Eells, FSC
A MESSAGE FROM THE VISITOR Dear Lasallians, In mid-October, it appeared that Autumn would never arrive, but surely our weather patterns in recent years have become predictably unpredictable. What has been happily predictable throughout these first ten years of the District of Eastern North America (DENA) is the outstanding and varied ministries, the commitment of dedicated Lasallian professionals, the support of friends and sponsors, and the incredible young lives being transformed daily. Among the inspiring stories contained within this issue is the tale of three Brothers who entered the novitiate together 70 years ago in Aurora Ontario. Three score and ten years later, they are one-third of the Brothers who comprise our contingent of Canadian Brothers in DENA. As we mentioned in our last issue, YOU are christened a vocation promoter. As Brother Richard mentions in the cover article here, “It is important for all Lasallians to know that they are empowered to be vocation promoters.” YOU can invite any young man who has the good qualities you see in us Brothers to consider if God might be calling him/them to the Brothers. Maybe 70 years from now, we will have new
S T. J O H N B A P T I S T
trios of Brothers celebrating a lifetime of joyous service to our Lasallian world. I would like to seize this moment to thank Patrick Donahue and a talented team who work on behalf of promoting our mission to the wider society. It is often noted that we Lasallians are too humble and modest. So thanks to all those shouting out of the blessing that Lasallians are to our world. This quarterly magazine exudes the excellence and great work being done in every sector of DENA. I am in awe of the magnificent work being done in each classroom, agency, athletic field, etc. It is not surprising at all. Weather patterns may be less predictable, but Lasallian excellence is a steady hallmark of every ministry of DENA. Live Jesus in our hearts! Respectfully
Bro. Dennis Lee, FSC Visitor/Provincial
THE ST. JOHN BAPTIST DE LA SALLE FUND seeks to ensure that a Lasallian education is available and accessible to those students most in need. Through an initial program of student sponsorship and a growing program of grants to identified schools, the Fund provides tuition assistance for students to attend a Lasallian school. With your support, we are now providing $780,000 annually for our students in need. All are welcome to join the Brothers and their Partners-in-Mission in this specially-dedicated scholarship fund which continues to grow each year.
FACE OF THE FUND: YOSIEL BONILLA The San Miguel School of Providence RI by Ms. Kimberly Martel - Development & Communications Associate Yosiel Bonilla is now a member of the 6th grade class at The San Miguel School of Providence (grades 5 through 8). Blessed with a creative mind and courageous spirit, he quickly excelled as a student and athlete during his first year. Following in the footsteps of two older siblings, Johansel (’17) and Anderson (’20), he embraced the many characteristics of a Miguel Man. “Being a Miguel Man means to step up and help out when someone is hurt or struggling.” says Yosiel. “At San Miguel we are taught to be respectful, responsible, and kind—to both ourselves and others.” Like many of his classmates, Yosiel is being raised by his mother in the heart of Providence. Though faced regularly with obstacles and forced to navigate challenging conditions, he chose to enter San Miguel with a positive attitude and enthusiastic spirit. During his 5th grade year, Yosiel achieved honor roll, earned a position on the San Miguel baseball team, and became the only student to defeat Executive Director, John Wolf, in chess. He attributes this growth to the security and support he feels while at school. “When I think of San Miguel it makes me feel safe. The people here want the best for you, and that makes you want the best for yourself, too.” With his bright mind and determination to succeed, Yosiel has many plans for a positive future. He aspires to carry on his Lasallian education at La Salle Academy, also in Providence, where the values of faith, service, and community will continue to be embraced. Thanks to the St. John Baptist de La Salle Fund, Yosiel and so many other students have the opportunity to actualize their truest potential.
LASALLIAN NOTES (continued from page 1)
Brothers Energize Their Lasallian BASE to Foster Vocations Francis Eells. Br. Arturo has quickly acclimated to our district and has begun to deliver vocation presentations in freshman religion classes. He will pursue involvement with OLAS, a club that promotes Latino Culture at La Salle University as well as The Camino Program at Manhattan College, designed for native Spanish speakers. Br. Arturo also plans to visit our four San Miguel middle schools to interact with students and explore ways to integrate with parent groups. Relationships! Another goal of the Brothers’ Vocation strategic pillar is to invite and engage postcollege aged men and young professionals in the vocation discernment process. Brother Edward Shields, FSC, has joined our vocation team and is working primarily in the area of promoting older vocations. Outreach has begun to young adult groups, Knights of Columbus vocation coordinators, and military chaplains who are responsible for organizing career days. Br. Edward is also connecting with alumni from our ministries who are in their mid-twenties to early thirties. “Invite the Inviter” is another new initiative. Participating ministries will host a meeting for faculty, staff, parents, or board members—maybe all of the above! Those gathered will be encouraged to become “inviters.” It is important for all Lasallians to know that they are empowered to be vocation promoters. Yes, vocation awareness is about inviting and encouraging young people to be open to God’s call. This pillar of the strategic plan is meant to encourage all Lasallians to become more intentional in this regard, being attentive and supportive in conversation with those who might be inclined to discern a vocation. Relationships! There is much work to do but the B in BASE certainly has us on the right road. And of course, we thank you for continuing to pray for vocations. Are there other ways you might also consider helping? For more information or questions about vocations, contact Br. Fran Eells, Vocation Director, at
Brother Francis Eells, FSC, speaks to interested students at La Salle Academy in New York City.
ENCOURAGING LASALLIAN VOCATIONS Tips for Teachers Encourage young people who are: • Attracted to community service. Individuals whom you notice think first in terms of teamwork or the good of the whole. • Balanced and have good common sense. • Active in their parishes, religious services at school, and/or have an exceeding grasp on religious and spiritual topics. Additionally, include young people who are active in campus ministry/Lasallian Youth activities. • In your classroom. Even if you do not teach religion, this could be as simple as praying for vocations regularly. Share your vocation story as a teacher/husband/wife. Invite colleagues to share their vocation journey and stories. Follow these tips before inviting: • Many young people will say that one of the reasons they never considered religious life is because nobody ever asked or encouraged them. • Realize the distinction, and the differences, between a religious vocation as Brother/Sister and the call to be a Priest/Deacon. They are distinct callings. • Be sincere in your approach. • Ask for the opinions, resources, experience, and knowledge of others— colleagues, vocation directors, Brothers in your school, and Brothers visiting your ministry—as a sounding board. • Share information about young men/women who might have a Lasallian vocation, especially an interest in the life of a Brother.
CELEBRATION OF BROTHER’S VOCATION July 2018 closed with a District-wide celebration of Brotherhood. Christian Brothers, Lasallian partners, family and friends gathered for Mass at Saint Mary’s Church in Colts Neck NJ to honor our twentyeight Jubilarians for their 1,500 collective years of service to the Institute. The festivities continued with a luncheon hosted by Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft NJ. Our Brother Novices Steven Barbaro and Paul Avvento were also welcomed home, completing their year of discernment in the Regional Novitiate in Chicago. During the Jubilee celebration these two Brothers made their vows for the very first time, and were joined by Br. David Deradoorian, who renewed his temporary vows with them. Together with the Jubilarians, all of the Brothers deepened their commitment to the Lasallian educational mission. Special celebrations were also held for our senior Brothers who were unable to attend the event. At our Brothers District nursing home, De La Salle Hall in Lincroft NJ, nearly 100 Brothers joined our three Jubilarians in residence for a special Mass and barbeque. Also, for a very special occasion, our Visitor, Brother Dennis Lee, FSC, and Auxiliary Visitor, Brother Thomas Casey, FSC, traveled to Loretto Abbey in Toronto Canada to join the District’s Canadian Brothers. This Jubilee Mass and reception honored Brothers George Edwards, FSC, Francis McCrea, FSC, and Nicholas Zimrose, FSC. This trio entered novitiate together, and are still together celebrating 70 years of Brotherhood. Congratulations to all of our Jubilarians!
Our 70 year Jubilarian trio at Loretto Abbey: Brothers Francis McCrea, FSC, George Edwards, FSC, and Nicholas Zimrose, FSC, (seated).
Our Jubilarians at De La Salle Hall: Brothers Thomas Barton, FSC, Raymund Buck, FSC, & Gabriel Fagan, FSC. Superior General, Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, himself a 50 year Jubilarian, addresses the crowd gathered to celebrate the 28 honorees.
Our Jubilarians on the altar during their celebratory Mass.
TWO MEN PROFESS FIRST PROMISES During the Jubilee Celebration Mass on July 28th in Lincroft, J.D. Macioce and Kyle Mena, who have both been part of the Brothers’ Contact Program, took the next step in their discernment, by formally requesting entrance into the District’s Postulancy. The two recited First Promises as part of their Rite of Acceptance into the Postulancy. Brother Richard Buccina, FSC, Jeremy House and Postulancy Community Director, warmly received and welcomed Macioce and Mena into the program. They were presented with St. La Salle medals and The Brother’s Rule, symbols of this progression in their discernment journey. They will spend the next year continuing their education to be teachers and Brothers, living in community, and serving at Lasallian ministries in the Philadelphia area, including West Catholic Preparatory High School and La Salle College High School.
New Postulants Kyle Mena and J.D. Macioce, here with Brother Richard Buccina, FSC, profess their First Promises to Brothers of the Christian Schools.
“One of the many gifts of our lives as Brothers is the freedom to be available for new assignments. A change of assignment to a new school, a new ministry or a new community is more than a change of location. It is an opportunity to discover new gifts that we may have been previously unaware of until we are challenged to come out of ourselves; to grow both in our personhood and in our faith; to recognize that happiness is found in serving others and serving with others. It is to experience the truism that in giving we receive. I am grateful for God’s successive calls throughout my life, for the many people whom I’ve encountered and who inspired me by the generous example of their lives and vocations, and for the many Brothers I’ve been privileged to know, live and walk with.” Br. Robert was first introduced to the Christian Brothers as a student at West Catholic in Philadelphia PA. During his 50 years as a member of the Institute, Brother Robert has served throughout the District, and the worldwide Institute. In 2014, Br. Robert became the 27th successor to St. John Baptist de La Salle when he was elected Superior General, the first from the District of Eastern North America! “Serving as Superior these past four years I have witnessed the vitality of the Lasallian mission on all five continents. Classrooms and centers are open for the poor and the marginalized, students and Lasallian volunteers are challenging us elders to be the Church Jesus called us to be. Lasallian Partners are making personal sacrifices each day to live the vocation of ‘touching hearts’ and Brothers of all ages are modeling fraternity to an increasingly intolerant world. Our vocation is to touch the hearts of our students. Across the years, my heart has been touched by so many students and young people who entered my life. As is so often the case, we are taught by those to whom we are sent to instruct.”
Letters of Affiliation Bestowed In September 2017, at Christian Brothers Center in Narragansett RI, long time Lasallians Yvette & John Connell were Affiliated to the Institute. The letter from the Lasallian Community at Bedford Park, requesting Affiliation for the Connells, states: “Two characteristics of Lasallians are their humble embrace of vulnerable families, and their willingness to go beyond borders. This humility is emphasized by saying that Lasallian men and women serve ‘with’ the poor more than provide services ‘to’ the poor. Jack and Yvette Connell epitomize these characteristics.” In June 2018, for her more than 30 years of Lasallian service to the young men and the staff of La Salle School for Boys in Albany, Ms. Anne Moscinski became an Affiliated Member of the Institute. In the letters of recommendation for Anne’s affiliation, the Brothers of La Salle School cited her steadfast commitment to the mission and to the young men of the school: “Her commitment is unquestioned. Anne takes a personal interest in each student in our care and the Brother Edward Phalen, FSC, welcomes particular follow-up services needed to support them Mrs. Ann Moscinski, joined here by her husband Yvette and John Connell as newly Michael, is presented with Letters of Affiliation by after they leave.” Affiliated Members of The Institute. Brother Dennis Lee, FSC, Visitor.
DE LA SALLE COLLEGIATE HIGH SCHOOL Service is Always in Season By Ms. Vicki Granger – Editor, The Collegiate, the DLS Alumni Magazine After the last exam given, the last textbook returned, the last locker closed, most students plan a summer of relaxation, college visits, and part-time jobs. For the more than 700 De La Salle Collegiate High School students in Warren MI, summer means service. Whether with one of the school clubs, teams, classes, or individually, these young men take to heart the teachings of our Founder on service to those in need. This is one of the common bonds that connect De La Salle men. Two examples of groups that may externally appear different, but that share this bond are the football team and the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Both of these groups took time to live out the Lasallian mission within urban Detroit, at programs like Summer in the City, that connects groups with projects that foster and positively engage urban youths. Among other things, the varsity football team, spearheaded by team captain Jacob Dobbs, also jumped at the chance to help when they heard that Debbie and John Schmid were looking to hire someone to do lawn and yard maintenance. John, who taught at De La Salle for 37 years, is now battling ALS. Said Dobbs, “Mr. Schmid spent so many years helping students. We saw this as an opportunity to give back to him.” Students in the DLS International Bac-
calaureate Program also have volunteered regularly throughout the summer. There are currently 32 juniors and seniors in this rigorous, two-year curriculum. Developed for the children of diplomats in the 1960’s, the curriculum is now internationally recognized. Students are responsible for demonstrating mastery at the end of each course, similar to a dissertation defense. De La Salle is one of only two Catholic schools in Michigan to offer the IB Brother Patrick McNally, FSC, and all of the Brothers at De La Salle Collegiate, enjoy catching up with students between classes. Program. IB participants also had talented group of kids,” said DLS student the opportunity to serve the Lasallian mission Andrew Grewette “I can’t wait to see what at De La Salle Blackfeet School on the they do in the future.” Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Montana near “Each day, our dedicated staff have the the Canadian border. This co-ed San Miguel blessing and joy to accompany our young men school serves about 70 students in grades 4 on their educational journey,” says Mr. John through 8. Knight, De La Salle’s President. “Whether it “It’s an unbelievable and emotional be in the classroom, on the stage, on the athletic experience for our young men, said Mr. field, at service to others, or in the quiet of our Brad Cusumano, Assistant Principal. “Our school chapel, our students are challenged to guys have tutored students and assisted the develop their hearts, minds and souls so that teachers. Most importantly, they built lasting they may one day bring the message of the relationships with these kids.” Gospel to all those they encounter.” “The fifth graders were an amazingly
Members of the Pilots football team join inner-city youngsters for a game of tug-of-war.
De La Salle senior Anthony Stull tutoring students at De La Salle Blackfeet School in Montana.
Memorial Gifts: May 26, 2018 to October 5, 2018 Brother Charles Baxter Mr. & Mrs. William A. Baxter John & Anna Beccaria Louis J. Beccaria, PhD Brother George Berrian Mrs. Ann C. Clohessy, BFSC Mr. & Mrs. Bernard H. Gallagher Mr. William T. Maher Mr. Martin W. Ronan Brother Henry Betz Mr. Robert G. Conway, Jr. Brother Robert Francis Bowers Mr. Joseph C. Castora Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dowdall Margaret Mary Boylan Ms. Judy S. Ahern Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bostic Mrs. Catherine M. Cleary CliniComp International Mr. & Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier, IV DCIU Facilities Department Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. DeAngelis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. DeAngelis Mrs. Eileen L. Doran Mr. & Mrs. Herbert S. Dreher, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Egan Mr. Joseph Fonte CDR Sarah Fowler, NC, USN Ms. Catherine V. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Geary Mr. & Mrs. John Ginter Mr. & Mrs. David Harman Ms. Susanne Kergides Mrs. Rosemary S. Kiely Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kilcoyne Ms. June M. Kingsland Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ledger, Jr. Ms. Mary Jane Magee Ms. Grace McGinn Pfizer-Global Operations Publicis Touchpoint Solutions Mr. Walter J. Stanton Ms. Alexandra von Plato Brother Celsus John Brown Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Brother Cecilian John Browne Mrs. Anne R. Crawford Thomas Browne Mr. & Mrs. John H. Thomsen Ed Burke Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Merritts Anthony A. Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. John V. Calabrese Michael Carey Clendenin Mrs. Joan M. Clendenin Brother James X. Collins Mr. Thomas R. Madden Peter Connell Mr. & Mrs. William J. Knowles William E. Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Cooney Brother Gabriel Costello Mrs. Maureen Richer Michael & Margaret Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Coyle Brother Stephen Creagh Mrs. Mary Ellen Caulfield Brother Francis Crotty Mrs. Janet D. Joyner
Brother Antony Cyril Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cooney Brother Christopher Dardis Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dowdall Deceased Bros, St Augustine HS Brooklyn ’49–’53 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dowdall John D. Dugan Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Brother E. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gantz Peggy Edes Mr. Edward A. Edes Sylvia Edes Mr. Edward A. Edes Brother Kenneth Fitzgerald Mr. Anthony P. Mahon Brother Arnold Fitzsimmons Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Smith Deacon John J. Fitzsimmons Mrs. Rita Claire Fitzsimmons Maureen Flood Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Brother Cecilian Flynn Mr. William S. Hamma The forgotten De La Salle Brothers Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gagliano Bernard Freitag Ms. Cheryl C. Price John Joseph Gallego Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Brother Brendan Garwood Mr. Joseph W. Ford Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Schieler William J. Gavaghan Ms. Anne C. Gavaghan Joseph H. Gavin Mr. James E. Gavin Brother Thomas Gavin Mr. James E. Gavin Joseph J. Gerngross, Sr., AFSC A T Chadwick Co Inc AerDux Inc. Ms. Christine A. Black Ms. Jamie Ann Black & Mr. Richard J. Maccarone Blanski Energy Management Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Bransfield Mr. & Mrs. David Burns D’Angelo Bros., Inc. Delta Connects Inc Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Donoghue Elliott-Lewis Corporation Eta Nu Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Mr. Ken E. Farabee Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Forkin General Building Contractors Association Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Guicheteau Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Helm Mr. & Mrs. Ira Hersh Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hotz Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Korves Mr. & Mrs. James J. Logue, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Martosella, Jr. Ms. M. Bridget McErlean Mr. & Mrs. John J. McGuigan Mr. & Mrs. John McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. McKee Mr. Robert F. McMackin
McNamara Family Mr. & Mrs. Austin A. Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick S. Pasquariello, III Mr. Alexander J. Puliti Ms. Anne Q. Shervin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Slabinski, III LTC & Mrs. Samuel L. Steele The Norwood Company Tozour Energy Systems Mr. & Mrs. Glenn S. White Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Yackamovitch Catherine Gilmore Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Paul & Loretta Goudreau and Mort & Margaret Newton Mr. & Mrs. Paul N. Goudreau Brother Casimir Gundlach Regina & Thomas Cozzy Michael Harrington Mr. John J. Buckley Edward P. Harvey, Sr. Ms. Diane P. Harvey Marlene Hellriegel & Stephen Hellriegel Mr. Donald Hellriegel Brother Cassian Gregory Hunt Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Brother Anselm Thomas Jenkins Mrs. Adeline M. Purtill Brother Frank Johnson Mr. John D. McPherson Joseph Johnson Ms. Linda Johnson Eileen Jordan Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Brother Adolphus Joseph Mr. Leo D. Simone Joseph C. Kennedy Mrs. Marilyn L. Ablard Ms. Phyllis M. Blake Mr. Austin Duckett Mrs. Hannah L. McAndrews Ms. Mary M. Waugh Michael Kercher Ms. Donna M. Landis Brother Albert Matthew Kerins Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Hannigan Ms. Eileen A. Kerins Pat & Dan King Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. King Deceased Members of LSCHS ’54 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Griffin, Jr. Brother Gervald Henry Laffey David H. Kelly, PhD Brother Peter Lagonowicz Rev. Thomas P. Kobuszewski Diane M. Lakeland Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Cola Mr. Timothy Donovan Ms. Elaine J. Heiss Msgr. Mancini Mr. & Mrs. David E. Martinelli Quattrucci Family Mr. & Mrs. Jared Ross Santos Family Rev. Thomas Woodhouse Brother Augustine Loes Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Kane Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. O’Connell
Frances Lopresto Mr. Frank Arcabascio Elizabeth Mahon Mr. Anthony P. Mahon Avril Makhlouf Gabriel M. Makhlouf, MD Brother Peter Mannion Mr. Anthony P. Mahon Brother Christian Edward Martin Dr. & Mrs. John B. Ryan Brother John Amedy Martin Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. O’Connell John D. Martin Mrs. Antoinette E. Martin Dorothy Materi Mrs. Lorraine D. Capasso-Tabano Senator John McCain Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Ann McDonald Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDonald McReynolds & McErlean Families Ms. M. Bridget McErlean Brother Adonas Edward McKenna Mr. Michael R. Warenda Mary T. McMonagle Mr. James M. McMonagle Brother John McNamara Mr. & Mrs. James J. McCaughey Mary Zita McNamara Mr. Charles J. Henry Brother Aquinas John McNiff Ms. Eileen E. Hussey Brother Aquinas John Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. O’Connell John Merritts Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Merritts Brother Cyril Leo Michiels Mr. Richard S. Evans Brother Thomas Miller Mr. & Mrs. George F. Sushinsky Mary Rose Mitterando Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDonald Brother Matthew Moloney Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDonald Brother Albert Mosser Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Iraola John J. Murray, Jr. Mr. John J. Murray Mary C. Murray Mr. John J. Murray Brother Brendan Myles Mr. Robert P. Loughman Brother James J. Nash Mr. George F. Hand Sheila Nolan Mr. Anthony P. Mahon Brother Arator Jerome O’Connell Mrs. Adeline M. Purtill Brother Andrew O’Gara Mr. Anthony P. Mahon Brother Barnabas Edward O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Di Giovanni Ms Mary Lou Donofrio Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Brother Henry Owens Mr. Anthony P. Mahon George J. Pallace Mr. Anthony P. Mahon Frank P. Palopoli Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli
Brother Cornelius Paulian Peters Mr. & Mrs. John A. May Brother Patrick Power Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Schugsta John W. Woods, PhD John Purtill Mrs. Adeline M. Purtill James & Marie Quigley Mr. John T. Quigley Brother Timothy Rapa Mr. John J. Buckley Dr. John (Jack) Reardon Dr. & Mrs. John J. Seydow Brother Michael Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Curtin Brother G. Augustine Roberts Ms. Joan M. Smallwood Brother Cajetan Rock Mr. Kevin Cullen Brother James Romond Mrs. Kristine A. Conroy Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Brother Luke Salm Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Curran Brother Thomas Scanlan Mrs. Ann C. Clohessy, BFSC Ms. Elizabeth J. Feehan Dr. & Mrs. John B. Ryan LT Jack Schoeppner, USN Mr. Paul S. Snopel Rev. Erwin H. Schweigardt, AFSC Mr. Timothy P. Hulbert Mr. Cornelius J. O’Leary Daniel Scullin Mrs. Adeline M. Purtill Rev. Msgr. John Sheehan Mrs. Adeline M. Purtill Luke V. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Smith Parents of David & Charlotte Stabile Mr. David J. Stabile Brother Aurelian Peter Stewart Ms. Maureen Jones Florence & Anthony Stoto Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Pietro, Jr. Edward J. Sweeney Mr. Anthony P. Mahon Dr. Dolorita R. Sweeney Brother Michael Thomas Mr. Kevin Cullen Robert Troy Mr. John J. Buckley Brother Benjamin Thomas Tully Mr. Michael R. Warenda LT Thomas C. Vrana Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Shuler Brother Azarias Peter Walsh Mr. William S. Hamma Brother Cyprian James Walton Mr. Leo D. Simone Brother Arthur Clementius Whalen Mr. Gerald D. De Maio Brother Cassian Thomas Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Ricciardelli Brother Joseph Woods Mr. & Mrs. Marc J. Morgan Nancy Zewe Mr. Daniel Board Mr. & Mrs. Robert Board
Roger Brossolasco
Raymond Bronowicz
George Edwards
Francis McCrea
Nicholas Zimrose
Raymund Buck
Patrick Carney
Lawrence Dempsey
Gabriel Fagan
Stewardship Gifts: May 2 A T Chadwick Co Inc Mrs. Marilyn L. Ablard Mr. Peter C. Accinno AerDux Inc. Mrs. Dolores C. Ahern Ms. Judy S. Ahern Mr. John V. Albertella Mr. Robert W. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Allegretti Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ambrosino Mr. & Mrs. Angelo J. Amore Mr. & Mrs. James Anastasio Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. John P. Annicelli Anonymous Mr. Frank Arcabascio Archdiocese of Newark Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Assalone Mr. Gary S. Bachtell Mr. Patrick C. Baker Richard N Baney, MD Mr. & Mrs. William E. Banfield Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Barclay Mr. & Mrs. William Barthel Mr. Richard F. Basener Ms. Eileen A. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. John F. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Neale J. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. William A. Baxter COL & Mrs. Melvin A. Bayne, MD Louis J. Beccaria, PhD Ms. Sheila Bechert Rev. Joseph S. Bejgrowicz Mr. Lawrence M. Benaquist Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Benoit Mr. Victor J. Beretta, Jr. Mr. Gustave L. Berger Mr. Christopher A. Beute Mr. John F. Biernacki Ms. Christine A. Black Ms. Jamie Ann Black & Mr. Richard J. Maccarone Ms. Phyllis M. Blake Blanski Energy Management Inc. Mr. Daniel Board Mr. & Mrs. Robert Board Mr. Robert Boehler Mr. Harry G. Bombardi Mr. Clyde L. Borg Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bostic Dr. Peter A. Bostock Mr. Francis J. Bradley Mr. Patrick D. Brady Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Bransfield Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Breneman Mr. & Mrs. William P. Broderick Jerome H. Brodish, MD Mr. & Mrs. George G. Bruzza Mr. & Mrs. Jerome K. Buckley Mr. John J. Buckley Mr. William Buckley Mr. Anthony M. Budzitowski Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Burke Mrs. Eileen M. Burke Mr. & Mrs. David Burns Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Burr MAJ William Burtson, USMC (Ret) Ms. Joan Butler Mr. & Mrs. William J. Byman Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. John V. Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. Silvestro J. Calabrese Mr. Louis Calcagni Jr. Mrs. Brenda J. Callahan Mr. & Mrs. John P. Callanan
Estate of Marie Calvacca Mr. & Mrs. Carlo J. Calvi Ms. Mary E. Canavan Mr. James A. Cannon Mrs. Lorraine Capasso-Tabano & Mr. Raymond Tabano Mr. Samuel S. Capra Mr. Peter A. Carbone Mr. Edward P. Carey, Esq. Mrs. Mary Carmody Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Caropreso Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Castle Mrs. Mary Caulfield Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Cecka Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Celidonio Mr. Michael L. Censullo Mr. & Mrs. John K. Chatwin Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Chorman Mr. Joseph A. Chorney H. Stephen Christenson, DDS, BFSC & Mrs. Angel Christenson Christian Bros. Community Lasalle Academy Providence Mr. Craig J. Church Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Clark Mrs. Catherine M. Cleary Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cleary Mr. William J. Cleary Mrs. Joan M. Clendenin Mr. Peter W. Clifford CliniComp International Ms. Ann C. Clohessy, BFSC Mr. & Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier, IV Mr. & Mrs. William E. Cocimano Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Cola Mr. & Mrs. Jerome A. Coleman Mr. John F. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Colon Community Rocks Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Connolly Mrs. Kristine A. Conroy Mr. James A. Convery Mr. John F. Conway Mr. Robert G. Conway, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cooney Mr. Raymond A. Coppa Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cordell Mr. Robert S. Corsini Mr. John A. Costello Mr. Joseph J. Costello Mr. Maurice L. Costello Ms. Mary E. Cotter Mr. Robert T. Coughlan Mr. T. William Coughlan, AFSC Rev. George R. Cowan Mr. Kevin P. Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cozzy Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Crane Mrs. Anne R. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Crehan John T. Cullen, CPA Mr. Kevin Cullen Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cullen Mrs. Catherine A. Curran Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Curran Mr. & Mrs. John M. Curran Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Curtin Mr. Charles J. Daalder Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. D’Agostino Mr. & Mrs. William J. Dailey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Daley Mr. & Mrs. James S. D’Ambra Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D’Amore D’Angelo Bros., Inc.
Hon. & Mrs. Francis J. Darigan Jr. Mr. Joseph C. Davis DCIU Facilities Dept. Mr. Francis A. De Francesco Mr. Gerald D. De Maio Mr. Frank DeAngelis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. DeAngelis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. DeAngelis Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. DeBiase Mrs. Agnes DeFelice Mr. & Mrs. William E. DeFeo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Dehler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Delaney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Delessio Delta Connects Inc Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. DeMarco Denomme Charitable Trust Ms. Mary E. DePietro Estate of Rev. Arnold DePorter Ms. Helen DePorter Mr. & Mrs. John R. Derrigan Mr. Alfred A. Diaz Mr. John R. Dietrich CAPT Kevin L. Dillon, USNR (Ret) Mr. Michael DiMaggio Hon. & Dr. Debra E. DiSegna Mr. John L. Dittmeyer Mr. Scott C. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Bernard P. Dolan Mrs. Mary Dolan Estate of Thomas J. Donaghy Mr. & Mrs. David Donatelli Mr. George Dondero Ms. Mary Donofrio Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Donoghue Mr. James F. Donovan Mr. Timothy Donovan Mrs. Eileen L. Doran Mr. John P. Dowd Mr. R. Timothy Dowd Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dowdall Mr. Joseph P. Dowling Mr. J. M. Downey Mr. Michael J. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Herbert S. Dreher, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Dreher Mr. Charles J. Driscoll Mr. Daniel F. Drogosch Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Drohan Mr. Alfred W. Drumm Dr. & Mrs. James W. Dubel Mr. Austin Duckett Mr. & Mrs. Edward Duckworth, Jr. Mrs. Judy A. Dugan Mr. Thomas Martin Dundin Mr. Thomas D. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dunne Mr. Edward A. Edes Mr. & Mrs. John M. Egan Mrs. Marlene A. Elia Elliott-Lewis Corporation LTC George P. Emodi, USAF (Ret) Mr. & Mrs. John D. Eshoo Mr. Charles W. Esserwein Eta Nu Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Mr. Richard S. Evans ExxonMobil Matching Gift Program Mr. Ken E. Farabee Ms. Elaine Farrell Mr. Eugene J. Farrell Mr. Gerard C. Fatica Ms. Elizabeth J. Feehan Mr. James F. Feehan Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Felten Mrs. Barbara J. Felter-Ralston Mr. Anthony M. Ferro
Mr. Louis Fielack Mrs. Mary B. Fitzgerald Mrs. Rita Claire Fitzsimmons Mr. & Mrs. Michael Flaxington Mr. & Mrs. David C. Fleming, Jr. Mr. Jack Flynn Mr. John G. Flynn Mrs. Jean E. Fontana Mr. Joseph Fonte Mr. Joseph W. Ford Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Forkin CDR Sarah Fowler, NC, USN Dr. Anthony Fratiello Frendreis Fund Mrs. Rosanne Frickenstein Mr. George A. Fromme Mr. Richard K. Fronapfel, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Fuller Brother Peter Furlong Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Fusco Mr. Thomas M. Gagan Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gagliano Mr. & Mrs. Bernard H. Gallagher Ms. Catherine V. Gallagher Mr. John J. Gallagher Mrs. Patricia M. Gallego Mrs. Joan J. Galligan Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gantz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Gasero Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Gaumer Ms. Anne C. Gavaghan Mr. James E. Gavin CMDR Victor M. Gavin, USN (Ret) Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Geary General Building Contractors Assoc. Mr. Nicholas L. Genovese Mr. John P. Gensler Mr. Richard F. George Mrs. Mary T. Gerrity Mrs. Mary E. Gerrow Ms. Patricia R. Gibney Mrs. Theodora B. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. John Ginter Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Giovanni Brother Dominic Gisondo Mr. & Mrs. Edgar T. Glascott Mr. & Mrs. David A. Glowny Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gluck Mr. & Mrs. Leonard F. Gmeiner Mr. Martin J. Godfrey Mr. Robert G. Gorman Mrs. Alice M. Gormley Mr. & Mrs. Paul N. Goudreau COL & Mrs. John D. Grabenstein Mrs. Edward (Anne Louise) Gracyalny Mr. Christopher J. Grant Mr. Edward W. Greason Mr. Robert D. Greason Mr. Anthony C. Green Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Green Dr. Edward J. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Griffin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Grubb Mr. & Mrs. George W. Guerin Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Guicheteau Ms. Arlene Guider Mr. Richard S. Guyer Mrs. Mary S. Haber Mr. Gerald Hackert Ms. Margaret M. Halligan Mr. William S. Hamma Mr. Godfrey J. Hammel Estate of Jefferson J. Hammer Mr. George F. Hand Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Hannigan
Mr. & Mrs. David Harman Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Harrington Mr. Richard J. Harrington Estate of William A. Hartigan Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Hartmann Ms. Diane P. Harvey Mr. Robert Haxton Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hayburn MAJ James C. Hayes, USA (Ret) Mr. Stephen P. Hayes Mr. Donald L. Hays Mr. James G. Hearn Dr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Heck Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Heffernan Mr. & Mrs. William Heffernan Ms. Elaine J. Heiss Mr. Donald Hellriegel Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Helm Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Hemmer Mr. Charles J. Henry Mr. Gerald W. Hepp Mr. John U. Heppler Mrs. Barbara Herbermann Mr. Daniel P. Herrick Mr. & Mrs. Ira Hersh Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Herz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hesselberg Mr. W. Joseph Hetherington, Esq. Mr. Paul J. Higgins Mr. William J. Hilliard Ms. Cynthia A. Hobbs Mr. William M. Hohmann Mr. Robert M. Homko Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Hosey Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hotz Mr. Francis J. Houghton Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Houston Mr. & Mrs. James P. Howe Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hughes Mr. Robert C. Hughes Mr. Timothy P. Hulbert Ms. Eileen E. Hussey Mr. Thomas J. Iannotti Mr. John M. Igoe Dr. & Mrs. Robert Indeglia Mr. & Mrs. Efrain Infante Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Iraola Mr. William A. Jochym Ms. Linda Johnson Ms. Maureen Jones Mr. John E. Joseph Mr. James Joyce Mrs. Janet D. Joyner Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Kane Mr. Raymond J. Kane, Jr. Mr. Walter Kash Rev. Edward J. Kealey Mrs. Joanna M. Kearney Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kearns Mr. & Mrs. John F. Keenan Mr. Henry P. Kehoe Mrs. Beatrice A. Kelly Mr. Daniel W. Kelly David H. Kelly, PhD Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly Mr. Michael J. Kelly Mrs. Betty Kempsey Mrs. Catherine B. Kennedy Mr. Joseph P. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. David J. Kenny Mr. Patrick J. Keogh Ms. Susanne Kergides Ms. Eileen A. Kerins Mrs. Rosemary S. Kiely Mr. John M. Kiernan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kilcoyne
Stephen Haubrich
Joseph Mahon
Michael McKenery
John McMahon
Stephen Rusyn
William Farias
William Fecteau
Lawrence Goyette
Joseph Grabenstein
Thomas Lackey
y 26, 2018 to October 5, 2018 Mr. William N. Norton Mr. & Mrs. William P. Norton The Norwood Company Mr. & Mrs. Bogdan Nowak Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Nuth, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. O’Brien Mr. William J. O’Brien Dr. Priscilla O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. O’Connell Mr. Robert W. O’Connor Mr. Thomas H. O’Connor Mr. John F. O’Donnell Mr. James P. O’Donovan Ms. Catherine R. O’Keefe Mr. Cornelius J. O’Leary Mr. & Mrs. Francis Oliver Mr. Frank R. Olshefski Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Meara Mr. Francis X. O’Neil Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. O’Neill Mr. Frank M. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Onorato Mr. Thomas J. Orlowski Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Osso Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm J. O’Sullivan Our Lady of Czestochowa, Harrison NY Mr. John J. Owens Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli Mr. Edwin P. Palumbo Mr. John L. Paluszek Mr. Joseph J. Palya Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Paolino Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Pasquariello, III Mr. Anthony J. Perinelli Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Ward F. Petrie Pfizer-Global Operations Mr. & Mrs. John F. Pfleger Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Pieper Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Pietro, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Plunkett Mr. William J. Poirier Ms. Cheryl C. Price Mr. & Mrs. James T. Procopio Publicis Touchpoint Solutions Mr. Alexander J. Puliti Mr. Ernest G. Pullano Mrs. Adeline M. Purtill Mr. John T. Quigley Rev. Joseph J. Quindlen Mr. Thomas J. Quinlan Mr. & Mrs. John Radice Mr. Anthony J. Ramos Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Regan Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Reifenheiser Mr. & Mrs. John J. Reilly Rev. Charles A. Reinbold Brother Michael Reis Mrs. Barbara G. Reynolds Mr. John M. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Ricciardelli Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Rice Mrs. Maureen Richer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Rienti Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Ritchie Mr. Richard V. Robilotti Dr. & Mrs. Sean P. Roche Mr. Kevin P. Roe Mr. Frank A. Roesch Mr. Edward J. Romano Mr. & Mrs. George J. Romig Mr. Martin W. Ronan Mr. & Mrs. Allen W. Ropiecki Mr. Frederick A. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Jared Ross Mr. Anthony Rotunno, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Rueger Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Ruest Ms. Eileen T. Ruesterholz Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ruocco Mr. George W. Rusch Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Ryan Dr. & Mrs. John B. Ryan Ms. Anna M. Rynn Ms. Simelina C. Sadama Mr. John T. Sadowski Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Sansone Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Santoro Mr. Richard Santoro Mr. & Mrs. Saverio J. Sava Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sawn Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Scarlata Mr. John G. Scarry Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Schafer Mr. Randy Schaffner Dr. & Mrs. Randy N. Schauer Mr. Andrew G. Schiavone Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Schieler Brother Joseph F. Schmidt Mr. James W. Schmitt Ms. Ellen L. Schoonover Mr. John J. Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Schugsta, Jr. Mr. Edward Schurr Ms. Letizia C. Scotto Mr. & Mrs. William D. Sears Ms. Karen M. Senecal Dr. & Mrs. John J. Seydow Hon. & Mrs. Raymond E. Shawcross Mr. Robert F. Shea Mrs. Carolyn A. Sheedy Mr. Thomas W. Sheedy Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Sheeran Mr. Joseph F. Sheldrick Ms. Anne Q. Shervin Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Shivers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Shuler Mr. Richard E. Silkowski Mr. Leo D. Simone Mr. & Mrs. William J. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sindoni, AFSC Mr. & Mrs. George H. Skau Mrs. Barbara J. Skeffington Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Slabinski, III Mr. William Sluka Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Smaldone Ms. Joan M. Smallwood Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Smith Mr. Robert H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Smith Dr. & Mrs. William C. Smith Mr. Paul S. Snopel Ms. Aurora A. Soriano Mr. Almon T. Sorrell St. Joseph HS Alumni Assoc., Detroit MI St. Franics of Assisi Church, Northville NY St. Joseph’s Church, Broadalin NY St. Mary’s Church, Gloucester City NJ Mr. David J. Stabile Mr. Robert Stampahar Mr. Ronald G. Stanton Mr. Walter J. Stanton Mr. & Mrs. Charles Staudenmaier Mr. & Mrs. John Steed LTC & Mrs. Samuel L. Steele Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Stella Brother Jerome Stevens Mr. Thomas P. Stewart Mr. Robert F. Storm
Dennis Lee
Vincent Reese
Robert Schieler
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Striedl Mr. & Mrs. James Strutt Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Stubbs Mr. Frank C. Sulzbach Mr. & Mrs. George F. Sushinsky COL & Mrs. Ludvik Z. Svoboda Ms. Dolorita R. Sweeney Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Sweeny Dr. John F. Szolnoki Mr. & Mrs. James Tauber Mr. John J. Thawley Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Them Mr. Daniel P. Thero Mr. James D. Thero Mr. & Mrs. John H. Thomsen, III Mrs. Antoinette Tierney Mr. James R. Tierney Mr. Joseph M. Tomasko Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Tomm Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Tompkins Mr. William Toriello Mr. Paul W. Torok Mr. Victor J. Tortorelli Mr. Edward T. Toseland Mr. J Desmond Towey Tozour Energy Systems Dr. William A. Tramontano Mr. & Mrs. John F. Tully Mr. & Mrs. Fred M. Turkoff US Foodservice Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Valentine Mr. & Mrs. William D. Valentine Mr. Michael Van DeLoo Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Vardy Mr. & Mrs. Eugene E. Veltri Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Vero Mr. William F. Vollmers Ms. Alexandra von Plato Rev. Michael S. Vona Mr. & Mrs. John R. Walker Most Rev. Gerald T. Walsh, DD Dr. Stephen Walsh Mr. Thomas G. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Ward Mr. Wayne E. Ward Mr. Michael R. Warenda Washington Trust Charitable Fndn Mr. Thomas G. Waterman Mr. & Mrs. John W. Welborn Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wendth Mr. Charles A. Weth Mr. William W. Weyrauch Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. White Mr. & Mrs. Glenn S. White Mr. & Mrs. John J. Whitehead Mr. & Mrs. William C. Wilkens Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Woerz Rev. Thomas Woodhouse John W. Woods, PhD Mr. Erik Worobey Mr. Donald J. Wszolek Mr. John F. Wynne Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Yackamovitch Mr. John J. Yanas, BFSC Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Zabriskie Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Zamierowski Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Zavistowski Mr. & Mrs. George L. Zerebynsky Dr. & Mrs. W. Dennis Zerega Mr. Richard G. Ziegler Mr. James S. Ziemianski Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zino Brother Thomas B. Zoppo Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Zuccaro
Mrs. Hannah L. McAndrews Mr. Edward J. McCabe Mr. Gerald P. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. James J. McCaughey Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. McDavitt Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McDonagh Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDonald LTC James J. McDonnell Mr. Michael P. McElroy Mr. Eugene McElwain Ms. M. Bridget McErlean Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. McGarry, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Neal A. McGarry Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. McGill Ms. Grace McGinn Ms. Mary McGinn Mr. Charles T. McGuigan Mr. & Mrs. John J. McGuigan Mr. & Mrs. John McGuire Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McHale, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James J. McHugh Mr. John J. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. McHugh Mr. Richard J. McKay, AFSC & Mrs. Judith T. McKay, AFSC Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. McKee Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. McLaughlin Mr. Robert F. McMackin Mrs. Catherine D. McManus Mr. Richard McManus Mr. James M. McMonagle Mr. Henry P. McNally McNamara Family Mr. & Mrs. John J. McNamara Ms. Patricia A. McNulty Mr. John D. McPherson Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. McPoyle Mr. Dennis F. McSweeney Mr. William J. Mead Mr. & Mrs. Austin A. Meehan Dr. Thomas J. Mehelas Estate of Father David C. Menegay Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Merritts Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Miller Mr. Henry J. Miller Mr. & Mrs. John D. Milliot Mr. Richard G. Molokie Hon. & Mrs. Armando Monaco II Mr. & Mrs. Fintan P. Moore, Jr. Mr. Gabriel Moran Mr. Patrick J. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Marc J. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Morris Mr. Robert E. Mottola Dr. Ronald R. Mrozinski Mr. Edward M. Mulhern Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Mulholland Mr. James F. Mullan Dr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mulligan Mr. James E. Mulvey Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Mundier Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy Mr. John J. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Murphy Mrs. Patricia A. Murphy Mr. Daniel P. Murray Mr. John J. Murray Mr. & Mrs. William B. Nagle Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Naughton Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Nelson Dr. & Mrs. James F. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. John F. Nevue Mr. James F. Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Nolan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Nolan, Sr.
Mr. James F. Kilkenny Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Kimm Brother Joseph Kines Mrs. Mary Margaret King Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. King Ms. June M. Kingsland Dr. & Mrs. William A. Kirby Mr. Matthew B. Kirsch Mrs. Mary F. Kissane Mr. & Mrs. William J. Knowles Rev. Thomas P. Kobuszewski Mr. & Mrs. Wenzel Koch Mr. Bruce J. Koegler Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Korves Mrs. Karen Koza Mr. Kenneth J. Kubat Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kuhn Dr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Kyhos Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Lambie, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Lamerato Mrs. Mary E. LaMontagne Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Landi, Jr. Ms. Donna M. Landis Mr. & Mrs. James D. Langell Mr. Martin J. Larkin Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Lastowski Mr. & Mrs. John F. Laumakis Mrs. Marion B. Leach Mr. & Mrs. William A. Leasure, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ledger, Jr. Brother Dennis Lee Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Leet Mr. Stephen D. Lemanski Mrs. Mary C. Levier Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Leyden Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Loeffler Mr. William R. Loehr Mr. & Mrs. James J. Logue, Jr. Mr. Robert P. Loughman Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Lydting Mrs. Elvira J. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Lynn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Madden Mr. Thomas R. Madden Ms. Mary Jane Magee Mr. Edward C. Maher Mr. William T. Maher Mr. Anthony P. Mahon Gabriel M. Makhlouf, MD Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malone Mr. Donald J. Maloney Mr. John T. Maloney Mr. Joseph T. Maloney Msgr. Mancini, Quattrucci & Santos Families Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Manduley Mr. & Mrs. James J. P. Manning Mr. & Mrs. James J. Manning Mr. William L. Mansfield Mr. Philip R. Maresco Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mark Mr. Gerard H. Marks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Marmion Mr. Joseph F. Marmo Mr. John E. Marr Mr. James F. Marrin Mrs. Antoinette E. Martin Mr. Edward G. Martin Brother William Martin Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Martinek Mr. & Mrs. David E. Martinelli Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Martosella, Jr. Mr. Robert A. Mascari Ms. Anne Matthews Ms. Marilyn Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. John A. May
Thomas Barton
Richard Herlihy
John Kane
Michael Shubnell
Daniel Gardner
Ernest Miller
Lasallian Youth Assembly: Lasallians Without Limits This year’s Lasallian Youth Assembly, “Lasallians Without Limits” was held on the campus of Manhattan College. Young Lasallians from fourteen schools and four countries spent the week of July 15th
engaged in service, community building, prayer, and being challenged as Lasallians to live as people of faith and hope in the world today.
Ministries that attended: Bishop Loughlin Memorial HS – Brooklyn NY Calvert Hall College HS -Towson MD Central Catholic HS – Pittsburgh PA Christian Brothers Academy – Albany NY Collegio San Giuseppe – Rome Italy De La Salle College “Oaklands”-Toronto ON La Salle Academy- New York NY
La Salle Academy – Providence RI La Salle College HS – Wyndmoor PA La Salle Institute – Troy NY Lycee Sacre Coeur-La Salle – France St. John’s College HS – Washington DC St. Mary Magdalene Parish – Queens NY St. Raphael Academy – Pawtucket RI
Welcome to our Newest District Staff Members The Provincialate Office is proud to announce Ms. Kerry M. Conroy as Associate Director of the Office for Mission and Ministry. Ms. Conroy stepped into the new position on September 1, 2018. An eighteen-year Lasallian educator, Ms. Conroy had served at La Salle Academy in New York City since 1999. She began as a Lasallian Volunteer, and subsequently held positions of advancing responsibility, leading to her most recent role as Principal and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Stated Kerry, “I am excited to take on this new endeavor in furthering the mission of St. La Salle with our ministries throughout the District. I am grateful for all my experiences at La Salle Mrs. Janice Shea Ms. Kerry M. Conroy Academy, which have ultimately prepared me for the path ahead.” Our office is also pleased to welcome Mrs. Janice Shea to the District of Eastern North America staff. Starting this past June, Janice brings corporate experience as well as a non-profit and diocesan background to her new position as the Personal Assistant to the Visitor, Brother Dennis Lee, FSC. “I was delighted to be selected for the position with the District Office,” said Janice. “I believe being involved in good works that help others is important. It’s especially important to me, and I’m excited to learn more about and help foster the Lasallian mission.”
GALA SUPPORTS RETIRED BROTHERS Once again the Gala Committee for the annual event to support the retired Brothers at Christian Brothers Center in Narragansett RI hosted one of their most exciting and successful Galas ever. The casually-elegant evening began with a cocktail hour and live auction in the courtyard. (God had a little fun, chasing us inside with a rain shower for the last ten minutes of the auction.) Dinner followed in the dining room, then it was into the Great Room for desserts, cordials and announcement of the grand raffle winners to end the evening. We sincerely thank all those who participated, attended, or donated auction items.
Brother Robert Wickman, FSC, is surrounded by friends Teri & Michael Sullivan and Robert & Sally Kane.
Mary (Murph) Carmody and Jim Howe enjoy the cocktail reception with Brother Edmond Precourt, FSC.
Mr. Anthony J. Colucci, Jr., AFSC
While our Lasallian community is always saddened at the loss of one of our close friends, this summer we saw the passing of three icons of our Affiliated Members, Mr. Anthony J. Colucci, Jr., AFSC, Mr. Joseph J. Gerngross, Sr., AFSC, and Rev. Erwin H. Schweigardt, AFSC. Affiliated Membership is the highest honor that the Institute of The Brothers of the Christian Schools can offer an individual. This designation, given for decades of close dedicated service to the Brothers, must be applied for by a local Brothers’ Community, approved by our District, and conferred upon the individual by our Generalate in Rome. Among other things, the Affiliated Member of the Institute has the right to call himself or herself Brother. Each of these three men exemplifies the definition of Affiliation. Although from various areas of our District, each graduated from a Lasallian school, and spent their adult lives supporting multiple Lasallian ministries, as well as the Brothers of the District. Each had a different vocation: law, mechanical contracting, and clergy. However, we were blessed by each with their loyalty, professional advice, Board and committee leadership, philanthropic support, and friendship.
La Salle Hall - Beltsville MD (B) De La Salle Hall - Lincroft NJ (L)
St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, Buffalo NY Class of 1951
Mr. Joseph J. Gerngross, Sr., AFSC La Salle College High School, Wyndmoor PA Class of 1943
Rev. Erwin H. Schweigardt, AFSC
Christian Brothers Academy, Albany NY - Class of 1957 Manhattan College, Riverdale NY - Class of 1961
Christian Brothers Center - Narragansett RI (N) Loretto Abbey - Toronto ON (T)
for your continued support of our elder Christian Brothers in residence (as of 9/1/18) Br. Anthony Baird (L) Br. Barry Bartkowiak (B) Br. Andrew Bartley (L) Br. Thomas Barton (L) Br. Raymund Buck (L) Br. John Buckley (N) Br. Thomas Caldwell (L) Br Miguel Campos (L) Br. Gregory Cavalier (L) Br. Carl Clayton (L) Br. John Coates (T)
Br. Richard Connors (N) Br. Colman Coogan (B) Br. Jerome Cox (N) Br. Lawrence Dempsey (B) Br. Thomas Dunn (N) Br. George Edwards (T) Br. Gabriel Fagan (L) Br. Martin Fahey (L) Br. Walter Farrell (T) Br. Michael Fitzgibbon (L) Br. Brendan Foley (N)
Br. Gerard Frendreis (B) Br. Edward Gallagher (L) Br. Robert Hebert (N) Br. John Herron (L) Br. William Hudson (B) Br. John Karl (L) Br. Michael Kelleher (L) Br. James Kelly (L) Br. William Kemmerer (L) Br. Joseph Lapp (B) Br. Joseph Loewenstein (L)
Br. James Loxham (L) Br. Hugh Maguire (L) Br. Francisco Martin (L) Br. John McGann (N) Br. Michael McKenery (N) Br. Eugene Morgan (B) Br. James Muffley (B) Br. Joseph Myers (B) Br. Charles O’Connell (L) Br. Malcolm O’Sullivan (L) Br. Herman Paul (B)
Br. John Perry (L) Br. David Rogers (B) Br. Anthony Scotto (N) Br. Timothy Tarmey (N) Br. John Vella (T) Br. Floyd Warwick (L) Br. Henry Werner (B) Br. Philip Whitman (B) Br. Paul Wilcox (T) Br. William Winter (B) Br. Nicholas Zimrose (T)
Brothers of the Christian Schools SAINT LA SALLE AUXILIARY P.O. BOX 238 LINCROFT, NJ 07738-0238
Dear friends, I am excited to welcome you to the first merged quarterly District newsletter. We have been making great efforts to keep in touch with you while reducing the amount of duplication of efforts. Our offices are now more closely coordinating stewardship and outreach to you, our friends and supporters. Merging our two District publications, Lasallian Notes and Lasallian Visions, is one of the final and one of the largest steps in this process. The amazing Brother William Martin, FSC, who was single-handedly producing Notes, will still be on our editorial team for our combined newsletter. He also is still running our Mass Card program through the St. La Salle Auxiliary. In addition, Brother Peter Furlong, FSC, has agreed to join our team to help with stewardship. We have tried to keep the most popular pieces from both newsletters. If you were receiving Notes, you will still see familiar items such as the lists of recent and memorial donors, and updates on senior Brothers. Those of you who have been receiving Visions will still see our regular Ministry Spotlight, Brother Spotlight, and Face-of-the-Fund sections. We hope that everyone will enjoy both the familiar and new. We thank each of you for your continued prayers and financial support for the Christian Brothers, their ministries, and the youths they serve. Sincerely,
Support the Brothers Use our beautiful Mass Cards For Christmas Shepherds in the Field Hector Garrido
Adoration of the Magi Hector Garrido Shepherds Adore
A Blessed Christmas
The Holy Family
Mary, Mother of God
Hector Garrido
Hector Garrido
Christmas Joy
Christmas Peace
Those receiving these cards will be enrolled in a Novena of Masses at the Church of the Nativity in Manger Square, Bethlehem, as noted on the inside of each Christmas Card.
Patrick J. Donahue Director of Advancement
PS As we work through this merger, a few of you may receive duplicate copies of this newsletter. If you have received more than one copy, or if you have any other comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at or at (732) 380-7926.
Request a brochure and/or a sample packet of Mass Cards today at: 732-842-4359 Toll Free 1-866-STLASALLE (1-866-785-2725) CARDS@DLSAUX.ORG • WWW.DLSAUX.ORG
District Director
Lincroft NJ
Narragansett RI