Full Blossom Magazine Vol 4

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New You Declaration: I Will Be in 2012 & Beyond! With everything that we deal with in life, it is really easy to get stuck in an unhappy rut. However, there are just as many or more reasons to be happy than there are to be sad. Once we’ve made the decision to choose happiness, we have to practice …. One of the reasons we tend to feel alone during hard 2mes (which makes you feel even worse than the actual problem), is that we don’t share with others due to fears of feeling or looking like a failure and being judged. Fear of rejec2on causes us to put on a mask of happiness and we pray that no one can see how we really feel inside. This can result in a feeling of being alone in your circumstance, being misunderstand, and being picked on by life. But sharing and being vulnerable oCen opens the door for someone to be vulnerable to you with similar situa2ons that they were dealing with in their lives that they had a preDy/happy masquerade mask on too. However, you must BE CAREFUL! I don’t recommend sharing your problems and feelings with any Tom, Sue and Sara. If you do, you can put yourself at risk of the very things that you were fearful of in the first place. You don’t want your life to be gossip for thirsty ears. It has to be someone that is very trustworthy. If you haven’t iden2fied anyone that you deem as responsible as of yet, BE ACCOUNTABLE TO YOURSELF. Get a happiness journal; write down what you feel (both good and bad feeling) and what made you feel that way every day. This will help you recognize the things that make you sad. ACer 2 weeks or a month of collec2ng your personal feelings data, look at the things that had nega2ve and posi2ve affects on you. If the things that are nega2ve are things that you can change… Change them! For the things that make you feel great…Duplicate them! You know what you need more than anyone else. For the things you have no control over…PRAY. It helps to give the things that are out of your hands to God. He can handle what we cannot. And you can trust that he won’t gossip about you. Un2l the nega2ve things have changed, and they will, make a choice not to allow these things to have control of your feeling. CHOOSE HAPPINESS. Declare within yourself the following moDo:

“Although this is jacked up and it is making me feel a way… I will not allow for this to make me sad, angry, unhappy, or eat too much. Amen“

Or, you can just recite the Serenity Prayer:

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.” Or, both! Then go to Youtube, watch something that you know will make you laugh, make funny faces in the mirror, sing your favorite happy song. Mine are “Don’t worry Be Happy,” by Bobby Ferrin, “I’m walking on sunshine,” by Katrina & The Waves, and “Hold Out” and Hezekiah Walker. Tell us yours at Fullblossom1@gmail.com.


Don’t Spend 2012

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