Jun 2013 Fukuoka Now

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Restaurants Bars Maps Events Things To Do www.fukuoka-now.com June 2013 #174



Fukuoka Now



a Canad y a D Party8 JUNE 2

Breakfast Club 福岡! Morning dining in Fukuoka

WIN! Hilton Stay & Breakfast

Model: Hannah Conklin


more snaps and videos online! fukuoka-now.com


Hydrangea Season is here!

R fukuoka-now.com/beergarden

Kanpai! Beer Garden Guide 2013


n the heat of summer, nothing’s more refreshing than a cold beer with friends at one of Fukuoka’s beer gardens. We’ve made your summer easy, with a guide to a dozen recommended beer gardens in Fukuoka. Kanpai!

NOW ビアガーデンガイド 2013

夏の暑い日に友だちとワイワイ飲むビールは 最高に美味しい!ロケーションや、メニューな ど個性豊かな福岡のビアガーデン。今年は何 件ハシゴする?

Local Superhero Grass-Sider to the Rescue!


usagae Elementary School (Chuo-ku) has its own superhero, Grass-sider! His mission? To make children smile! He appears at school events and serves as a crossing guard monthly. Full interview with the mysterious green hero online.

スーパーヒーロー " グラスサイダー " 現る !

草香江小学校には専属のスーパーヒーローがいる。彼の ミッションとは?もちろん子供の笑顔を守ること!学校行 事や交通規制に今日も精を出している。

2 • Fukuoka Now • #174 • June 2013


ainy season can be depressing, but it’s not all bad. Beautiful ajisai (hydrangea) are in full bloom during rainy season in Japan. They’re considered the quintessential flower of the season. We’ve chosen the top three spots in Fukuoka to enjoy ajisai. Check online!


しとしと降り続ける雨のシーズンは、紫陽花を 見て晴れやかな気分に。365 日福岡を楽しむ ための必須情報、NOW の web サイトをチェッ ク&ゴー!

read more online!

Restaurant & Bar BK

Broil King Grilled Cuisine!


ust a five minute walk from Hainuzuka Station on the JR Kagoshima Line, BK is a restaurant run by OMC's agent and sole Japanese distributor for Broil King, Canada's number one gas grill. BK moved to


Chikugo in December 2012 after three years in Kurume. The menu features a range of authentic North American cuisine made on Broil King grills, including grilled steak the likes of which you would normally only find in Tokyo's specialty shops. BK's steaks are Certified Angus Beef, the highest quality beef in North America. The beef is sent chilled, not frozen, and aged with a process called semi-dry aging. Excess fat is removed before the beef is smoked, so the steaks are firm on the outside but juicy in the middle; the aroma is mouth-watering! BK also offers burgers made from 100% additive-free fresh ground beef and flavored with herb salt as well as buffalo-style chicken—a North American standard. Lunches start at ¥850 and full

カナダ産 BBQ グリルを熟 知するメーカー代理店直営 の北米料理レストラン BK

whatwhere&howmuch 126-3 Izumi, Chikugo-shi, Fukuoka Tel: 0942-53-6635 Open: 11:30~15:00 (LO 14:30)/17:30~23:30 (LO 23:00) Closed: Tue. Pay: Credit cards accepted Menu: Grilled strip steak ¥1,080 (170g) / ¥1,480 (250g) / ¥2,700 (450g), Classic beef burger ¥560 (Reg) / ¥750 (L), Buffalo Wings (2 pc.) ¥380, Smoked meat ¥1,000, Draft beer ¥480 course dinners start at ¥3,000. There is also a BBQ Course where you can try your hand at grilling on a Broil King on the restaurant's second floor patio.(¥2,300~, summer only).

と、中はジューシーな仕上がりに。その他、 朝挽きした牛肉 100%のひき肉に自家製無添 加ハーブソルトで味付けしたハンバーガー や、北米では定番のバッファローチキンなど が楽しめる。ランチ ¥850 〜や夜のフルコー ス ¥3,000 〜のほか、Broil King での調理体験 ができるバーベキューコース ¥2,300 〜(夏 季限定)もある。


R 鹿児島本線羽犬塚駅から徒歩約 5 分。 ここ BK(ビーケー)は、カナダ国内シェ アナンバーワンのガスグリルメーカー、 OMC 社の日本総代理店が営むレストランだ。 3 年ほど久留米で営業後、2012 年 12 月筑後 市に移転した。OMC 社が取り扱うガスグリ ルの中でも人気が高い、“Broil King” を使っ た本格的な北米料理や、日本国内では東京の 専門店でしか味わうことができなかった北米 炙り焼きステーキがメニューの中心だ。ス テーキには、高品質牛肉として北米では最も 定着している「サーティファイド・アンガ ス・ ビ ー フ(CAB)」 の AAA ラ ン ク を 使 用。


工場出荷から一度も冷凍しないチルドビーフ を入荷後、高度な成熟技術をもつ北米ならで はの方法で、熟成(セミ・ドライ・エイジン グ)をかけていく。余分な脂を落としながら スモークするため香りがよく、表面はパリッ

住所:福岡県筑後市和泉 126-3 電話:094253-6635 営業時間:11:30 〜 15:00(LO14:30) / 17:30 〜 23:30(LO23:00) 定 休 日: 火 曜 日 カ ー ド: 可(¥10,000 以 上 の 場 合 )メ ニ ュ ー: サ ー ロ イ ン ス テ ー キ (170g)¥1,080, (250g)¥1,480, (450g)¥2,700、クラシックビー フバーガーレギュラー ¥560・ラージ ¥750、 バッファローチキン ( 手羽元 2 ピース )¥380、 生ビール ¥480、グラスワイン ¥400 〜

www.fukuoka-now.com • 3

Breakfast Club 福岡! It’s the most important meal of the day, so there’s no excuse to skip it! Here’s four recommended breakfast places to start your day. But check our website for many more!

Bed & Breakfast

12 Breakfast

Sports Bar Restaurant Bayern Fukuoka Here’s a real find, especially if you enjoy European style and flavor. Bayern is the sister shop to Fukuoka’s famous Sailer Bakery known for delicious European breads and pastries. The breakfast set includes your choice of one of five fresh breads, a plate of cold cut meats, pickles and choice of blend or espresso coffee (or juice) for ¥600. Still hungry? Add an option: ¥150 for a plate of eggs (various styles) and two slices of bacon, or ¥150 for a bowl of soup, or ¥100 for a European salad. Amazing value and flavor! And yes, real German beers on tap too! Prices: ¥600 (options ¥100~) Address: 2-143 Imagawa, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka Breakfast: 8:30 ~ 11:30 Closed: Never Tel.: 092-791-7344

Win! Breakfast for two!

WIN a stay at the luxurious Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk including a famous Hilton breakfast. Enter our lucky draw: www.fukuoka-now.com/breakfast

Enter online

Canada Fun Weekend June 28th to July 1st

Special! Enjoy Canadian food, beer and whiskey!


Official After Party for “Fukuoka Now Canada Day Party”! June 28th, 11pm to 2am - Keep the party going, eh! 4 • Fukuoka Now • #174 • June 2013

Three Kings Daimyo Pub 1F Metropole Bld., Tenjin, Daimyo 1-11-22 Tel: 092-403-3622 Web: 3kingsdaimyo.com

spots: fukuoka-now.com/breakfast

Rice Cafe Musubime

Bakery Restaurant Current

Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk

If you live or work near Tenjin, Rice Cafe musubime is the perfect breakfast spot for a Japanese-style morning meal. Their “Morning Menu” set includes omusubi (rice balls) and miso soup. Each omusubi is made from order by hand and served warmed. There are 17 kinds of omusubi to choose from and a different brand of rice is used each month. The “Morning Set” includes tamagokakegohan (raw egg on rice), miso soup, and tsukemono (pickles). The cafe is operated by JA (Japan Agriculture) Zennoh Fukuren so you’re guaranteed that food is locally sourced and fresh. Prices: “Morning Menu” ¥210~, “Morning Set” ¥350 Address: 4-3-30 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka Breakfast: 7:45 ~ 11:00 Closed: Irregular Tel.: 092-714-3910

The view from Current’s patio of Nogita Beach, Itoshima alone is worth the drive from Fukuoka. Combined with one of their four breakfast sets, we can’t imagine a better start to the day. The “Current Set” includes a basket selection of freshly baked breads from the restaurant’s adjoining bakery, an Itoshima farm-fresh egg, Itoshima bacon, vegetable soup, salad and a bottomless cup of coffee - all for just ¥770! A “Sandwich Set”, “Thick Toast Set” and “Daily Special”are also available. Word has gotten out already so expect to wait for a table on weekends. Even so, it’s worth it! Prices: Current Set ¥770 Address: 2290 Shima-nogita, Itoshima Breakfast: 8:00 ~ 10:00 Closed: Wed. Tel.: 092-330-5789

The enormous Seala Buffet is located on the fourth floor, with a 40m high glass ceiling and ocean view. Choose from an array of juices, fresh fruits, salads, cereals, yoghurts, croissants, German and French breads. Hot menu includes Chinese noodles and dim sum, Japanese breakfast items, Hakata specials like mentaiko, and classic Western breakfast items: scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages and hash browns. We recommend the omelet station! Select your favorite ingredients and a chef will cook up your custom omelet! Prices: Adult ¥2,750 Address: Seala Buffet, 4F Atrium, 2-2-3 Jigyohama, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka Breakfast: Weekdays: 7:00~10:30, Weekend/Hol.: 7:00~11:00 Closed: Never Tel.: 092-844-8000

Win! Breakfast for two! Enter online

Win! Breakfast for two! Enter online

Win! One night stay & breakfast for two! Enter online

Two flights to Taipei from Fukuoka daily! ...with countless convenient connections TAIPEI: ¥20,000~ Fare example



Save money and book directly online: www.china-airlines.com * Fares are subject to availability and conditions * Booking and ticketing with these fares avail. through official website only

www.fukuoka-now.com • 5

FUKUOKA NOW CLASSIFIEDS Kyushu’s most popular online bulletin board ☛ Buy & Sell ☛ Find a Job ☛ Find Friends ☛ Accommodations ☛ Teachers & Students Easy to use, effective and free!


インターネット掲示板 九州在住「国際人」が集う コミュニケーションの場

M ov in g S a le !

英語の を探し 先生 います て


HIRING www.fukuoka-now.com/classifieds !

Fukuoka’s famous and popular pachinko and slot parlor!

6 • Fukuoka Now • #174 • June 2013

In Fukuoka

...introducing Fukuoka’s resident foreigners

Read the full interview on our website: www.fukuoka-now.com インタビュー全文(英文)はオンラインでチェック!

Tomek Ziemba


riginally from Ottawa, Canada, Tomek Ziemba (nickname TK) came to Kyushu on the JET Programme in 2007. Since arriving, however, he has taken a different path to his teaching colleagues. You may recognize the quirky and charismatic TK from his gig on stage as MC at last year’s Canada Day Party where he entertained a crowd of over 1,200 with his fellow Canadian co-host Nita. The party got his side-career as an MC rolling, seeing TK take up offers for weddings and other MC jobs. A year later, TK just started a new full-time job as an Assistant Professor at the Oita National College of Technology. Teaching and researching keeps him busy Monday to Friday, but the ever-busy TK also has a Sunday gig as the personality of the LOVE FM Top 40 Countdown. Live at Solaria Parkside Studio, he counts down Kyushu’s top songs for the week in English and Japanese. TK is a proud Canadian. He says his most Canadian trait is that he loves “being friendly with anyone, anytime, anywhere”. Meet him later this month at the Canada Day party on June 28, where he’ll pump up the crowd again as MC. Party details, p. 8.

Hometown: Ottawa, Canada In Japan: 6 years Identity: Assistant Professor / Radio personality

トメック・ジエンバ 出身:カナダ、オタワ 滞在:6 年 職業:助教、ラジオパーソナリティ

仏語も英語も日本語も堪能なトメック・ジ エ ン バ、 こ と 通 称 TK( テ ィ ー ケ ー) は JET プログラムを利用して 2007 年にカナダから

やって来た。九州に着くやいなや、彼は他の JET メンバーとは異なる独自の道を歩み始め る。そう聞くと、色々なことを想像する人も いるかもしれないが、TK に会うとなぜそう なったのかがすぐにわかるはず。2012 年に は、カナダデーパーティで 1,200 名を超える 観衆を前に堂々たる MC デビューを果たし、 MC としてのキャリアをつかみ取った彼は、 今では結婚式やイベントの MC として引っ張

りだこだ。そしてこの春、大分高専で助教の 職を得、平日は教育や研究に勤しみ、日曜日 に は ソ ラ リ ア プ ラ ザ 1F の LOVE FM で、 一 週間の音楽をカウントダウン形式で振り返る "LOVE FM Top 40" という日英バイリンガル番 組を担当している。” 超” が付くほど人気者の TK が愛するカナダ人のプライド「いつでも、 どこでも、誰にでもやさしく」を胸に、今日 も元気に走り回っている。

www.fukuoka-now.com • 7

Fukuoka Canada Day Party 2013 Presented by

June 28, Fri., 18:30~ @ Tenjin Monolith

BesideV KBC-T

Everyone welcome! aeck here! fukuokda You don't have to be Ch y aad an /c now.com Canadian to party like a Canadian! カナダ人はもちろん、カナダが好きな日 本人やその友人知人もみんな一緒にカナ ダの独立記念日「カナダデー」を祝おう!

Prizes for the best Canadian outfits! カナディアンBEST ドレッサー賞 Wear something Canadian! Team sports shirts, lumberjack shirts, or antlers!

Tenjin Monolith, 1-1-12 Nagahama, Chuo-ku, (beside KBC-TV) 会場:天神モノリス (福岡市中央区 長浜1-1-12) Tel. 092-717-8866

Non-stop Canadian hit music! Live Canadian Band! Canadian flags, decorations and giveaways! Games & Prizes! カナダドライ早飲み大会 Canada Dry Speed Drinking Contest!

Produced by Fukuoka Now Sponsored by Tenjin Monolith, Manulife Japan, China Airlines Cooperation from SFoods, Nitto Shoji Ltd. Supported by Embassy of Canada, cross fm 主催 フクオカ・ナウ 後援 カナダ大使館、天神モノリス、マニュライフ生命、チャイナエアライン 協賛 エスフーズ、NITTOSHOJI LTD., cross fm

福岡カナダデー パーティ2013

6月28日 (金)18:30~

1,260 attended in 2012! 2012年は1,260名が参加!!日本最大規模のカナダイベント


on China Airlines

バンクーバー往復航空券 (チャイナエアライン) が当たる抽選会

Lucky draw!

TICKETS ¥1,500 Door Only 当日販売のみ


First 300 guests!

Canadian Lobster Tail, Beef & Pork Plate, and Canadian Beer


カナダ産ロブスターテール、ビーフ& ポークのプレート、カナダビール or カナダドライ(ジンジャーエール)


Guests 301~500!


Canadian Beef & Pork Plate, and Canadian Beer


カナダ産ビーフ&ポークのプレート、 カナダビール or カナダドライ (ジンジャーエール)

Guests 501~

*Two tickets total for food or drink.


*チケット2枚、ドリンク or フードに利用可能。

*¥1,500 each, lobster not included and choice of other food items not guaranteed. *フードは売り切れの場合がありますのでご来場はお早めに!




Maple Syrup

Pork & Beef Plate

Canadian Food & Drinks all ¥500 カナディアンフード、ドリンクALL 500円

• Poutine (french fries with rich gravy) • Beef or Pork Plate • Pancakes with Maple Syrup • Canadian beer • Canadian Club cocktails • Soft drinks and more

More info

プーティン(フレンチフライ&グレーヴィソース&チーズの カナダ ケベック州の名物)、カナダ産ビーフポークプレー ト、メープルシロップ付パンケーキ、カナダ産ビール、カナ ディアンクラブカクテル、ソフトドリンク、他


events jun 2~26

jun 5,6

jun 12

jun 15

June Grand Kabuki

ad tech kyushu

One of Hakata’s early Summer traditions, the furanorikomi opening ceremony’s main event is a floating kabuki perform Ωance. This year’s magnificent cast includes Enou Ichikawa, Ennosuke Ichikawa and Chusha Ichikawa, who perform aboard a boat. Announcements of traditional succession are also made.

Digital marketing’s number one conference worldwide comes to Kyushu, bringing together marketers from all over the world to discuss direct marketing, social media and more. One of three keynote speakers is Facebook APAC’s Head of Marketing Solutions, Doug Stotland. Public exhibition hall too!

Fukuoka International Gift Show

Fukuoka Asian Film Festival Pre Event

This huge gift show, featuring companies from all over Japan and abroad, is held for the 9th year. Aimed at commercial buyers, the gift show only opens up its doors to public shoppers on the last day. Choose from the latest clothes, cosmetics, accessories, household goods and furniture!

Special screening of “Kyou-womamoru” (Protect Today) - a Tohoku earthquake documentary created by an Iwate Pref. university student. The documentary gives a strong voice to the victims, families and friends of victims affected by the disaster, and was shown in the U.S in 2012.



福岡インターナショナル ギフトショー

福岡アジア映画祭 プレイベント上映会

アパレルやコスメ、アクセサリー に イ ン テ リ ア、 生 活 雑 貨 な ど、 生活に関する様々な品を国内外 の企業が出展する、今年で 9 回 目となる九州最大級の流通見本 市。ヒット商品を見つけるため にバイヤーが集うプロ向けのイ ベントだが、最終日に限り一般 消費者に開放される。これから のトレンドなど、数々の商品を 実感し購入できる貴重なチャン スをお見逃しなく!

東日本大震災のドキュメンタリー 映画「きょうを守る」の上映イベ ント。岩手県陸前高田出身の大学 生が、故郷で被災した家族や仲間 たちと話し、悲しみや戸惑い、復 興への思いなど生の声を綴ってい る。被災者の目線が反響を呼び、 昨年の夏、アメリカ各地の大学で も上映された話題作。身近なもの、 大切なものについて改めて考えさ せられる感慨深い作品だ。

公演に先駆けて行われる博多川 での「船乗り込み」が恒例となっ た六月博多座大歌舞伎。今回は 市川猿扇、市川猿之助、市川中車、 澤瀉屋一門の三人同時襲名披露 興行。昼の部は、スーパー歌舞 伎第一作として有名な「ヤマト タケル」。夜の部は「口上」や「義 経千本桜」など、見所のある演 目が揃う。豪華出演陣による圧 巻の舞台を堪能しよう。

世界 10 都市で開催される世界最 大級のデジタルマーケティング カンファレンスが九州初上陸! 「Facebook」 「Amazon」 な ど 世 界中から注目を集める企業のキー パーソンたちが、最先端のソー シャルメディア戦略や、先進のビ ジネスノウハウを発信する刺激に 満ちた 2 日間。話題のスピーカー による講演や注目企業のブースは 必見だ。

◦ 6/2 (Sun.) ~ 6/26 (Wed.) 11:00~, 16:45~ ◦ Hakataza ◦ A: ¥19,000, Superior B: ¥16,000, B: ¥12,000 etc. ◦ 2-1 Shimokawabatamachi, Hakata-ku ◦ 092-263-5555

◦ 6/5 (Wed.) 10:30~, /6 (Thu.) 10:00~ ◦ Fukuoka International Congress Center ◦ Adv.: Free Visitor Pass (apply: fukuoka-now.com/adtech) ◦ 2-1 Sekijomachi, Hakata-ku ◦ 03-5414-5430


Open: Mon.-Sat. 11:30~02:00, Hol. 11:30~23:00 [Lunch 11:30~15:30]

10 • Fukuoka Now • #174 • June 2013

◦ 6/12 (Wed.) 10:00 ~ 17:00 ◦ Marine Messe Fukuoka ◦ Free ◦ 7-1 Okihamamachi, Hakata-ku ◦ 03-3843-9901

◦ 6/15 (Sat.) 13:00~, 16:00~ ◦ Institut Français Kyushu 5F Hall ◦ Adv.: ¥1,000, Door: ¥1,300 ◦ 2-12-6 Daimyo, Chuo-ku ◦ 092-733-0949

check more online!

fukuoka-now.com © DR

jun 16

jun 23

jun 28

jun 29~JUL 5

Italian Wine Festival

Goto Nagasaki International Triathlon

Emi Meyer Fukuoka Live

French Cinema Festival

Japanese-born, Americanraised Jazz pianist and singersongwriter Emi Meyer maintains a career both in Japan and the US. It’s her first time to come to Kyushu with a band, as she performs songs from her latest LP “Galaxy’s Skirt”, with a mellow and evocative title track.

Returning for a second year, this festival showcases selected French films at two venues. Opening event includes screening of a Jacques Doillon film, with an appearance by the renowned director, and his lead actress Lou Doillon (daughter of Jacques Doillon and Jane Birkin).

Fukuoka’s first first Italian wine event, featuring 200 wines from all of Italy’s 20 states. Organized by Fukuoka-based sommeliers, chefs and liquor store owners who love Italian wine, you’ll find professional advice at the free seminars about Italian wine tasting. Cheers!

イタリアワイン フェスティバル イタリア全 20 州、200 種のワイ ンが勢揃いする、福岡初のイタリ アワイン祭り。イタリアンワイン をこよなく愛する福岡在住のソム リエや料理人、酒販店によるイベ ント。ワインの楽しみ方やテイス ティングについて学べる無料セミ ナーも予定されている。テイス ティングを楽しみながら、プロの アドバイスを参考にお気に入りの 一本を見つけよう。 ◦ 6/16 (Sun.) 11:00 ~ 17:00 (enter ~16:00) ◦ Hotel New Otani Hakata “Fuyono-ma” ◦ Adv.: ¥4,000 (12 tasting tickets) *No Door tickets ◦ 1-1-2 Watanabedori, Chuo-ku ◦ http://vinofukuoka.com

Held in Fukue Island, Nagasaki, this annual triathlon event includes a 3.8km swim, 180.2km cycle and 42.2km run, in both relay and individual race categories. Show your support as a free spectator, and marvel at the triathletes’ skill and endurance!

五島長崎国際 トライアスロン大会 肉体を極限まで研ぎ澄ますスポー ツ、トライアスロン大会が自然豊 かな長崎五島列島福江島で開催さ れる。リレー形式と距離が異なる 個 人 レ ー ス、 計 3 種 の 内、 ス イ ム 3.8km、バイク 180.2km、ラン 42.2km の総距離 226.2km。ゴー ルまで合計 9 時間 30 分を超える 長丁場のレースだ。世界各国から 選手が集う、熱く熾烈な戦いを応 援しよう! ◦ 6/23 (Sun.) 7:00 ~ 22:00 ◦ Fukue Island, Nagasaki ◦ Free (spectators) ◦ 0959-75-0850

エミ・マイヤー 福岡公演 (バンド編成)

福岡フランス映画祭 2013

フランス映画ファンに贈る感動の この春リリースされたアルバムを 一週間。福岡で二回目を迎える今 引っさげて、九州では初めての 年は、2 会場で開催。オープニン バンド編成で行う待望のツアー。 グではフランス映画の巨匠ジャッ CM 曲でもおなじみのエミ・マイ ク・ドワイヨン監督の話題作「ア ヤー。今回のタイトル曲「ギャラ ナタの子供」が上映され、監督や クシーズ・スカート」は宇宙を恋 主演のルー・ドワイヨンもゲスト 人に例えたという世界に対する壮 として登場!その他上映作品の詳 大で感動的なラブソング。スモー 細については、アンスティチュ・ キーであたたかく、やさしい歌声 フ ラ ン セ 九 州 の WEB サ イ ト を がバンドとマッチし、彼女の世界 チェックしよう! 観を楽しませてくれるだろう。 ◦ 6/29 (Sat.) ~ 7/5 (Fri.) ◦ 6/28 (Fri.) Open: 18:30, Start: ◦ Nishitetsu Hall (6F Solaria Stage 19:30 2-11-3 Tenjin, Chuo-ku), KBC ◦ IMS Hall Cinema (1-3-21 Nanotsu, Chuo◦ Adv.: ¥5,000, Door: ¥5,500 ku) ◦ Ticket prices vary, check in ◦ 1-7-11-9F Tenjin, Chuo-ku advance. ◦ 092-712-0904 ◦ 092-738-9088 ◦ www.institutfrancais.jp/kyushu/


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www.fukuoka-now.com • 11

Canada Day Party

(near Momochi)

New venue!

Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk Hotel

Zepp Fukuoka


June 28th Nagahama

Toysrus Hawks Town Namco

•KBC SB Hotel Monolith


North Tenjin

Chuo Post Office

Hotel Etwas


Hotel Mystays Hotel Ascent Tully's

•NTT Docomo


•Mist 11

Mina Tenjin

Daicho-ji Temple •

IP Hotel Fukuoka

H Nishitetsu


•Children's Science & Culture Center •Airef •Udon no West Hamanomachi • Hospital

Nishi Nakashima-bashi Bridge Aqua Hakata

Shopper's Daiei

•Ensho-ji Temple




Drum Logos•







Nagahama Park Police • • Heiwadai Hotel Tenjin Drum Be-1•

Hotel Okura H Hakata R Dukes Hotel Fukuoka Art M Nakasu


•TRIAL Ark Hotel Royal


Chinese Consulate

•Nakashima Park Fukuoka Garden Benten-bashi H Palace Bridge Nakasu •Tsukushi Nakashima Kaikan -cho



Hotel Eclair H

Daikoku-bashi Bridge


Towers Tenjin Bldg. 5F

Korean Consulate


Suzaki Park

KBC Cinema

Hard Rock Cafe United Cinemas


To Bayside Place Hakata

•Fukuoka Pref. Museum of Art

@ Tenjin Monolith



Hawks Town


Nakasu Inn Fukuoka Taiyo H Hak Exce Nishi Ohashi Bridge Fukuhaku Dea Bridge




ACROS Fukuoka


S •Fuku Bldg.

•Former Prefec Guest House

Monterey •Best Denki Tenjin Core Vivre Starbucks • Parco H Oriental Hotel La Soeur 9 • •Junkudo Nishi-n Drug Segami Tenjin S Shi Daimyo Central Park McDonald's Tenjin Valie Hotel Catholic City Hall IMS Solaria Stage 18 L'Institut Akasaka •Mandarake Church Toyok (Rainbow Plaza) (Incube) Poplar • KFC Franco-Japonais DORI ute Nishitetsu du Kyushu Ro Iwataya Vioro MEIJI6 Saiseikai 6 side Solaria Grand Hotel In Tenjin Toho Shinkan Hospital• •Australian • Plaza •Chuo Ward School• • McDonald's ORI •Police Consulate I-D EK a M Nishitetsu k Office KIRA Solaria Akasa ute H Court Hotel •Starbucks El Gala 7 Bus Center mi ide Ro Artry Inn Iwataya Nishitetsu 8 20 (Highway Bus Stn.) 8 ina Outs Daimaru Hotel m Ippudo• Nishitetsu n- •Freshness Burger •NTT • Zara• nji RESOLA Tenjin Fukuoka Stn. Te • •Fukuoka Mitsukoshi Tenjin Kego Park Jokyu Shoyu Starbucks• Daimyo •Abercrombie • High Court •Chikae •Kego BIC & Fitch Plaza Hotel Ippudo • •Camera Shrine Plaza Hotel Premier Daimyo Sunny BIC Supermarket •H&M Toyoko Inn Camera• LOFT Udon no West 3 Tiempo • Richmond Apple Store Hotel Kebab Bar Ampoules • •FT Skala •Domino's South Side Tsutaya • Canoviano Terrace I


Valie Hotel Tenjin















• Police

KOKU • School

•Seifuku-ji Temple

South Garden•

•Toki Rikyu Hotel Tenjin Place •Hosen-ji Temple


Central Hotel Fukuoka

•Toppan •Anyo-in

Sada Hospital

Yakuin • Mos Burger




Kyushu Electric Head office• •Pizzeria Da Gaetano


b na

Takakura Hotel

a at

•Choen-ji Temple

NishitetsuBivi• Inn Tenjin


•Kosho-ji Temple

Imaizumi Park


ORO TAI-D •Gusto



Mos Burger • RI -DO AKI KEY


Fukuok Toei H



•Sunny Supermarket


¥100 Bus Zone Yellow area indicates ¥100 Bus Zone






이 노란색 지역 이동은 어느 버스든 100엔





To Bayside Place Hakata

Hakataza Theater Riverain 12 a Asian Museum 12

-ka wa ba ta

Na ka su



kata el Hotel







Ro 15 ut e






• Fukuoka International House







Hakata Machiya Folk Museum


Hakata Traditional Craft Center

Hotel Convenience Stores

Jotenji Temple•


Reisenkaku Hotel



•Dekimachi Park

Toyoko Inn Hotel

•Kushida Shrine

President Hotel





Sumiyoshi-bashi Bridge •Haruyoshi Park

Dukes Hotel Hakata 1

•Meiji Park

Sumiyoshi •Torinji Temple Sutton Hotel Hakata City •Myoen-ji Temple •Mini-Stop Sumiyoshi Shrine • Hotel Hokke Club


ANA Crowne Plaza Fukuoka Hotel Sunline Fukuoka Hakataeki-mae


•Ninjin Park I


. Jun

i or -d

Yanagibashi •Sun Selco Market

Sunny Supermarket•

ka Hotel Hotel Humming Bird

Yanagibashi Bridge


カナダ パーテデー 2013 ィ !

Apa Hotel


Venus Gallery


y da Da Cana13! a k o Fuku Party 2n0fo at / i more now.com a- -day k o u k fu canada

Hakata Chikushi-guchi JR Station Hotel Sunlife Hakata Clio Court

Hotel Century Art

Hakata Miyako Hotel

Hakataeki Higashi

Richmond Hotel Yodobashi Camera CHIKUSHI-DORI

Hotel Leo Palace Hakata

The B Hakata

With The Style

I SH YO MI •Royal Host

�Sumiyoshi Park

•Tabegoro Hyakushunkan

Hakata Post Office

Book Off•




NNC Bank


Hotel Centraza Hakata

JR HakataCity


Senokawa-bashi Bridge • Rokkenya Park

•Hakata Station Bus Terminal


Chisun Hotel

United Cinemas TVQ• 3 Canal City 13



Asahi Bldg• Comfort Hotel Hakata

•Police Hotel Com’s

•Canal City Theater idax• Washington Hotel •Tamaya ko Inn 4 Hotel Il Palazzo •Seiryu Park Grand 5th Hotel East Hyatt Fukuoka Canal City Hakata 5th Hotel West


Hotel Nikko Fukuoka

•Hakata Ward Office

Ro u

Haruyoshi-bashi Bridge

MyStays Inn

Hakata Green Hotel




Ou Ro tsid ute e

Nishitetsu Inn Hakata SB Hotel Hotel Toyoko Inn







•NTT Data 17

Sky Court Hotel



Info Desk

Ro u



Hotel New Otani



Car Rental

Loop Bus Route, stops 1-18

•Tochoji Temple



Post Office

Gas Station

100엔 순환 버스 루트. 버스정류장 번호 (1~18)






•Reizen Park

Gate's ter Donut

텐진 하카타 지역 지도

Shofukuji Temple•


facebook.com/fukuokanow Daily info and reader’s comments

June 2013 #174 www.fukuoka-now.com Providing Kyushu’s international community and overseas visitors with news, information, opinions, and laughs since 1998. Information by foreigners for foreigners.

twitter.com/fukuokanow Latest news-breaking tweets - daily!

staff This month’s question:

Favorite breakfast?

Classifieds Publisher

fukuoka-now.com/classifieds Buy, sell, find friends, jobs, students & teachers and more!

サーズ・ニック Nick Szasz

Natto on whole wheat toast


フクオカ・ナウは九州に暮らす外国 人の方々や海外からの観光客、そし て国際文化に興味を持つ多くの方 々に向けて、楽しく過ごすための 情報を発信する、英語/日本語表 記の多言語情報誌です。

외국인을 위한 후쿠오카의 가장 대중적인 잡지 . 한국어로 문의 가능. CONTACT US 広告に関するお問い合わせは下記まで Tel: 092-762-2505 Fax: 092-762-2509 Email: sales@fukuoka-now.com www.fukuoka-now.com

Fukuoka Now Ltd. 5F Towers Tenjin Bldg. 3-7-3 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka

有限会社 フクオカ・ナウ 福岡市中央区天神3-7-3 タワーズ天神5F

© 2013 Fukuoka Now Ltd. Views expressed here are not necessarily those of the publisher.

The best FREE map of Fukuoka! Available at tourist info Korean counters & English Edition and hotels

サーズ 恵美子 Emiko Szasz

Freshly ground coffee Simple &

Media Team

Chinese Edition

エレリ・ハーバート Ellery Herbert

NEW Traditional


Media Team

Every Thu., 9:30 on 76.1 FM Nick joins “The TIMES” with Tom G

平嶋 瑠璃 Ruri Hirashima

Bagel with cream cheese

Cover Model Hannah Conklin, Wisconsin, USA

Fukuoka’s Favorite Website! www.fukuoka-now.com

Editorial Designers: Drawing a Crowd (drawingacrowd.co) Cover Photograph: Yuichiro Hirakawa - CROSS. Studio Hair/Makeup (Cover): Noriko Asami Contributing editor: Joel Dechant Contributor: Mary-Rose Shand Mascot Maker: Simon Oxley www.idokungfoo.com


Fukuoka City Bulletin Selected news topics by Fukuoka Now from Fukuoka City’s Shisei Dayori

◊ Join a Farm Experience Tour Kanatake no Sato Park is accepting applications for farm experience tours. You can plant and harvest around 20 crops under the guidance of experts. The Park also offers regular seminars, and you can take home what you harvest. The Park will provide all seeds and fertilizers. • Period: 9/1/2013~3/31/2014 • Fee: ¥18,000 • Plots available: 109 (30m2; plots cannot be selected in advance) • To apply, send a self-addressed return post card with your group leader's name, age, address and phone number and the names and ages of all group members by 7/1. Address: 1357 Kanatake, Nishi-ku, 819-00357.

◊ Subsidies to Reduce Flood Damage Rainwater tanks and infiltration systems can help reduce flood damage by

preventing the sudden inflow of rain into rivers and canals during storms. They can also facilitate efficient lawn watering. City Hall offers subsidies to land and building owners and users within the city equivalent to 50% of purchase costs for tanks and ¥50,000~100,000 per site for infiltration system construction costs. For details, call the Drainage & River Management Section (092-771-4534).

economy and rich in nature. By promoting renewable energy and reducing waste, we aim to be a recycling-based low impact city. To do this, the continued efforts of every citizen are important. Let's start with the little things we can do every day.

◊ Fukuoka Airport Upgrade Takeoffs and landings at Fukuoka Airport reached record highs last year. To reduce congestion and prepare for future demand, the government of Japan has decided to begin discussions on building a new runway in light of surveys conducted jointly by the city, prefectural and national governments through FY2008. Procedures have already been initiated for an environmental impact assessment, and there are plans to build a parking garage next to Domestic Terminal 3 this year in preparation for the addition of another parallel taxiway.

◊ Message from Mayor Soichiro Takashima Fukuoka aims to be a leading city in Asia, balancing people and city functions with the environment; a livable city with a robust

◊ City to Install Second Mega Solar Plant The City will install a one megawatt solar power plant on the site of the former Busetsugaura Landfill (Kamata, Higashiku) and plans to bring it online within the fiscal year. Fukuoka was the first designated city to become a mega solar power provider when it opened the Ohara Mega Solar Plant in Imazu (Nishi-ku) this February. The new plant will be about the same size and will generate 1.16 kW of power annually—enough to power 220 households for one year. Inquiries: Energy Policy Section (092-711-4926)

Yipee! For FREE! Big Cleanup

The 22nd annual Love Earth Cleanup will be held at various locations around the city on 6/16 (Sun) from 9:00. Citizens, companies and government workers will join forces to clean the city's beaches, rivers and parks. No application required. Bring your own work gloves. Details: http://www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/kankyo/keikaku/opinion/1.html

For more Information Fukuoka City Bulletin Fukuoka Shisei Dayori is City Hall’s official magazine published bi-weekly on 1st and 15th of each month 23 times per year. It’s available in Japanese online too. Consider using it for Japanese study! ふくおか市政だより Website: www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/shisei/kouhou-hodo/shiseidayori

Twitter and Facebook Updates! twitter.com/fukuokanow facebook.com/fukuokanow for updates and breaking news! www.fukuoka-now.com • 15

Fukuoka Canada Day Party 2013 Presented by

June 28, Fri., 18:30~ @ Tenjin Monolith

e Besid V KBC-T

福岡カナダデー パーティ2013

6月28日(金)18:30~23:30@ 天神モノリス

1-1-12 Nagahama, Chuo-ku, Tel.: 092-717-8866

Everyone welcome!

カナダデーをコンセプトにみんなでインターナショナル パーティを楽しもう♪

TICKETS ¥1,500

Non-stop Big party, eh? Canadian hit music! Live Canadian Band! Canadian flags, decorations and giveaways!

Door Only 当日販売のみ

Lucky draw!



First 300 guests!

Canadian Lobster Tail, Beef & Pork Plate, and Canadian Beer


カナダ産ロブスターテール、ビーフ& ポークのプレート、カナダビール or カナダドライ(ジンジャーエール)


Guests 301~500!

Canadian Beef & Pork Plate, and Canadian Beer


カナダ産ビーフ&ポークのプレート、 カナダビール or カナダドライ(ジン ジャーエール)


Guests 501~

Two tickets total for food or drink


チケット2枚、ドリンク or フードに利用可能。

More info

fukuoka-now.com/canada-day Produced by Fukuoka Now Sponsored by Tenjin Monolith, Manulife Japan, China Airlines Cooperation from SFoods, Nitto Shoji Ltd. Supported by Embassy of Canada, cross fm 主催 フクオカ・ナウ 後援 カナダ大使館、天神モノリス、マニュライフ生命、チャイナエアライン 協賛 エスフーズ、NITTOSHOJI LTD., cross fm

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