INTRODUCING FUKUOKA’S ARTISTS Creative Community Nov. 8 @ JR Kyushu Hall
Model: Chantal Raimondo (Italy). Art: James Dover (USA)
more snaps and videos online!
CNN Reports on Fukuoka!
Koyo – Autumn Leaves in Fukuoka
Fukuoka received a splash of international exposure this month when a 24-minute special edition of CNN International's flagship travel show CNNgo aired eight times in over 200 countries and before millions of viewers. The report, titled “CNNGo in Japan: Wagyu, ramen, sake” covers Japanese food in three cities, Tokyo, Kobe and Fukuoka. Missed the broadcast? Relax, it can still be viewed on the CNNgo website. Fukuoka Now’s, Editorin-Chief, Nick Szasz helped out as the onscreen navigator. They reported on Hakata ramen, the central fish market, agriculture and scenery in Itoshima, and yatai. It was CNN’s first time to report on Fukuoka, and apparently they liked what they saw, so we hope they’ll be back. More info and photos and the show link here:
CNN が福岡の “食” をレポート!
Peraboat Fukuoka Boat Race in Comfort!
ボートレース福岡外向発売所 「ペラボート福岡」体験!
世界 200 カ国、3 億人もの視聴者に届く巨大 メディア CNN についに福岡が登場。NOW 編 集長がナビゲートする Fukuoka は、トラベ ル番組 CNNGo オンラインでも公開中。取材 クルーとの撮影の様子・詳細は NOW の web にて:
The Fukuoka Now team is always discovering new things to do in Fukuoka. Recently, Yanina (Germany) and Léo (France) found another “only in Japan” experience: Peraboat Fukuoka. it’s a convenient and comfortable place to enjoy Boat Race. Read their report online:
Sushi Catering (¥2,000/person~) or How-to-Make Sushi Lessons (¥3,000/person~) by Sushi Chef 寿 司にぎり体 験 !
Gintyou-sushi Fresh sushi by veteran chef at your home, office, or party venue! Tel: 092-542-1178 (10:00~18:00) E-mail: Web:
2 • Fukuoka Now • #191 • November 2014
Experience the beauty of koyo, the changing autumn colors of deciduous trees in Japan. Since this summer was cool, koyo season will come earlier, and reach its peak in Kyushu from mid-November until early December. Fukuoka Now selected some of the best spots near Fukuoka to admire autumn leaves. Access our guide online to plan an outing to see a full spectrum of beautiful autumn colors in Kyushu.
紅葉狩りにでかけよう! 今年は冷夏の影響もあり、例年より早くに紅 葉シーズンむかえると予想されている。福岡 近郊は 11 月中旬から 12 月上旬にかけてが 見頃だとか。場所によって特徴もあるので、 NOW の紅葉ガイドを見て赤や黄色に色づく この時期限定の美しい景色を堪能しよう。
read more online!
An Elegant Italian Grill and Bar in Imaizumi
riglia di Gaetano, a sister store to the popular Pizzeria da Gaetano, opened this September. The chic Italian grill has 60 seats, including counter and terrace seating, and a walk-in cellar with 300 mostly Italian wines. After enjoying a palate-cleansing aperitivo, manager Kentaro Takamatsu
recommends you start with wine and an appetizer before moving on to an entrée. You can finish up with pasta or enjoy a digestivo with desert or cheese. Gaetano uses farm-fresh, A rice-fed beef from Munakata, which is slow roasted over charcoal to bring out the flavor. But the cuts vary from day to day, so be sure to ask the waitstaff what is available. Since most of the restaurant's meat and vegetables are sourced directly from local farms, Takamatsu and his chef adjust the menu daily. When we visited, our appetizers offered a range of seasonal Italian fare: mushroom sformato, mackerel and autumn eggplant carpaccio, and bell peppers stuffed with pork and squid. If you're looking for an adult atmosphere and elegant Italian cuisine, or just a great selection of wine, look no further than Gaetano.
と旨味が引き出された赤身をぜひ味わいた い。日によってサーロイン(2,500 円 /100g 〜)だったり T ボーンなど部位が異なるの で、メニューを見ながらスタッフと相談して 決めるのもいい。肉も野菜も食材の大半は近 くで育ったものを生産者から直接仕入れる ため、店長とシェフが店に揃った食材をみ て毎日メニューを決めている。この日の前
Famous Label
Wine Fair by
¥324 /glass
FREE WINE! First 10 persons every day to mention Fukuoka Now get 1 free glass!
Nov. 26 (Wed.)
WHATWHERE&HOWMUCH Name: Griglia di Gaetano Address: Andon 1B, 1-2-8 Imaizumi, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka Tel.: 092-713-5077 Open: 18:00~26:00 Closed: Sundays and first Monday of every month Menu: Assorted appetizers ¥1,600, Bagna càuda ¥1,000, Pickles ¥400, Assorted cheeses ¥1,000~, Pasta ¥1,300~, Homemade Italian sausage ¥1,000, Gaetano burger ¥2,200, Desert ¥600, Draft beer ¥600, Glass champagne ¥1,000, Glass wine ¥600~
菜盛り合わせは、マッシュルームのスフォ ルマート、鯖と秋なすのカルパッチョ、豚 と蛸のパプリカ詰め。いずれも旬の食材を ふんだんに使ったイタリアンだ。好みの食 材でパスタを作ってもらったり、お酒目当 てにバーとして出かけたり、美味しいもの を楽しく堪能したい大人に都合のいい店だ。
グリルとお酒がコンセプトの シックなレストランバー しも押されもせぬ人気店ガエターノ の新店が 9 月にオープンした。キッ チンとバーを臨むカウンター席と、 テーブル&テラス席の計 60 席程の店内には、 イタリア産を中心に常備 300 本のワインボト ルを直に見ながら選ぶことができるウォーク インセラーがある。席に着いたらまずは “泡 もの” で喉を潤し、前菜をつまみつつワイン を選び、温菜、グリル料理と進み、お腹具合 をみてパスタ、もしくは食後酒とチーズやデ ザートをいただくのが店長、高松謙太郎さん お薦めの楽しみ方だ。自慢のグリルは、福岡 県宗像で米を食べて育った牧場直売の牛肉を 使用。塊肉を炭火でじっくり焼き、しっかり
Dec. 2 (Tue.)
10:00~20:00 (*~17:00 on Dec. 2)
8F Daimaru (Main) Exhibition Hall 1-4-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku Tel: 092-712-8181
25 * Actual glass may differ from image
店名:グリリア・ディ・ガエターノ 住所:福 岡市中央区今泉 1-2-8 ANDON 1B 号室 電話: 092-713-5077 営業時間:18:00~26:00 定休日: 日曜日、第一月曜日 メニュー:前菜の盛り合 わせ 1,600 円、バーニャカウダ 1,000 円、ピ クルス 400 円、 チーズの盛り合わせ 1,000 円〜、 パスタ 1,300 円〜、自家製サルシッチャ 1,000 円、ガエターノハンバーグ 2,200 円、デザー ト各種 600 円、生ビール 600 円、グラスシャ ンパン 1,000 円、グラスワイン 600 円〜
THANKSGIVING SPECIALS Nov. 27 (Thu.) ~29 (Sat.) (dinner only) Various churrasco and a special American-style Thanksgiving Menu. PLUS turkey!
2 hours / All-You-Can-Eat ¥3,110 (incl. tax) Ginza Bacana Joia Hakata
26 8F Hakata Bus Terminal
Tel: 092-481-2253 • 3
NOWスタッフ募集中! ◎ 日本語・英語が堪能な方(日本語のスキル必須) ◎ 業務は編集リサーチ、企画、ライティング中心 ◎ 福岡が好きで、福岡に詳しい方大歓迎
メディア会社 Fukuoka Now で働くことをキャリアとして 考え、思いきり力を発揮したい方、ぜひご応募ください。
CrossFit Classes
Free trial available! CrossFit Hakata 18-30 Hiemachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka Tel: 080-9505-5859
For matters of: Real estate, company registration, inheritance, naturalization, divorce, debt consultation, etc. First counseling session free Second session~ ¥5,000 / hour Shinbori Legal Affairs Office 3F 1-8-8 Otemon, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka Tel: 092-791-2659 Email: Closed: Sat., Sun., & Hol. 4 • Fukuoka Now • #191 • November 2014
AIDS Day 2014 in Fukuoka
Reported cases of HIV infection, AIDS patients and number of HIV counselings and tests at health centers in Japan
CASES 2,000
PEOPLE 300,000
HIV & AIDS cases
Counseled and Tested people
200,000 1,000
150,000 100,000
500 50,000 0
This graph shows recently reported cases of HIV infection, AIDS patients and
number of HIV counselings and tests at health centers in Japan. There were
1,106 cases of HIV infection and 484 cases of AIDS reported for the year 2013,
for a combined total of 1,590 cases (the largest number ever recorded). For
the past ten years, the number of cases of HIV and AIDS has been over 1,000
per year. In Fukuoka City there were 32 cases of HIV infection including 7
名、エイズ患者7名の計39名でした。 この報告数は検査
cases of AIDS a combined total of 39. And that's not all – these figures count
only those who were tested. That means there are more people going about
their daily lives without knowing that they have been infected.
이 도표는 일본 내의 HIV감염자�에이즈 환자의 신규 보고수와,
보건소 내 검사 및 상담 건수의 그래프입니다. 2013년에
图表。2013 年的艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者人数为
보고된 HIV감염자는 1106명, 에이즈 환자는 484명으로 총
1106 人,艾滋病患者人数为 484 人,共计 1590 人
1,590명입니다(사상 최다). 10년 연속으로 1,000명을
(有记录以来的最多人数)。连续 10 年超过 1000
넘어섰으며 여전히 높은 수준입니다. 후쿠오카시의 경우 2013
人,仍呈快速上升的趋势。福冈市 2013 年的 HIV
년에 HIV감염자가 32명, 에이즈 환자는 7명, 총 39명으로
感染者人数为 32 人,艾滋病患者人数为 7 人,共计
집계되었습니다. 검사를 받은 사람만이 대상이므로 자신이
39 人 。这仅仅是接受了检查的人数,据说在现实
감염된 사실을 모르고 생활하는 사람은 더 많을 것으로
おもな感染経路はセックス! (異性・同性とも)HIV の多くが性行為で感染すること は皆ある程度知っているかもしれません。 でも『自分のパートナーは 1 人だから大 丈夫。 』なんて言ってると、それも考えもの。 お互いに今は“特定のパートナー”でも 過去にセックスした相手が 1 人でもいれば、 感染の可能性はゼロではないのです。 性交(同性或异性)是感染艾滋病的最主要途径!在某种程度上大家也许都知道, 艾滋 病毒(HIV)大多数通过性行为感染。但是, 如果说“自己仅有一位性伴侣, 因此没问 题”之类的话, 那么应该好好思考一番。即使现在相互之间是一种“固定的性伴侣”关 系, 但过去只要与一个人有过性爱经历, 那么, 感染艾滋病的可能性就不会为零。
주 감염경로는 섹스! (이성9동성 불문) HIV의 대부분이 성행위로 감염된다는
점을 다들 인지하고 계실 겁니다. 그러나 “내 파트너는 그 사람뿐이니까
괜찮다”라고 생각하신다면 다시 한 번 잘 생각해 보셔야 하겠습니다. 지금은 서로가 ‘특정된 파트너’라도 과거에 관계를 가진 사람이 단 한 명이라도 있다면 감염될 가능성이 0%라고는 할 수 없지 않을까요?
test (¥530). No reservation required (except for same-day testing at Chuo Public Health Center on Tuesdays). 1 ~ 2 weeks
费用: 艾滋病和性器衣原体感染检查免费。 梅毒检查收费(530日元)。
予約の有無:毎週火曜日の中央保健所即日検査は 要予約。 その他は予約不要。 約1~2
요금: 에이즈, 성기 클라미디아 감염증은 무료. 매독은 유료(530엔).
预约有无:周二去中央保健所进行当天检查的情况下需 要预约, 其他情况不需要预约。 检查结果: 约在1~2周后直接向本人说明检查的结果。 不能通过邮寄、电话等进行说明。
예약에 대하여:매주 화요일 중앙보건소 당일 검사는 예약이 필요합니다. 이외에는 예약 불필요.
결과: 약 1~2주일 후에 본인에게 직접 설명. ※우편, 전화 등으로는 설명 불가.
Early detection greatly improves potential treatment. Get checked soon!
530 Tue. Thu. 2nd & 4th Wed. Tue.
Results ready same day
(reservation required)
2nd Sun.
(limit 50 persons)
Tue. Wed. Wed. Mon.
14:00 - 15:00
Results ready same day
The objective of World AIDS Day is to prevent the spread of AIDS worldwide and to eliminate
12 月 1 日は世界エイズデーです。
discrimination and prejudice against HIV-infected people or AIDS patients.
世界エイズデーイベントとして、中央区保健福祉センター(中央保健所)で HIV
HIV test will be available at Chuo Health Center and you can get its result in about 1 hour.
Date: December 6 (Sat.)
日時:12 月 6 日(土)
Time: 14:00 ~ 15:00
受付時間:14:00 ̃ 15:00
Place: Chuo Health Center / 5F AIREF (2-5-1 Maizuru, Chuo-ku)
場所:中央区保健福祉センター (中央保健所)
• Limited to 50 people • Reservations not required • Free of charge • Anonymity guaranteed
中央区舞鶴 2-5-1(あいれふ 5 階)
*Results provided to the person directly approximately 1 hour after blood test.
受付人数:先着 50 名(予約不要、無料、匿名)
*AIDS or HIV infections can be conclusively confirmed three months after the date of possible infection.
※ 結果は採血をして約 1 時間後に直接本人にお渡しします。 ※ 感染の可能性のある日から約 3 ヶ月経ってからの検査をお勧めします。
12月1日是世界艾滋病日。 在中央保健所将举行HIV抗体即日检查的活动 时间∶12月6日(星期六) 受理时间∶14:00 ~ 15:00 地点∶中央保健所 中央区舞鹤2-5-1(爱来福5楼) 检查人数∶均为先到者50名(不需预约,免费,匿名) ※检查结果约在抽血1小时后直接交给本人。 ※接受检查的时间最好为从有可能受到感染之日算起超过3个月之后的时间。
12월 1일은 세계 에이즈의 날입니다. 이를 맞이해 중앙보건소에서 HIV항체 당일검사를 실시합니다. 일시 : 12월 6일(토) 접수시간 : 14:00 ~ 15:00 장소 : 중앙 보건소 추오구 마이즈루 2-5-1(아이레후 5층) 접수인원수 : 선착순 50명 (예약 불필요, 무료, 익명) ※결과는 채혈 후 약 1시간 뒤에 본인에게 직접 전달합니다. ※감염 가능성이 있는 날부터 약 3개월이 지난 후에 검사하는 것이 좋습니다.
❅ ❅
AIDS Day 2014
❄ ❆
in Fukuoka
in 光の街・博多 2014
Nov. 21 (Fri.) ~ Dec. 25 (Thu.)
Reported cases of HIV infection, AIDS❆patients and number of HIV counselings and tests at health centers in Japan
CASES 2,000
HIV & AIDS cases
PEOPLE 300,000
Counseled and Tested people
1,000 decorations, performances, hot wine & festive foods! European Christmas
Many booths, a stage, and thousands of lights in front of JR Hakata Station.
It’s a Christmas wonderland!
150,000 100,000
Weekdays 16:00 ~ 23:00. Weekends & Holidays 12:00 ~ 23:00 at JR Hakata City Ekimae-hiroba - Tel: 092-516-4025 0
This graph shows recently reported cases of HIV infection, AIDS patients and
number of HIV counselings and tests at health centers in Japan. There were
1,106 cases of HIV infection and 484 cases of AIDS reported for the year 2013,
for a combined total of 1,590 cases (the largest number ever recorded). For
the past ten years, the number of cases of HIV and AIDS has been over 1,000
per year. In Fukuoka City there were 32 cases of HIV infection including 7
名、エイズ患者7名の計39名でした。 この報告数は検査
cases of AIDS a combined total of 39. And that's not all – these figures count
only those who were tested. That means there are more people going about
their daily lives without knowing that they have been infected.
이 도표는 일본 내의 HIV감염자�에이즈 환자의 신규 보고수와,
보건소 내 검사 및 상담 건수의 그래프입니다. 2013년에
图表。2013 年的艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者人数为
보고된 HIV감염자는 1106명, 에이즈 환자는 484명으로 총
1106 人,艾滋病患者人数为 484 人,共计 1590 人
1,590명입니다(사상 최다). 10년 연속으로 1,000명을
(有记录以来的最多人数)。连续 10 年超过 1000
넘어섰으며 여전히 높은 수준입니다. 후쿠오카시의 경우 2013
人,仍呈快速上升的趋势。福冈市 2013 年的 HIV
년에 HIV감염자가 32명, 에이즈 환자는 7명, 총 39명으로
感染者人数为 32 人,艾滋病患者人数为 7 人,共计
집계되었습니다. 검사를 받은 사람만이 대상이므로 자신이
39 人 。这仅仅是接受了检查的人数,据说在现实
감염된 사실을 모르고 생활하는 사람은 더 많을 것으로
예상됩니다. • 9
Fukuoka Sunset Sailing See Fukuoka from the sea aboard a luxurious 10m catamaran. Ideal for groups, parties and special events! Mention Fukuoka Now and get 30 min. extra time! Fukuoka Now読者特典: セイリング30分追加!
10 • Fukuoka Now • #191 • November 2014
Sunset Sailing サンセットセイリング (10 person max) ¥54,000 (incl. tax) / 3 hrs 18:00~21:00 Charter Sailing チャータークルージング (10 person max) 2hrs / ¥21,600, 4hrs / ¥43,200, 6hrs / ¥64,800 (incl. tax) *outside of Sunset Sailing hours only サンセットセイリングの時間帯を除く
Tel: 090-4773-1410 (Jap.) 090-7587-7677 (Eng.)
Email: fukuoka sunset sailing1 (Jap.) fukuoka sunset sailing2 (Eng.)
Dock: Meinohama Port, 4-chome, Atagohama, Nishi-ku
CR EAT I VE Δ C OMMU N I T Y クリエイティブ コミュニティ
A CELEBRATORY SHOWCASE OF FUKUOKA’S INTERNATIONAL CREATIVE COMMUNITY 福岡のインターナショナル& クリエイティブの祭典 Meet the artists, mingle in the crowd – get inspired! THE INTERNATIONAL PARTY OF THE YEAR!
Nov. 8 (Sat.)
THE ARTISTS Creative Community showcases the work of seven specially selected visual artists. These artists come from vastly different backgrounds, in terms of both art and geography. All are currently based in Fukuoka, yet their art reaches far beyond the borders of Japan. 秋のインターナショナルイベントはクリエイティ ブ・コミュニティ。国籍も違えば、バックグラウ ンドも多様な7名のビジュアルアーティストが一 堂に会します。現在、全員がFukuokaを拠点に 活躍中。ボーダーレスな彼らのショーケースをお 楽しみに。
JAMES DOVER ジェームス・ドーバー American (Painting) Originally from America, James Dover now owns and operates art schools in Daimyo and Itoshima, Fukuoka. His own art is largely figure-based, free formed from his ideas and imagination. Using a range of multimedia, Dover’s art attempts to convey ‘the allegory of being a modern caveman’, and a sheer passion for life. His art has been exhibited in various galleries in Japan and Hawaii, as well as appearing in an episode of the American TV drama ‘Lost’! Dover also specializes in live art. He took an active part in Keya’s ‘Sunset Live’, the biggest outdoor music festival in Kyushu, where he produced a 10m long painting over the three day period.
12 • Fukuoka Now • #191 • November 2014
ANTOINETTE GUPTON アントワネイット・ガプトン American (Illustration and painting) Antoinette Gupton is an American illustrator and painter currently working as an English teacher in Japan. She has also taught English and exhibited art work in South Korea. From the age of eight, Gupton’s art has been inspired by her intense dreams and dark nightmares. She describes her most recent art works as ‘stories in themselves’, highly personal yet open to the different interpretations of each onlooker. She writes, “I prefer the viewer to tell their own tale with my image at its heart’. Gupton’s works are entirely unplanned. Without studies or sketches, she allows her ‘stories’ to unfold as they will, and retains her original pencil lines such that viewers are able to see how each work was created. She has just one constant; each piece always begins with the eyes.
BILL LONG ビル・ロング American (Oil painting, animation, music) Bill Long is an American artist with a background in music and animation. His oil paintings serve as both backgrounds and the inspiration for his animated characters. As a child, Long’s first paintings were of imaginary worlds. Today, imaginary places continue to be the foundation of his art. The soundtracks which accompany his visual art are written and recorded by Long himself. His past work includes songwriting, designing and directing for TV stations such as Nickelodeon and MTV Animation. Long’s newest animations carry an environmental message. Through his art, he hopes to inspire viewers to protect the natural world in all its beauty. Now living and raising a family in Japan, Long has found great pleasure in exploring the country.
PAUL MATTHEWS ポール・マシューズ British (Illustration, surrealism, portraiture) Paul Matthews is a British artist and teacher living in Fukuoka. He balances his art and teaching with raising a young son, and studying for an MA in teaching English (TESOL). Matthews’ art works begin as hand-drawn doodles which he then digitally redraws using Photoshop. This method allows easy adjustments to color and texture, which are vital to Matthews’ work. Many of his art works are formed by first drawing a person, then creating imaginative people to coexist with them. As a vast city bustling with people, Matthews finds Fukuoka an abundant source of inspiration. There is a light humor in Matthews’ art, intended to offer enjoyment to his viewers and capture their imaginations. He hopes that a few may even be inspired to start doodling.
MARTINE STRØM THOMASSEN マーティン・ストローム・トマッセン Norwegian (Oil painting, naturalistic and abstract) Martine Strøm Thomassen grew up in the mountains of Norway, spending her time drawing and painting in her mother’s workshop. The Nordic landscapes and wildlife have greatly influenced her work, especially the mountains in Gaustablikk and areas within the Arctic Circle. Having lived for five years in Australia, her latest work also takes inspiration from the Aboriginal dot-technique. She now studies Japanese culture through its traditional arts. Thomassen’s art attempts to express the beauty and diversity of each continent through its flora and fauna. She describes her art as a combination of naturalistic and abstract styles, creating a fairytale effect intended to bring viewers feelings of peace and harmony. Her work embraces Brent Smith’s famous words: ‘Don’t be delicate. Be vast and brilliant’.
LUCY MAY SCHOFIELD ルーシー・メイ・スコフィールド British (Printmaker, archivist, collector, documenter) British artist Lucy May Schofield began creating art from an early age, inspired by her artistic grandparents who worked as a silversmith and an embroiderer. She finds inspiration for her art in a vast array of places, from everyday misunderstandings to Japanese light, from the season of autumn to the process of wood block printing. Her art explores ‘the histories we create for ourselves in order to make sense of the world around us and our space within it’. Schofield is also the curator of the Bibliotherapy Artist’s Book Library and has worked as Artist in Residence for the V&A Museum of Childhood. Over past year, Schofield has been living in Japan, learning about Mokuhanga (Japanese woodblock printing) and local craft techniques.
ARNAUD TUDURI アルノ・ツヅリ French (Polar Panorama Photography) Arnaud Tuduri is a French artist and graphic designer. He has a long-standing passion for travelling, and first began using photography to record and enhance the sights he visited. The origins of Tuduri’s work lie in HDR photography, which involves creating numerous multi-exposure shots, then merging the images to obtain a ‘contrasted’, unrealistic result. For the past few years, Tuduri has created Polar Panoramas. He combines a variety of techniques to create his ‘planet’ images, many of which feature Japanese scenes. In France, Tuduri has published a book containing hundreds of his photos featuring temples, cities and people across Japan, entitled ‘un oeil sur le japon’, which literally translates as ‘an eye over Japan’. If Tuduri’s work carries a message, it is an invitation to travel. • 13
WORLD FOOD We’re proud to also include some of Fukuoka’s best ethnic restaurants too, so come hungry! 外国人シェフや異文化に魅せられたオーナーら が展開する、街で人気の世界各国の料理店が特 別出店!多文化の魅力を“食”でも堪能しよう。
RAAN GAN EEN Thai Run by the charismatic Gan-san and his wife Yuka, this Thai restaurant prides itself in the authenticity of its food. The menu even includes dishes from Gan’s own childhood, and the interior of the restaurant is decorated with objects collected by the couple over their years together. At this event, they will be serving Green Curry, Thai Fried Chicken Wings, Shrimp Chips and Spicy Papaya Salad. 1-10-21 Daimyo, Chuo-ku. Tel: 092-716-2839
RUSSIAN RESTAURANT NINA Russian Run by Russian husband and wife team Sergey and Nina, Russian Restaurant Nina prides itself in its ‘no-nonsense home cooking’. Its interior combines Russian handicrafts with photos of its most famous customers, including Hawks baseball player Nobuhiko Matsunaka and singer Tokiko Kato. Russian Restaurant Nina is particularly famed for its Siberian-style Borscht Soup and Georgian wine. At this event, they will be serving Borscht, Chicken Stroganoff, Baked Piroshki, Russian Tea and Vodka! 3F Ragazza Daimyo, 1-10-16 Daimyo, Chuo-ku. Tel: 092-714-0215
WINE STYLE BUDO NO KI Japanese A splendid view of the city is guaranteed here, but the real reason you want to visit there is for the tasty buffet which offers an ever changing selection including many veggie dishes. Tapas and grilled food can be ordered a la carte too. Wines are another strong point here. Enjoy from a selection of reasonably priced and eel matching bottles, or by the glass. At this event, they will be serving Arabiki sausage, fruity flavoured kara-age, and fried potatoes. 10F Hakata City Bldg (Kooten), 1-1 Chuo-gai, Hakata-eki. Tel: 092-409-6900
ELBORRACHO CANTINA Mexican Dissatisfied with the lack of Mexican-style restaurants in Fukuoka, Sugiyama-san travelled to Mexico City in order to master their authentic cuisine. Now back in Japan, he runs many shops and restaurants, including the stunningly decorative ‘Elborracho Cantina’ in JR Hakata City. At this event, they will be serving Chicken Tacos, Salsa & Chips, Handmade Chorizo and Deshebrado. 10F Hakata City Bldg (Kooten), 1-1 Chuo-gai, Hakata-eki. Tel: 092-409-6263
KEBAB BAR AMPOULES Kebab Ampoules is sister shop of Guru Guru Kebab, one of the Fukuoka’s first take-out kebab shops. Their counter bar is one of the longest in the city, and their staff are well-known for their warmth and friendliness. At this event, they will be offering their famous and flavorful kebabs! 1-1-21 Daimyo, Chuo-ku. Tel: 092-406-7238
14 • Fukuoka Now • #191 • November 2014
ALL STAR WORLD BARTENDERS! Limited one-hour shifts by Fukuoka’s best foreign bartenders! Try their signature drinks! ついに実現!街中の多国籍バーテンダー大集合! 特設Barで各店自慢のスペシャルドリンクをシェイ クする。各バーテンダーの持ち時間は1時間。お目 当てのドリンクやバーテンダーをお見逃しなく!
THE ECHOPOLITAN by Caesar & Peter Fresh lime, fresh blueberry purée, vodka, cranberry juice, cointreau, elderflower cordial “The Echopolitan, prepared exclusively at Echo and in the Echo colors, is a play of the Cosmos. This version features fresh blueberry, lemon, and lime juice finished with an elderflower cordial.” Echo 1F Tenjin Okabe Bldg., II, 3-6-12 Tenjin, Chuo-ku. Tel: 090-9483-0621
FUBAR RUM RUNNER by Jody Archer Banana liqueur, malibu coconut rum, captain morgans spiced rum, myers dark rum, orange juice, pineapple juice, grenadine and blue curacao “Looking forward to seeing all the Fubar regulars and meeting some new people, I hope you like the new Fubar twist on one of my favorite drinks” Fubar 4F Tenjin Okabe Bldg., II, 3-6-12 Tenjin, Chuo-ku. Tel: 092-722-3006
MOJITO by K.P. White rum, dark rum, mint leaf, chopped lime, lime syrup, sugar, gum syrup & soda “Come and try the best Mojito in town!” Three Kings 1F Metropol Bldg., 1-11-22 Daimyo, Chuo-ku. Tel: 092-403-3622
LADY KILLER by MD & Moses Southern comfort, cut lime & lemon, cranberry juice “Ladies! I hope you enjoy these cocktails. Have fun and see you in the Morning” Uprising 2F Bacchus-kan, 3-4-15 Tenjin, Chuo-ku. Tel: 090-4518-9514 • 15
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Last but not least, we proud to present a line up top quality local live entertainment. Live Jazz, acrobatic stage performances and one of the hottest DJs in town. Multisensory attack! 会場はDJ SamTroyによる音楽や、福岡を拠点に世界で活躍するパフォーマー、侍ボーラーズ、クールな Jazzバンド、福岡城によるライブパフォーマンスも繰り広げられる。Fukuokaをキーワードにした多彩 なメンバーによる演出をお楽しみに!
FUKUOKA JOE Active since the early 1990s, Fukuoka Joe’s seven member lineup plays 60’s “hard bop” and their own brand of intense jazz. Flip your lid to this hot & hip jazz combo!
SAMURAI BALLERS They’re athletes, they’re dancers and performers! Watch these guys pump up the volume and energy on stage in a very unique performance!
DJ SAMTROY DJ SamTroy is a creative and technical Dj and music producer from New Zealand. His 12 years of Djing experience span across three countries; New Zealand, Australia, and Japan. Now living in Fukuoka, he is known for his House mixes, combining Deep, Tech, Funky, Jackin and Electro House. He has become a household name within the Fukuoka Club and music scene; holding down a residency at Club Echo and regularly working as a guest DJ at events around Fukuoka, including the Fukuoka Now dance parties.
Thanks for all the support! 11 月 8 日 ( 土 ) 18:30 開場
@ JR 九州ホール(JR 博多シティ 9 階)
CR EAT I VE Δ C OMMU N I T Y クリエイティブ コミュニティ
当日入場 ¥1,500、前売 ¥1,500(1 ドリンク付 / NOW オンライン&オフィス、博多駅総合案内所にて販売中) RUSSIAN RESTAURANT
Nov. 8, (Sat.), 18:30~late @ JR Kyushu Hall, Door: ¥1,500, Adv.: ¥1,500 incl. 1 drink Advance tickets available on the FN webpage, Hakata Station Info Counter and FN Office
Nov. 16 (Sun.)
Fukuoka Now reports on the preparations for Fukuoka’s first ever LGBT pride parade
ukuoka is a city Two of the organisers Camille and Maiki with us at that prides itself the Fukuoka Now offices on firsts and here at Fukuoka Now we delight in being able to report on these. This November, then, will play host to the Rainbow Parade, Fukuoka’s (and Kyushu’s) very first LGBT pride festival. Organised by a group of 30 students from the University of Fukuoka and co-sponsored by the University of Fukuoka, Fukuoka City and the Prefectural Board of Education, the parade will grace the streets of Fukuoka on Nov. 16th. The group’s mission is clear: they see this parade as a means to promote relationships between the LGBT and non-LGBT communities, as a platform on which to fight discrimination against LGBT people and a as a celebration of identity. It will be a true exhibition of LGBT culture and attendees can expect a day of color, music and festivities, culminating in a float parade through the streets of Tenjin. Meanwhile, the political connotations of the parade are clear: the City’s support for this parade marks a turning point in public support for Fukuoka’s LGBT community. Whilst the parade is unlikely to see the appearance of
Some of the 30 student organisers after a planning meeting in Tenjin
Japan’s first lady, Akie Abe, an honour granted to the Tokyo pride parade earlier this year, it has the support of Taiga Ishikawa, a member of Tokyo’s Toshima-ku ward assembly and a passionate LGBT-rights campaigner who has promised to appear at the parade. And support is exactly what is needed for this parade to become the regular celebration of Fukuoka life. The Rainbow Parade extends an open invitation to all LGBT and non-LGBT communities, both Japanese and international to join them on the day. The best way to the
12:00 The parade reception opens in Reisen Park to the soundtrack of music and other performers on the stage. 13.30 The reception closes and paradegoers assemble around the floats in preparation for the start of the parade. 14.00 The parade starts through the streets of Tenjin! Follow the crowds of people and join in this celebration of LGBT culture 15.30 The parade finishes back in Reisen Park and performances continue on the stage. 17.00 The day and all its festivities draw to a close. Tenjin sta.
Nakasukawabata sta.
Acros fukuoka
Reisen Park City Hall
Kushida Shrine
Tenjin-Minami sta.
LGBT Pride Parade, Tokyo 2014
help the group? Spread the word of the parade and come down to Reisen Park on Nov. 16th to enjoy a day of festivities and participate in Fukuoka’s first ever LGBT pride parade. • 17
EVENTS ブックオカ実行委員会提供
OCT 22~NOV 22
OCT 30~NOV 3
NOV 2~4
Bookuoka 2014
2014 Saga International Balloon Fiesta
Karatsu Kunchi
Launched in 2006 as a celebration of the written word, “Bookuoka” includes events such as talks with authors, award ceremonies, and a huge second-hand book fair (Nov. 2). Book themed events will occur across the city until Nov. 22, a list which can be found on the Bookuoka website.
ブックオカ2014 本好きが集まって2006年春から はじまった「ブックオカ」。けや き通りの店先が青空古本市になる 「一箱古本市(11月2日)」や、 市内各地で、作家らによるトーク ショーや文庫フェアをはじめ、本 を愛する全国の書店員が作ったフ リーペーパーの展示会など、本を コンセプトにした様々な催しが市 内各所で行われるので、公式web を確認して出かけよう。
◦10/22 (Wed.) ~ 11/22 (Sat.) ◦Tsutaya Book Store Tenjin and various stores including Junkudo, Keyakidori, Daimyo MK Hall, etc. ◦Participation fee may be required depending on the event ◦090-6425-6711 ◦
The Balloon Fiesta is the biggest event of its kind in Asia, where balloon pilots from across the world fire up their furnaces for daily competitions, novelty flights and workshops. Sunday and Monday evenings will be particularly special for their illuminated balloon displays.
2014佐賀インターナショ ナル・バルーンフェスタ 今や佐賀の秋の風物詩のアジア 最大の熱気球国際競技大会。期 間中の5日間は、6時半と15時、1 日2回のバルーン競技があり、雄 大な嘉瀬河川敷が色とりどりの 気球で埋め尽くされる。競技の 他にも気球教室や、子供向けイ ベント、最後の2日間の夜には、 バルーンのライトアップが行わ れ、気球ファンでなくても存分 に楽しむことができる。 ◦10/30 (Thu.) ~ 11/3 (Mon., Hol.) ◦Kase Riversite, Saga ◦Free (parking: ¥1,000 donation to environmental cause) ◦0952-29-9000 ◦2598 Oaza-morita, Nabeshimacho, Saga City
On Nov. 3, fourteen floats adorned with lions and dragons will be carried through the streets of Karatsu. This popular and historic Autumn festival has been celebrated since the 16th century and around 500,000 people are expected to attend over its three day span.
Study In Canada Fair – Fall 2014 Come visit the Study in Canada Fair! Whether your interest is in K-12, college, university or ESL, school reps and Study in Canada alumni look forward to meeting you! There will be a variety of seminars, lots of promotional materials and an eco-bag and notebook for all visitors.
カナダ留学フェア 2014秋
唐津市南城内にある唐津神社の 秋の大祭は、日本三大くんちの 一つに数えられ、三日間で約50 万人もの人々が訪れる。獅子や 龍などをかたどった14台の曳山 はいずれも華やかで勇ましい。 見どころは11月3日の御旅所神幸 (おたびしょしんこう)。唐津 神社を9時半に出発し、西の浜明 神台まで巡行した14台の巨大な 曳山が勢いよく砂地へ曳き込ま れ、明神台前に勢揃いする「曳 き込み」は見逃せない。
カナダ大使館が主催する留学フェ アでは、小・中・高校やカレッ ジ、大学、語学学校などカナダか ら来日した教育機関の担当者と ブースで直接、日本語での個別相 談が可能。セミナーではワーキン グホリデー・留学体験者の経験談 も聞くことができる。来場者には オリジナル・エコバッグとノート をプレゼント。フェアで集めた資 料や情報をたくさん詰めて帰ろ う!事前にwebから予約登録して 行くのもオススメ。
◦11/2 (Sun.) ~ 11/4 (Tue.) Times vary by date. ◦Karatsu Shrine ~ Karatsu City ◦Free ◦0955-72-4963 ◦Karatsu Shrine: 3-13 Minamijonai, Karatsu City, Saga
◦11/3 (Mon. & Hol.) ◦JR Hakata City 10F ◦Free ◦1-1Hakataeki-chuogai, Hakataku, Fukuoka ◦
Show this for
Pint ¥910 Half ¥560
*All prices excl. tax
Open daily 11:30~24:00(Lunch 11:30~15:30)
18 • Fukuoka Now • #191 • November 2014
50% off your 2nd drink! *2nd drink only, not 3rd!
check more online! (C) 427FOTO
NOV 9~23
NOV 15~16
NOV 20~24
NOV 22
Sumo Kyushu Basho
Fukukoi Asia Festival
Hakata Light Up Walk 2014
Color Me Rad
Fans and insiders alike will be looking to the November Grand Sumo Tournament for a spectacular show as yokozuna Hakuho aims to break a 50 year record with another championship. Wrestlers from nations including Mongolia, Bulgaria, Brazil, Georgia and Japan will all be competing at this prestigious event.
Since its inception in 2000 this dance festival has had only one aim: your happiness! The two day event features 100 teams of men and women of all ages and different nationalities expressing themselves through the medium of dance. Audience joins the “sou-odori” for finale!
Historic temples, shrines and gardens in the Hakata area will be beautifully illuminated for this event while concert areas and stalls selling food, drinks and souvenirs will line the streets between venues. Tickets can be purchased at convenience stores at a discount price in advance.
Color Me Rad’s idea is simple: a 5km run, powdered paint, music and crowds of jubilant people. The result: a Jackson Pollock piece on steroids, a heaving mass of color and smiles. The Tokyo, Chiba and Osaka events saw over 40,000 people attending in total, and now Fukuoka joins the fun!
博多ライトアップウォーク 2014 博多千年煌夜
福岡の街で力士を見かけることも 多くなる11月は冬の到来を意味 する大相撲の季節。モンゴル、ブ ルガリア、ロシア、ブラジルな ど、国籍が異なる力士も多く活躍 しており、体と体がぶつかりあう 音も熱気も伝わる会場には、多く の外国人ファンで賑わうインター ナショナルな場だ。今場所は、横 綱・白鵬が50年もの間死守されて きた最多優勝記録の更新に挑む。
「福よ来い!」との願いを込めて 踊る「福踊り」から始まった、 2000年に誕生したふくこいアジ ア祭り。老若男女、文化や国境を 越え、10名以上がグループの一 般応募100チームが参加し、自由 な発想の踊りを市内の各会場で2 日間に渡り披露。華やかでパワフ ルなステージを楽しみ、最後には 総踊りに参加して会場一帯となり 福を呼び込もう!
◦11/9 (Sun.) ~ 11/23 (Sun.) ◦Fukuoka Kokusai Center ◦Unreserved: ¥2,100 / Pair of seats or Box seats C (3~4 people): ¥9,500 per person, etc. ◦092-291-9311 ◦2-2 Chikkohonmachi, Hakata-ku
◦11/15 (Sat.) 12:00 ~ 21:00, 11/16 (Sun.) 9:00 ~ 21:00 ◦Fukuoka City Hall Fureai Hiroba, JR Hakataekimae Hiroba, etc. ◦Free ◦092-714-7373
長い歴史を有する博多の寺社を、 より多くの方に知ってもらおうと はじまったライトアップ。今年は 本岳寺と軍師官勘兵衛ゆかりの地 である祟福寺が新たに加わり、計 12カ所が美しくライトアップさ れる。各所で夜市やコンサートも 開催されるので公式webサイトを 確認して行こう。
◦11/20 (Thu.) ~ 11/24 (Mon. Hol.) 17:30 ~ 21:00 (enter ~20:45) ◦12 sites ◦Admission: 1 ticket/place, 12 tickets (Adv. ¥1,200, Door ¥1,500), Free pass ¥2,000 (Adv. only) ◦092-419-1012 (Hakata Ward Office) ◦
5kmのコース内に設置されたカ ラーステーションで、色とりど りのカラーパウダーを浴びなが ら走る、ランニングとエンター テインメントが融合した、今 話題のイベントが福岡に登場す る。既に千葉、大阪、東京では 計4万人以上が参加し、仲間や見 知らぬ人とカラーパウダーと笑 顔にまみれて走った。
◦11/22 (Sat.) ◦Uminonakamichi Seaside Park ◦¥6,300 *Group apply for 10% off (over 5 person) ◦ ◦18-25 Oaza Saitozaki, Higashi-ku
THE ARCADIA DAZAIFU Japanese-style weddings in Dazaifu
Japanese wedding planning, ceremony, banquet and more. Free consultation. We speak your language. Just minutes to International couples and families welcomed. Dazaifu Tenmangu.
470-1 Uchiyama, Dazaifu, Fukuoka 10:00 ~ 20:00 / Closed: Tue.
Tel: 0800-200-8522 • 19
Hawks Town (near Momochi)
Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk Hotel
Zepp Fukuoka
Hamanomachi • Hospital
Hard Rock Cafe United Cinemas
Toysrus Hawks Town Namco
KBC Cinema
•KBC SB Hotel Monolith
Drum Logos•
•Children's Science & Culture Center •Airef •Udon West
Hotel Etwas
Daicho-ji Temple •
•Ankoku-ji Temple
•Nakashima Park Fukuoka Garden Benten-bashi H Palace Bridge Nakasu •Tsukushi Nakashima Kaikan -cho Ri
Nagahama Park Police • • Heiwadai Hotel Tenjin Drum Be-1•
Nishi Nakashima-bashi Bridge
Hotel Okura H Hakata R Dukes Hotel Fukuoka Art M Nakasu IP Hotel Fukuoka 11
•Mist Vietnam Consulate 11 Nakasu H Nishitetsu Inn Fukuoka Taiyo H Hak Exce Nishi Ohashi Bridge Fukuhaku Dea 10 Bridge
North Tenjin
Chuo Post Office Starbucks • Mina Tenjin Ippudo Futata Hotel Mystays Hotel Ascent
•NTT Docomo
Hotel Eclair H
Daikoku-bashi Bridge
Ark Hotel Royal •Ensho-ji Shopper's Daiei Temple
Chinese Consulate
Suzaki Park
Towers Tenjin Bldg. 5F
Korean Consulate
To Bayside Place Hakata
•Fukuoka Pref. Museum of Art
ACROS Fukuoka
AY SUBW •Fuku Bldg.
•Former Prefec Guest House
Monterey •Best Denki Tenjin Core Vivre Parco H Oriental Hotel La Soeur 9 • •Junkudo Nishi-n Drug Segami Tenjin S Shi Daimyo Central Park McDonald's Tenjin Valie Hotel Catholic 21 City Hall IMS Solaria Stage 33 L'Institut Akasaka •Mandarake Church Toyok (Rainbow Plaza) (Incube) KFC Franco-Japonais DORI Nishitetsu du Kyushu Iwataya Vioro MEIJI6 Saiseikai 6 Solaria Grand Hotel Tenjin Toho Shinkan Hospital• •Australian • Plaza •Chuo Ward School• • McDonald's te ORI •Police Consulate ou I-D EK R a M Nishitetsu k Office KIRA ide Solaria Akasa ute H Court Hotel Ins i •Starbucks El Gala 7 Bus Center Ro Iwataya Nishitetsu 8 (Highway Bus Stn.) am Outside Artry Inn 8 Daimaru 25 min Hotel 9 Ippudo • Nishitetsu n- •Freshness Burger •NTT • Zara• nji Tenjin Fukuoka Stn. e Elborracho RESOLA T • • •Fukuoka Mitsukoshi Tenjin Kego Park Jokyu Shoyu Starbucks• Daimyo •Abercrombie • High Court •Chikae •Kego Ippudo BIC & Fitch Plaza Hotel • •Camera Shrine Plaza Hotel Premier Daimyo Sunny 11 BIC Supermarket •H&M Toyoko Inn Camera• LOFT Udon West Tiempo • Richmond 14 Apple Store Hotel Kebab Bar Ampoules South Side • •FT Skala •Domino's Tsutaya Terrace • 13 Canoviano I
Valie Hotel Tenjin
KOKU • School
•Seifuku-ji Temple
South Garden•
•Toki Rikyu Hotel Tenjin Place •Hosen-ji Temple
NishitetsuBivi• Inn Tenjin Central Hotel Fukuoka
Sada Hospital
Yakuin • Mos Burger
Kyushu Electric Head office• •Pizzeria Da Gaetano
b na
Takakura Hotel
a at
•Choen-ji Temple
•Kosho-ji Temple
Imaizumi Park
• Police
Mos Burger • RI -DO AKI KEY
Fukuok Toei H
•Sunny Supermarket
¥100 Bus Zone Yellow area indicates ¥100 Bus Zone
이 노란색 지역 이동은 어느 버스든 100엔
To Bayside Place Hakata
Hakataza Theater Riverain 12 a Asian Museum 12
-ka wa ba ta
Na ka su
kata el Hotel
Ro 15 ut e
• Fukuoka International House
Hakata Traditional Craft Center
Nishitetsu Inn Hakata SB Hotel Hotel Toyoko Inn
Hotel Nikko Fukuoka
•Hakata Ward Office
Ro u
•Canal City Theater Washington •Canal City Hotel Hakata East 4 Hotel Il Palazzo •Seiryu Park Grand 5th Hotel East Hyatt Fukuoka Canal City Hakata 5th Hotel West
Royal Park Hotel
Asahi Bldg• Comfort Hotel Hakata
United Cinemas TVQ• 3 Canal City 13
JR HakataCity
Dukes Hotel Hakata 1 NNC Bank
Sumiyoshi-bashi Bridge •Haruyoshi Park
•Meiji Park Book Off•
Sumiyoshi •Torinji Temple Sutton Hotel Hakata City •Myoen-ji Temple •Mini-Stop Sumiyoshi Shrine • Hotel Hokke RI Club I-DO SH O Y MI Royal Host SU
•Tabegoro Hyakushunkan Hotel New Otani Sun Selco
i or -d
Yanagibashi Bridge
Apa Hotel
ka Hotel
Benikea Carlton Hotel Elborracho
Hakata Post Office
Nov. 8, (Sat.) @ JR Kyushu Hall
2 2
ANA Crowne Plaza Fukuoka Hotel Sunline Fukuoka Hakataeki-mae •Ninjin Park
Hakata Green Hotel Hotel Centraza Hakata
Hakata Chikushi-guchi JR Station Sunlife Hotel 2.3 Hakata Clio Court
Hotel Century Art
Hakata Miyako Hotel
Hakataeki Higashi
Richmond Hotel Yodobashi Camera CHIKUSHI-DORI
Hotel Leo Palace Hakata
Senokawa-bashi Bridge • Rokkenya Park
•Hakata Station Bus Terminal Elborracho Cantina
12 MyStays Inn
•NTT Data
President Hotel
•Dekimachi Park
Ou Ro tsid ute e
Reisenkaku Hotel
Haruyoshi-bashi Bridge
Sunny Supermarket•
Hotel Convenience Stores
Jotenji Temple•
Toyoko Inn Hotel
Sky Court Hotel
ko Inn
Hakata Machiya Folk Museum
•Kushida Shrine
Info Desk
Ro u
Car Rental
Loop Bus Route, stops 1-18
•Tochoji Temple
Post Office
Gas Station
100엔 순환 버스 루트. 버스정류장 번호 (1~18)
•Reizen Park
Gate's ter Donut
텐진 하카타 지역 지도
Shofukuji Temple•
The B Hakata
With The Style �Sumiyoshi Park
CORRECTION NOTICE / NOW MAP-2014 FALL 2014 年 10 月 1 日発行の NOW マップ福岡 2014 秋冬号におきまして、以下 3 点の誤りがござい ました。次のとおり訂正いたします。
Nov. 2014 #191
1. Expiry date in the Fukuoka Airport Duty Free Shop advertisement 2015.3.31 2. Hakata Port Access/Bus fee to Tenjin ¥190 3. Hakata Port Access/Bus fee to Hakata ¥230
STAFF This month’s question:
FN staff are artists too! So this month we drew each other! Publisher サーズ・ニック Nick Szasz
Nick by Léo
利用者ならびに関係者の皆様にご迷惑をおかけ しましたこと深くお詫び申し上げます。
Providing Kyushu’s international community and overseas visitors with news, information, opinions, and laughs since 1998. Information by foreigners for foreigners.
Manager サーズ 恵美子 Emiko Szasz
Every Wed. at 12:20 on 76.1 FM Nick joins Darrell on “Tenjin United”
フクオカ・ナウは九州に暮らす外国 人の方々や海外からの観光客、そし
Emiko by Tsubasa
森翼 Tsubasa Mori
Tsubasa by Nick
情報を発信する、英語/日本語表 記の多言語情報誌です。 CONTACT US 広告に関するお問い合わせは下記まで Tel: 092-762-2505 Fax: 092-762-2509 Email:
Fukuoka Now Ltd. 5F Towers Tenjin Bldg. 3-7-3 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
有限会社 フクオカ・ナウ 福岡市中央区天神3-7-3 タワーズ天神5F
© 2014 Fukuoka Now Ltd. Views expressed here are not necessarily those of the publisher.
Editorial Assistant
Austrian & German Breads, Cakes and Coffee Shop
フショー・レオ Léo Fouchault
Léo by Emiko
Meister-made authentic European オーストリアやドイツの本格パンとケーキ!
•Pretzels •Rye Breads •Cakes, pasteries, etc.
2-1-5 Nagaoka, Minami-ku, Fukuoka Open everyday 07:00 ~ 20:00 Tel: 092-551-7077
COVER MODEL Chantal Raimondo, Italy
Adolf Sailer Konditor & Backermeister
Editorial Designers: Drawing a Crowd ( Cover Photograph: Yuichiro Hirakawa CROSS. Studio Contributing editor: Joel Dechant, Oscar Boyd, Laura Pugh Mascot Maker: Simon Oxley (
Established 1624 Handmade using unchanged, original methods A traditional taste and an ideal souvenir CASTELLA by FUKUSAYA
◊ New Children’s Hospital Opens in Island City The 30-plus-yearold Fukuoka City Children’s Hospital in Chuo-ku will close on Nov. 1 and move to a new facility in Island City (5 Kashii-teriha, Higashi-ku). The new hospital will use its wealth of clinical experience and medical expertise to improve pediatric and perinatal care for its patients who come from all over Kyushu and western Japan. Outpatient care will begin on Nov 5.
Festival of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
five minutes. Inquiries: 092-711-4676 (Fukuoka Marathon Organizing Committee Office)
◊ Emergency Pediatric Care Hotline: #8000 If your child suddenly falls ill or is injured late at night, you can call the Emergency Pediatric Care Hotline at #8000 or 092-725-2540. The hotline is available from 19:00~7:00 and is staffed by experienced nurses. The Japan Pediatric Society’s “Kodomo no Kyukyu” website ( can also help you determine whether you should take your child to a hospital. Inquiries: 092-711-4892 (Regional Medical Affairs Section)
◊ Fukuoka Marathon 2014 On Nov. 9 (Sun), 12,000 runners and 3,000 volunteers will fill the streets of Fukuoka and Itoshima for the first-ever Fukuoka Marathon 2014. More than 60 stalls will be open 10:00~16:00 at the finish line venue (Shima Chuo Park) offering grilled oysters, steamed sweet potatoes, butajiru and more. Free shuttle buses will run between the park and JR Chikuzen-Maebaru Station every
◊ Startup Cafe Opens Fukuoka City's Startup Café opened inside Tsutaya Book Store Tenjin (1 Imaizumi) on Oct. 11. The cafe offers information and consultation services as well as one-stop support for business startup procedures. It also serves as a place where startup owners can meet potential staff. The cafe is open 10:00~22:00 year-round (except Year-End/New Year holidays) and is staffed by full-time coordinators. Inquiries: 092-711-4455 (Business Startup & University Collaboration Section)
◊ Visit Local Schools Nov. 1~7 is School Open House Week in Fukuoka City. All 231 of the city’s schools (143 elementary schools, 69 junior high schools, 4
The Festival of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries will be held 9:00~15:30 on Nov. 8 (Sat) at the plaza in front of the Fukuoka City Fish Market (3 Nagahama, Chuo-ku). Stop by to sample locally-produced foods and buy fresh vegetables, meat and fish. Nov. 8 is also community appreciation day at Nagahama Seafood Market. The event runs 9:00~12:00 and features a tuna cleaning show at 9:30.
high schools, 8 special needs schools and 7 kindergartens) will be opened to the public so that local residents, parents and guardians can see what's going on at school. Regular classes, foreign language activities, choral competitions and cultural festivals will be open to the public again this year. Last year, around 140,000 people visited schools during Open House Week. Please check school and Board of Education homepages for detailed schedules ( koukai.html).
Chinese and Korean text online!
Fukuoka City Bulletin
Fukuoka Shisei Dayori is City Hall’s official magazine published bi-weekly on 1st and 15th of each month 23 times per year. It’s available in Japanese online too. Consider using it for Japanese study! ふくおか市政だより Website:
11 月 8 日 ( 土 ) 18:30 開場
@ JR 九州ホール(JR 博多シティ 9 階)
クリエイティブ コミュニティ
インターナショナル& クリエイティブを体感 秋 恒 例 の JR 博 多 シ テ ィ × Fukuoka Now のインターナショ ナルパーティ。今年はクリエイ ティブをキーワードに、アーティ ストやパフォーマーが集結!
Arnaud Tuduri
Bill Long
James Dover
福岡城 - Fukuoka Joe (Live Jazz)
Antoinette Gupton
飲食も国際色豊かに大名・親冨考・ くうてんから人気店が出店。ワンコ インで楽しめる多国籍料理や、人気 バーテンダーが交代で立つ一夜限 りの Bar でスペシャルドリンクを ご堪能あれ!
Lucy May Schofield
侍ボーラーズ - Samurai Ballers
Martine Strøm Thomassen
• ロシア家庭料理レストラン ニーナ(ロシア) • カンティーナ エルボラーチョ(メキシコ) • ラーン ガン エーン(タイ) • ワインスタイルぶどうの樹(福岡) • ケバブBar アンプル(ケバブ)
DJ SamTroy
ALL STAR WORLD BARTENDERS • Peter & Caesar from ECHO • Jody from FUBAR • K.P. from THREE KINGS • MD & Moses from UPRISING
チ ケ ット Paul Matthews
前売 1,500 円 (1 ドリンク付) 当日 1,500 円 (入場のみ)