Spotlight News Bulletin nº 126

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Nยบ 126 MAY / JUNE 2019


EDITORIAL I hope you all enjoyed the recent celebration of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s birthday,

spotlight news bulletin edition

organized by the British Society and held at the British and Brazilian Centre. This year the event was anticipated to May. This is one of the more important events of our Cultural Calendar. Full coverage and photos will be included in our next edition. Once again I must appeal to those that wish to receive the hard copy of Spotlight to contribute R$100,00 for the 2019 editions. If you have any doubt, just call our office where the staff will answer your queries. We have just been informed by the British Society that the magazine will now be published

400 copies A publication directed to members of the Fundação Britânica de Beneficência Editor Derrick Marcus Graphic design project Eólica

every three months starting with the July issue. This means we will have four issues per year instead of the current six issues. I would also ask readers to send in any suggestions for improvements or articles you wish to include. Do you think our magazine has an outdated design and/or lack standards? Two of some of the recent criticisms I have received, and wonder if the readers would agree. We are always ready to improve. One area I really want to improve upon is the quality of the photos that do not always look clear when printed. I do not always have the names of the people in the photos when published, so please, when you send in

Graphic design Casamarela Arquitetura e Design

photos, try and include names as it makes a big difference to the content. I would also

Printing Gráfica Ogra Proof Reading Alison Steel

These are graphic errors committed after proof reading which we did not pick up. We

British Society São Paulo Fundação Britânica de Beneficência Rua Ferreira de Araújo, 741 1st Floor, Brazilian British Centre, Pinheiros 05428-002 São Paulo SP Tel.: +55 (11) 3813 7080

NEXT ISSUES OF THE BULLETIN Nº 127 Jul/Aug/Sep 2019 Deadline Jun 7th Nº 128 Oct/Nov/Dec 2019 Deadline Sep 7th

like to make it clear that errors have appeared after our proof reader has proof read. must apologize to Alison and we are taking steps so that this will not happen again in the future. This edition went to press without got expert proof reader Alison’s corrections, as she is travelling. If you spot any errors, you can blame the editor. Lots of events coming up, but not all on our calendar! Hope you enjoy this edition. Derrick Marcus


São Paulo Amigo do Idoso


Because we are aware that public authority is still far from offering adequate services and equipment for all the elderly

Did you know that the State of

of São Paulo, we at the Fundação Britânica have developed

São Paulo has a Programme

our own projects, with the support of private donors, in order

called SP Amigo do Idoso that

to offer activities for the Third Age.

involves intersecretariat action focused on protection, education, health and participation of the elderly population?

If you would like to join us in this effort, send us a message to learn more about our work.

One of the main initiatives of this Programme has been to create the Age-Friendly City Stamp that has as its objective

Together we can take care of those who have done so much

to stimulate cities as well as public and civil society organi-

for us!

sations to implement actions for the Third Age that can serve a reference for the State.

Welfare in numbers

The Stamp has 3 levels (initial, intermediary, and plenary),

These are the main indicators of our social work for the com-

each one with clearly defined criteria and goals that must be

munity and for the elderly cause between December 2018

fulfilled by cities in the State of São Paulo.

and March 2019:

Of the approximately 650 municipalities in São Paulo, 641

• 187 was the number of carer-escorts to doctors and med-

have joined the Program, and 267 have already obtained the

ical appointments within the Care Programme, which is avail-

Initial Seal. Of these, 3 have already achieved the Interme-

able to everyone from our community;

diate Seal: Caraguatatuba, Fartura and Guaratinguetá. And 2 have already reached the Plenary Seal: Pedreira and Ribeirão

• 66 home visits were made to the elderly people of our


community in order to check their situation and provide any assistance needed;

Our capital obtained its Initial Seal in December 2018 and established, in its target plan, that it will obtain the Interme-

• 42 people are enrolled in the activities of our Conviviality

diate Seal by the end of 2019 and the Plenary Seal by 2020.


These public authority actions are essential to ensure that

• 15 people on average attend these activities daily.

the elderly population of our State will have an assistance network that is sufficient for their needs, even though this is

If you want to be included in any of these Programmes or

still a recent policy that is far from supplying the demand of

are curious about our work, please send a message to con-

this part of the population – which, it is never too much to or call our office.

call our attention to, tends to continue growing.



How FBB has been working for the Community and for the elderly cause in 2019 Our Conviviality Centre for the Elderly reopened first week in February and is already going at full blast! By March we had 42 elderly people enrolled in the activities programmed for 2019 and, each day, we’ve been receiving and increasing the number of beneficiaries. Many of these people are part of our community and it’s wonderful to offer them a new project that contributes towards the process of healthy ageing and also strengthen our community ties. Each day we have an average of 15 people present, but some of the activities have as many as 24 participants, which is our new record!

• The other projects have not been interrupted and continue in operation in consistence with the demands of our beneficiaries. In February and March, FBB’s staff made 105carer-escorts available in the Care Programme and 7 in the Extended Programme where we continue assisting the Casa Madre Teodora dos Idosos with financial, material and human resources. Besides that, we keep taking care of our own: 44 home visits were made to the elderly people of our community in order to check their situation and provide any assistance needed. • We do all this because we are aware of the importance of caring for the elderly, and ever more so as the population begins to age at an accelerated pace, as is the case in Brazil. Although this is not being adequately discussed in the country, every now and then some interesting initiatives appear in the media.

• In February CBN took its turn discussing this issue launching a cool series called Brazil-Senior. In its first article, they highlighted the fact that in 2060 Brazil will have 73 million elderly people, representing 32% of our population. Today we have 29 million, which is equivalent to 13% of all Brazilians. One of the specialists interviewed regarding this issue brought forth an interesting reflection, which is already a guideline in our work at Fundação Britânica de Beneficência: • “There is a tendency that a large number of sick individuals will be in need of a more complex type of attention, of more complex health care assistance. If we don’t change the model we will not be able to change our ideas about adopting a more preventive kind assistance, and we might have to face high rates of illnesses in a more vulnerable population at this time.” • Renato Bandeira de Mello - Scientific Director of Sociedade Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia • Besides this reflection on the aging of our population, this series also dealt with other themes. It’s worth visiting CBN’s website to read about pensions, examples from countries that are already older, researches about aging and much more. • We hope that our work will help in improving this scenario for the Third Age in Brazil and make you, a member of our community and reader of Spotlight, reflect about your own aging process and about the situation of the elderly in our country. • If you like our work or wants to know more about it and how to contribute in this process, send us a message at

SASPD - ST. ANDREW SOCIETY PIPES AND DRUMS March was a very active month for the pipe band, and we participated in three week end events 1) St. Patricks’ Week’ - Many pubs and bars and street events especially in Pinheiros; 2) Burns Supper; 3) Barueri International Festival.

All of the events were very well attended. We are now concentrating on our programme for the 8th Gathering in October 2019 in Bariloche, which will be hosted by the Bariloche Highlanders Pipe Band.

Burns Night

Whilst we are in Bariloche we will be celebrating our 10th Anniversary. Colin Pritchard D/M – SASPD.

St. Patrick’s day event

Festival das Nações -Barueri




The History of Doctor Albert Schweitzer William Moffitt Harris

During this War Rhena Schweitzer led a relief effort for Biafran Igbo refugee children, having taken almost two hundred of them into one of the remaining buildings Part 15 of the hospital premises during the 1963 savagery. There were so many children that she had to remove twenty The Albert Schweitzer Hospital Compound during the beds into her own home 300 meters away on the other Nigeria-Biafra War side of the hill, lodging two of them to each bed. She supervised the elder adolescent children in the care of The Nigerian-Biafra War lasted from May 1967 to Jan- the babies and smaller children. Many donations came uary 1970, during which coexisted the Republic of Bia- in from local families in the way of nappies, mattresses fra unilaterally declared by a military coup of an ethnic and foodstuffs, besides villagers coming in to help with religious nature (not recognized by Nigeria as being so) the cooking, washing and general cleaning up. headed by Lieutenant Colonel Chukumeka Odumegwu Ojukwu. Official United States Government Department of State records, mention up to two million Igbos and Animists One of the biggest manhunts known after the Second were eliminated, there remaining less than a quarter World War was proclaimed and Lt Colonel Ojukwu, the million during a siege blockading entrance of food supIgbo leader who had declared secession from Nigeria, plies, causing famine and water borne diseases as cholmanaged to escape on Jan 5th 1970 to neighboring era and typhoid fever. The whole world was shocked Ivory Coast where Christian missionaries granted him by the images shown on television. Biafra government asylum. A week later, Biafra Chief Army Staff Major Gen- reported that Nigeria was using genocide and hunger eral Phillip Effiony surrendered to the Nigerian Govern- to win the war. Many movements led by Catholic and ment. Colonel Yabuku Gowon accepted Biafra’s uncon- Protestant churches sent foodstuffs by ship, zeppelins ditional surrender and promised a Reconciliation, and by plane. The plight of the starving Biafrans became Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program envisaging a famous issue in foreign countries enabling a significant neither victors or vanquished in the hopes of reuniting rise in the funding by nongovernmental organizations. the three distinct ethnic belligerent groups, the Christian Several governments and institutes were forced by pubIgbos who predominated in the East and Central Nige- lic opinion to collaborate in the International help. A ria, the Muslim Hausas from the underdeveloped North Canadian pilot showed the six volunteer pilots taking and Yorubas from the West, but as nowadays the then foods into Biafra and how packages tied together in tribal ethnic misunderstanding still kept going on. another bigger sack filled with gas could be dropped Gowon himself was of a Christian upbringing and pre- from a short height without damaging the cans and ferred not to interfere with the mass killings. Interna- packets contained inside. Risking their lives, because tional press agents and social workers sent out many Nigerian gunners were savagely devoid of warring ethcontroversial reports as to how many Igbos and their ics, the volunteer pilots saved thousands of lives speAnimist allies died (two to five million) during the seven cially those of children kept in schools, convents and months siege. monasteries in towns far from the coast.


The São Paulo Garden Club presents its 80th Annual Flower Show on September 28th and 29th. Opening Ceremony will be on Saturday 28th September 2019 at 10.30 am. Exhibition open to the General Public (free admission) Rua Ferreira de Araújo, 741 - Pinheiros Judy Beer




LETTER FROM AMERICA Readers who have lived in the United Kingdom might remember listening to the weekly “Letter from America” on BBC radio. It was my favorite programme when I lived in England, which explains the title of this article as I am in America as I write this. However, I will be back in São Paulo before the next Spotlight reaches your home (or computer) so please get back in touch. I miss you all, and NEED feedback if these articles are to be of any use to the British Society. Being away from home is a great way to see life in a new perspective, and I always return full of good intentions! Since leaving I have read various emails and text messages detailing some of the wonderful work the “Fundação” has been doing, especially for the elderly members of our community. Congratulations to the (almost) anonymous individuals who spend so much time and effort working in the background. Congratulations to all of you! In addition to Dr. Michael Smith’s excellent advice on nutrition and exercise, perhaps all I can add is to say that one of the best ways to remain happy and healthy

is to live a life of purpose. Pleasure just for pleasure’s sake is short lived, but the feeling of doing something that is both pleasurable and worthwhile provides us with lasting satisfaction, even when no one else notices. What other people think of us really doesn’t matter, but our sense of self-worth is priceless. I have always admired the great modern philanthropists such as Richard Branson and Bill Gates, but we don’t need to be rich or famous to do good and live well. Even the smallest act of kindness does marvels for our souls. Talking of souls brings me back to my role in the community. Anyone who feels the need to speak to someone in confidence can contact me in the assurance that I have the training, qualifications and experience to listen without judgement. I don’t give direct advice but aim to help individuals discover their own, unique, path to lasting happiness. All I expect in lieu of payment is a donation to be given directly to the “Fundação”. For further information or feedback please contact



CARE FOR SOME EGGS? After being demonized in the past, several studies appeared pointing to the fact that eggs were safe to consume. Now, a new report, published in The Journal of the American Medical Association from March 15, combining data from six earlier studies, found a 6 percent increased risk of cardiovascular disease when the average number of eggs consumed per day went up by half an egg. The team from Northwestern University in the USA analyzed data pooled from six studies involving a total of 29.615 people followed up for a median of 17.5 years.

A big issue is the fact that a lot of the egg-eating participants also appeared to be consuming large amounts of meat and processed meats. As the study is observational, it can only show that there is an association between egg consumption and heart disease, but it cannot prove that eggs are the culprit. It may just be that people that are consuming a lot of eggs, are consuming a lot of bacon, too. Even after taking into account the conclusions of the study, researchers warn against abandoning cholesterol-rich foods like eggs and red meat altogether, for they contain vital nutrients like choline, iron and amino acids. This comes as a relief to you columnist, who enjoys indulging on scrambled eggs for breakfast, but keeps this pleasure limited to once a week.

At the start of the study, people filled in questionnaires detailing the foods they ate. Over time, there were 5.400 cardiovascular-related adverse outcomes, including 2.088 fatal and non-fatal heart disease events, 1.302 fatal and non-fatal stroke events, 1.897 fatal and non-fatal heart failure events, and 113 other cardiovascular MICHAEL ROY SMITH, M.D. disease deaths. After analyzing the data, the researchers found an association between egg consumption and MOBILE ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY participants risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Phone: 99183-2093 E-mail: As egg consumption rose, so did the risk. When accounting for total cholesterol consumption, the association was weakened to the point where it was no longer statistically significant, meaning that the association between eggs and heart disease is explained by the cholesterol in the eggs. While eggs contain a lot of cholesterol, about 200 mg, mainly in the yolk, which is the maximum daily amount recommended in current guidelines, eggs in moderation are probably acceptable from a nutritional standpoint, moderation meaning less than half an egg a day in average, including eggs in foods such as bread. There are some limitations to the study, too.


ASSOCIAÇÃO DE AMPARO AOS ANIMAIS “Nearly 14 years ago, my daughter and I were grieving the death of my mother, and it seemed nothing could lift our spirits. Then we got Fluffy, a bouncing bundle of gray and white puppy, and everything changed.

Fluffy kept us busy with pee pads and squeaky toys. She made us laugh in spite of our sadness, and the gray clouds of grief began to recede. Over the years, our 10-pound fluff ball was a constant in our lives. We dressed her up in holiday sweaters, celebrated her birthdays and scolded her for sneaking food from the cat’s dish. But in recent weeks, as our walks slowed down and her naps grew longer, it became clear that our time together was limited. I hoped that in the end, Fluffy would have a natural death, drifting off to sleep for good on her favorite soft pillow. A natural death is what many of us hope for with our pets. They are members of our family, deeply enmeshed in our lives, and for many of us, thoughts of euthanasia seem unfathomable, so we cling to the notion that a natural death is desirable. But my veterinarian advised me that my end-of-life scenario for my dog wasn’t realistic. In most cases, a natural death, she told me, means prolonged suffering that we don’t always see, because dogs and cats are far more stoic than humans when it comes to pain. Dr. Alice Villalobos, a nationally recognized oncology veterinarian based in Hermosa Beach, Calif., said that many pet owners idealize a natural death without thinking about what a “natural” death really means. A frail animal, she noted, doesn’t linger very long in nature.

“When animals were domesticated they gave up that freedom to go under a bush and wait to die,” said Dr. Villalobos. “They become very quickly part of mother nature’s plan due to predators or the elements. And yet in our homes we protect them from everything so they can live a long time — and sometimes too long.” Dr. Villalobos has dedicated her career to helping pet owners navigate end-of-life issues. She created an animal hospice program she calls “pawspice.” She coined the name because she doesn’t want to confuse end-oflife care for animals with the choices we make for human hospice. Her program is focused on extending a pet’s quality of life. That might mean treating a cancer “in kind and gentle ways,” she said. It can mean supportive care like giving fluids, oxygen or pain medication. In some cases, it might mean hand-feeding for frail pets or carrying an animal to a water dish or litter box. And finally, she said, it means a “well death.” Dr Villalobos has advocated what she calls “bond-centered euthanasia,” which allows the pet owner to be present and play a comforting role during the procedure. She has also championed sedation-first euthanasia, putting the animal into a gentle sleep before administering a lethal drug. To help pet owners make decisions about end-of-life care, Dr. Villalobos eveloped a decision tool based on seven indicators. The scale is often called the HHHHHMM scale, based on the first letter of each indicator. On a scale of zero to 10, with zero being very poor and 10 being best, a pet owner is asked to rate the following: • Hurt: Is the pet’s pain successfully managed? Is it breathing with ease or distress?

ASSOCIAÇÃO DE AMPARO AOS ANIMAIS • Hunger: Is the pet eating enough? Does hand-feeding help? • Hydration: Is the patient dehydrated? • Hygiene: Is the pet able to stay clean? Is it suffering from bed sores? • Happiness: Does the pet express joy and interest? • Mobility: Can the patient get up without assistance? Is it stumbling? • More: Does your pet have more good days than bad? Is a healthy human-animal bond still possible? Dr. Villalobos says pet owners should talk to their vet about the ways they can improve a pet’s life in each category. When pet owners approach end of life this way, they often are surprised at how much they can do to improve a pet’s quality of life, she said. By revisiting the scale frequently, pet owners can better assess the quality of the pet’s hospice care and gauge an animal’s decline. The goal should be to keep the total at 35 or higher. And as the numbers begin to decline below 35, the scale can be used to help a pet owner make a final decision about euthanasia. “Natural death, as much as many people wish it would happen, may not be kind and may not be easy and may not be peaceful,” Dr. Villalobos said. “Most people would prefer to assure a peaceful passing. You’re just helping the pet separate from the pack just as he would have done in nature.”


I discovered Dr. Villalobos’s scale as I was searching for answers for Fluffy in her final weeks. When she did get up, she often stumbled and seemed confused. Sometimes at night, I heard her whimper. I had reached out to two at-home vet services, and, that both offered compassionate guidance and confirmed my fears that no treatments were available to improve her condition. Fluffy was a very old dog, and they suspected her decline was a result of some combination of kidney and liver failure, but discouraged extensive testing since the physical symptoms were obvious. One visiting vet gave Fluffy subcutaneous fluids to help with dehydration and make her more comfortable and advised me to spend a final happy day with my dog before calling her for a final visit to end her suffering. I trusted her judgment, but my tears and the fact that Fluffy still ate a little and wagged her tail when I stroked her clouded my thinking. I turned to the end-of-life scale and was able to see how poorly she was doing, despite the tail wag. I took my vet’s advice and spent a quiet day with Fluffy, giving her the cat food treats she so loved, without any scolding. I revisited the scale several times, just to remind myself that I was doing the right thing. The scale allowed me to make a more detached assessment of Fluffy, and it was a tremendous source of comfort during a very difficult time. It wasn’t an easy decision or a pleasant one. But it was the right decision. And in the end just as I had hoped.” Text by Tara Parker-Pope, for the NY Times. Selected by Lula May Reed.



The English-Speaking Union seeks to build skills and confidence in communication and give individuals the opportunity to realise their full potential. The International Public Speaking Competition celebrates its 39th anniversary this year. It is the largest public speaking competition in the world. It is at the heart of the English-Speaking Union’s mission, bringing together oracy, cultural exchange and a hefty dose of friendly rivalry. The competition brings the best young speakers from all over the world to London for a week of cultural exchange and public speaking contests. Established in 1980, it now reaches over 600,000 young people in more than 50 countries across the globe, showcasing the highest standard of public speaking, while giving delegates an opportunity to meet and engage with other young people of different backgrounds and nationalities.

Participants must deliver a 5-minute speech connected to the theme. They can choose a title for their speech. Every speech is followed by questions from the audience. The 2019 theme for the national heats is ‘LIE HAS SPEED BUT TRUTH HAS ENDURANCE’, and it will be used at the national final in Belo Horizonte, on April 11th. The São Paulo winners Matheus and Guilherme will compete with representatives from Belo Horizonte, Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro. The national finalist will go to London for the International final in May. It is a 5-day programme with various events including excursions, debates, workshops and a two-day speaking competition. All participants receive training at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London. This annual event was hosted by the Cultura Inglesa

From left to right: Sophia (Santo Américo); Pedro (Santo Américo); Matheus (CI Santo André); Guilherme (CI Santos), Fernanda (Bandeirantes); Estela (St. Paul’s); Julia (St. Paul’s) and Renata (Bandeirantes).

ENGLISH SPEAKING UNION SÃO PAULO 2019 São Paulo. This year, with an audience of nearly 100 spectators, the São Paulo finals of the ESU Public Speaking Competition took place on Friday 29th at the Duke of York Auditorium of the Brazilian British Centre and there were 8 finalists representing 4 schools: Colégio Bandeirantes, Colégio Santo Américo, Cultura Inglesa São Paulo and Saint Paul’s School. We had the pleasure of receiving Dr Rod Escombe, Mr Richard Stevens and Ms Susan Marcus as adjudicators. The judges have to analyse the participants’ presentations on stage as well as the content of their speeches, considering expression and delivery, reasoning and evidence, organisation and prioritisation besides evidence and response.


The participants’ level was very high. They presented their speeches and their personal themes ranged from personal to historic lies with lots of personalities and citations as illustration. It was very difficult for the adjudicators to decide on the winners and runners up. Congratulations to the eight participants on their courage and resolve to take part in such a demanding competition. Anamaria Pelegrini Operations Manager at Cultura Inglesa and President ESU São Paulo Chapter

ESUs around the world The English-Speaking Union was founded in the belief that more effective communication between nations would lead to improved global understanding and ultimately, world peace. This belief holds true today and there are currently 54 international English-Speaking Unions spanning the globe from Albania to Yemen. The English-Speaking Union runs a number of programmes bringing people from different countries together, including our Secondary School Exchange and the prestigious International Public Speaking Competition (IPSC).

English language summer schools in Romania, and English support for new arrivals in the US. We also encourage International ESUs to host debate tours. In so doing they welcome expert UK oracy coaches to their countries, strengthen links between nations, and help to embed speech and debate in classrooms around the world.

International English-Speaking Unions are guided by the legal constitution, charitable status and general aims of the English-Speaking Union of the Commonwealth (England and Wales), although they operate autonomously and their activities are dependent on All International English-Speaking Unions are expected local requirements for not-for-profit organisations. to attend the annual International Council meeting and to organise a public speaking competition in their To find out more about your International ESU, use the country, the winner of which attends the IPSC final in filter above, or if you are interested in starting an ESU London. Many also run additional programmes such as in your country, please contact us at international. public speaking and debating academies in Malta,



BUILDINGS to see and admire and at some stage a scrumptious meal to crown it all! Lina Bo Bardi’s CASA DE VIDRO, built in 1951 on 7.000m² in the Morumbi area used to be a place of reunion where people like John Cage, van Eyck, Glauber Rocha, Max Bill, Steinberg, Gio Ponti met the couple Lina and Pietro for cultural, social and ideological discussions. Nowadays it holds the Institute Bo Bardi and receives visitors, university students and research scientists from all over the world to divulge its architecture, design, besides urbanism and pop art. It contains furniture, works of art, documents, 7.500 drawings by Lina and 15.000 photos.Guided visits Thu-Sat at 10h, 11h30, 14h, 15h30. R. General Almerio de Moura, 200-Morumbi. R$30,00. Information and reservation:

baths, then a hotel and much more. Besides the museum, there are special weekend events. for information and visiting.

RED BULL STATION on Praça da Bandeira137 T31075065 Tue-Sat 11h-20h. The place, as it is nowadays, was inaugurated in 2013, five storeys high and a terrace with a great view. When there is no specific show, entrance is free of charge. Modern ambience in an antique and elegant building. The bar offers special drinks and snacks and there is a mouth watering buffet. It is possible to park nearby on Rua Santo Amaro.

CASA DA IMAGEM, built in 1880, former House nº 1 on Rua Roberto Simonsen, 136 B-(T.3106-5122) holds an iconographic collection of 84.000 recently restored and digitalized photos. A project to get to know and value São Paulo of the past without disqualifying São Paulo of the present days, is under way. The house holds fantastic history, having once being a house of health



CASA DE FRANCISCA on Rua Benjamin Constant, 122, corner with Rua Quintino Bocaiuva, 22- T. 3052-0547 was the Palacete Teresa built in 1910, Radio Record, Publishers Irmãos Vitale, then the famous Casa Bevilacqua for music, scores and instruments which was later called Casa Amadeus, on the musical corner of downtown São Paulo, and once restaured, it opened in 2017 as a multicultural centre with concerts, plays and restaurant and a buffet which varies from day to day (enter the site for details).

MEMORIAL DA RESISTENCIA, Largo General Osório, 66- Luz, Tue-Sun, 10h to 18h (T. 3335-4990) It was built from 1910 – 1914 and re-opened as a museum in 2009. It is a reference centre, preserving memory, regularly collecting testimonies, opening exhibitions, acting educationally and culturally.

CASA BOLA on Rua Amauri, 352 – (call 3032-3727 to book a visit), built in 1974 by the architect Eduardo Longo, it is spherical, 8m in diameter, 135m² and sits on top of his own house . For more images and building details, google into Casa Bola/Dicas São Paulo, a site worth a visit. These are some of the houses one may not even know exist and are open to visitors. There are many more like the Edifício Martinelli, Casa de Dona Yaya, Casa das Rosas, Vila Maria Zelia among others. Christina Thornton





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11/07/18 10:31




Project Gold is an initiative entirely instigated and led by a group of pupils at St. Paul’s who want to promote and support the inclusion of para-athletes in sports in Brazil and around the world. They have set up a partnership with NGL Cria Brasil and support them by fundraising through events and the sale of merchandise. On 30th March, the pupils hosted a competitive fundraising event with activities such as running, mini-golf and pique-bandeira for parents, children and par-athletes! Edmar Souza, Sara Midiã and Fernando Rocha joined us representing CRIA Brasil, and were able to interact with pupils and their families. Approximately R$12,000 reais was raised through the sale of t-shirts, bags and bottles designed by our pupils, as well as generous donations. The money will go towards CRIA Brasil and help their para-athletes with training materials, hiring of professionals and the development of the NGO in general.

The event was the perfect start to St. Paul’s School’s annual equality and kindness week, where pupils have the opportunity to reflect on questions related to diversity and many things they take for granted. This year we were delighted to be joined by Paralympian and diversity champion Claire Harvey MBE, one of the keynote speakers at our last education conference, who has led pupils, staff and parents to reflect on the importance of being kind and treating others as equals. (Project Gold would like to thank everyone who participated in our event! Our group’s members and CRIA Brasil’s para-athletes were and still are all extremely grateful for all of the support!) For more information about Project Gold contact them through their email or follow them on Instagram @projectgoldgroup. Lina Doherty





The Cultura Inglesa opens a new branch in Paraisópolis and funds 100% of the cost of doubling the capacity of the Anglican Institute creche This new school is the biggest single social project that the Cultura has ever undertaken and the total investment of nearly R$17 million covered not only the construction and fitting out of this brand-new school but also doubling the size of the adjacent creche of the Anglican Institute. On Sunday March 24th, the Cultura Inglesa and the Anglican Institute organized a major event in Paraisópolis to celebrate the opening of a new branch of the Cultura and the expansion of the Anglican creche. This was a three-way partnership between the São Paulo municipality, which provided approximately 2,000 m² of land next to the Paraisópolis favela, the Cultura Inglesa, which funded all the construction costs and the Anglican Institute, which runs the creche. The school and the creche will be able to attend up to 1.000 persons each, with preference being given to residents of the nearby favela. The English language classes will be provided free of charge and the associated class materials will also be free. Monitors from the creche will be amongst the first students to be enrolled in the Cultura school. The creche will receive children from zero to five years old for whom there will also be no charge. For older children in the creche, activities will include some English language content monitored by teachers from the Cultura.

The new Cultura branch, ready to receive visitors for the inauguration ceremony. It has 8 classrooms on two floors, all equipped with modern electronic white boards, and a multimedia space. The teachers have passed through exactly the same process of selection and training as any other teacher at a branch of the Cultura, guaranteeing the same level of academic quality.

The Governor of São Paulo, João Doria, and his Secretary for Social Development, Celia Parnes, stopping to talk to Bonnie Ford, during the tour of the Cultura building which they took prior to the opening ceremony.



On one side Emily Shirtcliff, from the São Paulo consulate, and Governor João Doria and on the other Mayor Bruno Covas and the Reverend Aldo Quintão of the Anglican Institute, unveiling the plaque naming the new Cultura school after Lorraine de Matos, general manager of the Cultura for the last 22 years. Lorraine retires at the end of April after a brilliant career in command of the Cultura and as you can see, this well-deserved homage came as a complete surprise.

Bishop Roger Bird amongst the hundreds of guests

During the inauguration speeches, the Chairman of the Cultura, Derek Barnes, managed to raise a few laughs. Before translating to Portuguese the speech of Emily Shirtcliff, he asked if anyone really needed a translation. In response to general bemusement he suggested that those with difficulty might like to enrol in one of the Cultura’s courses. Derek Barnes



I think they picked me for my motivational skills. Everyone says they have to work twice as hard when I am around.

I was in the gym earlier and decided to jump on the treadmill. People were giving me strange looks, so I decided I should start jogging.

To err is human, to blame it on someone else shows management potential. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism, to steal from many is research. A bus station is where a bus stops, a train station is where a train stops, on my desk I have a work station. Nothing ruins a Friday more than understanding that today is only Tuesday. People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. Age is something that does not matter, unless you are a cheese. Laziness is nothing more than a habit of resting before you go on.







St Paul´s School Festival

May 04

3 to 5

St. Paul´s School

St. Paul´s School

Queens Birthday Celebration

May 09

7 to 10

Brazilian British Centre

British Society

International Day

´Jun 01

11 to 5

St. Paul´s School

St. Paul´s School

Festa Junina Anglicana

Jun 20


St Paul´s Cathedral

St Paul´s Anglican Cathedral

Annual Flower Show

Sept 28/29


Brazilian British Centre

São Paulo Garden Club

Caledonian Ball

Nov 02

Sociedade Hípica Paulista

St Andrew Society


Dec 12

Brazilian British Centre

British Society

OBITUARY Peter Pullen An ex Paulean, he was born in Rio de Janeiro. Peter’s first job was with Duperial, and after many years, he eventually retired from the Brazilian Embassy in London. He was a keen football fan, having played for SPAC, amongst others. Very close to Havelange ( ex CBD and FIFA president ), he received many important members of Brazilian football in London. Peter passed away in late January of this year, at his home in Cheam, Surrey, aged 90. He leaves a wife, Mavey, a son Chris, and two daughters, Elaine and Marcia. RIP

DEATH Barry Cleaver As we go to press we have Just heard of the sad passing of Barry Cleaver. Our condolences to the family.


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