Nยบ 123 NOV & DEC 2018
spotlight news bulletin edition
The year 2018 is almost over, and what a year it has been. As I write we are not quite sure (but almost !) who will be our new President and the same goes for Govenors. I guess we will all be glad when the politicians get down to running the country. I should like to draw your attention to the Annual General Meeting of the Fundação Britânica de Beneficiença which will be held on December 6th 2018 at the Brazilian British Centre (see below for details) This is an important meeting, and, for those who have doubts and queries about all the activities organized under the umbrella of the British Society, this is your oppor-
400 copies A publication directed to members of the Fundação Britânica de Beneficência
tunity to clarify and also offer your comments. It is also where the officers who look
Editor Derrick Marcus
Good communication between the Society and the members is vital for the survival
Graphic design project Eólica Graphic design Casamarela Arquitetura e Design Printing Gráfica Ogra Proof Reading Alison Steel British Society São Paulo Fundação Britânica de Beneficência Rua Ferreira de Araújo, 741 1st Floor, Brazilian British Centre, Pinheiros 05428-002 São Paulo SP Tel.: +55 (11) 3813 7080
after our community affairs are elected, the activities of the year are examined and discussed and future plans presented.
of our community. We consider the written version of Spotlight an important instrument . I should like to thank all those who contributed, many generously donating additional funds. This meant that all those contributions released funds which were then able to be used for our Welfare programme. Sadly, nearly half our readers have still not subscribed. The Society has been active on many fronts during the year, and the community celebrated various activites: the Queen’s Birthday celebration, churrascos, dances, bazaars and other charitable events put together by members of the Community. Sadly , as in every year we said farewell to loved ones, whom we remember at this time, but we also welcomed new ones into our fold. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our loyal contributors for their regular and continued support. As I have said in previous editions, we would not have a Spotlight without you. On behalf of of all of us at Spotlight I should like to wish our readers a very happy
NEXT ISSUES OF THE BULLETIN Nº 124 Jan/Feb 2019 Deadline Dec 7th Nº 125 Mar/Apr 2019 Deadline Feb 7th
Christmas and a healthy and successful 2019.
THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General meeting of Council Members of the Fundação Britânica de Beneficência will be held at the Brazilian British Centre, Rua Ferreira de Araújo, 741, Pinheiros - Thursday, December 6th 2018 at 7 pm. For further information, contact the British Society, tel (11) 3813 7080.
New Head of Welfare
This same research demonstrates that, within 13 years, our country will have more elderly people than children under
We should like to inform you that
14. In 2013 we had 50 people aged 60 and over for every
FBB hired Isabela Bertho to be
100 children under 14. Today, this relationship is already that
our new Head of Welfare. Bel, as we may call her, is graduated
of 63 elderly people for every 100 children and, in 2031, it
in Social Sciences at Universidade de São Paulo and has a
will be 102 to 100. If the IBGE projection materializes, in
Masters in Sociology at Université de Genève (Switzerland).
2055, Brazil will have twice as many elderly people as children.
She comes from SEFRAS, an NGO that works for the elderly, for children and for other people in vulnerable situations.
For this reason having been active with the cause of the
There she gained experience in designing and monitoring
elderly for several decades, the Fundação Britânica de
social projects and in networking with other organisations
Beneficência, has been rethinking its action and developing
and with the government.
new projects that could meet the new challenges of Brazil’s Third Age.
We are very excited to have her on board and we are sure that her experience will be extremely valuable for the new
And we are proud to say that, during this month of October,
projects we are creating for the cause of the elderly here at
we took an important next step in this process: we launched
the Fundação.
our Conviviality Centre for the Elderly in the Butantã region.
Fernanda, our previous Head of Welfare, had to leave us for
The Conviviality Centre (Centro de Convivência) is a space
personal reasons. She will be missed by all of us and I am
that offers several activities contributing towards a process
sure you will all join me in thanking her for these years of
of healthy ageing. It develops autonomy and sociability,
dedication to the work of the Fundação.
strengthens family ties, and community living helps to prevent situations of social risk.
Conviviality Centre for the Elderly Our Centre operates at the Butantã unit of Cultura Inglesa On October 1st we celebrated the International Day of Older
and was inaugurated on October 16th. Initially, we are of-
Persons. This commemoration date was defined by the UN
fering workshops in Occupational Therapy, Memory, Theatre
in 1990 and, since then, has been adopted by several coun-
and other activities that could stimulate the elderly, physically
tries in the world, including Brazil, in order to recognize the
and mentally, three mornings a week.
contributions of elderly people to society. All members of the British Community are more than welIt is also a date to think about the challenges of this Third
come to come and see the space and participate in our
Age as well as the possible solutions that we can adopt to
activities. Just send an email to
solve the problems of this portion of the population.
br to sign up or receive more information.
It’s important to remember that, according to the 2018
If you have any doubts, about our Project or if you want to
Population Estimates Research of the IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro
know more about our work, please send us a message and
de Geografia e Estatística), the elderly will represent 25% of
we will be pleased to reply.(see page 2)
the population in 2043 – there will be over 58 million elderly people in a country where the total population will be of about 233 million.
Photos of this event on pages 4/5.
We have had an active three months..
We have a further four events on our Schedule
1) Winter Ceilidh at SPAC – 24th. August.
The full Pipe Band & Highland dancers performed at this
event. We also invited the Irish Dancing Group – THE NEART DANCERS – It was a good get together with them and now
SLOW BREW FESTIVAL – 3rd.November – Espaço Pro Magno
one of their dancers is learning Highland Dancing with our
Casa Verde – SÃO PAULO.
group. Soon we hope to have more Highland Dancers performing in our presentations.
SÃO FERNANDO GOLF CLUB – 8th December – Prize Giving day of the Club.
2) CALEDONIAN BALL. At Espaço Citron – 29th. September.
We continue to teach and hold our Band Practices at Cultura SAUDE every Sunday – 10.00 till 14.00 - All are welcome –
A full turnout for the Pipe Band & Highland Dancers – we played to a full house at the Ball which, again this year, was a great success. This year, two of our Highland Dancers performed the Sword Dance for the first time at an event – Great performance.
Colin Pritchard – D/M – 9-9901-5844.
On Saturday night, September29th, the St Andrew Society
on until well after 3:00 am, long after the music had stopped,
of São Paulo held their traditional Caledonian Ball in the
with a few diehards determined to keep up the best of the
Espaço Citron (the old Transatlantic Club) in the Chácara
Scottish traditions.
Santo Antonio region. This black-tie event was a sell out and almost 200 people participated in Scottish reels to the sound
The pictures below show the consul general, Jo Crellin, rais-
of the bagpipes, toasts and speeches and, of course, whisky
ing a glass in a toast to the President of Brazil; our pipe
in all its forms, both unadulterated and mixed with honey
major Colin Pritchard introducing Malcolm McDonald, leader
and fresh cream (atholl brose). The society’s president, Jeremy
of the enormous Campinas contingent, who proposed the
Barnes, introduced a newcomer to the event, a Mr Smiles
Loyal toast; dancers performing to the music of the St. Andrew
who had come along at the suggestion of, and paid for by,
Society of São Paulo Pipes and Drums; former society pres-
the Smiles airline mileage plan who, together with the Cultura
ident Stuart Duncan leading the charge; and finally Lyle Wat-
Inglesa, were the main sponsors of the event. The party went
ters and other partygoers performing the Eightsome Reel.
Photos by cortesy of Ricardo Brandão
LONELINESS Many of us crave solitude. In fact it was the focus of my dissertation back in 1997, and I still agree with most of it! In brief, solitude is restorative and peaceful when desired. However, undesired solitude soon turns to loneliness, which is increasingly becoming a worldwide epidemic. Loneliness is not simply being alone. People with few friends can feel fulfilled; people with vast social networks can feel empty and disconnected. It’s all about how a person feels. Feelings of chronic loneliness can lead to (or exacerbate) health problems, making people more susceptible to viruses, cognitive decline and dementia. Loneliness has also been linked to depression, but not all lonely people are depressed. In his excellent new book (“Lost Connections”) Johann Hari stresses that depression and anxiety have three kinds of causes: biological, psychological and social. Lonely people tend to be anxious and hyper-vigilant, often taking offence where none was intended, so they stay home and become even lonelier. This snowball effect can spiral into depression. Everyone, of course, is lonely sometimes, especially after the loss of a loved one or a move to a new area. The elderly are at higher risk of chronic loneliness because they have often lost partners, siblings and friends, and are also more likely to have health and mobility problems. However, loneliness has also skyrocketed among teens and young adults, which many experts blame on social media, claiming that it hinders the development of the real world skills necessary to build close friendships. Conversations by text or on Facebook messenger may be filled with smiley emojis, but they leave us feeling empty because they lack depth and empathy. Fewer people are prepared to really listen, and not being heard makes us feel even more alone.
The best antidote for loneliness is the company of other like-minded individuals sharing a mutually enjoyable activity, but this is easier said than done! People suffering from psychological issues are often reluctant to reach out for support.However, as I have mentioned before, I am willing to provide pro-bono counselling to British Society members in exchange for a charitable donation to be given directly to the British Society. Penny Freeland has an MA in Guidance and Counselling from Durham University, England. For further information please contact
THE BATTLE OF THE CARBS For many years, doctors have recommended a diet based in low carbohydrate intake. Clinical trials have shown that it reverses diabetes, leads to weight loss, and improves most heart disease risk factors, all of which should logically lead to a longer life. However, a recent publication in Lancet Public Health, based on data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study made headlines around the world when it declared that a low-carb diet will shorten life.
with the greatest benefits, including reversal of type 2 diabetes, occuring with a very low-carb diet, where carbohydrates normally total between 5 and 20%. Another limitation of the ARIC study is that it is an observational study, and therefore can only show association, not causation. The poorer outcomes seen in the ARIC study could be due to outside factors or other unhealthy behaviors that the researchers did not or could not measure.
The ARIC study is a project of the National Institutes of Health in the US that, since 1987, followed about 15,500 middle-aged men and women in four US communities. It showed that middle-aged Americans who consumed the least amount of carbohydrates were more likely to die from heart disease or cancer in the subsequent decade than their peers who had the highest carbohydrate intake.
The gold standards of science are what are known as randomized controlled clinical trials, because they can demonstrate cause and effect. The authors of the ARIC study ignore, or pass breezily by more than 70 low-carb clinical trials with at least 7000 people. The moderate carb, low-fat diet, on the other hand, has been part of the official dietary guidelines for Americans for decades, and is part of the food pyramid. This diet has been tested in rigorous clinical trials funded by the National Institute of Health, involving more than 50,000 people.
In a second part of the study, the findings were replicated in a meta-analysis (a study pooling together other studies) of seven studies with people from Greece, Japan, Sweden, and the United States, that included people followed for almost two decades.
The results point out that such a diet does not fight any kind of disease, and does not reduce mortality. To be fair, the authors of the ARIC study concede that “probCompared with the highest intake of carbohydrates, ably for a short time”, 6 or 12 months, low-carb diets participants with the lowest intake (39% of calories com- might be useful for weight loss and good for parameters ing from carbohydrates) had a significant 32% increase such as blood glucose and lipids. in total mortality, 35% increase in cancer mortality and 51% and 50% increases in coronary artery disease and They also note that different types of low-carbohydrate stroke mortality respectively. diets matter. Whereas low-carb diets that rely heavily on animal-based proteins and fats are linked to a higher The results have been generating a lively discussion, mortality, low-carb diets that consist primarily of plantwith several objections pointed. One of the points raised based proteins and fats are associated with a longer is that 37 or 39% of calories from carbohydrates is not life. Nevertheless, the ARIC study shows that something really “low-carb” according to the latest standards of unusual might be happening, and, as is common in practice. science, more research is needed to find the answer. Evidence from the past 5 years shows better health MICHAEL ROY SMITH, M.D. when carbohydrates are kept below 30% of calories, MOBILE ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY Phone: 99183-2093 E-mail:
DR. SCHWEITZER’S DREAM ALMOST DESTROYED BUT A GOOD PART OF HIS TREASURY SAVED - PART 12 Dr. Schweitzer, already 88 and his daughter Rhena, half his age, stayed back with some of their helpers who refused to go when Dr. Schweitzer ordered the place to be evacuated on hearing the daily radio newsreel on his primitive galvanic battery wireless urging them to hasten to Libreville, the French protected provincial capital. The doctor, his daughter, Dr. Miller and others of the staff were spared due to haste and military the benefit they had provided for the people of Gabon. In that year the independence movement, which had swept over Africa for over twenty years, strangled French Equatorial Africa economically and destroyed Schweitzer’s dream after working so hard there for over forty years. Many of the forty buildings, including the doctors’ and Rhena’s houses were also spared due to hurry and military disorganization during the rampage. Although going partially blind and severely diabetic Schweitzer, despite his age did his best to organize reconstruction of the part destroyed mainly by fire. To his delight his pet antelopes, which had disappeared during the ravage, months later found their way back. The remaining patients who were able to walk or carried were returned to their families or adopted by other poor but generous ones. Schweitzer had been an interested student of Hindu and Muslim religions and social behaviors for a long time and had foreseen the possibility of eventual trouble in coming years. So he carefully built an underground dark storage vault below his main office building where he kept many of his precious photos and paintings of his private collections alongside presents he received from some of his friends, visitors and admirers throughout those many years at Lambarènè. During the reconstruction period years later most of his personal arts and crafts and collections were saved
and can be seen at the Syracuse University Libraries in New York. All this material had been carefully wrapped up in oilskins and canvas and stocked upon shelves and tables in such a way that he could bucket the infiltrated saltpeter water once a week with the help of one of his confidential helpers who handed down the bucket tied on a rope. Due to being barefoot in this procedure the skin of his feet became eroded with lesions which frequently bled and infected causing erysipelas. He did the bandaging himself and wore long trousers all the time so as to keep the secret. There was an accident which caused him to endure several burns on his belly and back. He carelessly knocked over a kerosene lamp when down bellow in the middle of the night. The inflammable liquid rapidly created a suffocating fire. In trying to put it out and save some of his writings he fainted with the lack of air. Rhena, who was awake, sensing smoke, ran to see what was going on. When she received no answer from her father she leaped down into the vault as the ladder which Schweitzer had taken away from the opening entrance was not in place. She threw a bucket of dirty muddy saltpeter water on Schweitzer to put out the flames and carried him up the ladder on her back. He kept on thanking and chiding her saying that his time had come and that she was still very young and had to continue his work. On this memorable day she twisted her ankle and burnt her shins and one of her hands. With the scarring and unable to undergo physiotherapy she could not stretch two of her fingers. Even after her father operated the tissues, the loss of tendons and local muscles of the hand condemned her to never thereafter be able to bend two of her fingers. She refused to have them amputated. Years later she received proper orthopedic care in the United States. William Moffitt Harris
realised what had happened, I had caught Tara’s tail in the hinge side of the door! She started to run into the kitchen
Our female English Pointer dog
frantically wagging her tail, leaving behind a two-inch tip of
had had several false pregnancies
tail in the doorframe. It was like a horror film and my kitchen
but never any puppies. She was
began to look like a slaughterhouse. Although it only took
eleven years old and led a quiet,
seconds to catch her and try to stop the bleeding she wouldn’t
orderly life with gentle, daily
stop wagging her tail. Finally I managed to cover the wound
exercise. One Sunday, my husband and I were going out to
and ring the vet. She arrived and decided that it might heal
lunch when I saw a bundle of fluff curled up on the pavement
itself, bandaged Tara’s tail and promised to come back the
on the opposite side of the road, in front of our house. On
next day to check up on it. For a week the tail was dressed
passing by I said to myself “poor little thing if that puppy is
daily but it didn’t heal so an operation was performed to cut
still there when we return I am going to take it in and feed
off another inch to allow stitches to be made.
it”. Two hours later we returned and as I approached the little bundle moved, opened up its big black eyes. Foolishly,
Two weeks later the stitches were removed and the bandage
I picked it up and looked into those eyes and was lost! We
put back on, to be changed every day. One day the Vet
took it home, fed it and watched the reaction with our Pointer,
couldn’t come so I had to change the dressing myself. Not
who gingerly walked around “it” and sniffed, tail rigidly point-
an easy task but I managed. The next morning I went to
ing. Several hours later the two dogs must have decided that
change the dressing again before the Vet came and
they quite liked each other because they were playing tug
discovered it wasn’t there. While I glanced around, Urchin
of war with a toy bone and that night went to bed curled up
the puppy was sitting on the doormat playing with what
looked suspiciously like a small, dirty, rolled bandage. I leapt over to her but too late, she promptly swallowed it. Once
The next day, after making enquiries about the abandoned
again I phoned the vet who told me not to worry, ‘nature
female puppy, we encountered the owner who said he would
would take its course’ and the bandage would be eliminated.
be very pleased if we would keep her as she was the last of
If not, things could become rather serious if the bandage
the litter and kept escaping through the fence. She is ninety
unrolled itself in the puppy’s stomach. No such luck, nature
percent wire haired Fox Terrier, ten percent mongrel, light
seemed unwilling to co-operate. Two days passed and still
brown and white colouring, with a docked tail, huge black
no sign of it as I religiously, regularly, scoured our pocket
eyes and about six weeks old. An ideal companion for Tara,
sized lawn. So as a last resort I gave the puppy an enema.
the Pointer, with her unleashed motherly instincts, I thought.
The following morning, there in one corner of the lawn I
‘Urchin’ became a member of the family. As we found her in
discovered a perfect, if somewhat grubby, rolled bandage.
the street, we decided to call her Urchin as she always seemed to look rather scruffy, even after a bath and, of course, was
To cut a long tale short, Tara, I think, is now the only English
always getting into mischief as puppies do.
Pointer in São Paulo with a tail three inches too short but she doesn’t seem to mind and proudly quarters and points to
After a couple of months I realised I had inherited a handful,
the birds who dare come into the garden. Urchin brings up
but the dogs became inseparable and Tara was playing like
the rear and unfortunately has a much better record at the
a puppy herself. One day, with an armful of washing I came
tender age of one; a catch of four birds, and she doesn’t
out of the laundry where they were playing with a fir cone.
even have a tail to speak of!
As the cone rolled towards the door I was slamming it shut because it becomes terribly stiff in wet weather. In that second I heard one piercing almost human shriek and to my horror
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Surrealistic stone sculptures. Stone is often associated with its coldness and hardness, but this only inspired Ito Hirotoshi Itoh, a graduate of Tokyo National Fine Arts University, to challenge it. The rocks in his work seem soft and flexible. This takes us to Clothes in Stone in Carrara marble, by Alex Seton (Australia). He says that, for a change, we should not think of marble as related to Greek statues only. Just look at this soft and cosy tracksuit on a cold day.
If you happen to be in Europe, remember Grindelwald for a stay and many walks. Embedded in a welcoming and green hollow, surrounded by a commanding mountainscape and the numerous lookout points along 300 km of walking tracks, and activities make Grindelwald one of the most popular and cosmopolitan holiday and excursion destinations in Switzerland. The first to arrive there were the English at the end of the 18th century and local guides took them up the peaks. In 1912, a railway reached what nowadays is the «Top of Europe» with Europe’s highest railway station and a world-renowned excursion destination within permanent snow and ice.
The sequence of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a spin-off of the Harry Potter series, an attempt to take down the dark wizard Grindelwald. Not in the Swiss mountains but in London and Paris
The Grinch is a bitter, grouchy, cave-dwelling creature with a heart “two sizes too small”. Disguised as Father Christmas he steals all the presents in the village on Christmas Eve. At dawn the Grinch expects the people to cry out bitterly but he hears them singing a joyous Christmas song, instead. He puzzles until he realizes that “maybe Christmas means a little bit more” than just feasting. The Grinch’s shrunken heart suddenly grows” three sizes”. The reformed and liberated Grinch begins having second thoughts, and returns to the village to give back all Christmas stuff. He is warmly invited to carve the roast. Let’s revise our attitudes and become friendly Grinches to everyone and all at Christmas and ever after. Christina Thornton
We had an excellent day at the São Fernando GC. Thanks to Debbie’s kind offices, we were warmly welcomed by the Club for the latest Legion match - we also competed for the Simson Nisbet Challenge Cup, which was revived on the same occasion last year. Legionnaires were again joined by some distinguished lady members of the Club, who helped swell the ranks and allowed the Scots and the English to field impressive teams. In the Legion competition for the Captain’s Cup, Tom Simmonds (on home ground) with 33 Stableford points was narrowly pipped by a former Captain, Derek Barnes (with 34 points). Congratulations to Derek. The longest drive competition was won by Andrew Macdonald, with Brian Fulford achieving the nearest the pin accolade. The female winner of the latter competition was Beth Buney. The much sought-after Abacaxi Prize was shared by two players. Ivan again went close to receiving the Prize for complaining about the early start, but the plaudits went to Debbie for being so frustrated with her game that she requested the Prize, and David Warren for hitting a (very) short drive on the longest drive hole.
THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION – SÃO PAULO BRANCH September Churrasco Our main Churrasco was held on Saturday, 29th September 2018. There were nearly 90 guests attending the event which was great given that the Caledonian Ball took place on the same day. Some of us even managed to attend both events and were able to carry on until the wee hours of the following morning! Once again we held the Churrasco at St Pauls School with their kind permission, including use of the school car park which has a capacity for up to 70 cars. We would like to thank the whole team from the school who were involved in the organisation and with the very professional operation on the day. We thank all the people behind the scenes who made this event a success with their effort, support and time.
Re. Simson Nisbet Challenge Cup: The Scots managed to overturn last year’s defeat, romping home by a considerable margin on the aggregate Stableford scores. John McNaughton, Captain of the St Andrews Society, duly received the Cup to loud and joyful acclaim.
We greatly appreciate the donations we received for both the RBL ladies stall and raffle that add a special touch to the event, and of course we really need to especially thank all the people who joined us on the day.
It was a lovely day.
The raffle was a success and we had some very interesting prizes such as a voucher for a Weekend for 4 in a detached
Crispin Rowe
fully equipped and serviced house in Ilhabela and the basket prizes that always attract attention that were kindly donated by the Legion Ladies committee, St Nicholas School and the British College of Brazil. See note of Remembrance Day Service on page 22.
ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Photos taken at the Legion Churrasco.
Bob Beer and Michael Wyles at the entrance looking after ticket sales
The ladies stall with Sandra McMahon, Carole Arntsen, Phyl-
Bonnie Ford and Hugo Arntsen - raffle ticket sales
lis Birkinshaw and Carmen Sapsezian making a purchase
Derek Barnes, Alistair Steele, guest and Alison Steel
Andrew Macdonald, Nelson Sapsezian and Paul McMahon
REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE The annual Remembrance Day Service will be held at 10 am on Sunday, November 11th at St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral, Rua Com. Elias Zarzur, 1239 and we hope you can join us in this special service marking the centenary of the end of the First World War. As in prior years the Cathedral technical staff will organize live television coverage and if you live outside the city of São Paulo and/or cannot make it to the service on the day you will be able to watch it on http:// THE IMPORTANCE OF REMEMBRANCE DAY As the years go by, and the two World Wars become remoter in time, the importance of our remembering and celebrating the sacrifices of the millions who surrendered their lives in order to save democracy and freedom for the succeeding generations is ever greater. This year being the centenary of the end of the First World War the Royal British Legion is saying a special Thank You to all who served, sacrificed and changed our world. We also remember the sacrifice made by the thousands of British and Commonwealth service people who have died in the subsequent conflicts that have taken place since the First World War including of course the Second World War. As usual, the Commonwealth countries, whose soldiers, sailors and airmen, travelled great distances from relatively safe home countries, together with those brave volunteers from the community in Brazil who did the same, will be represented along with the allied countries including Brazil and the USA. THE POPPY APPEAL is one of the principal sources of the funds which the RBL needs to provide help to and
defend the interests of serving men and women, and, as is the case with us in Brazil, provide help to ex-service people and their dependants, when in need. Poppies will be on sale at the door of the Cathedral on the day and are also available in the schools and community locations prior to the service. We hope that you will give as generously as you can. Part of what you give will be remitted to RBL Headquarters in London, and part added to our local Welfare funds. Following the service there will be the customary reception downstairs at the back of the church. We recommend that you all arrive early enough to park and take your seats before the service commences at 10 am. Paul McMahon - President Royal British Legion - Sao Paulo Branch
The following are actual statements from a small Catholic Elementary school test The texts have not been retouched or corrected and incorrect spelling has been left in as well. 1 In the first book of the bible, Guinessis. God got tired of creating the world so he took the sabbath off. 2 Lots wife was a pilar of salt during the day, but a ball of fire during the night 3 The Jews were a proud people and throughout history they had trouble with unsympatathetic genitals 4 The first commandments was when EVE told Adam to eat the apple 5 The seventh commandment is though shalt not admit adultery 6 When the three wise guys from the East side arrived they found Jesus in the manager 7 The greatest miracle in the bible is when Joshhau told his son to stand still and he obeyed him 8 Moses died before he ever reached Canada 9 Christians have only one spouse, This is called monotony
And how about this from some eight graders Eventually, the Ramons conquered the Geeks. History calls people Romans because they never stayed in one place for very long. At Roaman banquets the guests wore garlics in their hair. Julius Ceasar extinguished himself on the battlefield of Gaul. The ides of March murdered him because they thought he was going to be made king. Nero was a cruel tyranny who would torture his poor subjects by playing the fiddle to them. The government of England was a limited mockery. Henty VIII found walking difficult because he had an abbess on his knees. Queen Elizabeth was the Virgen Queen, As a queen she was a success. When Elizabeth exposed herself before her troops they all shouted ¨hurrah¨Then her navy went out and defeated the Spanish Armadillo
21 BRAZILIAN EXPRESSIONS PARA INGLÊS VER: it is an expression coined in the XIX century, laying its roots on the British banning of human trafficking by the Slave Trade Act of 1807. The measure was not welcomed by the Portuguese, but they had to accede to the British demands after the invasion of Portugal by Napoleon and the subsequent transfer of the Portuguese Court to Brazil escorted by the Royal Navy. In 1810, Portugal and the UK signed a treaty to progressively eliminate slavery, this was never accomplished. With Brazilian independence, new efforts were made, and, in 1826, Brazil and the UK signed a new treaty aiming to outlaw slave trade in three years. Again, unaccomplished. New rounds of British diplomatic pressures led to the enactment of the Feijó Law of 1831, declaring free all slaves entering the country after its enactment. This is the law that originated the expression, enacted for the “English eyes” as a smoke screen conceived to hide the continuity of traffic and slavery, which came to an end only in 1888. CHAVE INGLESA: this is the Brazilian name for a WRENCH or SPANNER. It was baptized after the nationality of its inventor, Richard Clyburn, an English engineer.
BATATA INGLESA: The common potato
BORDADO INGLES: a ribbon with decorative embroidery.
RENDA IRLANDESA: a type of artisanal embroidery made in the city of Divina Pastora, State of Sergipe which has been declared a Brazilian Immaterial Heritage by the IPHAN.
RITO ESCOCÊS: One of the several Rites of Freemasonry. SAIA ESCOCESA: The kilt. In Brazil, it also defines any female skirt with crisscrossed horizontal and vertical bands in multiple colors. MÃO INGLESA: expression to define those streets in which the cars go forward on the left.
“ENGLISH SPEAKING” CITIES: Filadélfia (BA); Americano do Brasil (GO); Britânia (GO); Doverlândia (GO); Nova América (GO); Califórnia (PR); Londrina (PR); Nova Londrina (PR); Americana (SP); Filadélfia (TO). EDUARDO SZAZI
Remembrance Day Service – 11th of November 2018 – St
of church bells at 1100. (1100 was the hour that the First
Pauls Cathedral
World War officially ended)
Please note our Remembrance Day service at St Pauls Ca-
For more information about this Thank You and the Royal
thedral will actually take place this year on the 11th of No-
British Legion in this centenary year in the UK and the rest
vember (Armistice Day) and as you are probably aware 2018
of the world you can use the link below:
marks the centenary of the First World War’s final year. The theme of this year’s Remembrance Service from the Royal British Legions point of view is to say Thank You to those
Here in Sao Paulo we will of course be remembering all those
people who gave their lives in the first World War.
who have laid down their lives in the service of their country both in the First World War, the Second World War and sub-
As part of this Thank You various events will be taking place
sequent conflicts and we hope you can join us for this very
throughout the UK on the day such as the People’s Procession
special service.
by 10,000 members of the public that will follow the traditional British Legion’s veteran march past at the end of the
Paul McMahon
national service of remembrance at the Cenotaph in London’s Whitehall on the 11th of November and a national ringing
THANK YOU The family of Pierre Guy de Kersaint Giraudeau would like to sincerely thank you for all your kind and supportive words of sympathy and condolence during this time of deep bereavement. We are also most grateful to those who went to the “Crematorio da Paz” to attend his uplifting and heartfelt funeral service, delivered with such great sensibility by Bishop Roger Bird. Jean de Kersaint Giraudeau
President Royal British Legion Sao Paulo Branch
St. Paul´s Cathedral Christmas Bazaar Where: Rua Comendador Elias Zarzur, 1231, In the Church Hall When: Saturday, 1st of December, 2018 from 11 am to 4 pm What: Sale of handicrafts, jams, Christmas cakes & puddings Tea will be served from midday to 4 pm Good ideas for Christmas gifts !
Remembrance Service
Nov 11
St Paul´s Anglican Cathedral
Royal British Legion
Carajás Bazaar
Nov 23
Carajás Scout Group
Christmas Bazaar
Dec 01
St Paul´s Anglican Cathedral
St Paul´s Anglican Cathedral
Carajás Camp Fire
Dec 01
To be confirmed
Carajás Scout Group
AGM Fundação Britânica
Dec 06
Brazilian British Centre
British Society
Christmas Day Service
Dec 25
St Paul´s Anglican Cathedral
St Paul´s Anglican Cathedral
For Sale Refurbished flat in Rua Sócrates. 123 metres with 4 bedrooms (1 suite) and one parking space. Street offers everything walking distance and extremely close to British College and Chapel Schools. Great price! Contact: Danny 98107-0532
For Rent on Rua João Lourenço in Vila Nova Conceição Fully furnished 20th floor apartment near Ibirapuera Park with an outstanding view of SãoPaulo. Safe neighbourhood, easy walking distance from shops, restaurants and banks etc. 2 bedrooms (one suite), spacious living/ dining area, kitchen, laundry, maid’s bathroom and large single garage space. The building also has a pool, playground, gym and partyroom. Recently renovated and painted, with new electrical appliances. For further information please contact
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