’ Premium Westons Cider Apple able!! il is now ava
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Entrance on the 6F of Lucé (Apple Store Bldg.) 5F, 6F, 7F Tenjin Lucé, 2-3-24 Tenjin Tel: 092-737-2601 www.global-dining.com 13
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Kyushu Headline News English language summaries of last month's top Kyushu area news stories. 九州エリアの 1 ヵ月分の英文ニュースの中から選り抜きの話題をピックアップ グリーンツーリズム拡大の応援団発足 Group Formed to Promote Kyushu Green Tourism The Kyushu no Mura Tabi Oendan (Group to Support Village Travel in Kyushu) has been formed by private sector groups from throughout Kyushu that conduct green tourism and trips to agricultural villages. The objective is to promote green tourism through PR activities in the regional cities and to train personnel to work in this sector. This reportedly will be the first private sector-led, region-wide effort for this type of activity in Japan. マンション業界も苦境 Sharp Drop Foreseen for Condominium Sales A Fukuoka-based company surveying housing sales in the region has compiled projections for new condominium sales in Kyushu in 2008. The projections call for a 24.2% drop in year-on-year sales to 8,201 units. The primary reasons cited for the decline are the greater expense caused by the higher cost of construction materials and the increasing difficulty in obtaining loans for condo purchases from financial institutions. アジア向け輸出入額最高 Record Highs in Asian Trade for Kyushu in 2007 The Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade, and Industry has released its KyushuAsia Internationalization Report based on economic activity between the two regions in 2007. The report states that Kyushu's exports to Asia that year jumped 16.2% from the year before to 6.4625 trillion yen, while imports from that region climbed 11.7% to 6.456 trillion yen. Both of these figures are record highs. The report said that further growth in Kyushu depended on the region responding to the vitality in China, India, and Vietnam. ベトナムの銀行と西シ銀が業務提携 NCB Business Ties with Vietnamese Bank Fukuoka City-based Nishi-Nippon City Bank (NC Bank) announced it has signed a business agreement with Orient Commercial Joint-Stock Bank of Vietnam. NC Bank's objective is to provide banking services to local companies establishing a presence in that country. It is the NC Bank's fourth business agreement with an overseas financial institution. 福岡中小企業経営者の 4 割、後継者検討せず Small Businesses not Thinking of Successors The Fukuoka Chamber of Commerce and Industry revealed the results of its survey that shows roughly 40% of the people in charge of small and medium-sized businesses in the prefecture haven't given a thought to possible successors. In contrast, 44% say they have considered the problem, while 14% said they are thinking of shutting down the company when they retire. The Chamber of Commerce is calling on companies to prepare for a handover and train successors ten years in advance.
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
九州 224 社、設備投資「減額」32% One-Third of Primary Kyushu Companies to Cut Capital Investments The Kyushu Branch of the Development Bank of Japan revealed the results of an emergency survey it conducted of 224 Kyushu companies. They report that 32% of the surveyed companies plan to reduce their investment in plants and equipment this year from the amounts allocated in their original budget. The ratio rises to 60% when only automobile and semiconductor companies are considered. The cutbacks are attributed to the worsening global economic climate. 『ちんどん屋パリ』の試写会で訪問、芸披露 Adachi Sendensha Performs Chin-don in Paris The Fukuoka City-based chin-don musical group, Adachi Sendensha, performed in the streets of Paris on the 10th to publicize the previews of the film Tchindon, which commemorates 150 years of Japanese-French friendship. The movie, which is in French, was filmed from February to September in different locations throughout Fukuoka Prefecture, and features a story involving a chindon group. Reports say that most of the Parisian passersby were surprised to see the street performance, and some people offered tips. The Fukuoka City premiere will consist of three showings on December 21 at Ajiba Hall. 福岡エムケイ 1,000 人雇用 Fukuoka MK to Hire 1,000 Fukuoka MK, a member company of the MK Group which operates low-fare taxicabs in the Kansai and Kanto regions, announced plans to hire about 1,000 drivers and other employees after it opens its Fukuoka City office later this month. This is part of a group-wide project to create employment nationwide by hiring about 10,000 people in 10 locations in Japan. The company is both providing a place of employment for temporary workers recently laid off by other companies, as well as accelerating their own business expansion. 福岡・釜山サイバー商談会 Cyber-Business Conferences Planned The Chambers of Commerce of Fukuoka City and Busan, South Korea, have agreed to launch business conferences over the Internet in March. The conferences are designed to strengthen ties between the two groups as part of their efforts to create a supra-regional economic sphere. The South Koreans suggested the idea as a way to save time by eliminating mismatches during face-to-face meetings between companies offering products that customers don't need or want. The two groups will use the provisionally named Cyber Business Talk system developed by the Busan Chamber of Commerce for the conferences.
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寝台特急、九州に別れ Remaining Sleeper Express Trains to be Eliminated JR Kyushu announced it will eliminate the remaining limited express sleeper trains it operates between the region and Tokyo next March. These are the Fuji, from Oita, and the Hayabusa, from Kumamoto. The elimination of service will bring to an end a half-century of Kyushu railroad history. Japan's first limited express sleeper train was the Asakaze, which began running between Fukuoka and Tokyo in 1958. 長崎港に新しく岸壁完成 Kyushu's Longest Pier Built in Nagasaki The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport finished work on the construction of a 360-meter pier at the Port of Nagasaki. The pier, which is the longest in the Kyushu-Yamaguchi Prefecture region, will be capable of serving as the berth for the world's largest ships (100,000 ton-class). In conjunction with the work on the pier, Nagasaki Prefecture is building an international passenger terminal building that will open in 2009. 博多・天神 商業施設の展開活発 Remodeling Fukuoka City Commercial Complexes Work is going full steam ahead on remodeling commercial properties in Fukuoka City's Hakata and Tenjin districts to prepare for the opening of the Kyushu leg of the Shinkansen in 2011. Emblematic of this work is the full-scale remodeling and redecoration of Hakata Deitos, which will be a tenant of the new Hakata Station building. The retailers hope that the new Shinkansen will help them attract customers, but they are also worried about the recent downturn in individual consumption. 佐賀県、運転免許証 4 日から IC 内蔵に Saga Putting Chips in Driver's Licenses Saga Prefecture began issuing driver's licenses on the 4th with embedded memory chips, turning them into smart cards. The objective is to prevent counterfeiting and protect personal information. This adds 450 yen to the cost of renewing a license. Saga was one of 27 prefectures nationwide that began issuing the new licenses on that date, bringing to 37 to total number that offer them. 佐世保の振興券発行へ Sasebo Plans on Issuing Shopping Coupons In an effort to boost local consumption and promote retail business, the city of Sasebo plans to issue shopping coupons. The impetus will be the stimulus package that the national government will provide citizens this year. If a consumer purchases the coupon with the 12,000 yen subsidy, they will be able to use it to purchase 13,200 yen worth of merchandise in local stores. City officials say it is unusual in Japan for municipalities to conduct these programs.
果皮使い希少金属吸い着 Rare Metals Can be Absorbed with Fruit Rinds A team of researchers at Saga University announced they have developed an absorption agent made with materials from fruit rinds and old paper, which is capable of the selective recovery of platinum, palladium, and other rare metals used in the manufacture of PCs and cell phones. The process costs less than half that of conventional recovery methods and does not produce toxic substances. There are so many disposed consumer electronic devices in Japan that cities are referred to as "urban mines", which means the new technique has the potential to be useful and profitable. JR 九州、特急列車すべて禁煙 JR Kyushu to Ban Smoking In conjunction with its schedule revisions to take effect next March, JR Kyushu will ban smoking on all its special limited express trains. The railroad has retained smoking cars on some of its longer runs, but decided to eliminate them at the request of its passengers. Smoking is already prohibited on the Kamome, Midori, and Sonic trains.
キリンビール福岡工場、地球温暖化防止で功績 Kirin Wins Award for Environment Policy Kirin Beer's Fukuoka Plant in Asakura has received an award from Japan's Environmental Minister for its successful efforts to cut down on CO2 emissions to help reduce global warming. The Kirin plant has been implementing a program to create a "21st Century Green Factory". One part of the program has been reusing the methane gas created in the production of beer as an energy resource. They were the only Kyushu company to win an Environmental Minister's award this year. 福岡・人工島の新青果市場 Produce Market & Restaurant Zone for Island City Fukuoka City revealed plans to establish what it called a "Nigiwai Zone" on Island City, an artificial island in the city's Hakata Ward, with a new produce market, an area selling locally grown fruits and vegetables, and restaurants and shops offering meals using the produce as ingredients. The objective is to promote Fukuoka foods among the local population and the growing numbers of Asian tourists. The city plans to open the zone in 2014.
在住外国人、オークションで地域貢献 Foreigners to be Auctioned Off A foreign-owned local publisher will reportedly auction off foreigners at an upcoming event. Rumor has it that many Kyushu resident foreigners will offer their services and will be sold on stage to the highest bidder, with all proceeds going to a local charity. Language lessons, surfing lessons, and portrait drawing are just some of the pledges up for auction by these generous volunteers. For more details access www.fukuoka-now.com/valentine 「国際人賞」推薦受付中 Local Foreigners To Be Honored Fukuoka Now, Thai Airways International and Royal Orchid Tours present the inaugural "Kokusai-jin Awards" recognizing outstanding achievements in various fields including community service, Hakata-ben (!) and entrepreneurship. Nominations are accepted until Feb. 7 online at www. fukuoka-now.com/valentine. Every nominator is entered into a lucky draw for a trip to Thailand.
News source: With permission from the morning editions of the Nishinippon Newspaper.
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
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Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Post Office
Gas Station
Info Desk
Car Rental
Hotel Convenience Stores
The map is split into areas for your convenience. For a full list of the map numbers and letters, please see page 27 for Map Index. 広告や編集ページにある番号は、この地 図上の番号とリンクしています。索引は P27 をご覧ください。
e Schedule Inform tsu Tim e atio t i h n Nis
foorr heerree f CClliicckk hisshh oorr EEnngglli ann!! KKoorreea
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Available everywhere – • Check time schedules and fare information for buses and trains in English • Real time bus location and arrival information • Highway bus time schedules and fare information in English • Free service! (No costs are passed on to the users except mobile phone users who are charged access fees per minute) To access from your computer, simply go to www.nishitetsu.co.jp/ Follow these steps to access from your mobile phone:
HOT INFO! Yanagawa Tokumori Ticket Special discount round trip train tickets to Yanagawa including a gondola trip and
home, office, or outside! DoCoMo 「i-mode」
メニュー リスト
九州・沖縄 メニュー
メニュー リスト
地域 メニュー
au 「EZweb」
トップ メニュー
lunch set. This is an excellent deal and
交通 / 地図
Soft Bank 「Yahoo!ケータイ」
choice of local cuisine
にしてつ 時刻表
Time Schedule (English Ver.)
opportunity to see scenic Yanagawa. More info: www.nishitetsu.co.jp/train/ticket/ i_yanagawa_tokumori.htm
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Marine Messe Fukuoka
マップ番号索引 記事や広告のマップ番号 一覧はコチラ!
Bayside Place
Big Air
Some articles and ads have a 'See Map' symbol. Use this list and the grid references to locate them.
Fukuoka International Congress Center Fukuoka Fukuoka Sun Palace Kokusai Center
ch i
Bars, Cafes & Restaurants
nc ho
Map# Grid . __________________________________________________ 2 Bandar B2 __________________________________________________
26 Bar Eternity D1 __________________________________________________ 16 Benten B2 __________________________________________________
Fukuoka Kyotei
B2 36 British Pub Morris __________________________________________________ 19 Delgado’s B3 __________________________________________________ 32 El borracho A2 __________________________________________________ 42 El Taller A3 __________________________________________________
JAL Resort Sea Hawk Hotel Fukuoka
Marizon Seaside Momochi Park
RKB Momochi Elementary School
United Cinemas Fukuoka National Hospital Toysrus Organization Kyushu Hawks Town Medical Center
Hitachi Fujitsu
Twins Momochi
Fukuoka City Public Library Chuo-Park
61 Fukuoka
Fukuoka Tower
18 Fasika B2 __________________________________________________ B2 40 Fireball Cafe __________________________________________________
Yahoo! Dome
Korean Consulate
Pietro Chinese Consulate Hyatt Residential Seinan High + Middle Suites School
Post Office
27 No.1 Travel C2 __________________________________________________ Hotels Map# Grid . __________________________________________________ 37 Greenland ESPA E2 __________________________________________________
Best Denki
Ten Good City
in nj
Ak as
12 With The Style Fukuoka F3 __________________________________________________ Health Services
Takamiya Ohashi
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Tenjin Minami
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Kaizuka ay in bw 2m Hakozaki-kyudai-mae Su in ki 2m Hakozaki-miyamae za in o k m Maidashi-kyudaibyoin-mae Ha in 1 2m Chiyo-kenchoguchi in 2m Gofukumachi
Nishitetsu Fukuoka 2min
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Kuko Subway Line
Kamo Noke
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Hashimoto Jiromaru
25 Sam & Dave B2 __________________________________________________ 48 Tapas Oki B3 __________________________________________________
Map# Grid . __________________________________________________ 27 LTK C2 __________________________________________________
ne min 2
ku d
33 Sala Rim Naam A3 __________________________________________________ B2 21 Sancho Panza __________________________________________________
Travel Agencies
B1 22 One Way __________________________________________________ 17 Prawjai B3 __________________________________________________
11 Xaymaca B2 __________________________________________________ 28 Zaeka A2 __________________________________________________
Nishijin Palace
Don Quijote Praliva Freshness Burger KFC Shuyukan Rosarian High School McDonald's Doutor Daiei Poplar
3 La Boheme Qualita B2 __________________________________________________ 15 Off Broadway B1 __________________________________________________
C1 41 The Hakata Harp __________________________________________________ 1 Three Kings B2 __________________________________________________
Nishijin Elementary School Seinan Gakuin Univ.
13 Kamontei A2 __________________________________________________ 14 Kuzushi-Kappou Itochihisaki A2 __________________________________________________
6 The Craic and The Porter B2 __________________________________________________ 35 The Faces C1 __________________________________________________
Fukuoka International School
61 Hard Rock Cafe (Momochi map) __________________________________________________ 23 International Bar B1 __________________________________________________
38 Rakuten-an A2 __________________________________________________ 16 Rhythm Music Lounge B2 __________________________________________________
Fukuoka City Museum Bon Repas
29 Gossip B1 __________________________________________________ 9 Gumrundee B2 __________________________________________________
Nishitetsu Omuta Line
Change for JR & Shinkansen Higashi-hie Fukuoka kuko (Airport)
Map# Grid . __________________________________________________ 30 Dental Office Lily C2 __________________________________________________
31 Dental Office Plumeria C3 __________________________________________________ Various Map# Grid . __________________________________________________ 5 Axis Jiu-Jitsu Academy A2 __________________________________________________
8 Daimaru C2 __________________________________________________ 24 Foreign Talent Club B1 __________________________________________________ C2 7 Thai Trade Center, Fukuoka __________________________________________________ 20 NIssan Jyutaku C1 __________________________________________________
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009
Fukuoka Now #122 February 2009